Chip 2004 April
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360 lines
echo "<h1>Value Object Base Class</h1>";
print "<textarea name=\"valueObj\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"15\">";
print htmlspecialchars("<?php\n");
class valueObject {
function toString() {
$arr = get_object_vars($this);
$str = get_class($this)." {\n";
foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
$str .= "\t$k: $v;\n";
$str .= "}\n";
return $str;
function serialize() {
$arr = get_object_vars($this);
return $arr;
function unserialize($serializedValueObject) {
if(is_array($serializedValueObject)) {
foreach($serializedValueObject as $k => $v)
$this->$k = $v;
return $this;
else {
return FALSE;
print htmlspecialchars("\n?>");
echo '</textarea>';
print "</pre>";
echo "<h1>Data Access Object Base Class</h1>";
print "<pre>";
print "<textarea name=\"valueObj\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"15\">";
print htmlspecialchars("<?php\n");
* Data Access Object (DAO).
* This class contains all database handling that is needed to
* permanently store and retrieve object instances.
* Replace this with an inclusion of the database handler class
class Dao
* populateVo-method. This will take a database row and populate
* a Value Object with it's contents.
* @param row This is a row object from the db_mysql->query call
function populateVo(&$row) {
die("Must be implemented fully inside child class");
* doQuery-method. This method serves as a wrapper to the database
* class used behind this DAO. The purpose is twofold: one, don't
* duplicate code; two, make it easy to change out the database backend
* three, keep all database error checking in one place
* @param sql SQL string to use as query
* @return result Database result object
function doQuery($sql) {
$db = db_mysql::instance();
$dbresult = $db->query($sql);
if($db->geterrorstatus() != 0) {
//return and raise an error
trigger_error("Database Error".$sql);
$return = FALSE;
else {
$return =& $dbresult;
return $return;
* sanitize-method. This method sanitizes database variables.
* @param var Unclean variable
* @return var Clean variable
function sanitize($var) {
$db = db_mysql::instance();
return $db->sanitize($var);
* checkPrimaryKey-method. This method makes sure that the primary keys
* of the value object being passed are defined because they must be used
* in the SQL query.
* @param vo Value Object to check
* @return boolean TRUE/FALSE depending on whether it passed the test
function checkPrimaryKeys(&$vo) {
die("Must be implemented fully inside child class");
* exists-method. this will execute a query and return
* true or false if the passed valueobject exists in the
* data store.
* @param vo this parameter contains the class instance to be loaded.
function exists(&$vo) {
if($this->checkPrimaryKeys($vo)) {
$sql = $this->selectAll_SQLHOOK().$this->where_SQLHOOK(&$vo);
$dbresult = $this->doQuery($sql);
if($dbresult->total_rows() == 0 || !$dbresult) {
$return FALSE;
else {
$return TRUE;
else {
$return FALSE;
return $return;
* load-method. this will load vo contents from database using
* primary-key as identifier. upper layer should use this so that vo
* instance is created and only primary-key should be specified. then call
* this method to complete other persistent information. this method will
* overwrite all other fields except primary-key and possible runtime variables.
* @param vo this parameter contains the class instance to be loaded.
* primary-key field must be set for this to work properly.
function load(&$vo)
if($this->checkPrimaryKeys($vo)) {
$sql = $this->selectAll_SQLHOOK().$this->where_SQLHOOK(&$vo);
$dbresult = $this->doQuery($sql);
$row = $dbresult->next_obj();
$result = $this->populateVo($row);
else {
$result = FALSE;
return $result;
* loadall-method. this will read all contents from database table and
* build an vector containing vos. please note, that this method
* will consume huge amounts of resources if table has lot's of rows.
* this should only be used when target tables have only small amounts
* of data.
function loadAll()
$sql = $this->selectAll_SQLHOOK().$this->orderBy_SQLHOOK;
$dbresult = $this->doQuery($sql);
$searchresults = array();
while($row = $dbresult->next_obj())
$searchresults[] = $this->populateVo($row);
return $searchresults;
* loadlimit-method. this will read all contents from database table and
* build an vector containing vos. please note, that this method
* will consume huge amounts of resources if table has lot's of rows.
* this should only be used when target tables have only small amounts
* of data.
function loadLimit($limit=10,$offset=0)
if($offset == 0)
$limit = "LIMIT $limit";
$limit = "LIMIT $offset,$limit";
$sql = $this->selectAll_SQLHOOK().$this->orderBy_SQLHOOK." $limit";
$dbresult = $this->doQuery($sql);
$searchresults = array();
while($row = $dbresult->next_obj())
$searchresults[] = $this->populateVo($row);
return $searchresults;
* create-method. this will create new row in database according to supplied
* vo contents. make sure that values for all not null columns are
* correctly specified. also, if this table does not use automatic surrogate-keys
* the primary-key must be specified. after insert command this method will
* read the generated primary-key back to vo if automatic surrogate-keys
* were used.
* @param vo this parameter contains the class instance to be created.
* if automatic surrogate-keys are not used the primary-key
* field must be set for this to work properly.
function create(&$vo)
$db = db_mysql::instance();
$sql = $this->insert_SQLHOOK(&$vo);
$result = $db->getlatestinsertid();
return $result;
* save-method. this method will discover the current state of the vo in the
* database. it will decide whether it already exists and update the record
* or it will insert it as a new record.
* @param vo this parameter contains the class instance to be updated.
* primary-key field must be set for this to work properly.
function save(&$vo) {
if($this->exists($vo)) {
return $this->update($vo);
else {
return $this->create($vo);
* update-method. this method will update the current state of vo to database.
* save can not be used to create new instances in database, so upper layer must
* make sure that the primary-key is correctly specified. primary-key will indicate
* which instance is going to be updated in database.
* @param vo this parameter contains the class instance to be updated.
* primary-key field must be set for this to work properly.
function update(&$vo)
$sql = $this->update_SQLHOOK(&$vo);
return true;
* delete-method. this method will remove the information from database as identified by
* by primary-key in supplied vo. once vo has been deleted it can not
* be restored by calling save. restoring can only be done using create method but if
* database is using automatic surrogate-keys, the resulting object will have different
* primary-key than what it was in the deleted object.
* @param vo this parameter contains the class instance to be deleted.
* primary-key field must be set for this to work properly.
function delete(&$vo)
if($this->checkPrimaryKeys($vo)) {
$sql = $this->delete_SQLHOOK().$this->where_SQLHOOK(&$vo);
$result = true;
else {
$result = false;
return $result;
* deleteall-method. this method will remove all information from the table that matches
* this dao and valueobject couple. this should be the most efficient way to clear table.
* once deleteall has been called, no vo that has been created before can be
* restored by calling save. Restoring can only be done using create method but if database
* is using automatic surrogate-keys, the resulting object will have different primary-key
* than what it was in the deleted object. (Note, the implementation of this method should
* be different with different DB backends.)
function deleteAll()
$sql = $this->delete_SQLHOOK();
return TRUE;
* coutAll-method. This method will return the number of all rows from table that matches
* this Dao. The implementation will simply execute "select count(primarykey) from table".
* If table is empty, the return value is 0. This method should be used before calling
* loadAll, to make sure table has not too many rows.
function countAll()
$result = $this->doQuery($this->countAll_SQLHOOK());
$row = $result->next_row();
return $row[0];
* searchMatching-Method. This method provides searching capability to
* get matching vos from database. It works by searching all
* objects that match permanent instance variables of this objects.
* Upper layer should use this by setting some parameters in vo
* and then call searchMatching. The result will be 0-N objects in vector,
* all matching those criteria you specified. Those instance-variables that
* have NULL values are excluded in search-criteria.
* @param vo This parameter contains the class instance where search will be based.
* Primary-key field should not be set.
function searchMatching(&$vo)
$dbresult = $this->doQuery($this->searchMatching_SQLHOOK(&$vo));
$searchresults = array();
while($row = $dbresult->next_obj())
$searchresults[] = $this->populateVo($row);
return $searchresults;
print htmlspecialchars("\n?>");
echo '</textarea>';
print "</pre>";