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- <?php
- /*
- Copyright T & M Web Enterprises 2003
- Author: Mike Hostetler <mike@tm-web.com>
- Version: 1.0 Release date: 01 November 2003
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- */
- /**
- *
- *@NAME: generateVo
- *@PURPOSE: To take an array of input parameters and generate a php Value Object
- *@INPUT:
- * @param $classname The name of the Vo class
- * @param $varname An indexed array of the variable names for the Value Object
- *@ACTION: Generate the code in ASCII text and return it
- *@OUTPUT: ASCII text of Vo code
- *@REMARKS: None
- *
- */
- function generateVo($classname,$varname) {
- //We want to buffer all of this to return it
- ob_start();
- ?>
- /**
- * <?php echo $classname;?> Value Object.
- * This class is a value object representing the database table.
- * It is intented to be used together with associated Dao object.
- */
- /**
- * Replace this with an inclusion of the parent valueObject class
- */
- class <?php echo $classname;?>Vo extends valueObject {
- /**
- * Persistent Instance variables. This data is directly
- * mapped to the columns of database table.
- */
- <?php
- foreach( $varname as $v )
- {
- printf("\tvar $%s = '';\n",$v);
- }
- ?>
- /**
- * Constructors. DaoGen generates two constructors by default.
- * The first one takes no arguments and provides the most simple
- * way to create object instance. The another one takes one
- * argument, which is the primary key of the corresponding table.
- */
- function <?php echo $classname;?>Vo(<?php
- $a = "";
- foreach( $varname as $v )
- {
- $a .= sprintf("$%s = '', ",$v);
- }
- $a = substr_replace ( $a, "", -2 );
- echo $a;
- ?>)
- {
- <?php
- foreach( $varname as $v )
- {
- printf("\t\t\$this->%s = $%s;\n",$v,$v);
- }
- ?>
- }
- /**
- * equals-method will compaire two vo instances
- * and return true if they contain same values in all
- * instance variables. If two objects are equal, it does
- * not mean that they are the same instance. However it
- * does mean that in that moment, they contain exactly
- * same data. (ie. they are mapped to same row in database.)
- */
- function equals(&$vo)
- {
- <?php
- $a = "";
- $b = "";
- foreach( $varname as $v )
- {
- printf("\t\t%sif(\$this->%s != \$vo->%s)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\treturn FALSE;\n\t\t}\n",
- $b,$v,$v);
- $b = "else";
- }
- echo $a;
- ?>
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- <?php
- $contents = ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- return $contents;
- }
- ?>