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- <?php
- /*
- * Displays the daily garfield strip from ucomics.com
- *
- * Author: Markus Schabel <markus.schabel@tgm.ac.at>
- *
- * TODO add support for multiple comics
- * TODO add multiple language code
- */
- // Require main configuration file
- require( "../../Group-Office.php" );
- // Check if a user is logged in. If not try to login via cookies. If that
- // also fails then show the login-screen.
- $GO_SECURITY->authenticate();
- // Check if the user is allowed to access this module.
- $GO_MODULES->authenticate( 'comics' );
- // This is the title of this page. Needed in header.inc for displaying the
- // correct title in the titlebar of the browser.
- $page_title = "comics - garfield";
- // Require theme-header, most times this will be the navigation with some
- // design issues.
- require( $GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc" );
- // Find out if we got a date (a unix timestamp to be exact) as parameter, and
- // if not find out the current time.
- $date = isset( $_REQUEST['date'] ) ? $_REQUEST['date'] : time();
- // Try to open the garfield from this date. The URL will be something like
- // this: http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ga/2003/ga031203.gif
- $file = @fopen(
- "http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ga/".date( 'Y', $date ).
- "/ga".date( 'ymd', $date ).".gif",
- "r"
- );
- // Test if we were able to open this file. If not decrement date until we can
- // fetch a file or tested 30 files.
- if ( !$file ) {
- // We were not able to fetch the file. So we initialies our test-counter.
- $tries = 0;
- // Try to read some url's.
- do {
- // Decrement date, so that we fetch the comic of $date-one day.
- $date -= 60*60*24;
- // Increment tries, so that we can give an error if we weren't able to
- // fetch 30 days in the past, this prevents an infinite loop if e.g. the
- // ucomics server is down.
- $tries++;
- // Fetch the comic that was released at $date.
- $file = @fopen(
- "http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ga/".date( 'Y', $date ).
- "/ga".date( 'ymd', $date ).".gif",
- "r"
- );
- // Do this till you find a file or tried 30 times.
- } while ( !$file && $tries < 30 );
- }
- // If we found a file (either in the beginning or in the loop) then we should
- // close this again, but set a variable to mark that we found the file.
- if ( $file ) {
- // Close the file.
- fclose( $file );
- // We found a file.
- $file = 1;
- } else {
- // We found no file.
- $file = 0;
- }
- // All output should be aligned in a table to have correct distances
- // between the window-borders and our output.
- echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='10'><tr><td align='center'>";
- // If we found a file, then we display it.
- if ( $file ) {
- echo "<img src='http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ga/".date('Y',$date).
- "/ga".date('ymd',$date).".gif'><br>";
- // Display links for last, next and todays strip.
- echo "<a href='".$PHP_SELF."?date=".($date-60*60*24)."'>gestern</a> ";
- echo "<a href='".$PHP_SELF."?date=".time()."'>heute</a> ";
- echo "<a href='".$PHP_SELF."?date=".($date+60*60*24)."'>morgen</a>";
- }
- // Since all our output goes into a table we have to close the following tags
- echo "</td></tr></table>";
- // Load theme-footer, this is probably some kind of "Group-Office Version..."
- require( $GO_THEME->theme_path."footer.inc" );
- // That's it, we've printed what the user wanted to do and can now exit.
- // Maybe that would be the correct place to close database connections...
- ?>