home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /*
- Copyright Intermesh 2003
- Author: Merijn Schering <mschering@intermesh.nl>
- Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- */
- require("../../Group-Office.php");
- //get the local times
- $local_time = get_time();
- $year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : date("Y", $local_time);
- $month = isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : date("m", $local_time);
- $day = isset($_REQUEST['day']) ? $_REQUEST['day'] : date("j", $local_time);
- $hour = isset($_REQUEST['hour']) ? $_REQUEST['hour'] : date("H", $local_time);
- $min = isset($_REQUEST['min']) ? $_REQUEST['min'] : date("i", $local_time);
- $hours = array("00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23", "24");
- $mins = array("00","05","10","15","20","25","30","35","40","45","50","55");
- for ($i=1;$i<32;$i++)
- {
- $num_days[] = $i;
- }
- for ($i=1;$i<13;$i++)
- {
- $num_months[] = $i;
- }
- $years[0] = $year-4;
- $years[1] = $year-3;
- $years[2] = $year-2;
- $years[3] = $year-1;
- $years[4] = $year;
- $years[5] = $year+1;
- $years[6] = $year+2;
- $years[7] = $year+3;
- $years[8] = $year+4;
- $GO_SECURITY->authenticate();
- $GO_MODULES->authenticate('calendar');
- require($GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('calendar'));
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'calendar.class.inc');
- $cal = new calendar();
- $task = isset($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : '';
- $return_to = isset($_REQUEST['return_to']) ? $_REQUEST['return_to'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $calendar_id = isset($_REQUEST['calendar_id']) ? $_REQUEST['calendar_id'] : $cal->get_default_calendar($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
- $event_id = isset($_REQUEST['event_id']) ? $_REQUEST['event_id'] : 0;
- if ($task == 'save_event')
- {
- $name = trim($_POST['name']);
- if ($name == '')
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$error_missing_field.'</p>';
- }elseif(!isset($_POST['calendars']) || count($_POST['calendars']) == 0)
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$sc_select_calendar_please.'</p>';
- }else
- {
- $repeat_forever = isset($_POST['repeat_forever']) ? '1' : '0';
- $repeat_every = isset($_POST['repeat_every']) ? $_POST['repeat_every'] : '0';
- $month_time = isset($_POST['month_time']) ? $_POST['month_time'] : '';
- //Times given by users are in thier timezone.
- //convert all times to GMT timestamps in format 0000-00-00 00:00
- //don't use times and timezones with all day events
- $repeat_end_date = isset($_POST['repeat_end_date']) ? $_POST['repeat_end_date'] : '0-0-0';
- $end_date_array = explode('-',$_POST['end_date']);
- $start_date_array = explode('-',$_POST['start_date']);
- $repeat_end_date_array = explode('-',$repeat_end_date);
- $end_year = $end_date_array[2];
- $start_year = $start_date_array[2];
- $repeat_end_year = $repeat_end_date_array[2];
- if ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'] == "m-d-Y")
- {
- $start_month = $start_date_array[0];
- $start_day = $start_date_array[1];
- $end_month = $end_date_array[0];
- $end_day = $end_date_array[1];
- $repeat_end_month = $repeat_end_date_array[0];
- $repeat_end_day = $repeat_end_date_array[1];
- }else
- {
- $start_month = $start_date_array[1];
- $start_day = $start_date_array[0];
- $end_month = $end_date_array[1];
- $end_day = $end_date_array[0];
- $repeat_end_month = $repeat_end_date_array[1];
- $repeat_end_day = $repeat_end_date_array[0];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $all_day_event = '1';
- $start_hour = '0';
- $start_min = '0';
- $end_hour = '0';
- $end_min = '0';
- $start_time = mktime($start_hour, $start_min, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year);
- $end_time = mktime($end_hour, $end_min, 0, $end_month, $end_day, $end_year);
- }else
- {
- $all_day_event = '0';
- $start_min = $_POST['start_min'];
- $start_hour = $_POST['start_hour'];
- $end_hour = $_POST['end_hour'];
- $end_min = $_POST['end_min'];
- //substract timezone offset
- $start_time = mktime($start_hour, $start_min, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year)-($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600);
- $end_time = mktime($end_hour, $end_min, 0, $end_month, $end_day, $end_year)-($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600);
- }
- if ($_POST['repeat_type'] != REPEAT_NONE)
- {
- $repeat_end_time = isset($_POST['repeat_forever']) ? '0' : mktime(0, 0, 0, $repeat_end_month, $repeat_end_day, $repeat_end_year);
- }else
- {
- $repeat_end_time=0;
- }
- $shift_day=0;
- //shift the selected weekdays to GMT time
- if (!isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $shifted_start_hour = $start_hour - $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone'];
- if ($shifted_start_hour > 23)
- {
- $shifted_start_hour = $shifted_start_hour - 24;
- $shift_day = 1;
- }elseif($shifted_start_hour < 0)
- {
- $shifted_start_hour = 24 + $shifted_start_hour;
- $shift_day = -1;
- }
- }
- switch($shift_day)
- {
- case 0:
- $mon = isset($_POST['repeat_days_1']) ? '1' : '0';
- $tue = isset($_POST['repeat_days_2']) ? '1' : '0';
- $wed = isset($_POST['repeat_days_3']) ? '1' : '0';
- $thu = isset($_POST['repeat_days_4']) ? '1' : '0';
- $fri = isset($_POST['repeat_days_5']) ? '1' : '0';
- $sat = isset($_POST['repeat_days_6']) ? '1' : '0';
- $sun = isset($_POST['repeat_days_0']) ? '1' : '0';
- break;
- case 1:
- $mon = isset($_POST['repeat_days_0']) ? '1' : '0';
- $tue = isset($_POST['repeat_days_1']) ? '1' : '0';
- $wed = isset($_POST['repeat_days_2']) ? '1' : '0';
- $thu = isset($_POST['repeat_days_3']) ? '1' : '0';
- $fri = isset($_POST['repeat_days_4']) ? '1' : '0';
- $sat = isset($_POST['repeat_days_5']) ? '1' : '0';
- $sun = isset($_POST['repeat_days_6']) ? '1' : '0';
- break;
- case -1:
- $mon = isset($_POST['repeat_days_2']) ? '1' : '0';
- $tue = isset($_POST['repeat_days_3']) ? '1' : '0';
- $wed = isset($_POST['repeat_days_4']) ? '1' : '0';
- $thu = isset($_POST['repeat_days_5']) ? '1' : '0';
- $fri = isset($_POST['repeat_days_6']) ? '1' : '0';
- $sat = isset($_POST['repeat_days_0']) ? '1' : '0';
- $sun = isset($_POST['repeat_days_1']) ? '1' : '0';
- break;
- }
- if ($event_id > 0)
- {
- if (!$cal->update_event($event_id, $GO_SECURITY->user_id, $start_time, $end_time, $all_day_event, $name, $_POST['description'], $_POST['contact_id'], $_POST['reminder'], $_POST['location'], $_POST['background'], $_POST['repeat_type'], $repeat_end_time, $month_time, $repeat_forever, $repeat_every, $mon, $tue, $wed, $thu, $fri, $sat, $sun))
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$strSaveError.'</p>';
- }else
- {
- $cal->remove_participants($event_id);
- }
- }else
- {
- $acl_read = $GO_SECURITY->get_new_acl('Event read: '.$event_id);
- $acl_write = $GO_SECURITY->get_new_acl('Event read: '.$event_id);
- if (!$acl_read || !$acl_write || !$event_id = $cal->add_event($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $start_time, $end_time, $all_day_event, $name, $_POST['description'], $_POST['contact_id'], $_POST['reminder'], $_POST['location'], $_POST['background'], $_POST['repeat_type'], $repeat_end_time, $month_time, $repeat_forever, $repeat_every, $mon, $tue, $wed, $thu, $fri, $sat, $sun, $acl_read, $acl_write))
- {
- $GO_SECURITY->delete_acl($acl_read);
- $GO_SECURITY->delete_acl($acl_write);
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$strSaveError.'</p>';
- }else
- {
- $GO_SECURITY->add_user_to_acl($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $acl_write);
- if (!isset($_POST['private']) && $calendar = $cal->get_calendar($calendar_id))
- {
- $GO_SECURITY->add_group_to_acl($GO_SECURITY->group_everyone, $acl_read);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!isset($feedback))
- {
- //enter the event in all selected calendars
- $cal2 = new calendar();
- $cal->get_subscribed($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
- while ($cal->next_record())
- {
- if ($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $cal->f('acl_write')))
- {
- if (in_array($cal->f('id'), $_POST['calendars']))
- {
- if (!$cal2->event_is_subscribed($event_id, $cal->f('id')))
- {
- $cal2->subscribe_event($event_id, $cal->f('id'));
- }
- }else
- {
- if ($cal2->event_is_subscribed($event_id, $cal->f('id')))
- {
- $cal2->unsubscribe_event($event_id, $cal->f('id'));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //set the reminder
- if ($_POST['reminder'] > 0)
- {
- $next_recurrence_time = $cal->get_next_recurrence_time($event_id);
- //echo date(DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, $next_recurrence_time);
- $remind_time = $next_recurrence_time - $_POST['reminder'];
- $cal->insert_reminder($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $event_id, $remind_time);
- }
- //send an invitation mail to all participants
- $participants = cut_address($_POST['to'], $charset);
- $mail_body = '<html><body>'.$sc_invited.'<br /><br />';
- $mail_body .= '<table border="0"><tr><td>'.$sc_title.':</td><td>'.$name.'</td></tr>';
- if ($_POST['contact_id'] > 0)
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_client.':</td>';
- $mail_body .= '<td>'.show_contact($_POST['contact_id']).'</td></tr>';
- }
- if ($_POST['description'] != '')
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td valign="top">'.$strDescription.':</td>';
- $mail_body .='<td>'.text_to_html($_POST['description']).'</td></tr>';
- }
- if ($_POST['location'] != '')
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_location.':</td>';
- $mail_body .= '<td>'.text_to_html($_POST['location']).'</td></tr>';
- }
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_type.':</td>';
- $mail_body .= '<td>'.$sc_types[$_POST['repeat_type']].'</td></tr>';
- //don't calculate timezone offset for all day events
- $timezone_offset = isset($_POST['all_day_event']) ? 0 : ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600);
- if ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone'] > 0)
- {
- $gmt_string = '\G\M\T +'.$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone'];
- }elseif($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone'] < 0)
- {
- $gmt_string = '\G\M\T '.$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone'];
- }else
- {
- $gmt_string = '\G\M\T';
- }
- if (isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $event_datetime_format = $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'];
- }else
- {
- $event_datetime_format = $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'].' '.$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['time_format'].' '.$gmt_string;
- }
- $event_time_format = $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['time_format'].' '.$gmt_string;
- switch($_POST['repeat_type'])
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $start_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- if ($end_time != $start_time)
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $end_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- }
- break;
- if(!isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_time_format, $start_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- if ($end_time != $start_time)
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_time_format, $end_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- }
- }
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_at_days.':</td><td>';
- $local_start_hour = date('H',$start_time-$timezone_offset) + ($timezone_offset/3600);
- if ($local_start_hour > 23)
- {
- $local_start_hour = $local_start_hour - 24;
- $shift_day = 1;
- }elseif($local_start_hour < 0)
- {
- $local_start_hour = 24 + $local_start_hour;
- $shift_day = -1;
- }else
- {
- $shift_day = 0;
- }
- $event['days'] = array();
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_0']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[0+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_1']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[1+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_2']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[2+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_3']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[3+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_4']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[4+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_5']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[5+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_6']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[6]+$shift_day;
- }
- $mail_body .= implode(', ', $event['days']);
- $mail_body .= '</td></tr>';
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_cycle_end.':</td><td>';
- if ($repeat_forever == '1')
- {
- $mail_body .= $sc_noend;
- }else
- {
- $mail_body .= date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $repeat_end_time);
- }
- $mail_body .= '</td></tr>';
- break;
- if(!isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $start_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $end_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- }
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_cycle_end.':</td><td>';
- if (isset($repeat_forever))
- {
- $mail_body .= $sc_noend;
- }else
- {
- $mail_body .= date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $repeat_end_time);
- }
- $mail_body .= '</td></tr>';
- break;
- if(!isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $start_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- if ($end_time != $start_time)
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $end_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- }
- }else
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.$sc_day.' '.date('d', $start_time).'</td></tr>';
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.$sc_day.' '.date('d', $start_time).'</td></tr>';
- }
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_cycle_end.':</td><td>';
- if ($repeat_forever == '1')
- {
- $mail_body .= $sc_noend;
- }else
- {
- $mail_body .= date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $repeat_end_time);
- }
- break;
- if(!isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $start_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- if (isset($repeat_forever))
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $end_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- }
- }
- $local_start_hour = date('H',$start_time-$timezone_offset) + ($timezone_offset/3600);
- if ($local_start_hour > 23)
- {
- $local_start_hour = $local_start_hour - 24;
- $shift_day = 1;
- }elseif($local_start_hour < 0)
- {
- $local_start_hour = 24 + $local_start_hour;
- $shift_day = -1;
- }else
- {
- $shift_day = 0;
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_0']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[0+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_1']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[1+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_2']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[2+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_3']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[3+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_4']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[4+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_5']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[5+$shift_day];
- }
- if (isset($_POST['repeat_days_6']))
- {
- $event['days'][] = $full_days[6]+$shift_day;
- }
- $mail_body .= implode(', ', $event['days']);
- $mail_body .= '</td></tr>';
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_cycle_end.':</td><td>';
- if ($repeat_forever == '1')
- {
- $mail_body .= $sc_noend;
- }else
- {
- $mail_body .= date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $repeat_end_time);
- }
- break;
- if(!isset($_POST['all_day_event']))
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $start_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- if ($end_time != $start_time)
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.date($event_datetime_format, $end_time+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td></tr>';
- }
- }else
- {
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.':</td><td>'.$sc_day.' '.date('d', $start_time).'</td></tr>';
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.':</td><td>'.$sc_day.' '.date('d', $start_time).'</td></tr>';
- }
- $mail_body .= '<tr><td>'.$sc_cycle_end.':</td><td>';
- if ($repeat_forever == '1')
- {
- $mail_body .= $sc_noend;
- }else
- {
- $mail_body .= date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $repeat_end_time);
- }
- break;
- }
- $mail_body .= '</table><br /><br />'.$sc_accept_question.'<br /><br />';
- require_once($GO_CONFIG->class_path."users.class.inc");
- $users = new users();
- require_once($GO_CONFIG->class_path."addressbook.class.inc");
- $ab = new addressbook();
- for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($participants);$i++)
- {
- $id = 0;
- $user_profile = $ab->get_contact_profile_by_email($participants[$i], $GO_SECURITY->user_id);
- $id = $user_profile["source_id"];
- if (!$user_profile)
- {
- $user_profile = $users->get_profile_by_email($participants[$i]);
- $id = $user_profile["id"];
- }
- if ($user_profile)
- {
- $middle_name = $user_profile['middle_name'] == '' ? '' : $user_profile['middle_name'].' ';
- $profile_name = $user_profile['first_name'].' '.$middle_name.$user_profile['last_name'];
- }else
- {
- $profile_name = $participants[$i];
- }
- if ($id == 0)
- {
- $nouser_link = '<p><a href="'.$GO_CONFIG->full_url.'/index.php?return_to='.urlencode($GO_MODULES->url.'accept.php?event_id='.$event_id.'&member=false&email='.$participants[$i]).'" class="blue">'.$sc_accept.'</a> | <a href="'.$GO_CONFIG->full_url.'/index.php?return_to='.urlencode($GO_MODULES->url.'decline.php?event_id='.$event_id.'&member=false&email='.$participants[$i]).'" class="blue">'.$sc_decline.'</a></p>';
- if (sendmail($participants[$i], $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']["email"], $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['name'], $name, $mail_body.$nouser_link,'3 (Normal)', 'text/html'))
- {
- $cal->add_participant($event_id, $participants[$i], $participants[$i]);
- }
- }else
- {
- $user_link = '<p class="cmd"><a href="'.$GO_CONFIG->full_url.'/index.php?return_to='.urlencode($GO_MODULES->url.'accept.php?event_id='.$event_id.'&member=true&email='.$participants[$i]).'" class="blue">'.$sc_accept.'</a> | <a href="'.$GO_CONFIG->full_url.'/index.php?return_to='.urlencode($GO_MODULES->url.'decline.php?event_id='.$event_id.'&member=true&email='.$participants[$i]).'" class="blue">'.$sc_decline.'</a></p>';
- if ($GO_SECURITY->user_id != $id)
- {
- if (sendmail($participants[$i], $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']["email"], $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['name'], $name, $mail_body.$user_link,'3 (Normal)', 'text/html'))
- {
- $cal->add_participant($event_id, $profile_name, $user_profile["email"], $id);
- }
- }else
- {
- $cal->add_participant($event_id, $profile_name, $user_profile["email"], $id);
- $cal->set_event_status($event_id, '1', $user_profile["email"]);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($_POST['close'] == 'true')
- {
- header('Location: '.$return_to);
- exit();
- }else
- {
- $task = '';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($event_id > 0 && $task != 'save_event')
- {
- //get the event
- $event = $cal->get_event($event_id);
- if (!$event['write_permission'] = $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $event['acl_write']))
- {
- header('Location: '.$GO_CONFIG->host.'error_docs/403.php');
- exit();
- }
- //populate an address string of the participants
- $event['to'] = '';
- $cal->get_participants($event_id);
- while ($cal->next_record())
- {
- if ($event['to'] == '')
- {
- $event['to'] = $cal->f("email");
- }else
- {
- $event['to'] .= ', '.$cal->f("email");
- }
- }
- //don't calculate timezone offset for all day events
- $timezone_offset = ($event['all_day_event'] == '0') ? ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600) : 0;
- $gmt_start_time = $event['start_time'];
- $event['start_time'] += $timezone_offset;
- $event['start_hour'] = date('G', $event['start_time']);
- $event['start_min'] = date('i', $event['start_time']);
- $event['end_time'] += $timezone_offset;
- $event['end_hour'] = date('G', $event['end_time']);
- $event['end_min'] = date('i', $event['end_time']);
- $event['start_date'] = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['start_time']);
- $event['end_date'] = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['end_time']);
- $event['repeat_end_date'] = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['repeat_end_time']);
- if ($event['repeat_type'] != REPEAT_NONE)
- {
- if ($event['repeat_forever'] == '0')
- {
- $event['repeat_end_date'] = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['repeat_end_time']);
- }else
- {
- $event['repeat_end_date'] = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['end_time']);
- }
- }else
- {
- $event['repeat_end_date'] = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['start_time']);
- }
- //to what calendars is this event subscribed?
- $event['calendars'] = array();
- $cal->get_event_subscribtions($event_id);
- while($cal->next_record())
- {
- $event['calendars'][] = $cal->f('calendar_id');
- }
- //shift the selected weekdays to local time
- $local_start_hour = date('G', $gmt_start_time) + $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone'];
- if ($local_start_hour > 23)
- {
- $local_start_hour = $local_start_hour - 24;
- $shift_day = 1;
- }elseif($local_start_hour < 0)
- {
- $local_start_hour = 24 + $local_start_hour;
- $shift_day = -1;
- }else
- {
- $shift_day = 0;
- }
- switch($shift_day)
- {
- case 1:
- $mon = $event['sun'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $tue = $event['mon'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $wed = $event['tue'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $thu = $event['wed'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $fri = $event['thu'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $sat = $event['fri'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $sun = $event['sat'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- break;
- case -1:
- $mon = $event['tue'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $tue = $event['wed'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $wed = $event['thu'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $thu = $event['fri'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $fri = $event['sat'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $sat = $event['sun'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- $sun = $event['mon'] == '1' ? '1' : '0';
- break;
- }
- if ($shift_day != 0)
- {
- $event['sun'] = $sun;
- $event['mon'] = $mon;
- $event['tue'] = $tue;
- $event['wed'] = $wed;
- $event['thu'] = $thu;
- $event['fri'] = $fri;
- $event['sat'] = $sat;
- }
- $title = $event['name'];
- }else
- {
- $title = $sc_new_app;
- $requested_time=mktime($hour,0,0,$month, $day, $year);
- $requested_date=date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $requested_time);
- //new event declare all vars
- $event['calendars'] = isset($_POST['calendars']) ? $_POST['calendars'] : array();
- $event['description'] = isset($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : '';
- $event['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '';
- $event['to'] = isset($_POST['to']) ? $_POST['to'] : '';
- $event['contact_id'] = isset($_REQUEST['contact_id']) ? $_REQUEST['contact_id'] : '';
- $event['start_date'] = isset($_POST['start_date']) ? $_POST['start_date'] : $requested_date;
- $event['start_hour'] = isset($_POST['start_hour']) ? $_POST['start_hour'] : $hour;
- $event['start_min'] = isset($_POST['start_min']) ? $_POST['start_min'] : '00';
- $event['end_date'] = isset($_POST['end_date']) ? $_POST['end_date'] : $requested_date;
- $event['end_hour'] = isset($_POST['end_hour']) ? $_POST['end_hour'] : $hour;
- $event['end_min'] = isset($_POST['end_min']) ? $_POST['end_min'] : '30';
- $event['repeat_end_date'] = isset($_POST['repeat_end_date']) ? $_POST['repeat_end_date'] : $requested_date;
- $event['repeat_type'] = isset($_POST['repeat_type']) ? $_POST['repeat_type'] : REPEAT_NONE;
- $event['all_day_event'] = isset($_POST['all_day_event']) ? $_POST['all_day_event'] :'0';
- $event['repeat_forever'] = isset($_POST['repeat_forever']) ? $_POST['repeat_forever'] :'0';
- $event['repeat_every'] = isset($_POST['repeat_every']) ? $_POST['repeat_every'] :'0';
- $event['month_time'] = isset($_POST['month_time']) ? $_POST['month_time'] : '0';
- $event['sun'] = isset($_POST['repeat_days_0']) ? true : false;
- $event['mon'] = isset($_POST['repeat_days_1']) ? true : false;
- $event['tue'] = isset($_POST['repeat_days_2']) ? true : false;
- $event['wed'] = isset($_POST['repeat_days_3']) ? true : false;
- $event['thu'] = isset($_POST['repeat_days_4']) ? true : false;
- $event['fri'] = isset($_POST['repeat_days_5']) ? true : false;
- $event['sat'] = isset($_POST['repeat_days_6']) ? true : false;
- $event['reminder'] = isset($_POST['reminder']) ? $_POST['reminder'] :'0';
- $event['background'] = isset($_POST['background']) ? $_POST['background'] :'FFFFCC';
- $event['location'] = isset($_POST['location']) ? $_POST['location'] :'';
- }
- $datepicker = new date_picker();
- $GO_HEADER['head'] = $datepicker->get_header();
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'header.inc');
- echo '<form name="event_form" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="calendar_id" value="'.$calendar_id.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="event_id" value="'.$event_id.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="'.$return_to.'" />';
- //address_string used by the addressbok selector
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="address_string" value="" />';
- $tabtable = new tabtable('event_table', $title, '600', '400', '120', '', true);
- if ($event_id > 0)
- {
- $tabtable->add_tab('properties', $strProperties);
- if ($cal->get_participants($event_id))
- {
- $tabtable->add_tab('participants', $sc_participants);
- }
- $tabtable->add_tab('read_permissions', $strReadRights);
- $tabtable->add_tab('write_permissions', $strWriteRights);
- }
- $tabtable->print_head();
- echo '<br />';
- switch($tabtable->get_active_tab_id())
- {
- case 'participants':
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="status" />';
- echo '<table border="0">';
- echo '<tr><td><h3>'.$strName.'</td>';
- echo '<td><h3>'.$strEmail.'</td>';
- echo '<td><h3>'.$sc_status.'</td></tr>';
- while ($cal->next_record())
- {
- echo '<tr><td nowrap>'.show_profile_by_email($cal->f('email'), $cal->f('name')).' </td>';
- echo '<td nowrap>'.mail_to($cal->f('email')).' </td><td>';
- switch($cal->f('status'))
- {
- case '0':
- echo $sc_not_responded;
- break;
- case '1':
- echo $sc_accepted;
- break;
- case '2':
- echo $sc_declined;
- break;
- }
- echo '</td></tr>';
- }
- echo '</table>';
- $status = $cal->get_event_status($event_id, $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['email']);
- if($status !== false)
- {
- echo '<br />';
- switch ($status)
- {
- case '0';
- $button = new button($sc_accept, "javascript:document.location='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."&status=1'");
- echo ' ';
- $button = new button($sc_decline, "javascript:document.location='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."&status=2'");
- break;
- case '1';
- $button = new button($sc_decline, "javascript:document.location='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."&status=2'");
- break;
- case '2';
- $button = new button($sc_accept, "javascript:document.location='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."&status=1'");
- break;
- }
- }
- echo '<br /><br />';
- $button = new button($cmdCancel,"javascript:document.location='".$return_to."'");
- break;
- case 'read_permissions':
- $read_only = ($event['user_id'] == $GO_SECURITY->user_id) ? false : true;
- print_acl($event['acl_read'], $read_only);
- echo '<br /><br />';
- $button = new button($cmdCancel,"javascript:document.location='".$return_to."'");
- break;
- case 'write_permissions':
- $read_only = ($event['user_id'] == $GO_SECURITY->user_id) ? false : true;
- print_acl($event['acl_write'], $read_only);
- echo '<br /><br />';
- $button = new button($cmdCancel,"javascript:document.location='".$return_to."'");
- break;
- default:
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">';
- if (isset($feedback))
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="Error">'.$feedback.'</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>'.$strName.': </td><td><input type="text" class="textbox" maxlength="50" name="name" style="width: 300px;" value="'.$event['name'].'" /></td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>';
- $contacts_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('addressbook');
- if (!$contacts_module || !($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $contacts_module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $contacts_module['acl_write'])))
- {
- $contacts_module = false;
- }
- if ($contacts_module)
- {
- echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td><a class=\"normal\" href=\"javascript:open_addressbook('to',document.event_form.to.value)\"><img src=\"".$GO_THEME->images['addressbook_small']."\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" /></a> </td><td><a class=\"normal\" href=\"javascript:open_addressbook('to',document.event_form.to.value)\">$sc_participants</a>: </td></tr></table></td>";
- }else
- {
- echo $sc_participants.": ";
- }
- echo '<td nowrap><input type="text" class="textbox" name="to" value="'.$event['to'].'" style="width: 300px;" /></td></tr>';
- if($contacts_module)
- {
- if ($event['contact_id'] > 0)
- {
- require_once($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'addressbook.class.inc');
- $ab = new addressbook();
- $contact = $ab->get_contact($event['contact_id']);
- $middle_name = $contact['middle_name'] == '' ? '' : $contact['middle_name'].' ';
- $contact_name = $contact['first_name'].' '.$middle_name.$contact['last_name'];
- }else
- {
- $contact_name = isset($_POST['contact_name']) ? $_POST['contact_name'] : '';
- }
- echo '<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><a class="normal" href="javascript:popup(\''.$contacts_module['url'].'select.php?show_contacts=true&multiselect=false&GO_HANDLER='.$GO_MODULES->url.'add_client.php&pass_value=id\',\'550\',\'400\')"><img src="'.$GO_THEME->images['addressbook_small'].'" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a> </td><td><a class="normal" href="javascript:popup(\''.$contacts_module['url'].'select.php?show_contacts=true&multiselect=false&GO_HANDLER='.$GO_MODULES->url.'add_client.php&pass_value=id\',\'550\',\'400\')">'.$sc_client.'</a>: </td></tr></table></td>';
- echo '<td><input type="hidden" value="'.$event['contact_id'].'" name="contact_id" /><input type="hidden" value="'.$contact_name.'" name="contact_name" /><input type="text" name="contact_name_text" class="textbox" style="width: 300px;" value="'.$contact_name.'" disabled>';
- echo " <a href='javascript:remove_client()' title=\"".$strDeleteItem."\"><img src=\"".$GO_THEME->images['delete']."\" border=\"0\"></a></td></tr>";
- }else
- {
- echo '<input type="hidden" value="0" name="contact_id" />';
- }
- echo '<tr><td>'.$sc_location.':</td><td><input type="text" class="textbox" style="width: 300px;" name="location" value="'.$event['location'].'" /></td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td valign="top">'.$sc_description.': </td><td><textarea class="textbox" name="description" cols="60" rows="4">'.$event['description'].'</textarea></td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>'.$sc_start_at.': </td><td>';
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
- $datepicker->print_date_picker('start_date', $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['start_date']);
- echo '</td><td> ';
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- $dropbox->add_arrays($hours, $hours);
- $dropbox->print_dropbox("start_hour", $event['start_hour']);
- echo ' : ';
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- $dropbox->add_arrays($mins, $mins);
- $dropbox->print_dropbox("start_min", $event['start_min']);
- echo '</td></tr></table>';
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>'.$sc_end_at.': </td><td>';
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
- $datepicker->print_date_picker('end_date', $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['end_date']);
- echo '</td><td> ';
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- $dropbox->add_arrays($hours, $hours);
- $dropbox->print_dropbox("end_hour", $event['end_hour']);
- echo ' : ';
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- $dropbox->add_arrays($mins, $mins);
- $dropbox->print_dropbox("end_min", $event['end_min']);
- echo '</td></tr></table>';
- echo '</td></tr>';
- $all_day_event = ($event['all_day_event'] == '1') ? true : false;
- echo '<tr><td> </td><td>';
- $checkbox = new checkbox('all_day_event', '1', $sc_notime, $all_day_event, false, 'onclick="javascript:disable_time()"');
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>'.$sc_recur_every.':</td><td>';
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- for ($i=1;$i<11;$i++)
- {
- $dropbox->add_value($i, $i);
- }
- $dropbox->print_dropbox('repeat_every', $event['repeat_every']);
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- $dropbox->add_value('0', $sc_types1[REPEAT_NONE]);
- $dropbox->add_value('1', $sc_types1[REPEAT_DAILY]);
- $dropbox->add_value('2', $sc_types1[REPEAT_WEEKLY]);
- $dropbox->add_value('3', $sc_types1[REPEAT_MONTH_DATE]);
- $dropbox->add_value('4', $sc_types1[REPEAT_MONTH_DAY]);
- $dropbox->add_value('5', $sc_types1[REPEAT_YEARLY]);
- $dropbox->print_dropbox('repeat_type', $event['repeat_type'], 'onclick="javascript:toggle_repeat(this.value);"');
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>'.$sc_at_days.':</td><td>';
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
- echo '<td>';
- $dropbox = new dropbox();
- $dropbox->add_arrays(array(1,2,3,4), $month_times);
- $dropbox->print_dropbox("month_time", $event['month_time']);
- echo '</td>';
- $day_data_field[0] = 'sun';
- $day_data_field[1] = 'mon';
- $day_data_field[2] = 'tue';
- $day_data_field[3] = 'wed';
- $day_data_field[4] = 'thu';
- $day_data_field[5] = 'fri';
- $day_data_field[6] = 'sat';
- $day_number = $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['first_weekday'];
- for ($i=0;$i<7;$i++)
- {
- if ($day_number == 7) $day_number = 0;
- echo '<td>';
- $checkbox = new checkbox('repeat_days_'.$day_number, '1', $days[$day_number], $event[$day_data_field[$day_number]]);
- echo '</td>';
- $day_number++;
- }
- echo '</tr></table></td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>'.$sc_cycle_end.': </td><td>';
- $datepicker->print_date_picker('repeat_end_date', $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], $event['repeat_end_date']);
- $repeat_forever = $event['repeat_forever'] == '1' ? true : false;
- $checkbox = new checkbox('repeat_forever', '1', $sc_noend, $repeat_forever, false, 'onclick="javascript:toggle_repeat_end_info()"');
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td>'.$sc_reminder.':</td><td>';
- $dropbox=new dropbox();
- $dropbox->add_value('0', ' ');
- $dropbox->add_value('300', '5 '.$sc_mins);
- $dropbox->add_value('900', '15 '.$sc_mins);
- $dropbox->add_value('1800', '30 '.$sc_mins);
- $dropbox->add_value('2700', '45 '.$sc_mins);
- $dropbox->add_value('3600', '1 '.$sc_hour);
- $dropbox->add_value('7200', '2 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('10800', '3 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('14400', '4 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('18000', '5 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('21600', '6 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('25200', '7 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('28800', '8 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('32400', '9 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('36000', '10 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('39600', '11 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('43200', '12 '.$sc_hours);
- $dropbox->add_value('86400', '1 '.$sc_day);
- $dropbox->add_value('172800', '2 '.$sc_days);
- $dropbox->add_value('259200', '3 '.$sc_days);
- $dropbox->add_value('345600', '4 '.$sc_days);
- $dropbox->add_value('432000', '5 '.$sc_days);
- $dropbox->add_value('518400', '6 '.$sc_days);
- $dropbox->add_value('604800', '1 '.$sc_week);
- $dropbox->add_value('1209600', '2 '.$sc_weeks);
- $dropbox->add_value('1814400', '3 '.$sc_weeks);
- $dropbox->print_dropbox('reminder', $event['reminder']);
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td nowrap>'.$sc_background.': </td><td>';
- echo '<table border="0"><tr>';
- echo '<td id="FFFFCC" style="background-color: #FFFFCC; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'FFFFCC\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="FF6666" style="background-color: #FF6666; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'FF6666\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="CCFFCC" style="background-color: #CCFFCC; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'CCFFCC\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="99CCFF" style="background-color: #99CCFF; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'99CCFF\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="FF99FF" style="background-color: #FF99FF; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'FF99FF\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="FFCC66" style="background-color: #FFCC66; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'FFCC66\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="CCCC66" style="background-color: #CCCC66; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'CCCC66\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="F1F1F1" style="background-color: #F1F1F1; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'F1F1F1\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '<td id="FFCCFF" style="background-color: #FFCCFF; border: 1px solid #aaa;"><a href="javascript:select_background(\'FFCCFF\');"><img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="'.$GO_THEME->images['blank'].'" /></a></td>';
- echo '</tr></table>';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="background" value="'.$event['background'].'" />';
- echo '</td></tr>';
- if ($event_id == 0)
- {
- $private_check = isset($_POST['private']) ? 'checked' : '';
- echo '<tr><td> </td><td>';
- $checkbox = new checkbox('private', 'true', $sc_private_event, $private_check);
- echo '</td></tr>';
- }
- $calendar_count = $cal->get_subscribed($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
- $dropbox= new dropbox();
- $count = 0;
- while ($cal->next_record())
- {
- if ($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $cal->f('acl_write')))
- {
- //remember the first ab that is writable
- if(!isset($first_writable_cal))
- {
- $first_writable_cal = $cal->f('id');
- }
- $dropbox->add_value($cal->f('id'), $cal->f('name'));
- $count++;
- }
- }
- //get the given addressbook_id
- if ($calendar_id > 0)
- {
- $calendar = $cal->get_calendar($calendar_id);
- }
- //if there was no or a read only addressbook given then change to the first writable
- if (!$calendar || !$GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $calendar['acl_write']))
- {
- //there is no writable addressbook so add one
- if (!isset($first_writable_cal))
- {
- $cal_name = $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['name'];
- $new_cal_name = $cal_name;
- $x = 1;
- while($cal->get_calendar_by_name($new_cal_name))
- {
- $new_cal_name = $cal_name.' ('.$x.')';
- $x++;
- }
- $calendar_id = $cal->add_calendar($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $new_cal_name, 0, 23);
- $dropbox->add_value($calendar_id, $new_cal_name);
- }else
- {
- $calendar_id = $first_writable_cal;
- }
- }
- if (count($event['calendars']) == 0)
- {
- $event['calendars'][] = $calendar_id;
- }
- for($i=0;$i<count($event['calendars']);$i++)
- {
- if ($dropbox->is_in_dropbox($event['calendars'][$i]))
- {
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="calendars[]" value="'.$event['calendars'][$i].'" />';
- }
- }
- echo '<tr><td valign="top">'.$sc_put_in.':</td>';
- echo '<td><table border="0">';
- $dropbox->print_dropbox('calendars[]', $event['calendars'], '', true, '5');
- echo '</table></td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2">';
- $button = new button($cmdOk, "javascript:save_event('true');");
- echo ' ';
- $button = new button($cmdApply, "javascript:save_event('false');");
- echo ' ';
- $button = new button($cmdCancel, "javascript:document.location='$return_to'");
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo '</table>';
- ?>
- <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
- function select_background(color)
- {
- active_table_cell = document.getElementById(document.event_form.background.value);
- table_cell = document.getElementById(color);
- active_table_cell.style.border = '1px solid #aaa';
- table_cell.style.border = '2px solid black';
- document.event_form.background.value = color;
- }
- select_background('<?php echo $event['background']; ?>');
- toggle_repeat('<?php echo $event['repeat_type']; ?>');
- <?php
- if ($event['all_day_event'] == '1')
- {
- echo 'disable_time();';
- }
- if ($event['repeat_forever'] == '1')
- {
- echo 'toggle_repeat_end_info();';
- }
- if ($contacts_module)
- {
- ?>
- function open_addressbook(field, address_string)
- {
- //popup('<?php echo $contacts_module['url']."select.php?multiselect=true&require_email_address=true&SET_HANDLER=".$GO_MODULES->url."add_contacts.php&SET_FIELD="; ?>'+field+'&address_string='+escape(address_string),'550','400');
- var popup = window.open('about:blank', 'ab_select', 'width=550,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes');
- if (!popup.opener) popup.opener = self;
- popup.focus();
- document.event_form.address_string.value = address_string;
- document.event_form.action = '<?php echo $contacts_module['url']."select.php?show_contacts=true&show_users=true&show_companies=true&multiselect=true&require_email_address=true&GO_HANDLER=".$GO_MODULES->url."add_contacts.php&GO_FIELD="; ?>'+field;
- document.event_form.target = 'ab_select';
- document.event_form.submit();
- document.event_form.target = '_self';
- document.event_form.action = '<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>';
- }
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- function get_date(dateString)
- {
- <?php
- if ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'] == "m-j-Y")
- {
- echo "
- var date = new Date(dateString.substring(6,10),
- dateString.substring(3,5)-1,
- dateString.substring(0,2),
- dateString.substring(11,13),
- dateString.substring(14,16)
- );";
- }else
- {
- echo "
- var date = new Date(dateString.substring(6,10),
- dateString.substring(0,2),
- dateString.substring(3,5)-1,
- dateString.substring(11,13),
- dateString.substring(14,16)
- );";
- }
- ?>
- return date;
- }
- function save_event(close)
- {
- start_date = get_date(document.event_form.start_date.value.replace(/-/g,'/')+' '+document.event_form.start_hour.value+':'+document.event_form.start_min.value+':00');
- end_date = get_date(document.event_form.end_date.value.replace(/-/g,'/')+' '+document.event_form.end_hour.value+':'+document.event_form.end_min.value+':00');
- repeat_end_date = get_date(document.event_form.repeat_end_date.value.replace(/-/g,'/')+' 00:00:00');
- if (start_date > end_date)
- {
- alert("<?php echo $sc_start_later; ?>");
- return;
- }
- if (document.event_form.repeat_type.value != '0')
- {
- if ((start_date >= repeat_end_date) && document.event_form.repeat_forever.checked == false)
- {
- alert("<?php echo $sc_cycle_start_later; ?>");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (document.event_form.repeat_type.value == '1' && document.event_form.reminder.value > 43200)
- {
- alert("<?php echo $sc_reminder_set_to_early; ?>");
- return;
- }
- if (document.event_form.repeat_type.value == '2' && document.event_form.reminder.value > 518400)
- {
- alert("<?php echo $sc_reminder_set_to_early; ?>");
- return;
- }
- if (document.event_form.repeat_type.value == '2' || document.event_form.repeat_type.value == '4')
- {
- if (document.event_form.repeat_days_0.checked == false && document.event_form.repeat_days_1.checked == false && document.event_form.repeat_days_2.checked == false && document.event_form.repeat_days_3.checked == false && document.event_form.repeat_days_4.checked == false && document.event_form.repeat_days_5.checked == false && document.event_form.repeat_days_6.checked == false)
- {
- alert("<?php echo $sc_never_happens; ?>");
- return;
- }
- }
- document.event_form.task.value = 'save_event';
- document.event_form.close.value = close;
- document.event_form.submit();
- }
- function remove_client()
- {
- document.event_form.contact_id.value = 0;
- document.event_form.contact_name.value = '';
- document.event_form.contact_name_text.value = '';
- }
- function toggle_repeat_end_info()
- {
- document.event_form.repeat_end_date.disabled = !document.event_form.repeat_end_date.disabled;
- }
- function disable_time()
- {
- if (document.event_form.start_hour.disabled==false)
- {
- document.event_form.start_hour.disabled=true;
- document.event_form.start_min.disabled=true;
- document.event_form.end_hour.disabled=true;
- document.event_form.end_min.disabled=true;
- }else
- {
- document.event_form.start_hour.disabled=false;
- document.event_form.start_min.disabled=false;
- document.event_form.end_hour.disabled=false;
- document.event_form.end_min.disabled=false;
- }
- }
- function toggle_repeat(repeat)
- {
- document.event_form.repeat_type.value = repeat;
- switch(repeat)
- {
- case '0':
- disable_days(true);
- document.event_form.month_time.disabled = true;
- disable_repeat_end_date(true);
- document.event_form.repeat_every.disabled = true;
- break;
- case '1':
- disable_days(true);
- document.event_form.month_time.disabled = true;
- disable_repeat_end_date(false);
- document.event_form.repeat_every.disabled = false;
- break;
- case '2':
- disable_days(false);
- document.event_form.month_time.disabled = true;
- disable_repeat_end_date(false);
- document.event_form.repeat_every.disabled = false;
- break;
- case '3':
- disable_days(true);
- disable_repeat_end_date(false);
- break;
- case '4':
- disable_days(false);
- document.event_form.month_time.disabled = false;
- disable_repeat_end_date(false);
- document.event_form.repeat_every.disabled = false;
- break;
- case '5':
- disable_days(true);
- document.event_form.month_time.disabled = true;
- disable_repeat_end_date(false);
- document.event_form.repeat_every.disabled = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- function disable_days(disable)
- {
- document.event_form.repeat_days_0.disabled=disable;
- document.event_form.repeat_days_1.disabled=disable;
- document.event_form.repeat_days_2.disabled=disable;
- document.event_form.repeat_days_3.disabled=disable;
- document.event_form.repeat_days_4.disabled=disable;
- document.event_form.repeat_days_5.disabled=disable;
- document.event_form.repeat_days_6.disabled=disable;
- }
- function disable_repeat_end_date(disable)
- {
- document.event_form.repeat_forever.disabled=disable;
- if (disable == true || (disable==false && document.event_form.repeat_forever.checked == false))
- {
- document.event_form.repeat_end_date.disabled=disable;
- }
- }
- document.event_form.name.focus();
- </script>
- <?php
- break;
- }
- $tabtable->print_foot();
- echo '</form>';
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'footer.inc');
- ?>