$admin_invalid_path = 'You entered an invalid path';
$admin_overview = 'Overview';
$admin_module = 'Module';
$admin_modules_text = 'Select the modules you wish to use and click on \''.$cmdSave.'\'.<br />Click on active modules to change their permissions.';
$admin_bookmarks_text = 'Add bookmarks here that automatically will be created when you register a new user.';
$admin_bookmark_new_window = 'Open bookmark in a new window';
$admin_menus_text = "Check the menu's that you wish to use and click on 'save'";
$admin_start_module = 'Start Group-Office in';
$admin_menus = "Menu's";
$admin_formats = "Date formats";
$admin_date_formats_text = 'Add date formats in <a class="normal" target="_blank" href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php">PHP format</a> with a description and click on Ok.';