$sc_select_calendar_please = 'Select at least one calendar please.';
$sc_events = 'Events';
$sc_from_calendar = 'from calendar';
$sc_enitrely = 'Entirely';
$sc_delete_event = 'Delete event';
$sc_delete_pre = 'Do you want to delete the event';
$sc_delete_suf = 'entirely or just from this calendar?';
$sc_refresh = 'Refresh';
$sc_reminder = 'Reminder';
$sc_mins = 'mins';
$sc_hour = 'hour';
$sc_hours = 'hours';
$sc_day = 'day';
$sc_days = 'days';
$sc_week = 'week';
$sc_weeks = 'weeks';
$sc_reminder_set_to_early = "The reminder cannnot be set to appear before the previous occurence. Please shorten the reminder time or lengthen the recurring period.";
$sc_cycle_start_later = 'The cycle starting date is later or equal then the ending date.';
$cmdGenerate = 'Generate';
$sc_preferences = 'Preferences';
$sc_holidays = 'Holidays';
$strNoHolidays = 'No holidays in database';
$strUnknown = 'Unknown';
$strYear = 'Year';
$strDeleteHolidaysPrefix = 'Are you sure you want to delete all holiday records of the year ';
$strDeleteHolidaysSuffix = '?';
$strReplaceHolidays = 'Are you sure you want to overwrite all existent holiday records?';
$sc_holidays_text1 = 'Please click on \''.$cmdGenerate.'\' to compute the holiday records for the selected year.';
$sc_holidays_text2 = 'Please click on \''.$cmdApply.'\' to store all computed holiday records in the database.';
//translation required below this
$sc_client = 'Client';
$sc_no_contact = 'None';
$sc_background = 'Background';
$sc_colors['red'] = 'Red';
$sc_colors['green'] = 'Green';
$sc_colors['blue'] = 'Blue';
$sc_colors['pink'] = 'Pink';
$sc_colors['orange'] = 'Orange';
$sc_colors['brown'] = 'Brown';
$sc_colors['yellow'] = 'Yellow';
$sc_colors['grey'] = 'Grey';
$sc_colors['purple'] = 'Purple';
$sc_colors['white']= 'White';
$sc_status = 'status';
$sc_show_hours = 'Show hours from';
$sc_to = 'to';
$sc_today = 'Today';
$sc_recur_every = 'Recur every';
$sc_months = 'months';
$sc_private_event = 'Private event';
$sc_calendar_exists = 'A calendar with this name already exists';
$sc_month = 'Month';
$sc_view = 'View';
$sc_calendar = 'Calendar';
$sc_default = 'Default';
$sc_month_view = 'Month view';
//text changed, needs new translation
$sc_holidays_no_file_prefix = 'The holidays couldn\'t be generated, because the file containing holidays information for the ';
$sc_holidays_no_file_suffix = ' language is either empty or doesn\'t exist.';