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Copyright Intermesh 2003
Author: Merijn Schering <mschering@intermesh.nl>
Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
class users extends db
var $user_id;
var $ldap;
var $ldap_um = false;
var $profile;
var $userlist;
var $userlist_index;
function users()
global $GO_CONFIG;
if ($GO_CONFIG->auth_db_type == "ldap" )
$this->ldap = new ldap();
// TODO: Probably we could connect with our own ldap-uid and not as admin
// (or whatever is configured in GO as rootdn), so that we definitely can
// only see what we are allowed by LDAP access rights. So we cannot change
// attributes of other users. Probably administrator should bind with
// rootdn.
if ( $GO_CONFIG->auth_db_ldap_um )
$this->ldap_um = true;
if (isset($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['user_id']))
function search($query, $field, $user_id, $start=0, $offset=0)
if ( $this->ldap_um )
$query = substr( $query, 1, strlen( $query ) - 2 );
switch( $field )
case "name":
$this->ldap->search($filter, $this->ldap->PeopleDN );
//, array( "uidNumber", "uid", "cn"));
$this->ldap->sort( "sn" );
$ldapentries = $this->ldap->num_entries();
$entries = $this->ldap->get_entries();
$profile = new profiles();
for ( $i=0; $i<$entries["count"]; $i++ )
$this->userlist[] = $profile->convert_profile_ldap( $entries[$i] );
$this->userlist_index = 0;
return count($this->userlist);
} else
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT users.* FROM users, users_groups INNER ".
"JOIN acl ON users.acl_id= acl.acl_id WHERE ".
"((acl.group_id = users_groups.group_id AND users_groups.user_id = ".
$user_id.") OR (acl.user_id = ".$user_id." )) AND $field LIKE '".
smart_addslashes($query)."' ORDER BY first_name ASC, last_name ASC";
if ($offset != 0)
$sql .= " LIMIT $start, $offset";
return $this->num_rows();
function authorize($requesting_user_id, $authcode, $accepting_user_id)
global $GO_SECURITY;
$this->query("SELECT acl_id, id FROM users WHERE authcode='".smart_addslashes($authcode)."' AND id='$requesting_user_id'");
if ($this->next_record())
$acl_id = $this->f("acl_id");
if (!$GO_SECURITY->user_in_acl($accepting_user_id, $acl_id))
if (!$GO_SECURITY->add_user_to_acl($accepting_user_id,$acl_id))
return false;
$this->query("SELECT acl_id FROM users WHERE id='$accepting_user_id'");
if ($this->next_record())
$acl_id = $this->f("acl_id");
if (!$GO_SECURITY->user_in_acl($requesting_user_id, $acl_id))
if (!$GO_SECURITY->add_user_to_acl($requesting_user_id,$acl_id))
return false;
return true;
return false;
function delete_samba_account($user_id)
global $GO_CONFIG;
$sql = "UPDATE users SET samba_user='0' WHERE id='$user_id'";
if ($user = $this->get_user($user_id))
exec($GO_CONFIG->sudo." ".$GO_CONFIG->smbdeluser." \"".$user['username']."\"");
if ($this->ldap)
$this->ldap->search("uidNumber=$user_id", $this->ldap->PeopleDN);
if ($this->ldap->num_entries() > 0)
if (($this->ldap->in_values("objectClass", "sambaSamAccount")) ||
($this->ldap->in_values("objectClass", "sambaAccount" )))
// TODO: delete the corresponding attributes if they are
// not present in any other objectClass...
function create_samba_account($user_id)
global $GO_CONFIG;
$sql = "UPDATE users SET samba_user='1' WHERE id='$user_id'";
if ($user = $this->get_user($user_id))
exec($GO_CONFIG->sudo.' '.$GO_CONFIG->auto_smbadduser.' "'.$user['username'].'" "'.$user['password'].'"');
if ($this->ldap)
$this->ldap->search("uidNumber=$user_id", $this->ldap->PeopleDN);
if ($this->ldap->num_entries() > 0)
// TODO: add objectClass sambaAccount or sambaSamAccount (if present)
// and corresponding attributes
function get_users($sort="name",$direction="ASC", $start=0, $offset=0)
if ($sort == 'name')
$sort = 'first_name '.$direction.', last_name';
$this->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");
if ($this->next_record())
$sqlrows = $this->f(0);
if ($sqlrows > 0)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY ".$sort." ".$direction;
if ($offset != 0)
$sql .= " LIMIT $start,$offset";
// No need to use LDAP here, since each LDAP user is automatically created in
// SQL after his first login. If you do further work with the result of this
// search you will NOT have LDAP attributes in the records. I'm not sure if this
// could be a problem at the moment...
if ( $this->ldap_um ) {
// Since we user LDAP User Management there is no need to store User Accounts in SQL.
// while ( parent::next_record() ) {
// $this->userlist[] = $this->Record;
// }
$this->ldap->search("(&(uid=*)(mail=*))", $this->ldap->PeopleDN ); //, array( "uidNumber", "uid", "cn"));
$this->ldap->sort( "sn" );
$ldapentries = $this->ldap->num_entries();
$entries = $this->ldap->get_entries();
$profile = new profiles();
if ( $offset == 0 ) { $offset = $entries["count"]; }
for ( $i=$start; ( $i<$entries["count"] ) && ( $i<$start+$offset ); $i++ ) {
$this->userlist[] = $profile->convert_profile_ldap( $entries[$i] );
// sort( $this->userlist );
$this->userlist_index = 0;
return $entries["count"];
return $sqlrows;
function get_authorized_users($user_id, $sort="name",$direction="ASC")
if ($sort == 'users.name' || $sort=='name')
$sort = 'users.first_name AND users.last_name';
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT users.* FROM users, users_groups INNER JOIN acl ON users.acl_id= acl.acl_id WHERE ".
"((acl.group_id = users_groups.group_id AND users_groups.user_id = ".$user_id.") OR (".
"acl.user_id = ".$user_id." )) ORDER BY ".$sort." ".$direction;
return $this->num_rows();
function next_record() {
if ( $this->ldap_um ) {
if ( count( $this->userlist ) > $this->userlist_index ) {
$this->Record = $this->userlist[$this->userlist_index++];
return $this->Record;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return parent::next_record();
function get_profile_by_email($email)
if ( $uid = $this->get_user_id_by_email( $email ) ) {
$profile = new profiles();
//MS: update $this->Record to so it won't break when function f() is called
// from the db class
$this->Record = $profile->get_profile( $uid );
return $this->Record;
return false;
function get_user_id_by_email($email)
$sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE email='".smart_addslashes($email)."'";
if ($this->next_record())
return $this->f("id");
}else if ($this->ldap)
// I'm not sure if we really need this, because each LDAP user should be in
// SQL too. But in LDAP you have the possibility to specify more than one
// email address.
$this->ldap->search("mail=$email", $this->ldap->PeopleDN);
if ( $this->ldap->num_entries() > 0 )
return $this->ldap->first_value("uidnumber");
return false;
function check_password($password)
if ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['auth_src']=="ldap")
if ($this->ldap)
// rebinding is not an optimal solution. hints for doing better are welcome...
$ok = false;
if ($this->ldap->bind("uid=".$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['username'].",".$this->ldap->PeopleDN, $password))
$ok = true;
return $ok;
$this->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE password='".md5($password)."' AND id='$this->user_id'");
if ($this->num_rows() > 0)
return true;
return false;
function get_user($user_id)
$profile = new profiles();
//MS: update $this->Record to so it won't break when function f() is called
// from the db class
$this->Record = $profile->get_profile( $user_id );
return $this->Record;
function update_profile($user_id, $first_name, $middle_name, $last_name, $initials, $title, $sex, $birthday, $email,$work_phone, $home_phone, $fax, $cellular, $country, $state, $city, $zip, $address, $company, $work_country, $work_state, $work_city, $work_zip, $work_address, $work_fax, $homepage, $department, $function)
$middle_name = trim($middle_name);
$sql = "UPDATE users SET first_name='".smart_addslashes($first_name)."', middle_name='".smart_addslashes($middle_name)."', last_name='".smart_addslashes($last_name)."', initials='".smart_addslashes($initials)."', title='".smart_addslashes($title)."', sex='$sex', birthday='".smart_addslashes($birthday)."', email='".smart_addslashes($email)."', work_phone='".smart_addslashes($work_phone)."', home_phone='".smart_addslashes($home_phone)."', fax='".smart_addslashes($fax)."', cellular='".smart_addslashes($cellular)."', country='".smart_addslashes($country)."', state='".smart_addslashes($state)."'";
$sql .= ", city='".smart_addslashes($city)."', zip='".smart_addslashes($zip)."', address='".smart_addslashes($address)."',company='".smart_addslashes($company)."', department='".smart_addslashes($department)."', function='".smart_addslashes($function)."', work_country='".smart_addslashes($work_country)."', work_state='".smart_addslashes($work_state)."', work_city='".smart_addslashes($work_city)."', work_zip='".smart_addslashes($work_zip)."', work_address='".smart_addslashes($work_address)."', work_fax='".smart_addslashes($work_fax)."', homepage='".smart_addslashes($homepage)."' WHERE id='$user_id'";
if ($this->query($sql))
if ($user_id == $this->user_id)
$middle_name = $middle_name == '' ? '' : $middle_name.' ';
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['name'] = $first_name.' '.$middle_name.$last_name;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['first_name'] = $first_name;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['middle_name'] = $middle_name;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['last_name'] = $last_name;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['email'] = $email;
if ($this->ldap)
$this->ldap->search("uidNumber=".$this->user_id, $this->ldap->PeopleDN);
if ($this->ldap->num_entries() > 0)
// TODO: update ldap attributes if we are able to write. This needs
// to be intelligent code because LDAP structure is mostly different.
return true;
return false;
function update_password($user_id, $password,$old_password=null)
if($profile = $this->get_user($user_id))
$sql = "UPDATE users SET password='".md5($password)."' WHERE id='$user_id'";
if ($this->query($sql))
if (!$old_password) $old_password=$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['old_password'];
#echo "changing passwd: $old_password,$password <br>";
if ($GO_CONFIG->enable_system_accounts)
if ($profile["samba_user"] == '1' && $GO_CONFIG->enable_samba_accounts)
exec($GO_CONFIG->sudo.' '.$GO_CONFIG->auto_smbpasswd.' "'.$profile["username"].'" "'.$password.'"');
exec("echo '".$profile["username"].":".$password."' | ".$GO_CONFIG->sudo." ".$GO_CONFIG->chpasswd);
$sql = "UPDATE emAccounts SET password='".$GO_CRYPTO->encrypt($password,$password)."' WHERE host='".$GO_CONFIG->local_email_host."' AND username='".smart_addslashes($profile["username"])."'";
return true;
return false;
function update_authcode($authcode)
$sql = "UPDATE users SET authcode='$authcode' WHERE id='$this->user_id'";
if ($this->query($sql))
return true;
return false;
function get_profile_by_username($username)
$uid = -1;
if ($this->ldap) {
$this->ldap->search("uid=$username", $this->ldap->PeopleDN);
if ( $this->ldap->num_entries() > 0 ) {
$uid = $this->ldap->get_first_value( "uidNumber" );
if ( $uid < 0 ) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'";
$uid = $this->f( 'id' );
$profile = new profiles();
//MS: update $this->Record to so it won't break when function f() is called
// from the db class
$this->record = $profile->get_profile( $uid );
return $this->Record;
function email_exists($email)
$sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE email='".smart_addslashes($email)."'";
if ($this->num_rows() > 0)
return true;
} else if ($this->ldap)
$this->ldap->search("mail=$email", $this->ldap->PeopleDN);
if ($this->ldap->num_entries() > 0)
return true;
return false;
function add_user($username, $password, $first_name, $middle_name, $last_name, $initials, $title, $sex, $birthday, $email, $authcode, $work_phone, $home_phone, $fax, $cellular, $country, $state, $city, $zip, $address, $company, $work_country, $work_state, $work_city, $work_zip, $work_address, $work_fax, $homepage, $department, $function, $language='', $theme='', $acl_id, $create_samba_user=false, $user_id=-1)
global $GO_CONFIG;
if ($language == '')
if ($theme == '')
if ($create_samba_user)
$smb = '1';
$smb = '0';
if ($user_id < 0)
$user_id = $this->nextid("users");
if ($user_id > 0)
$sql = "INSERT INTO users (id, username, password, first_name, middle_name, last_name, initials, title, sex, birthday, email, authcode, work_phone, home_phone, fax, cellular, country, state, city, zip, address, company, work_country, work_state, work_city, work_zip, work_address, work_fax, homepage, department, function, acl_id, registration_time, samba_user, currency, max_rows_list, timezone, date_format, time_format, language, theme, first_weekday)";
$sql .= " VALUES ('$user_id', '".smart_addslashes($username)."','".md5($password)."', '".smart_addslashes($first_name)."', '".smart_addslashes($middle_name)."', '".smart_addslashes($last_name)."', '".smart_addslashes($initials)."', '".smart_addslashes($title)."', '$sex', '".smart_addslashes($birthday)."', '".smart_addslashes($email)."', '".smart_addslashes($authcode)."', '".smart_addslashes($work_phone)."', '".smart_addslashes($home_phone)."', '".smart_addslashes($fax)."', '".smart_addslashes($cellular)."', '".smart_addslashes($country)."','".smart_addslashes($state)."', '".smart_addslashes($city)."', '".smart_addslashes($zip)."', '".smart_addslashes($address)."', '".smart_addslashes($company)."', '".smart_addslashes($work_country)."', '".smart_addslashes($work_state)."', '".smart_addslashes($work_city)."', '".smart_addslashes($work_zip)."', '".smart_addslashes($work_address)."', '".smart_addslashes($work_fax)."', '".smart_addslashes($homepage)."', '".smart_addslashes($department)."', '".smart_addslashes($function)."', '$acl_id', '".get_gmt_time()."','$smb', 'Ç', '15', '$GO_CONFIG->timezone_offset', '".$GO_CONFIG->date_formats[0]."', '".$GO_CONFIG->time_formats[0]."', '$language', '$theme', '".$GO_CONFIG->first_weekday."')";
if ($this->query($sql))
if ($GO_CONFIG->enable_system_accounts)
system($GO_CONFIG->sudo." ".$GO_CONFIG->useradd." \"".$username."\" -s ".$GO_CONFIG->shell." -p ".crypt($password,substr($password,0,2)));
if ($GO_CONFIG->enable_samba_accounts && $create_samba_user)
exec($GO_CONFIG->sudo.' '.$GO_CONFIG->auto_smbadduser.' "'.$username.'" "'.$password.'"');
return $user_id;
return -1;
function max_users_reached()
global $GO_CONFIG;
if($this->get_users() < $GO_CONFIG->max_users || $GO_CONFIG->max_users == 0)
return false;
return true;
function set_preferences($user_id, $date_format, $time_format, $thousands_seperator, $decimal_seperator, $currency, $mail_client, $max_rows_list, $timezone_offset, $start_module, $language, $theme, $first_weekday)
if($this->query("UPDATE users SET time_format='".smart_addslashes($time_format)."', ".
"date_format='".smart_addslashes($date_format)."', ".
"thousands_seperator='".smart_addslashes($thousands_seperator)."', ".
"decimal_seperator='".smart_addslashes($decimal_seperator)."', ".
"currency='".smart_addslashes($currency)."', ".
"mail_client='$mail_client', max_rows_list='$max_rows_list', ".
"timezone='$timezone_offset', ".
"start_module='$start_module', ".
"theme='$theme', ".
"language='$language', ".
"first_weekday='$first_weekday' ".
"WHERE id='$user_id'"))
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['thousands_seperator'] = $thousands_seperator;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['decimal_seperator'] = $decimal_seperator;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format']= $date_format;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['time_format']= $time_format;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['currency'] = $currency;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['mail_client'] = $mail_client;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['max_rows_list'] = $max_rows_list;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone'] = $timezone_offset;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['start_module'] = $start_module;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['theme'] = $theme;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['language'] = $language;
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['first_weekday'] = $first_weekday;
function delete_user($user_id)
if($user = $this->get_user($user_id))
$acl_id = $this->f("acl_id");
$username = $this->f("username");
if ($this->f("samba_user") == '1')
$samba_user = true;
$samba_user = false;
$sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id='$user_id'";
if ($this->query($sql))
if ($GO_CONFIG->enable_system_accounts)
system($GO_CONFIG->sudo." ".$GO_CONFIG->userdel." -r \"".$username."\"");
if ($samba_user)
exec($GO_CONFIG->sudo." ".$GO_CONFIG->smbdeluser." \"".$username."\"");
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('email'))
$email = new email();
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('addressbook'))
$ab = new addressbook();
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('scheduler'))
$scheduler = new scheduler();
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('calendar'))
$calendar = new calendar();
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('filesystem'))
$filesystem = new filesystem();
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('projects'))
$projects = new projects();
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('cms'))
$cms = new cms();
if ($GO_MODULES->get_module('notes'))
$notes = new notes();
$bookmarks = new bookmarks();
$groups = new groups();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM acl_items WHERE user_id='$user_id'";
system('rm -Rf '.$GO_CONFIG->file_storage_path.$username);
return true;
return false;
function random_password($characters_allow = 'a-z,1-9',$characters_disallow = 'i,o',$password_length = 8,$repeat = 0)
// Generate array of allowable characters.
$characters_allow = explode( ',', $characters_allow );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $characters_allow ); $i++ )
if ( substr_count( $characters_allow[$i], '-' ) > 0 )
$character_range = explode( '-', $characters_allow[$i] );
for ($j=ord($character_range[0]);$j <= ord( $character_range[1] ); $j++)
$array_allow[] = chr( $j );
$array_allow[] = $characters_allow[$i];
// Generate array of disallowed characters.
$characters_disallow = explode( ',', $characters_disallow );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $characters_disallow ); $i++ )
if ( substr_count( $characters_disallow[$i], '-' ) > 0 )
$character_range = explode( '-', $characters_disallow[$i] );
for ( $j = ord( $character_range[0] );
$j <= ord( $character_range[1] ); $j++ )
$array_disallow[] = chr( $j );
$array_disallow[] = $characters_disallow[$i];
mt_srand( ( double ) microtime() * 1000000 );
// Generate array of allowed characters by removing disallowed
// characters from array.
$array_allow = array_diff( $array_allow, $array_disallow );
// Resets the keys since they won't be consecutive after
// removing the disallowed characters.
reset( $array_allow );
$new_key = 0;
while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $array_allow ) )
$array_allow_tmp[$new_key] = $val;
$array_allow = $array_allow_tmp;
$password = '';
while ( strlen( $password ) < $password_length )
$character = mt_rand( 0, count( $array_allow ) - 1 );
// If characters are not allowed to repeat,
// only add character if not found in partial password string.
if ( $repeat == 0 )
if (substr_count($password, $array_allow[$character])== 0)
$password .= $array_allow[$character];
$password .= $array_allow[$character];
return $password;