home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /*
- Copyright Intermesh 2003
- Author: Merijn Schering <mschering@intermesh.nl>
- Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- */
- require("../../Group-Office.php");
- require($GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('users'));
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."users.class.inc");
- $users = new users();
- $GO_SECURITY->authenticate(true);
- $return_to = $GO_CONFIG->host.'configuration/';
- if (isset($_REQUEST['delete_user']))
- {
- if (($_REQUEST['delete_user'] != $GO_SECURITY->user_id) && ($_REQUEST['delete_user'] != 1))
- {
- $users->delete_user($_REQUEST['delete_user']);
- }else
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$delete_fail.'</p>';
- }
- }
- $max_rows = isset($_REQUEST['max_rows']) ? $_REQUEST['max_rows'] : $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['max_rows_list'];
- $first = isset($_REQUEST['first']) ? $_REQUEST['first'] : 0;
- //remember sorting in cookie
- if (isset($_REQUEST['newsort']))
- {
- SetCookie("admin_sort",$_REQUEST['newsort'],time()+3600*24*365,"/","",0);
- $_COOKIE['admin_sort'] = $_REQUEST['newsort'];
- }
- if (isset($_REQUEST['newdirection']))
- {
- SetCookie("admin_direction",$_REQUEST['newdirection'],time()+3600*24*365,"/","",0);
- $_COOKIE['admin_direction'] = $_REQUEST['newdirection'];
- }
- $admin_sort = isset($_COOKIE['admin_sort']) ? $_COOKIE['admin_sort'] : 'name';
- $admin_direction = isset($_COOKIE['admin_direction']) ? $_COOKIE['admin_direction'] : 'ASC';
- if ($admin_direction == "DESC")
- {
- $image_string = ' <img src="'.$GO_THEME->images['arrow_down'].'" border="0" />';
- $newdirection = "ASC";
- }else
- {
- $image_string = ' <img src="'.$GO_THEME->images['arrow_up'].'" border="0" />';
- $newdirection = "DESC";
- }
- $page_title = $menu_users;
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc");
- $count = $users->get_users($admin_sort, $admin_direction, $first, $max_rows);
- if ($count > 0)
- {
- echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
- if ($GO_CONFIG->max_users == 0 || ($count < $GO_CONFIG->max_users))
- echo '<tr><td colspan="99" align="right"><a href="register.php" class="normal">'.$admin_new_user.'</a></td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="99"><h1>'.$menu_users.'</h1>';
- if (isset($feedback)) echo $feedback;
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="99" align="right" class="small">'.$count.' '.$strUsers;
- if ($GO_CONFIG->max_users != 0)
- echo ' '.$strMaxOf.' '.$GO_CONFIG->max_users;
- echo '</td></tr>';
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<td class=\"TableHead2\"><a class=\"TableHead2\" href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?newsort=name&newdirection=".$newdirection."\">".$strName;
- if ($admin_sort == "name")
- echo $image_string;
- echo "</a></td>\n";
- echo "<td class=\"TableHead2\"><a class=\"TableHead2\" href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?newsort=company&newdirection=".$newdirection."\">".$strCompany;
- if ($admin_sort == "company")
- echo $image_string;
- echo "</a></td>\n";
- echo "<td class=\"TableHead2\"><a class=\"TableHead2\" href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?newsort=logins&newdirection=".$newdirection."\">".$strLogins;
- if ($admin_sort == "logins")
- echo $image_string;
- echo "</a></td>\n";
- echo "<td class=\"TableHead2\"><a class=\"TableHead2\" href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?newsort=lastlogin&newdirection=".$newdirection."\">".$ac_lastlogin;
- if ($admin_sort == "lastlogin")
- echo $image_string;
- echo "</a></td>\n";
- echo "<td class=\"TableHead2\"><a class=\"TableHead2\" href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?newsort=registration_time&newdirection=".$newdirection."\">".$strRegistrationDate;
- if ($admin_sort == "registration_time")
- echo $image_string;
- echo "</a></td>\n";
- echo "<td class=\"TableHead2\"> </td>\n";
- echo "</tr>\n";
- while ($users->next_record())
- {
- $middle_name = $users->f('middle_name') == '' ? '' : $users->f('middle_name').' ';
- $name = $users->f('first_name').' '.$middle_name.$users->f('last_name');
- echo '<tr height="18"><td><a class="normal" href="edit_user.php?id='.$users->f("id").'" title="'.$strEdit.' '.$name.'">'.$name.'</a> </td>';
- echo '<td>'.empty_to_stripe($users->f("company")).' </td>';
- echo '<td>'.number_format($users->f("logins"), 0, $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['decimal_seperator'], $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['thousands_seperator']).' </td>';
- echo '<td>'.date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'].' '.$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['time_format'], $users->f("lastlogin")+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).' </td>';
- echo '<td>'.date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'].' '.$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['time_format'],$users->f("registration_time")+($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['timezone']*3600)).'</td>';
- echo "<td> <a href='javascript:confirm_action(\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?delete_user=".$users->f("id")."\",\"".rawurlencode($strDeletePrefix."'".$name."'".$strDeleteSuffix)."\")' title=\"".$strDeleteItem." '".$name."'\"><img src=\"".$GO_THEME->images['delete']."\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
- echo '<tr><td colspan="99" height="1"><img src="'.$GO_THEME->images['cccccc'].'" border="0" height="1" width="100%" /></td></tr>';
- }
- $links = '';
- $max_links=10;
- if ($max_rows != 0)
- {
- if ($count > $max_rows)
- {
- $links = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td>';
- $next_start = $first+$max_rows;
- $previous_start = $first-$max_rows;
- if ($first != 0)
- {
- $links .= '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?first=0"><<</a> ';
- $links .= '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?first='.$previous_start.'">'.$cmdPrevious.'</a> ';
- }else
- {
- $links .= '<font color="#cccccc"><< '.$cmdPrevious.'</font> ';
- }
- $start = ($first-(($max_links/2)*$max_rows));
- $end = ($first+(($max_links/2)*$max_rows));
- if ($start < 0)
- {
- $end = $end - $start;
- $start=0;
- }
- if ($end > $count)
- {
- $end = $count;
- }
- if ($start > 0)
- {
- $links .= '... ';
- }
- for ($i=$start;$i<$end;$i+=$max_rows)
- {
- $page = ($i/$max_rows)+1;
- if ($i==$first)
- {
- $links .= '<b><i>'.$page.'</i></b> ';
- }else
- {
- $links .= '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?first='.$i.'">'.$page.'</a> ';
- }
- }
- if ($end < $count)
- {
- $links .= '... ';
- }
- $last_page = floor($count/$max_rows)*$max_rows;
- if ($count > $next_start)
- {
- $links .= '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?first='.$next_start.'">'.$cmdNext.'</a> ';
- $links .= '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?first='.$last_page.'">>></a>';
- }else
- {
- $links .= '<font color="#cccccc">'.$cmdNext.' >></font>';
- }
- $links .= '</td><td align="right"><a class="normal" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?max_rows=0">'.$cmdShowAll.'</a></td></tr></table>';
- }
- echo '<tr><td colspan="99" height="20">'.$links.'</td></tr>';
- echo '<tr><td colspan="99" height="1"><img src="'.$GO_THEME->images['cccccc'].'" border="0" height="1" width="100%" /></td></tr>';
- }
- echo '</table>';
- }
- echo '<br />';
- $button = new button($cmdClose, "javascript:document.location='".$return_to ."'");
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."footer.inc");
- ?>