home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /* $Id: common.inc.php,v 1.17 2004/01/29 04:12:33 ajdonnison Exp $ */
- /* program info */
- $program = "Dotproject";
- $version = "0.6.3";
- $xmailer = "dotproject (http://dotproject.net/)";
- /* error handler */
- function fatal_error ($reason) {
- die($reason);
- }
- /* do a MySQL query */
- function do_query ($query) {
- $result = @mysql_query($query);
- if (!$result) {
- fatal_error("A database query error has occurred!<br>".mysql_error());
- } else {
- return($result);
- }
- }
- /* get single result value */
- function query2result ($query) {
- $result = do_query($query);
- $row = @mysql_result($result, 0);
- return($row);
- }
- /* get result in numeric array */
- function query2array ($query) {
- $result = do_query($query);
- $row = @mysql_fetch_row($result);
- return($row);
- }
- /* get result in associative array */
- function query2hash ($query) {
- $result = do_query($query);
- $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result);
- return($row);
- }
- /* get row of result */
- function result2row ($result) {
- $row = @mysql_fetch_row($result);
- return($row);
- }
- /* get row of result in hash */
- function result2hash ($result) {
- $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result);
- return($row);
- }
- /* find number of rows in query result */
- function number_rows ($result) {
- $number_rows = @mysql_num_rows($result);
- return($number_rows);
- }
- /* put rows from a column into an array */
- function column2array ($query) {
- $result = do_query($query);
- while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
- $array[] = $row[0];
- }
- return($array);
- }
- /* create read-only output of list values */
- function chooseSelectedValue ($name, $options, $selected) {
- while(list($key, $val) = each($options)) {
- if ($key == $selected) {
- $output = "$val\n";
- }
- }
- return($output);
- }
- /* create drop-down box */
- function create_selectbox ($name, $options, $selected) {
- $output= "";
- $output .= "<select name=\"$name\" onChange=\"document.ticketform.submit()\" class=\"text\">\n";
- while(list($key, $val) = each($options)) {
- $output .= "<option value=\"$key\"";
- if ($key == $selected) {
- $output .= " selected";
- }
- $output .= ">$val\n";
- //$loop++;
- }
- $output .= "</select>\n";
- return($output);
- }
- /* escape special characters */
- function escape_string ($string) {
- if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
- $string = addslashes($string);
- }
- return($string);
- }
- /* format "time ago" date string */
- function get_time_ago ($timestamp) {
- global $AppUI;
- $elapsed_seconds = time() - $timestamp;
- if ($elapsed_seconds < 60) { // seconds ago
- if ($elapsed_seconds) {
- $interval = $elapsed_seconds;
- }
- else {
- $interval = 1;
- }
- $output = "second";
- }
- elseif ($elapsed_seconds < 3600) { // minutes ago
- $interval = round($elapsed_seconds / 60);
- $output = "minute";
- }
- elseif ($elapsed_seconds < 86400) { // hours ago
- $interval = round($elapsed_seconds / 3600);
- $output = "hour";
- }
- elseif ($elapsed_seconds < 604800) { // days ago
- $interval = round($elapsed_seconds / 86400);
- $output = "day";
- }
- elseif ($elapsed_seconds < 2419200) { // weeks ago
- $interval = round($elapsed_seconds / 604800);
- $output = "week";
- }
- elseif ($elapsed_seconds < 29030400) { // months ago
- $interval = round($elapsed_seconds / 2419200);
- $output = " month";
- }
- else { // years ago
- $interval = round($elapsed_seconds / 29030400);
- $output = "year";
- }
- if ($interval > 1) {
- $output .= "s";
- }
- $output = " ".$AppUI->_($output);
- $output .= " ".$AppUI->_('ago');
- $output = $interval.$output;
- return($output);
- }
- /* smart word wrapping */
- function smart_wrap ($text, $width) {
- if (function_exists("wordwrap")) {
- if (preg_match("/[^\\n]{100,}/", $text)) {
- $text = wordwrap($text, $width);
- }
- }
- else {
- $text = "Wordwrap unsupported in PHP " . phpversion() . "\n\n";;
- $text .= "Please adjust your Ticketsmith configuration and/or upgrade PHP\n";
- }
- return($text);
- }
- /* word_wrap($string, $cols, $quote_old, $prefix, $nice_prefix)
- *
- * Takes $string, and wraps it on a per-word boundary (does not clip
- * words UNLESS the word is more than $cols long), no more than $cols per
- * line. Allows for optional prefix string for each line. (Was written to
- * easily format replies to e-mails, prefixing each line with "> ".
- *
- * Puts words that do not fit at the end of the line to the
- * beginning of the next line (keeping in mind prefixes) and not on a line
- * by themselves.
- *
- * parameter $string -- text to be wrapped
- * parameter $cols -- maximum width of text
- * parameter $quote_old -- adds the prefix for each line if true
- * parameter $prefix -- prefix used in message (nice_prefix but w/o spaces)
- * parameter $nice_prefix -- prefix that is easier to read (i.e. "> " instead of ">").
- *
- * $nice_prefix is actually written to the message (if $quote_old), but $prefix is used for
- * backward compatibility
- *
- * Please note that though quote_old may be false, prefix and nice_prefix are still used to maintain
- * the existing structure of a message (in case the message is a reply or etc...)
- *
- * Original by Dominic J. Eidson.
- * Copyright 1999 Dominic J. Eidson, use as you wish, but give credit
- * where credit due.
- * Modified by Daniel Kigelman in 2003.
- *
- */
- function word_wrap ($string, $cols = 78, $quote_old = false, $prefix = ">", $nice_prefix = "> ") {
- if (preg_match("/^.*\r\n/", $string)) {
- $t_lines = split( "\r\n", $string);
- } else if (preg_match("/^.*\n/", $string)) {
- $t_lines = split( "\n", $string);
- } else {
- $t_lines = split( "\r", $string);
- }
- $outlines = "";
- $leftover = "";
- // Loop through each line of message
- while(list(, $thisline) = each($t_lines)) {
- // Process Leftover
- if (strlen($leftover) > 0) {
- $counter = 0;
- // Subtract all prefixes from the beginning of this line.
- while (substr($thisline, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) {
- $counter++;
- if (substr($thisline, 0, strlen($nice_prefix)) == $nice_prefix) {
- $thisline = substr($thisline, strlen($nice_prefix));
- } else {
- $thisline = substr($thisline, strlen($prefix));
- }
- }
- // Add the leftover to the beginning of this line.
- $thisline = $leftover . $thisline;
- // Add all the prefixes back on to the beginning of the line.
- for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; $i++) {
- $thisline = $nice_prefix . $thisline;
- }
- }
- if(strlen($thisline) + strlen($nice_prefix) > $cols) {
- $newline = "";
- $t_l_lines = split(" ", $thisline);
- // This line is too big. Break it up into words and add them one by one.
- while(list(, $thisword) = each($t_l_lines)) {
- // Process words that are longer than $cols
- while((strlen($thisword) + strlen($nice_prefix)) > $cols) {
- $cur_pos = 0;
- $outlines .= $nice_prefix;
- for($num=0; $num < $cols-1; $num++) {
- $outlines .= $thisword[$num];
- $cur_pos++;
- }
- $outlines .= "\n";
- $thisword = substr($thisword, $cur_pos, (strlen($thisword)-$cur_pos));
- }
- // Check that the line is within $cols. If not, don't add the word; start a new line.
- if((strlen($newline) + strlen($thisword) + strlen($nice_prefix) + 1) > $cols) {
- if ($quote_old) $outlines .= $nice_prefix.$newline."\n";
- else $outlines .= $newline."\n";
- $newline = $thisword." ";
- } else {
- $newline .= $thisword." ";
- }
- }
- // Whatever is leftover from processing the line, assign to $leftover
- $leftover = $newline;
- } else {
- if ($quote_old) $outlines .= $nice_prefix . $thisline."\n";
- else $outlines .= $thisline."\n";
- $leftover = "";
- }
- }
- return $outlines;
- }
- /* format display field */
- function format_field ($value, $type, $ticket = NULL) {
- global $CONFIG;
- global $AppUI;
- global $canEdit;
- switch ($type) {
- case "user":
- if ($value) {
- $output = query2result("SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ',user_first_name,user_last_name) as name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$value'");
- } else {
- $output = "-";
- }
- break;
- case "status":
- if ($canEdit) {
- $output = create_selectbox("type_toggle", array("Open" =>$AppUI->_("Open"), "Processing" => $AppUI->_("Processing"), "Closed" => $AppUI->_("Closed"), "Deleted" => $AppUI->_("Deleted")), $value);
- }
- else {
- $output = chooseSelectedValue("type_toggle", array("Open" =>$AppUI->_("Open"), "Processing" => $AppUI->_("Processing"), "Closed" => $AppUI->_("Closed"), "Deleted" => $AppUI->_("Deleted")), $value);
- }
- break;
- case "priority_view":
- $priority = $CONFIG["priority_names"][$value];
- $color = $CONFIG["priority_colors"][$value];
- //$priority = $AppUI->_($priority);
- if ($value == 3) {
- $priority = "<strong>$priority</strong>";
- }
- if ($value == 4) {
- $priority = "<blink><strong>$priority</strong></blink>";
- }
- $output = "<font color=\"$color\">$priority</font>";
- break;
- case "priority_select":
- if ($canEdit) {
- $output = create_selectbox("priority_toggle", $CONFIG["priority_names"], $value);
- }
- else {
- $output = chooseSelectedValue("priority_toggle", $CONFIG["priority_names"], $value);
- }
- break;
- case "assignment":
- $options[0] = "-";
- $query = "SELECT user_id as id, CONCAT_WS(' ',user_first_name,user_last_name) as name FROM users";
- $result = do_query($query);
- while ($row = result2hash($result)) {
- $options[$row["id"]] = $row["name"];
- }
- if ($canEdit) {
- $output = create_selectbox("assignment_toggle", $options, $value);
- }
- else {
- $output = chooseSelectedValue("assignment_toggle", $options, $value);
- }
- break;
- case "view":
- if ($CONFIG["index_link"] == "latest") {
- $latest_value = query2result("SELECT ticket FROM tickets WHERE parent = '$value' ORDER BY ticket DESC LIMIT 1");
- if ($latest_value) {
- $value = $latest_value;
- }
- }
- $output = "<a href=index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=view&ticket=$value>";
- $output .= "<img src=images/icons/pencil.gif border=0></a>";
- break;
- case "attach":
- $output = "<A href=index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=attach&ticket=$value>";
- $output .= "Link</a>";
- break;
- case "doattach":
- $output = "<A href=index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=attach&newparent=$value&dosql=reattachticket&ticket=$ticket>";
- $output .= "Link</a>";
- break;
- case "open_date":
- $output = get_time_ago($value);
- if ($CONFIG["warning_active"]) {
- if (time() - $value > $CONFIG["warning_age"] * 3600) {
- $output = "<font color=\"" . $CONFIG["warning_color"] . "\"><xb>" . $output . "</strong></font>";
- }
- }
- break;
- case "activity_date":
- if (!$value) {
- $output = "<em>".$AppUI->_('none')."</em>";
- }
- else {
- $output = get_time_ago($value);
- }
- $latest_followup_type = query2result("SELECT type FROM tickets WHERE parent = '$ticket' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
- if ($latest_followup_type) {
- $latest_followup_type = preg_replace("/(\w+)\s.*/", "\\1", $latest_followup_type);
- $output .= " [$latest_followup_type]";
- }
- break;
- case "elapsed_date":
- $output = date($CONFIG["date_format"], $value);
- $time_ago = get_time_ago($value);
- $output .= " <em>($time_ago)</em>";
- break;
- case "body":
- if ($CONFIG["wordwrap"]) {
- $value = word_wrap($value, 78);
- }
- $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
- $output = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\">\n";
- $output .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"" . $CONFIG["ticket_color"] . "\">\n<tt><pre>\n";
- $url_find = "/(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger)(:\/\/[^ \">\\t\\r\\n]*)/";
- $url_replace = "<a href=\"\\1\\2\" target=\"new\">";
- $url_replace .= "<span style=\"font-size: 10pt;\">\\1\\2</span></a>";
- $value = preg_replace($url_find, $url_replace, $value);
- $output .= $value;
- $output .= "\n</pre></tt>\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n";
- break;
- case "followup":
- $output = "\n<tt>\n";
- $output .= "<textarea style='font-family: monospace;' name=\"followup\" wrap=\"hard\" cols=\"72\" rows=\"20\">\n";
- $signature = query2result("SELECT user_signature FROM users WHERE user_id = '$AppUI->user_id'");
- if ($signature) {
- $output .= "\n";
- $output .= "-- \n";
- $output .= $signature;
- }
- $output .= "\n\n";
- $output .= "---- ".$AppUI->_('Original message')." ----\n\n";
- if ($CONFIG["wordwrap"]) {
- $value = word_wrap($value, 70, true);
- }
- $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
- $output .= $value;
- $output .= "\n</textarea>\n";
- $output .= "</tt>\n";
- break;
- case "subject":
- $value = preg_replace("/\s*Re:\s*/i", "", $value);
- $value = preg_replace("/(\[\#\d+\])(\w+)/", "\\2", $value);
- $value = "Re: " . $value;
- $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
- @$output .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" value=\"$value\" size=\"70\">\n";
- break;
- case "cc":
- $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
- $output = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"cc\" value=\"$value\" size=\"70\">";
- break;
- case "recipient":
- $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
- $output = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"recipient\" value=\"$value\" size=\"70\">";
- break;
- case "original_author":
- if ($value) {
- $value = ereg_replace("\"", "", $value);
- $output = htmlspecialchars($value);
- }
- else {
- $output = "<em>(".$AppUI->_('original ticket author').")</em>";
- }
- break;
- case "email":
- if ($value) {
- $value = ereg_replace("\"", "", $value);
- $output = htmlspecialchars($value);
- }
- else {
- $output = "<em>".$AppUI->_('none')."</em>";
- }
- break;
- default:
- $output = $value ? htmlspecialchars($value) : "<em>".$AppUI->_('none')."</em>";
- }
- return($output);
- }
- /* register login stuff */
- //session_register("login_id");
- //session_register("login_name");
- /* figure out parent & type */
- if (isset($ticket)) {
- list($ticket_type, $ticket_parent) = query2array("SELECT type, parent FROM tickets WHERE ticket = '$ticket'");
- }
- ?>