home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php /* TASKS $Id: gantt.php,v 1.24 2004/02/02 05:13:51 robertoibarra Exp $ */
- /*
- * Gantt.php - by J. Christopher Pereira
- * TASKS $Id: gantt.php,v 1.24 2004/02/02 05:13:51 robertoibarra Exp $
- */
- error_reporting( E_ALL ); // this only for development testing
- include ("{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php");
- include ("{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_gantt.php");
- $project_id = defVal( @$_REQUEST['project_id'], 0 );
- $f = defVal( @$_REQUEST['f'], 0 );
- // pull valid projects and their percent complete information
- $psql = "
- SELECT project_id, project_color_identifier, project_name
- FROM permissions, projects
- LEFT JOIN tasks t1 ON projects.project_id = t1.task_project
- WHERE project_active <> 0
- AND permission_user = $AppUI->user_id
- AND permission_value <> 0
- AND (
- (permission_grant_on = 'all')
- OR (permission_grant_on = 'projects' AND permission_item = -1)
- OR (permission_grant_on = 'projects' AND permission_item = project_id)
- )
- GROUP BY project_id
- ORDER BY project_name
- ";
- // echo "<pre>$psql</pre>";
- $prc = db_exec( $psql );
- echo db_error();
- $pnums = db_num_rows( $prc );
- $projects = array();
- for ($x=0; $x < $pnums; $x++) {
- $z = db_fetch_assoc( $prc );
- $projects[$z["project_id"]] = $z;
- }
- // get any specifically denied tasks
- $dsql = "
- SELECT task_id
- FROM tasks, permissions
- WHERE permission_user = $AppUI->user_id
- AND permission_grant_on = 'tasks'
- AND permission_item = task_id
- AND permission_value = 0
- ";
- $drc = db_exec( $dsql );
- echo db_error();
- $deny = array();
- while ($row = db_fetch_row( $drc )) {
- $deny[] = $row[0];
- }
- // pull tasks
- $select = "
- tasks.task_id, task_parent, task_name, task_start_date, task_end_date, task_duration, task_duration_type,
- task_priority, task_percent_complete, task_order, task_project, task_milestone,
- project_name
- ";
- $from = "tasks";
- $join = "LEFT JOIN projects ON project_id = task_project";
- $where = "project_active <> 0".($project_id ? "\nAND task_project = $project_id" : '');
- switch ($f) {
- case 'all':
- $where .= "\nAND task_status > -1";
- break;
- case 'myproj':
- $where .= "\nAND task_status > -1\n AND project_owner = $AppUI->user_id";
- break;
- case 'mycomp':
- $where .= "\nAND task_status > -1\n AND project_company = $AppUI->user_company";
- break;
- case 'myinact':
- $from .= ", user_tasks";
- $where .= "
- AND task_project = projects.project_id
- AND user_tasks.user_id = $AppUI->user_id
- AND user_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id
- ";
- break;
- default:
- $from .= ", user_tasks";
- $where .= "
- AND task_status > -1
- AND task_project = projects.project_id
- AND user_tasks.user_id = $AppUI->user_id
- AND user_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id
- ";
- break;
- }
- $tsql = "SELECT $select FROM $from $join WHERE $where ORDER BY project_id, task_start_date";
- ##echo "<pre>$tsql</pre>".mysql_error();##
- $ptrc = db_exec( $tsql );
- $nums = db_num_rows( $ptrc );
- echo db_error();
- $orrarr[] = array("task_id"=>0, "order_up"=>0, "order"=>"");
- //pull the tasks into an array
- for ($x=0; $x < $nums; $x++) {
- $row = db_fetch_assoc( $ptrc );
- // calculate or set blank task_end_date if unset
- if($row["task_end_date"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
- if($row["task_duration"]) {
- $row["task_end_date"] = db_unix2dateTime ( db_dateTime2unix( $row["task_start_date"] ) + SECONDS_PER_DAY * convert2days( $row["task_duration"], $row["task_duration_type"] ) );
- } else {
- $row["task_end_date"] = "";
- }
- }
- $projects[$row['task_project']]['tasks'][] = $row;
- }
- $width = dPgetParam( $_GET, 'width', 600 );
- $start_date = dPgetParam( $_GET, 'start_date', 0 );
- $end_date = dPgetParam( $_GET, 'end_date', 0 );
- $count = 0;
- $graph = new GanttGraph($width);
- //$graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HYEAR | GANTT_HMONTH | GANTT_HDAY);
- $graph->SetFrame(false);
- $graph->SetBox(true, array(0,0,0), 2);
- $graph->scale->week->SetStyle(WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY);
- $jpLocale = $AppUI->getConfig( 'jpLocale' );
- if ($jpLocale) {
- $graph->scale->SetDateLocale( $jpLocale );
- }
- if ($start_date && $end_date) {
- $graph->SetDateRange( $start_date, $end_date );
- }
- //This kludgy function echos children tasks as threads
- function showtask( &$a, $level=0 ) {
- /* Add tasks to gantt chart */
- global $gantt_arr;
- $gantt_arr[] = array($a, $level);
- }
- function findchild( &$tarr, $parent, $level=0 ){
- GLOBAL $projects;
- $level = $level+1;
- $n = count( $tarr );
- for ($x=0; $x < $n; $x++) {
- if($tarr[$x]["task_parent"] == $parent && $tarr[$x]["task_parent"] != $tarr[$x]["task_id"]){
- showtask( $tarr[$x], $level );
- findchild( $tarr, $tarr[$x]["task_id"], $level);
- }
- }
- }
- reset($projects);
- $p = &$projects[$project_id];
- $tnums = count( $p['tasks'] );
- for ($i=0; $i < $tnums; $i++) {
- $t = $p['tasks'][$i];
- if ($t["task_parent"] == $t["task_id"]) {
- showtask( $t );
- findchild( $p['tasks'], $t["task_id"] );
- }
- }
- $hide_task_groups = false;
- if($hide_task_groups) {
- for($i = 0; $i < count($gantt_arr); $i ++ ) {
- // remove task groups
- if($i != count($gantt_arr)-1 && $gantt_arr[$i + 1][1] > $gantt_arr[$i][1]) {
- // it's not a leaf => remove
- array_splice($gantt_arr, $i, 1);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- $row = 0;
- for($i = 0; $i < count(@$gantt_arr); $i ++ ) {
- $a = $gantt_arr[$i][0];
- $level = $gantt_arr[$i][1];
- if($hide_task_groups) $level = 0;
- $name = strlen( utf8_decode($a["task_name"]) ) > 25 ? substr( utf8_decode($a["task_name"]), 0, 22 ).'...' : utf8_decode($a["task_name"]) ;
- $start = substr($a["task_start_date"], 0, 10);
- $end = substr($a["task_end_date"], 0, 10);
- $progress = $a["task_percent_complete"];
- $flags = ($a["task_milestone"]?"m":"");
- $cap = "";
- if(!$start || $start == "0000-00-00"){
- $start = !$end ? date("Y-m-d") : $end;
- $cap .= "(no start date)";
- }
- if(!$end) {
- $end = $start;
- $cap .= " (no end date)";
- } else {
- $cap = "";
- }
- if($flags == "m") {
- $bar = new MileStone($row++, $name, $start, $start);
- } else {
- $bar = new GanttBar($row++, str_repeat(" ", $level) . $name, $start, $end, $cap);
- $bar->progress->Set($progress/100);
- }
- $sql = "SELECT dependencies_task_id FROM task_dependencies WHERE dependencies_req_task_id=" . $a["task_id"];
- $query = db_exec($sql);
- while($dep = db_fetch_assoc($query)) {
- // find row num of dependencies
- for($d = 0; $d < count($gantt_arr); $d++ ) {
- if($gantt_arr[$d][0]["task_id"] == $dep["dependencies_task_id"]) {
- $bar->SetConstrain($d, CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART);
- }
- }
- }
- $graph->Add($bar);
- }
- $graph->Stroke();
- ?>