home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php /* SYSTEM $Id: viewmods.php,v 1.14 2003/12/21 11:52:23 gregorerhardt Exp $*/
- $AppUI->savePlace();
- $canEdit = !getDenyEdit( $m );
- $canRead = !getDenyRead( $m );
- if (!$canRead) {
- $AppUI->redirect( "m=public&a=access_denied" );
- }
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM modules ORDER BY mod_ui_order";
- $modules = db_loadList( $sql );
- // get the modules actually installed on the file system
- $modFiles = $AppUI->readDirs( "modules" );
- $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock( 'Modules', 'power-management.png', $m, "$m.$a" );
- $titleBlock->addCrumb( "?m=system", "System Admin" );
- $titleBlock->show();
- ?>
- <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="98%" class="tbl">
- <tr>
- <th colspan="2"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Module');?></th>
- <th><?php echo $AppUI->_('Status');?></th>
- <th><?php echo $AppUI->_('Type');?></th>
- <th><?php echo $AppUI->_('Version');?></th>
- <th><?php echo $AppUI->_('Menu Text');?></th>
- <th><?php echo $AppUI->_('Menu Icon');?></th>
- <th><?php echo $AppUI->_('Menu Status');?></th>
- </tr>
- <?php
- // do the modules that are installed on the system
- foreach ($modules as $row) {
- // clear the file system entry
- if (isset( $modFiles[$row['mod_directory']] )) {
- $modFiles[$row['mod_directory']] = '';
- }
- $query_string = "?m=$m&a=domodsql&mod_id={$row['mod_id']}";
- $s = '';
- // arrows
- // TODO: sweep this block of code and add line returns to improve View Source readability [kobudo 14 Feb 2003]
- // Line returns after </td> tags would be a good start [as well as <tr> and </tr> tags]
- $s .= '<td>';
- $s .= '<img src="./images/icons/updown.gif" width="10" height="15" border=0 usemap="#arrow'.$row["mod_id"].'" />';
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= '<map name="arrow'.$row["mod_id"].'">';
- $s .= '<area coords="0,0,10,7" href="' . $query_string . '&cmd=moveup">';
- $s .= '<area coords="0,8,10,14" href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=movedn">';
- $s .= '</map>';
- }
- $s .= '</td>';
- $s .= '<td width="1%" nowrap="nowrap">'.$row['mod_name'].'</td>';
- $s .= '<td>';
- $s .= '<img src="./images/obj/dot'.($row['mod_active'] ? 'green' : 'yellowanim').'.gif" width="12" height="12" /> ';
- // John changes Module Terminology to be more descriptive of current Module State... [14 Feb 2003]
- // Status term "deactivate" changed to "Active"
- // Status term "activate" changed to "Disabled"
- //$s .= '<a href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=toggle&">'.($row['mod_active'] ? $AppUI->_('deactivate') : $AppUI->_('activate')).'</a>';
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= '<a href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=toggle&">';
- }
- $s .= ($row['mod_active'] ? $AppUI->_('active') : $AppUI->_('disabled'));
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= '</a>';
- }
- if ($row['mod_type'] != 'core' && $canEdit) {
- $s .= ' | <a href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=remove" onclick="return window.confirm('."'"
- .$AppUI->_('This will delete all data associated with the module!')."\\n\\n"
- .$AppUI->_( 'Are you sure?' )."\\n"
- ."'".');">'.$AppUI->_('remove').'</a>';
- }
- // check for upgrades
- $ok = @include_once( "{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/modules/".$row['mod_directory']."/setup.php" );
- if ( $ok )
- {
- if ( $config[ 'mod_version' ] != $row['mod_version'] && $canEdit )
- {
- $s .= ' | <a href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=upgrade" onclick="return window.confirm('."'"
- .$AppUI->_( 'Are you sure?')."'".');" >'.$AppUI->_('upgrade').'</a>';
- }
- }
- // check for configuration
- if ( $ok )
- {
- if ( $config[ 'mod_config' ] == true && $canEdit )
- {
- $s .= ' | <a href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=configure">'.$AppUI->_('configure').'</a>';
- }
- }
- $s .= '</td>';
- $s .= '<td>'.$row['mod_type'].'</td>';
- $s .= '<td>'.$row['mod_version'].'</td>';
- $s .= '<td>'.$AppUI->_($row['mod_ui_name']).'</td>';
- $s .= '<td>'.$row['mod_ui_icon'].'</td>';
- $s .= '<td>';
- $s .= '<img src="./images/obj/'.($row['mod_ui_active'] ? 'dotgreen.gif' : 'dotredanim.gif').'" width="12" height="12" /> ';
- // $s .= $row['mod_ui_active'] ? '<span style="color:green">'.$AppUI->_('on') : '<span style="color:red">'.$AppUI->_('off');
- // John changes Module Terminology to be more descriptive of current Module State... [14 Feb 2003]
- // Menu Status term "show" changed to "Visible"
- // Menu Status term "activate" changed to "Disabled"
- //$s .= '<a href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=toggleMenu">'.($row['mod_ui_active'] ? $AppUI->_('hide') : $AppUI->_('show')).'</a></td>';
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= '<a href="'.$query_string . '&cmd=toggleMenu">';
- }
- $s .= ($row['mod_ui_active'] ? $AppUI->_('visible') : $AppUI->_('hidden'));
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= '</a>';
- }
- $s .= '</td>';
- $s .= '<td>'.$row['mod_ui_order'].'</td>';
- echo "<tr>$s</tr>";
- }
- foreach ($modFiles as $v) {
- // clear the file system entry
- if ($v) {
- $s = '';
- $s .= '<td></td>';
- $s .= '<td>'.$v.'</td>';
- $s .= '<td>';
- $s .= '<img src="./images/obj/dotgrey.gif" width="12" height="12" /> ';
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= '<a href="?m=' . $m . '&a=domodsql&cmd=install&mod_directory=' . $v . '">';
- }
- $s .= $AppUI->_('install');
- if ($canEdit) {
- $s .= '</a>';
- }
- $s .= '</td>';
- echo "<tr>$s</tr>";
- }
- }
- ?>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>