home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php /* COMPANIES $Id: index.php,v 1.39 2004/01/15 17:55:45 gregorerhardt Exp $ */
- $AppUI->savePlace();
- // retrieve any state parameters
- if (isset( $_GET['orderby'] )) {
- $AppUI->setState( 'CompIdxOrderBy', $_GET['orderby'] );
- }
- $orderby = $AppUI->getState( 'CompIdxOrderBy' ) ? $AppUI->getState( 'CompIdxOrderBy' ) : 'company_name';
- // load the company types
- $types = dPgetSysVal( 'CompanyType' );
- // get any records denied from viewing
- $obj = new CCompany();
- $deny = $obj->getDeniedRecords( $AppUI->user_id );
- // Company search by Kist
- $search_string = dPgetParam( $_POST, 'search_string', '' );
- // retrieve list of records
- /*
- The following query is actually made at vw_companies.php
- It was excuted twice, so I commented out this block
- - jcgonz
- $sql = "
- SELECT company_id, company_name, company_type, company_description,
- count(distinct projects.project_id) as countp, count(distinct projects2.project_id) as inactive,
- user_first_name, user_last_name
- FROM permissions, companies
- LEFT JOIN projects ON companies.company_id = projects.project_company and projects.project_active <> 0
- LEFT JOIN users ON companies.company_owner = users.user_id
- LEFT JOIN projects AS projects2 ON companies.company_id = projects2.project_company AND projects2.project_active = 0
- WHERE permission_user = $AppUI->user_id
- AND permission_value <> 0
- AND (
- (permission_grant_on = 'all')
- OR (permission_grant_on = 'companies' and permission_item = -1)
- OR (permission_grant_on = 'companies' and permission_item = company_id)
- )
- " . (count($deny) > 0 ? 'and company_id not in (' . implode( ',', $deny ) . ')' : '')
- . "GROUP BY company_id
- ORDER BY $orderby";
- $rows = db_loadList( $sql );
- */
- $search_string = dPformSafe($search_string, true);
- // setup the title block
- $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock( 'Companies', 'handshake.png', $m, "$m.$a" );
- $titleBlock->addCell("<strong>".$AppUI->_('Search').":</strong>");
- $titleBlock->addCell("<form name='searchform' action='?m=companies&search_string=$search_string' method='post'>
- <input type='text' name='search_string' value='$search_string' />
- </form>");
- if ($canEdit) {
- $titleBlock->addCell(
- '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'.$AppUI->_('new company').'">', '',
- '<form action="?m=companies&a=addedit" method="post">', '</form>'
- );
- }
- $titleBlock->show();
- if (isset( $_GET['tab'] )) {
- $AppUI->setState( 'CompaniesIdxTab', $_GET['tab'] );
- }
- $companiesTypeTab = defVal( $AppUI->getState( 'CompaniesIdxTab' ), 0 );
- /*function getCompanyTypeID($type) {
- global $types;
- $arr = array_keys($types, $type);
- return $arr[0];
- }
- $tabTypes = array();
- foreach($types as $type_id => $type){
- $tabTypes[] = $type_id;
- }
- */
- // $tabTypes = array(getCompanyTypeID('Client'), getCompanyTypeID('Supplier'), 0);
- $companiesType = $companiesTypeTab;
- $tabBox = new CTabBox( "?m=companies", "{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/modules/companies/", $companiesTypeTab );
- foreach($types as $type_name){
- $tabBox->add('vw_companies', $type_name);
- }
- // Only display the All option in tabbed view, in plain mode it would just repeat everything else
- // already in the page
- if ( $companiesTypeTab != -1 ) $tabBox->add('vw_companies', 'All Companies');
- /*$tabBox->add( 'vw_companies', 'Clients' );
- $tabBox->add( 'vw_companies', 'Suppliers' );
- $tabBox->add( 'vw_companies', 'All Companies' );
- */
- $tabBox->show();
- ?>