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- <?php /* CALENDAR $Id: vw_day_events.php,v 1.3 2003/08/30 07:28:43 ajdonnison Exp $ */
- global $this_day, $first_time, $last_time, $company_id;
- // load the event types
- $types = dPgetSysVal( 'EventType' );
- $links = array();
- // assemble the links for the events
- $events = CEvent::getEventsForPeriod( $first_time, $last_time );
- $events2 = array();
- foreach ($events as $row) {
- $start = new CDate( $row['event_start_date'] );
- $events2[$start->format( "%H%M%S" )][] = $row;
- // the link
- /*
- $link['href'] = "?m=calendar&a=view&event_id=".$row['event_id'];
- $link['alt'] = $row['event_description'];
- $link['text'] = '<img src="./images/obj/event.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="" />'
- .'<span class="event">'.$row['event_title'].'</span>';
- $links[$start->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE )][] = $link;
- */
- }
- $tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
- $dayStamp = $this_day->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE );
- $start = $AppUI->getConfig('cal_day_start');
- $end = $AppUI->getConfig('cal_day_end');
- $inc = $AppUI->getConfig('cal_day_increment');
- if ($start === null ) $start = 8;
- if ($end === null ) $end = 17;
- if ($inc === null) $inc = 15;
- $this_day->setTime( $start, 0, 0 );
- $html = '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%" class="tbl">';
- for ($i=0, $n=($end-$start)*60/$inc; $i < $n; $i++) {
- $html .= "\n<tr>";
- $tm = $this_day->format( $tf );
- $html .= "\n\t<td width=\"1%\" align=\"right\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">".($this_day->getMinute() ? $tm : "<b>$tm</b>")."</td>";
- $timeStamp = $this_day->format( "%H%M%S" );
- if( @$events2[$timeStamp] ) {
- $row = $events2[$timeStamp][0];
- $et = new CDate( $row['event_end_date'] );
- $rows = (($et->getHour()*60 + $et->getMinute()) - ($this_day->getHour()*60 + $this_day->getMinute()))/$inc;
- $href = "?m=calendar&a=view&event_id=".$row['event_id'];
- $alt = $row['event_description'];
- $html .= "\n\t<td class=\"event\" rowspan=\"$rows\" valign=\"top\">";
- $html .= "\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr>";
- $html .= "\n<td>" . dPshowImage( dPfindImage( 'event'.$row['event_type'].'.png', 'calendar' ), 16, 16, '' );
- $html .= "</td>\n<td> <b>" . $types[$row['event_type']] . "</b></td></tr></table>";
- $html .= $href ? "\n\t\t<a href=\"$href\" class=\"event\" title=\"$alt\">" : '';
- $html .= "\n\t\t{$row['event_title']}";
- $html .= $href ? "\n\t\t</a>" : '';
- $html .= "\n\t</td>";
- } else {
- $html .= "\n\t<td></td>";
- }
- $html .= "\n</tr>";
- $this_day->addSeconds( 60*$inc );
- }
- $html .= '</table>';
- echo $html;
- ?>