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- <?php /* CALENDAR $Id: links_tasks.php,v 1.5 2003/09/11 02:04:02 gregorerhardt Exp $ */
- /**
- * Sub-function to collect tasks within a period
- *
- * @param Date the starting date of the period
- * @param Date the ending date of the period
- * @param array by-ref an array of links to append new items to
- * @param int the length to truncate entries by
- * @param int the company id to filter by
- * @author Andrew Eddie <eddieajau@users.sourceforge.net>
- */
- function getTaskLinks( $startPeriod, $endPeriod, &$links, $strMaxLen, $company_id=0 ) {
- $tasks = CTask::getTasksForPeriod( $startPeriod, $endPeriod, $company_id );
- //echo "<br>entering add tasks dt=".dPgetMicroDiff();
- $durnTypes = dPgetSysVal( 'TaskDurationType' );
- $link = array();
- $sid = 3600*24;
- // assemble the links for the tasks
- //echo '<br><b>'.$startPeriod->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP );
- //echo ','.$endPeriod->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP ).'</b>';
- foreach ($tasks as $row) {
- // the link
- $link['href'] = "?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=".$row['task_id'];
- $link['alt'] = $row['project_name'].":\n".$row['task_name'];
- // the link text
- if (strlen( $row['task_name'] ) > $strMaxLen) {
- $row['task_name'] = substr( $row['task_name'], 0, $strMaxLen ).'...';
- }
- $link['text'] = '<span style="color:'.bestColor($row['color']).';background-color:#'.$row['color'].'">'.$row['task_name'].'</span>';
- //echo " [".dPgetMicroDiff()."]<sup>1</sup> ";
- // determine which day(s) to display the task
- $start = new CDate( $row['task_start_date'] );
- $end = $row['task_end_date'] ? new CDate( $row['task_end_date'] ) : null;
- $durn = $row['task_duration'];
- $durnType = $row['task_duration_type'];
- //echo '<br>'.$start->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP );
- //echo ','.$end->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP );
- //echo ",$durn,$durnType";
- //echo " ".intval($start->after( $startPeriod ) && $start->before( $endPeriod ));
- //echo intval($end && $end->after( $startPeriod ) && $end->before( $endPeriod )&& $start->before( $end ));
- if (($start->after( $startPeriod ) || $start->equals($startPeriod) ) && ($start->before( $endPeriod ) || $start->equals($endPeriod) ) ) {
- $temp = $link;
- $temp['alt'] = "START [".$row['task_duration'].' '.$AppUI->_( $durnTypes[$row['task_duration_type']] )."]\n".$link['alt'];
- $links[$start->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE )][] = $temp;
- }
- if ($end && $end->after( $startPeriod ) && $end->before( $endPeriod )
- && $start->before( $end )) {
- $temp = $link;
- $temp['alt'] = "FINISH\n".$link['alt'];
- $links[$end->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE )][] = $temp;
- }
- // convert duration to days
- if ($durnType < 24.0 ) {
- if ($durn > $AppUI->cfg['daily_working_hours']) {
- $durn /= $AppUI->cfg['daily_working_hours'];
- } else {
- $durn = 0.0;
- }
- } else {
- $durn *= ($durnType / 24.0);
- }
- //echo " -- durn=$durn";
- // fill in between start and finish based on duration
- if ($durn > 1) {
- // notes:
- // start date is not in a future month, must be this or past month
- // start date is counted as one days work
- // business days are not taken into account
- $target = $start;
- $target->addSeconds( $durn*$sid );
- //echo Date::compare( $target, $startPeriod ) < 0 ? '<font color=red>' : '<font color=green>';
- //echo ','.$target->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE ).'</font>';
- //echo " ,".intval(Date::compare( $start, $startPeriod ));
- if (Date::compare( $target, $startPeriod ) < 0) {
- continue;
- }
- if (Date::compare( $start, $startPeriod ) > 0) {
- $temp = $start;
- $temp->addSeconds( $sid );
- } else {
- $temp = $startPeriod;
- }
- //echo ',temp='.$temp->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE );
- //echo " ,".intval(Date::compare( $endPeriod, $temp ));
- //echo " ,".intval(Date::compare( $target, $temp ));
- //continue;
- while (Date::compare( $endPeriod, $temp ) > 0) {
- if (Date::compare( $target, $temp ) > 0) {
- if ($end == null || $temp->before($end)) {
- $links[$temp->format( FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE )][] = $link;
- }
- }
- $temp->addSeconds( $sid );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ?>