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- <?php /* CALENDAR $Id: calendar.class.php,v 1.12 2003/12/15 19:37:42 gregorerhardt Exp $ */
- ##
- ## Calendar classes
- ##
- require_once( $AppUI->getLibraryClass( 'PEAR/Date' ) );
- require_once( $AppUI->getSystemClass ('dp' ) );
- /**
- * Displays a configuration month calendar
- *
- * All Date objects are based on the PEAR Date package
- */
- class CMonthCalendar {
- /**#@+
- * @var Date
- */
- var $this_month;
- var $prev_month;
- var $next_month;
- var $prev_year;
- var $next_year;
- /**#@-*/
- /** @var string The css style name of the Title */
- var $styleTitle;
- /** @var string The css style name of the main calendar */
- var $styleMain;
- /** @var string The name of the javascript function that a 'day' link should call when clicked */
- var $callback;
- /** @var boolean Show the heading */
- var $showHeader;
- /** @var boolean Show the previous/next month arrows */
- var $showArrows;
- /** @var boolean Show the day name column headings */
- var $showDays;
- /** @var boolean Show the week link (no pun intended) in the first column */
- var $showWeek;
- /** @var boolean Show the month name as link */
- var $clickMonth;
- /** @var boolean Show events in the calendar boxes */
- var $showEvents;
- /** @var string */
- var $dayFunc;
- /** @var string */
- var $weekFunc;
- /**
- * @param Date $date
- */
- function CMonthCalendar( $date=null ) {
- $this->setDate( $date );
- $this->classes = array();
- $this->callback = '';
- $this->showTitle = true;
- $this->showArrows = true;
- $this->showDays = true;
- $this->showWeek = true;
- $this->showEvents = true;
- $this->styleTitle = '';
- $this->styleMain = '';
- $this->dayFunc = '';
- $this->weekFunc = '';
- $this->events = array();
- }
- // setting functions
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::setDate()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- * @param [type] $date
- */
- function setDate( $date=null ) {
- $this->this_month = new CDate( $date );
- $d = $this->this_month->getDay();
- $m = $this->this_month->getMonth();
- $y = $this->this_month->getYear();
- //$date = Date_Calc::beginOfPrevMonth( $d, $m, $y-1, FORMAT_ISO );
- $this->prev_year = new CDate( $date );
- $this->prev_year->setYear( $this->prev_year->getYear()-1 );
- $this->next_year = new CDate( $date );
- $this->next_year->setYear( $this->next_year->getYear()+1 );
- $date = Date_Calc::beginOfPrevMonth( $d, $m, $y, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE );
- $this->prev_month = new CDate( $date );
- $date = Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth( $d, $m, $y, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE );
- $this->next_month = new CDate( $date );
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::setStyles()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function setStyles( $title, $main ) {
- $this->styleTitle = $title;
- $this->styleMain = $main;
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::setLinkFunctions()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- * @param string $day
- * @param string $week
- */
- function setLinkFunctions( $day='', $week='' ) {
- $this->dayFunc = $day;
- $this->weekFunc = $week;
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::setCallback()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function setCallback( $function ) {
- $this->callback = $function;
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::setEvents()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function setEvents( $e ) {
- $this->events = $e;
- }
- // drawing functions
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::show()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function show() {
- $s = '';
- if ($this->showTitle) {
- $s .= $this->_drawTitle();
- }
- $s .= "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"100%\" class=\"" . $this->styleMain . "\">\n";
- if ($this->showDays) {
- $s .= $this->_drawDays();
- }
- $s .= $this->_drawMain();
- $s .= "</table>\n";
- return $s;
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::_drawTitle()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function _drawTitle() {
- global $AppUI, $m, $a;
- $url = "index.php?m=$m";
- $url .= $a ? "&a=$a" : '';
- $url .= isset( $_GET['dialog']) ? "&dialog=1" : '';
- $s = "\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"100%\" class=\"$this->styleTitle\">";
- $s .= "\n\t<tr>";
- if ($this->showArrows) {
- $href = $url.'&date='.$this->prev_month->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE).($this->callback ? '&callback='.$this->callback : '');
- $s .= "\n\t\t<td align=\"left\">";
- $s .= '<a href="'.$href.'"><img src="./images/prev.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="'.$AppUI->_('previous month').'" border="0" /></a>';
- $s .= "</td>";
- }
- $s .= "\n\t<th width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">";
- if ($this->clickMonth) {
- $href = $url.'&date='.$this->this_month->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE).($this->callback ? '&callback='.$this->callback : '');
- $s .= '<a href="'.$href.'">';
- }
- $s .= $this->this_month->format( "%B %Y" );
- $s .= "</th>";
- if ($this->showArrows) {
- $href = $url.'&date='.$this->next_month->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE).($this->callback ? '&callback='.$this->callback : '');
- $s .= "\n\t\t<td align=\"right\">";
- $s .= '<a href="'.$href.'"><img src="./images/next.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="'.$AppUI->_('next month').'" border="0" /></a>';
- $s .= "</td>";
- }
- $s .= "\n\t</tr>";
- $s .= "\n</table>";
- return $s;
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::_drawDays()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- * @return string Returns table a row with the day names
- */
- function _drawDays() {
- $bow = Date_Calc::beginOfWeek( null,null,null,null,LOCALE_FIRST_DAY );
- $y = substr( $bow, 0, 4 );
- $m = substr( $bow, 4, 2 );
- $d = substr( $bow, 6, 2 );
- $wk = Date_Calc::getCalendarWeek( $d, $m, $y, "%a", LOCALE_FIRST_DAY );
- $s = $this->showWeek ? "\n\t\t<th> </th>" : "";
- foreach( $wk as $day ) {
- $s .= "\n\t\t<th width=\"14%\">$day</th>";
- }
- return "\n<tr>$s\n</tr>";
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::_drawMain()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function _drawMain() {
- $today = new CDate();
- $today = $today->format( "%Y%m%d%w" );
- $date = $this->this_month;
- $this_day = $date->getDay();
- $this_month = $date->getMonth();
- $this_year = $date->getYear();
- $cal = Date_Calc::getCalendarMonth( $this_month, $this_year, "%Y%m%d%w", LOCALE_FIRST_DAY );
- $df = $AppUI->getPref( 'SHDATEFORMAT' );
- $html = '';
- foreach ($cal as $week) {
- $html .= "\n<tr>";
- if ($this->showWeek) {
- $html .= "\n\t<td class=\"week\">";
- $html .= $this->dayFunc ? "<a href=\"javascript:$this->weekFunc('$week[0]')\">" : '';
- $html .= '<img src="./images/view.week.gif" width="16" height="15" border="0" alt="Week View" /></a>';
- $html .= $this->dayFunc ? "</a>" : '';
- $html .= "\n\t</td>";
- }
- foreach ($week as $day) {
- $this_day = new CDate( $day );
- $y = intval( substr( $day, 0, 4 ) );
- $m = intval( substr( $day, 4, 2 ) );
- $d = intval( substr( $day, 6, 2 ) );
- $dow = intval( substr( $day, 8, 1 ) );
- if ($m != $this_month) {
- $class = 'empty';
- } else if ($day == $today) {
- $class = 'today';
- } else if ($dow == 0 || $dow == 6) {
- $class = 'weekend';
- } else {
- $class = 'day';
- }
- $day = substr( $day, 0, 8 );
- $html .= "\n\t<td class=\"$class\">";
- if ($this->dayFunc) {
- $html .= "<a href=\"javascript:$this->dayFunc('$day','".$this_day->format( $df )."')\" class=\"$class\">";
- $html .= "$d";
- $html .= "</a>";
- } else {
- $html .= "$d";
- }
- if ($m == $this_month && $this->showEvents) {
- $html .= $this->_drawEvents( substr( $day, 0, 8 ) );
- }
- $html .= "\n\t</td>";
- }
- $html .= "\n</tr>";
- }
- return $html;
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::_drawWeek()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function _drawWeek( $dateObj ) {
- $href = "javascript:$this->weekFunc(".$dateObj->getTimestamp().",'".$dateObj->toString()."')";
- $w = " <td class=\"week\">";
- $w .= $this->dayFunc ? "<a href=\"$href\">" : '';
- $w .= '<img src="./images/view.week.gif" width="16" height="15" border="0" alt="Week View" /></a>';
- $w .= $this->dayFunc ? "</a>" : '';
- $w .= "</td>\n";
- return $w;
- }
- /**
- * CMonthCalendar::_drawEvents()
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- function _drawEvents( $day ) {
- $s = '';
- if (!isset( $this->events[$day] )) {
- return '';
- }
- $events = $this->events[$day];
- foreach ($events as $e) {
- $href = isset($e['href']) ? $e['href'] : null;
- $alt = isset($e['alt']) ? $e['alt'] : null;
- $s .= "<br />\n";
- $s .= $href ? "<a href=\"$href\" class=\"event\" title=\"$alt\">" : '';
- $s .= "{$e['text']}";
- $s .= $href ? '</a>' : '';
- }
- return $s;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Event Class
- *
- * { Description }
- *
- */
- class CEvent extends CDpObject {
- /** @var int */
- var $event_id = NULL;
- /** @var string The title of the event */
- var $event_title = NULL;
- var $event_start_date = NULL;
- var $event_end_date = NULL;
- var $event_parent = NULL;
- var $event_description = NULL;
- var $event_times_recuring = NULL;
- var $event_recurs = NULL;
- var $event_remind = NULL;
- var $event_icon = NULL;
- var $event_owner = NULL;
- var $event_project = NULL;
- var $event_private = NULL;
- var $event_type = NULL;
- function CEvent() {
- $this->CDpObject( 'events', 'event_id' );
- }
- // overload check operation
- function check() {
- // ensure changes to check boxes and select lists are honoured
- $this->event_private = intval( $this->event_private );
- $this->event_type = intval( $this->event_type );
- return NULL;
- }
- /**
- * Calculating if an recurrent date is in the given period
- * @param Date Start date of the period
- * @param Date End date of the period
- * @param Date Start date of the Date Object
- * @param Date End date of the Date Object
- * @param integer Type of Recurrence
- * @param integer Times of Recurrence
- * @param integer Time of Recurrence
- * @return array Calculated Start and End Dates for the recurrent Event for the given Period
- */
- function getRecurrentEventforPeriod( $start_date, $end_date, $event_start_date, $event_end_date, $event_recurs, $event_times_recuring, $j ) {
- //this array will be returned
- $transferredEvent = array();
- //create Date Objects for Event Start and Event End
- $eventStart = new CDate( $event_start_date );
- $eventEnd = new CDate( $event_end_date );
- //Time of Recurence = 0 (first occurence of event) has to be checked, too.
- if ($j>0) {
- switch ($event_recurs) {
- case 1:
- $eventStart->addSpan(new Date_Span(3600));
- $eventEnd->addSpan(new Date_Span(3600));
- break;
- case 2:
- $eventStart->addDays( 1 );
- $eventEnd->addDays( 1 );
- break;
- case 3:
- $eventStart->addDays( 7 );
- $eventEnd->addDays( 7 );
- break;
- case 4:
- $eventStart->addDays( 14 );
- $eventEnd->addDays( 14 );
- break;
- case 5:
- $eventStart->addMonths( 1 );
- $eventEnd->addMonths( 1 );
- break;
- case 6:
- $eventStart->addMonths( 3 );
- $eventEnd->addMonths( 3 );
- break;
- case 7:
- $eventStart->addMonths( 6 );
- $eventEnd->addMonths( 6);
- break;
- case 8:
- $eventStart->addMonths( 12 );
- $eventEnd->addMonths( 12 );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // add temporarily moved Event Start and End dates to returnArray
- $transferredEvent = array($eventStart, $eventEnd);
- // return array with event start and end dates for given period (positive case)
- // or an empty array (negative case)
- return $transferredEvent;
- }
- /**
- * Utility function to return an array of events with a period
- * @param Date Start date of the period
- * @param Date End date of the period
- * @return array A list of events
- */
- function getEventsForPeriod( $start_date, $end_date ) {
- global $AppUI;
- // the event times are stored as unix time stamps, just to be different
- // convert to default db time stamp
- $db_start = $start_date->format( FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL );
- $db_end = $end_date->format( FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL );
- // Filter events not allowed
- $where = '';
- $join = winnow('projects', 'event_project', $where);
- // assemble query for non-recursive events
- $sql = "
- FROM events
- $join
- event_start_date <= '$db_end' AND event_end_date >= '$db_start'
- OR event_start_date BETWEEN '$db_start' AND '$db_end'
- )
- AND ( event_private=0
- OR (event_private=1 AND event_owner=$AppUI->user_id)
- )
- AND ($where)
- AND ( event_recurs <= 0 )
- ";
- //echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";
- // execute
- $eventList = db_loadList( $sql );
- // assemble query for recursive events
- $sql = "
- FROM events
- $join
- WHERE ( event_private=0 OR (event_private=1 AND event_owner=$AppUI->user_id) )
- AND ( event_recurs > 0)
- AND ($where)
- ";
- //echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";
- // execute
- $eventListRec = db_loadList( $sql );
- //Calculate the Length of Period (Daily, Weekly, Monthly View)
- $periodLength = Date_Calc::dateDiff($start_date->getDay(),$start_date->getMonth(),$start_date->getYear(),$end_date->getDay(),$end_date->getMonth(),$end_date->getYear());
- for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($eventListRec)+1; $i++) {
- for ($j=0; $j < intval($eventListRec[$i]['event_times_recuring']); $j++) {
- //Daily View
- //show all
- if ($periodLength == 1){
- $recEventDate = CEvent::getRecurrentEventforPeriod( $start_date, $end_date, $eventListRec[$i]['event_start_date'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_end_date'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_recurs'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_times_recuring'], $j );
- }
- //Weekly or Monthly View and Hourly Recurrent Events
- //only show hourly recurrent event one time and add string 'hourly'
- elseif ($periodLength > 1 && $eventListRec[$i]['event_recurs'] == 1 && $j==0) {
- $recEventDate = CEvent::getRecurrentEventforPeriod( $start_date, $end_date, $eventListRec[$i]['event_start_date'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_end_date'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_recurs'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_times_recuring'], $j );
- $eventListRec[$i]['event_title'] = $eventListRec[$i]['event_title']." (".$AppUI->_('Hourly').")";
- }
- //Weekly and Monthly View and higher recurrence mode
- //show all events of recurrence > 1
- elseif ($periodLength > 1 && $eventListRec[$i]['event_recurs'] > 1) {
- $recEventDate = CEvent::getRecurrentEventforPeriod( $start_date, $end_date, $eventListRec[$i]['event_start_date'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_end_date'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_recurs'], $eventListRec[$i]['event_times_recuring'], $j );
- }
- //add values to the eventsArray if check for recurrent event was positive
- if ( sizeof($recEventDate) > 0 ) {
- $eventListRec[$i]['event_start_date'] = $recEventDate[0]->format( FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL );
- $eventListRec[$i]['event_end_date'] = $recEventDate[1]->format( FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL );
- $eList[0] = $eventListRec[$i];
- $eventList = array_merge($eventList,$eList);
- }
- // clear array of positive recurrent events for the case that next loop recEventDate is empty in order to avoid double display
- $recEventDate = array();
- }
- }
- //return a list of non-recurrent and recurrent events
- return $eventList;
- }
- }
- ?>