// For log scale it's meaningless to speak about a major step
// We just return -1 to make the framework happy (specifically
// StrokeLabels() )
function GetMajor() {
return -1;
function SetTextLabelStart($aStart) {
JpGraphError::Raise('Specifying tick interval for a logarithmic scale is undefined. Remove any calls to SetTextLabelStart() or SetTextTickInterval() on the logarithmic scale.');
function SetXLabelOffset($dummy) {
// For log scales we dont care about XLabel offset
// Draw ticks on image "img" using scale "scale". The axis absolute
// position in the image is specified in pos, i.e. for an x-axis
// it specifies the absolute y-coord and for Y-ticks it specified the
// absolute x-position.
function Stroke(&$img,&$scale,$pos) {
$start = $scale->GetMinVal();
$limit = $scale->GetMaxVal();
$nextMajor = 10*$start;
$step = $nextMajor / 10.0;
if( $scale->type == "y" ) {
// member direction specified if the ticks should be on