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- <?php
- /*=======================================================================
- // Description: JpGraph Gantt plot extension
- // Created: 2001-11-12
- // Author: Johan Persson (johanp@aditus.nu)
- // Ver: $Id: jpgraph_gantt.php,v 1.2 2002/12/12 22:47:14 kripper Exp $
- //
- // License: This code is released under QPL
- // Copyright (c) 2002 Johan Persson
- //========================================================================
- */
- // Scale Header types
- // Bar patterns
- DEFINE("GANTT_RDIAG",BAND_RDIAG); // Right diagonal lines
- DEFINE("GANTT_LDIAG",BAND_LDIAG); // Left diagonal lines
- DEFINE("GANTT_SOLID",BAND_SOLID); // Solid one color
- DEFINE("GANTT_VLINE",BAND_VLINE); // Vertical lines
- DEFINE("GANTT_HLINE",BAND_HLINE); // Horizontal lines
- DEFINE("GANTT_HVCROSS",BAND_HVCROSS); // Vertical/Hor crosses
- // Conversion constant
- DEFINE("SECPERDAY",3600*24);
- // You should use the proper locale strings directly
- // from now on.
- // Layout of bars
- // Styles for week header
- // Styles for month header
- // Types of constrain links
- // Types of constrain paths styles
- // Arrow direction for constrain links
- // Arrow type for constrain type
- // Arrow size for constrain lines
- //===================================================
- // CLASS GanttGraph
- // Description: Main class to handle gantt graphs
- //===================================================
- class GanttGraph extends Graph {
- var $scale; // Public accessible
- var $iObj=array(); // Gantt objects
- var $iLabelHMarginFactor=0.2; // 10% margin on each side of the labels
- var $iLabelVMarginFactor=0.4; // 40% margin on top and bottom of label
- var $iLayout=GANTT_FROMTOP; // Could also be GANTT_EVEN
- //---------------
- // Create a new gantt graph
- function GanttGraph($aWidth=0,$aHeight=0,$aCachedName="",$aTimeOut=0,$aInline=true) {
- Graph::Graph($aWidth,$aHeight,$aCachedName,$aTimeOut,$aInline);
- $this->scale = new GanttScale($this->img);
- if( $aWidth > 0 )
- $this->img->SetMargin($aWidth/17,$aWidth/17,$aHeight/7,$aHeight/10);
- $this->scale->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HWEEK|GANTT_HDAY);
- $this->SetBox();
- }
- //---------------
- // Set what headers should be shown
- function ShowHeaders($aFlg) {
- $this->scale->ShowHeaders($aFlg);
- }
- // Specify the fraction of the font height that should be added
- // as vertical margin
- function SetLabelVMarginFactor($aVal) {
- $this->iLabelVMarginFactor = $aVal;
- }
- // Add a new Gantt object
- function Add(&$aObject) {
- if( is_array($aObject) ) {
- for($i=0; $i<count($aObject); ++$i)
- $this->iObj[] = $aObject[$i];
- }
- else
- $this->iObj[] = $aObject;
- }
- // Override inherit method from Graph and give a warning message
- function SetScale() {
- JpGraphError::Raise("SetScale() is not meaningfull with Gantt charts.");
- // Empty
- }
- // Specify the date range for Gantt graphs (if this is not set it will be
- // automtically determined from the input data)
- function SetDateRange($aStart,$aEnd) {
- $this->scale->SetRange($aStart,$aEnd);
- }
- // Get the maximum width of the titles for the bars
- function GetMaxLabelWidth() {
- $m=0;
- if( $this->iObj != null ) {
- $m = $this->iObj[0]->title->GetWidth($this->img);
- for($i=1; $i<count($this->iObj); ++$i) {
- if( $this->iObj[$i]->title->HasTabs() ) {
- list($tot,$w) = $this->iObj[$i]->title->GetWidth($this->img,true);
- $m=max($m,$tot);
- }
- else
- $m=max($m,$this->iObj[$i]->title->GetWidth($this->img));
- }
- }
- return $m;
- }
- // Get the maximum height of the titles for the bars
- function GetMaxLabelHeight() {
- $m=0;
- if( $this->iObj != null ) {
- $m = $this->iObj[0]->title->GetHeight($this->img);
- for($i=1; $i<count($this->iObj); ++$i) {
- $m=max($m,$this->iObj[$i]->title->GetHeight($this->img));
- }
- }
- return $m;
- }
- function GetMaxBarAbsHeight() {
- $m=0;
- if( $this->iObj != null ) {
- $m = $this->iObj[0]->GetAbsHeight($this->img);
- for($i=1; $i<count($this->iObj); ++$i) {
- $m=max($m,$this->iObj[$i]->GetAbsHeight($this->img));
- }
- }
- return $m;
- }
- // Get the maximum used line number (vertical position) for bars
- function GetBarMaxLineNumber() {
- $m=0;
- if( $this->iObj != null ) {
- $m = $this->iObj[0]->GetLineNbr();
- for($i=1; $i<count($this->iObj); ++$i) {
- $m=max($m,$this->iObj[$i]->GetLineNbr());
- }
- }
- return $m;
- }
- // Get the minumum and maximum used dates for all bars
- function GetBarMinMax() {
- $max=$this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[0]->GetMaxDate());
- $min=$this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[0]->GetMinDate());
- for($i=1; $i<count($this->iObj); ++$i) {
- $max=Max($max,$this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$i]->GetMaxDate()));
- $min=Min($min,$this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$i]->GetMinDate()));
- }
- $minDate = date("Y-m-d",$min);
- $min = strtotime($minDate);
- $maxDate = date("Y-m-d",$max);
- $max = strtotime($maxDate);
- return array($min,$max);
- }
- // Stroke the gantt chart
- function Stroke($aStrokeFileName="") {
- // Should we autoscale dates?
- if( !$this->scale->IsRangeSet() ) {
- list($min,$max) = $this->GetBarMinMax();
- $this->scale->SetRange($min,$max);
- }
- $this->scale->AdjustStartEndDay();
- if( $this->img->img == null ) {
- // The predefined left, right, top, bottom margins.
- // Note that the top margin might incease depending on
- // the title.
- $lm=30;$rm=30;$tm=20;$bm=30;
- if( BRAND_TIMING ) $bm += 10;
- // First find out the height
- $n=$this->GetBarMaxLineNumber()+1;
- $m=max($this->GetMaxLabelHeight(),$this->GetMaxBarAbsHeight());
- $height=$n*((1+$this->iLabelVMarginFactor)*$m);
- // Add the height of the scale titles
- $h=$this->scale->GetHeaderHeight();
- $height += $h;
- // Calculate the top margin needed for title and subtitle
- if( $this->title->t != "" ) {
- $tm += $this->title->GetFontHeight($this->img);
- }
- if( $this->subtitle->t != "" ) {
- $tm += $this->subtitle->GetFontHeight($this->img);
- }
- // ...and then take the bottom and top plot margins into account
- $height += $tm + $bm + $this->scale->iTopPlotMargin + $this->scale->iBottomPlotMargin;
- // Now find the minimum width for the chart required
- $fw=$this->scale->day->GetFontWidth($this->img)+4;
- $nd=$this->scale->GetNumberOfDays();
- if( !$this->scale->IsDisplayDay() ) {
- // If we don't display the individual days we can shrink the
- // scale a little bit. This is a little bit pragmatic at the
- // moment and should be re-written to take into account
- // a) What scales exactly are shown and
- // b) what format do they use so we know how wide we need to
- // make each scale text space at minimum.
- $fw /= 2;
- if( !$this->scale->IsDisplayWeek() ) {
- $fw /= 1.8;
- }
- }
- // Has the user specified a width or do we need to
- // determine it?
- if( $this->img->width <= 0 ) {
- // Now determine the width for the activity titles column
- // This is complicated by the fact that the titles may have
- // tabs. In that case we also need to calculate the individual
- // tab positions based on the width of the individual columns
- $titlewidth = $this->GetMaxLabelWidth();
- // Now get the total width taking
- // titlewidth, left and rigt margin, dayfont size
- // into account
- $width = $titlewidth + $nd*$fw + $lm+$rm;
- }
- else
- $width = $this->img->width;
- $this->img->CreateImgCanvas($width,$height);
- $this->img->SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm);
- }
- // Should we start from the top or just spread the bars out even over the
- // available height
- $this->scale->SetVertLayout($this->iLayout);
- if( $this->iLayout == GANTT_FROMTOP ) {
- $maxheight=max($this->GetMaxLabelHeight(),$this->GetMaxBarAbsHeight());
- $this->scale->SetVertSpacing($maxheight*(1+$this->iLabelVMarginFactor));
- }
- // If it hasn't been set find out the maximum line number
- if( $this->scale->iVertLines == -1 )
- $this->scale->iVertLines = $this->GetBarMaxLineNumber()+1;
- $maxwidth=max($this->GetMaxLabelWidth(),$this->scale->tableTitle->GetWidth($this->img));
- $this->scale->SetLabelWidth($maxwidth*(1+$this->iLabelHMarginFactor));
- $this->StrokePlotArea();
- $this->scale->Stroke();
- $this->StrokePlotBox();
- $n = count($this->iObj);
- for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
- $this->iObj[$i]->SetLabelLeftMargin(round($maxwidth*$this->iLabelHMarginFactor/2));
- $this->iObj[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->scale);
- }
- $this->StrokeConstrains();
- $this->StrokeTitles();
- $this->cache->PutAndStream($this->img,$this->cache_name,$this->inline,$aStrokeFileName);
- }
- function StrokeConstrains() {
- $n = count($this->iObj);
- // Stroke all constrains
- for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
- $carr = $this->iObj[$i]->iConstrainsArray;
- foreach($carr as $constrain) {
- $vpos = $constrain->iConstrainRow;
- if( $vpos > 0 ) {
- $c1 = $this->iObj[$i]->iConstrainPos;
- // Find out which object is on the target row
- $targetobj = -1;
- for( $j=0; $j < $n && $targetobj == -1; ++$j ) {
- if( $this->iObj[$j]->iVPos == $vpos ) {
- $targetobj = $j;
- }
- }
- if( $targetobj == -1 ) {
- JpGraphError::Raise('You have specifed a constrain from row='.
- $this->iObj[$i]->iVPos.
- ' to row='.$vpos.' which does not have any activity.');
- exit();
- }
- $c2 = $this->iObj[$targetobj]->iConstrainPos;
- if( count($c1) == 4 && count($c2 ) == 4) {
- switch( $constrain->iConstrainType ) {
- $y = ($c1[1] + $c1[3]) / 2;
- if( $c1[1] < $c2[1] ) {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[2], $y ,$c2[0],$c2[1]);
- }
- else {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[2], $y, $c2[0],$c2[3]);
- }
- $link->SetPath(PATH_RECTANGULAR);
- break;
- if( $c1[1] < $c2[1] ) {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[0],$c1[3],$c2[2],$c2[1]);
- }
- else {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[0],$c1[1],$c2[2],$c2[3]);
- }
- $link->SetPath(0);
- break;
- if( $c1[1] < $c2[1] ) {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[2],$c1[3],$c2[2],$c2[1]);
- }
- else {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[2],$c1[1],$c2[2],$c2[3]);
- }
- $link->SetPath(1);
- break;
- if( $c1[1] < $c2[1] ) {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[0],$c1[3],$c2[0],$c2[1]);
- }
- else {
- $link = new GanttLink($c1[0],$c1[1],$c2[0],$c2[3]);
- }
- $link->SetPath(0);
- break;
- default:
- JpGraphError::Raise('Unknown constrain type specified from row='.
- $this->iObj[$i]->iVPos.
- ' to row='.$vpos);
- break;
- }
- $link->SetColor($constrain->iConstrainColor);
- $link->SetArrow($constrain->iConstrainArrowSize,
- $constrain->iConstrainArrowType);
- $link->Stroke($this->img);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function GetCSIMAreas() {
- if( !$this->iHasStroked )
- $this->Stroke(_CSIM_SPECIALFILE);
- $csim='';
- $n = count($this->iObj);
- for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i )
- $csim .= $this->iObj[$i]->GetCSIMArea();
- return $csim;
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS TextProperty
- // Description: Holds properties for a text
- //===================================================
- class TextProperty {
- var $iFFamily=FF_FONT1,$iFStyle=FS_NORMAL,$iFSize=10;
- var $iColor="black";
- var $iShow=true;
- var $iText="";
- var $iHAlign="left",$iVAlign="bottom";
- var $csimtarget='',$csimalt='';
- //---------------
- function TextProperty($aTxt="") {
- $this->iText = $aTxt;
- }
- //---------------
- function Set($aTxt) {
- $this->iText = $aTxt;
- }
- function SetCSIMTarget($aTarget) {
- $this->csimtarget=$aTarget;
- }
- function SetCSIMAlt($aAlt) {
- $this->csimalt=$aAlt;
- }
- // Set text color
- function SetColor($aColor) {
- $this->iColor = $aColor;
- }
- function HasTabs() {
- return substr_count($this->iText,"\t") > 0;
- }
- // Get number of tabs in string
- function GetNbrTabs() {
- substr_count($this->iText,"\t");
- }
- // Set alignment
- function Align($aHAlign,$aVAlign="bottom") {
- $this->iHAlign=$aHAlign;
- $this->iVAlign=$aVAlign;
- }
- // Specify font
- function SetFont($aFFamily,$aFStyle=FS_NORMAL,$aFSize=10) {
- $this->iFFamily = $aFFamily;
- $this->iFStyle = $aFStyle;
- $this->iFSize = $aFSize;
- }
- // Get width of text. If text contains several columns separated by
- // tabs then return both the total width as well as an array with a
- // width for each column.
- function GetWidth($aImg,$aUseTabs=false,$aTabExtraMargin=1.1) {
- if( strlen($this->iText)== 0 ) return;
- $tmp = split("\t",$this->iText);
- $aImg->SetFont($this->iFFamily,$this->iFStyle,$this->iFSize);
- if( count($tmp) <= 1 || !$aUseTabs ) {
- return $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->iText);
- }
- else {
- $tot=0;
- for($i=0; $i<count($tmp); ++$i) {
- $res[$i] = $aImg->GetTextWidth($tmp[$i]);
- $tot += $res[$i]*$aTabExtraMargin;
- }
- return array($tot,$res);
- }
- }
- // Get total height of text
- function GetHeight($aImg) {
- $aImg->SetFont($this->iFFamily,$this->iFStyle,$this->iFSize);
- return $aImg->GetFontHeight();
- }
- // Unhide/hide the text
- function Show($aShow) {
- $this->iShow=$aShow;
- }
- // Stroke text at (x,y) coordinates. If the text contains tabs then the
- // x parameter should be an array of positions to be used for each successive
- // tab mark. If no array is supplied then the tabs will be ignored.
- function Stroke($aImg,$aX,$aY) {
- if( $this->iShow ) {
- $aImg->SetColor($this->iColor);
- $aImg->SetFont($this->iFFamily,$this->iFStyle,$this->iFSize);
- $aImg->SetTextAlign($this->iHAlign,$this->iVAlign);
- if( $this->GetNbrTabs() <= 1 || !is_array($aX) ) {
- // Get rid of any "\t" characters and stroke string
- $aImg->StrokeText($aX,$aY,str_replace("\t"," ",$this->iText));
- }
- else {
- $tmp = split("\t",$this->iText);
- $n = min(count($tmp),count($aX));
- for($i=0; $i<$n; ++$i) {
- $aImg->StrokeText($aX[$i],$aY,$tmp[$i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS HeaderProperty
- // Description: Data encapsulating class to hold property
- // for each type of the scale headers
- //===================================================
- class HeaderProperty {
- var $iTitleVertMargin=3,$iFFamily=FF_FONT0,$iFStyle=FS_NORMAL,$iFSize=8;
- var $iFrameColor="black",$iFrameWeight=1;
- var $iShowLabels=true,$iShowGrid=true;
- var $iBackgroundColor="white";
- var $iWeekendBackgroundColor="lightgray",$iSundayTextColor="red"; // these are only used with day scale
- var $iTextColor="black";
- var $iLabelFormStr="%d";
- var $grid,$iStyle=0;
- //---------------
- function HeaderProperty() {
- $this->grid = new LineProperty();
- }
- //---------------
- function Show($aShow) {
- $this->iShowLabels = $aShow;
- }
- function SetFont($aFFamily,$aFStyle=FS_NORMAL,$aFSize=10) {
- $this->iFFamily = $aFFamily;
- $this->iFStyle = $aFStyle;
- $this->iFSize = $aFSize;
- }
- function SetFontColor($aColor) {
- $this->iTextColor = $aColor;
- }
- function GetFontHeight($aImg) {
- $aImg->SetFont($this->iFFamily,$this->iFStyle,$this->iFSize);
- return $aImg->GetFontHeight();
- }
- function GetFontWidth($aImg) {
- $aImg->SetFont($this->iFFamily,$this->iFStyle,$this->iFSize);
- return $aImg->GetFontWidth();
- }
- function SetStyle($aStyle) {
- $this->iStyle = $aStyle;
- }
- function SetBackgroundColor($aColor) {
- $this->iBackgroundColor=$aColor;
- }
- function SetFrameWeight($aWeight) {
- $this->iFrameWeight=$aWeight;
- }
- function SetFrameColor($aColor) {
- $this->iFrameColor=$aColor;
- }
- // Only used by day scale
- function SetWeekendColor($aColor) {
- $this->iWeekendBackgroundColor=$aColor;
- }
- // Only used by day scale
- function SetSundayFontColor($aColor) {
- $this->iSundayTextColor=$aColor;
- }
- function SetTitleVertMargin($aMargin) {
- $this->iTitleVertMargin=$aMargin;
- }
- function SetLabelFormatString($aStr) {
- $this->iLabelFormStr=$aStr;
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS GanttScale
- // Description: Responsible for calculating and showing
- // the scale in a gantt chart. This includes providing methods for
- // converting dates to position in the chart as well as stroking the
- // date headers (days, week, etc).
- //===================================================
- class GanttScale {
- var $day,$week,$month,$year;
- var $divider,$dividerh,$tableTitle;
- var $iStartDate=-1,$iEndDate=-1;
- // Number of gantt bar position (n.b not necessariliy the same as the number of bars)
- // we could have on bar in position 1, and one bar in position 5 then there are two
- // bars but the number of bar positions is 5
- var $iVertLines=-1;
- // The width of the labels (defaults to the widest of all labels)
- var $iLabelWidth;
- // Out image to stroke the scale to
- var $iImg;
- var $iTableHeaderBackgroundColor="white",$iTableHeaderFrameColor="black";
- var $iTableHeaderFrameWeight=1;
- var $iAvailableHeight=-1,$iVertSpacing=-1,$iVertHeaderSize=-1;
- var $iDateLocale;
- var $iVertLayout=GANTT_EVEN;
- var $iTopPlotMargin=10,$iBottomPlotMargin=15;
- var $iUsePlotWeekendBackground=true;
- var $iWeekStart = 1; // Default to have weekends start on Monday
- //---------------
- function GanttScale(&$aImg) {
- $this->iImg = &$aImg;
- $this->iDateLocale = new DateLocale();
- $this->day = new HeaderProperty();
- $this->day->grid->SetColor("gray");
- $this->week = new HeaderProperty();
- $this->week->SetLabelFormatString("w%d");
- $this->week->SetFont(FF_FONT1);
- $this->month = new HeaderProperty();
- $this->month->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD);
- $this->year = new HeaderProperty();
- $this->year->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD);
- $this->divider=new LineProperty();
- $this->dividerh=new LineProperty();
- $this->tableTitle=new TextProperty();
- }
- //---------------
- // Specify what headers should be visible
- function ShowHeaders($aFlg) {
- $this->day->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HDAY);
- $this->week->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HWEEK);
- $this->month->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HMONTH);
- $this->year->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HYEAR);
- // Make some default settings of gridlines whihc makes sense
- if( $aFlg & GANTT_HWEEK ) {
- $this->month->grid->Show(false);
- $this->year->grid->Show(false);
- }
- }
- // Should the weekend background stretch all the way down in the plotarea
- function UseWeekendBackground($aShow) {
- $this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground = $aShow;
- }
- // Have a range been specified?
- function IsRangeSet() {
- return $this->iStartDate!=-1 && $this->iEndDate!=-1;
- }
- // Should the layout be from top or even?
- function SetVertLayout($aLayout) {
- $this->iVertLayout = $aLayout;
- }
- // Which locale should be used?
- function SetDateLocale($aLocale) {
- $this->iDateLocale->Set($aLocale);
- }
- // Number of days we are showing
- function GetNumberOfDays() {
- return round(($this->iEndDate-$this->iStartDate)/SECPERDAY)+1;
- }
- // The width of the actual plot area
- function GetPlotWidth() {
- $img=$this->iImg;
- return $img->width - $img->left_margin - $img->right_margin;
- }
- // Specify the width of the titles(labels) for the activities
- // (This is by default set to the minimum width enought for the
- // widest title)
- function SetLabelWidth($aLabelWidth) {
- $this->iLabelWidth=$aLabelWidth;
- }
- // Which day should the week start?
- // 0==Sun, 1==Monday, 2==Tuesday etc
- function SetWeekStart($aStartDay) {
- $this->iWeekStart = $aStartDay % 7;
- //Recalculate the startday since this will change the week start
- $this->SetRange($this->iStartDate,$this->iEndDate);
- }
- // Do we show day scale?
- function IsDisplayDay() {
- return $this->day->iShowLabels;
- }
- // Do we show week scale?
- function IsDisplayWeek() {
- return $this->week->iShowLabels;
- }
- // Do we show month scale?
- function IsDisplayMonth() {
- return $this->month->iShowLabels;
- }
- // Do we show year scale?
- function IsDisplayYear() {
- return $this->year->iShowLabels;
- }
- // Specify spacing (in percent of bar height) between activity bars
- function SetVertSpacing($aSpacing) {
- $this->iVertSpacing = $aSpacing;
- }
- // Specify scale min and max date either as timestamp or as date strings
- // Always round to the nearest week boundary
- function SetRange($aMin,$aMax) {
- $this->iStartDate = $this->NormalizeDate($aMin);
- $this->iEndDate = $this->NormalizeDate($aMax);
- }
- // Adjust the start and end date so they fit to beginning/ending
- // of the week taking the specified week start day into account.
- function AdjustStartEndDay() {
- // Get day in week for start and ending date (Sun==0)
- $ds=strftime("%w",$this->iStartDate);
- $de=strftime("%w",$this->iEndDate);
- // We want to start on iWeekStart day. But first we subtract a week
- // if the startdate is "behind" the day the week start at.
- // This way we ensure that the given start date is always included
- // in the range. If we don't do this the nearest correct weekday in the week
- // to start at might be later than the start date.
- if( $ds < $this->iWeekStart )
- $d = strtotime('-7 day',$this->iStartDate);
- else
- $d = $this->iStartDate;
- $adjdate = strtotime(($this->iWeekStart-$ds).' day',$d /*$this->iStartDate*/ );
- $this->iStartDate = $adjdate;
- // We want to end on the last day of the week
- $preferredEndDay = ($this->iWeekStart+6)%7;
- if( $preferredEndDay != $de ) {
- // Solve equivalence eq: $de + x ~ $preferredDay (mod 7)
- $adj = (7+($preferredEndDay - $de)) % 7;
- $adjdate = strtotime("+$adj day",$this->iEndDate);
- $this->iEndDate = $adjdate;
- }
- }
- // Specify background for the table title area (upper left corner of the table)
- function SetTableTitleBackground($aColor) {
- $this->iTableHeaderBackgroundColor = $aColor;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // PRIVATE Methods
- // Determine the height of all the scale headers combined
- function GetHeaderHeight() {
- $img=$this->iImg;
- $height=1;
- if( $this->day->iShowLabels ) {
- $height += $this->day->GetFontHeight($img);
- $height += $this->day->iTitleVertMargin;
- }
- if( $this->week->iShowLabels ) {
- $height += $this->week->GetFontHeight($img);
- $height += $this->week->iTitleVertMargin;
- }
- if( $this->month->iShowLabels ) {
- $height += $this->month->GetFontHeight($img);
- $height += $this->month->iTitleVertMargin;
- }
- if( $this->year->iShowLabels ) {
- $height += $this->year->GetFontHeight($img);
- $height += $this->year->iTitleVertMargin;
- }
- return $height;
- }
- // Get width (in pisels) for a single day
- function GetDayWidth() {
- return ($this->GetPlotWidth()-$this->iLabelWidth+1)/$this->GetNumberOfDays();
- }
- // Nuber of days in a year
- function GetNumDaysInYear($aYear) {
- if( $this->IsLeap($aYear) )
- return 366;
- else
- return 365;
- }
- // Get week number
- function GetWeekNbr($aDate) {
- // We can't use the internal strftime() since it gets the weeknumber
- // wrong since it doesn't follow ISO.
- // Even worse is that this works differently if we are on a Windows
- // or UNIX box (it even differs between UNIX boxes how strftime()
- // is natively implemented)
- //
- // Credit to Nicolas Hoizey <nhoizey@phpheaven.net> for this elegant
- // version of Week Nbr calculation.
- $day = $this->NormalizeDate($aDate);
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- According to ISO-8601 :
- "Week 01 of a year is per definition the first week that has the Thursday in this year,
- which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January.
- In other words, the first week of a new year is the week that has the majority of its
- days in the new year."
- Be carefull, with PHP, -3 % 7 = -3, instead of 4 !!!
- day of year = date("z", $day) + 1
- offset to thursday = 3 - (date("w", $day) + 6) % 7
- first thursday of year = 1 + (11 - date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date("Y", $day)))) % 7
- week number = (thursday's day of year - first thursday's day of year) / 7 + 1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- $thursday = $day + 60 * 60 * 24 * (3 - (date("w", $day) + 6) % 7); // take week's thursday
- $week = 1 + (date("z", $thursday) - (11 - date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date("Y", $thursday)))) % 7) / 7;
- return $week;
- }
- // Is year a leap year?
- function IsLeap($aYear) {
- // Is the year a leap year?
- //$year = 0+date("Y",$aDate);
- if( $aYear % 4 == 0)
- if( !($aYear % 100 == 0) || ($aYear % 400 == 0) )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- // Get current year
- function GetYear($aDate) {
- return 0+Date("Y",$aDate);
- }
- // Return number of days in a year
- function GetNumDaysInMonth($aMonth,$aYear) {
- $days=array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
- $daysl=array(31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
- if( $this->IsLeap($aYear))
- return $daysl[$aMonth];
- else
- return $days[$aMonth];
- }
- // Get day in month
- function GetMonthDayNbr($aDate) {
- return 0+strftime("%d",$aDate);
- }
- // Get day in year
- function GetYearDayNbr($aDate) {
- return 0+strftime("%j",$aDate);
- }
- // Get month number
- function GetMonthNbr($aDate) {
- return 0+strftime("%m",$aDate);
- }
- // Translate a date to screen coordinates (horizontal scale)
- function TranslateDate($aDate) {
- $aDate = $this->NormalizeDate($aDate);
- $img=$this->iImg;
- return ($aDate-$this->iStartDate)/SECPERDAY*$this->GetDayWidth()+$img->left_margin+$this->iLabelWidth;;
- }
- // Get screen coordinatesz for the vertical position for a bar
- function TranslateVertPos($aPos) {
- $img=$this->iImg;
- $ph=$this->iAvailableHeight;
- if( $aPos > $this->iVertLines )
- JpGraphError::Raise("Illegal vertical position $aPos");
- if( $this->iVertLayout == GANTT_EVEN ) {
- // Position the top bar at 1 vert spacing from the scale
- return round($img->top_margin + $this->iVertHeaderSize + ($aPos+1)*$this->iVertSpacing);
- }
- else {
- // position the top bar at 1/2 a vert spacing from the scale
- return round($img->top_margin + $this->iVertHeaderSize + $this->iTopPlotMargin + ($aPos+1)*$this->iVertSpacing);
- }
- }
- // What is the vertical spacing?
- function GetVertSpacing() {
- return $this->iVertSpacing;
- }
- // Convert a date to timestamp
- function NormalizeDate($aDate) {
- if( is_string($aDate) )
- return strtotime($aDate);
- elseif( is_int($aDate) || is_float($aDate) )
- return $aDate;
- else
- JpGraphError::Raise("Unknown date format in GanttScale ($aDate).");
- }
- // Stroke the day scale (including gridlines)
- function StrokeDays($aYCoord) {
- $wdays=$this->iDateLocale->GetDayAbb();
- $img=$this->iImg;
- $daywidth=$this->GetDayWidth();
- $xt=$img->left_margin+$this->iLabelWidth;
- $yt=$aYCoord+$img->top_margin;
- if( $this->day->iShowLabels ) {
- $img->SetFont($this->day->iFFamily,$this->day->iFStyle,$this->day->iFSize);
- $xb=$img->width-$img->right_margin;
- $yb=$yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->day->iTitleVertMargin + $this->day->iFrameWeight;
- $img->SetColor($this->day->iBackgroundColor);
- $img->FilledRectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- $img->SetColor($this->day->grid->iColor);
- $x = $xt;
- $img->SetTextAlign("center");
- $day = $this->iWeekStart;
- //echo "n=".$this->GetNumberOfDays()."<p>";
- for($i=0; $i<$this->GetNumberOfDays(); ++$i, $x+=$daywidth, $day += 1,$day %= 7) {
- if( $day==6 || $day==0 ) {
- $img->PushColor($this->day->iWeekendBackgroundColor);
- if( $this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground )
- $img->FilledRectangle($x,$yt+$this->day->iFrameWeight,$x+$daywidth,$img->height-$img->bottom_margin);
- else
- $img->FilledRectangle($x,$yt+$this->day->iFrameWeight,$x+$daywidth,$yb-$this->day->iFrameWeight);
- $img->PopColor();
- }
- if( $day==0 )
- $img->PushColor($this->day->iSundayTextColor);
- else
- $img->PushColor($this->day->iTextColor);
- $img->StrokeText(round($x+$daywidth/2+1),
- round($yb-$this->day->iTitleVertMargin),
- $wdays[$day]);
- $img->PopColor();
- $img->Line($x,$yt,$x,$yb);
- $this->day->grid->Stroke($img,$x,$yb,$x,$img->height-$img->bottom_margin);
- }
- $img->SetColor($this->day->iFrameColor);
- $img->SetLineWeight($this->day->iFrameWeight);
- $img->Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- return $yb - $img->top_margin;
- }
- return $aYCoord;
- }
- // Stroke week header and grid
- function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord) {
- $wdays=$this->iDateLocale->GetDayAbb();
- $img=$this->iImg;
- $weekwidth=$this->GetDayWidth()*7;
- $xt=$img->left_margin+$this->iLabelWidth;
- $yt=$aYCoord+$img->top_margin;
- $img->SetFont($this->week->iFFamily,$this->week->iFStyle,$this->week->iFSize);
- $xb=$img->width-$img->right_margin;
- $yb=$yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->week->iTitleVertMargin + $this->week->iFrameWeight;
- $week = $this->iStartDate;
- $weeknbr=$this->GetWeekNbr($week);
- if( $this->week->iShowLabels ) {
- $img->SetColor($this->week->iBackgroundColor);
- $img->FilledRectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- $img->SetColor($this->week->grid->iColor);
- $x = $xt;
- if( $this->week->iStyle==WEEKSTYLE_WNBR ) {
- $img->SetTextAlign("center");
- $txtOffset = $weekwidth/2+1;
- }
- elseif( $this->week->iStyle==WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY || $this->week->iStyle==WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2 ) {
- $img->SetTextAlign("left");
- $txtOffset = 2;
- }
- else
- JpGraphError::Raise("Unknown formatting style for week.");
- for($i=0; $i<$this->GetNumberOfDays()/7; ++$i, $x+=$weekwidth) {
- $img->PushColor($this->week->iTextColor);
- if( $this->week->iStyle==WEEKSTYLE_WNBR )
- $txt = sprintf($this->week->iLabelFormStr,$weeknbr);
- elseif( $this->week->iStyle==WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY )
- $txt = date("j/n",$week);
- elseif( $this->week->iStyle==WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2 ) {
- $monthnbr = date("n",$week)-1;
- $shortmonth = $this->iDateLocale->GetShortMonthName($monthnbr);
- $txt = Date("j",$week)." ".$shortmonth;
- }
- $img->StrokeText(round($x+$txtOffset),round($yb-$this->week->iTitleVertMargin),$txt);
- $week = strtotime('+7 day',$week);
- $weeknbr = $this->GetWeekNbr($week);
- $img->PopColor();
- $img->Line($x,$yt,$x,$yb);
- $this->week->grid->Stroke($img,$x,$yb,$x,$img->height-$img->bottom_margin);
- }
- $img->SetColor($this->week->iFrameColor);
- $img->SetLineWeight($this->week->iFrameWeight);
- $img->Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- return $yb-$img->top_margin;
- }
- return $aYCoord;
- }
- // Format the mont scale header string
- function GetMonthLabel($aMonthNbr,$year) {
- $sn = $this->iDateLocale->GetShortMonthName($aMonthNbr);
- $ln = $this->iDateLocale->GetLongMonthName($aMonthNbr);
- switch($this->month->iStyle) {
- $m=$sn;
- break;
- $m=$ln;
- break;
- $m=$sn." '".substr("".$year,2);
- break;
- $m=$sn." ".$year;
- break;
- $m=$ln." '".substr("".$year,2);
- break;
- $m=$ln." ".$year;
- break;
- }
- return $m;
- }
- // Stroke month scale and gridlines
- function StrokeMonths($aYCoord) {
- if( $this->month->iShowLabels ) {
- $monthnbr = $this->GetMonthNbr($this->iStartDate)-1;
- $img=$this->iImg;
- $xt=$img->left_margin+$this->iLabelWidth;
- $yt=$aYCoord+$img->top_margin;
- $img->SetFont($this->month->iFFamily,$this->month->iFStyle,$this->month->iFSize);
- $xb=$img->width-$img->right_margin;
- $yb=$yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->month->iTitleVertMargin + $this->month->iFrameWeight;
- $img->SetColor($this->month->iBackgroundColor);
- $img->FilledRectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- $img->SetLineWeight($this->month->grid->iWeight);
- $img->SetColor($this->month->iTextColor);
- $year = 0+strftime("%Y",$this->iStartDate);
- $img->SetTextAlign("center");
- if( $this->GetMonthNbr($this->iStartDate) == $this->GetMonthNbr($this->iEndDate)
- && $this->GetYear($this->iStartDate)==$this->GetYear($this->iEndDate) ) {
- $monthwidth=$this->GetDayWidth()*($this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iEndDate) - $this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
- }
- else {
- $monthwidth=$this->GetDayWidth()*($this->GetNumDaysInMonth($monthnbr,$year)-$this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iStartDate)+1);
- }
- // Is it enough space to stroke the first month?
- $monthName = $this->GetMonthLabel($monthnbr,$year);
- if( $monthwidth >= 1.2*$img->GetTextWidth($monthName) ) {
- $img->SetColor($this->month->iTextColor);
- $img->StrokeText(round($xt+$monthwidth/2+1),
- round($yb-$this->month->iTitleVertMargin),
- $monthName);
- }
- $x = $xt + $monthwidth;
- while( $x < $xb ) {
- $img->SetColor($this->month->grid->iColor);
- $img->Line($x,$yt,$x,$yb);
- $this->month->grid->Stroke($img,$x,$yb,$x,$img->height-$img->bottom_margin);
- $monthnbr++;
- if( $monthnbr==12 ) {
- $monthnbr=0;
- $year++;
- }
- $monthName = $this->GetMonthLabel($monthnbr,$year);
- $monthwidth=$this->GetDayWidth()*$this->GetNumDaysInMonth($monthnbr,$year);
- if( $x + $monthwidth < $xb )
- $w = $monthwidth;
- else
- $w = $xb-$x;
- if( $w >= 1.2*$img->GetTextWidth($monthName) ) {
- $img->SetColor($this->month->iTextColor);
- $img->StrokeText(round($x+$w/2+1),
- round($yb-$this->month->iTitleVertMargin),$monthName);
- }
- $x += $monthwidth;
- }
- $img->SetColor($this->month->iFrameColor);
- $img->SetLineWeight($this->month->iFrameWeight);
- $img->Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- return $yb-$img->top_margin;
- }
- return $aYCoord;
- }
- // Stroke year scale and gridlines
- function StrokeYears($aYCoord) {
- if( $this->year->iShowLabels ) {
- $year = $this->GetYear($this->iStartDate);
- $img=$this->iImg;
- $xt=$img->left_margin+$this->iLabelWidth;
- $yt=$aYCoord+$img->top_margin;
- $img->SetFont($this->year->iFFamily,$this->year->iFStyle,$this->year->iFSize);
- $xb=$img->width-$img->right_margin;
- $yb=$yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->year->iTitleVertMargin + $this->year->iFrameWeight;
- $img->SetColor($this->year->iBackgroundColor);
- $img->FilledRectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- $img->SetLineWeight($this->year->grid->iWeight);
- $img->SetTextAlign("center");
- if( $year == $this->GetYear($this->iEndDate) )
- $yearwidth=$this->GetDayWidth()*($this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iEndDate)-$this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iStartDate)+1);
- else
- $yearwidth=$this->GetDayWidth()*($this->GetNumDaysInYear($year)-$this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iStartDate)+1);
- // The space for a year must be at least 20% bigger than the actual text
- // so we allow 10% margin on each side
- if( $yearwidth >= 1.20*$img->GetTextWidth("".$year) ) {
- $img->SetColor($this->year->iTextColor);
- $img->StrokeText(round($xt+$yearwidth/2+1),
- round($yb-$this->year->iTitleVertMargin),
- $year);
- }
- $x = $xt + $yearwidth;
- while( $x < $xb ) {
- $img->SetColor($this->year->grid->iColor);
- $img->Line($x,$yt,$x,$yb);
- $this->year->grid->Stroke($img,$x,$yb,$x,$img->height-$img->bottom_margin);
- $year += 1;
- $yearwidth=$this->GetDayWidth()*$this->GetNumDaysInYear($year);
- if( $x + $yearwidth < $xb )
- $w = $yearwidth;
- else
- $w = $xb-$x;
- if( $w >= 1.2*$img->GetTextWidth("".$year) ) {
- $img->SetColor($this->year->iTextColor);
- $img->StrokeText(round($x+$w/2+1),
- round($yb-$this->year->iTitleVertMargin),
- $year);
- }
- $x += $yearwidth;
- }
- $img->SetColor($this->year->iFrameColor);
- $img->SetLineWeight($this->year->iFrameWeight);
- $img->Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- return $yb-$img->top_margin;
- }
- return $aYCoord;
- }
- // Stroke table title (upper left corner)
- function StrokeTableHeaders($aYBottom) {
- $img=$this->iImg;
- $xt=$img->left_margin;
- $yt=$img->top_margin;
- $xb=$xt+$this->iLabelWidth;
- $yb=$aYBottom+$img->top_margin;
- $img->SetColor($this->iTableHeaderBackgroundColor);
- $img->FilledRectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- $this->tableTitle->Align("center","center");
- $this->tableTitle->Stroke($img,$xt+($xb-$xt)/2+1,$yt+($yb-$yt)/2);
- $img->SetColor($this->iTableHeaderFrameColor);
- $img->SetLineWeight($this->iTableHeaderFrameWeight);
- $img->Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- // Draw the vertical dividing line
- $this->divider->Stroke($img,$xb,$yt,$xb,$img->height-$img->bottom_margin);
- // Draw the horizontal dividing line
- $this->dividerh->Stroke($img,$xt,$yb,$img->width-$img->right_margin,$yb);
- }
- // Main entry point to stroke scale
- function Stroke() {
- if( !$this->IsRangeSet() )
- JpGraphError::Raise("Gantt scale has not been specified.");
- $img=$this->iImg;
- // Stroke all headers. Aa argument we supply the offset from the
- // top which depends on any previous headers
- $offy=$this->StrokeYears(0);
- $offm=$this->StrokeMonths($offy);
- $offw=$this->StrokeWeeks($offm);
- $offd=$this->StrokeDays($offw);
- // We stroke again in case days also have gridlines that may have
- // overwritten the weeks gridline (or month/year). It may seem that we should have logic
- // in the days routine instead but this is much easier and wont make to much
- // of an performance impact.
- $this->StrokeWeeks($offm);
- $this->StrokeMonths($offy);
- $this->StrokeYears(0);
- $this->StrokeTableHeaders($offd);
- // Now we can calculate the correct scaling factor for each vertical position
- $this->iAvailableHeight = $img->height - $img->top_margin - $img->bottom_margin - $offd;
- $this->iVertHeaderSize = $offd;
- if( $this->iVertSpacing == -1 )
- $this->iVertSpacing = $this->iAvailableHeight / $this->iVertLines;
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS Constrain
- // Used by GanttPlotObject
- //===================================================
- class Constrain {
- var $iConstrainType=CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART, $iConstrainRow=-1;
- var $iConstrainColor='black', $iConstrainArrowSize=ARROW_S2, $iConstrainArrowType=ARROWT_SOLID;
- function Constrain($aRow, $aType, $aColor='black', $aArrowSize=ARROW_S2, $aArrowType=ARROWT_SOLID) {
- $this->iConstrainRow = $aRow;
- $this->iConstrainType = $aType;
- $this->iConstrainColor = $aColor;
- $this->iConstrainArrowSize = $aArrowSize;
- $this->iConstrainArrowType = $aArrowType;
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS GanttPlotObject
- // The common signature for a Gantt object
- //===================================================
- class GanttPlotObject {
- var $iVPos=0; // Vertical position
- var $iLabelLeftMargin=2; // Title margin
- var $iStart=""; // Start date
- var $title,$caption;
- var $iCaptionMargin=5;
- var $csimarea='',$csimtarget='',$csimalt='';
- var $iConstrainsArray=array();
- var $iConstrainPos=array();
- function GanttPlotObject() {
- $this->title = new TextProperty();
- $this->title->Align("left","center");
- $this->caption = new TextProperty();
- }
- function GetCSIMArea() {
- return $this->csimarea;
- }
- function SetCSIMTarget($aTarget) {
- $this->csimtarget=$aTarget;
- }
- function SetCSIMAlt($aAlt) {
- $this->csimalt=$aAlt;
- }
- function SetConstrain($aRow,$aType,$aColor='black',$aArrowSize=ARROW_S2,$aArrowType=ARROWT_SOLID) {
- // TODO: Mabye rename to AddConstrain
- $this->iConstrainsArray[] = new Constrain($aRow, $aType, $aColor, $aArrowSize, $aArrowType);
- }
- function SetConstrainPos($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb) {
- $this->iConstrainPos = array($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- }
- function GetConstrain() {
- return array($this->iConstrainRow,$this->iConstrainType);
- }
- function GetMinDate() {
- return $this->iStart;
- }
- function GetMaxDate() {
- return $this->iStart;
- }
- function SetCaptionMargin($aMarg) {
- $this->iCaptionMargin=$aMarg;
- }
- function GetAbsHeight($aImg) {
- return 0;
- }
- function GetLineNbr() {
- return $this->iVPos;
- }
- function SetLabelLeftMargin($aOff) {
- $this->iLabelLeftMargin=$aOff;
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS Progress
- // Holds parameters for the progress indicator
- // displyed within a bar
- //===================================================
- class Progress {
- var $iProgress=-1, $iColor="black", $iPattern=GANTT_SOLID;
- var $iDensity=98, $iHeight=0.65;
- function Set($aProg) {
- if( $aProg < 0.0 || $aProg > 1.0 )
- JpGraphError::Raise("Progress value must in range [0, 1]");
- $this->iProgress = $aProg;
- }
- function SetPattern($aPattern,$aColor="blue",$aDensity=98) {
- $this->iPattern = $aPattern;
- $this->iColor = $aColor;
- $this->iDensity = $aDensity;
- }
- function SetHeight($aHeight) {
- $this->iHeight = $aHeight;
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS GanttBar
- // Responsible for formatting individual gantt bars
- //===================================================
- class GanttBar extends GanttPlotObject {
- var $iEnd;
- var $iHeightFactor=0.5;
- var $iFillColor="white",$iFrameColor="blue";
- var $iShadow=false,$iShadowColor="darkgray",$iShadowWidth=1,$iShadowFrame="black";
- var $iPattern=GANTT_RDIAG,$iPatternColor="blue",$iPatternDensity=95;
- var $leftMark,$rightMark;
- var $progress;
- //---------------
- function GanttBar($aPos,$aLabel,$aStart,$aEnd,$aCaption="",$aHeightFactor=0.6) {
- parent::GanttPlotObject();
- $this->iStart = $aStart;
- // Is the end date given as a date or as number of days added to start date?
- if( is_string($aEnd) )
- $this->iEnd = strtotime($aEnd)+SECPERDAY;
- elseif(is_int($aEnd) || is_float($aEnd) )
- $this->iEnd = strtotime($aStart)+round($aEnd*SECPERDAY);
- $this->iVPos = $aPos;
- $this->iHeightFactor = $aHeightFactor;
- $this->title->Set($aLabel);
- $this->caption = new TextProperty($aCaption);
- $this->caption->Align("left","center");
- $this->leftMark =new PlotMark();
- $this->leftMark->Hide();
- $this->rightMark=new PlotMark();
- $this->rightMark->Hide();
- $this->progress = new Progress();
- }
- //---------------
- function SetShadow($aShadow=true,$aColor="gray") {
- $this->iShadow=$aShadow;
- $this->iShadowColor=$aColor;
- }
- function GetMaxDate() {
- return $this->iEnd;
- }
- function SetHeight($aHeight) {
- $this->iHeightFactor = $aHeight;
- }
- function SetColor($aColor) {
- $this->iFrameColor = $aColor;
- }
- function SetFillColor($aColor) {
- $this->iFillColor = $aColor;
- }
- function GetAbsHeight($aImg) {
- if( is_int($this->iHeightFactor) || $this->leftMark->show || $this->rightMark->show ) {
- $m=-1;
- if( is_int($this->iHeightFactor) )
- $m = $this->iHeightFactor;
- if( $this->leftMark->show )
- $m = max($m,$this->leftMark->width*2);
- if( $this->rightMark->show )
- $m = max($m,$this->rightMark->width*2);
- return $m;
- }
- else
- return -1;
- }
- function SetPattern($aPattern,$aColor="blue",$aDensity=95) {
- $this->iPattern = $aPattern;
- $this->iPatternColor = $aColor;
- $this->iPatternDensity = $aDensity;
- }
- function Stroke($aImg,$aScale) {
- $factory = new RectPatternFactory();
- $prect = $factory->Create($this->iPattern,$this->iPatternColor);
- $prect->SetDensity($this->iPatternDensity);
- // If height factor is specified as a float between 0,1 then we take it as meaning
- // percetage of the scale width between horizontal line.
- // If it is an integer > 1 we take it to mean the absolute height in pixels
- if( $this->iHeightFactor > -0.0 && $this->iHeightFactor <= 1.1)
- $vs = $aScale->GetVertSpacing()*$this->iHeightFactor;
- elseif(is_int($this->iHeightFactor) && $this->iHeightFactor>2 && $this->iHeightFactor<200)
- $vs = $this->iHeightFactor;
- else
- JpGraphError::Raise("Specified height (".$this->iHeightFactor.") for gantt bar is out of range.");
- // Clip date to min max dates to show
- $st = $aScale->NormalizeDate($this->iStart);
- $en = $aScale->NormalizeDate($this->iEnd);
- $limst = max($st,$aScale->iStartDate);
- $limen = min($en,$aScale->iEndDate+SECPERDAY);
- $xt = round($aScale->TranslateDate($limst));
- $xb = round($aScale->TranslateDate($limen)-1);
- $yt = round($aScale->TranslateVertPos($this->iVPos)-$vs-($aScale->GetVertSpacing()/2-$vs/2));
- $yb = round($aScale->TranslateVertPos($this->iVPos)-($aScale->GetVertSpacing()/2-$vs/2));
- $middle = round($yt+($yb-$yt)/2);
- $this->title->Stroke($aImg,$aImg->left_margin+$this->iLabelLeftMargin,$middle);
- // CSIM for title
- if( $this->title->csimtarget != '' ) {
- $title_xt = $aImg->left_margin+$this->iLabelLeftMargin;
- $title_xb = $title_xt + $this->title->GetWidth($aImg);
- $coords = "$title_xt,$yt,$title_xb,$yt,$title_xb,$yb,$title_xt,$yb";
- $this->csimarea .= "<area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"$coords\" href=\"".$this->title->csimtarget."\"";
- if( $this->title->csimalt != '' ) {
- $tmp = $this->title->csimalt;
- $this->csimarea .= " alt=\"$tmp\" title=\"$tmp\"";
- }
- $this->csimarea .= ">\n";
- }
- // Check if the bar is totally outside the current scale range
- if( $en < $aScale->iStartDate+SECPERDAY || $st > $aScale->iEndDate )
- return;
- // Remember the positions for the bar
- $this->SetConstrainPos($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- $prect->ShowFrame(false);
- $prect->SetBackground($this->iFillColor);
- if( $this->iShadow ) {
- $aImg->SetColor($this->iFrameColor);
- $aImg->ShadowRectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb,$this->iFillColor,$this->iShadowWidth,$this->iShadowColor);
- $prect->SetPos(new Rectangle($xt+1,$yt+1,$xb-$xt-$this->iShadowWidth-2,$yb-$yt-$this->iShadowWidth-2));
- $prect->Stroke($aImg);
- }
- else {
- $prect->SetPos(new Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xb-$xt+1,$yb-$yt+1));
- $prect->Stroke($aImg);
- $aImg->SetColor($this->iFrameColor);
- $aImg->Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xb,$yb);
- }
- // CSIM for bar
- if( $this->csimtarget != '' ) {
- $coords = "$xt,$yt,$xb,$yt,$xb,$yb,$xt,$yb";
- $this->csimarea .= "<area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"$coords\" href=\"".
- $this->csimtarget."\"";
- if( $this->csimalt != '' ) {
- $tmp = $this->csimalt;
- $this->csimarea .= " alt=\"$tmp\" title=\"$tmp\"";
- }
- $this->csimarea .= ">\n";
- }
- // Draw progress bar inside activity bar
- if( $this->progress->iProgress > 0 ) {
- $xtp = $aScale->TranslateDate($st);
- $xbp = $aScale->TranslateDate($en);
- $len = ($xbp-$xtp)*$this->progress->iProgress;
- $endpos = $xtp+$len;
- if( $endpos > $xt ) {
- $len -= ($xt-$xtp);
- // Make sure that the progess bar doesn't extend over the end date
- if( $xtp+$len-1 > $xb )
- $len = $xb - $xtp + 1;
- if( $xtp < $xt )
- $xtp = $xt;
- $prog = $factory->Create($this->progress->iPattern,$this->progress->iColor);
- $prog->SetDensity($this->progress->iDensity);
- $barheight = ($yb-$yt+1);
- if( $this->iShadow )
- $barheight -= $this->iShadowWidth;
- $progressheight = floor($barheight*$this->progress->iHeight);
- $marg = ceil(($barheight-$progressheight)/2);
- $pos = new Rectangle($xtp,$yt + $marg, $len,$barheight-2*$marg);
- $prog->SetPos($pos);
- $prog->Stroke($aImg);
- }
- }
- // We don't plot the end mark if the bar has been capped
- if( $limst == $st ) {
- $y = $middle;
- // We treat the RIGHT and LEFT triangle mark a little bi
- // special so that these marks are placed right under the
- // bar.
- if( $this->leftMark->GetType() == MARK_LEFTTRIANGLE ) {
- $y = $yb ;
- }
- $this->leftMark->Stroke($aImg,$xt,$y);
- }
- if( $limen == $en ) {
- $y = $middle;
- // We treat the RIGHT and LEFT triangle mark a little bi
- // special so that these marks are placed right under the
- // bar.
- if( $this->rightMark->GetType() == MARK_RIGHTTRIANGLE ) {
- $y = $yb ;
- }
- $this->rightMark->Stroke($aImg,$xb,$y);
- $margin = $this->iCaptionMargin;
- if( $this->rightMark->show )
- $margin += $this->rightMark->GetWidth();
- $this->caption->Stroke($aImg,$xb+$margin,$middle);
- }
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS MileStone
- // Responsible for formatting individual milestones
- //===================================================
- class MileStone extends GanttPlotObject {
- var $mark;
- //---------------
- function MileStone($aVPos,$aLabel,$aDate,$aCaption="") {
- GanttPlotObject::GanttPlotObject();
- $this->caption->Set($aCaption);
- $this->caption->Align("left","center");
- $this->caption->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD);
- $this->title->Set($aLabel);
- $this->title->SetColor("darkred");
- $this->mark = new PlotMark();
- $this->mark->SetWidth(10);
- $this->mark->SetType(MARK_DIAMOND);
- $this->mark->SetColor("darkred");
- $this->mark->SetFillColor("darkred");
- $this->iVPos = $aVPos;
- $this->iStart = $aDate;
- }
- //---------------
- function GetAbsHeight($aImg) {
- return max($this->title->GetHeight($aImg),$this->mark->GetWidth());
- }
- function Stroke($aImg,$aScale) {
- // Put the mark in the middle at the middle of the day
- $d = $aScale->NormalizeDate($this->iStart)+SECPERDAY/2;
- $x = $aScale->TranslateDate($d);
- $y = $aScale->TranslateVertPos($this->iVPos)-($aScale->GetVertSpacing()/2);
- $this->title->Stroke($aImg,$aImg->left_margin+$this->iLabelLeftMargin,$y);
- // CSIM for title
- if( $this->title->csimtarget != '' ) {
- $title_xt = $aImg->left_margin+$this->iLabelLeftMargin;
- $title_xb = $title_xt + $this->title->GetWidth($aImg);
- $yt = round($y - $this->title->GetHeight($aImg)/2);
- $yb = round($y + $this->title->GetHeight($aImg)/2);
- $coords = "$title_xt,$yt,$title_xb,$yt,$title_xb,$yb,$title_xt,$yb";
- $this->csimarea .= "<area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"$coords\" href=\"".$this->title->csimtarget."\"";
- if( $this->title->csimalt != '' ) {
- $tmp = $this->title->csimalt;
- $this->csimarea .= " alt=\"$tmp\" title=\"$tmp\"";
- }
- $this->csimarea .= ">\n";
- }
- if( $d < $aScale->iStartDate || $d > $aScale->iEndDate )
- return;
- // Remember the coordinates for any constrains linking to
- // this milestone
- $w = $this->mark->GetWidth()/2;
- $this->SetConstrainPos($x,round($y-$w),$x,round($y+$w));
- // Setup CSIM
- if( $this->csimtarget != '' ) {
- $this->mark->SetCSIMTarget( $this->csimtarget );
- $this->mark->SetCSIMAlt( $this->csimalt );
- }
- $this->mark->Stroke($aImg,$x,$y);
- $this->caption->Stroke($aImg,$x+$this->mark->width/2+$this->iCaptionMargin,$y);
- $this->csimarea .= $this->mark->GetCSIMAreas();
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS GanttVLine
- // Responsible for formatting individual milestones
- //===================================================
- class GanttVLine extends GanttPlotObject {
- var $iLine,$title_margin=3;
- var $iDayOffset=1; // Defult to right edge of day
- //---------------
- function GanttVLine($aDate,$aTitle="",$aColor="black",$aWeight=3,$aStyle="dashed") {
- GanttPlotObject::GanttPlotObject();
- $this->iLine = new LineProperty();
- $this->iLine->SetColor($aColor);
- $this->iLine->SetWeight($aWeight);
- $this->iLine->SetStyle($aStyle);
- $this->iStart = $aDate;
- $this->title->Set($aTitle);
- }
- //---------------
- function SetDayOffset($aOff=0.5) {
- if( $aOff < 0.0 || $aOff > 1.0 )
- JpGraphError::Raise("Offset for vertical line must be in range [0,1]");
- $this->iDayOffset = $aOff;
- }
- function SetTitleMargin($aMarg) {
- $this->title_margin = $aMarg;
- }
- function Stroke($aImg,$aScale) {
- $d = $aScale->NormalizeDate($this->iStart)+$this->iDayOffset*SECPERDAY;
- if( $d < $aScale->iStartDate || $d > $aScale->iEndDate )
- return;
- $x = $aScale->TranslateDate($d);
- $y1 = $aScale->iVertHeaderSize+$aImg->top_margin;
- $y2 = $aImg->height - $aImg->bottom_margin;
- $this->iLine->Stroke($aImg,$x,$y1,$x,$y2);
- $this->title->Align("center","top");
- $this->title->Stroke($aImg,$x,$y2+$this->title_margin);
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS LinkArrow
- // Handles the drawing of a link line between 2 points
- //===================================================
- class LinkArrow {
- var $ix,$iy;
- var $isizespec = array(
- array(2,3),array(3,5),array(3,8),array(6,15),array(8,22));
- var $iDirection=ARROW_DOWN,$iType=ARROWT_SOLID,$iSize=ARROW_S2;
- var $iColor='black';
- function LinkArrow($x,$y,$aDirection,$aType=ARROWT_SOLID,$aSize=ARROW_S2) {
- $this->iDirection = $aDirection;
- $this->iType = $aType;
- $this->iSize = $aSize;
- $this->ix = $x;
- $this->iy = $y;
- }
- function SetColor($aColor) {
- $this->iColor = $aColor;
- }
- function SetSize($aSize) {
- $this->iSize = $aSize;
- }
- function SetType($aType) {
- $this->iType = $aType;
- }
- function Stroke($aImg) {
- list($dx,$dy) = $this->isizespec[$this->iSize];
- $x = $this->ix;
- $y = $this->iy;
- switch ( $this->iDirection ) {
- case ARROW_DOWN:
- $c = array($x,$y,$x-$dx,$y-$dy,$x+$dx,$y-$dy,$x,$y);
- break;
- case ARROW_UP:
- $c = array($x,$y,$x-$dx,$y+$dy,$x+$dx,$y+$dy,$x,$y);
- break;
- case ARROW_LEFT:
- $c = array($x,$y,$x+$dy,$y-$dx,$x+$dy,$y+$dx,$x,$y);
- break;
- $c = array($x,$y,$x-$dy,$y-$dx,$x-$dy,$y+$dx,$x,$y);
- break;
- default:
- JpGraphError::Raise('Unknown arrow direction for link.');
- die();
- break;
- }
- $aImg->SetColor($this->iColor);
- switch( $this->iType ) {
- $aImg->FilledPolygon($c);
- break;
- $aImg->Polygon($c);
- break;
- default:
- JpGraphError::Raise('Unknown arrow type for link.');
- die();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //===================================================
- // CLASS GanttLink
- // Handles the drawing of a link line between 2 points
- //===================================================
- class GanttLink {
- var $iArrowType='';
- var $ix1,$ix2,$iy1,$iy2;
- var $iPathType=0, $iPathExtend=15;
- var $iColor='black',$iWeight=1;
- var $iArrowSize=ARROW_S2,$iArrowType=ARROWT_SOLID;
- function GanttLink($x1=0,$y1=0,$x2=0,$y2=0) {
- $this->ix1 = $x1;
- $this->ix2 = $x2;
- $this->iy1 = $y1;
- $this->iy2 = $y2;
- }
- function SetPos($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
- $this->ix1 = $x1;
- $this->ix2 = $x2;
- $this->iy1 = $y1;
- $this->iy2 = $y2;
- }
- function SetPath($aPath) {
- $this->iPathType = $aPath;
- }
- function SetColor($aColor) {
- $this->iColor = $aColor;
- }
- function SetArrow($aSize,$aType=ARROWT_SOLID) {
- $this->iArrowSize = $aSize;
- $this->iArrowType = $aType;
- }
- function SetWeight($aWeight) {
- $this->iWeight = $aWeight;
- }
- function Stroke($aImg) {
- $x1 = $this->ix1 ;
- $x2 = $this->ix2 ;
- $y1 = $this->iy1 ;
- $y2 = $this->iy2 ;
- $midy = round(($y1+$y2)/2);
- switch ( $this->iPathType ) {
- $c = array($x1,$y1,$x1,$midy,$x2,$midy,$x2,$y2);
- break;
- if( $x2 > $x1 ) {
- $c = array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y1,$x2,$y2);
- } else {
- // Always extend out horizontally a bit from the first point
- $c = array($x1,$y1,$x1+$this->iPathExtend,$y1,
- $x1+$this->iPathExtend,$midy,
- $x2,$midy,$x2,$y2);
- }
- break;
- $c = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
- break;
- default:
- JpGraphError::Raise('Internal error: Unknown path type specified for link.');
- exit(1);
- break;
- }
- $arrow = new LinkArrow($x2,$y2,($y2 > $y1?ARROW_DOWN:ARROW_UP));
- $aImg->SetColor($this->iColor);
- $aImg->SetLineWeight($this->iWeight);
- $aImg->Polygon($c);
- $aImg->SetLineWeight(1);
- $arrow->SetColor($this->iColor);
- $arrow->SetSize($this->iArrowSize);
- $arrow->SetType($this->iArrowType);
- $arrow->Stroke($aImg);
- }
- }
- // <EOF>
- ?>