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- <?php /* INCLUDES $Id: permissions.php,v 1.29 2003/09/19 16:04:33 gregorerhardt Exp $ */
- /*
- * This page handles permissions
- *
- * Permissions Theory:
- *
- * Permissions are propagated and overwritten from most general
- * to most specific items.
- * 3 type of permissions are stored in the DB:
- * - read
- * - edit
- * - denied
- *
- * This way, if you grant edit permissions on a project and
- * deny access to an item of this project, you will be able
- * to access any item excluding the one you denied.
- *
- * Special asumptions:
- * - if permissions array is empty => a user has no permissions at all (inactive)
- * - if permissions were granted on a module => the same goes for its items
- *
- * Propagations:
- * - all modules => all modules
- * - module m => items of m
- * - project p => tasks, files, events of project p
- */
- // Permission flags used in the DB
- define( 'PERM_DENY', '0' );
- define( 'PERM_EDIT', '-1' );
- define( 'PERM_READ', '1' );
- define( 'PERM_ALL', '-1' );
- // TODO: getDeny* should return true/false instead of 1/0
- function getReadableModule() {
- $sql = "SELECT mod_directory FROM modules WHERE mod_active > 0 ORDER BY mod_ui_order";
- $modules = db_loadColumn( $sql );
- foreach ($modules as $mod) {
- if (!getDenyRead($mod)) {
- return $mod;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * This function is used to check permissions.
- */
- function checkFlag($flag, $perm_type, $old_flag) {
- if($old_flag) {
- return (
- ($flag == PERM_DENY) || // permission denied
- ($perm_type == PERM_EDIT && $flag == PERM_READ) // we ask for editing, but are only allowed to read
- ) ? 0 : 1;
- } else {
- if($perm_type == PERM_READ) {
- return ($flag != PERM_DENY)?1:0;
- } else {
- // => $perm_type == PERM_EDIT
- return ($flag == $perm_type)?1:0;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This function checks certain permissions for
- * a given module and optionally an item_id.
- *
- * $perm_type can be PERM_READ or PERM_EDIT
- */
- function isAllowed($perm_type, $mod, $item_id = 0) {
- GLOBAL $perms;
- /*** Special hardcoded permissions ***/
- if ($mod == 'public') return 1;
- /*** Manually granted permissions ***/
- // TODO: Check this
- // If $perms['all'] or $perms[$mod] is not empty we have full permissions???
- // If we just set a deny on a item we get read/edit permissions on the full module.
- $allowed = ! empty( $perms['all'] ) | ! empty( $perms[$mod] );
- // check permission on all modules
- if ( isset($perms['all']) && $perms['all'][PERM_ALL] ) {
- $allowed = checkFlag($perms['all'][PERM_ALL], $perm_type, $allowed);
- }
- // check permision on this module
- if ( isset($perms[$mod]) && isset($perms[$mod][PERM_ALL]) ) {
- $allowed = checkFlag($perms[$mod][PERM_ALL], $perm_type, $allowed);
- }
- // check permision for the item on this module
- if ($item_id > 0) {
- if ( isset($perms[$mod][$item_id]) ) {
- $allowed = checkFlag($perms[$mod][$item_id], $perm_type, $allowed);
- }
- }
- /*** Permission propagations ***/
- // 1.if we have access on the project => we have access on its tasks.
- // 2.We do not have to check access over projects if we have permissions on that item yet
- // else we could destroy given permissions through denied permissions for the project
- if ( $mod == 'tasks' && !$allowed == 1) {
- if ( $item_id > 0 ) {
- // get task's project id
- $sql = "SELECT task_project FROM tasks WHERE task_id = $item_id";
- $project_id = db_loadResult($sql);
- // check task's permission
- $allowed = isAllowed( $perm_type, "projects", $project_id, $allowed );
- }
- }
- /*** TODO: Specificaly denied items ***/
- // echo "$perm_type $mod $item_id $allowed<br>";
- return $allowed;
- }
- function getDenyRead( $mod, $item_id = 0 ) {
- return !isAllowed(PERM_READ, $mod, $item_id);
- }
- function getDenyEdit( $mod, $item_id=0 ) {
- return !isAllowed(PERM_EDIT, $mod, $item_id);
- }
- /**
- * Return a join statement and a where clause filtering
- * all items which for which no explicit read permission is granted.
- */
- function winnow( $mod, $key, &$where, $alias = 'perm' ) {
- GLOBAL $AppUI, $perms;
- // TODO: Should we also check empty( $perms['all'] ?
- if( ! empty( $perms[$mod] ) && ! $perms[$mod]['-1'] ) {
- // We have permissions for specific items => filter items
- $sql = "\n LEFT JOIN permissions AS $alias ON $alias.permission_item = $key ";
- if ($where) {
- $where .= "\n AND";
- }
- $where .= "\n $alias.permission_grant_on = '$mod'"
- . "\n AND $alias.permission_value != " . PERM_DENY
- . "\n AND $alias.permission_user = $AppUI->user_id";
- return $sql;
- } else {
- if (!$where) {
- $where = '1=1'; // dummy for handling 'AND $where' situations
- }
- return ' ';
- }
- }
- // pull permissions into master array
- $sql = "
- SELECT permission_grant_on g, permission_item i, permission_value v
- FROM permissions
- WHERE permission_user = $AppUI->user_id
- ";
- $perms = array();
- $res = db_exec( $sql );
- // build the master permissions array
- while ($row = db_fetch_assoc( $res )) {
- $perms[$row['g']][$row['i']] = $row['v'];
- }
- ?>