Chip 2004 April
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Perl Script
561 lines
#!c:\programme\perl\bin\perl.exe -w
# You may have to edit the above line to reflect your system
# E.g. the typical UNIX/Linux system will require #!/usr/bin/perl
# $Id: gateway.pl,v 1.15 2004/01/29 02:42:48 ajdonnison Exp $ #
# send email report upon receipt (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$send_email_report = 1;
# Send aknowlegment back to lodger (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$send_acknowledge = 1;
# Save attachments as files in project 0 (1 = yes, 0 = no, just mark them as removed)
$save_attachments = 0;
# Skip non-MIME component of MIME emails (usually a warning about non-MIME compliant readers)
$skip_mime_preface = 1;
# NOTE: Email addresses should escape the @ symbol as it is
# a PERL array identifier and will cause this script to break.
# Alternatively change the double quotes to single quotes, which
# also escapes the string.
# NOTE 2: If your dotProject PHP environment is correctly set up
# you don't need to add the @ and domain, it will get it from
# dPconfig[site_domain] key.
# address to send report to
$report_to_address = "admin";
# report from address
$report_from_address = "support";
# location of sendmail
$mailprog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
######################## </CONFIGURATION SECTION> ##############################
## First phase, check to see we can configure ourselves based upon
## the PHP environment.
die ("Gateway.pl requires the full path to the dotproject config.php file as its only argument") if ($#ARGV != 0);
%config = ();
# Shortcuts for the email code
$app_root = $config{'base_url'};
$dp_root = $config{'root_dir'};
# If no domain portion, add the domain from the configuration file.
if ( $report_to_address !~ /\@/ ) {
$report_to_address .= '@' . $config{'site_domain'};
if ( $report_from_address !~ /\@/ ) {
$report_from_address .= '@' . $config{'site_domain'};
# database bindings
use DBI;
# read in message
while (<STDIN>) {
push @message, $_;
# main program
&insert_attachments() if ($save_attachments);
&mail_report() if ($send_email_report);
&mail_acknowledgement() if ($send_acknowledge);
sub check_config() {
$dp_conf = $_[0];
open (PHPCONFIG, "<$dp_conf")
or die ("Cannot find dotProject configuration file!");
while (<PHPCONFIG>) {
if (/^\s*\$dpconfig\[/i) {
# Now split the conf line up.
@confs = split /\s*=\s*/;
# First part is the name
$confs[0] =~ s/^.*\[['"](.*)['"]\]/$1/;
$confs[1] =~ s/['"\r\n]//g;
# add to the config array
$config{$confs[0]} = $confs[1];
sub get_headers {
# read in headers
# First pass, fix up split headers.
$first_message_line = 0;
foreach (@message) {
last if (/^\s$/ || /^$/);
if (/^[\s\t]+/) {
$last_hdr = pop @headers;
$last_hdr =~ s/[\s\t]*$//;
$last_hdr .= $_;
push @headers, $last_hdr;
} else {
push @headers, $_;
# Second pass, split out the required headers
$attachment = 0;
foreach (@headers) {
if (/oundary=/) {
$attachment_info = $_;
if ($save_attachments) {
$attachment = 2;
} else {
$attachment = 1;
$_ =~ s/:\s/:/g;
if (/:/) {
@vars = split(':', $_, 2);
if (@vars) {
chop($header{$vars[0]} = $vars[1]);
# strip out Re:'s in subject
$header{'Subject'} =~ s/\s*Re:\s*//gi;
# put a nice Re: back in
$header{'Subject'} =~ s/(\[\#\d+\])(.*)/$1 Re: $2/;
# initialize Cc: header
$header{'Cc'} = "" if (!$header{'Cc'});
# Allow the use of Reply-To to insert tickets on behalf of another
if ($header{'Reply-To'}) {
$header{'From'} = $header{'Reply-To'};
# fix quoting in email headers
$header{'From'} =~ s/"/\"/g;
$header{'Cc'} =~ s/"/\"/g;
# determine ticket number
$parent = $header{'Subject'};
if ($parent =~ /\[\#(\d+)\]/) {
$parent =~ s/.*\[\#(\d+)\].*/$1/;
else {
$parent = 0;
sub check_attachments {
# check for attachment
return if (!$attachment_info);
# determine attachment delimiter
($i, $boundary) = split(/"/, $attachment_info);
return if (!$boundary);
if ($attachment_info =~ /multipart\/alternative/i) {
$mime_alternative = 1;
} else {
$mime_alternative = 0;
# pull out attachments
$in_attach_hdrs = 0;
$attach_count = 0;
for ($i = $first_message_line; $i <= $#message; $i++) {
if ($message[$i] =~ /$boundary/) {
$in_attach_hdrs = 1;
push @boundary_lines, $i;
push @attach_disposition, "";
push @attach_type, "text/plain";
push @attach_encoding, "7bit";
push @attach_realname, "";
$attach_count += 1;
} else {
if ($in_attach_hdrs) {
if ($message[$i] =~ /^\s*$/) {
$last = pop @boundary_lines;
push @boundary_lines, $i;
push @boundary_end, $last;
$in_attach_hdrs = 0;
} else {
@attach_hdr = split(/[:;]/, $message[$i]);
if ($attach_hdr[0] =~ m/content-disposition/i) {
$last = pop @attach_disposition;
push @attach_disposition, $attach_hdr[1];
if ($attach_hdr[0] =~ m/content-type/i) {
pop @attach_type;
push @attach_type, $attach_hdr[1];
if ($attach_hdr[0] =~ m/content-transfer-encoding/i) {
pop @attach_encoding;
push @attach_encoding, $attach_hdr[1];
if ($message[$i] =~ m/name=/i) {
($x, $f) = split(/"/, $message[$i]);
$x = "";
pop @attach_realname;
push @attach_realname, $f;
push @boundary_end, $#message;
sub get_body {
# read in message body
if (!$attachment_info) {
for ($i = $first_message_line + 1; $i <= $#message; $i++) {
$body .= $message[$i];
else {
# Look for the attachment that doesn't have a disposition
if ($skip_mime_preface) {
$i = 1;
} else {
$i = 0;
for (; $i < $#attach_disposition; $i++) {
if ( ($mime_alternative == 1 && $attach_type[$i] =~ /text\/plain/i) || ($mime_alternative == 0 && $attach_disposition[$i] =~ /^$/ )) {
for ($j = $boundary_lines[$i] + 1; $j < $boundary_end[$i+1]; $j++) {
$body .= $message[$j];
$body =~ s/^\n//;
$body =~ s/\r\n$/\n/;
sub insert_message {
# connect to database
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$config{'dbname'}:$config{'dbhost'}", $config{'dbuser'}, $config{'dbpass'});
# update parent activity
if ($parent) {
$activity_query = "UPDATE tickets SET type = 'Open', activity = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE ticket = '$parent'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($activity_query);
$type = "Client Followup";
$assignment = "9999";
else {
$type = "Open";
$assignment = "0";
# quote all fields
$db_parent = $dbh->quote($parent);
$attachment = $dbh->quote($attachment);
$author = $dbh->quote($header{'From'});
$subject = $dbh->quote($header{'Subject'});
$body = $dbh->quote($body);
$type = $dbh->quote($type);
$cc = $dbh->quote($header{'Cc'});
$assignment = $dbh->quote($assignment);
# do insertion
$insert_query = "INSERT INTO tickets (parent, attachment, timestamp, author, subject, body, type, cc, assignment) ";
$insert_query .= "VALUES ($db_parent, $attachment, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), $author, $subject, $body, $type, $cc, $assignment)";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($insert_query);
$ticket = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
sub insert_attachments {
return if (!$attachment_info);
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$config{'dbname'}:$config{'dbhost'}", $config{'dbuser'}, $config{'dbpass'});
if ($skip_mime_preface) {
$i = 1;
} else {
$i = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $#attach_disposition; $i++) {
if ( ( $mime_alternative == 0 && $attach_disposition[$i] !~ /^$/) || ($mime_alternative == 1 && $attach_type[$i] !~ /text\/plain/) ) {
insert_attachment($i, $dbh);
sub insert_attachment($) {
$att = $_[0];
$dbh = $_[1];
# Check that we can write to the required directory and that we know who the
# web owner is.
$files_dir = $dp_root . "/files";
$file_repository = $files_dir . "/0";
@st = stat $files_dir
or die ("Cannot find file repository");
$web_owner = $st[4];
# If the repository doesn't exist, create it.
stat $file_repository
or mkdir $file_repository, 0777;
# Extract the file using mimencode if necessary.
$fid = sprintf("%x_%d", time(), $att);
# If content encoding is not 7bit, try and determine what it is
$fname = $file_repository . "/" . $fid;
$freal = ">";
$freal = "| mimencode -u -o " if ($attach_encoding[$att] =~ m/base64/i);
$freal = "| mimencode -u -q -o " if ($attach_encoding[$att] =~ m/quoted/i);
$fout = $freal . $fname;
open(FH, $fout);
for ($j = $boundary_lines[$att] + 1; $j < $boundary_end[$att+1]; $j++) {
print FH $message[$j];
# Determine the files size
open(FH, $fname);
seek FH, 0, 2;
$filesize = tell FH;
# Change ownership to the web server owner - assumes the files directory is correctly owned
chown $fname, $web_owner
or chmod 0666, $fname;
# insert the file as user Admin (id=1), Project = 0
$sql_stmt = "INSERT into files (file_real_filename, file_name, file_type, file_size, file_date, file_description, file_task) values (";
$sql_stmt .= " '" . $fid . "',";
$sql_stmt .= " '" . $attach_realname[$att] . "',";
$sql_stmt .= " '" . $attach_type[$att] . "', ";
$sql_stmt .= sprintf("%d", $filesize);
$sql_stmt .= ", NOW() , ";
$desc = "File attachment from: " . $header{'From'} . "\nTicket #" . $ticket . "\nSubject: " . $header{'Subject'};
$sql_stmt .= $dbh->quote($desc);
$sql_stmt .= ", ";
$sql_stmt .= $ticket;
$sql_stmt .= " )";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_stmt);
sub mail_report {
# unquote necessary fields
$author =~ s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/;
$author =~ s/\\\'/'/g;
$subject =~ s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/;
$subject =~ s/\\\'/'/g;
# try to strip off \r
$author =~ s/\\r//g;
$subject =~ s/\\r//g;
# remove ticket number
$subject =~ s/\[\#\d+\](.*)/$1/;
$boundary = "_lkqwkASDHASK89271893712893";
# mail the report
open(MAIL, "|$mailprog -t");
print MAIL "To: $report_to_address\n";
print MAIL "From: $report_from_address\n";
if ($parent) {
print MAIL "Subject: Client followup to trouble ticket #$parent\n";
} else {
print MAIL "Subject: New support ticket #$ticket\n";
print MAIL "Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n";
print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n\n";
print MAIL "--$boundary\n";
print MAIL "Content-disposition: inline\n";
print MAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
if ($parent) {
print MAIL "Followup Trouble ticket to ticket #$parent\n\n";
} else {
print MAIL "New Trouble Ticket\n\n";
print MAIL "Ticket ID: $ticket\n";
print MAIL "Author : $author\n";
print MAIL "Subject : $subject\n";
print MAIL "View : $app_root/index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=view&ticket=$ticket\n";
print MAIL "\n--$boundary\n";
print MAIL "Content-disposition: inline\n";
print MAIL "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print MAIL "<html>\n";
print MAIL "<head>\n";
print MAIL "<style>\n";
print MAIL ".title {\n";
print MAIL " FONT-SIZE: 18pt; SIZE: 18pt;\n";
print MAIL "}\n";
print MAIL ".td {\n";
print MAIL " font: 9pt arial, san-serif;\n";
print MAIL "}\n";
print MAIL "</style>\n";
if ($parent) {
print MAIL "<title>Followup Trouble ticket to ticket #$parent</title>\n";
} else {
print MAIL "<title>New Trouble ticket</title>\n";
print MAIL "</head>\n";
print MAIL "<body>\n";
print MAIL "\n";
print MAIL "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD nowrap><span class=title>Trouble Ticket Management</span></td>\n";
print MAIL " <TD valign=top align=right width=100%> </td>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL "</TABLE>\n";
print MAIL "<TABLE width=600 border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#878676>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
if ($parent) {
print MAIL " <TD colspan=2><font face=arial,san-serif size=2 color=white>Followup Ticket Entered</font></TD>\n";
} else {
print MAIL " <TD colspan=2><font face=arial,san-serif size=2 color=white>New Ticket Entered</font></TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td>Ticket ID:</TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td>$ticket</TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white class=td>Author:</TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white class=td>$author</TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white class=td>Subject:</TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white><font face=arial,san-serif size=2>$subject</font></TD>";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td>View:</TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td><a href=$app_root/index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=view&ticket=$ticket>$app_root/index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=view&ticket=$ticket</a></TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL "</TABLE>\n";
print MAIL "</body>\n";
print MAIL "</html>\n";
print MAIL "\n--$boundary--\n";
sub mail_acknowledgement {
# unquote necessary fields
$author =~ s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/;
$author =~ s/\\\'/'/g;
$subject =~ s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/;
$subject =~ s/\\\'/'/g;
# remove ticket number
$subject =~ s/\[\#\d+\](.*)/$1/;
$boundary = "_lkqwkASDHASK89271893712893";
# mail the report
open(MAIL, "|$mailprog -t");
print MAIL "To: $author\n";
print MAIL "From: $report_from_address\n";
print MAIL "Subject: [#$ticket] Your Support Request\n";
print MAIL "Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n";
print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n\n";
print MAIL "--$boundary\n";
print MAIL "Content-disposition: inline\n";
print MAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print MAIL "This is an acknowledgement that your support request has been logged\n";
print MAIL "by an automated support tracking system. It will be assigned to a\n";
print MAIL "support representative who will be in touch in due course.\n\n";
print MAIL "Details of support request:\n";
print MAIL "Ticket ID: $ticket\n";
print MAIL "Author : $author\n";
print MAIL "Subject : $subject\n";
print MAIL "\n--$boundary\n";
print MAIL "Content-disposition: inline\n";
print MAIL "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print MAIL "<html>\n";
print MAIL "<head>\n";
print MAIL "<style>\n";
print MAIL ".title {\n";
print MAIL " FONT-SIZE: 18pt; SIZE: 18pt;\n";
print MAIL "}\n";
print MAIL ".td {\n";
print MAIL " font: 9pt arial, san-serif;\n";
print MAIL "}\n";
print MAIL "</style>\n";
print MAIL "<title>Your Support Request</title>\n";
print MAIL "</head>\n";
print MAIL "<body>\n";
print MAIL "\n";
print MAIL "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD nowrap><span class=title>Trouble Ticket Management</span></td>\n";
print MAIL " <TD valign=top align=right width=100%> </td>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL "</TABLE>\n";
print MAIL "<TABLE width=600 border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#878676>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD colspan=2><font face=arial,san-serif size=2 color=white>New Ticket Entered</font></TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td>Ticket ID:</TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td>$ticket</TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white class=td>Author:</TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white class=td>$author</TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white class=td>Subject:</TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white class=td>$subject</TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL " <TR>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td> </TD>\n";
print MAIL " <TD bgcolor=white nowrap class=td>\n";
print MAIL "This is an acknowledgement that your support request has been logged<br />\n";
print MAIL "by an automated support tracking system. It will be assigned to a<br />\n";
print MAIL "support representative who will be in touch in due course.\n";
print MAIL " </font></TD>\n";
print MAIL " </tr>\n";
print MAIL "</TABLE>\n";
print MAIL "</body>\n";
print MAIL "</html>\n";
print MAIL "\n--$boundary--\n";