home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php /* $Id: fileviewer.php,v 1.18 2003/09/19 04:50:29 ajdonnison Exp $ */
- //file viewer
- require "./includes/config.php";
- require "./classes/ui.class.php";
- session_name( 'dotproject' );
- if (get_cfg_var( 'session.auto_start' ) > 0) {
- session_write_close();
- }
- session_start();
- $AppUI =& $_SESSION['AppUI'];
- require "{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/includes/db_connect.php";
- include "{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/includes/main_functions.php";
- include "{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/includes/permissions.php";
- $canRead = !getDenyRead( 'files' );
- if (!$canRead) {
- $AppUI->redirect( "m=public&a=access_denied" );
- }
- $file_id = isset($_GET['file_id']) ? $_GET['file_id'] : 0;
- if ($file_id) {
- // projects that are denied access
- $sql = "
- SELECT project_id
- FROM projects, permissions
- WHERE permission_user = $AppUI->user_id
- AND permission_grant_on = 'projects'
- AND permission_item = project_id
- AND permission_value = 0
- ";
- $deny1 = db_loadColumn( $sql );
- $sql = "SELECT *
- FROM permissions, files
- WHERE file_id=$file_id
- AND permission_user = $AppUI->user_id
- AND permission_value <> 0
- AND (
- (permission_grant_on = 'all')
- OR (permission_grant_on = 'projects' AND permission_item = -1)
- OR (permission_grant_on = 'projects' AND permission_item = file_project)
- )"
- .(count( $deny1 ) > 0 ? "\nAND file_project NOT IN (" . implode( ',', $deny1 ) . ')' : '');
- if (!db_loadHash( $sql, $file )) {
- $AppUI->redirect( "m=public&a=access_denied" );
- };
- // BEGIN extra headers to resolve IE caching bug (JRP 9 Feb 2003)
- // [http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=16173]
- header("Pragma: ");
- header("Cache-Control: ");
- header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
- header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); //HTTP/1.1
- header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
- // END extra headers to resolve IE caching bug
- header("MIME-Version: 1.0");
- header( "Content-length: {$file['file_size']}" );
- header( "Content-type: {$file['file_type']}" );
- header( "Content-disposition: inline; filename={$file['file_name']}" );
- readfile( "{$AppUI->cfg['root_dir']}/files/{$file['file_project']}/{$file['file_real_filename']}" );
- } else {
- $AppUI->setMsg( "fileIdError", UI_MSG_ERROR );
- $AppUI->redirect();
- }
- ?>