<para>Uses <see href="http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/">#ziplib</see> (SharpZipLib), an open source Zip/GZip library written entirely in C#.</para>
<para>Extracts all the file from the zip, preserving the directory structure.</para>
The directory where the expanded files should be stored.
<member name="T:NAnt.Zip.Tasks.ZipTask">
Creates a zip file from a specified fileset.
<para>Uses <see href="http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/">#ziplib</see> (SharpZipLib), an open source Zip/GZip library written entirely in C#.</para>
<para>Zip all files in the subdirectory <c>build</c> to <c>backup.zip</c>.</para>