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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3.     <assembly>
  4.         <name>NAnt.SourceControlTasks</name>
  5.     </assembly>
  6.     <members>
  7.         <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask">
  8.             <summary>
  9.             A base class for creating tasks for executing CVS client commands on a 
  10.             CVS repository.
  11.             </summary>
  12.         </member>
  13.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.#ctor">
  14.             <summary>
  15.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask"/> 
  16.             class.
  17.             </summary>
  18.         </member>
  19.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.ExecuteTask">
  20.             <summary>
  21.             Executes the CVS command.
  22.             </summary>
  23.         </member>
  24.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CreateCommand">
  25.             <summary>
  26.             Creates the CVS command object to execute against the specified 
  27.             CVS repository.
  28.             </summary>
  29.             <returns>
  30.             The <see cref="T:ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Commands.ICommand"/> to execute against the CVS repository.
  31.             </returns>
  32.         </member>
  33.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Validate">
  34.             <summary>
  35.             Validates that all required information is available.
  36.             </summary>
  37.             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  38.                 <para><see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsRoot"/> is <see langword="null"/></para>
  39.                 <para>-or-</para>
  40.                 <para><see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.WorkingDirectory"/> is <see langword="null"/></para>
  41.                 <para>-or-</para>
  42.                 <para><see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Connection"/> is <see langword="null"/></para>
  43.                 <para>-or-</para>
  44.                 <para><see cref="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Command"/> is <see langword="null"/></para>
  45.             </exception>
  46.         </member>
  47.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.SetOptions(ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Misc.WorkingDirectory)">
  48.             <summary>
  49.             Set the checkout/ update options.
  50.             </summary>
  51.             <param name="workingDirectory">Information about the cvs repository
  52.                 and local sandbox.</param>
  53.         </member>
  54.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.CvsRoot">
  55.             <summary>
  56.             Cvsroot Variable.
  57.             </summary>
  58.         </member>
  59.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Module">
  60.             <summary>
  61.             The module to perform an operation on.
  62.             </summary>
  63.             <value>The module to perform an operation on.</value>
  64.         </member>
  65.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Destination">
  66.             <summary>
  67.             Destination directory for the checked out / updated files.
  68.             </summary>
  69.             <value>
  70.             The destination directory for the checked out or updated files.
  71.             </value>
  72.         </member>
  73.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Password">
  74.             <summary>
  75.             The password for logging in to the CVS repository.
  76.             </summary>
  77.             <value>
  78.             The password for logging in to the CVS repository.
  79.             </value>
  80.         </member>
  81.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Options">
  82.             <summary>
  83.             A collection of options that can be used to modify cvs 
  84.             checkouts/updates.
  85.             </summary>
  86.             <remarks>
  87.             <para>
  88.             Valid options include:
  89.             </para>
  90.             <list type="table">
  91.                 <listheader>
  92.                     <term>Name</term>
  93.                     <description>Description</description>
  94.                 </listheader>
  95.                 <item>
  96.                     <term>sticky-tag</term>
  97.                     <description>TO-DO</description>
  98.                 </item>
  99.                 <item>
  100.                     <term>override-directory</term>
  101.                     <description>TO-DO</description>
  102.                 </item>
  103.             </list>
  104.             </remarks>
  105.         </member>
  106.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Root">
  107.             <summary>
  108.             Gets or sets the root of the CVS repository.
  109.             </summary>
  110.             <value>The root of the CVS repository.</value>
  111.         </member>
  112.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.WorkingDirectory">
  113.             <summary>
  114.             Gets or sets the directory where checked out sources are placed.
  115.             </summary>
  116.             <value>the directory where checked out sources are placed.</value>
  117.         </member>
  118.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Connection">
  119.             <summary>
  120.             Gets or sets the connection used to connect to the CVS repository.
  121.             </summary>
  122.             <value>The connection used to connect to the CVS repository.</value>
  123.         </member>
  124.         <member name="P:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.AbstractCvsTask.Command">
  125.             <summary>
  126.             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Commands.ICommand"/> to execute.
  127.             </summary>
  128.             <value>The <see cref="T:ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Commands.ICommand"/> to execute.</value>
  129.         </member>
  130.         <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask">
  131.             <summary>
  132.             Checks out a CVS module to the required directory.
  133.             </summary>
  134.             <example>
  135.               <para>Checkout NAnt.</para>
  136.               <code>
  137.                 <![CDATA[
  138.             <cvs-checkout 
  139.                 destination="c:\src\nant\" 
  140.                 cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
  141.                 password="" 
  142.                 module="nant" />
  143.                 ]]>
  144.               </code>
  145.             </example>
  147.             <example>
  148.               <para>Checkout NAnt Revision named: "your_favorite_revision_here"
  149.                 to the folder "c:\src\nant\replacement_for_module_directory_name".</para>
  150.               <code>
  151.                 <![CDATA[
  152.             <cvs-checkout 
  153.                 destination="c:\src\nant\" 
  154.                 cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
  155.                 password="" 
  156.                 module="nant">
  157.                 <options>
  158.                     <option name="sticky-tag" value="your_favorite_revision_here" />
  159.                     <option name="override-directory" value="replacement_for_module_directory_name" />
  160.                 </options>
  161.             </cvs-checkout>
  162.                 ]]>
  163.               </code>
  164.             </example>
  166.             <example>
  167.               <para>Checkout NAnt Revision named: "your_favorite_revision_here"
  168.                 to the folder "c:\src\nant\replacement_for_module_directory_name".</para>
  169.               <code>
  170.                 <![CDATA[
  171.             <cvs-checkout 
  172.                 destination="c:\src\nant\" 
  173.                 cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
  174.                 password="" 
  175.                 module="nant">
  176.                 <options>
  177.                     <option name="-r" value="your_favorite_revision_here" />
  178.                     <option name="-d" value="replacement_for_module_directory_name" />
  179.                 </options>
  180.             </cvs-checkout>
  181.                 ]]>
  182.               </code>
  183.             </example>
  184.         </member>
  185.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.#ctor">
  186.             <summary>
  187.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask"/> class.
  188.             </summary>
  189.         </member>
  190.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.CheckoutTask.CreateCommand">
  191.             <summary>
  192.             Creates the checkout command.
  193.             </summary>
  194.             <returns>An instance of the checkout command.</returns>
  195.         </member>
  196.         <member name="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask">
  197.             <summary>
  198.             Updates a CVS module in a local working directory.
  199.             </summary>
  200.             <example>
  201.               <para>Update nant.</para>
  202.               <code>
  203.                 <![CDATA[
  204.             <cvs-update 
  205.                 destination="c:\src\nant\" 
  206.                 cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
  207.                 password="" 
  208.                 module="nant" />
  209.                 ]]>
  210.               </code>
  211.             </example>
  212.             <example>
  213.               <para>Update your nant revision named: "your_favorite_revision_here"
  214.                 in the folder "c:\src\nant\replacement_for_module_directory_name".</para>
  215.               <code>
  216.                 <![CDATA[
  217.             <cvs-update 
  218.                 destination="c:\src\nant\" 
  219.                 cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
  220.                 password="" 
  221.                 module="nant">
  222.                 <options>
  223.                     <option name="sticky-tag" value="your_favorite_revision_here" />
  224.                     <option name="override-directory" value="replacement_for_module_directory_name" />
  225.                 </options>
  226.             </cvs-update>
  227.                 ]]>
  228.               </code>
  229.             </example>
  230.             <example>
  231.               <para>Update your nant revision named: "your_favorite_revision_here"
  232.                 in the folder "c:\src\nant\replacement_for_module_directory_name".</para>
  233.               <code>
  234.                 <![CDATA[
  235.             <cvs-update 
  236.                 destination="c:\src\nant\" 
  237.                 cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nant" 
  238.                 password="" 
  239.                 module="nant">
  240.                 <options>
  241.                     <option name="-r" value="your_favorite_revision_here" />
  242.                     <option name="-d" value="replacement_for_module_directory_name" />
  243.                 </options>
  244.             </cvs-update>
  245.                 ]]>
  246.               </code>
  247.             </example>
  248.         </member>
  249.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.#ctor">
  250.             <summary>
  251.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask"/> 
  252.             class.
  253.             </summary>
  254.         </member>
  255.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.CreateCommand">
  256.             <summary>
  257.             Creates an instance of the update command.
  258.             </summary>
  259.             <returns>An instance of the update command.</returns>
  260.         </member>
  261.         <member name="M:NAnt.SourceControl.Tasks.UpdateTask.PopulateFolders(ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Misc.WorkingDirectory)">
  262.             <summary>
  263.             Creates a list of files that need to be compared against the server 
  264.             and updated if necessary.
  265.             </summary>
  266.             <param name="workingDirectory">The directory to use in the comparison.</param>
  267.         </member>
  268.     </members>
  269. </doc>