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Extensible Markup Language  |  2004-02-20  |  99KB  |  2,071 lines

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3.     <assembly>
  4.         <name>NAnt.DotNetTasks</name>
  5.     </assembly>
  6.     <members>
  7.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask">
  8.             <summary>
  9.             Generates an AssemblyInfo file using the attributes given.
  10.             </summary>
  11.             <example>
  12.               <para>Create a C# AssemblyInfo file containing the specified assembly-level attributes.</para>
  13.               <code>
  14.                 <![CDATA[
  15.             <asminfo output="AssemblyInfo.cs" language="CSharp">
  16.                 <imports>
  17.                     <import name="System" />
  18.                     <import name="System.Reflection" />
  19.                     <import name="System.EnterpriseServices" />
  20.                     <import name="System.Runtime.InteropServices" />
  21.                 </imports>
  22.                 <attributes>
  23.                     <attribute type="ComVisibleAttribute" value="false" />
  24.                     <attribute type="CLSCompliantAttribute" value="true" />
  25.                     <attribute type="AssemblyVersionAttribute" value="" />
  26.                     <attribute type="AssemblyTitleAttribute" value="My fun assembly" />
  27.                     <attribute type="AssemblyDescriptionAttribute" value="More fun than a barrel of monkeys" />
  28.                     <attribute type="AssemblyCopyrightAttribute" value="Copyright (c) 2002, Monkeyboy, Inc." />
  29.                     <attribute type="ApplicationNameAttribute" value="FunAssembly" />
  30.                 </attributes>
  31.                 <references>
  32.                     <includes name="System.EnterpriseServices.dll" />
  33.                 </references>
  34.             </asminfo>
  35.                 ]]>
  36.               </code>
  37.             </example>
  38.         </member>
  39.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.ExecuteTask">
  40.             <summary>
  41.             Generates an AssemblyInfo file.
  42.             </summary>
  43.         </member>
  44.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.Output">
  45.             <summary>
  46.             Name of the AssemblyInfo file to generate.
  47.             </summary>
  48.             <value>
  49.             The name of the AssemblyInfo file to generate.
  50.             </value>
  51.         </member>
  52.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.Language">
  53.             <summary>
  54.             The code language in which the AssemblyInfo file should be 
  55.             generated - either <see cref="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage.CSharp"/>  or 
  56.             <see cref="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage.VB"/>.
  57.             </summary>
  58.             <value>
  59.             The code language in which the AssemblyInfo file should be 
  60.             generated.
  61.             </value>
  62.         </member>
  63.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.AssemblyAttributes">
  64.             <summary>
  65.             The assembly-level attributes to generate.
  66.             </summary>
  67.             <value>
  68.             The assembly-level attributes to generate.
  69.             </value>
  70.         </member>
  71.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.Imports">
  72.             <summary>
  73.             The namespaces to import.
  74.             </summary>
  75.             <value>
  76.             The namespaces to import.
  77.             </value>
  78.         </member>
  79.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.References">
  80.             <summary>
  81.             Assembly files used to locate the types of the specified attributes.
  82.             </summary>
  83.         </member>
  84.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage">
  85.             <summary>
  86.             Defines the supported code languages for generating an AssemblyInfo
  87.             file.
  88.             </summary>
  89.         </member>
  90.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage.CSharp">
  91.             <summary>
  92.             A value for generating C# code.
  93.             </summary>
  94.         </member>
  95.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage.JScript">
  96.             <summary>
  97.             A value for generating JScript code.
  98.             </summary>
  99.         </member>
  100.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage.VB">
  101.             <summary>
  102.             A value for generating Visual Basic code.
  103.             </summary>
  104.         </member>
  105.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider">
  106.             <summary> 
  107.             Encapsulates functionality to generate a code file with imports
  108.             and assembly-level attributes.
  109.             </summary>
  110.         </member>
  111.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider.#ctor(NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage)">
  112.             <summary>
  113.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider"/>
  114.             for the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage"/>.
  115.             </summary>
  116.             <param name="codeLanguage">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage"/> for which an instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider"/> class should be initialized.</param>
  117.         </member>
  118.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider.GenerateImportCode(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.IO.TextWriter)">
  119.             <summary>
  120.             Generates code for the specified imports.
  121.             </summary>
  122.             <param name="imports">The imports for which code should be generated.</param>
  123.             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the generated code will be written.</param>
  124.         </member>
  125.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider.GenerateAssemblyAttributesCode(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.IO.TextWriter)">
  126.             <summary>
  127.             Generates code for the specified assembly attributes.
  128.             </summary>
  129.             <param name="assemblyAttributes">The assembly attributes for which code should be generated.</param>
  130.             <param name="imports">Imports used to resolve the assembly attribute names to fully qualified type names.</param>
  131.             <param name="assemblies">Assembly that will be used to resolve the attribute names to <see cref="T:System.Type"/> instances.</param>
  132.             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the generated code will be written.</param>
  133.         </member>
  134.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider.Language">
  135.             <summary>
  136.             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage"/> in which the AssemblyInfo
  137.             code will be generated.
  138.             </summary>
  139.         </member>
  140.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider.Generator">
  141.             <summary>
  142.             Gets the <see cref="T:System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator"/> that will be used to 
  143.             generate the AssemblyInfo code.
  144.             </summary>
  145.         </member>
  146.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.TypedValueGatherer">
  147.             <summary>
  148.             Responsible for returning the specified value converted to a 
  149.             <see cref="T:System.Type"/> accepted by a constructor for a given
  150.             <see cref="T:System.Type"/>.
  151.             </summary>
  152.         </member>
  153.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.TypedValueGatherer.GetTypedValue(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.String,System.String)">
  154.             <summary>
  155.             Retrieves the specified <see cref="T:System.Type"/> corresponding with the specified 
  156.             type name from a list of assemblies.
  157.             </summary>
  158.             <param name="assemblies">The collection of assemblies that the type should tried to be instantiated from.</param>
  159.             <param name="imports">The list of imports that can be used to resolve the typename to a full typename.</param>
  160.             <param name="typename">The typename that should be used to determine the type to which the specified value should be converted.</param>
  161.             <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.String"/> value that should be converted to a typed value.</param>
  162.             <returns></returns>
  163.             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
  164.             <para><paramref name="value"/> is <see langword="null"/> and the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/> has no default public constructor.</para>
  165.             <para>-or-</para>
  166.             <para><paramref name="value"/> cannot be converted to a value that's suitable for one of the constructors of the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/>.</para>
  167.             <para>-or-</para>
  168.             <para>The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/> has no suitable constructor.</para>
  169.             <para>-or-</para>
  170.             <para>A <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/> could not be located or loaded.</para>
  171.             </exception>
  172.         </member>
  173.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask">
  174.             <summary>
  175.             Wraps <c>al.exe</c>, the assembly linker for the .NET Framework.
  176.             </summary>
  177.             <remarks>
  178.               <para>
  179.               All specified sources will be embedded using the <c>/embed</c> flag.  
  180.               Other source types are not supported.
  181.               </para>
  182.             </remarks>
  183.             <example>
  184.               <para>
  185.               Create a library containing all icon files in the current directory.
  186.               </para>
  187.               <code>
  188.                 <![CDATA[
  189.             <al output="MyIcons.dll" target="lib">
  190.                 <sources>
  191.                     <includes name="*.ico" />
  192.                 </sources>
  193.             </al>
  194.                 ]]>
  195.               </code>
  196.             </example>
  197.         </member>
  198.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.ExecuteTask">
  199.             <summary>
  200.             Generates an assembly manifest.
  201.             </summary>
  202.         </member>
  203.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.NeedsCompiling">
  204.             <summary>
  205.             Determines whether the assembly manifest needs compiling or is 
  206.             uptodate.
  207.             </summary>
  208.             <returns>
  209.             <see langword="true" /> if the assembly manifest needs compiling; 
  210.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  211.             </returns>
  212.         </member>
  213.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.Output">
  214.             <summary>
  215.             The name of the output file for the assembly manifest.
  216.             </summary>
  217.             <value>
  218.             The complete output path for the assembly manifest.
  219.             </value>
  220.             <remarks>
  221.             <para>
  222.             Corresponds with the <c>/out</c> flag.
  223.             </para>
  224.             </remarks>
  225.         </member>
  226.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.OutputTarget">
  227.             <summary>
  228.             The target type (one of <c>lib</c>, <c>exe</c>, or <c>winexe</c>).
  229.             </summary>
  230.             <remarks>
  231.             <para>
  232.             Corresponds with the <c>/t[arget]:</c> flag.
  233.             </para>
  234.             </remarks>
  235.         </member>
  236.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.Culture">
  237.             <summary>
  238.             The culture string associated with the output assembly.
  239.             The string must be in RFC 1766 format, such as "en-US".
  240.             </summary>
  241.             <remarks>
  242.             <para>
  243.             Corresponds with the <c>/c[ulture]:</c> flag.
  244.             </para>
  245.             </remarks>
  246.         </member>
  247.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.Template">
  248.             <summary>
  249.             Specifies an assembly from which to get all options except the 
  250.             culture field.
  251.             </summary>
  252.             <value>
  253.             The complete path to the assembly template.
  254.             </value>
  255.             <remarks>
  256.             <para>
  257.             Corresponds with the <c>/template:</c> flag.
  258.             </para>
  259.             </remarks>
  260.         </member>
  261.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.KeyFile">
  262.             <summary>
  263.             Specifies a file (filename) that contains a key pair or
  264.             just a public key to sign an assembly.
  265.             </summary>
  266.             <value>The complete path to the key file.</value>
  267.             <remarks>
  268.             <para>
  269.             Corresponds with the <c>/keyf[ile]:</c> flag.
  270.             </para>
  271.             </remarks>
  272.         </member>
  273.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.Resources">
  274.             <summary>
  275.             The set of resources to embed.
  276.             </summary>
  277.         </member>
  278.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyLinkerTask.ProgramArguments">
  279.             <summary>
  280.             Gets the command-line arguments for the external program.
  281.             </summary>
  282.             <value>
  283.             The command-line arguments for the external program or 
  284.             <see langword="null" /> if the task is not being executed.
  285.             </value>
  286.         </member>
  287.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask">
  288.             <summary>
  289.             Compiles C# programs.
  290.             </summary>
  291.             <example>
  292.               <para>Compile <c>helloworld.cs</c> to <c>helloworld.exe</c>.</para>
  293.               <code>
  294.                 <![CDATA[
  295.             <csc target="exe" output="helloworld.exe" debug="true">
  296.                 <sources>
  297.                     <includes name="helloworld.cs" />
  298.                 </sources>
  299.             </csc>
  300.                 ]]>
  301.               </code>
  302.             </example>
  303.         </member>
  304.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase">
  305.             <summary>
  306.             Provides the abstract base class for compiler tasks.
  307.             </summary>
  308.         </member>
  309.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.CodebehindExtensions">
  310.             <summary>
  311.             Contains a list of extensions for all file types that should be treated as
  312.             'code-behind' when looking for resources.  Ultimately this will determine
  313.             if we use the "namespace+filename" or "namespace+classname" algorithm, since
  314.             code-behind will use the "namespace+classname" algorithm.
  315.             </summary>
  316.         </member>
  317.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.CultureNames">
  318.             <summary>
  319.             List of valid culture names for this platform
  320.             </summary>
  321.         </member>
  322.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.#cctor">
  323.             <summary>
  324.             Class constructor for <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase"/>.
  325.             </summary>
  326.         </member>
  327.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ExecuteTask">
  328.             <summary>
  329.             Compiles the sources and resources.
  330.             </summary>
  331.         </member>
  332.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.GetManifestResourceName(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet,System.String,System.String)">
  333.             <summary>
  334.             Determines the manifest resource name of the given resource file.
  335.             </summary>
  336.             <param name="resources">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> containing information that will used to assemble the manifest resource name.</param>
  337.             <param name="resourceFile">The resource file of which the manifest resource name should be determined.</param>
  338.             <param name="dependentFile">The source file on which the resource file depends.</param>
  339.             <returns>
  340.             The manifest resource name of the specified resource file.
  341.             </returns>
  342.         </member>
  343.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.GetManifestResourceName(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet,System.String)">
  344.             <summary>
  345.             Determines the manifest resource name of the given resource file.
  346.             </summary>
  347.             <param name="resources">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> containing information that will used to assemble the manifest resource name.</param>
  348.             <param name="resourceFile">The resource file of which the manifest resource name should be determined.</param>
  349.             <returns>
  350.             The manifest resource name of the specified resource file.
  351.             </returns>
  352.             <remarks>
  353.             For .resx resources, the name of the dependent is determined by
  354.             replacing the extension of the file with the extension of the 
  355.             source files for the compiler, and removing the culture name from
  356.             the file name for localized resources.
  357.             </remarks>
  358.         </member>
  359.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.PerformSearchForResourceLinkage(System.IO.TextReader)">
  360.             <summary>
  361.             Extracts the associated namespace/classname linkage found in the 
  362.             given stream.
  363.             </summary>
  364.             <param name="sr">The read-only stream of the source file to search.</param>
  365.             <returns>
  366.             The namespace/classname of the source file matching the resource.
  367.             </returns>
  368.         </member>
  369.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.WriteAssemblyReferences(System.IO.TextWriter)">
  370.             <summary>
  371.             Writes assembly references to the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>.
  372.             </summary>
  373.             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the assembly references should be written.</param>
  374.         </member>
  375.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.WriteModuleReferences(System.IO.TextWriter)">
  376.             <summary>
  377.             Writes module references to the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>.
  378.             </summary>
  379.             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the module references should be written.</param>
  380.         </member>
  381.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResolveReferences(NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet)">
  382.             <summary>
  383.             Resolves references to system assemblies and assemblies that can be 
  384.             resolved using directories specified in <see cref="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Lib"/>.
  385.             </summary>
  386.             <param name="fileSet">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> in which references should be resolved.</param>
  387.         </member>
  388.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.WriteOptions(System.IO.TextWriter)">
  389.             <summary>
  390.             Allows derived classes to provide compiler-specific options.
  391.             </summary>
  392.             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the compiler options should be written.</param>
  393.         </member>
  394.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.WriteOption(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String)">
  395.             <summary>
  396.             Writes an option using the default output format.
  397.             </summary>
  398.             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the compiler options should be written.</param>
  399.             <param name="name">The name of the option which should be passed to the compiler.</param>
  400.         </member>
  401.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.WriteOption(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String,System.String)">
  402.             <summary>
  403.             Writes an option and its value using the default output format.
  404.             </summary>
  405.             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the compiler options should be written.</param>
  406.             <param name="name">The name of the option which should be passed to the compiler.</param>
  407.             <param name="arg">The value of the option which should be passed to the compiler.</param>
  408.         </member>
  409.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.NeedsCompiling">
  410.             <summary>
  411.             Determines whether compilation is needed.
  412.             </summary>
  413.         </member>
  414.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.GetResourceLinkage(System.String,System.Globalization.CultureInfo)">
  415.             <summary>
  416.             Finds the correct namespace/classname for a resource file from the 
  417.             given dependent source file.
  418.             </summary>
  419.             <param name="dependentFile">The file from which the resource linkage of the resource file should be determined.</param>
  420.             <param name="resourceCulture">The culture of the resource file for which the resource linkage should be determined.</param>
  421.             <returns>
  422.             The namespace/classname of the source file matching the resource or
  423.             <see langword="null" /> if the dependent source file does not exist.
  424.             </returns>
  425.             <remarks>
  426.             This behaviour may be overidden by each particular compiler to 
  427.             support the namespace/classname syntax for that language.
  428.             </remarks>
  429.         </member>
  430.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.LinkResourceAssembly(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.String,System.String)">
  431.             <summary>
  432.             Link a list of files into a resource assembly.
  433.             </summary>
  434.             <param name="resourceFiles">The collection of resources.</param>
  435.             <param name="outputFile">Resource assembly to generate</param>
  436.             <param name="culture">Culture of the generated assembly.</param>
  437.         </member>
  438.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.CompileResxResource(System.String,System.String)">
  439.             <summary>
  440.             Compiles a resx files to a .resources file.
  441.             </summary>
  442.             <param name="inputFile">The resx file to compile.</param>
  443.             <param name="outputFile">The name of the resource file to create.</param>
  444.         </member>
  445.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.GetResourceCulture(System.String)">
  446.             <summary>
  447.             Determines the culture associated with a given resource file by
  448.             scanning the filename for valid culture names.
  449.             </summary>
  450.             <param name="resourceFile">The resource file path to check for culture info.</param>
  451.             <returns>
  452.             A valid <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo"/> instance if the resource is 
  453.             associated with a specific culture; otherwise, <see langword="null"/>.
  454.             </returns>
  455.         </member>
  456.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Output">
  457.             <summary>
  458.             The name of the output file created by the compiler.
  459.             </summary>
  460.         </member>
  461.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.OutputTarget">
  462.             <summary>
  463.             Output type. Possible values are <c>exe</c>, <c>winexe</c>,
  464.             <c>library</c> or <c>module</c>.
  465.             </summary>
  466.         </member>
  467.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Debug">
  468.             <summary>
  469.             Generate debug output. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  470.             </summary>
  471.         </member>
  472.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Define">
  473.             <summary>
  474.             Define conditional compilation symbol(s).
  475.             </summary>
  476.             <remarks>
  477.             <para>
  478.             Corresponds to <c>/d[efine]:</c> flag.
  479.             </para>
  480.             </remarks>
  481.         </member>
  482.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Win32Icon">
  483.             <summary>
  484.             Icon to associate with the application.
  485.             </summary>
  486.             <remarks>
  487.             <para>
  488.             Corresponds to <c>/win32icon:</c> flag.
  489.             </para>
  490.             </remarks>
  491.         </member>
  492.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.WarnAsError">
  493.             <summary>
  494.             Instructs the compiler to treat all warnings as errors. The default
  495.             is <see langword="false" />.
  496.             </summary>
  497.             <remarks>
  498.             <para>
  499.             Corresponds to the <c>/warnaserror[+|-]</c> flag of the compiler.
  500.             </para>
  501.             <para>
  502.             When this property is set to <see langword="true" />, any messages
  503.             that would ordinarily be reported as warnings will instead be
  504.             reported as errors.
  505.             </para>
  506.             </remarks>
  507.         </member>
  508.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.MainType">
  509.             <summary>
  510.             Specifies which type contains the Main method that you want to use
  511.             as the entry point into the program.
  512.             </summary>
  513.             <remarks>
  514.             <para>
  515.             Corresponds to the <c>/m[ain]:</c> flag of the compiler.
  516.             </para>
  517.             <para>
  518.             Use this property when creating an executable file. If this property
  519.             is not set, the compiler searches for a valid Main method in all
  520.             public classes.
  521.             </para>
  522.             </remarks>
  523.         </member>
  524.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Lib">
  525.             <summary>
  526.             Additional directories to search in for assembly references.
  527.             </summary>
  528.             <remarks>
  529.             <para>
  530.             Corresponds with the <c>/lib[path]:</c> flag.
  531.             </para>
  532.             </remarks>
  533.         </member>
  534.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.References">
  535.             <summary>
  536.             Reference metadata from the specified assembly files.
  537.             </summary>
  538.         </member>
  539.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourcesList">
  540.             <summary>
  541.             Resources to embed.
  542.             </summary>
  543.             <remarks>
  544.             <para>
  545.             This can be a combination of resx files and file resources.
  546.             </para>
  547.             <para>
  548.             .resx files will be compiled by <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask"/> and then
  549.             embedded into the resulting executable.
  550.             </para>
  551.             <para>
  552.             The <see cref="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.Prefix"/> property is used to make
  553.             up the resource name added to the assembly manifest for non-resx
  554.             files.
  555.             </para>
  556.             <para>
  557.             For .resx files the namespace from the matching source file is used
  558.             as prefix. This matches the behaviour of Visual Studio.
  559.             </para>
  560.             <para>
  561.             Multiple resources tags with different namespace prefixes may be
  562.             specified.
  563.             </para>
  564.             </remarks>
  565.         </member>
  566.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Modules">
  567.             <summary>
  568.             Link the specified modules into this assembly.
  569.             </summary>
  570.         </member>
  571.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Sources">
  572.             <summary>
  573.             The set of source files for compilation.
  574.             </summary>
  575.         </member>
  576.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.Extension">
  577.             <summary>
  578.             Gets the file extension required by the current compiler.
  579.             </summary>
  580.             <value>
  581.             The file extension required by the current compiler.
  582.             </value>
  583.         </member>
  584.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ClassNameRegex">
  585.             <summary>
  586.             Gets the class name regular expression for the language of the current compiler.
  587.             </summary>
  588.             <value> class name regular expression for the language of the current compiler</value>
  589.         </member>
  590.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.NamespaceRegex">
  591.             <summary>
  592.             Gets the namespace regular expression for the language of the current compiler.
  593.             </summary>
  594.             <value> namespace regular expression for the language of the current compiler</value>
  595.         </member>
  596.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ProgramArguments">
  597.             <summary>
  598.             Gets the command-line arguments for the external program.
  599.             </summary>
  600.             <value>
  601.             The command-line arguments for the external program.
  602.             </value>
  603.         </member>
  604.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage">
  605.             <summary>
  606.             Holds class and namespace information for resource (*.resx) linkage.
  607.             </summary>
  608.         </member>
  609.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
  610.             <summary>
  611.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage"/>
  612.             class.
  613.             </summary>
  614.             <param name="namespaceName">The namespace the resource is under.</param>
  615.             <param name="className">The class name the resource is associated with.</param>
  616.         </member>
  617.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.ToString">
  618.             <summary>
  619.             Returns the resource linkage as a string.
  620.             </summary>
  621.             <returns>
  622.             A string representation of the resource linkage.
  623.             </returns>
  624.         </member>
  625.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.IsValid">
  626.             <summary>
  627.             Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage"/>
  628.             instances contains valid data.
  629.             </summary>
  630.             <value>
  631.             <see langword="true"/> if the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage"/>
  632.             instance contains valid data; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
  633.             </value>
  634.         </member>
  635.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.HasNamespaceName">
  636.             <summary>
  637.             Gets a value indicating whether a namespace name is available
  638.             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage"/> instance.
  639.             </summary>
  640.             <value>
  641.             <see langword="true"/> if a namespace name is available for 
  642.             this <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage"/> instance; otherwise, 
  643.             <see langword="false"/>.
  644.             </value>
  645.         </member>
  646.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.HasClassName">
  647.             <summary>
  648.             Gets a value indicating whether a class name is available
  649.             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage"/> instance.
  650.             </summary>
  651.             <value>
  652.             <see langword="true"/> if a class name is available for 
  653.             this <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage"/> instance; otherwise, 
  654.             <see langword="false"/>.
  655.             </value>
  656.         </member>
  657.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.NamespaceName">
  658.             <summary>
  659.             Gets the name of namespace the resource is under.  
  660.             </summary>
  661.             <value>
  662.             The name of namespace the resource is under.  
  663.             </value>
  664.         </member>
  665.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.ClassName">
  666.             <summary>
  667.             Gets the name of the class (most likely a form) that the resource 
  668.             is associated with.  
  669.             </summary>
  670.             <value>
  671.             The name of the class the resource is associated with.  
  672.             </value>
  673.         </member>
  674.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage.Culture">
  675.             <summary>
  676.             Gets the culture that the resource is associated with.
  677.             </summary>
  678.             <value>
  679.             The culture that the resource is associated with.
  680.             </value>
  681.         </member>
  682.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.WriteOptions(System.IO.TextWriter)">
  683.             <summary>
  684.             Writes the compiler options to the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>.
  685.             </summary>
  686.             <param name="writer"><see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the compiler options should be written.</param>
  687.         </member>
  688.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.Doc">
  689.             <summary>
  690.             The name of the XML documentation file to generate.
  691.             </summary>
  692.             <remarks>
  693.             <para>
  694.             Corresponds with the <c>/doc:</c> flag.
  695.             </para>
  696.             </remarks>
  697.         </member>
  698.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.NoStdLib">
  699.             <summary>
  700.             Instructs the compiler not to import mscorlib.dll. The default is 
  701.             <see langword="false" />.
  702.             </summary>
  703.             <remarks>
  704.             <para>
  705.             Corresponds with the <c>/nostdlib[+|-]</c> flag.
  706.             </para>
  707.             </remarks>
  708.         </member>
  709.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.NoConfig">
  710.             <summary>
  711.             Instructs the compiler not to use implicit references to assemblies.
  712.             The default is <see langword="false" />.
  713.             </summary>
  714.             <remarks>
  715.             <para>
  716.             Corresponds with the <c>/noconfig</c> flag.
  717.             </para>
  718.             </remarks>
  719.         </member>
  720.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.Checked">
  721.             <summary>
  722.             Specifies whether an integer arithmetic statement that is not in 
  723.             the scope of the <c>checked</c> or <c>unchecked</c> keywords and 
  724.             that results in a value outside the range of the data type should 
  725.             cause a run-time exception. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  726.             </summary>
  727.             <remarks>
  728.             <para>
  729.             Corresponds with the <c>/checked[+|-]</c> flag.
  730.             </para>
  731.             </remarks>
  732.         </member>
  733.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.Unsafe">
  734.             <summary>
  735.             Instructs the compiler to allow code that uses the <c>unsafe</c> 
  736.             keyword. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  737.             </summary>
  738.             <remarks>
  739.             <para>
  740.             Corresponds with the <c>/unsafe[+|-]</c> flag.
  741.             </para>
  742.             </remarks>
  743.         </member>
  744.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.Optimize">
  745.             <summary>
  746.             Specifies whether the compiler should perform optimizations to the 
  747.             make output files smaller, faster, and more effecient. The default 
  748.             is <see langword="false" />.
  749.             </summary>
  750.             <value>
  751.             <see langword="true" /> if the compiler should perform optimizations; 
  752.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  753.             </value>
  754.             <remarks>
  755.             <para>
  756.             Corresponds with the <c>/optimize[+|-]</c> flag.
  757.             </para>
  758.             </remarks>
  759.         </member>
  760.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.WarningLevel">
  761.             <summary>
  762.             Specifies the warning level for the compiler to display. Valid values 
  763.             are <c>0</c>-<c>4</c>. The default is <c>4</c>.
  764.             </summary>
  765.             <value>
  766.             The warning level for the compiler to display.
  767.             </value>
  768.             <remarks>
  769.             <para>
  770.             Corresponds with the <c>/warn</c> flag.
  771.             </para>
  772.             </remarks>
  773.         </member>
  774.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.NoWarn">
  775.             <summary>
  776.             Specifies a comma-separated list of warnings that should be suppressed
  777.             by the compiler.
  778.             </summary>
  779.             <value>
  780.             Comma-separated list of warnings that should be suppressed by the 
  781.             compiler.
  782.             </value>
  783.             <remarks>
  784.             <para>
  785.             Corresponds with the <c>/nowarn</c> flag.
  786.             </para>
  787.             </remarks>
  788.         </member>
  789.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.Codepage">
  790.             <summary>
  791.             Specifies the code page to use for all source code files in the 
  792.             compilation.
  793.             </summary>
  794.             <remarks>
  795.             <para>
  796.             Corresponds with the <c>/codepage</c> flag.
  797.             </para>
  798.             </remarks>
  799.         </member>
  800.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.Extension">
  801.             <summary>
  802.             Gets the file extension required by the current compiler.
  803.             </summary>
  804.             <value>
  805.             For the C# compiler, the file extension is always <c>cs</c>.
  806.             </value>
  807.         </member>
  808.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.ClassNameRegex">
  809.             <summary>
  810.             Gets the class name regular expression for the language of the 
  811.             current compiler.
  812.             </summary>
  813.             <value>
  814.             Class name regular expression for the language of the current 
  815.             compiler.
  816.             </value>
  817.         </member>
  818.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.CscTask.NamespaceRegex">
  819.             <summary>
  820.             Gets the namespace regular expression for the language of the current compiler.
  821.             </summary>
  822.             <value>
  823.             Namespace regular expression for the language of the current 
  824.             compiler.
  825.             </value>
  826.         </member>
  827.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask">
  828.             <summary>
  829.             Signs delay-signed .NET Assemblies, or re-signs existing assemblies.
  830.             </summary>
  831.             <remarks>
  832.             <para>
  833.             The delay-signing mechanism takes a fileset (named targets)
  834.             and either a <see cref="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask.KeyFile"/> attribute for a file containing the
  835.             public and private keys, or <see cref="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask.KeyContainer"/> to name a key 
  836.             container.
  837.             </para>
  838.             </remarks>
  839.             <example>
  840.               <para>Sign partially-signed <c>foo.dll</c> with <c>bar.snk</c>.</para>
  841.               <code>
  842.                 <![CDATA[
  843.             <delay-sign keyfile="bar.snk" verbose="false">
  844.                 <targets>
  845.                     <includes name="foo.dll" />
  846.                 </targets>
  847.             </delay-sign>
  848.                 ]]>
  849.               </code>
  850.             </example>
  851.         </member>
  852.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask.ExecuteTask">
  853.             <summary>
  854.             Converts a single file or group of files.
  855.             </summary>
  856.         </member>
  857.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask.Targets">
  858.             <summary>
  859.             List of assemblies/executables to sign.
  860.             </summary>
  861.         </member>
  862.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask.KeyFile">
  863.             <summary>
  864.             Specifies the filesystem path to the signing key.
  865.             </summary>
  866.         </member>
  867.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask.KeyContainer">
  868.             <summary>
  869.             Specifies the key container.
  870.             </summary>
  871.         </member>
  872.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.DelaySignTask.ProgramArguments">
  873.             <summary>
  874.             Gets the command line arguments for the external program.
  875.             </summary>
  876.             <value>
  877.             The command line arguments for the external program.
  878.             </value>
  879.         </member>
  880.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.JscTask">
  881.             <summary>
  882.             Compiles JScript.NET programs.
  883.             </summary>
  884.             <example>
  885.               <para>Compile <c>helloworld.js</c> to <c>helloworld.exe</c>.</para>
  886.               <code>
  887.                 <![CDATA[
  888.             <jsc target="exe" output="helloworld.exe" debug="true">
  889.                 <sources>
  890.                     <includes name="helloworld.js" />
  891.                 </sources>
  892.             </jsc>
  893.                 ]]>
  894.               </code>
  895.             </example>
  896.         </member>
  897.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.JscTask.WriteOptions(System.IO.TextWriter)">
  898.             <summary>
  899.             Writes the compiler options to the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>.
  900.             </summary>
  901.             <param name="writer"><see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the compiler options should be written.</param>
  902.         </member>
  903.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.JscTask.WarningLevel">
  904.             <summary>
  905.             Specifies the warning level for the compiler to display. Valid 
  906.             values are <c>0</c>-<c>4</c>. The default is <c>4</c>.
  907.             </summary>
  908.             <value>
  909.             The warning level for the compiler to display.
  910.             </value>
  911.             <remarks>
  912.             <para>
  913.             Corresponds with the <c>/warn</c> flag.
  914.             </para>
  915.             </remarks>
  916.         </member>
  917.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.JscTask.Codepage">
  918.             <summary>
  919.             Specifies the code page to use for all source code files in the 
  920.             compilation.
  921.             </summary>
  922.             <remarks>
  923.             <para>
  924.             Corresponds with the <c>/codepage</c> flag.
  925.             </para>
  926.             </remarks>
  927.         </member>
  928.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.JscTask.Extension">
  929.             <summary>
  930.             Gets the file extension required by the current compiler.
  931.             </summary>
  932.             <value>
  933.             For the JScript.NET compiler, the file extension is always <c>js</c>.
  934.             </value>
  935.         </member>
  936.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.JscTask.ClassNameRegex">
  937.             <summary>
  938.             Gets the class name regular expression for the language of the 
  939.             current compiler.
  940.             </summary>
  941.             <value>
  942.             Class name regular expression for the language of the current 
  943.             compiler.
  944.             </value>
  945.         </member>
  946.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.JscTask.NamespaceRegex">
  947.             <summary>
  948.             Gets the namespace regular expression for the language of the 
  949.             current compiler.
  950.             </summary>
  951.             <value>
  952.             Namespace regular expression for the language of the current 
  953.             compiler.
  954.             </value>
  955.         </member>
  956.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask">
  957.             <summary>
  958.             Runs NDoc to create documentation.
  959.             </summary>
  960.             <remarks>
  961.               <para>
  962.               See the <see href="http://ndoc.sf.net">NDoc home page</see> for more 
  963.               information.
  964.               </para>
  965.             </remarks>
  966.             <example>
  967.               <para>
  968.               Document two assemblies using the MSDN documenter. The namespaces are 
  969.               documented in <c>NamespaceSummary.xml</c>.
  970.               </para>
  971.               <code>
  972.                 <![CDATA[
  973.             <ndoc>
  974.                 <assemblies basedir="${build.dir}">
  975.                     <includes name="NAnt.exe" />
  976.                     <includes name="NAnt.Core.dll" />
  977.                 </assemblies>
  978.                 <summaries basedir="${build.dir}">
  979.                     <includes name="NamespaceSummary.xml" />
  980.                 </summaries>
  981.                 <documenters>
  982.                     <documenter name="MSDN">
  983.                         <property name="OutputDirectory" value="doc\MSDN" />
  984.                         <property name="HtmlHelpName" value="NAnt" />
  985.                         <property name="HtmlHelpCompilerFilename" value="hhc.exe" />
  986.                         <property name="IncludeFavorites" value="False" />
  987.                         <property name="Title" value="An NDoc Documented Class Library" />
  988.                         <property name="SplitTOCs" value="False" />
  989.                         <property name="DefaulTOC" value="" />
  990.                         <property name="ShowVisualBasic" value="True" />
  991.                         <property name="ShowMissingSummaries" value="True" />
  992.                         <property name="ShowMissingRemarks" value="True" />
  993.                         <property name="ShowMissingParams" value="True" />
  994.                         <property name="ShowMissingReturns" value="True" />
  995.                         <property name="ShowMissingValues" value="True" />
  996.                         <property name="DocumentInternals" value="False" />
  997.                         <property name="DocumentProtected" value="True" />
  998.                         <property name="DocumentPrivates" value="False" />
  999.                         <property name="DocumentEmptyNamespaces" value="False" />
  1000.                         <property name="IncludeAssemblyVersion" value="False" />
  1001.                         <property name="CopyrightText" value="" />
  1002.                         <property name="CopyrightHref" value="" />
  1003.                      </documenter>
  1004.                 </documenters> 
  1005.             </ndoc>
  1006.                 ]]>
  1007.               </code>
  1008.               <para>Content of <c>NamespaceSummary.xml</c> :</para>
  1009.               <code>
  1010.                 <![CDATA[
  1011.             <namespaces>
  1012.                 <namespace name="Foo.Bar">
  1013.                     The <b>Foo.Bar</b> namespace reinvents the wheel.
  1014.                 </namespace>
  1015.                 <namespace name="Foo.Bar.Tests">
  1016.                     The <b>Foo.Bar.Tests</b> namespace ensures that the Foo.Bar namespace reinvents the wheel correctly.
  1017.                 </namespace>
  1018.             </namespaces>
  1019.                 ]]>
  1020.               </code>
  1021.             </example>
  1022.         </member>
  1023.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.InitializeTask(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
  1024.             <summary>
  1025.             Initializes the taks and verifies the parameters.
  1026.             </summary>
  1027.             <param name="taskNode"><see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> containing the XML fragment used to define this task instance.</param>
  1028.         </member>
  1029.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.ExecuteTask">
  1030.             <summary>
  1031.             Generates an NDoc project and builds the documentation.
  1032.             </summary>
  1033.         </member>
  1034.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.OnDocBuildingStep(System.Object,NDoc.Core.ProgressArgs)">
  1035.             <summary>
  1036.             Represents the method that will be called to update the overall 
  1037.             percent complete value and the current step name.
  1038.             </summary>
  1039.             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
  1040.             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NDoc.Core.ProgressArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
  1041.         </member>
  1042.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.OnDocBuildingProgress(System.Object,NDoc.Core.ProgressArgs)">
  1043.             <summary>
  1044.             Represents the method that will be called to update the current
  1045.             step's precent complete value.
  1046.             </summary>
  1047.             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
  1048.             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NDoc.Core.ProgressArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
  1049.         </member>
  1050.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.CheckAndGetDocumenter(NDoc.Core.Project,System.String)">
  1051.             <summary>
  1052.             Returns the documenter for the given project.
  1053.             </summary>
  1054.             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">Documenter <paramref name="documenterName"/> is not found.</exception>
  1055.         </member>
  1056.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.ExpandPropertiesInNodes(System.Xml.XmlNodeList)">
  1057.             <summary>
  1058.             Performs macro expansion for the given nodes.
  1059.             </summary>
  1060.             <param name="nodes"><see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNodeList"/> for which expansion should be performed.</param>
  1061.         </member>
  1062.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.Assemblies">
  1063.             <summary>
  1064.             The set of assemblies to document.
  1065.             </summary>
  1066.         </member>
  1067.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.NDocTask.Summaries">
  1068.             <summary>
  1069.             The set of namespace summary files.
  1070.             </summary>
  1071.         </member>
  1072.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask">
  1073.             <summary>
  1074.             Installs or removes .NET Services.
  1075.             </summary>
  1076.             <remarks>
  1077.             <para>
  1078.             This tasks provides the same functionality as the <c>regsvcs</c> tool 
  1079.             provided in the .NET SDK.
  1080.             </para>
  1081.             <para>
  1082.             It performs the following actions: 
  1083.             </para>
  1084.             <list type="bullet">
  1085.               <item>
  1086.                 <description>Loads and registers an assembly.</description>
  1087.               </item>
  1088.               <item>
  1089.                 <description>Generates, registers, and installs a type library into a specified COM+ application.</description>
  1090.               </item>
  1091.               <item>
  1092.                 <description>Configures services that are added programmatically to your class.</description>
  1093.               </item>
  1094.             </list>
  1095.             <para>
  1096.             Refer to the <see href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/cptools/html/cpgrfnetservicesinstallationutilityregsvcsexe.htm">.NET Services Installation Tool (Regsvcs.exe)</see> for more information.
  1097.             </para>
  1098.             </remarks>
  1099.             <example>
  1100.             <para>
  1101.             Adds all public classes contained in <c>myTest.dll</c> to a COM+ application 
  1102.             and produces the <c>myTest.tlb</c> type library. If the application already 
  1103.             exists, it is overwritten.
  1104.             </para>
  1105.             <code>
  1106.                 <![CDATA[
  1107.             <regsvcs action="FindOrCreate" assembly="myTest.dll" />
  1108.                 ]]>
  1109.             </code>
  1110.             <para>
  1111.             Adds all public classes contained in <c>myTest.dll</c> to <c>myTargetApp</c> 
  1112.             and produces the <c>myTest.tlb</c> type library. If the application already 
  1113.             exists, it is overwritten.
  1114.             </para>
  1115.             <code>
  1116.                 <![CDATA[
  1117.             <regsvcs action="FindOrCreate" assembly="myTest.dll" application="myTargetApp" />
  1118.                 ]]>
  1119.             </code>
  1120.             <para>
  1121.             Adds all public classes contained in <c>myTest.dll</c> to a COM+ application 
  1122.             and produces the <c>myTest.tlb</c> type library. A new application is always 
  1123.             created.
  1124.             </para>
  1125.             <code>
  1126.                 <![CDATA[
  1127.             <regsvcs action="Create" assembly="myTest.dll" />
  1128.                 ]]>
  1129.             </code>
  1130.             <para>
  1131.             Uninstalls the COM+ application contained in <c>myTest.dll</c></para>
  1132.             <code>
  1133.                 <![CDATA[
  1134.             <regsvcs action="Uninstall" assembly="myTest.dll" />
  1135.                 ]]>
  1136.             </code>
  1137.             </example>
  1138.         </member>
  1139.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ExecuteTask">
  1140.             <summary>
  1141.             Performs the specified action.
  1142.             </summary>
  1143.         </member>
  1144.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.Action">
  1145.             <summary>
  1146.             Defines the action to take with the assembly. Supported actions are: 
  1147.             <see cref="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ActionType.FindOrCreate"/> (the default), <see cref="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ActionType.Create"/>, 
  1148.             or <see cref="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ActionType.Uninstall"/>.
  1149.             </summary>
  1150.         </member>
  1151.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.AssemblyName">
  1152.             <summary>
  1153.             The source assembly file.
  1154.             </summary>
  1155.             <remarks>
  1156.             The assembly must be signed with a strong name.
  1157.             </remarks>
  1158.         </member>
  1159.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.TypeLibrary">
  1160.             <summary>
  1161.             Specifies the type library file to install.
  1162.             </summary>
  1163.         </member>
  1164.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ExistingTypeLibrary">
  1165.             <summary>
  1166.             Uses an existing type library. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1167.             </summary>
  1168.         </member>
  1169.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.NoReconfig">
  1170.             <summary>
  1171.             Do not reconfigure an existing target application. 
  1172.             The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1173.             </summary>
  1174.         </member>
  1175.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ComponentsOnly">
  1176.             <summary>
  1177.             Configures components only; ignores methods and interfaces.
  1178.             The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1179.             </summary>
  1180.         </member>
  1181.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ExistingApplication">
  1182.             <summary>
  1183.             Expect an existing application. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1184.             </summary>
  1185.         </member>
  1186.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ApplicationName">
  1187.             <summary>
  1188.             Specifies the name of the COM+ application to either find or create.
  1189.             </summary>
  1190.         </member>
  1191.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.PartitionName">
  1192.             <summary>
  1193.             Specifies the name or id of the COM+ application to either find or 
  1194.             create.
  1195.             </summary>
  1196.         </member>
  1197.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ProgramArguments">
  1198.             <summary>
  1199.             Gets the command-line arguments for the external program.
  1200.             </summary>
  1201.             <value>
  1202.             The command-line arguments for the external program.
  1203.             </value>
  1204.         </member>
  1205.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ActionType">
  1206.             <summary>
  1207.             Defines the possible actions for a .NET Service.
  1208.             </summary>
  1209.         </member>
  1210.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ActionType.FindOrCreate">
  1211.             <summary>
  1212.             Finds or creates the target application.
  1213.             </summary>
  1214.         </member>
  1215.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ActionType.Create">
  1216.             <summary>
  1217.             Creates the target application.
  1218.             </summary>
  1219.         </member>
  1220.         <member name="F:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.RegsvcsTask.ActionType.Uninstall">
  1221.             <summary>
  1222.             Uninstalls the target application.
  1223.             </summary>
  1224.         </member>
  1225.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask">
  1226.             <summary>
  1227.             Converts files from one resource format to another.
  1228.             </summary>
  1229.             <remarks>
  1230.             <note>
  1231.             If no <see cref="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.ToDirectory"/> is specified, the resource file will 
  1232.             be created next to the input file.
  1233.             </note>
  1234.             </remarks>
  1235.             <example>
  1236.               <para>
  1237.               Convert a resource file from the <c>.resx</c> to the <c>.resources</c> 
  1238.               format.
  1239.               </para>
  1240.               <code>
  1241.                 <![CDATA[
  1242.             <resgen input="translations.resx" output="translations.resources" />
  1243.                 ]]>
  1244.               </code>
  1245.             </example>
  1246.             <example>
  1247.               <para>
  1248.               Convert a set of <c>.resx</c> files to the <c>.resources</c> format.
  1249.               </para>
  1250.               <code>
  1251.                 <![CDATA[
  1252.             <resgen todir=".">
  1253.                 <resources>
  1254.                     <includes name="*.resx" />
  1255.                 </resources>
  1256.             </resgen>
  1257.                 ]]>
  1258.               </code>
  1259.             </example>
  1260.         </member>
  1261.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.ExecuteTask">
  1262.             <summary>
  1263.             Converts a single file or group of files.
  1264.             </summary>
  1265.         </member>
  1266.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.RemoveOutputs">
  1267.             <summary>
  1268.             Cleans up generated files.
  1269.             </summary>
  1270.         </member>
  1271.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.NeedsCompiling(System.String,System.String)">
  1272.             <summary>
  1273.             Determines whether the specified input file needs to be compiled.
  1274.             </summary>
  1275.             <param name="input">The input file.</param>
  1276.             <param name="output">The output file.</param>
  1277.             <returns>
  1278.             <see langword="true" /> if the input file need to be compiled; 
  1279.             otherwise <see langword="false" />.
  1280.             </returns>
  1281.         </member>
  1282.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.AppendArgument(System.String)">
  1283.             <summary>
  1284.             Adds a command line argument to the command line for the external
  1285.             program that is used to convert the resource files.
  1286.             </summary>
  1287.             <param name="s">The argument that should be added to the command line.</param>
  1288.         </member>
  1289.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.GetOutputFile(System.String,System.String)">
  1290.             <summary>
  1291.             Determines the full path and extension for the output file.
  1292.             </summary>
  1293.             <param name="filename">The output file for which the full path and extension should be determined.</param>
  1294.             <param name="prefix">prefix to prepend to the output .resources file</param>
  1295.             <returns>The full path (with extensions) for the specified file.</returns>
  1296.         </member>
  1297.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.Input">
  1298.             <summary>
  1299.             Input file to process.
  1300.             </summary>
  1301.             <value>
  1302.             The full path to the input file.
  1303.             </value>
  1304.         </member>
  1305.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.Output">
  1306.             <summary>
  1307.             Name of the resource file to output.
  1308.             </summary>
  1309.         </member>
  1310.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.TargetExt">
  1311.             <summary>
  1312.             The target type (usually <c>resources</c>).
  1313.             </summary>
  1314.         </member>
  1315.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.ToDirectory">
  1316.             <summary>
  1317.             The directory to which outputs will be stored.
  1318.             </summary>
  1319.         </member>
  1320.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.Resources">
  1321.             <summary>
  1322.             Takes a list of <c>.resx</c> or <c>.txt</c> files to convert to <c>.resources</c> files.      
  1323.             </summary>
  1324.         </member>
  1325.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.ResGenTask.ProgramArguments">
  1326.             <summary>
  1327.             Gets the command line arguments for the external program.
  1328.             </summary>
  1329.             <value>
  1330.             The command line arguments for the external program.
  1331.             </value>
  1332.         </member>
  1333.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask">
  1334.             <summary>
  1335.             Compiles Visual Basic.NET programs.
  1336.             </summary>
  1337.             <example>
  1338.               <para>Example build file using this task.</para>
  1339.               <code>
  1340.                 <![CDATA[
  1341.             <project name="Hello World" default="build" basedir=".">
  1342.               <property name="basename" value="HelloWorld" />
  1343.               <property name="debug" value="true" />
  1344.               <target name="clean">
  1345.                  <delete file="${basename}-vb.exe" failonerror="false" />
  1346.                  <delete file="${basename}-vb.pdb" failonerror="false" />
  1347.               </target>
  1348.               <target name="build">
  1349.                  <vbc target="exe" output="${basename}-vb.exe">
  1350.                     <sources>
  1351.                        <includes name="${basename}.vb" />
  1352.                     </sources>
  1353.                  </vbc>
  1354.               </target>
  1355.               <target name="debug" depends="clean">
  1356.                  <vbc target="exe" output="${basename}-vb.exe" debug="${debug}">
  1357.                     <sources>
  1358.                        <includes name="${basename}.vb" />
  1359.                     </sources>
  1360.                  </vbc>
  1361.               </target>
  1362.             </project>
  1363.                ]]>
  1364.               </code>
  1365.             </example>
  1366.         </member>
  1367.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.GetResourceLinkage(System.String,System.Globalization.CultureInfo)">
  1368.             <summary>
  1369.             Finds the correct namespace/classname for a resource file from the 
  1370.             given dependent source file, and ensure the <see cref="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.RootNamespace"/>
  1371.             is prefixed.
  1372.             </summary>
  1373.             <param name="dependentFile">The file from which the resource linkage of the resource file should be determined.</param>
  1374.             <param name="resourceCulture">The culture of the resource file for which the resource linkage should be determined.</param>
  1375.             <returns>
  1376.             The namespace/classname of the source file matching the resource or
  1377.             <see langword="null"/> if the dependent source file does not exist.
  1378.             </returns>
  1379.         </member>
  1380.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.WriteOptions(System.IO.TextWriter)">
  1381.             <summary>
  1382.             Writes the compiler options to the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>.
  1383.             </summary>
  1384.             <param name="writer"><see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the compiler options should be written.</param>
  1385.         </member>
  1386.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.BaseAddress">
  1387.             <summary>
  1388.             Specifies whether the <c>/baseaddress</c> option gets passed to the 
  1389.             compiler.
  1390.             </summary>
  1391.             <value>
  1392.             The value of this property is a string that makes up a 32bit hexadecimal 
  1393.             number.
  1394.             </value>
  1395.             <remarks>
  1396.             <a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfbaseaddressspecifybaseaddressofdll.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
  1397.         </member>
  1398.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.Imports">
  1399.             <summary>
  1400.             Specifies whether the <c>/imports</c> option gets passed to the 
  1401.             compiler.
  1402.             </summary>
  1403.             <value>
  1404.             The value of this attribute is a string that contains one or more 
  1405.             namespaces separated by commas.
  1406.             </value>
  1407.             <remarks>
  1408.             <a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfImportImportNamespaceFromSpecifiedAssembly.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a>
  1409.             </remarks>
  1410.             <example>Example of an imports attribute
  1411.             <code><![CDATA[imports="Microsoft.VisualBasic, System, System.Collections, System.Data, System.Diagnostics"]]></code>
  1412.             </example>
  1413.         </member>
  1414.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.OptionCompare">
  1415.             <summary>
  1416.             Specifies whether <c>/optioncompare</c> option gets passed to the 
  1417.             compiler.
  1418.             </summary>
  1419.             <value>
  1420.             <c>text</c>, <c>binary</c>, or an empty string.  If the value is 
  1421.             <see langword="false" /> or an empty string, the option will not be 
  1422.             passed to the compiler.
  1423.             </value>
  1424.             <remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfOptioncompareSpecifyHowStringsAreCompared.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
  1425.         </member>
  1426.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.OptionExplicit">
  1427.             <summary>
  1428.             Specifies whether the <c>/optionexplicit</c> option gets passed to 
  1429.             the compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1430.             </summary>
  1431.             <value>
  1432.             <see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler; 
  1433.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1434.             </value>
  1435.             <remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfOptionexplicitRequireExplicitDeclarationOfVariables.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
  1436.         </member>
  1437.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.OptionOptimize">
  1438.             <summary>
  1439.             Specifies whether the <c>/optimize</c> option gets passed to the 
  1440.             compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1441.             </summary>
  1442.             <value>
  1443.             <see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler; 
  1444.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1445.             </value>
  1446.             <remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfoptimizeenabledisableoptimizations.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
  1447.         </member>
  1448.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.OptionStrict">
  1449.             <summary>
  1450.             Specifies whether the <c>/optionstrict</c> option gets passed to 
  1451.             the compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1452.             </summary>
  1453.             <value>
  1454.             <see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler; 
  1455.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1456.             </value>
  1457.             <remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfOptionstrictEnforceStrictTypeSemantics.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
  1458.         </member>
  1459.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.RemoveIntChecks">
  1460.             <summary>
  1461.             Specifies whether the <c>/removeintchecks</c> option gets passed to 
  1462.             the compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1463.             </summary>
  1464.             <value>
  1465.             <see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler; 
  1466.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1467.             </value>
  1468.             <remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfRemoveintchecksRemoveInteger-OverflowChecks.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
  1469.         </member>
  1470.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.RootNamespace">
  1471.             <summary>
  1472.             Specifies whether the <c>/rootnamespace</c> option gets passed to 
  1473.             the compiler.
  1474.             </summary>
  1475.             <value>
  1476.             The value of this attribute is a string that contains the root 
  1477.             namespace of the project.
  1478.             </value>
  1479.             <remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfRootnamespace.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
  1480.         </member>
  1481.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.Extension">
  1482.             <summary>
  1483.             Gets the file extension required by the current compiler.
  1484.             </summary>
  1485.             <value>
  1486.             For the VB.NET compiler, the file extension is always <c>vb</c>.
  1487.             </value>
  1488.         </member>
  1489.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.ClassNameRegex">
  1490.             <summary>
  1491.             Gets the class name regular expression for the language of the 
  1492.             current compiler.
  1493.             </summary>
  1494.             <value>
  1495.             Class name regular expression for the language of the current 
  1496.             compiler.
  1497.             </value>
  1498.         </member>
  1499.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VbcTask.NamespaceRegex">
  1500.             <summary>
  1501.             Gets the namespace regular expression for the language of the 
  1502.             current compiler.
  1503.             </summary>
  1504.             <value>
  1505.             Namespace regular expression for the language of the current 
  1506.             compiler.
  1507.             </value>
  1508.         </member>
  1509.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask">
  1510.              <summary>
  1511.              Compiles Visual J# programs using vjc, Microsoft's J# compiler.
  1512.              </summary>
  1513.              <example>
  1514.                <para>Compile <c>helloworld.jsl</c> to <c>helloworld.exe</c>.</para>
  1515.                <code>
  1516.                  <![CDATA[
  1517.             <vjc target="exe" output="helloworld.exe" debug="true">
  1518.                <sources>
  1519.                   <includes name="helloworld.jsl" />
  1520.                </sources>
  1521.             </vjc>
  1522.                  ]]>
  1523.                </code>
  1524.              </example>
  1525.         </member>
  1526.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.WriteOptions(System.IO.TextWriter)">
  1527.             <summary>
  1528.             Writes the compiler options to the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>.
  1529.             </summary>
  1530.             <param name="writer"><see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the compiler options should be written.</param>
  1531.         </member>
  1532.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.SecureScoping">
  1533.             <summary>
  1534.             Specifies whether package-scoped members are accessible outside of 
  1535.             the assembly. In other words, package scope is treated as assembly 
  1536.             scope when emitting metadata. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1537.             </summary>
  1538.             <value>
  1539.             <see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler; 
  1540.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1541.             </value>
  1542.             <remarks>
  1543.             <para>
  1544.             Corresponds to the <c>/securescoping</c> flag.
  1545.             </para>
  1546.             <para>
  1547.             <a href="ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.VJSharp/dv_vjsharp/html/vjgrfsecurescopingmakepackage-scopedmembersinaccessibleoutsideassembly.htm">See the Visual J# Reference for details.</a>
  1548.             </para>
  1549.             </remarks>
  1550.             <example>
  1551.             <code><![CDATA[<vjc securescoping='true'/>]]></code>
  1552.             </example>
  1553.         </member>
  1554.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.X">
  1555.             <summary>
  1556.             Specifies whether to disable language extensions.
  1557.             </summary>
  1558.             <value>
  1559.             The value of this property must be either <c>all</c>, <c>net</c>, 
  1560.             or an empty string.
  1561.             </value>
  1562.             <remarks>
  1563.             <para>
  1564.             Corresponds to the <c>/x</c> flag.
  1565.             </para>
  1566.             <para>
  1567.             <a href="ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.VJSharp/dv_vjsharp/html/vjgrfxdisablelanguageextensions.htm">See the Visual J# Reference for details.</a>
  1568.             </para>
  1569.             </remarks>
  1570.             <example>
  1571.             <para>To disable only the .NET Framework extensions:<c><![CDATA[
  1572.             <vjc x='net'/>
  1573.             ]]></c></para>
  1574.             <para>To disable the .NET Framework extensions and the VJ++ 6.0 extensions:<c><![CDATA[
  1575.             <vjc x='all'/>
  1576.             ]]></c></para>
  1577.             </example>
  1578.         </member>
  1579.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.LibPath">
  1580.             <summary>
  1581.             Specifies the location of assemblies referenced by way of the <c>/reference</c> flag.
  1582.             </summary>
  1583.             <remarks>
  1584.             <para>
  1585.             Corresponds to the <c>/libpath:dir[;dir2]</c> flag.
  1586.             </para>
  1587.             <para>
  1588.             <a href="ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.VJSharp/dv_vjsharp/html/vjgrflibpathspecifyassemblyreferencelocations.htm">See the Visual J# Reference for details.</a>
  1589.             </para>
  1590.             </remarks>
  1591.         </member>
  1592.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.Jcpa">
  1593.             <summary>
  1594.             Associate Java-language/COM package names.
  1595.             </summary>
  1596.             <value>
  1597.             The value of this propery. must be <c>package=namespace</c>, <c>@filename</c>, 
  1598.             or an empty string.
  1599.             </value>
  1600.             <remarks>
  1601.             <para>
  1602.             Corresponds to the <c>/jcpa:package=namespace</c> and <c>/jcpa:@filename</c> flags.
  1603.             </para>
  1604.             <para>
  1605.             <a href="ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.VJSharp/dv_vjsharp/html/vjgrfjcpaassociatejava-compackages.htm">See the Visual J# Reference for details.</a>
  1606.             </para>
  1607.             </remarks>
  1608.             <example>
  1609.             <para>Map package 'x' to namespace 'y':<c><![CDATA[
  1610.             <vjc jcpa='x=y'/>
  1611.             ]]></c></para>
  1612.             </example>
  1613.         </member>
  1614.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.Codepage">
  1615.             <summary>
  1616.             Specifies the code page to use for all source code files in the 
  1617.             compilation.
  1618.             </summary>
  1619.             <remarks>
  1620.             <para>
  1621.             Corresponds with the <c>/codepage</c> flag.
  1622.             </para>
  1623.             <para>
  1624.             <a href="ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.VJSharp/dv_vjsharp/html/vjlrfcodepagespecifycodepageforsourcecodefiles.htm">See the Visual J# Reference for details.</a>
  1625.             </para>
  1626.             </remarks>
  1627.         </member>
  1628.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.WarningLevel">
  1629.             <summary>
  1630.             Specifies the warning level for the compiler to display. Valid values 
  1631.             are <c>0</c>-<c>4</c>. The default is <c>4</c>.
  1632.             </summary>
  1633.             <value>
  1634.             The warning level for the compiler to display.
  1635.             </value>
  1636.             <remarks>
  1637.             <para>
  1638.             Corresponds with the <c>/warn</c> option.
  1639.             </para>
  1640.             </remarks>
  1641.         </member>
  1642.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.NoWarn">
  1643.             <summary>
  1644.             Specifies a comma-separated list of warnings that should be suppressed 
  1645.             by the compiler.
  1646.             </summary>
  1647.             <value>
  1648.             Comma-separated list of warnings that should be suppressed by the 
  1649.             compiler.
  1650.             </value>
  1651.             <remarks>
  1652.             <para>
  1653.             Corresponds with the <c>/nowarn</c> option.
  1654.             </para>
  1655.             </remarks>
  1656.         </member>
  1657.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.Extension">
  1658.             <summary>
  1659.             Gets the file extension required by the current compiler.
  1660.             </summary>
  1661.             <value>
  1662.             For the J# compiler, the file extension is always <c>jsl</c>.
  1663.             </value>
  1664.         </member>
  1665.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.ClassNameRegex">
  1666.             <summary>
  1667.             Gets the class name regular expression for the language of the 
  1668.             current compiler.
  1669.             </summary>
  1670.             <value>
  1671.             Class name regular expression for the language of the current 
  1672.             compiler.
  1673.             </value>
  1674.         </member>
  1675.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.VjcTask.NamespaceRegex">
  1676.              <summary>
  1677.              Gets the namespace regular expression for the language of the 
  1678.              current compiler.
  1679.             </summary>
  1680.              <value>
  1681.              Namespace regular expression for the language of the current 
  1682.              compiler.
  1683.              </value>
  1684.         </member>
  1685.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute">
  1686.             <summary>
  1687.             Represents an assembly-level attribute.
  1688.             </summary>
  1689.         </member>
  1690.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute.#ctor">
  1691.             <summary>
  1692.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> 
  1693.             class.
  1694.             </summary>
  1695.         </member>
  1696.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute.TypeName">
  1697.             <summary>
  1698.             Typename of the assembly-level attribute.
  1699.             </summary>
  1700.         </member>
  1701.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute.Value">
  1702.             <summary>
  1703.             Value of the attribute.
  1704.             </summary>
  1705.         </member>
  1706.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute.AsIs">
  1707.             <summary>
  1708.             If <see langword="true" /> then the value of the attribute will be 
  1709.             set as is, without actually looking for a matching constructor or 
  1710.             named properties. The default is <see langword="false" />.
  1711.             </summary>
  1712.             <value>
  1713.             <see langword="true" /> if the value of the attribute should be set 
  1714.             as is; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1715.             </value>
  1716.         </member>
  1717.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute.IfDefined">
  1718.             <summary>
  1719.             Indicates if the attribute should be generated. 
  1720.             </summary>
  1721.             <value>
  1722.             <see langword="true" /> if the attribute should be generated; 
  1723.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1724.             </value>
  1725.         </member>
  1726.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute.UnlessDefined">
  1727.             <summary>
  1728.             Indicates if the attribute should be not generated. 
  1729.             </summary>
  1730.             <value>
  1731.             <see langword="true" /> if the attribute should be not generated; 
  1732.             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
  1733.             </value>
  1734.         </member>
  1735.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection">
  1736.             <summary>
  1737.             Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> 
  1738.             objects.
  1739.             </summary>
  1740.         </member>
  1741.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.#ctor">
  1742.             <summary>
  1743.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/> class.
  1744.             </summary>
  1745.         </member>
  1746.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.#ctor(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection)">
  1747.             <summary>
  1748.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/> class
  1749.             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/> instance.
  1750.             </summary>
  1751.         </member>
  1752.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.#ctor(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute[])">
  1753.             <summary>
  1754.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/> class
  1755.             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> instances.
  1756.             </summary>
  1757.         </member>
  1758.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.Add(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute)">
  1759.             <summary>
  1760.             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> to the end of the collection.
  1761.             </summary>
  1762.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
  1763.             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
  1764.         </member>
  1765.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.AddRange(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute[])">
  1766.             <summary>
  1767.             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> array to the end of the collection.
  1768.             </summary>
  1769.             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
  1770.         </member>
  1771.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.AddRange(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection)">
  1772.             <summary>
  1773.             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
  1774.             </summary>
  1775.             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
  1776.         </member>
  1777.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.Contains(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute)">
  1778.             <summary>
  1779.             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> is in the collection.
  1780.             </summary>
  1781.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
  1782.             <returns>
  1783.             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
  1784.             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
  1785.             </returns>
  1786.         </member>
  1787.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  1788.             <summary>
  1789.             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> with the specified
  1790.             value is in the collection.
  1791.             </summary>
  1792.             <param name="value">The argument value to locate in the collection.</param> 
  1793.             <returns>
  1794.             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> with 
  1795.             value <paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise, 
  1796.             <see langword="false"/>.
  1797.             </returns>
  1798.         </member>
  1799.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute[],System.Int32)">
  1800.             <summary>
  1801.             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
  1802.             </summary>
  1803.             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
  1804.             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
  1805.         </member>
  1806.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute)">
  1807.             <summary>
  1808.             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> object in the collection.
  1809.             </summary>
  1810.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
  1811.             <returns>
  1812.             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
  1813.             </returns>
  1814.         </member>
  1815.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute)">
  1816.             <summary>
  1817.             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> into the collection at the specified index.
  1818.             </summary>
  1819.             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
  1820.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> to insert.</param>
  1821.         </member>
  1822.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.GetEnumerator">
  1823.             <summary>
  1824.             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
  1825.             </summary>
  1826.             <returns>
  1827.             A <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
  1828.             </returns>
  1829.         </member>
  1830.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.Remove(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute)">
  1831.             <summary>
  1832.             Removes a member from the collection.
  1833.             </summary>
  1834.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
  1835.         </member>
  1836.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  1837.             <summary>
  1838.             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
  1839.             </summary>
  1840.             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
  1841.         </member>
  1842.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection.Item(System.String)">
  1843.             <summary>
  1844.             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> with the specified value.
  1845.             </summary>
  1846.             <param name="value">The value of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> to get.</param>
  1847.         </member>
  1848.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeEnumerator">
  1849.             <summary>
  1850.             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/>.
  1851.             </summary>
  1852.         </member>
  1853.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection)">
  1854.             <summary>
  1855.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeEnumerator"/> class
  1856.             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection"/>.
  1857.             </summary>
  1858.             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
  1859.         </member>
  1860.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeEnumerator.MoveNext">
  1861.             <summary>
  1862.             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
  1863.             </summary>
  1864.             <returns>
  1865.             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
  1866.             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
  1867.             passed the end of the collection.
  1868.             </returns>
  1869.         </member>
  1870.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeEnumerator.Reset">
  1871.             <summary>
  1872.             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
  1873.             first element in the collection.
  1874.             </summary>
  1875.         </member>
  1876.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeEnumerator.Current">
  1877.             <summary>
  1878.             Gets the current element in the collection.
  1879.             </summary>
  1880.             <returns>
  1881.             The current element in the collection.
  1882.             </returns>
  1883.         </member>
  1884.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet">
  1885.             <summary>
  1886.             Specialized <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> class for managing resource files. 
  1887.             </summary>     
  1888.         </member>
  1889.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.#ctor">
  1890.             <summary>
  1891.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> class.
  1892.             </summary>
  1893.         </member>
  1894.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet)">
  1895.             <summary>
  1896.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> class from
  1897.             the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
  1898.             </summary>
  1899.             <param name="source">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> that should be used to create a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> class.</param>
  1900.         </member>
  1901.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.GetManifestResourceName(System.String)">
  1902.             <summary>
  1903.             Gets the manifest resource name for the file according to the 
  1904.             attributes that resources was defined with.
  1905.             </summary>
  1906.             <param name="fileName">The full path and name of the file as returned from <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.FileNames"/>.</param>
  1907.             <returns>The manifest resource name to be sent to the compiler.</returns>
  1908.         </member>
  1909.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.Prefix">
  1910.             <summary>
  1911.             Indicates the prefix to prepend to the actual resource.  
  1912.             This is usually the default namspace of the assembly.
  1913.             </summary>
  1914.         </member>
  1915.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.DynamicPrefix">
  1916.             <summary>
  1917.             Indicates that prefixes should be dynamically generated by taking 
  1918.             the path of the resource relative to the basedir and appending it 
  1919.             to the specified prefix.
  1920.             </summary>
  1921.         </member>
  1922.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.ResxFiles">
  1923.             <summary>
  1924.             Gets a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> containing all matching resx files.
  1925.             </summary>
  1926.             <value>
  1927.             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> containing all matching resx files.
  1928.             </value>
  1929.         </member>
  1930.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet.NonResxFiles">
  1931.             <summary>
  1932.             Gets a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> containing all matching non-resx 
  1933.             files.
  1934.             </summary>
  1935.             <value>
  1936.             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> containing all matching non-resx files.
  1937.             </value>
  1938.         </member>
  1939.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection">
  1940.             <summary>
  1941.             Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> objects.
  1942.             </summary>
  1943.         </member>
  1944.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.#ctor">
  1945.             <summary>
  1946.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/> class.
  1947.             </summary>
  1948.         </member>
  1949.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.#ctor(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection)">
  1950.             <summary>
  1951.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/> class
  1952.             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/> instance.
  1953.             </summary>
  1954.         </member>
  1955.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.#ctor(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet[])">
  1956.             <summary>
  1957.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/> class
  1958.             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> instances.
  1959.             </summary>
  1960.         </member>
  1961.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.Add(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet)">
  1962.             <summary>
  1963.             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> to the end of the collection.
  1964.             </summary>
  1965.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
  1966.             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
  1967.         </member>
  1968.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.AddRange(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet[])">
  1969.             <summary>
  1970.             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> array to the end of the collection.
  1971.             </summary>
  1972.             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
  1973.         </member>
  1974.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.AddRange(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection)">
  1975.             <summary>
  1976.             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
  1977.             </summary>
  1978.             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
  1979.         </member>
  1980.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.Contains(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet)">
  1981.             <summary>
  1982.             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> is in the collection.
  1983.             </summary>
  1984.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
  1985.             <returns>
  1986.             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
  1987.             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
  1988.             </returns>
  1989.         </member>
  1990.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet[],System.Int32)">
  1991.             <summary>
  1992.             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
  1993.             </summary>
  1994.             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
  1995.             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
  1996.         </member>
  1997.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet)">
  1998.             <summary>
  1999.             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> object in the collection.
  2000.             </summary>
  2001.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
  2002.             <returns>
  2003.             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
  2004.             </returns>
  2005.         </member>
  2006.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet)">
  2007.             <summary>
  2008.             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> into the collection at the specified index.
  2009.             </summary>
  2010.             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
  2011.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> to insert.</param>
  2012.         </member>
  2013.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.GetEnumerator">
  2014.             <summary>
  2015.             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
  2016.             </summary>
  2017.             <returns>
  2018.             A <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
  2019.             </returns>
  2020.         </member>
  2021.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.Remove(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet)">
  2022.             <summary>
  2023.             Removes a member from the collection.
  2024.             </summary>
  2025.             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
  2026.         </member>
  2027.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  2028.             <summary>
  2029.             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
  2030.             </summary>
  2031.             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
  2032.         </member>
  2033.         <member name="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetEnumerator">
  2034.             <summary>
  2035.             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/>.
  2036.             </summary>
  2037.         </member>
  2038.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection)">
  2039.             <summary>
  2040.             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetEnumerator"/> class
  2041.             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection"/>.
  2042.             </summary>
  2043.             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
  2044.         </member>
  2045.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetEnumerator.MoveNext">
  2046.             <summary>
  2047.             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
  2048.             </summary>
  2049.             <returns>
  2050.             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
  2051.             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
  2052.             passed the end of the collection.
  2053.             </returns>
  2054.         </member>
  2055.         <member name="M:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetEnumerator.Reset">
  2056.             <summary>
  2057.             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
  2058.             first element in the collection.
  2059.             </summary>
  2060.         </member>
  2061.         <member name="P:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetEnumerator.Current">
  2062.             <summary>
  2063.             Gets the current element in the collection.
  2064.             </summary>
  2065.             <returns>
  2066.             The current element in the collection.
  2067.             </returns>
  2068.         </member>
  2069.     </members>
  2070. </doc>