Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider"/>
for the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage"/>.
<param name="codeLanguage">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeLanguage"/> for which an instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.AssemblyInfoTask.CodeProvider"/> class should be initialized.</param>
Retrieves the specified <see cref="T:System.Type"/> corresponding with the specified
type name from a list of assemblies.
<param name="assemblies">The collection of assemblies that the type should tried to be instantiated from.</param>
<param name="imports">The list of imports that can be used to resolve the typename to a full typename.</param>
<param name="typename">The typename that should be used to determine the type to which the specified value should be converted.</param>
<param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.String"/> value that should be converted to a typed value.</param>
<exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
<para><paramref name="value"/> is <see langword="null"/> and the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/> has no default public constructor.</para>
<para><paramref name="value"/> cannot be converted to a value that's suitable for one of the constructors of the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/>.</para>
<para>The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/> has no suitable constructor.</para>
<para>A <see cref="T:System.Type"/> identified by <paramref name="typename"/> could not be located or loaded.</para>
Determines the manifest resource name of the given resource file.
<param name="resources">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> containing information that will used to assemble the manifest resource name.</param>
<param name="resourceFile">The resource file of which the manifest resource name should be determined.</param>
<param name="dependentFile">The source file on which the resource file depends.</param>
The manifest resource name of the specified resource file.
Determines the manifest resource name of the given resource file.
<param name="resources">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> containing information that will used to assemble the manifest resource name.</param>
<param name="resourceFile">The resource file of which the manifest resource name should be determined.</param>
The manifest resource name of the specified resource file.
For .resx resources, the name of the dependent is determined by
replacing the extension of the file with the extension of the
source files for the compiler, and removing the culture name from
This tasks provides the same functionality as the <c>regsvcs</c> tool
provided in the .NET SDK.
It performs the following actions:
<list type="bullet">
<description>Loads and registers an assembly.</description>
<description>Generates, registers, and installs a type library into a specified COM+ application.</description>
<description>Configures services that are added programmatically to your class.</description>
Refer to the <see href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/cptools/html/cpgrfnetservicesinstallationutilityregsvcsexe.htm">.NET Services Installation Tool (Regsvcs.exe)</see> for more information.
Adds all public classes contained in <c>myTest.dll</c> to a COM+ application
and produces the <c>myTest.tlb</c> type library. If the application already
Specifies whether the <c>/baseaddress</c> option gets passed to the
The value of this property is a string that makes up a 32bit hexadecimal
<a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfbaseaddressspecifybaseaddressofdll.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
Specifies whether the <c>/imports</c> option gets passed to the
The value of this attribute is a string that contains one or more
namespaces separated by commas.
<a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfImportImportNamespaceFromSpecifiedAssembly.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a>
Specifies whether <c>/optioncompare</c> option gets passed to the
<c>text</c>, <c>binary</c>, or an empty string. If the value is
<see langword="false" /> or an empty string, the option will not be
passed to the compiler.
<remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfOptioncompareSpecifyHowStringsAreCompared.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
Specifies whether the <c>/optionexplicit</c> option gets passed to
the compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
<see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler;
otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfOptionexplicitRequireExplicitDeclarationOfVariables.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
Specifies whether the <c>/optimize</c> option gets passed to the
compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
<see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler;
otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfoptimizeenabledisableoptimizations.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
Specifies whether the <c>/optionstrict</c> option gets passed to
the compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
<see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler;
otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfOptionstrictEnforceStrictTypeSemantics.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
Specifies whether the <c>/removeintchecks</c> option gets passed to
the compiler. The default is <see langword="false" />.
<see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler;
otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
<remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfRemoveintchecksRemoveInteger-OverflowChecks.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
Specifies whether the <c>/rootnamespace</c> option gets passed to
the compiler.
The value of this attribute is a string that contains the root
namespace of the project.
<remarks><a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/vblr7net/html/valrfRootnamespace.htm">See the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK documentation for details.</a></remarks>
Specifies whether package-scoped members are accessible outside of
the assembly. In other words, package scope is treated as assembly
scope when emitting metadata. The default is <see langword="false" />.
<see langword="true" /> if the option should be passed to the compiler;
otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
Corresponds to the <c>/securescoping</c> flag.
<a href="ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.VJSharp/dv_vjsharp/html/vjgrfsecurescopingmakepackage-scopedmembersinaccessibleoutsideassembly.htm">See the Visual J# Reference for details.</a>
Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
<param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> object in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> object for which the index is returned.</param>
The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> class from
the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
<param name="source">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> that should be used to create a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> class.</param>
Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
<param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> object in the collection.
<param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> object for which the index is returned.</param>
The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.