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Extensible Markup Language  |  2004-03-03  |  13.4 KB  |  236 lines

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  2. <AuthorData>
  3.     <Authors>
  4.         <Category name = "Coding">
  5.             <Author name = "Mike Krueger" 
  6.                     mail = "mike@icsharpcode.net"
  7.                     achievements = "Main SD coder"/>
  8.             <Author name = "Andrea Paatz" 
  9.                     mail = "andrea@icsharpcode.net"
  10.                     achievements = "C# Parser and much work in Code Completion, Code Review"/>
  11.             <Author name = "Markus Palme"
  12.                     mail = "MarkusPalme@gmx.de"
  13.                     achievements = "VB.NET backend binding, Assembly Scout, Regular Expression workbench"/>
  14.             <Author name = "Georg Brandl"
  15.                     mail = "g.brandl@gmx.net"
  16.                 achievements = "Start Page, File type register, Assembly Scout and bugfixes"/>
  17.             <Author name = "Roman Taranchenko"
  18.                     mail = "rnt@smtp.ru"
  19.                 achievements = "Encoding Support and many Bugfixes"/>
  20.             <Author name = "Shinsaku Nakagawa"
  21.                     mail = "shinsaku@users.sourceforge.jp"
  22.                     achievements = "IME support for the editor and Bugfixes"/>
  23.             <Author name = "Eddie Sheffield"
  24.                     mail = "eddie_sheffield@YAHOO.COM"
  25.                     achievements = "Initial implementation of the Forms designer"/>
  26.             <Author name = "Niv Lederer"
  27.                     mail = "niv_led@hotmail.com"
  28.                     achievements = "Helped with the forms designer: roundtrip, events tab, helpservice and general stuff"/>
  29.             <Author name = "Denis Erchoff"
  30.                     mail = "d_erchoff@hotmail.com"
  31.                     achievements = "Customizing formsdesigner toolbar, database scout"/>
  32.             <Author name = "Jeffrey Huntsman"
  33.                     mail = "jhuntsman@oakwoodsys.com"
  34.                     achievements = "Web References"/>
  35.             <Author name = "Scott Gilroy"
  36.                     mail = "scottgilroy@hotpop.com"
  37.                     achievements = "VS.NET importer improvements"/>
  38.         </Category>
  40.         <Category name = "Help File">
  41.             <Author name = "Gavin McKay"
  42.                     mail = "gavin@dropbears.net"
  43.                     achievements = "Help file so far"/>
  44.         </Category>
  46.         <Category name = "Translation">
  47. <Author name="Ahsan Umair" mail="maumair@yahoo.co.uk" achievements="Urdu(urdu)"/>
  48. <Author name="Alexandre Langlois" mail="alexandre_langlois@hotmail.com" achievements="French(fr)"/>
  49. <Author name="Anna Nitke" mail="anna_nitke@yahoo.com" achievements="Swedish(se)"/>
  50. <Author name="Bernard Vander Beken" mail="jawn@gmx.net" achievements="Dutch(nl)"/>
  51. <Author name="Bernhard Spuida" mail="bspuida@yahoo.com" achievements="Portuguese(pt), Italian(it), Spanish(es) and German(de)"/>
  52. <Author name="brunoreis@terra.com.br" mail="brunoreis@terra.com.br" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br)"/>
  53. <Author name="Carsten Mejlvang" mail="cmmedia@post4.tele.dk" achievements="Danish(dk)"/>
  54. <Author name="Christian Holm" mail="office@holmcs.com" achievements="German(de)"/>
  55. <Author name="Christoph Wille" mail="christophw@alphasierrapapa.com" achievements="(True)"/>
  56. <Author name="Christophe Lauer" mail="clauer@free.fr" achievements="French(fr)"/>
  57. <Author name="Csaba Kabai" mail="csabica@hotmail.com" achievements="Hungarian(hu)"/>
  58. <Author name="Denis ERCHOFF" mail="d_erchoff@hotmail.com" achievements="(en)"/>
  59. <Author name="Diogo Kollross" mail="diogoko@mail.com" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br)"/>
  60. <Author name="Fabio Cavalcante" mail="tp_slc_facavalcante@msn.com" achievements="Portuguese(pt)"/>
  61. <Author name="ferry tang" mail="tangferry@hotmail.com" achievements="Chinese Traditional(cn-big) and Chinese Simplified(cn-gb)"/>
  62. <Author name="Firat Kucuk" mail="firatkucuk@yahoo.com" achievements="Turkish(tr)"/>
  63. <Author name="Georg Brandl" mail="g.brandl@gmx.net" achievements="German(de)"/>
  64. <Author name="Giorgio Gentili" mail="giorgiog@terra.cl" achievements="Spanish(es)"/>
  65. <Author name="Gutemberg Vieira" mail="gutembergf@uol.com.br" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br)"/>
  66. <Author name="hajaji@walla.co.il" mail="hajaji@walla.co.il" achievements="Hebrew(he)"/>
  67. <Author name="Henrique Alves" mail="halves@mail.pt" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br) and Portuguese(pt)"/>
  68. <Author name="Hobil Haidari" mail="hobil@home.se" achievements="Swedish(se)"/>
  69. <Author name="JL Ardoin (French/2)" mail="jlardoin01@noos.fr" achievements="French(fr)"/>
  70. <Author name="Jorge Humberto Johnson Aristizabal" mail="jorge.johnson@alcuadrado.com" achievements="Spanish(es)"/>
  71. <Author name="Joshuah John" mail="ivan_emilov@mail.bg" achievements="Bulgarian(bg)"/>
  72. <Author name="Juan Lupion" mail="jll031@gmx.net" achievements="Spanish(es)"/>
  73. <Author name="Juan T. Llibre" mail="j.llibre@codetel.net.do" achievements="Spanish(es)"/>
  74. <Author name="Kaloyan Tenchov" mail="zayfod@yahoo.com" achievements="Bulgarian(bg)"/>
  75. <Author name="laijerrad@yahoo.com" mail="laijerrad@yahoo.com" achievements="Lithuanian(lt)"/>
  76. <Author name="Lecenio H. Trein Jr." mail="lecenio@yahoo.com.br" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br)"/>
  77. <Author name="Leen Toelen" mail="toelen@hotmail.com" achievements="Dutch(nl)"/>
  78. <Author name="Lubos Bruha" mail="lubos.bruha@centrum.cz" achievements="Czech(cz)"/>
  79. <Author name="Magnus Lindberg" mail="magnus.lindberg@csharpsweden.com" achievements="Swedish(se)"/>
  80. <Author name="Marc PetaZetas!" mail="petazetas_@hotmail.com" achievements="Catalan(ca)"/>
  81. <Author name="Marcelo Baltar" mail="baltar@task.com.br" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br)"/>
  82. <Author name="Maria Claudia" mail="mclaudia_pires@terra.com.br" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br) and Portuguese(pt)"/>
  83. <Author name="Maria Jo├úo Branco" mail="maria.branco@netcabo.pt" achievements="Portuguese(pt)"/>
  84. <Author name="Mario Alberto Garc├¡a Torrea" mail="slqix@yahoo.fr" achievements="Spanish(es)"/>
  85. <Author name="Markus Palme" mail="MarkusPalme@gmx.de" achievements="German(de)"/>
  86. <Author name="Martijn (martijn@tiel.nu)" mail="martijn@tiel.nu" achievements="Dutch(nl)"/>
  87. <Author name="Michael Supergan" mail="mikesg21@hotmail.com" achievements="Polish(pl)"/>
  88. <Author name="Mike Kr├╝ger" mail="mike@icsharpcode.net" achievements="German(de)"/>
  89. <Author name="Mustafa Kumas" mail="kumasm@everymail.net" achievements="Turkish(tr)"/>
  90. <Author name="Nikola Kavaldzhiev" mail="koleto@hotmail.com" achievements="Bulgarian(bg)"/>
  91. <Author name="Okan Basegmez" mail="okan_basegmez@hotmail.com" achievements="Turkish(tr)"/>
  92. <Author name="Patranun Limudomporn" mail="nrad6949@hotmail.com" achievements="Thai(th)"/>
  93. <Author name="pcafei2001@163.com" mail="pcafei2001@163.com" achievements="Chinese Simplified(cn-gb) and Chinese Traditional(cn-big)"/>
  94. <Author name="Peter Turcan" mail="peter.turcan@tekl.com" achievements="Slovak(sk)"/>
  95. <Author name="Poul Staugaard" mail="poul@staugaard.dk" achievements="Danish(dk)"/>
  96. <Author name="Roberto Cano" mail="roberto.cano@atrides.net" achievements="Spanish(es)"/>
  97. <Author name="Roman" mail="rnt@smtp.ru" achievements="Russian(ru)"/>
  98. <Author name="Roman Pittroff" mail="roman_p@uni.de" achievements="Thai(th)"/>
  99. <Author name="rune-fjs@tiscali.dk" mail="rune-fjs@tiscali.dk" achievements="Danish(dk)"/>
  100. <Author name="seerasun@freemail.hu" mail="seerasun@freemail.hu" achievements="Hungarian(hu)"/>
  101. <Author name="Sergio Orts" mail="sergio.o.m@ono.com" achievements="Spanish(es)"/>
  102. <Author name="Sevdana Yordanova" mail="westm53@hotmail.com" achievements="Bulgarian(bg)"/>
  103. <Author name="Shinsaku Nakagawa" mail="shinsaku@galaxy.ocn.ne.jp" achievements="Japanese(jp)"/>
  104. <Author name="Sin Jeong-hun" mail="museofwind@yahoo.co.jp" achievements="Korean(kr)"/>
  105. <Author name="Sorin Calinica" mail="scalinica@mymail.ro" achievements="Romanian(ro)"/>
  106. <Author name="Stefano Del Furia" mail="delfo@tech-center.com" achievements="Italian(it)"/>
  107. <Author name="Stephen Cusack" mail="Retros@netcabo.pt" achievements="Portuguese(pt)"/>
  108. <Author name="Szymon Kobalczyk" mail="skobalczyk@hotmail.com" achievements="Polish(pl)"/>
  109. <Author name="Tom Dziedzic" mail="snyp_@hotmail.com" achievements="Polish(pl)"/>
  110. <Author name="Tomasz Krol" mail="tkrol@intellinet.pl" achievements="Polish(pl)"/>
  111. <Author name="Tony Dounetas" mail="mriglip@hotmail.com" achievements="Greek(el)"/>
  112. <Author name="tripho@rambler.ru" mail="tripho@rambler.ru" achievements="Bulgarian(bg)"/>
  113. <Author name="Uladzimir Katkouski" mail="rydel23@yahoo.com" achievements="Belarusian(be)"/>
  114. <Author name="webmaster@thaisharp.net" mail="webmaster@thaisharp.net" achievements="Thai(th)"/>
  115. <Author name="Wendell de Moura" mail="Wendell.deMoura@VerizonWireless.com" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br)"/>
  116. <Author name="ze_netio@hotmail.com" mail="ze_netio@hotmail.com" achievements="Brazilian Portuguese(br)"/>
  117.         </Category>
  119.         <Category name = "Misc Contributions">
  120.             <Author name = "Lutz Roeder"
  121.                     mail = "roeder@aisto.com"
  122.                     text = "XSLT for XML documentation transformation"/>
  123.             <Author name = "Christian Holm"
  124.                     mail = "office@holmcs.com"
  125.                     achievements = "Syntax Highlighting schemes for various languages"/>
  126.             <Author name = "Jonathan Pierce"
  127.                     mail = "jpierce@nyc.rr.com"
  128.                     achievements = "Java syntax definition"/>
  129.             <Author name = "Brent R. Matzelle"
  130.                     mail = "bmatzelle@yahoo.com"
  131.                     achievements = "NSIS installer script"/>
  132.             <Author name = "Jaroslav Suchacek"
  133.                     mail = "jaroslav.suchacek@quick.cz"
  134.                     achievements = "VB Syntax highlighting"/>
  135.             <Author name = "Marshall Elfstrand"
  136.                     mail = "elfstrand@technologist.com"
  137.                     achievements = "cool application icon, about image and enhanced splash screen"/>
  138.         </Category>
  140.         <Category name = "Beta Testing">
  141.             <Author name = "Christian Holm"
  142.                     mail = "office@holmcs.com"
  143.                     achievements = "Finds many bugs..."/>
  144.             <Author name = "Christoph Wille"
  145.                     mail = "christophw@alphasierrapapa.com"
  146.                     achievements = "sponsored SD, and suggested many improvements and helped me a lot :)"/>
  147.         </Category>
  149.         <Category name = "Bugfixes">
  150.             <Author name = "Alexandre Semenov"
  151.                     mail = "salexru2000@sympatico.ca"/>
  152.             <Author name = "Timothy Paul Johnson"
  153.                     mail = "timothyp@cae.com"/>
  154.             <Author name = "Jeppe Cramon"
  155.                     mail = "jeppe@cramon.dk"/>
  156.             <Author name = "Tyson S. Maxwell"
  157.                     mail = "tyson_maxwell@yahoo.com"/>
  158.             <Author name = "David Murray"
  159.                 mail = "david.murray@techie.com"/>
  160.             <Author name = "Merlyn"
  161.                 mail = "merlyn@352media.com"/>
  162.             <Author name = "Shankara Narayanan"
  163.                     mail = "J.Shankar@commerzbank.com"/>
  164.             <Author name = "Kenrick Rawlings"
  165.                     mail = "krawling@bluemarble.net"/>
  166.             <Author name = "Roger Rubin"
  167.                     mail = "roger.rubin@syngenta.com"/>
  168.             <Author name = "Pierre S. de SACY"
  169.                     mail = "pdesacy@keeboo.com"/>
  170.             <Author name = "Patrick Steele"
  171.                 mail = "pj_steele@yahoo.com"/>
  172.             <Author name = "Lawrence E. Smithmier, Jr."
  173.                 mail = "Larry@Smithmier.com"/>
  174.             <Author name = "Brandon Hunt"
  175.                 mail = "brandonh6k@yahoo.com"/>
  176.         </Category>
  178.         <Category name = "Former Contributions">
  179.             <Author name = "Svante Lidman"
  180.                     mail = "svante_lidman@hotmail.com"
  181.                     achievements = "overworked Highlighting engine, tons of good bugfixes and some nice features"/>
  182.             <Author name = "Mark Heath"
  183.                     mail = "mark@wordandspirit.co.uk"
  184.                     achievements = "Some edit actions and many editor improvements"/>
  185.             <Author name = "Gary Gray"
  186.                     mail = "gary@ceit.co.za"
  187.                     achievements = "Java, JScript backend binding"/>
  188.             <Author name = "Donald Kackman"
  189.                     mail = "don@itsEngineering.com"
  190.                     achievements = "New Class Wizard"/>
  191.         </Category>
  192.     </Authors>
  194.     <IncludedProjects>
  195.         <Project name = "DockManager Control"
  196.                  url = "http://www.freewebs.com/weifenluo/DockManager.htm "
  197.              description = "Great dock manager control from Weifen Luo"/>
  198.         <Project name = "Magic Library"
  199.                  url = "http://www.dotnetmagic.com"
  200.              description = "The GUI library which is used for the tab control inside SharpDevelop"/>
  201.         <Project name = "VBDoc"
  202.                  url = "http://vb-doc.sourceforge.net"
  203.                  description="VB.NET documentation system"/>
  204.         <Project name = "NAnt"
  205.                  url = "http://nant.sourceforge.net"
  206.                  description=".NET building tool"/>
  207.         <Project name = "NDoc"
  208.                  url = "http://ndoc.sourceforge.net"
  209.                  description="C# documentation generator"/>
  210.         <Project name = "NUnit"
  211.                  url = "http://nunit.sourceforge.net"
  212.              description="Widely used .NET testing tools"/>
  213.         <Project name = "NProf"
  214.                  url = "http://nprof.sourceforge.net"
  215.              description=".NET Profiler"/>
  216.          <Project name = "CommandBar"
  217.              url = "http://www.aisto.com/roeder/DotNet"
  218.              description = "One of the best .NET GUI libraries around. Contains an advanced toolbar and menu system"/>
  219.     </IncludedProjects>
  221.     <Greetings>
  222.         <Person name = "Miguel de Icaza"
  223.                 mail = "miguel@ximian.com"
  224.                 text = "He works on the mono project (free .NET implementation) visit http://www.go-mono.com for more information"/>
  225.         <Person name = "Lutz Roeder"
  226.                 mail = "roeder@aisto.com"
  227.             text = "Suggested many user interface changes. He is the one who build the reflector object browser (and created the nice CommandBar GUI library #Develop uses for menus and toolbars). He is a well known guy in the .NET scene check out his page at http://www.aisto.com/roeder/DotNet"/>
  228.         <Person name = "Weifen Luo"
  229.                 mail = "weifenluo@yahoo.com"
  230.             text = "For his docking manager control"/>
  231.         <Person name = "Gerald Friedland"
  232.                 mail = "fland@inf.fu-berlin.de"
  233.                 text = "For his ongoing struggle to prove the platform independence of java"/>
  234.     </Greetings>
  235. </AuthorData>