Just drag & drop files and folders in the big box and then mark the desired files as Form2 (use "Set/Unset Form2" button, Bold=Form2), otherwise they will be saved as Form1.
To change the size bar limit ("Current CD limit"), just left-click on it (values are 74, 80, 90, 99).
- Added in 1.6
Preview space taken on the CD (MINUTES:SECONDS.FRAMES or MB).
Size bar like the Nero one with a minute scale
"Always in top" option in system menu
Moved "Save Structure" and "Load Structure" in system menu and popup menu
- Added in 1.5
Support for mode2cdmaker version 1.5
A popup menu for the box
Created three separate buttons to add files as form1 or form2 and to add folder; now with the add files buttons you can select multiple files.
- Added in 1.4d
You can now add "virtual" folders and rename folders (select the folder you want to change the name in the big box and type F2).