Chip 2004 April
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INI File
386 lines
; *****************************************************************************
; eMule Skin Template
; *****************************************************************************
; Hint: If you start creating and customizing a skin you may want instantly
; see the changes you made to the skin profile. While a skin is not
; automatically reloaded once it has changed, there is though a short cut for
; reloading an already loaded skin.
; Right Click on the Main Toolbar while holding down the Ctrl-Key will
; reload the currently loaded skin and any changes made to the skin will
; be applied.
; *****************************************************************************
; Specifying colors for controls
; *****************************************************************************
; For the following controls one can specify the background, foreground and
; highlight color.
; Syntax:
; -------
; <Control>Bk = <red>, <green>, <blue> ... Background color (RGB)
; <Control>Fg = <red>, <green>, <blue> ... Foreground/text color (RGB)
; <Control>Hl = <red>, <green>, <blue> ... Highlight color (RGB)
; <Control> ... Keyword of the control (case insensitive)
; <red> ....... Red color in decimal, hexdecimal or octal notation
; <green> ..... Green color in decimal, hexdecimal or octal notation
; <blue> ...... Blue color in decimal, hexdecimal or octal notation
; Examples:
; ---------
; ServersLvBk = 245,255,245
; ServersLvFg = 255, 30, 30
; DownloadsLvBk=0xff,0xf5,0xf5
; Default listview colors; if no other listview colors (see list below) are
; specified, those default listview colors will be used.
DefLvBk =
DefLvFg =
DefLvHl =
; Server window / Servers list
ServersLvBk =
ServersLvFg =
ServersLvHl =
; Search window / Search Results
SearchResultsLvBk =
SearchResultsLvFg =
SearchResultsLvHl =
; Transfer window / Downloads list
DownloadsLvBk =
DownloadsLvFg =
DownloadsLvHl =
; Transfer window / Uploads list
UploadsLvBk =
UploadsLvFg =
UploadsLvHl =
; Transfer window / Queued Clients list
QueuedLvBk =
QueuedLvFg =
QueuedLvHl =
; Transfer window / Known Clients list
ClientsLvBk =
ClientsLvFg =
ClientsLvHl =
; Message window / Friends list
FriendsLvBk =
FriendsLvFg =
FriendsLvHl =
; IRC window / Nicks list
IRCNicksLvBk =
IRCNicksLvFg =
IRCNicksLvHl =
; IRC window / Channels list
IRCChannelsLvBk =
IRCChannelsLvFg =
IRCChannelsLvHl =
; Shared files window / Shared files list
SharedFilesLvBk =
SharedFilesLvFg =
SharedFilesLvHl =
; Kademlia window / Contacts
KadContactsLvBk =
KadContactsLvFg =
KadContactsLvHl =
; Kademlia window / Search actions
KadActionsLvBk =
KadActionsLvFg =
KadActionsLvHl =
; Statistics window / Statistics tree
StatisticsTvBk =
StatisticsTvFg =
; *****************************************************************************
; Specifying icon resource files
; *****************************************************************************
; Syntax:
; -------
; <IconID> = <Path> [ , <IconIndex> | <ResourceID> ]
; <IconID> ... Identifier of the icon (case insensitive)
; <Path> ..... Path to the icon resource file. The path may also contain
; environment variables enclosed in '%' characters. For easier
; distribution of eMule Skin Profiles, the paths should be
; specified *relative* or with system environment variables.
; <IconIndex> Index of the icon in the icon resource file icon table.
; <ResID> Resource identifier of the icon in the icon resource file.
; Icon resource files can be specified with relative paths (RECOMMENDED). The root
; directory for all icon resource files is the directory of skin profile file.
; Example:
; --------
; If the skin profile file's path is:
; C:\Program Files\eMule\Skins\MySkin.eMuleSkin.ini
; and the icon resource files are specified with
; bn_connect=MySkin\Connect.ico
; bn_server=MySkin\Server.ico
; ...
; the icon resource files are loaded from
; C:\Program Files\eMule\Skins\MySkin\Connect.ico
; C:\Program Files\eMule\Skins\MySkin\Server.ico
; Icon resource files can be specified with environment strings. The environment
; strings which can be used here are defined by the operating system. The following
; example assumes a Windows XP system. Note that there are no real absolute paths
; specified. This profile can therefore be used on each Windows XP system.
; Example:
; --------
; bn_disconnect =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,27
; bn_stopconnecting =%SystemRoot%\system32\user32.dll,3
; bn_server =%SystemRoot%\system32\ntshrui.dll,2
; bn_kademlia =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,13
; bn_search =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,22
; bn_download =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,126
; bn_files =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,158
; bn_messages =%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Speech\1031\spcplui.dll,4
; bn_irc =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,160
; bn_statistics =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,166
; bn_preferences =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,165
; bn_tools =%SystemRoot%\system32\main.cpl,10
; bn_help =%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,23
; Resolution of icon resource files
; ---------------------------------
; All icons are expected to be 16x16 pixels if not *otherwise* noted!
; Main toolbar buttons; resolution of icons = 32x32
; -------------------------------------------------
bn_connect =
bn_disconnect =
bn_stopconnecting =
bn_kademlia =
bn_server =
bn_download =
bn_search =
bn_files =
bn_messages =
bn_irc =
bn_statistics =
bn_preferences =
bn_tools =
bn_help =
; Preferences dialog
; -------------------------------------------------
pref_connection =
pref_display =
pref_files =
pref_folders =
pref_general =
pref_irc =
pref_notifications =
pref_proxy =
pref_scheduler =
pref_security =
pref_server =
pref_statistics =
pref_tweak =
pref_webserver =
; Client types (the 'plus' suffix means = has credits)
; -------------------------------------------------
ClientEdonkey =
ClientEdonkeyPlus =
ClientCompatible =
ClientCompatiblePlus =
ClientEdonkeyHybrid =
ClientEdonkeyHybridPlus =
ClientMldonkey =
ClientMldonkeyPlus =
ClientShareaza =
ClientShareazaPlus =
; Icon overlay image for successfully identified secure clients
ClientSecureOvl =
; Source states
; -------------------------------------------------
SrcConnecting =
SrcDownloading =
SrcNnpQf =
SrcOnQueue =
SrcUnknown =
; File ratings
; -------------------------------------------------
RatingReceived =
BadRatingReceived =
; Friend types
; -------------------------------------------------
Friend =
FriendConnected =
FriendNoClient =
FriendWithClient =
; Kademlia search actions
; -------------------------------------------------
KadFileSearch =
KadNodeSearch =
KadStoreFile =
KadStoreWord =
KadWordSearch =
; Kademlia contact types (0 = good contact ... 4 = dead contact)
; --------------------------------------------------------------
Contact0 =
Contact1 =
Contact2 =
Contact3 =
Contact4 =
; Search window
; -------------------------------------------------
SearchParams =
SearchResults =
; Search methods; resolution of icons = 13x13 and 16x16
SearchMethod_server =
SearchMethod_global =
SearchMethod_kademlia =
SearchMethod_jigle =
SearchMethod_filedonkey =
; Statistics window
; -------------------------------------------------
Statistics =
StatsClients =
StatsCumulative =
StatsDay =
StatsGeneric =
StatsMonth =
StatsYear =
Harddisk =
SharedFiles =
; Status bar / Statistics
; -------------------------------------------------
ConnectedNotNot =
ConnectedNotLow =
ConnectedNotHigh =
ConnectedLowNot =
ConnectedLowLow =
ConnectedLowHigh =
ConnectedHighNot =
ConnectedHighLow =
ConnectedHighHigh =
Up0Down0 =
Up0Down1 =
Up1Down0 =
Up1Down1 =
Upload =
Download =
; Server window
; -------------------------------------------------
ServerList =
Server =
ServerInfo =
ServerUpdateMET =
AddServer =
MyInfo =
Log =
; Tray icon
; -------------------------------------------------
TrayConnected =
TrayLowID =
TrayNotConnected =
; Preview dialog
; -------------------------------------------------
Back =
Forward =
Cancel =
; Message/Chat window
; -------------------------------------------------
Chat =
Message =
MessagePending =
; Diverse
; -------------------------------------------------
; Closeable tab control
CloseTab =
; Partfile conversion
Convert =
; *****************************************************************************
; Specifying bitmap (image) resource files
; *****************************************************************************
; Syntax:
; -------
; <BitmapID> = <Path>
; <BitmapID>.. Identifier of the bitmap (case insensitive)
; <Path> ..... Path to the bitmap resource file. The path may also contain
; environment variables enclosed in '%' characters. For easier
; distribution of eMule Skin Profiles, the paths should be
; specified *relative* or with system environment variables.
; Supported file formats: BMP, GIF, JPG (and some more if GDIPLUS.DLL
; is available)
; Splash & About dialog (350 x 300 pixels)
About =