This sample shows how to use the ConceptDraw Basic scripting language to create basic ConceptDraw segments. It creates segments of three types: Line, Arc and Sector.
First the DrawLines procedure clears the active document from all shapes. Then it adds new shapes, each of them represents one of the segments mentioned above. Each line is applied a color, weight and pattern. One the procedure has been completed, the lines in the documents compose the colorful word "Sample". Of course, lines are used to reproduce letters just for demonstration purposes - ConceptDraw has quite powerful means for working with text.
The DrawLines() procedure is located in the external module DrawLines.cdb and is called from a document-level script. If the "Enable ConceptDraw Basic script autorun" flag is not set in the Preferences dialog of ConceptDraw, the script can be run from the ConceptDraw Basic editor (Tools->ConceptDraw Basic->Document Script->Edit) from the Build->Run menu.