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- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Rangan Sen <rangansen@netscape.com>
- */
- const nsICRLManager = Components.interfaces.nsICRLManager;
- const nsCRLManager = "@mozilla.org/security/crlmanager;1";
- const nsIPKIParamBlock = Components.interfaces.nsIPKIParamBlock;
- const nsICRLInfo = Components.interfaces.nsICRLInfo;
- const nsIPref = Components.interfaces.nsIPref;
- var crl;
- var bundle;
- var prefs;
- var updateTypeRadio;
- var enabledCheckBox;
- var timeBasedRadio;
- var freqBasedRadio;
- var crlManager;
- var autoupdateEnabledString = "security.crl.autoupdate.enable.";
- var autoupdateTimeTypeString = "security.crl.autoupdate.timingType.";
- var autoupdateTimeString = "security.crl.autoupdate.nextInstant.";
- var autoupdateURLString = "security.crl.autoupdate.url.";
- var autoupdateErrCntString = "security.crl.autoupdate.errCount.";
- var autoupdateErrDetailString = "security.crl.autoupdate.errDetail.";
- var autoupdateDayCntString = "security.crl.autoupdate.dayCnt.";
- var autoupdateFreqCntString = "security.crl.autoupdate.freqCnt.";
- function onLoad()
- {
- crlManager = Components.classes[nsCRLManager].getService(nsICRLManager);
- var pkiParams = window.arguments[0].QueryInterface(nsIPKIParamBlock);
- var isupport = pkiParams.getISupportAtIndex(1);
- crl = isupport.QueryInterface(nsICRLInfo);
- autoupdateEnabledString = autoupdateEnabledString + crl.nameInDb;
- autoupdateTimeTypeString = autoupdateTimeTypeString + crl.nameInDb;
- autoupdateTimeString = autoupdateTimeString + crl.nameInDb;
- autoupdateDayCntString = autoupdateDayCntString + crl.nameInDb;
- autoupdateFreqCntString = autoupdateFreqCntString + crl.nameInDb;
- autoupdateURLString = autoupdateURLString + crl.nameInDb;
- autoupdateErrCntString = autoupdateErrCntString + crl.nameInDb;
- autoupdateErrDetailString = autoupdateErrDetailString + crl.nameInDb;
- bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://pippki/locale/pippki.properties");
- prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"].getService(nsIPref);
- updateTypeRadio = document.getElementById("autoUpdateType");
- enabledCheckBox = document.getElementById("enableCheckBox");
- timeBasedRadio = document.getElementById("timeBasedRadio");
- freqBasedRadio = document.getElementById("freqBasedRadio");
- //Read the existing prefs, if any
- initializeSelection();
- }
- function updateSelectedTimingControls()
- {
- var freqBox = document.getElementById("nextUpdateFreq");
- var timeBox = document.getElementById("nextUpdateDay");
- if(updateTypeRadio.selectedItem.id == "freqBasedRadio"){
- freqBox.removeAttribute("disabled");
- timeBox.disabled = true;
- } else {
- timeBox.removeAttribute("disabled");
- freqBox.disabled = true;
- }
- }
- function initializeSelection()
- {
- var menuItemNode;
- var hasAdvertisedURL = false;
- var hasNextUpdate = true;
- var lastFetchMenuNode;
- var advertisedMenuNode;
- try {
- var isEnabled = prefs.GetBoolPref(autoupdateEnabledString);
- enabledCheckBox.checked = isEnabled;
- } catch(exception){
- enabledCheckBox.checked = false;
- }
- //Always the last fetch url, for now.
- var URLDisplayed = document.getElementById("urlName");
- URLDisplayed.value = crl.lastFetchURL;
- //Decide how many update timing types to be shown
- //If no next update specified, hide the first choice. Default shows both
- if(crl.nextUpdateLocale == null || crl.nextUpdateLocale.length == 0) {
- timeBasedRadio.disabled = true;
- hasNextUpdate = false;
- }
- //Set up the initial selections based on defaults and prefs, if any
- try{
- var timingPref = prefs.GetIntPref(autoupdateTimeTypeString);
- if(timingPref != null) {
- if(timingPref == crlManager.TYPE_AUTOUPDATE_TIME_BASED) {
- if(hasNextUpdate){
- updateTypeRadio.selectedItem = timeBasedRadio;
- }
- } else {
- updateTypeRadio.selectedItem = freqBasedRadio;
- }
- } else {
- if(hasNextUpdate){
- updateTypeRadio.selectedItem = timeBasedRadio;
- } else {
- updateTypeRadio.selectedItem = freqBasedRadio;
- }
- }
- }catch(exception){
- if(!hasNextUpdate) {
- updateTypeRadio.selectedItem = freqBasedRadio;
- } else {
- updateTypeRadio.selectedItem = timeBasedRadio;
- }
- }
- updateSelectedTimingControls();
- //Now, retrieving the day count
- var timeBasedBox = document.getElementById("nextUpdateDay");
- try {
- var dayCnt = prefs.GetCharPref(autoupdateDayCntString);
- //alert(dayCnt);
- if(dayCnt != null){
- timeBasedBox.value = dayCnt;
- } else {
- timeBasedBox.value = 1;
- }
- } catch(exception) {
- timeBasedBox.value = 1;
- }
- var freqBasedBox = document.getElementById("nextUpdateFreq");
- try {
- var freqCnt = prefs.GetCharPref(autoupdateFreqCntString);
- //alert(freqCnt);
- if(freqCnt != null){
- freqBasedBox.value = freqCnt;
- } else {
- freqBasedBox.value = 1;
- }
- } catch(exception) {
- freqBasedBox.value = 1;
- }
- var errorCountText = document.getElementById("FailureCnt");
- var errorDetailsText = document.getElementById("FailureDetails");
- var cnt = 0;
- var text;
- try{
- cnt = prefs.GetIntPref(autoupdateErrCntString);
- txt = prefs.GetCharPref(autoupdateErrDetailString);
- }catch(exception){}
- if( cnt > 0 ){
- errorCountText.setAttribute("value",cnt);
- errorDetailsText.setAttribute("value",txt);
- } else {
- errorCountText.setAttribute("value",bundle.GetStringFromName("NoUpdateFailure"));
- var reasonBox = document.getElementById("reasonbox");
- reasonBox.hidden = true;
- }
- }
- function onCancel()
- {
- // Close dialog by returning true
- return true;
- }
- function doHelpButton()
- {
- openHelp("validation-crl-auto-update-prefs");
- }
- function onAccept()
- {
- if(!validatePrefs())
- return false;
- //set enable pref
- prefs.SetBoolPref(autoupdateEnabledString, enabledCheckBox.checked );
- //set URL TYPE and value prefs - always to last fetch url - till we have anything else available
- prefs.SetCharPref(autoupdateURLString,crl.lastFetchURL);
- var timingTypeId = updateTypeRadio.selectedItem.id;
- var updateTime;
- var dayCnt = (document.getElementById("nextUpdateDay")).value;
- var freqCnt = (document.getElementById("nextUpdateFreq")).value;
- if(timingTypeId == "timeBasedRadio"){
- prefs.SetIntPref(autoupdateTimeTypeString,crlManager.TYPE_AUTOUPDATE_TIME_BASED);
- updateTime = crlManager.computeNextAutoUpdateTime(crl, crlManager.TYPE_AUTOUPDATE_TIME_BASED, dayCnt);
- } else {
- prefs.SetIntPref(autoupdateTimeTypeString,crlManager.TYPE_AUTOUPDATE_FREQ_BASED);
- updateTime = crlManager.computeNextAutoUpdateTime(crl, crlManager.TYPE_AUTOUPDATE_FREQ_BASED, freqCnt);
- }
- //alert(updateTime);
- prefs.SetCharPref(autoupdateTimeString,updateTime);
- prefs.SetCharPref(autoupdateDayCntString,dayCnt);
- prefs.SetCharPref(autoupdateFreqCntString,freqCnt);
- //Save Now
- prefs.savePrefFile(null);
- crlManager.rescheduleCRLAutoUpdate();
- //Close dialog by returning true
- return true;
- }
- function validatePrefs()
- {
- var dayCnt = (document.getElementById("nextUpdateDay")).value;
- var freqCnt = (document.getElementById("nextUpdateFreq")).value;
- var tmp = parseFloat(dayCnt);
- if(!(tmp > 0.0)){
- alert(bundle.GetStringFromName("crlAutoUpdateDayCntError"));
- return false;
- }
- tmp = parseFloat(freqCnt);
- if(!(tmp > 0.0)){
- alert(bundle.GetStringFromName("crlAutoUpdtaeFreqCntError"));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }