home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Bob Lord <lord@netscape.com>
- * Ian McGreer <mcgreer@netscape.com>
- */
- const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
- const nsFilePicker = "@mozilla.org/filepicker;1";
- const nsIPKCS11Slot = Components.interfaces.nsIPKCS11Slot;
- const nsIPKCS11Module = Components.interfaces.nsIPKCS11Module;
- const nsPKCS11ModuleDB = "@mozilla.org/security/pkcs11moduledb;1";
- const nsIPKCS11ModuleDB = Components.interfaces.nsIPKCS11ModuleDB;
- const nsIPK11Token = Components.interfaces.nsIPK11Token;
- const nsPK11TokenDB = "@mozilla.org/security/pk11tokendb;1";
- const nsIPK11TokenDB = Components.interfaces.nsIPK11TokenDB;
- const nsIDialogParamBlock = Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock;
- const nsDialogParamBlock = "@mozilla.org/embedcomp/dialogparam;1";
- var bundle;
- var secmoddb;
- /* Do the initial load of all PKCS# modules and list them. */
- function LoadModules()
- {
- bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://pippki/locale/pippki.properties");
- secmoddb = Components.classes[nsPKCS11ModuleDB].getService(nsIPKCS11ModuleDB);
- var modules = secmoddb.listModules();
- var done = false;
- try {
- modules.isDone();
- } catch (e) { done = true; }
- while (!done) {
- var module = modules.currentItem().QueryInterface(nsIPKCS11Module);
- if (module) {
- var slotnames = [];
- var slots = module.listSlots();
- var slots_done = false;
- try {
- slots.isDone();
- } catch (e) { slots_done = true; }
- while (!slots_done) {
- var slot = null;
- try {
- slot = slots.currentItem().QueryInterface(nsIPKCS11Slot);
- } catch (e) { slot = null; }
- // in the ongoing discussion of whether slot names or token names
- // are to be shown, I've gone with token names because NSS will
- // prefer lookup by token name. However, the token may not be
- // present, so maybe slot names should be listed, while token names
- // are "remembered" for lookup?
- if (slot != null) {
- if (slot.tokenName)
- slotnames[slotnames.length] = slot.tokenName;
- else
- slotnames[slotnames.length] = slot.name;
- }
- try {
- slots.next();
- } catch (e) { slots_done = true; }
- }
- AddModule(module.name, slotnames);
- }
- try {
- modules.next();
- } catch (e) { done = true; }
- }
- /* Set the text on the fips button */
- SetFIPSButton();
- }
- function SetFIPSButton()
- {
- var fipsButton = document.getElementById("fipsbutton");
- var label;
- if (secmoddb.isFIPSEnabled) {
- label = bundle.GetStringFromName("disable_fips");
- } else {
- label = bundle.GetStringFromName("enable_fips");
- }
- fipsButton.setAttribute("label", label);
- var can_toggle = secmoddb.canToggleFIPS;
- if (can_toggle) {
- fipsButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
- } else {
- fipsButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- }
- /* Add a module to the tree. slots is the array of slots in the module,
- * to be represented as children.
- */
- function AddModule(module, slots)
- {
- var tree = document.getElementById("device_list");
- var item = document.createElement("treeitem");
- var row = document.createElement("treerow");
- var cell = document.createElement("treecell");
- cell.setAttribute("label", module);
- row.appendChild(cell);
- item.appendChild(row);
- var parent = document.createElement("treechildren");
- for (var i = 0; i<slots.length; i++) {
- var child_item = document.createElement("treeitem");
- var child_row = document.createElement("treerow");
- var child_cell = document.createElement("treecell");
- child_cell.setAttribute("label", slots[i]);
- child_row.appendChild(child_cell);
- child_item.appendChild(child_row);
- child_item.setAttribute("pk11kind", "slot");
- parent.appendChild(child_item);
- }
- item.appendChild(parent);
- item.setAttribute("pk11kind", "module");
- item.setAttribute("open", "true");
- item.setAttribute("container", "true");
- tree.appendChild(item);
- }
- var selected_slot;
- var selected_module;
- /* get the slot selected by the user (can only be one-at-a-time) */
- function getSelectedItem()
- {
- var tree = document.getElementById('device_tree');
- if (tree.currentIndex < 0) return;
- var item = tree.contentView.getItemAtIndex(tree.currentIndex);
- selected_slot = null;
- selected_module = null;
- if (item) {
- var kind = item.getAttribute("pk11kind");
- var module_name;
- if (kind == "slot") {
- // get the module cell for this slot cell
- var cell = item.parentNode.parentNode.firstChild.firstChild;
- module_name = cell.getAttribute("label");
- var module = secmoddb.findModuleByName(module_name);
- // get the cell for the selected row (the slot to display)
- cell = item.firstChild.firstChild;
- var slot_name = cell.getAttribute("label");
- selected_slot = module.findSlotByName(slot_name);
- } else { // (kind == "module")
- // get the cell for the selected row (the module to display)
- cell = item.firstChild.firstChild;
- module_name = cell.getAttribute("label");
- selected_module = secmoddb.findModuleByName(module_name);
- }
- }
- }
- function enableButtons()
- {
- var login_toggle = "true";
- var logout_toggle = "true";
- var pw_toggle = "true";
- var unload_toggle = "true";
- getSelectedItem();
- if (selected_module) {
- unload_toggle = "false";
- showModuleInfo();
- } else if (selected_slot) {
- // here's the workaround - login functions are all with token,
- // so grab the token type
- var selected_token = selected_slot.getToken();
- if (selected_token != null) {
- if (selected_token.needsLogin() || !(selected_token.needsUserInit)) {
- pw_toggle = "false";
- if(selected_token.needsLogin()) {
- if (selected_token.isLoggedIn()) {
- logout_toggle = "false";
- } else {
- login_toggle = "false";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- showSlotInfo();
- }
- var thebutton = document.getElementById('login_button');
- thebutton.setAttribute("disabled", login_toggle);
- thebutton = document.getElementById('logout_button');
- thebutton.setAttribute("disabled", logout_toggle);
- thebutton = document.getElementById('change_pw_button');
- thebutton.setAttribute("disabled", pw_toggle);
- thebutton = document.getElementById('unload_button');
- thebutton.setAttribute("disabled", unload_toggle);
- // not implemented
- //thebutton = document.getElementById('change_slotname_button');
- //thebutton.setAttribute("disabled", toggle);
- }
- // clear the display of information for the slot
- function ClearInfoList()
- {
- var info_list = document.getElementById("info_list");
- while (info_list.firstChild)
- info_list.removeChild(info_list.firstChild);
- }
- // show a list of info about a slot
- function showSlotInfo()
- {
- ClearInfoList();
- switch (selected_slot.status) {
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_status"),
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_disabled"),
- "tok_status");
- break;
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_status"),
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_notpresent"),
- "tok_status");
- break;
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_status"),
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_uninitialized"),
- "tok_status");
- break;
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_status"),
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_notloggedin"),
- "tok_status");
- break;
- case nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_LOGGED_IN:
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_status"),
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_loggedin"),
- "tok_status");
- break;
- case nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_READY:
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_status"),
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_ready"),
- "tok_status");
- break;
- }
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_desc"),
- selected_slot.desc, "slot_desc");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_manID"),
- selected_slot.manID, "slot_manID");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_hwversion"),
- selected_slot.HWVersion, "slot_hwv");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_fwversion"),
- selected_slot.FWVersion, "slot_fwv");
- }
- function showModuleInfo()
- {
- ClearInfoList();
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_modname"),
- selected_module.name, "module_name");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_modpath"),
- selected_module.libName, "module_path");
- }
- // add a row to the info list, as [col1 col2] (ex.: ["status" "logged in"])
- function AddInfoRow(col1, col2, cell_id)
- {
- var tree = document.getElementById("info_list");
- var item = document.createElement("treeitem");
- var row = document.createElement("treerow");
- var cell1 = document.createElement("treecell");
- cell1.setAttribute("label", col1);
- cell1.setAttribute("crop", "never");
- row.appendChild(cell1);
- var cell2 = document.createElement("treecell");
- cell2.setAttribute("label", col2);
- cell2.setAttribute("crop", "never");
- cell2.setAttribute("id", cell_id);
- row.appendChild(cell2);
- item.appendChild(row);
- tree.appendChild(item);
- }
- // log in to a slot
- function doLogin()
- {
- getSelectedItem();
- // here's the workaround - login functions are with token
- var selected_token = selected_slot.getToken();
- try {
- selected_token.login(false);
- var tok_status = document.getElementById("tok_status");
- if (selected_token.isLoggedIn()) {
- tok_status.setAttribute("label",
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_loggedin"));
- } else {
- tok_status.setAttribute("label",
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_notloggedin"));
- }
- } catch (e) {
- var alertStr = bundle.GetStringFromName("login_failed");
- alert(alertStr);
- }
- enableButtons();
- }
- // log out of a slot
- function doLogout()
- {
- getSelectedItem();
- // here's the workaround - login functions are with token
- var selected_token = selected_slot.getToken();
- try {
- selected_token.logoutAndDropAuthenticatedResources();
- var tok_status = document.getElementById("tok_status");
- if (selected_token.isLoggedIn()) {
- tok_status.setAttribute("label",
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_loggedin"));
- } else {
- tok_status.setAttribute("label",
- bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_stat_notloggedin"));
- }
- } catch (e) {
- }
- enableButtons();
- }
- // load a new device
- function doLoad()
- {
- window.open("load_device.xul", "loaddevice",
- "chrome,centerscreen,modal");
- var device_list = document.getElementById("device_list");
- while (device_list.firstChild)
- device_list.removeChild(device_list.firstChild);
- LoadModules();
- }
- function doUnload()
- {
- getSelectedItem();
- if (selected_module) {
- pkcs11.deletemodule(selected_module.name);
- var device_list = document.getElementById("device_list");
- while (device_list.firstChild)
- device_list.removeChild(device_list.firstChild);
- LoadModules();
- }
- }
- function changePassword()
- {
- getSelectedItem();
- var params = Components.classes[nsDialogParamBlock].createInstance(nsIDialogParamBlock);
- params.SetString(1,selected_slot.tokenName);
- window.openDialog("changepassword.xul",
- "",
- "chrome,centerscreen,modal", params);
- showSlotInfo();
- enableButtons();
- }
- // browse fs for PKCS#11 device
- function doBrowseFiles()
- {
- var srbundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://pippki/locale/pippki.properties");
- var fp = Components.classes[nsFilePicker].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
- fp.init(window,
- srbundle.GetStringFromName("loadPK11TokenDialog"),
- nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll);
- if (fp.show() == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
- var pathbox = document.getElementById("device_path");
- pathbox.setAttribute("value", fp.file.persistentDescriptor);
- }
- }
- function doLoadDevice()
- {
- var name_box = document.getElementById("device_name");
- var path_box = document.getElementById("device_path");
- pkcs11.addmodule(name_box.value, path_box.value, 0,0);
- window.close();
- }
- // ------------------------------------- Old code
- function showTokenInfo()
- {
- ClearInfoList();
- getSelectedToken();
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_label"),
- selected_token.tokenLabel, "tok_label");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_manID"),
- selected_token.tokenManID, "tok_manID");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_serialnum"),
- selected_token.tokenSerialNumber, "tok_sNum");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_hwversion"),
- selected_token.tokenHWVersion, "tok_hwv");
- AddInfoRow(bundle.GetStringFromName("devinfo_fwversion"),
- selected_token.tokenFWVersion, "tok_fwv");
- }
- function toggleFIPS()
- {
- if (!secmoddb.isFIPSEnabled) {
- // A restriction of FIPS mode is, the password must be set
- // In FIPS mode the password must be non-empty.
- // This is different from what we allow in NON-Fips mode.
- var tokendb = Components.classes[nsPK11TokenDB].getService(nsIPK11TokenDB);
- var internal_token = tokendb.getInternalKeyToken(); // nsIPK11Token
- var slot = secmoddb.findSlotByName(internal_token.tokenName);
- switch (slot.status) {
- case nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_READY:
- // Token has either no or an empty password.
- alert(bundle.GetStringFromName("fips_nonempty_password_required"));
- return;
- }
- }
- secmoddb.toggleFIPSMode();
- //Remove the existing listed modules so that re-fresh doesn't
- //display the module that just changed.
- var device_list = document.getElementById("device_list");
- while (device_list.firstChild)
- device_list.removeChild(device_list.firstChild);
- LoadModules();
- }