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- /* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
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- * Contributor(s):
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- * Blake Ross <blakeross@telocity.com>
- * Alec Flett <alecf@netscape.com>
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- // utility routines for sorting
- // re-does a sort based on the current state
- function RefreshSort()
- {
- var current_column = find_sort_column();
- SortColumn(current_column.id);
- }
- // set the sort direction on the currently sorted column
- function SortInNewDirection(direction)
- {
- var current_column = find_sort_column();
- if (direction == "ascending")
- direction = "natural";
- else if (direction == "descending")
- direction = "ascending";
- else if (direction == "natural")
- direction = "descending";
- current_column.setAttribute("sortDirection", direction);
- SortColumn(current_column.id);
- }
- function SortColumn(columnID)
- {
- var column = document.getElementById(columnID);
- column.parentNode.parentNode.treeBoxObject.view.cycleHeader(columnID, column);
- }
- // search over the columns to find the first one with an active sort
- function find_sort_column()
- {
- var columns = document.getElementsByTagName('treecol');
- var i = 0;
- var column;
- while ((column = columns.item(i++)) != null) {
- if (column.getAttribute('sortDirection'))
- return column;
- }
- return columns.item(0);
- }
- // get the sort direction for the given column
- function find_sort_direction(column)
- {
- var sortDirection = column.getAttribute('sortDirection');
- return (sortDirection ? sortDirection : "natural");
- }
- // set up the menu items to reflect the specified sort column
- // and direction - put check marks next to the active ones, and clear
- // out the old ones
- // - disable ascending/descending direction if the tree isn't sorted
- // - disable columns that are not visible
- function update_sort_menuitems(column, direction)
- {
- var unsorted_menuitem = document.getElementById("unsorted_menuitem");
- var sort_ascending = document.getElementById('sort_ascending');
- var sort_descending = document.getElementById('sort_descending');
- // as this function may be called from various places, including the
- // bookmarks sidebar panel (which doesn't have any menu items)
- // ensure that the document contains the elements
- if ((!unsorted_menuitem) || (!sort_ascending) || (!sort_descending))
- return;
- if (direction == "natural") {
- unsorted_menuitem.setAttribute('checked','true');
- sort_ascending.setAttribute('disabled','true');
- sort_descending.setAttribute('disabled','true');
- sort_ascending.removeAttribute('checked');
- sort_descending.removeAttribute('checked');
- } else {
- sort_ascending.removeAttribute('disabled');
- sort_descending.removeAttribute('disabled');
- if (direction == "ascending") {
- sort_ascending.setAttribute('checked','true');
- } else {
- sort_descending.setAttribute('checked','true');
- }
- var columns = document.getElementsByTagName('treecol');
- var i = 0;
- var column_node = columns[i];
- var column_name = column.id;
- var menuitem = document.getElementById('fill_after_this_node');
- menuitem = menuitem.nextSibling
- while (1) {
- var name = menuitem.getAttribute('column_id');
- if (!name) break;
- if (column_name == name) {
- menuitem.setAttribute('checked', 'true');
- break;
- }
- menuitem = menuitem.nextSibling;
- column_node = columns[++i];
- if (column_node && column_node.tagName == "splitter") {
- column_node = columns[++i];
- }
- }
- }
- enable_sort_menuitems();
- }
- function enable_sort_menuitems()
- {
- var columns = document.getElementsByTagName('treecol');
- var menuitem = document.getElementById('fill_after_this_node');
- menuitem = menuitem.nextSibling
- for (var i = 0; (i < columns.length) && menuitem; ++i) {
- var column_node = columns[i];
- if (column_node.getAttribute("hidden") == "true")
- menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- else
- menuitem.removeAttribute("disabled");
- menuitem = menuitem.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- function fillViewMenu(popup)
- {
- var fill_after = document.getElementById('fill_after_this_node');
- var fill_before = document.getElementById('fill_before_this_node');
- var strBundle = document.getElementById('sortBundle');
- var sortString;
- if (strBundle)
- sortString = strBundle.getString('SortMenuItems');
- if (!sortString)
- sortString = "Sorted by %COLNAME%";
- var firstTime = (fill_after.nextSibling == fill_before);
- if (firstTime) {
- var columns = document.getElementsByTagName('treecol');
- for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) {
- var column = columns[i];
- // Construct an entry for each cell in the row.
- var column_name = column.getAttribute("label");
- var item = document.createElement("menuitem");
- item.setAttribute("type", "radio");
- item.setAttribute("name", "sort_column");
- if (column_name == "")
- column_name = column.getAttribute("display");
- var name = sortString.replace(/%COLNAME%/g, column_name);
- item.setAttribute("label", name);
- item.setAttribute("oncommand", "SortColumn('" + column.id + "');");
- item.setAttribute("column_id", column.id);
- popup.insertBefore(item, fill_before);
- }
- }
- var sort_column = find_sort_column();
- var sort_direction = find_sort_direction(sort_column);
- update_sort_menuitems(sort_column, sort_direction);
- }