home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- var dialog; // Quick access to document/form elements.
- var gFindInst; // nsIWebBrowserFind that we're going to use
- var gFindInstData; // use this to update the find inst data
- function initDialogObject()
- {
- // Create dialog object and initialize.
- dialog = new Object;
- dialog.findKey = document.getElementById("dialog.findKey");
- dialog.caseSensitive = document.getElementById("dialog.caseSensitive");
- dialog.wrap = document.getElementById("dialog.wrap");
- dialog.find = document.getElementById("btnFind");
- dialog.up = document.getElementById("radioUp");
- dialog.down = document.getElementById("radioDown");
- dialog.rg = dialog.up.radioGroup;
- dialog.bundle = null;
- // Move dialog to center, if it not been shown before
- var windowElement = document.getElementById("findDialog");
- if (!windowElement.hasAttribute("screenX") || !windowElement.hasAttribute("screenY"))
- {
- sizeToContent();
- moveToAlertPosition();
- }
- }
- function fillDialog()
- {
- // get the find service, which stores global find state
- var findService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/find/find_service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFindService);
- // Set initial dialog field contents. Use the gFindInst attributes first,
- // this is necessary for window.find()
- dialog.findKey.value = gFindInst.searchString ? gFindInst.searchString : findService.searchString;
- dialog.caseSensitive.checked = gFindInst.matchCase ? gFindInst.matchCase : findService.matchCase;
- // Don't initialize Wrap here, we just want it to be checked.
- var findBackwards = gFindInst.findBackwards ? gFindInst.findBackwards : findService.findBackwards;
- if (findBackwards)
- dialog.rg.selectedItem = dialog.up;
- else
- dialog.rg.selectedItem = dialog.down;
- }
- function saveFindData()
- {
- // get the find service, which stores global find state
- var findService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/find/find_service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFindService);
- // Set data attributes per user input.
- findService.searchString = dialog.findKey.value;
- findService.matchCase = dialog.caseSensitive.checked;
- findService.wrapFind = dialog.wrap.checked;
- findService.findBackwards = dialog.up.selected;
- }
- function onLoad()
- {
- initDialogObject();
- // get the find instance
- var arg0 = window.arguments[0];
- if (arg0 instanceof window.opener.nsFindInstData) {
- gFindInstData = arg0;
- gFindInst = gFindInstData.webBrowserFind;
- } else {
- // If the dialog was opened from window.find(), findInst will be an
- // nsISupports interface, so QueryInterface anyway to nsIWebBrowserFind.
- gFindInst = arg0.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserFind);
- }
- fillDialog();
- doEnabling();
- if (dialog.findKey.value)
- dialog.findKey.select();
- dialog.findKey.focus();
- }
- function onUnload()
- {
- window.opener.findDialog = 0;
- }
- function onAccept()
- {
- if (gFindInstData && gFindInst != gFindInstData.webBrowserFind) {
- gFindInstData.init();
- gFindInst = gFindInstData.webBrowserFind;
- }
- // Transfer dialog contents to the find service.
- saveFindData();
- // set up the find instance
- gFindInst.searchString = dialog.findKey.value;
- gFindInst.matchCase = dialog.caseSensitive.checked;
- gFindInst.wrapFind = dialog.wrap.checked;
- gFindInst.findBackwards = dialog.up.selected;
- // Search.
- var result = gFindInst.findNext();
- if (!result)
- {
- if (!dialog.bundle)
- dialog.bundle = document.getElementById("findBundle");
- window.alert(dialog.bundle.getString("notFoundWarning"));
- dialog.findKey.select();
- dialog.findKey.focus();
- }
- return false;
- }
- function doEnabling()
- {
- dialog.find.disabled = !dialog.findKey.value;
- }