home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
- * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Stuart Parmenter <pavlov@netscape.com>
- * Brian Ryner <bryner@brianryner.com>
- * Jan Varga <varga@nixcorp.com>
- * Peter Annema <disttsc@bart.nl>
- * Johann Petrak <johann@ai.univie.ac.at>
- * Akkana Peck <akkana@netscape.com>
- */
- const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
- const nsIDirectoryServiceProvider = Components.interfaces.nsIDirectoryServiceProvider;
- const nsIDirectoryServiceProvider_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1";
- const nsITreeBoxObject = Components.interfaces.nsITreeBoxObject;
- const nsIFileView = Components.interfaces.nsIFileView;
- const nsFileView_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/filepicker/fileview;1";
- const nsITreeView = Components.interfaces.nsITreeView;
- const nsILocalFile = Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile;
- const nsIFile = Components.interfaces.nsIFile;
- const nsLocalFile_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/file/local;1";
- const nsIPromptService_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1";
- var sfile = Components.classes[nsLocalFile_CONTRACTID].createInstance(nsILocalFile);
- var retvals;
- var filePickerMode;
- var homeDir;
- var treeView;
- var textInput;
- var okButton;
- var gFilePickerBundle;
- // name of new directory entered by the user to be remembered
- // for next call of newDir() in case something goes wrong with creation
- var gNewDirName = { value: "" };
- function filepickerLoad() {
- gFilePickerBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_filepicker");
- textInput = document.getElementById("textInput");
- okButton = document.documentElement.getButton("accept");
- treeView = Components.classes[nsFileView_CONTRACTID].createInstance(nsIFileView);
- if (window.arguments) {
- var o = window.arguments[0];
- retvals = o.retvals; /* set this to a global var so we can set return values */
- const title = o.title;
- filePickerMode = o.mode;
- if (o.displayDirectory) {
- const directory = o.displayDirectory.path;
- }
- const initialText = o.defaultString;
- const filterTitles = o.filters.titles;
- const filterTypes = o.filters.types;
- const numFilters = filterTitles.length;
- window.title = title;
- if (initialText) {
- textInput.value = initialText;
- }
- }
- if (filePickerMode != nsIFilePicker.modeOpen && filePickerMode != nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple) {
- var newDirButton = document.getElementById("newDirButton");
- newDirButton.removeAttribute("hidden");
- }
- if (filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder) {
- var textInputLabel = document.getElementById("textInputLabel");
- textInputLabel.value = gFilePickerBundle.getString("dirTextInputLabel");
- }
- if ((filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeOpen) ||
- (filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple) ||
- (filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeSave)) {
- treeView.setFilter(filterTypes[0]);
- /* build filter popup */
- var filterPopup = document.createElement("menupopup");
- for (var i = 0; i < numFilters; i++) {
- var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
- if (filterTypes[i] == "..apps")
- menuItem.setAttribute("label", filterTitles[i]);
- else
- menuItem.setAttribute("label", filterTitles[i] + " (" + filterTypes[i] + ")");
- menuItem.setAttribute("filters", filterTypes[i]);
- filterPopup.appendChild(menuItem);
- }
- var filterMenuList = document.getElementById("filterMenuList");
- filterMenuList.appendChild(filterPopup);
- if (numFilters > 0)
- filterMenuList.selectedIndex = 0;
- var filterBox = document.getElementById("filterBox");
- filterBox.removeAttribute("hidden");
- filterMenuList.selectedIndex = o.filterIndex;
- } else if (filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder) {
- treeView.showOnlyDirectories = true;
- }
- // start out with a filename sort
- handleColumnClick("FilenameColumn");
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("ondialogcancel", "return onCancel();");
- try {
- var buttonLabel = getOKAction();
- okButton.setAttribute("label", buttonLabel);
- } catch (exception) {
- // keep it set to "OK"
- }
- // setup the dialogOverlay.xul button handlers
- retvals.buttonStatus = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- var tree = document.getElementById("directoryTree");
- if (filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple)
- tree.removeAttribute("seltype");
- tree.treeBoxObject.view = treeView;
- // Start out with the ok button disabled since nothing will be
- // selected and nothing will be in the text field.
- okButton.disabled = true;
- textInput.focus();
- // This allows the window to show onscreen before we begin
- // loading the file list
- setTimeout(setInitialDirectory, 0, directory);
- }
- function setInitialDirectory(directory)
- {
- // get the home dir
- var dirServiceProvider = Components.classes[nsIDirectoryServiceProvider_CONTRACTID]
- .getService(nsIDirectoryServiceProvider);
- var persistent = new Object();
- homeDir = dirServiceProvider.getFile("Home", persistent);
- if (directory) {
- sfile.initWithPath(directory);
- }
- if (!directory || !(sfile.exists() && sfile.isDirectory())) {
- // Start in the user's home directory
- sfile.initWithPath(homeDir.path);
- }
- gotoDirectory(sfile);
- }
- function onFilterChanged(target)
- {
- // Do this on a timeout callback so the filter list can roll up
- // and we don't keep the mouse grabbed while we are refiltering.
- setTimeout(changeFilter, 0, target.getAttribute("filters"));
- }
- function changeFilter(filterTypes)
- {
- window.setCursor("wait");
- treeView.setFilter(filterTypes);
- window.setCursor("auto");
- }
- function showErrorDialog(titleStrName, messageStrName, file)
- {
- var errorTitle =
- gFilePickerBundle.getFormattedString(titleStrName, [file.path]);
- var errorMessage =
- gFilePickerBundle.getFormattedString(messageStrName, [file.path]);
- var promptService =
- Components.classes[nsIPromptService_CONTRACTID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- promptService.alert(window, errorTitle, errorMessage);
- }
- function openOnOK()
- {
- var dir = treeView.selectedFiles.queryElementAt(0, nsIFile);
- if (!dir.isReadable()) {
- showErrorDialog("errorOpenFileDoesntExistTitle",
- "errorDirNotReadableMessage",
- dir);
- return false;
- }
- if (dir)
- gotoDirectory(dir);
- retvals.fileList = new Array(dir);
- retvals.buttonStatus = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- var filterMenuList = document.getElementById("filterMenuList");
- retvals.filterIndex = filterMenuList.selectedIndex;
- return false;
- }
- function selectOnOK()
- {
- var errorTitle, errorMessage, promptService;
- var ret = nsIFilePicker.returnOK;
- var isDir = false;
- var isFile = false;
- var fileList = processPath(textInput.value);
- if (!fileList) { // generic error message, should probably never happen
- showErrorDialog("errorPathProblemTitle",
- "errorPathProblemMessage",
- textInput.value);
- return false;
- }
- var curFileIndex;
- for (curFileIndex = 0; curFileIndex < fileList.length &&
- ret != nsIFilePicker.returnCancel; ++curFileIndex) {
- var file = fileList[curFileIndex].QueryInterface(nsIFile);
- // try to normalize - if this fails we will ignore the error
- // because we will notice the
- // error later and show a fitting error alert.
- try{
- file.normalize();
- } catch(e) {
- //promptService.alert(window, "Problem", "normalize failed, continuing");
- }
- var fileExists = file.exists();
- if (!fileExists && (filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeOpen ||
- filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple)) {
- showErrorDialog("errorOpenFileDoesntExistTitle",
- "errorOpenFileDoesntExistMessage",
- file);
- return false;
- }
- if (!fileExists && filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder) {
- showErrorDialog("errorDirDoesntExistTitle",
- "errorDirDoesntExistMessage",
- file);
- return false;
- }
- if (fileExists) {
- isDir = file.isDirectory();
- isFile = file.isFile();
- }
- switch(filePickerMode) {
- case nsIFilePicker.modeOpen:
- case nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple:
- if (isFile) {
- if (file.isReadable()) {
- retvals.directory = file.parent.path;
- } else {
- showErrorDialog("errorOpeningFileTitle",
- "openWithoutPermissionMessage_file",
- file);
- ret = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- }
- } else if (isDir) {
- if (!sfile.equals(file)) {
- gotoDirectory(file);
- }
- textInput.value = "";
- doEnabling();
- ret = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- }
- break;
- case nsIFilePicker.modeSave:
- if (isFile) { // can only be true if file.exists()
- if (!file.isWritable()) {
- showErrorDialog("errorSavingFileTitle",
- "saveWithoutPermissionMessage_file",
- file);
- ret = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- } else {
- // we need to pop up a dialog asking if you want to save
- var confirmTitle = gFilePickerBundle.getString("confirmTitle");
- var message =
- gFilePickerBundle.getFormattedString("confirmFileReplacing",
- [file.path]);
- promptService = Components.classes[nsIPromptService_CONTRACTID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- var rv = promptService.confirm(window, title, message);
- if (rv) {
- ret = nsIFilePicker.returnReplace;
- retvals.directory = file.parent.path;
- } else {
- ret = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- }
- }
- } else if (isDir) {
- if (!sfile.equals(file)) {
- gotoDirectory(file);
- }
- textInput.value = "";
- doEnabling();
- ret = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- } else {
- var parent = file.parent;
- if (parent.exists() && parent.isDirectory() && parent.isWritable()) {
- retvals.directory = parent.path;
- } else {
- var oldParent = parent;
- while (!parent.exists()) {
- oldParent = parent;
- parent = parent.parent;
- }
- errorTitle =
- gFilePickerBundle.getFormattedString("errorSavingFileTitle",
- [file.path]);
- if (parent.isFile()) {
- errorMessage =
- gFilePickerBundle.getFormattedString("saveParentIsFileMessage",
- [parent.path, file.path]);
- } else {
- errorMessage =
- gFilePickerBundle.getFormattedString("saveParentDoesntExistMessage",
- [oldParent.path, file.path]);
- }
- if (!parent.isWritable()) {
- errorMessage =
- gFilePickerBundle.getFormattedString("saveWithoutPermissionMessage_dir", [parent.path]);
- }
- promptService = Components.classes[nsIPromptService_CONTRACTID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- promptService.alert(window, errorTitle, errorMessage);
- ret = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- }
- }
- break;
- case nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder:
- if (isDir) {
- retvals.directory = file.parent.path;
- } else { // if nothing selected, the current directory will be fine
- retvals.directory = sfile.path;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- gFilesEnumerator.mFiles = fileList;
- retvals.files = gFilesEnumerator;
- retvals.buttonStatus = ret;
- var filterMenuList = document.getElementById("filterMenuList");
- retvals.filterIndex = filterMenuList.selectedIndex;
- return (ret != nsIFilePicker.returnCancel);
- }
- var gFilesEnumerator = {
- mFiles: null,
- mIndex: 0,
- hasMoreElements: function()
- {
- return (this.mIndex < this.mFiles.length);
- },
- getNext: function()
- {
- if (this.mIndex >= this.mFiles.length)
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- return this.mFiles[this.mIndex++];
- }
- };
- function onCancel()
- {
- // Close the window.
- retvals.buttonStatus = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- retvals.file = null;
- retvals.files = null;
- return true;
- }
- function onDblClick(e) {
- // we only care about button 0 (left click) events
- if (e.button != 0) return;
- var t = e.originalTarget;
- if (t.localName != "treechildren")
- return;
- openSelectedFile();
- }
- function openSelectedFile() {
- var fileList = treeView.selectedFiles;
- if (fileList.length == 0)
- return;
- var file = fileList.queryElementAt(0, nsIFile);
- if (file.isDirectory())
- gotoDirectory(file);
- else if (file.isFile())
- document.documentElement.acceptDialog();
- }
- function onClick(e) {
- var t = e.originalTarget;
- if (t.localName == "treecol")
- handleColumnClick(t.id);
- }
- function convertColumnIDtoSortType(columnID) {
- var sortKey;
- switch (columnID) {
- case "FilenameColumn":
- sortKey = nsIFileView.sortName;
- break;
- case "FileSizeColumn":
- sortKey = nsIFileView.sortSize;
- break;
- case "LastModifiedColumn":
- sortKey = nsIFileView.sortDate;
- break;
- default:
- dump("unsupported sort column: " + columnID + "\n");
- sortKey = 0;
- break;
- }
- return sortKey;
- }
- function handleColumnClick(columnID) {
- var sortType = convertColumnIDtoSortType(columnID);
- var sortOrder = (treeView.sortType == sortType) ? !treeView.reverseSort : false;
- treeView.sort(sortType, sortOrder);
- // set the sort indicator on the column we are sorted by
- var sortedColumn = document.getElementById(columnID);
- if (treeView.reverseSort) {
- sortedColumn.setAttribute("sortDirection", "descending");
- } else {
- sortedColumn.setAttribute("sortDirection", "ascending");
- }
- // remove the sort indicator from the rest of the columns
- var currCol = sortedColumn.parentNode.firstChild;
- while (currCol) {
- if (currCol != sortedColumn && currCol.localName == "treecol")
- currCol.removeAttribute("sortDirection");
- currCol = currCol.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- function onKeypress(e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 8) /* backspace */
- goUp();
- else if (e.keyCode == 13) { /* enter */
- var fileList = treeView.selectedFiles;
- if (fileList.length > 0) {
- var file = fileList.queryElementAt(0, nsIFile);
- if (file.isDirectory()) {
- gotoDirectory(file);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function doEnabling() {
- // Maybe add check if textInput.value would resolve to an existing
- // file or directory in .modeOpen. Too costly I think.
- var enable = (textInput.value != "");
- okButton.disabled = !enable;
- }
- function onTreeFocus(event) {
- // Reset the button label and enabled/disabled state.
- onFileSelected(treeView.selectedFiles);
- }
- function getOKAction(file) {
- var buttonLabel;
- if (file && file.isDirectory() && filePickerMode != nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder) {
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("ondialogaccept", "return openOnOK();");
- buttonLabel = gFilePickerBundle.getString("openButtonLabel");
- }
- else {
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("ondialogaccept", "return selectOnOK();");
- switch(filePickerMode) {
- case nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder:
- buttonLabel = gFilePickerBundle.getString("selectFolderButtonLabel");
- break;
- case nsIFilePicker.modeOpen:
- case nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple:
- buttonLabel = gFilePickerBundle.getString("openButtonLabel");
- break;
- case nsIFilePicker.modeSave:
- buttonLabel = gFilePickerBundle.getString("saveButtonLabel");
- break;
- }
- }
- return buttonLabel;
- }
- function onSelect(event) {
- onFileSelected(treeView.selectedFiles);
- }
- function onFileSelected(/* nsIArray */ selectedFileList) {
- var validFileSelected = false;
- var invalidSelection = false;
- var file;
- var fileCount = selectedFileList.length;
- for (var index = 0; index < fileCount; ++index) {
- file = selectedFileList.queryElementAt(index, nsIFile);
- if (file) {
- var path = file.leafName;
- if (path) {
- var isDir = file.isDirectory();
- if ((filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder) || !isDir) {
- if (!validFileSelected)
- textInput.value = "";
- addToTextFieldValue(path);
- }
- if (isDir && fileCount > 1) {
- // The user has selected multiple items, and one of them is
- // a directory. This is not a valid state, so we'll disable
- // the ok button.
- invalidSelection = true;
- }
- validFileSelected = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (validFileSelected) {
- var buttonLabel = getOKAction(file);
- okButton.setAttribute("label", buttonLabel);
- okButton.disabled = invalidSelection;
- } else
- okButton.disabled = (textInput.value == "");
- }
- function addToTextFieldValue(path)
- {
- var newValue = "";
- if (textInput.value == "")
- newValue = path.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"");
- else {
- // Quote the existing text if needed,
- // then append the new filename (quoted and escaped)
- if (textInput.value[0] != '"')
- newValue = '"' + textInput.value.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"") + '"';
- else
- newValue = textInput.value;
- newValue = newValue + ' "' + path.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"") + '"';
- }
- textInput.value = newValue;
- }
- function onTextFieldFocus() {
- var buttonLabel = getOKAction(null);
- okButton.setAttribute("label", buttonLabel);
- doEnabling();
- }
- function onDirectoryChanged(target)
- {
- var path = target.getAttribute("label");
- var file = Components.classes[nsLocalFile_CONTRACTID].createInstance(nsILocalFile);
- file.initWithPath(path);
- if (!sfile.equals(file)) {
- // Do this on a timeout callback so the directory list can roll up
- // and we don't keep the mouse grabbed while we are loading.
- setTimeout(gotoDirectory, 0, file);
- }
- }
- function populateAncestorList(directory) {
- var menu = document.getElementById("lookInMenu");
- while (menu.hasChildNodes()) {
- menu.removeChild(menu.firstChild);
- }
- var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
- menuItem.setAttribute("label", directory.path);
- menuItem.setAttribute("crop", "start");
- menu.appendChild(menuItem);
- // .parent is _sometimes_ null, see bug 121489. Do a dance around that.
- var parent = directory.parent;
- while (parent && !parent.equals(directory)) {
- menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
- menuItem.setAttribute("label", parent.path);
- menuItem.setAttribute("crop", "start");
- menu.appendChild(menuItem);
- directory = parent;
- parent = directory.parent;
- }
- var menuList = document.getElementById("lookInMenuList");
- menuList.selectedIndex = 0;
- }
- function goUp() {
- try {
- var parent = sfile.parent;
- } catch(ex) { dump("can't get parent directory\n"); }
- if (parent) {
- gotoDirectory(parent);
- }
- }
- function goHome() {
- gotoDirectory(homeDir);
- }
- function newDir() {
- var file;
- var promptService =
- Components.classes[nsIPromptService_CONTRACTID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- var dialogTitle =
- gFilePickerBundle.getString("promptNewDirTitle");
- var dialogMsg =
- gFilePickerBundle.getString("promptNewDirMessage");
- var ret = promptService.prompt(window, dialogTitle, dialogMsg, gNewDirName, null, {value:0});
- if (ret) {
- file = processPath(gNewDirName.value);
- if (!file) {
- showErrorDialog("errorCreateNewDirTitle",
- "errorCreateNewDirMessage",
- file);
- return false;
- }
- file = file[0].QueryInterface(nsIFile);
- if (file.exists()) {
- showErrorDialog("errorNewDirDoesExistTitle",
- "errorNewDirDoesExistMessage",
- file);
- return false;
- }
- var parent = file.parent;
- if (!(parent.exists() && parent.isDirectory() && parent.isWritable())) {
- var oldParent = parent;
- while (!parent.exists()) {
- oldParent = parent;
- parent = parent.parent;
- }
- if (parent.isFile()) {
- showErrorDialog("errorCreateNewDirTitle",
- "errorCreateNewDirIsFileMessage",
- parent);
- return false;
- }
- if (!parent.isWritable()) {
- showErrorDialog("errorCreateNewDirTitle",
- "errorCreateNewDirPermissionMessage",
- parent);
- return false;
- }
- }
- try {
- file.create(nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0755);
- } catch (e) {
- showErrorDialog("errorCreateNewDirTitle",
- "errorCreateNewDirMessage",
- file);
- return false;
- }
- file.normalize(); // ... in case ".." was used in the path
- gotoDirectory(file);
- // we remember and reshow a dirname if something goes wrong
- // so that errors can be corrected more easily. If all went well,
- // reset the default value to blank
- gNewDirName = { value: "" };
- }
- return true;
- }
- function gotoDirectory(directory) {
- window.setCursor("wait");
- try {
- populateAncestorList(directory);
- treeView.setDirectory(directory);
- document.getElementById("errorShower").selectedIndex = 0;
- } catch(ex) {
- document.getElementById("errorShower").selectedIndex = 1;
- }
- window.setCursor("auto");
- treeView.QueryInterface(nsITreeView).selection.clearSelection();
- if (filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder) {
- textInput.value = "";
- }
- textInput.focus();
- sfile = directory;
- }
- function toggleShowHidden(event) {
- treeView.showHiddenFiles = !treeView.showHiddenFiles;
- }
- // from the current directory and whatever was entered
- // in the entry field, try to make a new path. This
- // uses "/" as the directory separator, "~" as a shortcut
- // for the home directory (but only when seen at the start
- // of a path), and ".." to denote the parent directory.
- // returns an array of the files listed,
- // or false if an error occurred.
- function processPath(path)
- {
- var fileArray = new Array();
- var strLength = path.length;
- if (path[0] == '"' && filePickerMode == nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple &&
- strLength > 1) {
- // we have a quoted list of filenames, separated by spaces.
- // iterate the list and process each file.
- var curFileStart = 1;
- while (1) {
- var nextQuote;
- // Look for an unescaped quote
- var quoteSearchStart = curFileStart + 1;
- do {
- nextQuote = path.indexOf('"', quoteSearchStart);
- quoteSearchStart = nextQuote + 1;
- } while (nextQuote != -1 && path[nextQuote - 1] == '\\');
- if (nextQuote == -1) {
- // we have a filename with no trailing quote.
- // just assume that the filename ends at the end of the string.
- if (!processPathEntry(path.substring(curFileStart), fileArray))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- if (!processPathEntry(path.substring(curFileStart, nextQuote), fileArray))
- return false;
- curFileStart = path.indexOf('"', nextQuote + 1);
- if (curFileStart == -1) {
- // no more quotes, but if we're not at the end of the string,
- // go ahead and process the remaining text.
- if (nextQuote < strLength - 1)
- if (!processPathEntry(path.substring(nextQuote + 1), fileArray))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- ++curFileStart;
- }
- } else {
- // If we didn't start with a quote, assume we just have a single file.
- if (!processPathEntry(path, fileArray))
- return false;
- }
- return fileArray;
- }
- function processPathEntry(path, fileArray)
- {
- var filePath;
- var file;
- try {
- file = sfile.clone().QueryInterface(nsILocalFile);
- } catch(e) {
- dump("Couldn't clone\n"+e);
- return false;
- }
- var tilde_file = file.clone();
- tilde_file.append("~");
- if (path[0] == '~' && // Expand ~ to $HOME, except:
- !(path == "~" && tilde_file.exists()) && // If ~ was entered and such a file exists, don't expand
- (path.length == 1 || path[1] == "/")) // We don't want to expand ~file to ${HOME}file
- filePath = homeDir.path + path.substring(1);
- else
- filePath = path;
- // Unescape quotes
- filePath = filePath.replace(/\\\"/g, "\"");
- if (filePath[0] == '/') /* an absolute path was entered */
- file.initWithPath(filePath);
- else if ((filePath.indexOf("/../") > 0) ||
- (filePath.substr(-3) == "/..") ||
- (filePath.substr(0,3) == "../") ||
- (filePath == "..")) {
- /* appendRelativePath doesn't allow .. */
- try{
- file.initWithPath(file.path + "/" + filePath);
- } catch (e) {
- dump("Couldn't init path\n"+e);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- try {
- file.appendRelativePath(filePath);
- } catch (e) {
- dump("Couldn't append path\n"+e);
- return false;
- }
- }
- fileArray[fileArray.length] = file;
- return true;
- }