home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-1999
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Sammy Ford (sford@swbell.net)
- * Dan Haddix (dan6992@hotmail.com)
- * John Ratke (jratke@owc.net)
- * Ryan Cassin (rcassin@supernova.org)
- * Daniel Glazman (glazman@netscape.com)
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the NPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- /* Main Composer window UI control */
- var gComposerWindowControllerID = 0;
- var prefAuthorString = "";
- const kDisplayModeNormal = 0;
- const kDisplayModeAllTags = 1;
- const kDisplayModeSource = 2;
- const kDisplayModePreview = 3;
- const kDisplayModeMenuIDs = ["viewNormalMode", "viewAllTagsMode", "viewSourceMode", "viewPreviewMode"];
- const kDisplayModeTabIDS = ["NormalModeButton", "TagModeButton", "SourceModeButton", "PreviewModeButton"];
- const kNormalStyleSheet = "chrome://editor/content/EditorContent.css";
- const kAllTagsStyleSheet = "chrome://editor/content/EditorAllTags.css";
- const kParagraphMarksStyleSheet = "chrome://editor/content/EditorParagraphMarks.css";
- const kTextMimeType = "text/plain";
- const kHTMLMimeType = "text/html";
- const nsIWebNavigation = Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation;
- var gPreviousNonSourceDisplayMode = 1;
- var gEditorDisplayMode = -1;
- var gDocWasModified = false; // Check if clean document, if clean then unload when user "Opens"
- var gContentWindow = 0;
- var gSourceContentWindow = 0;
- var gSourceTextEditor = null;
- var gContentWindowDeck;
- var gFormatToolbar;
- var gFormatToolbarHidden = false;
- var gViewFormatToolbar;
- var gColorObj = { LastTextColor:"", LastBackgroundColor:"", LastHighlightColor:"",
- Type:"", SelectedType:"", NoDefault:false, Cancel:false,
- HighlightColor:"", BackgroundColor:"", PageColor:"",
- TextColor:"", TableColor:"", CellColor:""
- };
- var gDefaultTextColor = "";
- var gDefaultBackgroundColor = "";
- var gCSSPrefListener;
- var gPrefs;
- var gLocalFonts = null;
- var gLastFocusNode = null;
- var gLastFocusNodeWasSelected = false;
- // These must be kept in synch with the XUL <options> lists
- var gFontSizeNames = ["xx-small","x-small","small","medium","large","x-large","xx-large"];
- const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
- const kEditorToolbarPrefs = "editor.toolbars.showbutton.";
- function ShowHideToolbarSeparators(toolbar) {
- var childNodes = toolbar.childNodes;
- var separator = null;
- var hideSeparator = true;
- for (var i = 0; childNodes[i].localName != "spacer"; i++) {
- if (childNodes[i].localName == "toolbarseparator") {
- if (separator)
- separator.hidden = true;
- separator = childNodes[i];
- } else if (!childNodes[i].hidden) {
- if (separator)
- separator.hidden = hideSeparator;
- separator = null;
- hideSeparator = false;
- }
- }
- }
- function ShowHideToolbarButtons()
- {
- var array = GetPrefs().getChildList(kEditorToolbarPrefs, {});
- for (var i in array) {
- var prefName = array[i];
- var id = prefName.substr(kEditorToolbarPrefs.length) + "Button";
- var button = document.getElementById(id);
- if (button)
- button.hidden = !gPrefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
- }
- ShowHideToolbarSeparators(document.getElementById("EditToolbar"));
- ShowHideToolbarSeparators(document.getElementById("FormatToolbar"));
- }
- function AddToolbarPrefListener()
- {
- try {
- var pbi = GetPrefs().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
- pbi.addObserver(kEditorToolbarPrefs, gEditorToolbarPrefListener, false);
- } catch(ex) {
- dump("Failed to observe prefs: " + ex + "\n");
- }
- }
- function RemoveToolbarPrefListener()
- {
- try {
- var pbi = GetPrefs().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
- pbi.removeObserver(kEditorToolbarPrefs, gEditorToolbarPrefListener);
- } catch(ex) {
- dump("Failed to remove pref observer: " + ex + "\n");
- }
- }
- // Pref listener constants
- const gEditorToolbarPrefListener =
- {
- observe: function(subject, topic, prefName)
- {
- // verify that we're changing a button pref
- if (topic != "nsPref:changed")
- return;
- var id = prefName.substr(kEditorToolbarPrefs.length) + "Button";
- var button = document.getElementById(id);
- if (button) {
- button.hidden = !gPrefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
- ShowHideToolbarSeparators(button.parentNode);
- }
- }
- };
- function nsButtonPrefListener()
- {
- try {
- var pbi = pref.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
- pbi.addObserver(this.domain, this, false);
- } catch(ex) {
- dump("Failed to observe prefs: " + ex + "\n");
- }
- }
- // implements nsIObserver
- nsButtonPrefListener.prototype =
- {
- domain: "editor.use_css",
- observe: function(subject, topic, prefName)
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return;
- // verify that we're changing a button pref
- if (topic != "nsPref:changed") return;
- if (prefName.substr(0, this.domain.length) != this.domain) return;
- var cmd = document.getElementById("cmd_highlight");
- if (cmd) {
- var prefs = GetPrefs();
- var useCSS = prefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (useCSS && editor) {
- var mixedObj = {};
- var state = editor.getHighlightColorState(mixedObj);
- cmd.setAttribute("state", state);
- cmd.collapsed = false;
- }
- else {
- cmd.setAttribute("state", "transparent");
- cmd.collapsed = true;
- }
- if (editor)
- editor.isCSSEnabled = useCSS;
- }
- }
- }
- function AfterHighlightColorChange()
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return;
- var button = document.getElementById("cmd_highlight");
- if (button) {
- var mixedObj = {};
- try {
- var state = GetCurrentEditor().getHighlightColorState(mixedObj);
- button.setAttribute("state", state);
- onHighlightColorChange();
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- function EditorOnLoad()
- {
- // See if argument was passed.
- if ( window.arguments && window.arguments[0] ) {
- // Opened via window.openDialog with URL as argument.
- // Put argument where EditorStartup expects it.
- document.getElementById( "args" ).setAttribute( "value", window.arguments[0] );
- }
- // get default character set if provided
- if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length > 1 && window.arguments[1]) {
- if (window.arguments[1].indexOf("charset=") != -1) {
- var arrayArgComponents = window.arguments[1].split("=");
- if (arrayArgComponents) {
- // Put argument where EditorStartup expects it.
- document.getElementById( "args" ).setAttribute("charset", arrayArgComponents[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- window.tryToClose = EditorCanClose;
- // Continue with normal startup.
- EditorStartup();
- // Initialize our source text <editor>
- try {
- gSourceContentWindow = document.getElementById("content-source");
- gSourceContentWindow.makeEditable("text", false);
- gSourceTextEditor = gSourceContentWindow.getEditor(gSourceContentWindow.contentWindow);
- gSourceTextEditor.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPlaintextEditor);
- gSourceTextEditor.enableUndo(false);
- gSourceTextEditor.rootElement.style.fontFamily = "-moz-fixed";
- gSourceTextEditor.rootElement.style.whiteSpace = "pre";
- gSourceTextEditor.rootElement.style.margin = 0;
- var controller = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/base-command-controller;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIControllerContext);
- controller.init(null);
- controller.setCommandContext(gSourceContentWindow);
- gSourceContentWindow.contentWindow.controllers.insertControllerAt(0, controller);
- var commandTable = controller.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIControllerCommandTable);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_find", nsFindCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_findNext", nsFindAgainCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_findPrev", nsFindAgainCommand);
- } catch (e) { dump("makeEditable failed: "+e+"\n"); }
- }
- const gSourceTextListener =
- {
- NotifyDocumentCreated: function NotifyDocumentCreated() {},
- NotifyDocumentWillBeDestroyed: function NotifyDocumentWillBeDestroyed() {},
- NotifyDocumentStateChanged: function NotifyDocumentStateChanged(isChanged)
- {
- window.updateCommands("save");
- }
- };
- const gSourceTextObserver =
- {
- observe: function observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
- {
- // we currently only use this to update undo
- window.updateCommands("undo");
- }
- };
- function TextEditorOnLoad()
- {
- // See if argument was passed.
- if ( window.arguments && window.arguments[0] ) {
- // Opened via window.openDialog with URL as argument.
- // Put argument where EditorStartup expects it.
- document.getElementById( "args" ).setAttribute( "value", window.arguments[0] );
- }
- // Continue with normal startup.
- EditorStartup();
- }
- // This should be called by all editor users when they close their window
- // or other similar "done with editor" actions, like recycling a Mail Composer window.
- function EditorCleanup()
- {
- SwitchInsertCharToAnotherEditorOrClose();
- }
- var DocumentReloadListener =
- {
- NotifyDocumentCreated: function() {},
- NotifyDocumentWillBeDestroyed: function() {},
- NotifyDocumentStateChanged:function( isNowDirty )
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- try {
- // unregister the listener to prevent multiple callbacks
- editor.removeDocumentStateListener( DocumentReloadListener );
- var charset = editor.documentCharacterSet;
- // update the META charset with the current presentation charset
- editor.documentCharacterSet = charset;
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- };
- function addEditorClickEventListener()
- {
- try {
- var bodyelement = GetBodyElement();
- if (bodyelement)
- bodyelement.addEventListener("click", EditorClick, false);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- // implements nsIObserver
- var gEditorDocumentObserver =
- {
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
- {
- // Should we allow this even if NOT the focused editor?
- var commandManager = GetCurrentCommandManager();
- if (commandManager != aSubject)
- return;
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- switch(aTopic)
- {
- case "obs_documentCreated":
- // Just for convenience
- gContentWindow = window.content;
- // Get state to see if document creation succeeded
- var params = newCommandParams();
- if (!params)
- return;
- try {
- commandManager.getCommandState(aTopic, gContentWindow, params);
- var errorStringId = 0;
- var editorStatus = params.getLongValue("state_data");
- if (!editor && editorStatus == nsIEditingSession.eEditorOK)
- {
- dump("\n ****** NO EDITOR BUT NO EDITOR ERROR REPORTED ******* \n\n");
- editorStatus = nsIEditingSession.eEditorErrorUnkown;
- }
- switch (editorStatus)
- {
- case nsIEditingSession.eEditorErrorCantEditFramesets:
- errorStringId = "CantEditFramesetMsg";
- break;
- case nsIEditingSession.eEditorErrorCantEditMimeType:
- errorStringId = "CantEditMimeTypeMsg";
- break;
- case nsIEditingSession.eEditorErrorUnkown:
- errorStringId = "CantEditDocumentMsg";
- break;
- // Note that for "eEditorErrorFileNotFound,
- // network code popped up an alert dialog, so we don't need to
- }
- if (errorStringId)
- AlertWithTitle("", GetString(errorStringId));
- } catch(e) { dump("EXCEPTION GETTING obs_documentCreated state "+e+"\n"); }
- // We have a bad editor -- nsIEditingSession will rebuild an editor
- // with a blank page, so simply abort here
- if (editorStatus)
- return;
- if (!("InsertCharWindow" in window))
- window.InsertCharWindow = null;
- try {
- editor.QueryInterface(nsIEditorStyleSheets);
- // and extra styles for showing anchors, table borders, smileys, etc
- editor.addOverrideStyleSheet(kNormalStyleSheet);
- } catch (e) {}
- // Things for just the Web Composer application
- if (IsWebComposer())
- {
- // Set focus to content window if not a mail composer
- // Race conditions prevent us from setting focus here
- // when loading a url into blank window
- setTimeout(SetFocusOnStartup, 0);
- // Call EditorSetDefaultPrefsAndDoctype first so it gets the default author before initing toolbars
- EditorSetDefaultPrefsAndDoctype();
- // We may load a text document into an html editor,
- // so be sure editortype is set correctly
- // XXX We really should use the "real" plaintext editor for this!
- if (editor.contentsMIMEType == "text/plain")
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentEditorElement().editortype = "text";
- } catch (e) { dump (e)+"\n"; }
- // Hide or disable UI not used for plaintext editing
- HideItem("FormatToolbar");
- HideItem("EditModeToolbar");
- HideItem("formatMenu");
- HideItem("tableMenu");
- HideItem("menu_validate");
- HideItem("sep_validate");
- HideItem("previewButton");
- HideItem("imageButton");
- HideItem("linkButton");
- HideItem("namedAnchorButton");
- HideItem("hlineButton");
- HideItem("tableButton");
- HideItem("fileExportToText");
- HideItem("previewInBrowser");
- /* XXX When paste actually converts formatted rich text to pretty formatted plain text
- and pasteNoFormatting is fixed to paste the text without formatting (what paste
- currently does), then this item shouldn't be hidden: */
- HideItem("menu_pasteNoFormatting");
- HideItem("cmd_viewFormatToolbar");
- HideItem("cmd_viewEditModeToolbar");
- HideItem("viewSep1");
- HideItem("viewNormalMode");
- HideItem("viewAllTagsMode");
- HideItem("viewSourceMode");
- HideItem("viewPreviewMode");
- HideItem("structSpacer");
- // Hide everything in "Insert" except for "Symbols"
- var menuPopup = document.getElementById("insertMenuPopup");
- if (menuPopup)
- {
- var children = menuPopup.childNodes;
- for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++)
- {
- var item = children.item(i);
- if (item.id != "insertChars")
- item.hidden = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Set window title
- UpdateWindowTitle();
- // We must wait until document is created to get proper Url
- // (Windows may load with local file paths)
- SetSaveAndPublishUI(GetDocumentUrl());
- // Start in "Normal" edit mode
- SetDisplayMode(kDisplayModeNormal);
- }
- // Add mouse click watcher if right type of editor
- if (IsHTMLEditor())
- {
- addEditorClickEventListener();
- // Force color widgets to update
- onFontColorChange();
- onBackgroundColorChange();
- }
- break;
- case "cmd_setDocumentModified":
- window.updateCommands("save");
- break;
- case "obs_documentWillBeDestroyed":
- dump("obs_documentWillBeDestroyed notification\n");
- break;
- case "obs_documentLocationChanged":
- // Ignore this when editor doesn't exist,
- // which happens once when page load starts
- if (editor)
- try {
- editor.updateBaseURL();
- } catch(e) { dump (e); }
- break;
- case "cmd_bold":
- // Update all style items
- // cmd_bold is a proxy; see EditorSharedStartup (above) for details
- window.updateCommands("style");
- window.updateCommands("undo");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- function SetFocusOnStartup()
- {
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- function EditorStartup()
- {
- var is_HTMLEditor = IsHTMLEditor();
- if (is_HTMLEditor)
- {
- // XUL elements we use when switching from normal editor to edit source
- gContentWindowDeck = document.getElementById("ContentWindowDeck");
- gFormatToolbar = document.getElementById("FormatToolbar");
- gViewFormatToolbar = document.getElementById("viewFormatToolbar");
- }
- // set up our global prefs object
- GetPrefsService();
- // Startup also used by other editor users, such as Message Composer
- EditorSharedStartup();
- // Commands specific to the Composer Application window,
- // (i.e., not embedded editors)
- // such as file-related commands, HTML Source editing, Edit Modes...
- SetupComposerWindowCommands();
- ShowHideToolbarButtons();
- AddToolbarPrefListener();
- gCSSPrefListener = new nsButtonPrefListener();
- // hide Highlight button if we are in an HTML editor with CSS mode off
- var cmd = document.getElementById("cmd_highlight");
- if (cmd) {
- var prefs = GetPrefs();
- var useCSS = prefs.getBoolPref("editor.use_css");
- if (!useCSS && is_HTMLEditor) {
- cmd.collapsed = true;
- }
- }
- // Get url for editor content and load it.
- // the editor gets instantiated by the edittingSession when the URL has finished loading.
- var url = document.getElementById("args").getAttribute("value");
- try {
- var charset = document.getElementById("args").getAttribute("charset");
- var contentViewer = GetCurrentEditorElement().docShell.contentViewer;
- contentViewer.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMarkupDocumentViewer);
- contentViewer.defaultCharacterSet = charset;
- contentViewer.forceCharacterSet = charset;
- } catch (e) {}
- EditorLoadUrl(url);
- }
- function EditorLoadUrl(url)
- {
- try {
- if (url)
- GetCurrentEditorElement().webNavigation.loadURI(url, // uri string
- nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE, // load flags
- null, // referrer
- null, // post-data stream
- null);
- } catch (e) { dump(" EditorLoadUrl failed: "+e+"\n"); }
- }
- // This should be called by all Composer types
- function EditorSharedStartup()
- {
- // Just for convenience
- gContentWindow = window.content;
- // Set up the mime type and register the commands.
- if (IsHTMLEditor())
- SetupHTMLEditorCommands();
- else
- SetupTextEditorCommands();
- // add observer to be called when document is really done loading
- // and is modified
- // Note: We're really screwed if we fail to install this observer!
- try {
- var commandManager = GetCurrentCommandManager();
- commandManager.addCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "obs_documentCreated");
- commandManager.addCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "cmd_setDocumentModified");
- commandManager.addCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "obs_documentWillBeDestroyed");
- commandManager.addCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "obs_documentLocationChanged");
- // Until nsIControllerCommandGroup-based code is implemented,
- // we will observe just the bold command to trigger update of
- // all toolbar style items
- commandManager.addCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "cmd_bold");
- } catch (e) { dump(e); }
- var isMac = (GetOS() == gMac);
- // Set platform-specific hints for how to select cells
- // Mac uses "Cmd", all others use "Ctrl"
- var tableKey = GetString(isMac ? "XulKeyMac" : "TableSelectKey");
- var dragStr = tableKey+GetString("Drag");
- var clickStr = tableKey+GetString("Click");
- var delStr = GetString(isMac ? "Clear" : "Del");
- SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectCell", "acceltext", clickStr);
- SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectRow", "acceltext", dragStr);
- SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectColumn", "acceltext", dragStr);
- SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectAllCells", "acceltext", dragStr);
- // And add "Del" or "Clear"
- SafeSetAttribute("menu_DeleteCellContents", "acceltext", delStr);
- // Set text for indent, outdent keybinding
- // hide UI that we don't have components for
- RemoveInapplicableUIElements();
- gPrefs = GetPrefs();
- // Use browser colors as initial values for editor's default colors
- var BrowserColors = GetDefaultBrowserColors();
- if (BrowserColors)
- {
- gDefaultTextColor = BrowserColors.TextColor;
- gDefaultBackgroundColor = BrowserColors.BackgroundColor;
- }
- // For new window, no default last-picked colors
- gColorObj.LastTextColor = "";
- gColorObj.LastBackgroundColor = "";
- gColorObj.LastHighlightColor = "";
- }
- // This method is only called by Message composer when recycling a compose window
- function EditorResetFontAndColorAttributes()
- {
- try {
- document.getElementById("cmd_fontFace").setAttribute("state", "");
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font", "color");
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font", "bgcolor");
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font", "size");
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("small", "");
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("big", "");
- var bodyelement = GetBodyElement();
- if (bodyelement)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- editor.removeAttributeOrEquivalent(bodyelement, "text", true);
- editor.removeAttributeOrEquivalent(bodyelement, "bgcolor", true);
- bodyelement.removeAttribute("link");
- bodyelement.removeAttribute("alink");
- bodyelement.removeAttribute("vlink");
- editor.removeAttributeOrEquivalent(bodyelement, "background", true);
- }
- gColorObj.LastTextColor = "";
- gColorObj.LastBackgroundColor = "";
- gColorObj.LastHighlightColor = "";
- document.getElementById("cmd_fontColor").setAttribute("state", "");
- document.getElementById("cmd_backgroundColor").setAttribute("state", "");
- UpdateDefaultColors();
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- function EditorShutdown()
- {
- RemoveToolbarPrefListener();
- try {
- var commandManager = GetCurrentCommandManager();
- commandManager.removeCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "obs_documentCreated");
- commandManager.removeCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "obs_documentWillBeDestroyed");
- commandManager.removeCommandObserver(gEditorDocumentObserver, "obs_documentLocationChanged");
- } catch (e) { dump (e); }
- }
- function SafeSetAttribute(nodeID, attributeName, attributeValue)
- {
- var theNode = document.getElementById(nodeID);
- if (theNode)
- theNode.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
- }
- function DocumentHasBeenSaved()
- {
- var fileurl = "";
- try {
- fileurl = GetDocumentUrl();
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!fileurl || IsUrlAboutBlank(fileurl))
- return false;
- // We have a file URL already
- return true;
- }
- function CheckAndSaveDocument(command, allowDontSave)
- {
- var document;
- try {
- // if we don't have an editor or an document, bail
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- document = editor.document;
- if (!document)
- return true;
- } catch (e) { return true; }
- if (!IsDocumentModified() && !IsHTMLSourceChanged())
- return true;
- // call window.focus, since we need to pop up a dialog
- // and therefore need to be visible (to prevent user confusion)
- top.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.focus();
- var scheme = GetScheme(GetDocumentUrl());
- var doPublish = (scheme && scheme != "file");
- var strID;
- switch (command)
- {
- case "cmd_close":
- strID = "BeforeClosing";
- break;
- case "cmd_preview":
- strID = "BeforePreview";
- break;
- case "cmd_editSendPage":
- strID = "SendPageReason";
- break;
- case "cmd_validate":
- strID = "BeforeValidate";
- break;
- }
- var reasonToSave = strID ? GetString(strID) : "";
- var title = document.title;
- if (!title)
- title = GetString("untitled");
- var dialogTitle = GetString(doPublish ? "PublishPage" : "SaveDocument");
- var dialogMsg = GetString(doPublish ? "PublishPrompt" : "SaveFilePrompt");
- dialogMsg = (dialogMsg.replace(/%title%/,title)).replace(/%reason%/,reasonToSave);
- var promptService = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptService)
- return false;
- var result = {value:0};
- var promptFlags = promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * promptService.BUTTON_POS_1;
- var button1Title = null;
- var button3Title = null;
- if (doPublish)
- {
- promptFlags += promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * promptService.BUTTON_POS_0;
- button1Title = GetString("Publish");
- button3Title = GetString("DontPublish");
- }
- else
- {
- promptFlags += promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_SAVE * promptService.BUTTON_POS_0;
- }
- // If allowing "Don't..." button, add that
- if (allowDontSave)
- promptFlags += doPublish ?
- (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * promptService.BUTTON_POS_2)
- : (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_DONT_SAVE * promptService.BUTTON_POS_2);
- result = promptService.confirmEx(window, dialogTitle, dialogMsg, promptFlags,
- button1Title, null, button3Title, null, {value:0});
- if (result == 0)
- {
- // Save, but first finish HTML source mode
- if (IsHTMLSourceChanged()) {
- try {
- FinishHTMLSource();
- } catch (e) { return false;}
- }
- if (doPublish)
- {
- // We save the command the user wanted to do in a global
- // and return as if user canceled because publishing is asynchronous
- // This command will be fired when publishing finishes
- gCommandAfterPublishing = command;
- goDoCommand("cmd_publish");
- return false;
- }
- // Save to local disk
- var contentsMIMEType;
- if (IsHTMLEditor())
- contentsMIMEType = kHTMLMimeType;
- else
- contentsMIMEType = kTextMimeType;
- var success = SaveDocument(false, false, contentsMIMEType);
- return success;
- }
- if (result == 2) // "Don't Save"
- return true;
- // Default or result == 1 (Cancel)
- return false;
- }
- // --------------------------- File menu ---------------------------
- // used by openLocation. see openLocation.js for additional notes.
- function delayedOpenWindow(chrome, flags, url)
- {
- dump("setting timeout\n");
- setTimeout("window.openDialog('"+chrome+"','_blank','"+flags+"','"+url+"')", 10);
- }
- function EditorNewPlaintext()
- {
- window.openDialog( "chrome://editor/content/TextEditorAppShell.xul",
- "_blank",
- "chrome,dialog=no,all",
- "about:blank");
- }
- // Check for changes to document and allow saving before closing
- // This is hooked up to the OS's window close widget (e.g., "X" for Windows)
- function EditorCanClose()
- {
- // Returns FALSE only if user cancels save action
- // "true" means allow "Don't Save" button
- var canClose = CheckAndSaveDocument("cmd_close", true);
- // This is our only hook into closing via the "X" in the caption
- // or "Quit" (or other paths?)
- // so we must shift association to another
- // editor or close any non-modal windows now
- if (canClose && "InsertCharWindow" in window && window.InsertCharWindow)
- SwitchInsertCharToAnotherEditorOrClose();
- return canClose;
- }
- // --------------------------- View menu ---------------------------
- function EditorSetDocumentCharacterSet(aCharset)
- {
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- editor.documentCharacterSet = aCharset;
- var docUrl = GetDocumentUrl();
- if( !IsUrlAboutBlank(docUrl))
- {
- // reloading the document will reverse any changes to the META charset,
- // we need to put them back in, which is achieved by a dedicated listener
- editor.addDocumentStateListener( DocumentReloadListener );
- EditorLoadUrl(docUrl);
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- function updateCharsetPopupMenu(menuPopup)
- {
- if (IsDocumentModified() && !IsDocumentEmpty())
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < menuPopup.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var menuItem = menuPopup.childNodes[i];
- menuItem.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
- }
- }
- }
- // --------------------------- Text style ---------------------------
- function onParagraphFormatChange(paraMenuList, commandID)
- {
- if (!paraMenuList)
- return;
- var commandNode = document.getElementById(commandID);
- var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- // force match with "normal"
- if (state == "body")
- state = "";
- if (state == "mixed")
- {
- //Selection is the "mixed" ( > 1 style) state
- paraMenuList.selectedItem = null;
- paraMenuList.setAttribute("label",GetString('Mixed'));
- }
- else
- {
- var menuPopup = document.getElementById("ParagraphPopup");
- var menuItems = menuPopup.childNodes;
- for (var i=0; i < menuItems.length; i++)
- {
- var menuItem = menuItems.item(i);
- if ("value" in menuItem && menuItem.value == state)
- {
- paraMenuList.selectedItem = menuItem;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function onFontFaceChange(fontFaceMenuList, commandID)
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById(commandID);
- var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- if (state == "mixed")
- {
- //Selection is the "mixed" ( > 1 style) state
- fontFaceMenuList.selectedItem = null;
- fontFaceMenuList.setAttribute("label",GetString('Mixed'));
- }
- else
- {
- var menuPopup = document.getElementById("FontFacePopup");
- var menuItems = menuPopup.childNodes;
- for (var i=0; i < menuItems.length; i++)
- {
- var menuItem = menuItems.item(i);
- if (menuItem.getAttribute("label") && ("value" in menuItem && menuItem.value.toLowerCase() == state.toLowerCase()))
- {
- fontFaceMenuList.selectedItem = menuItem;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function EditorSelectFontSize()
- {
- var select = document.getElementById("FontSizeSelect");
- if (select)
- {
- if (select.selectedIndex == -1)
- return;
- EditorSetFontSize(gFontSizeNames[select.selectedIndex]);
- }
- }
- function onFontSizeChange(fontSizeMenulist, commandID)
- {
- // If we don't match anything, set to "0 (normal)"
- var newIndex = 2;
- var size = fontSizeMenulist.getAttribute("size");
- if ( size == "mixed")
- {
- // No single type selected
- newIndex = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < gFontSizeNames.length; i++)
- {
- if( gFontSizeNames[i] == size )
- {
- newIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fontSizeMenulist.selectedIndex != newIndex)
- fontSizeMenulist.selectedIndex = newIndex;
- }
- function EditorSetFontSize(size)
- {
- if( size == "0" || size == "normal" ||
- size == "medium" )
- {
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font", "size");
- // Also remove big and small,
- // else it will seem like size isn't changing correctly
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("small", "");
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("big", "");
- } else {
- // Temp: convert from new CSS size strings to old HTML size strings
- switch (size)
- {
- case "xx-small":
- case "x-small":
- size = "-2";
- break;
- case "small":
- size = "-1";
- break;
- case "large":
- size = "+1";
- break;
- case "x-large":
- size = "+2";
- break;
- case "xx-large":
- size = "+3";
- break;
- }
- EditorSetTextProperty("font", "size", size);
- }
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- function initFontFaceMenu(menuPopup)
- {
- initLocalFontFaceMenu(menuPopup);
- if (menuPopup)
- {
- var children = menuPopup.childNodes;
- if (!children) return;
- var firstHas = { value: false };
- var anyHas = { value: false };
- var allHas = { value: false };
- // we need to set or clear the checkmark for each menu item since the selection
- // may be in a new location from where it was when the menu was previously opened
- // Fixed width (second menu item) is special case: old TT ("teletype") attribute
- EditorGetTextProperty("tt", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- children[1].setAttribute("checked", allHas.value);
- if (!anyHas.value)
- EditorGetTextProperty("font", "face", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- children[0].setAttribute("checked", !anyHas.value);
- // Skip over default, TT, and separator
- for (var i = 3; i < children.length; i++)
- {
- var menuItem = children[i];
- var faceType = menuItem.getAttribute("value");
- if (faceType)
- {
- EditorGetTextProperty("font", "face", faceType, firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- // Check the menuitem only if all of selection has the face
- if (allHas.value)
- {
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "true");
- break;
- }
- // in case none match, make sure we've cleared the checkmark
- menuItem.removeAttribute("checked");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const kFixedFontFaceMenuItems = 7; // number of fixed font face menuitems
- function initLocalFontFaceMenu(menuPopup)
- {
- if (!gLocalFonts)
- {
- // Build list of all local fonts once per editor
- try
- {
- var enumerator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/gfx/fontenumerator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFontEnumerator);
- var localFontCount = { value: 0 }
- gLocalFonts = enumerator.EnumerateAllFonts(localFontCount);
- }
- catch(e) { }
- }
- var useRadioMenuitems = (menuPopup.parentNode.localName == "menu"); // don't do this for menulists
- if (menuPopup.childNodes.length == kFixedFontFaceMenuItems)
- {
- if (gLocalFonts.length == 0) {
- menuPopup.childNodes[kFixedFontFaceMenuItems - 1].hidden = true;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < gLocalFonts.length; ++i)
- {
- if (gLocalFonts[i] != "")
- {
- var itemNode = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem");
- itemNode.setAttribute("label", gLocalFonts[i]);
- itemNode.setAttribute("value", gLocalFonts[i]);
- if (useRadioMenuitems) {
- itemNode.setAttribute("type", "radio");
- itemNode.setAttribute("name", "2");
- itemNode.setAttribute("observes", "cmd_renderedHTMLEnabler");
- }
- menuPopup.appendChild(itemNode);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function initFontSizeMenu(menuPopup)
- {
- if (menuPopup)
- {
- var children = menuPopup.childNodes;
- if (!children) return;
- var firstHas = { value: false };
- var anyHas = { value: false };
- var allHas = { value: false };
- var sizeWasFound = false;
- // we need to set or clear the checkmark for each menu item since the selection
- // may be in a new location from where it was when the menu was previously opened
- // First 2 items add <small> and <big> tags
- // While it would be better to show the number of levels,
- // at least this tells user if either of them are set
- var menuItem = children[0];
- if (menuItem)
- {
- EditorGetTextProperty("small", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", allHas.value);
- sizeWasFound = anyHas.value;
- }
- menuItem = children[1];
- if (menuItem)
- {
- EditorGetTextProperty("big", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", allHas.value);
- sizeWasFound |= anyHas.value;
- }
- // Fixed size items start after menu separator
- var menuIndex = 3;
- // Index of the medium (default) item
- var mediumIndex = 5;
- // Scan through all supported "font size" attribute values
- for (var i = -2; i <= 3; i++)
- {
- menuItem = children[menuIndex];
- // Skip over medium since it'll be set below.
- // If font size=0 is actually set, we'll toggle it off below if
- // we enter this loop in this case.
- if (menuItem && (i != 0))
- {
- var sizeString = (i <= 0) ? String(i) : ("+" + String(i));
- EditorGetTextProperty("font", "size", sizeString, firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- // Check the item only if all of selection has the size...
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", allHas.value);
- // ...but remember if ANY of of selection had size set
- sizeWasFound |= anyHas.value;
- }
- menuIndex++;
- }
- // if no size was found, then check default (medium)
- // note that no item is checked in the case of "mixed" selection
- children[mediumIndex].setAttribute("checked", !sizeWasFound);
- }
- }
- function onHighlightColorChange()
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_highlight");
- if (commandNode)
- {
- var color = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- var button = document.getElementById("HighlightColorButton");
- if (button)
- {
- // No color set - get color set on page or other defaults
- if (!color)
- color = "transparent" ;
- button.setAttribute("style", "background-color:"+color+" !important");
- }
- }
- }
- function onFontColorChange()
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_fontColor");
- if (commandNode)
- {
- var color = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- var button = document.getElementById("TextColorButton");
- if (button)
- {
- // No color set - get color set on page or other defaults
- if (!color)
- color = gDefaultTextColor;
- button.setAttribute("style", "background-color:"+color);
- }
- }
- }
- function onBackgroundColorChange()
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_backgroundColor");
- if (commandNode)
- {
- var color = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- var button = document.getElementById("BackgroundColorButton");
- if (button)
- {
- if (!color)
- color = gDefaultBackgroundColor;
- button.setAttribute("style", "background-color:"+color);
- }
- }
- }
- // Call this when user changes text and/or background colors of the page
- function UpdateDefaultColors()
- {
- var BrowserColors = GetDefaultBrowserColors();
- var bodyelement = GetBodyElement();
- var defTextColor = gDefaultTextColor;
- var defBackColor = gDefaultBackgroundColor;
- if (bodyelement)
- {
- var color = bodyelement.getAttribute("text");
- if (color)
- gDefaultTextColor = color;
- else if (BrowserColors)
- gDefaultTextColor = BrowserColors.TextColor;
- color = bodyelement.getAttribute("bgcolor");
- if (color)
- gDefaultBackgroundColor = color;
- else if (BrowserColors)
- gDefaultBackgroundColor = BrowserColors.BackgroundColor;
- }
- // Trigger update on toolbar
- if (defTextColor != gDefaultTextColor)
- {
- goUpdateCommandState("cmd_fontColor");
- onFontColorChange();
- }
- if (defBackColor != gDefaultBackgroundColor)
- {
- goUpdateCommandState("cmd_backgroundColor");
- onBackgroundColorChange();
- }
- }
- function GetBackgroundElementWithColor()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentTableEditor();
- if (!editor)
- return null;
- gColorObj.Type = "";
- gColorObj.PageColor = "";
- gColorObj.TableColor = "";
- gColorObj.CellColor = "";
- gColorObj.BackgroundColor = "";
- gColorObj.SelectedType = "";
- var tagNameObj = { value: "" };
- var element;
- try {
- element = editor.getSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, {value:0});
- }
- catch(e) {}
- if (element && tagNameObj && tagNameObj.value)
- {
- gColorObj.BackgroundColor = GetHTMLOrCSSStyleValue(element, "bgcolor", "background-color");
- gColorObj.BackgroundColor = ConvertRGBColorIntoHEXColor(gColorObj.BackgroundColor);
- if (tagNameObj.value.toLowerCase() == "td")
- {
- gColorObj.Type = "Cell";
- gColorObj.CellColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
- // Get any color that might be on parent table
- var table = GetParentTable(element);
- gColorObj.TableColor = GetHTMLOrCSSStyleValue(table, "bgcolor", "background-color");
- gColorObj.TableColor = ConvertRGBColorIntoHEXColor(gColorObj.TableColor);
- }
- else
- {
- gColorObj.Type = "Table";
- gColorObj.TableColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
- }
- gColorObj.SelectedType = gColorObj.Type;
- }
- else
- {
- var prefs = GetPrefs();
- var IsCSSPrefChecked = prefs.getBoolPref("editor.use_css");
- if (IsCSSPrefChecked && IsHTMLEditor())
- {
- var selection = editor.selection;
- if (selection)
- {
- element = selection.focusNode;
- while (!editor.nodeIsBlock(element))
- element = element.parentNode;
- }
- else
- {
- element = GetBodyElement();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- element = GetBodyElement();
- }
- if (element)
- {
- gColorObj.Type = "Page";
- gColorObj.BackgroundColor = GetHTMLOrCSSStyleValue(element, "bgcolor", "background-color");
- if (gColorObj.BackgroundColor == "")
- {
- gColorObj.BackgroundColor = "transparent";
- }
- else
- {
- gColorObj.BackgroundColor = ConvertRGBColorIntoHEXColor(gColorObj.BackgroundColor);
- }
- gColorObj.PageColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
- }
- }
- return element;
- }
- function SetSmiley(smileyText)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentEditor().insertText(smileyText);
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- catch(e) {}
- }
- function EditorSelectColor(colorType, mouseEvent)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor || !gColorObj)
- return;
- // Shift + mouse click automatically applies last color, if available
- var useLastColor = mouseEvent ? ( mouseEvent.button == 0 && mouseEvent.shiftKey ) : false;
- var element;
- var table;
- var currentColor = "";
- var commandNode;
- if (!colorType)
- colorType = "";
- if (colorType == "Text")
- {
- gColorObj.Type = colorType;
- // Get color from command node state
- commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_fontColor");
- currentColor = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- currentColor = ConvertRGBColorIntoHEXColor(currentColor);
- gColorObj.TextColor = currentColor;
- if (useLastColor && gColorObj.LastTextColor )
- gColorObj.TextColor = gColorObj.LastTextColor;
- else
- useLastColor = false;
- }
- else if (colorType == "Highlight")
- {
- gColorObj.Type = colorType;
- // Get color from command node state
- commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_highlight");
- currentColor = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- currentColor = ConvertRGBColorIntoHEXColor(currentColor);
- gColorObj.HighlightColor = currentColor;
- if (useLastColor && gColorObj.LastHighlightColor )
- gColorObj.HighlightColor = gColorObj.LastHighlightColor;
- else
- useLastColor = false;
- }
- else
- {
- element = GetBackgroundElementWithColor();
- if (!element)
- return;
- // Get the table if we found a cell
- if (gColorObj.Type == "Table")
- table = element;
- else if (gColorObj.Type == "Cell")
- table = GetParentTable(element);
- // Save to avoid resetting if not necessary
- currentColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
- if (colorType == "TableOrCell" || colorType == "Cell")
- {
- if (gColorObj.Type == "Cell")
- gColorObj.Type = colorType;
- else if (gColorObj.Type != "Table")
- return;
- }
- else if (colorType == "Table" && gColorObj.Type == "Page")
- return;
- if (colorType == "" && gColorObj.Type == "Cell")
- {
- // Using empty string for requested type means
- // we can let user select cell or table
- gColorObj.Type = "TableOrCell";
- }
- if (useLastColor && gColorObj.LastBackgroundColor )
- gColorObj.BackgroundColor = gColorObj.LastBackgroundColor;
- else
- useLastColor = false;
- }
- // Save the type we are really requesting
- colorType = gColorObj.Type;
- if (!useLastColor)
- {
- // Avoid the JS warning
- gColorObj.NoDefault = false;
- // Launch the ColorPicker dialog
- // TODO: Figure out how to position this under the color buttons on the toolbar
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdColorPicker.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", gColorObj);
- // User canceled the dialog
- if (gColorObj.Cancel)
- return;
- }
- if (gColorObj.Type == "Text")
- {
- if (currentColor != gColorObj.TextColor)
- {
- if (gColorObj.TextColor)
- EditorSetTextProperty("font", "color", gColorObj.TextColor);
- else
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font", "color");
- }
- // Update the command state (this will trigger color button update)
- goUpdateCommandState("cmd_fontColor");
- }
- else if (gColorObj.Type == "Highlight")
- {
- if (currentColor != gColorObj.HighlightColor)
- {
- if (gColorObj.HighlightColor)
- EditorSetTextProperty("font", "bgcolor", gColorObj.HighlightColor);
- else
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font", "bgcolor");
- }
- // Update the command state (this will trigger color button update)
- goUpdateCommandState("cmd_highlight");
- }
- else if (element)
- {
- if (gColorObj.Type == "Table")
- {
- // Set background on a table
- // Note that we shouldn't trust "currentColor" because of "TableOrCell" behavior
- if (table)
- {
- var bgcolor = table.getAttribute("bgcolor");
- if (bgcolor != gColorObj.BackgroundColor)
- try {
- if (gColorObj.BackgroundColor)
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(table, "bgcolor", gColorObj.BackgroundColor, false);
- else
- editor.removeAttributeOrEquivalent(table, "bgcolor", false);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- else if (currentColor != gColorObj.BackgroundColor && IsHTMLEditor())
- {
- editor.beginTransaction();
- try
- {
- editor.setBackgroundColor(gColorObj.BackgroundColor);
- if (gColorObj.Type == "Page" && gColorObj.BackgroundColor)
- {
- // Set all page colors not explicitly set,
- // else you can end up with unreadable pages
- // because viewer's default colors may not be same as page author's
- var bodyelement = GetBodyElement();
- if (bodyelement)
- {
- var defColors = GetDefaultBrowserColors();
- if (defColors)
- {
- if (!bodyelement.getAttribute("text"))
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(bodyelement, "text", defColors.TextColor, false);
- // The following attributes have no individual CSS declaration counterparts
- // Getting rid of them in favor of CSS implies CSS rules management
- if (!bodyelement.getAttribute("link"))
- editor.setAttribute(bodyelement, "link", defColors.LinkColor);
- if (!bodyelement.getAttribute("alink"))
- editor.setAttribute(bodyelement, "alink", defColors.ActiveLinkColor);
- if (!bodyelement.getAttribute("vlink"))
- editor.setAttribute(bodyelement, "vlink", defColors.VisitedLinkColor);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch(e) {}
- editor.endTransaction();
- }
- goUpdateCommandState("cmd_backgroundColor");
- }
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- function GetParentTable(element)
- {
- var node = element;
- while (node)
- {
- if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "table")
- return node;
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return node;
- }
- function GetParentTableCell(element)
- {
- var node = element;
- while (node)
- {
- if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "td" || node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "th")
- return node;
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return node;
- }
- function EditorDblClick(event)
- {
- // We check event.explicitOriginalTarget here because .target will never
- // be a textnode (bug 193689)
- if (event.explicitOriginalTarget)
- {
- // Only bring up properties if clicked on an element or selected link
- var element;
- try {
- element = event.explicitOriginalTarget.QueryInterface(
- Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement);
- } catch (e) {}
- // We use "href" instead of "a" to not be fooled by named anchor
- if (!element)
- try {
- element = GetCurrentEditor().getSelectedElement("href");
- } catch (e) {}
- if (element)
- {
- goDoCommand("cmd_objectProperties");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- }
- function EditorClick(event)
- {
- if (!event)
- return;
- if (event.detail == 2)
- {
- EditorDblClick(event);
- return;
- }
- // For Web Composer: In Show All Tags Mode,
- // single click selects entire element,
- // except for body and table elements
- if (IsWebComposer() && event.explicitOriginalTarget && IsHTMLEditor() &&
- gEditorDisplayMode == kDisplayModeAllTags)
- {
- try
- {
- // We check event.explicitOriginalTarget here because .target will never
- // be a textnode (bug 193689)
- var element = event.explicitOriginalTarget.QueryInterface(
- Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement);
- var name = element.localName.toLowerCase();
- if (name != "body" && name != "table" &&
- name != "td" && name != "th" && name != "caption" && name != "tr")
- {
- GetCurrentEditor().selectElement(event.explicitOriginalTarget);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- /*TODO: We need an oncreate hook to do enabling/disabling for the
- Format menu. There should be code like this for the
- object-specific "Properties" item
- */
- // For property dialogs, we want the selected element,
- // but will accept a parent link, list, or table cell if inside one
- function GetObjectForProperties()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor || !IsHTMLEditor())
- return null;
- var element;
- try {
- element = editor.getSelectedElement("");
- } catch (e) {}
- if (element)
- return element;
- // Find nearest parent of selection anchor node
- // that is a link, list, table cell, or table
- var anchorNode
- var node;
- try {
- anchorNode = editor.selection.anchorNode;
- if (anchorNode.firstChild)
- {
- // Start at actual selected node
- var offset = editor.selection.anchorOffset;
- // Note: If collapsed, offset points to element AFTER caret,
- // thus node may be null
- node = anchorNode.childNodes.item(offset);
- }
- if (!node)
- node = anchorNode;
- } catch (e) {}
- while (node)
- {
- if (node.nodeName)
- {
- var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- // Done when we hit the body
- if (nodeName == "body") break;
- if ((nodeName == "a" && node.href) ||
- nodeName == "ol" || nodeName == "ul" || nodeName == "dl" ||
- nodeName == "td" || nodeName == "th" ||
- nodeName == "table")
- {
- return node;
- }
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function SetEditMode(mode)
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return;
- var bodyElement = GetBodyElement();
- if (!bodyElement)
- {
- dump("SetEditMode: We don't have a body node!\n");
- return;
- }
- // must have editor if here!
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- // Switch the UI mode before inserting contents
- // so user can't type in source window while new window is being filled
- var previousMode = gEditorDisplayMode;
- if (!SetDisplayMode(mode))
- return;
- if (mode == kDisplayModeSource)
- {
- // Display the DOCTYPE as a non-editable string above edit area
- var domdoc;
- try { domdoc = editor.document; } catch (e) { dump( e + "\n");}
- if (domdoc)
- {
- var doctypeNode = document.getElementById("doctype-text");
- var dt = domdoc.doctype;
- if (doctypeNode)
- {
- if (dt)
- {
- doctypeNode.collapsed = false;
- var doctypeText = "<!DOCTYPE " + domdoc.doctype.name;
- if (dt.publicId)
- doctypeText += " PUBLIC \"" + domdoc.doctype.publicId;
- if (dt.systemId)
- doctypeText += " "+"\"" + dt.systemId;
- doctypeText += "\">"
- doctypeNode.setAttribute("value", doctypeText);
- }
- else
- doctypeNode.collapsed = true;
- }
- }
- // Get the entire document's source string
- var flags = (editor.documentCharacterSet == "ISO-8859-1")
- ? 32768 // OutputEncodeLatin1Entities
- : 16384; // OutputEncodeBasicEntities
- try {
- var encodeEntity = gPrefs.getCharPref("editor.encode_entity");
- switch (encodeEntity) {
- case "basic" : flags = 16384; break; // OutputEncodeBasicEntities
- case "latin1" : flags = 32768; break; // OutputEncodeLatin1Entities
- case "html" : flags = 65536; break; // OutputEncodeHTMLEntities
- case "none" : flags = 0; break;
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- try {
- var prettyPrint = gPrefs.getBoolPref("editor.prettyprint");
- if (prettyPrint)
- flags |= 2; // OutputFormatted
- } catch (e) {}
- flags |= 1024; // OutputLFLineBreak
- var source = editor.outputToString(kHTMLMimeType, flags);
- var start = source.search(/<html/i);
- if (start == -1) start = 0;
- gSourceTextEditor.insertText(source.slice(start));
- gSourceTextEditor.resetModificationCount();
- gSourceTextEditor.addDocumentStateListener(gSourceTextListener);
- gSourceTextEditor.enableUndo(true);
- gSourceContentWindow.commandManager.addCommandObserver(gSourceTextObserver, "cmd_undo");
- gSourceContentWindow.contentWindow.focus();
- goDoCommand("cmd_moveTop");
- }
- else if (previousMode == kDisplayModeSource)
- {
- // Only rebuild document if a change was made in source window
- if (IsHTMLSourceChanged())
- {
- // Reduce the undo count so we don't use too much memory
- // during multiple uses of source window
- // (reinserting entire doc caches all nodes)
- try {
- editor.transactionManager.maxTransactionCount = 1;
- } catch (e) {}
- editor.beginTransaction();
- try {
- // We are coming from edit source mode,
- // so transfer that back into the document
- source = gSourceTextEditor.outputToString(kTextMimeType, 1024); // OutputLFLineBreak
- editor.rebuildDocumentFromSource(source);
- // Get the text for the <title> from the newly-parsed document
- // (must do this for proper conversion of "escaped" characters)
- var title = "";
- var titlenodelist = editor.document.getElementsByTagName("title");
- if (titlenodelist)
- {
- var titleNode = titlenodelist.item(0);
- if (titleNode && titleNode.firstChild && titleNode.firstChild.data)
- title = titleNode.firstChild.data;
- }
- if (editor.document.title != title)
- SetDocumentTitle(title);
- } catch (ex) {
- dump(ex);
- }
- editor.endTransaction();
- // Restore unlimited undo count
- try {
- editor.transactionManager.maxTransactionCount = -1;
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- // Clear out the string buffers
- gSourceContentWindow.commandManager.removeCommandObserver(gSourceTextObserver, "cmd_undo");
- gSourceTextEditor.removeDocumentStateListener(gSourceTextListener);
- gSourceTextEditor.enableUndo(false);
- gSourceTextEditor.selectAll();
- gSourceTextEditor.deleteSelection(gSourceTextEditor.eNone);
- gSourceTextEditor.resetModificationCount();
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- }
- function CancelHTMLSource()
- {
- // Don't convert source text back into the DOM document
- gSourceTextEditor.resetModificationCount();
- SetDisplayMode(gPreviousNonSourceDisplayMode);
- }
- function FinishHTMLSource()
- {
- //Here we need to check whether the HTML source contains <head> and <body> tags
- //Or RebuildDocumentFromSource() will fail.
- if (IsInHTMLSourceMode())
- {
- var htmlSource = gSourceTextEditor.outputToString(kTextMimeType, 1024); // OutputLFLineBreak
- if (htmlSource.length > 0)
- {
- var beginHead = htmlSource.indexOf("<head");
- if (beginHead == -1)
- {
- AlertWithTitle(GetString("Alert"), GetString("NoHeadTag"));
- //cheat to force back to Source Mode
- gEditorDisplayMode = kDisplayModePreview;
- SetDisplayMode(kDisplayModeSource);
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- }
- var beginBody = htmlSource.indexOf("<body");
- if (beginBody == -1)
- {
- AlertWithTitle(GetString("Alert"), GetString("NoBodyTag"));
- //cheat to force back to Source Mode
- gEditorDisplayMode = kDisplayModePreview;
- SetDisplayMode(kDisplayModeSource);
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Switch edit modes -- converts source back into DOM document
- SetEditMode(gPreviousNonSourceDisplayMode);
- }
- function SetDisplayMode(mode)
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return false;
- // Already in requested mode:
- // return false to indicate we didn't switch
- if (mode == gEditorDisplayMode)
- return false;
- var previousMode = gEditorDisplayMode;
- gEditorDisplayMode = mode;
- ResetStructToolbar();
- if (mode == kDisplayModeSource)
- {
- // Switch to the sourceWindow (second in the deck)
- gContentWindowDeck.selectedIndex = 1;
- //Hide the formatting toolbar if not already hidden
- gFormatToolbarHidden = gFormatToolbar.hidden;
- gFormatToolbar.hidden = true;
- gViewFormatToolbar.hidden = true;
- gSourceContentWindow.contentWindow.focus();
- }
- else
- {
- // Save the last non-source mode so we can cancel source editing easily
- gPreviousNonSourceDisplayMode = mode;
- // Load/unload appropriate override style sheet
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- editor.QueryInterface(nsIEditorStyleSheets);
- editor instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIHTMLObjectResizer;
- switch (mode)
- {
- case kDisplayModePreview:
- // Disable all extra "edit mode" style sheets
- editor.enableStyleSheet(kNormalStyleSheet, false);
- editor.enableStyleSheet(kAllTagsStyleSheet, false);
- editor.isImageResizingEnabled = true;
- break;
- case kDisplayModeNormal:
- editor.addOverrideStyleSheet(kNormalStyleSheet);
- // Disable ShowAllTags mode
- editor.enableStyleSheet(kAllTagsStyleSheet, false);
- editor.isImageResizingEnabled = true;
- break;
- case kDisplayModeAllTags:
- editor.addOverrideStyleSheet(kNormalStyleSheet);
- editor.addOverrideStyleSheet(kAllTagsStyleSheet);
- // don't allow resizing in AllTags mode because the visible tags
- // change the computed size of images and tables...
- if (editor.resizedObject) {
- editor.hideResizers();
- }
- editor.isImageResizingEnabled = false;
- break;
- }
- } catch(e) {}
- // Switch to the normal editor (first in the deck)
- gContentWindowDeck.selectedIndex = 0;
- // Restore menus and toolbars
- gFormatToolbar.hidden = gFormatToolbarHidden;
- gViewFormatToolbar.hidden = false;
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- // update commands to disable or re-enable stuff
- window.updateCommands("mode_switch");
- // Set the selected tab at bottom of window:
- // (Note: Setting "selectedIndex = mode" won't redraw tabs when menu is used.)
- document.getElementById("EditModeTabs").selectedItem = document.getElementById(kDisplayModeTabIDS[mode]);
- // Uncheck previous menuitem and set new check since toolbar may have been used
- if (previousMode >= 0)
- document.getElementById(kDisplayModeMenuIDs[previousMode]).setAttribute("checked","false");
- document.getElementById(kDisplayModeMenuIDs[mode]).setAttribute("checked","true");
- return true;
- }
- function EditorToggleParagraphMarks()
- {
- var menuItem = document.getElementById("viewParagraphMarks");
- if (menuItem)
- {
- // Note that the 'type="checbox"' mechanism automatically
- // toggles the "checked" state before the oncommand is called,
- // so if "checked" is true now, it was just switched to that mode
- var checked = menuItem.getAttribute("checked");
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- editor.QueryInterface(nsIEditorStyleSheets);
- if (checked == "true")
- editor.addOverrideStyleSheet(kParagraphMarksStyleSheet);
- else
- editor.enableStyleSheet(kParagraphMarksStyleSheet, false);
- }
- catch(e) { return; }
- }
- }
- function InitPasteAsMenu()
- {
- var menuItem = document.getElementById("menu_pasteTable")
- if(menuItem)
- {
- menuItem.IsInTable
- menuItem.setAttribute("label", GetString(IsInTable() ? "NestedTable" : "Table"));
- // menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey",GetString("ObjectPropertiesAccessKey"));
- }
- // TODO: Do enabling based on what is in the clipboard
- }
- function UpdateWindowTitle()
- {
- try {
- var windowTitle = GetDocumentTitle();
- if (!windowTitle)
- windowTitle = GetString("untitled");
- // Append just the 'leaf' filename to the Doc. Title for the window caption
- var docUrl = GetDocumentUrl();
- if (docUrl && !IsUrlAboutBlank(docUrl))
- {
- var scheme = GetScheme(docUrl);
- var filename = GetFilename(docUrl);
- if (filename)
- windowTitle += " [" + scheme + ":/.../" + filename + "]";
- // Save changed title in the recent pages data in prefs
- SaveRecentFilesPrefs();
- }
- // Set window title with " - Composer" appended
- xulWin = document.documentElement;
- window.title = windowTitle + xulWin.getAttribute("titlemenuseparator") +
- xulWin.getAttribute("titlemodifier");
- } catch (e) { dump(e); }
- }
- function BuildRecentPagesMenu()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor || !gPrefs)
- return;
- var popup = document.getElementById("menupopup_RecentFiles");
- if (!popup || !editor.document)
- return;
- // Delete existing menu
- while (popup.firstChild)
- popup.removeChild(popup.firstChild);
- // Current page is the "0" item in the list we save in prefs,
- // but we don't include it in the menu.
- var curUrl = StripPassword(GetDocumentUrl());
- var historyCount = 10;
- try {
- historyCount = gPrefs.getIntPref("editor.history.url_maximum");
- } catch(e) {}
- var menuIndex = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < historyCount; i++)
- {
- var url = GetUnicharPref("editor.history_url_"+i);
- // Skip over current url
- if (url && url != curUrl)
- {
- // Build the menu
- var title = GetUnicharPref("editor.history_title_"+i);
- AppendRecentMenuitem(popup, title, url, menuIndex);
- menuIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- function SaveRecentFilesPrefs()
- {
- // Can't do anything if no prefs
- if (!gPrefs) return;
- var curUrl = StripPassword(GetDocumentUrl());
- var historyCount = 10;
- try {
- historyCount = gPrefs.getIntPref("editor.history.url_maximum");
- } catch(e) {}
- var titleArray = [];
- var urlArray = [];
- if (historyCount && !IsUrlAboutBlank(curUrl) && GetScheme(curUrl) != "data")
- {
- titleArray.push(GetDocumentTitle());
- urlArray.push(curUrl);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < historyCount && urlArray.length < historyCount; i++)
- {
- var url = GetUnicharPref("editor.history_url_"+i);
- // Continue if URL pref is missing because
- // a URL not found during loading may have been removed
- // Skip over current an "data" URLs
- if (url && url != curUrl && GetScheme(url) != "data")
- {
- var title = GetUnicharPref("editor.history_title_"+i);
- titleArray.push(title);
- urlArray.push(url);
- }
- }
- // Resave the list back to prefs in the new order
- for (i = 0; i < urlArray.length; i++)
- {
- SetUnicharPref("editor.history_title_"+i, titleArray[i]);
- SetUnicharPref("editor.history_url_"+i, urlArray[i]);
- }
- }
- function AppendRecentMenuitem(menupopup, title, url, menuIndex)
- {
- if (menupopup)
- {
- var menuItem = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem");
- if (menuItem)
- {
- var accessKey;
- if (menuIndex <= 9)
- accessKey = String(menuIndex);
- else if (menuIndex == 10)
- accessKey = "0";
- else
- accessKey = " ";
- var itemString = accessKey+" ";
- // Show "title [url]" or just the URL
- if (title)
- {
- itemString += title;
- itemString += " [";
- }
- itemString += url;
- if (title)
- itemString += "]";
- menuItem.setAttribute("label", itemString);
- menuItem.setAttribute("crop", "center");
- menuItem.setAttribute("value", url);
- if (accessKey != " ")
- menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey", accessKey);
- menupopup.appendChild(menuItem);
- }
- }
- }
- function EditorInitFileMenu()
- {
- // Disable "Save" menuitem when editing remote url. User should use "Save As"
- var docUrl = GetDocumentUrl();
- var scheme = GetScheme(docUrl);
- if (scheme && scheme != "file")
- SetElementEnabledById("saveMenuitem", false);
- // Enable recent pages submenu if there are any history entries in prefs
- var historyUrl = "";
- var historyCount = 10;
- try { historyCount = gPrefs.getIntPref("editor.history.url_maximum"); } catch(e) {}
- if (historyCount)
- {
- historyUrl = GetUnicharPref("editor.history_url_0");
- // See if there's more if current file is only entry in history list
- if (historyUrl && historyUrl == docUrl)
- historyUrl = GetUnicharPref("editor.history_url_1");
- }
- SetElementEnabledById("menu_RecentFiles", historyUrl != "");
- }
- function EditorInitFormatMenu()
- {
- try {
- InitObjectPropertiesMenuitem("objectProperties");
- InitRemoveStylesMenuitems("removeStylesMenuitem", "removeLinksMenuitem", "removeNamedAnchorsMenuitem");
- } catch(ex) {}
- }
- function InitObjectPropertiesMenuitem(id)
- {
- // Set strings and enable for the [Object] Properties item
- // Note that we directly do the enabling instead of
- // using goSetCommandEnabled since we already have the menuitem
- var menuItem = document.getElementById(id);
- if (!menuItem) return null;
- var element;
- var menuStr = GetString("AdvancedProperties");
- var name;
- if (IsEditingRenderedHTML())
- element = GetObjectForProperties();
- if (element && element.nodeName)
- {
- var objStr = "";
- menuItem.setAttribute("disabled", "");
- name = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- switch (name)
- {
- case "img":
- // Check if img is enclosed in link
- // (use "href" to not be fooled by named anchor)
- try
- {
- if (GetCurrentEditor().getElementOrParentByTagName("href", element))
- objStr = GetString("ImageAndLink");
- } catch(e) {}
- if (objStr == "")
- objStr = GetString("Image");
- break;
- case "hr":
- objStr = GetString("HLine");
- break;
- case "table":
- objStr = GetString("Table");
- break;
- case "th":
- name = "td";
- case "td":
- objStr = GetString("TableCell");
- break;
- case "ol":
- case "ul":
- case "dl":
- objStr = GetString("List");
- break;
- case "li":
- objStr = GetString("ListItem");
- break;
- case "form":
- objStr = GetString("Form");
- break;
- case "input":
- var type = element.getAttribute("type");
- if (type && type.toLowerCase() == "image")
- objStr = GetString("InputImage");
- else
- objStr = GetString("InputTag");
- break;
- case "textarea":
- objStr = GetString("TextArea");
- break;
- case "select":
- objStr = GetString("Select");
- break;
- case "button":
- objStr = GetString("Button");
- break;
- case "label":
- objStr = GetString("Label");
- break;
- case "fieldset":
- objStr = GetString("FieldSet");
- break;
- case "a":
- if (element.name)
- {
- objStr = GetString("NamedAnchor");
- name = "anchor";
- }
- else if(element.href)
- {
- objStr = GetString("Link");
- name = "href";
- }
- break;
- }
- if (objStr)
- menuStr = GetString("ObjectProperties").replace(/%obj%/,objStr);
- }
- else
- {
- // We show generic "Properties" string, but disable menu item
- menuItem.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- menuItem.setAttribute("label", menuStr);
- menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey",GetString("ObjectPropertiesAccessKey"));
- return name;
- }
- function InitParagraphMenu()
- {
- var mixedObj = { value: null };
- var state;
- try {
- state = GetCurrentEditor().getParagraphState(mixedObj);
- }
- catch(e) {}
- var IDSuffix;
- // PROBLEM: When we get blockquote, it masks other styles contained by it
- // We need a separate method to get blockquote state
- // We use "x" as uninitialized paragraph state
- if (!state || state == "x")
- IDSuffix = "bodyText" // No paragraph container
- else
- IDSuffix = state;
- // Set "radio" check on one item, but...
- var menuItem = document.getElementById("menu_"+IDSuffix);
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "true");
- // ..."bodyText" is returned if mixed selection, so remove checkmark
- if (mixedObj.value)
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "false");
- }
- function GetListStateString()
- {
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var mixedObj = { value: null };
- var hasOL = { value: false };
- var hasUL = { value: false };
- var hasDL = { value: false };
- editor.getListState(mixedObj, hasOL, hasUL, hasDL);
- if (mixedObj.value)
- return "mixed";
- if (hasOL.value)
- return "ol";
- if (hasUL.value)
- return "ul";
- if (hasDL.value)
- {
- var hasLI = { value: false };
- var hasDT = { value: false };
- var hasDD = { value: false };
- editor.getListItemState(mixedObj, hasLI, hasDT, hasDD);
- if (mixedObj.value)
- return "mixed";
- if (hasLI.value)
- return "li";
- if (hasDT.value)
- return "dt";
- if (hasDD.value)
- return "dd";
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- // return "noList" if we aren't in a list at all
- return "noList";
- }
- function InitListMenu()
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return;
- var IDSuffix = GetListStateString();
- // Set enable state for the "None" menuitem
- goSetCommandEnabled("cmd_removeList", IDSuffix != "noList");
- // Set "radio" check on one item, but...
- // we won't find a match if it's "mixed"
- var menuItem = document.getElementById("menu_"+IDSuffix);
- if (menuItem)
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "true");
- }
- function GetAlignmentString()
- {
- var mixedObj = { value: null };
- var alignObj = { value: null };
- try {
- GetCurrentEditor().getAlignment(mixedObj, alignObj);
- } catch (e) {}
- if (mixedObj.value)
- return "mixed";
- if (alignObj.value == nsIHTMLEditor.eLeft)
- return "left";
- if (alignObj.value == nsIHTMLEditor.eCenter)
- return "center";
- if (alignObj.value == nsIHTMLEditor.eRight)
- return "right";
- if (alignObj.value == nsIHTMLEditor.eJustify)
- return "justify";
- // return "left" if we got here
- return "left";
- }
- function InitAlignMenu()
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return;
- var IDSuffix = GetAlignmentString();
- // we won't find a match if it's "mixed"
- var menuItem = document.getElementById("menu_"+IDSuffix);
- if (menuItem)
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "true");
- }
- function EditorSetDefaultPrefsAndDoctype()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var domdoc;
- try {
- domdoc = editor.document;
- } catch (e) { dump( e + "\n"); }
- if ( !domdoc )
- {
- dump("EditorSetDefaultPrefsAndDoctype: EDITOR DOCUMENT NOT FOUND\n");
- return;
- }
- // Insert a doctype element
- // if it is missing from existing doc
- if (!domdoc.doctype)
- {
- var newdoctype = domdoc.implementation.createDocumentType("HTML", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN","");
- if (newdoctype)
- domdoc.insertBefore(newdoctype, domdoc.firstChild);
- }
- // search for head; we'll need this for meta tag additions
- var headelement = 0;
- var headnodelist = domdoc.getElementsByTagName("head");
- if (headnodelist)
- {
- var sz = headnodelist.length;
- if ( sz >= 1 )
- headelement = headnodelist.item(0);
- }
- else
- {
- headelement = domdoc.createElement("head");
- if (headelement)
- domdoc.insertAfter(headelement, domdoc.firstChild);
- }
- /* only set default prefs for new documents */
- if (!IsUrlAboutBlank(GetDocumentUrl()))
- return;
- // search for author meta tag.
- // if one is found, don't do anything.
- // if not, create one and make it a child of the head tag
- // and set its content attribute to the value of the editor.author preference.
- var nodelist = domdoc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
- if ( nodelist )
- {
- // we should do charset first since we need to have charset before
- // hitting other 8-bit char in other meta tags
- // grab charset pref and make it the default charset
- var element;
- var prefCharsetString = 0;
- try
- {
- prefCharsetString = gPrefs.getComplexValue("intl.charset.default",
- Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- if ( prefCharsetString && prefCharsetString != 0)
- {
- element = domdoc.createElement("meta");
- if ( element )
- {
- element.setAttribute("http-equiv", "content-type");
- element.setAttribute("content", "text/html; charset=" + prefCharsetString);
- headelement.insertBefore( element, headelement.firstChild );
- }
- }
- var node = 0;
- var listlength = nodelist.length;
- // let's start by assuming we have an author in case we don't have the pref
- var authorFound = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < listlength && !authorFound; i++)
- {
- node = nodelist.item(i);
- if ( node )
- {
- var value = node.getAttribute("name");
- if (value && value.toLowerCase() == "author")
- {
- authorFound = true;
- }
- }
- }
- var prefAuthorString = 0;
- try
- {
- prefAuthorString = gPrefs.getComplexValue("editor.author",
- Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString).data;
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- if ( prefAuthorString && prefAuthorString != 0)
- {
- if ( !authorFound && headelement)
- {
- /* create meta tag with 2 attributes */
- element = domdoc.createElement("meta");
- if ( element )
- {
- element.setAttribute("name", "author");
- element.setAttribute("content", prefAuthorString);
- headelement.appendChild( element );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // add title tag if not present
- var titlenodelist = editor.document.getElementsByTagName("title");
- if (headelement && titlenodelist && titlenodelist.length == 0)
- {
- titleElement = domdoc.createElement("title");
- if (titleElement)
- headelement.appendChild(titleElement);
- }
- // Get editor color prefs
- var use_custom_colors = false;
- try {
- use_custom_colors = gPrefs.getBoolPref("editor.use_custom_colors");
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- // find body node
- var bodyelement = GetBodyElement();
- if (bodyelement)
- {
- if ( use_custom_colors )
- {
- // try to get the default color values. ignore them if we don't have them.
- var text_color;
- var link_color;
- var active_link_color;
- var followed_link_color;
- var background_color;
- try { text_color = gPrefs.getCharPref("editor.text_color"); } catch (e) {}
- try { link_color = gPrefs.getCharPref("editor.link_color"); } catch (e) {}
- try { active_link_color = gPrefs.getCharPref("editor.active_link_color"); } catch (e) {}
- try { followed_link_color = gPrefs.getCharPref("editor.followed_link_color"); } catch (e) {}
- try { background_color = gPrefs.getCharPref("editor.background_color"); } catch(e) {}
- // add the color attributes to the body tag.
- // and use them for the default text and background colors if not empty
- try {
- if (text_color)
- {
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(bodyelement, "text", text_color, true);
- gDefaultTextColor = text_color;
- }
- if (background_color)
- {
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(bodyelement, "bgcolor", background_color, true);
- gDefaultBackgroundColor = background_color
- }
- if (link_color)
- bodyelement.setAttribute("link", link_color);
- if (active_link_color)
- bodyelement.setAttribute("alink", active_link_color);
- if (followed_link_color)
- bodyelement.setAttribute("vlink", followed_link_color);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- // Default image is independent of Custom colors???
- try {
- var background_image = gPrefs.getCharPref("editor.default_background_image");
- if (background_image)
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(bodyelement, "background", background_image, true);
- } catch (e) {dump("BACKGROUND EXCEPTION: "+e+"\n"); }
- }
- // auto-save???
- }
- function GetBodyElement()
- {
- try {
- return GetCurrentEditor().rootElement;
- }
- catch (ex) {
- dump("no body tag found?!\n");
- // better have one, how can we blow things up here?
- }
- return null;
- }
- // --------------------------- Logging stuff ---------------------------
- function EditorGetNodeFromOffsets(offsets)
- {
- var node = null;
- try {
- node = GetCurrentEditor().document;
- for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++)
- node = node.childNodes[offsets[i]];
- } catch (e) {}
- return node;
- }
- function EditorSetSelectionFromOffsets(selRanges)
- {
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var selection = editor.selection;
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- var rangeArr, start, end, node, offset;
- for (var i = 0; i < selRanges.length; i++)
- {
- rangeArr = selRanges[i];
- start = rangeArr[0];
- end = rangeArr[1];
- var range = editor.document.createRange();
- node = EditorGetNodeFromOffsets(start[0]);
- offset = start[1];
- range.setStart(node, offset);
- node = EditorGetNodeFromOffsets(end[0]);
- offset = end[1];
- range.setEnd(node, offset);
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function initFontStyleMenu(menuPopup)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < menuPopup.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var menuItem = menuPopup.childNodes[i];
- var theStyle = menuItem.getAttribute("state");
- if (theStyle)
- {
- menuItem.setAttribute("checked", theStyle);
- }
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function onButtonUpdate(button, commmandID)
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById(commmandID);
- var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- button.checked = state == "true";
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function onStateButtonUpdate(button, commmandID, onState)
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById(commmandID);
- var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- button.checked = state == onState;
- }
- // --------------------------- Status calls ---------------------------
- function getColorAndSetColorWell(ColorPickerID, ColorWellID)
- {
- var colorWell;
- if (ColorWellID)
- colorWell = document.getElementById(ColorWellID);
- var colorPicker = document.getElementById(ColorPickerID);
- if (colorPicker)
- {
- // Extract color from colorPicker and assign to colorWell.
- var color = colorPicker.getAttribute("color");
- if (colorWell && color)
- {
- // Use setAttribute so colorwell can be a XUL element, such as button
- colorWell.setAttribute("style", "background-color: " + color);
- }
- }
- return color;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function IsSpellCheckerInstalled()
- {
- return "@mozilla.org/spellchecker;1" in Components.classes;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function IsFindInstalled()
- {
- return "@mozilla.org/embedcomp/rangefind;1" in Components.classes
- && "@mozilla.org/find/find_service;1" in Components.classes;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RemoveInapplicableUIElements()
- {
- // For items that are in their own menu block, remove associated separator
- // (we can't use "hidden" since class="hide-in-IM" CSS rule interferes)
- // if no find, remove find ui
- if (!IsFindInstalled())
- {
- HideItem("menu_find");
- HideItem("menu_findnext");
- HideItem("menu_replace");
- HideItem("menu_find");
- RemoveItem("sep_find");
- }
- // if no spell checker, remove spell checker ui
- if (!IsSpellCheckerInstalled())
- {
- HideItem("spellingButton");
- HideItem("menu_checkspelling");
- RemoveItem("sep_checkspelling");
- }
- else
- {
- SetElementEnabled(document.getElementById("menu_checkspelling"), true);
- SetElementEnabled(document.getElementById("spellingButton"), true);
- SetElementEnabled(document.getElementById("checkspellingkb"), true);
- }
- // Remove menu items (from overlay shared with HTML editor) in non-HTML.
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- {
- HideItem("insertAnchor");
- HideItem("insertImage");
- HideItem("insertHline");
- HideItem("insertTable");
- HideItem("insertHTML");
- HideItem("insertFormMenu");
- HideItem("fileExportToText");
- HideItem("viewFormatToolbar");
- HideItem("viewEditModeToolbar");
- }
- }
- function HideItem(id)
- {
- var item = document.getElementById(id);
- if (item)
- item.hidden = true;
- }
- function RemoveItem(id)
- {
- var item = document.getElementById(id);
- if (item)
- item.parentNode.removeChild(item);
- }
- // Command Updating Strategy:
- // Don't update on on selection change, only when menu is displayed,
- // with this "oncreate" hander:
- function EditorInitTableMenu()
- {
- try {
- InitJoinCellMenuitem("menu_JoinTableCells");
- } catch (ex) {}
- // Set enable states for all table commands
- goUpdateTableMenuItems(document.getElementById("composerTableMenuItems"));
- }
- function InitJoinCellMenuitem(id)
- {
- // Change text on the "Join..." item depending if we
- // are joining selected cells or just cell to right
- // TODO: What to do about normal selection that crosses
- // table border? Try to figure out all cells
- // included in the selection?
- var menuText;
- var menuItem = document.getElementById(id);
- if (!menuItem) return;
- // Use "Join selected cells if there's more than 1 cell selected
- var numSelected;
- var foundElement;
- try {
- var tagNameObj = {};
- var countObj = {value:0}
- foundElement = GetCurrentTableEditor().getSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, countObj);
- numSelected = countObj.value
- }
- catch(e) {}
- if (foundElement && numSelected > 1)
- menuText = GetString("JoinSelectedCells");
- else
- menuText = GetString("JoinCellToRight");
- menuItem.setAttribute("label",menuText);
- menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey",GetString("JoinCellAccesskey"));
- }
- function InitRemoveStylesMenuitems(removeStylesId, removeLinksId, removeNamedAnchorsId)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor)
- return;
- // Change wording of menuitems depending on selection
- var stylesItem = document.getElementById(removeStylesId);
- var linkItem = document.getElementById(removeLinksId);
- var isCollapsed = editor.selection.isCollapsed;
- if (stylesItem)
- {
- stylesItem.setAttribute("label", isCollapsed ? GetString("StopTextStyles") : GetString("RemoveTextStyles"));
- stylesItem.setAttribute("accesskey", GetString("RemoveTextStylesAccesskey"));
- }
- if (linkItem)
- {
- linkItem.setAttribute("label", isCollapsed ? GetString("StopLinks") : GetString("RemoveLinks"));
- linkItem.setAttribute("accesskey", GetString("RemoveLinksAccesskey"));
- // Note: disabling text style is a pain since there are so many - forget it!
- // Disable if not in a link, but always allow "Remove"
- // if selection isn't collapsed since we only look at anchor node
- try {
- SetElementEnabled(linkItem, !isCollapsed ||
- editor.getElementOrParentByTagName("href", null));
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- // Disable if selection is collapsed
- SetElementEnabledById(removeNamedAnchorsId, !isCollapsed);
- }
- function goUpdateTableMenuItems(commandset)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentTableEditor();
- if (!editor)
- {
- dump("goUpdateTableMenuItems: too early, not initialized\n");
- return;
- }
- var enabled = false;
- var enabledIfTable = false;
- var flags = editor.flags;
- if (!(flags & nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorReadonlyMask) &&
- IsEditingRenderedHTML())
- {
- var tagNameObj = { value: "" };
- var element;
- try {
- element = editor.getSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, {value:0});
- }
- catch(e) {}
- if (element)
- {
- // Value when we need to have a selected table or inside a table
- enabledIfTable = true;
- // All others require being inside a cell or selected cell
- enabled = (tagNameObj.value == "td");
- }
- }
- // Loop through command nodes
- for (var i = 0; i < commandset.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var commandID = commandset.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id");
- if (commandID)
- {
- if (commandID == "cmd_InsertTable" ||
- commandID == "cmd_JoinTableCells" ||
- commandID == "cmd_SplitTableCell" ||
- commandID == "cmd_ConvertToTable")
- {
- // Call the update method in the command class
- goUpdateCommand(commandID);
- }
- // Directly set with the values calculated here
- else if (commandID == "cmd_DeleteTable" ||
- commandID == "cmd_NormalizeTable" ||
- commandID == "cmd_editTable" ||
- commandID == "cmd_TableOrCellColor" ||
- commandID == "cmd_SelectTable")
- {
- goSetCommandEnabled(commandID, enabledIfTable);
- } else {
- goSetCommandEnabled(commandID, enabled);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helpers for inserting and editing tables:
- function IsInTable()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- try {
- var flags = editor.flags;
- return (IsHTMLEditor() &&
- !(flags & nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorReadonlyMask) &&
- IsEditingRenderedHTML() &&
- null != editor.getElementOrParentByTagName("table", null));
- } catch (e) {}
- return false;
- }
- function IsInTableCell()
- {
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var flags = editor.flags;
- return (IsHTMLEditor() &&
- !(flags & nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorReadonlyMask) &&
- IsEditingRenderedHTML() &&
- null != editor.getElementOrParentByTagName("td", null));
- } catch (e) {}
- return false;
- }
- function IsSelectionInOneCell()
- {
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var selection = editor.selection;
- if (selection.rangeCount == 1)
- {
- // We have a "normal" single-range selection
- if (!selection.isCollapsed &&
- selection.anchorNode != selection.focusNode)
- {
- // Check if both nodes are within the same cell
- var anchorCell = editor.getElementOrParentByTagName("td", selection.anchorNode);
- var focusCell = editor.getElementOrParentByTagName("td", selection.focusNode);
- return (focusCell != null && anchorCell != null && (focusCell == anchorCell));
- }
- // Collapsed selection or anchor == focus (thus must be in 1 cell)
- return true;
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- return false;
- }
- // Call this with insertAllowed = true to allow inserting if not in existing table,
- // else use false to do nothing if not in a table
- function EditorInsertOrEditTable(insertAllowed)
- {
- if (IsInTable())
- {
- // Edit properties of existing table
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdTableProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "","TablePanel");
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- else if (insertAllowed)
- {
- try {
- if (GetCurrentEditor().selection.isCollapsed)
- // If we have a caret, insert a blank table...
- EditorInsertTable();
- else
- // else convert the selection into a table
- goDoCommand("cmd_ConvertToTable");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- function EditorInsertTable()
- {
- // Insert a new table
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInsertTable.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "");
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- function EditorTableCellProperties()
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return;
- try {
- var cell = GetCurrentEditor().getElementOrParentByTagName("td", null);
- if (cell) {
- // Start Table Properties dialog on the "Cell" panel
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdTableProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", "CellPanel");
- gContentWindow.focus();
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- function GetNumberOfContiguousSelectedRows()
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return 0;
- var rows = 0;
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentTableEditor();
- var rowObj = { value: 0 };
- var colObj = { value: 0 };
- var cell = editor.getFirstSelectedCellInTable(rowObj, colObj);
- if (!cell)
- return 0;
- // We have at least one row
- rows++;
- var lastIndex = rowObj.value;
- do {
- cell = editor.getNextSelectedCell({value:0});
- if (cell)
- {
- editor.getCellIndexes(cell, rowObj, colObj);
- var index = rowObj.value;
- if (index == lastIndex + 1)
- {
- lastIndex = index;
- rows++;
- }
- }
- }
- while (cell);
- } catch (e) {}
- return rows;
- }
- function GetNumberOfContiguousSelectedColumns()
- {
- if (!IsHTMLEditor())
- return 0;
- var columns = 0;
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentTableEditor();
- var colObj = { value: 0 };
- var rowObj = { value: 0 };
- var cell = editor.getFirstSelectedCellInTable(rowObj, colObj);
- if (!cell)
- return 0;
- // We have at least one column
- columns++;
- var lastIndex = colObj.value;
- do {
- cell = editor.getNextSelectedCell({value:0});
- if (cell)
- {
- editor.getCellIndexes(cell, rowObj, colObj);
- var index = colObj.value;
- if (index == lastIndex +1)
- {
- lastIndex = index;
- columns++;
- }
- }
- }
- while (cell);
- } catch (e) {}
- return columns;
- }
- function EditorOnFocus()
- {
- // Current window already has the InsertCharWindow
- if ("InsertCharWindow" in window && window.InsertCharWindow) return;
- // Find window with an InsertCharsWindow and switch association to this one
- var windowWithDialog = FindEditorWithInsertCharDialog();
- if (windowWithDialog)
- {
- // Switch the dialog to current window
- // this sets focus to dialog, so bring focus back to editor window
- if (SwitchInsertCharToThisWindow(windowWithDialog))
- top.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.focus();
- }
- }
- function SwitchInsertCharToThisWindow(windowWithDialog)
- {
- if (windowWithDialog && "InsertCharWindow" in windowWithDialog &&
- windowWithDialog.InsertCharWindow)
- {
- // Move dialog association to the current window
- window.InsertCharWindow = windowWithDialog.InsertCharWindow;
- windowWithDialog.InsertCharWindow = null;
- // Switch the dialog's opener to current window's
- window.InsertCharWindow.opener = window;
- // Bring dialog to the forground
- window.InsertCharWindow.focus();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function FindEditorWithInsertCharDialog()
- {
- try {
- // Find window with an InsertCharsWindow and switch association to this one
- var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService();
- var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator( null );
- while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() )
- {
- var tempWindow = enumerator.getNext();
- if (tempWindow != window && "InsertCharWindow" in tempWindow &&
- tempWindow.InsertCharWindow)
- {
- return tempWindow;
- }
- }
- }
- catch(e) {}
- return null;
- }
- function EditorFindOrCreateInsertCharWindow()
- {
- if ("InsertCharWindow" in window && window.InsertCharWindow)
- window.InsertCharWindow.focus();
- else
- {
- // Since we switch the dialog during EditorOnFocus(),
- // this should really never be found, but it's good to be sure
- var windowWithDialog = FindEditorWithInsertCharDialog();
- if (windowWithDialog)
- {
- SwitchInsertCharToThisWindow(windowWithDialog);
- }
- else
- {
- // The dialog will set window.InsertCharWindow to itself
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInsertChars.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar", "");
- }
- }
- }
- // Find another HTML editor window to associate with the InsertChar dialog
- // or close it if none found (May be a mail composer)
- function SwitchInsertCharToAnotherEditorOrClose()
- {
- if ("InsertCharWindow" in window && window.InsertCharWindow)
- {
- var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService();
- var enumerator;
- try {
- var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator( null );
- }
- catch(e) {}
- if (!enumerator) return;
- // TODO: Fix this to search for command controllers and look for "cmd_InsertChars"
- // For now, detect just Web Composer and HTML Mail Composer
- while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() )
- {
- var tempWindow = enumerator.getNext();
- if (tempWindow != window && tempWindow != window.InsertCharWindow &&
- "GetCurrentEditor" in tempWindow && tmpWindow.GetCurrentEditor())
- {
- tempWindow.InsertCharWindow = window.InsertCharWindow;
- window.InsertCharWindow = null;
- tempWindow.InsertCharWindow.opener = tempWindow;
- return;
- }
- }
- // Didn't find another editor - close the dialog
- window.InsertCharWindow.close();
- }
- }
- function ResetStructToolbar()
- {
- gLastFocusNode = null;
- UpdateStructToolbar();
- }
- function newCommandListener(element)
- {
- return function() { return SelectFocusNodeAncestor(element); };
- }
- function newContextmenuListener(button, element)
- {
- return function() { return InitStructBarContextMenu(button, element); };
- }
- function UpdateStructToolbar()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor) return;
- var mixed = GetSelectionContainer();
- if (!mixed) return;
- var element = mixed.node;
- var oneElementSelected = mixed.oneElementSelected;
- if (!element) return;
- if (element == gLastFocusNode &&
- oneElementSelected == gLastFocusNodeWasSelected)
- return;
- gLastFocusNode = element;
- gLastFocusNodeWasSelected = mixed.oneElementSelected;
- var toolbar = document.getElementById("structToolbar");
- if (!toolbar) return;
- var childNodes = toolbar.childNodes;
- var childNodesLength = childNodes.length;
- // We need to leave the <label> to flex the buttons to the left
- // so, don't remove the last child at position length - 1
- for (var i = childNodesLength - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
- toolbar.removeChild(childNodes.item(i));
- }
- toolbar.removeAttribute("label");
- if ( IsInHTMLSourceMode() ) {
- // we have destroyed the contents of the status bar and are
- // about to recreate it ; but we don't want to do that in
- // Source mode
- return;
- }
- var tag, button;
- var bodyElement = GetBodyElement();
- var isFocusNode = true;
- var tmp;
- do {
- tag = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- button = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "toolbarbutton");
- button.setAttribute("label", "<" + tag + ">");
- button.setAttribute("value", tag);
- button.setAttribute("context", "structToolbarContext");
- button.className = "struct-button";
- toolbar.insertBefore(button, toolbar.firstChild);
- button.addEventListener("command", newCommandListener(element), false);
- button.addEventListener("contextmenu", newContextmenuListener(button, element), false);
- if (isFocusNode && oneElementSelected) {
- button.setAttribute("checked", "true");
- isFocusNode = false;
- }
- tmp = element;
- element = element.parentNode;
- } while (tmp != bodyElement);
- }
- function SelectFocusNodeAncestor(element)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (editor) {
- if (element == GetBodyElement())
- editor.selectAll();
- else
- editor.selectElement(element);
- }
- ResetStructToolbar();
- }
- function GetSelectionContainer()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor) return null;
- try {
- var selection = editor.selection;
- if (!selection) return null;
- }
- catch (e) { return null; }
- var result = { oneElementSelected:false };
- if (selection.isCollapsed) {
- result.node = selection.focusNode;
- }
- else {
- var rangeCount = selection.rangeCount;
- if (rangeCount == 1) {
- result.node = editor.getSelectedElement("");
- var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- // check for a weird case : when we select a piece of text inside
- // a text node and apply an inline style to it, the selection starts
- // at the end of the text node preceding the style and ends after the
- // last char of the style. Assume the style element is selected for
- // user's pleasure
- if (!result.node &&
- range.startContainer.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE &&
- range.startOffset == range.startContainer.length &&
- range.endContainer.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE &&
- range.endOffset == range.endContainer.length &&
- range.endContainer.nextSibling == null &&
- range.startContainer.nextSibling == range.endContainer.parentNode)
- result.node = range.endContainer.parentNode;
- if (!result.node) {
- // let's rely on the common ancestor of the selection
- result.node = range.commonAncestorContainer;
- }
- else {
- result.oneElementSelected = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- // assume table cells !
- var i, container = null;
- for (i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) {
- range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
- if (!container) {
- container = range.startContainer;
- }
- else if (container != range.startContainer) {
- // all table cells don't belong to same row so let's
- // select the parent of all rows
- result.node = container.parentNode;
- break;
- }
- result.node = container;
- }
- }
- }
- // make sure we have an element here
- while (result.node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
- result.node = result.node.parentNode;
- // and make sure the element is not a special editor node like
- // the <br> we insert in blank lines
- // and don't select anonymous content !!! (fix for bug 190279)
- while (result.node.hasAttribute("_moz_editor_bogus_node") ||
- editor.isAnonymousElement(result.node))
- result.node = result.node.parentNode;
- return result;
- }
- function FillInHTMLTooltip(tooltip)
- {
- const XLinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
- var tooltipText = null;
- if (gEditorDisplayMode == kDisplayModePreview) {
- for (var node = document.tooltipNode; node; node = node.parentNode) {
- if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- tooltipText = node.getAttributeNS(XLinkNS, "title");
- if (tooltipText && /\S/.test(tooltipText)) {
- tooltip.setAttribute("label", tooltipText);
- return true;
- }
- tooltipText = node.getAttribute("title");
- if (tooltipText && /\S/.test(tooltipText)) {
- tooltip.setAttribute("label", tooltipText);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (var node = document.tooltipNode; node; node = node.parentNode) {
- if (node instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLImageElement ||
- node instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement)
- tooltipText = node.getAttribute("src");
- else if (node instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement)
- tooltipText = node.getAttribute("href") || node.name;
- if (tooltipText) {
- tooltip.setAttribute("label", tooltipText);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function UpdateTOC()
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInsertTOC.xul",
- "_blank", "chrome,close,modal,titlebar");
- window._content.focus();
- }
- function InitTOCMenu()
- {
- var elt = GetCurrentEditor().document.getElementById("mozToc");
- var createMenuitem = document.getElementById("insertTOCMenuitem");
- var updateMenuitem = document.getElementById("updateTOCMenuitem");
- var removeMenuitem = document.getElementById("removeTOCMenuitem");
- if (removeMenuitem && createMenuitem && updateMenuitem) {
- if (elt) {
- createMenuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- updateMenuitem.removeAttribute("disabled");
- removeMenuitem.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- else {
- createMenuitem.removeAttribute("disabled");
- removeMenuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- updateMenuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- }
- }
- function RemoveTOC()
- {
- var theDocument = GetCurrentEditor().document;
- var elt = theDocument.getElementById("mozToc");
- if (elt) {
- elt.parentNode.removeChild(elt);
- }
- function acceptNode(node)
- {
- if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a" &&
- node.hasAttribute("name") &&
- node.getAttribute("name").substr(0, 8) == "mozTocId") {
- return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
- }
- return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
- }
- var treeWalker = theDocument.createTreeWalker(theDocument.documentElement,
- NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,
- acceptNode,
- true);
- if (treeWalker) {
- var anchorNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
- while (anchorNode) {
- var tmp = treeWalker.nextNode();
- anchorNode.parentNode.removeChild(anchorNode);
- anchorNode = tmp;
- }
- }
- }