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/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Baki Bon <bakibon@yahoo.com> (original author) * Charles Manske (cmanske@netscape.com) * Neil Rashbrook (neil@parkwaycc.co.uk) */ //------------------------------------------------------------------ // From Unicode 3.0 Page 54. 3.11 Conjoining Jamo Behavior var SBase = 0xac00; var LBase = 0x1100; var VBase = 0x1161; var TBase = 0x11A7; var LCount = 19; var VCount = 21; var TCount = 28; var NCount = VCount * TCount; // End of Unicode 3.0 // dialog initialization code function Startup() { if (!GetCurrentEditor()) { window.close(); return; } StartupLatin(); // Dialog is non-modal: // Change button text: "Ok" to "Insert"; "Cancel" to "Close" var insertButton = document.documentElement.getButton("accept"); if (insertButton) { insertButton.setAttribute("label", GetString("Insert")); insertButton.setAttribute("accesskey", GetString("InsertAccessKey")); } var cancelButton = document.getElementById("insertCharsDlg").getButton("cancel"); if (cancelButton) cancelButton.setAttribute("label", GetString("Close")); // Set a variable on the opener window so we // can track ownership of close this window with it window.opener.InsertCharWindow = window; window.sizeToContent(); SetWindowLocation(); } function onAccept() { // Insert the character try { GetCurrentEditor().insertText(LatinM.label); } catch(e) {} // Set persistent attributes to save // which category, letter, and character modifier was used CategoryGroup.setAttribute("category", category); CategoryGroup.setAttribute("letter_index", indexL); CategoryGroup.setAttribute("char_index", indexM); // Don't close the dialog return false; } // Don't allow inserting in HTML Source Mode function onFocus() { var enable = true; if ("gEditorDisplayMode" in window.opener) enable = !window.opener.IsInHTMLSourceMode(); SetElementEnabled(document.documentElement.getButton("accept"), enable); } function onClose() { window.opener.InsertCharWindow = null; SaveWindowLocation(); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ var LatinL; var LatinM; var LatinL_Label; var LatinM_Label; var indexL=0; var indexM=0; var indexM_AU=0; var indexM_AL=0; var indexM_U=0; var indexM_L=0; var indexM_S=0; var LItems=0; var category; var CategoryGroup; var initialize = true; function StartupLatin() { LatinL = document.getElementById("LatinL"); LatinM = document.getElementById("LatinM"); LatinL_Label = document.getElementById("LatinL_Label"); LatinM_Label = document.getElementById("LatinM_Label"); var Symbol = document.getElementById("Symbol"); var AccentUpper = document.getElementById("AccentUpper"); var AccentLower = document.getElementById("AccentLower"); var Upper = document.getElementById("Upper"); var Lower = document.getElementById("Lower"); CategoryGroup = document.getElementById("CatGrp"); // Initialize which radio button is set from persistent attribute... var category = CategoryGroup.getAttribute("category"); // ...as well as indexes into the letter and character lists var index = Number(CategoryGroup.getAttribute("letter_index")); if (index && index >= 0) indexL = index; index = Number(CategoryGroup.getAttribute("char_index")); if (index && index >= 0) indexM = index; switch (category) { case "AccentUpper": // Uppercase Diacritical CategoryGroup.selectedItem = AccentUpper; indexM_AU = indexM; break; case "AccentLower": // Lowercase Diacritical CategoryGroup.selectedItem = AccentLower; indexM_AL = indexM; break; case "Upper": // Uppercase w/o Diacritical CategoryGroup.selectedItem = Upper; indexM_U = indexM; break; case "Lower": // Lowercase w/o Diacritical CategoryGroup.selectedItem = Lower; indexM_L = indexM; break; default: category = "Symbol"; CategoryGroup.selectedItem = Symbol; indexM_S = indexM; break; } ChangeCategory(category); initialize = false; } function ChangeCategory(newCategory) { if (category != newCategory || initialize) { category = newCategory; // Note: Must do L before M to set LatinL.selectedIndex UpdateLatinL(); UpdateLatinM(); UpdateCharacter(); } } function SelectLatinLetter() { if(LatinL.selectedIndex != indexL ) { indexL = LatinL.selectedIndex; UpdateLatinM(); UpdateCharacter(); } } function SelectLatinModifier() { if(LatinM.selectedIndex != indexM ) { indexM = LatinM.selectedIndex; UpdateCharacter(); } } function DisableLatinL(disable) { if (disable) { LatinL_Label.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); LatinL.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { LatinL_Label.removeAttribute("disabled"); LatinL.removeAttribute("disabled"); } } function UpdateLatinL() { LatinL.removeAllItems(); if (category == "AccentUpper" || category == "AccentLower") { DisableLatinL(false); // No Q or q var alphabet = category == "AccentUpper" ? "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ" : "abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz"; for (var letter = 0; letter < alphabet.length; letter++) LatinL.appendItem(alphabet.charAt(letter)); LatinL.selectedIndex = indexL; } else { // Other categories don't hinge on a "letter" DisableLatinL(true); // Note: don't change the indexL so it can be used next time } } function UpdateLatinM() { LatinM.removeAllItems(); var i, accent; switch(category) { case "AccentUpper": // Uppercase Diacritical accent = upper[indexL]; for(i=0; i < accent.length; i++) LatinM.appendItem(accent.charAt(i)); if(indexM_AU < accent.length) indexM = indexM_AU; else indexM = accent.length - 1; indexM_AU = indexM; break; case "AccentLower": // Lowercase Diacritical accent = lower[indexL]; for(i=0; i < accent.length; i++) LatinM.appendItem(accent.charAt(i)); if(indexM_AL < accent.length) indexM = indexM_AL; else indexM = lower[indexL].length - 1; indexM_AL = indexM; break; case "Upper": // Uppercase w/o Diacritical for(i=0; i < otherupper.length; i++) LatinM.appendItem(otherupper.charAt(i)); if(indexM_U < otherupper.length) indexM = indexM_U; else indexM = otherupper.length - 1; indexM_U = indexM; break; case "Lower": // Lowercase w/o Diacritical for(i=0; i < otherlower.length; i++) LatinM.appendItem(otherlower.charAt(i)); if(indexM_L < otherlower.length) indexM = indexM_L; else indexM = otherlower.length - 1; indexM_L = indexM; break; case "Symbol": // Symbol for(i=0; i < symbol.length; i++) LatinM.appendItem(symbol.charAt(i)); if(indexM_S < symbol.length) indexM = indexM_S; else indexM = symbol.length - 1; indexM_S = indexM; break; } LatinM.selectedIndex = indexM; } function UpdateCharacter() { indexM = LatinM.selectedIndex; switch(category) { case "AccentUpper": // Uppercase Diacritical indexM_AU = indexM; break; case "AccentLower": // Lowercase Diacritical indexM_AL = indexM; break; case "Upper": // Uppercase w/o Diacritical indexM_U = indexM; break; case "Lower": // Lowercase w/o Diacritical indexM_L = indexM; break; case "Symbol": indexM_S = indexM; break; } //dump("Letter Index="+indexL+", Character Index="+indexM+", Character = "+LatinM.label+"\n"); } const upper=[ // A "\u00c0\u00c1\u00c2\u00c3\u00c4\u00c5\u0100\u0102\u0104\u01cd\u01de\u01de\u01e0\u01fa\u0200\u0202\u0226\u1e00\u1ea0\u1ea2\u1ea4\u1ea6\u1ea8\u1eaa\u1eac\u1eae\u1eb0\u1eb2\u1eb4\u1eb6", // B "\u0181\u0182\u0184\u1e02\u1e04\u1e06", // C "\u00c7\u0106\u0108\u010a\u010c\u0187\u1e08", // D "\u010e\u0110\u0189\u018a\u1e0a\u1e0c\u1e0e\u1e10\u1e12", // E "\u00C8\u00C9\u00CA\u00CB\u0112\u0114\u0116\u0118\u011A\u0204\u0206\u0228\u1e14\u1e16\u1e18\u1e1a\u1e1c\u1eb8\u1eba\u1ebc\u1ebe\u1ec0\u1ec2\u1ec4\u1ec6", // F "\u1e1e", // G "\u011c\u011E\u0120\u0122\u01e4\u01e6\u01f4\u1e20", // H "\u0124\u0126\u021e\u1e22\u1e24\u1e26\u1e28\u1e2a", // I "\u00CC\u00CD\u00CE\u00CF\u0128\u012a\u012C\u012e\u0130\u0208\u020a\u1e2c\u1e2e\u1ec8\u1eca", // J "\u0134\u01f0", // K "\u0136\u0198\u01e8\u1e30\u1e32\u1e34", // L "\u0139\u013B\u013D\u013F\u0141\u1e36\u1e38\u1e3a\u1e3c", // M "\u1e3e\u1e40\u1e42", // N "\u00D1\u0143\u0145\u0147\u014A\u01F8\u1e44\u1e46\u1e48\u1e4a", // O "\u00D2\u00D3\u00D4\u00D5\u00D6\u014C\u014E\u0150\u01ea\u01ec\u020c\u020e\u022A\u022C\u022E\u0230\u1e4c\u1e4e\u1e50\u1e52\u1ecc\u1ece\u1ed0\u1ed2\u1ed4\u1ed6\u1ed8\u1eda\u1edc\u1ede\u1ee0\u1ee2", // P "\u1e54\u1e56", // No Q // R "\u0154\u0156\u0158\u0210\u0212\u1e58\u1e5a\u1e5c\u1e5e", // S "\u015A\u015C\u015E\u0160\u0218\u1e60\u1e62\u1e64\u1e66\u1e68", // T "\u0162\u0164\u0166\u021A\u1e6a\u1e6c\u1e6e\u1e70", // U "\u00D9\u00DA\u00DB\u00DC\u0168\u016A\u016C\u016E\u0170\u0172\u0214\u0216\u1e72\u1e74\u1e76\u1e78\u1e7a\u1ee4\u1ee6\u1ee8\u1eea\u1eec\u1eee\u1ef0", // V "\u1e7c\u1e7e", // W "\u0174\u1e80\u1e82\u1e84\u1e86\u1e88", // X "\u1e8a\u1e8c", // Y "\u00DD\u0176\u0178\u0232\u1e8e\u1ef2\u1ef4\u1ef6\u1ef8", // Z "\u0179\u017B\u017D\u0224\u1e90\u1e92\u1e94" ]; const lower=[ // a "\u00e0\u00e1\u00e2\u00e3\u00e4\u00e5\u0101\u0103\u0105\u01ce\u01df\u01e1\u01fb\u0201\u0203\u0227\u1e01\u1e9a\u1ea1\u1ea3\u1ea5\u1ea7\u1ea9\u1eab\u1ead\u1eaf\u1eb1\u1eb3\u1eb5\u1eb7", // b "\u0180\u0183\u0185\u1e03\u1e05\u1e07", // c "\u00e7\u0107\u0109\u010b\u010d\u0188\u1e09", // d "\u010f\u0111\u1e0b\u1e0d\u1e0f\u1e11\u1e13", // e "\u00e8\u00e9\u00ea\u00eb\u0113\u0115\u0117\u0119\u011b\u0205\u0207\u0229\u1e15\u1e17\u1e19\u1e1b\u1e1d\u1eb9\u1ebb\u1ebd\u1ebf\u1ec1\u1ec3\u1ec5\u1ec7", // f "\u1e1f", // g "\u011d\u011f\u0121\u0123\u01e5\u01e7\u01f5\u1e21", // h "\u0125\u0127\u021f\u1e23\u1e25\u1e27\u1e29\u1e2b\u1e96", // i "\u00ec\u00ed\u00ee\u00ef\u0129\u012b\u012d\u012f\u0131\u01d0\u0209\u020b\u1e2d\u1e2f\u1ec9\u1ecb", // j "\u0135", // k "\u0137\u0138\u01e9\u1e31\u1e33\u1e35", // l "\u013a\u013c\u013e\u0140\u0142\u1e37\u1e39\u1e3b\u1e3d", // m "\u1e3f\u1e41\u1e43", // n "\u00f1\u0144\u0146\u0148\u0149\u014b\u01f9\u1e45\u1e47\u1e49\u1e4b", // o "\u00f2\u00f3\u00f4\u00f5\u00f6\u014d\u014f\u0151\u01d2\u01eb\u01ed\u020d\u020e\u022b\u22d\u022f\u0231\u1e4d\u1e4f\u1e51\u1e53\u1ecd\u1ecf\u1ed1\u1ed3\u1ed5\u1ed7\u1ed9\u1edb\u1edd\u1edf\u1ee1\u1ee3", // p "\u1e55\u1e57", // No q // r "\u0155\u0157\u0159\u0211\u0213\u1e59\u1e5b\u1e5d\u1e5f", // s "\u015b\u015d\u015f\u0161\u0219\u1e61\u1e63\u1e65\u1e67\u1e69", // t "\u0162\u0163\u0165\u0167\u021b\u1e6b\u1e6d\u1e6f\u1e71\u1e97", // u "\u00f9\u00fa\u00fb\u00fc\u0169\u016b\u016d\u016f\u0171\u0173\u01d4\u01d6\u01d8\u01da\u01dc\u0215\u0217\u1e73\u1e75\u1e77\u1e79\u1e7b\u1ee5\u1ee7\u1ee9\u1eeb\u1eed\u1eef\u1ef1", // v "\u1e7d\u1e7f", // w "\u0175\u1e81\u1e83\u1e85\u1e87\u1e89\u1e98", // x "\u1e8b\u1e8d", // y "\u00fd\u00ff\u0177\u0233\u1e8f\u1e99\u1ef3\u1ef5\u1ef7\u1ef9", // z "\u017a\u017c\u017e\u0225\u1e91\u1e93\u1e95" ]; const symbol = "\u00a1\u00a2\u00a3\u00a4\u00a5\u20ac\u00a6\u00a7\u00a8\u00a9\u00aa\u00ab\u00ac\u00ae\u00af\u00b0\u00b1\u00b2\u00b3\u00b4\u00b5\u00b6\u00b7\u00b8\u00b9\u00ba\u00bb\u00bc\u00bd\u00be\u00bf\u00d7\u00f7"; const otherupper = "\u00c6\u00d0\u00d8\u00de\u0132\u0152\u0186\u01c4\u01c5\u01c7\u01c8\u01ca\u01cb\u01F1\u01f2"; const otherlower = "\u00e6\u00f0\u00f8\u00fe\u00df\u0133\u0153\u01c6\u01c9\u01cc\u01f3";