home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <!--
- - The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
- - License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- - except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- - the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- -
- - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- - IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- - implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- - rights and limitations under the License.
- -
- - The Original Code is Editor Image Properties Overlay.
- -
- - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- - Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- - Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- - Rights Reserved.
- -
- - Contributor(s):
- - Pete Collins
- - Brian King
- - Neil Rashbrook <neil@parkwaycc.co.uk> (Separated from EdImageProps.xul)
- -->
- <!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://editor/locale/EditorImageProperties.dtd">
- <overlay id="EdImageOverlay"
- xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://editor/content/EdImageOverlay.js"/>
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- <tab id="imageLocationTab" label="&imageLocationTab.label;"/>
- <tab id="imageDimensionsTab" label="&imageDimensionsTab.label;"/>
- <tab id="imageAppearanceTab" label="&imageAppearanceTab.label;"/>
- <tab id="imageLinkTab" label="&imageLinkTab.label;"/>
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- <spacer class="spacer"/>
- <label control = "srcInput"
- value = "&locationEditField.label;"
- accesskey="&locationEditField.accessKey;"
- tooltiptext="&locationEditField.tooltip;"
- />
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- <checkbox
- id = "MakeRelativeCheckbox"
- for = "srcInput"
- tabindex="2"/>
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- <!-- from EdDialogOverlay.xul -->
- <button id="ChooseFile" tabindex="3"/>
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- style = "margin-left: 26px"
- control = "titleInput"
- accesskey = "&title.accessKey;"
- value ="&title.label;"
- tooltiptext="&title.tooltip;"
- for = "titleInput"/>
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- id = "titleInput"
- class = "MinWidth20em"
- tooltiptext="&title.tooltip;"
- tabindex="4"/>
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- <row align="center">
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- label = "&altText.label;"
- accesskey = "&altText.accessKey;"
- tooltiptext="&altTextEditField.tooltip;"
- oncommand = "SetAltTextDisabled(false);"
- tabindex="5"/>
- <textbox flex="1"
- id = "altTextInput"
- class = "MinWidth20em"
- tooltiptext="&altTextEditField.tooltip;"
- oninput = "SetAltTextDisabled(false);"
- tabindex="6"/>
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- <radio id = "noAltTextRadio"
- label = "&noAltText.label;"
- accesskey = "&noAltText.accessKey;"
- oncommand = "SetAltTextDisabled(true);"/>
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- <spacer flex="1"/>
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- <spacer flex="1"/>
- <label value="&actualSize.label;"/>
- <hbox>
- <label value="&widthEditField.label;"/>
- <spacer flex="1"/>
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- <hbox>
- <label value="&heightEditField.label;"/>
- <spacer flex="1"/>
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- id = "actualSizeRadio"
- label = "&actualSizeRadio.label;"
- accesskey = "&actualSizeRadio.accessKey;"
- tooltiptext="&actualSizeRadio.tooltip;"
- oncommand = "SetActualSize()"/>
- <radio
- id = "customSizeRadio"
- label = "&customSizeRadio.label;"
- accesskey = "&customSizeRadio.accessKey;"
- tooltiptext="&customSizeRadio.tooltip;"
- oncommand = "doDimensionEnabling();" />
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- <spacer flex="1"/>
- <vbox>
- <spacer flex="1"/>
- <checkbox id="constrainCheckbox" label="&constrainCheckbox.label;"
- accesskey="&constrainCheckbox.accessKey;"
- oncommand="ToggleConstrain()"
- tooltiptext="&constrainCheckbox.tooltip;"/>
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- control = "widthInput"
- accesskey = "&widthEditField.accessKey;"
- value = "&widthEditField.label;" />
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- id = "widthInput"
- class = "narrow"
- oninput = "constrainProportions(this.id, 'heightInput')"/>
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- oncommand = "doDimensionEnabling();" />
- <!-- contents are appended by JS -->
- </row>
- <row align="center">
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- control = "heightInput"
- accesskey = "&heightEditField.accessKey;"
- value = "&heightEditField.label;" />
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- id = "heightInput"
- class = "narrow"
- oninput = "constrainProportions(this.id, 'widthInput')"/>
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- oncommand = "doDimensionEnabling();" />
- <!-- contents are appended by JS -->
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- <row align="center">
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- class = "align-right"
- id = "leftrightLabel"
- control = "imageleftrightInput"
- accesskey = "&leftRightEditField.accessKey;"
- value = "&leftRightEditField.label;"/>
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- class = "narrow"
- id = "imageleftrightInput"
- oninput = "forceInteger(this.id)"/>
- <label
- id = "leftrighttypeLabel"
- value = "&pixelsPopup.value;" />
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- <spacer class="spacer"/>
- <row align="center">
- <label
- class = "align-right"
- id = "topbottomLabel"
- control = "imagetopbottomInput"
- accesskey = "&topBottomEditField.accessKey;"
- value = "&topBottomEditField.label;"/>
- <textbox
- class = "narrow"
- id = "imagetopbottomInput"
- oninput = "forceInteger(this.id)"/>
- <label
- id = "topbottomtypeLabel"
- value = "&pixelsPopup.value;" />
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- <spacer class="spacer"/>
- <row align="center">
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- id = "borderLabel"
- control = "border"
- accesskey = "&borderEditField.accessKey;"
- value = "&borderEditField.label;"/>
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- class = "narrow"
- id = "border"
- oninput = "forceInteger(this.id)"/>
- <label
- id = "bordertypeLabel"
- value = "&pixelsPopup.value;" />
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- <menuitem class="align-menu" value="middle" label="¢erPopup.value;"/>
- <menuitem class="align-menu" value="bottom" label="&bottomPopup.value;"/>
- <!-- HTML attribute value is opposite of the button label on purpose -->
- <menuitem class="align-menu" value="right" label="&wrapLeftPopup.value;"/>
- <menuitem class="align-menu" value="left" label="&wrapRightPopup.value;"/>
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- </groupbox>
- <groupbox>
- <caption id="imagemapLabel" label="&imagemapBox.label;"/>
- <hbox equalsize="always">
- <!-- Hide Image Map Editor. Not ready for prime time yet
- <button
- id = "editImageMap"
- oncommand = "editImageMap()"
- tooltiptext="&editImageMapButton.tooltip;"
- label = "&editImageMapButton.label;"
- flex = "1"/>
- -->
- <button
- id = "removeImageMap"
- oncommand = "removeImageMap()"
- accesskey = "&removeImageMapButton.accessKey;"
- label = "&removeImageMapButton.label;"
- flex = "1"/>
- <spacer flex="1"/><!-- remove when we restore Image Map Editor -->
- </hbox>
- </groupbox>
- </vbox>
- </hbox>
- </overlay>