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- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
- * March 31, 1998.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Ben "Count XULula" Goodger
- */
- function BuildHTMLAttributeNameList()
- {
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.removeAllItems();
- var elementName = gElement.localName.toLowerCase();
- var attNames = gHTMLAttr[elementName];
- if (attNames && attNames.length)
- {
- var menuitem;
- for (var i = 0; i < attNames.length; i++)
- {
- var name = attNames[i];
- var limitFirstChar;
- if (name == "_core")
- {
- // Signal to append the common 'core' attributes.
- for (var j = 0; j < gCoreHTMLAttr.length; j++)
- {
- name = gCoreHTMLAttr[j];
- // "limitFirstChar" is the only filtering rule used for core attributes as of 8-20-01
- // Add more rules if necessary
- limitFirstChar = name.indexOf("^") >= 0;
- if (limitFirstChar)
- {
- menuitem = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.appendItem(name.replace(/\^/g, ""));
- menuitem.setAttribute("limitFirstChar", "true");
- }
- else
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.appendItem(name);
- }
- }
- else if (name == "-")
- {
- // Signal for separator
- var popup = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.firstChild;
- if (popup)
- {
- var sep = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuseparator");
- if (sep)
- popup.appendChild(sep);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Get information about value filtering
- var forceOneChar = name.indexOf("!") >= 0;
- var forceInteger = name.indexOf("#") >= 0;
- var forceSignedInteger = name.indexOf("+") >= 0;
- var forceIntOrPercent = name.indexOf("%") >= 0;
- limitFirstChar = name.indexOf("\^") >= 0;
- //var required = name.indexOf("$") >= 0;
- // Strip flag characters
- name = name.replace(/[!^#%$+]/g, "");
- menuitem = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.appendItem(name);
- if (menuitem)
- {
- // Signify "required" attributes by special style
- //TODO: Don't do this until next version, when we add
- // explanatory text and an 'Autofill Required Attributes' button
- //if (required)
- // menuitem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-highlight-1");
- // Set flags to filter value input
- if (forceOneChar)
- menuitem.setAttribute("forceOneChar","true");
- if (limitFirstChar)
- menuitem.setAttribute("limitFirstChar", "true");
- if (forceInteger)
- menuitem.setAttribute("forceInteger", "true");
- if (forceSignedInteger)
- menuitem.setAttribute("forceSignedInteger", "true");
- if (forceIntOrPercent)
- menuitem.setAttribute("forceIntOrPercent", "true");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // build attribute list in tree form from element attributes
- function BuildHTMLAttributeTable()
- {
- var nodeMap = gElement.attributes;
- var i;
- if (nodeMap.length > 0)
- {
- var added = false;
- for(i = 0; i < nodeMap.length; i++)
- {
- if ( CheckAttributeNameSimilarity( nodeMap[i].nodeName, HTMLAttrs ) ||
- IsEventHandler( nodeMap[i].nodeName ) ||
- TrimString( nodeMap[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() ) == "style" ) {
- continue; // repeated or non-HTML attribute, ignore this one and go to next
- }
- var name = nodeMap[i].name.toLowerCase();
- if ( name.indexOf("_moz") != 0 &&
- AddTreeItem(name, nodeMap[i].value, "HTMLAList", HTMLAttrs) )
- {
- added = true;
- }
- }
- if (added)
- SelectHTMLTree(0);
- }
- }
- // add or select an attribute in the tree widget
- function onChangeHTMLAttribute()
- {
- var name = TrimString(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.value);
- if (!name)
- return;
- var value = TrimString(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value);
- // First try to update existing attribute
- // If not found, add new attribute
- if (!UpdateExistingAttribute( name, value, "HTMLAList" ) && value)
- AddTreeItem (name, value, "HTMLAList", HTMLAttrs);
- }
- function ClearHTMLInputWidgets()
- {
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeTree.treeBoxObject.selection.clearSelection();
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.value ="";
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value = "";
- SetTextboxFocus(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput);
- }
- function onSelectHTMLTreeItem()
- {
- if (!gDoOnSelectTree)
- return;
- var tree = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeTree;
- if (tree && tree.treeBoxObject.selection.count)
- {
- var inputName = TrimString(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.value).toLowerCase();
- var selectedItem = getSelectedItem(tree);
- var selectedName = selectedItem.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
- if (inputName == selectedName)
- {
- // Already editing selected name - just update the value input
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value = GetTreeItemValueStr(selectedItem);
- }
- else
- {
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.value = selectedName;
- // Change value input based on new selected name
- onInputHTMLAttributeName();
- }
- }
- }
- function onInputHTMLAttributeName()
- {
- var attName = TrimString(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.value).toLowerCase();
- // Clear value widget, but prevent triggering update in tree
- gUpdateTreeValue = false;
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value = "";
- gUpdateTreeValue = true;
- if (attName)
- {
- // Get value list for current attribute name
- var valueListName;
- // Most elements have the "dir" attribute,
- // so we have just one array for the allowed values instead
- // requiring duplicate entries for each element in EdAEAttributes.js
- if (attName == "dir")
- valueListName = "all_dir";
- else
- valueListName = gElement.localName.toLowerCase() + "_" + attName;
- // Strip off leading "_" we sometimes use (when element name is reserved word)
- if (valueListName[0] == "_")
- valueListName = valueListName.slice(1);
- var newValue = "";
- var listLen = 0;
- // Index to which widget we were using to edit the value
- var deckIndex = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueDeck.getAttribute("selectedIndex");
- if (valueListName in gHTMLAttr)
- {
- var valueList = gHTMLAttr[valueListName];
- listLen = valueList.length;
- if (listLen > 0)
- newValue = valueList[0];
- // Note: For case where "value list" is actually just
- // one (default) item, don't use menulist for that
- if (listLen > 1)
- {
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueMenulist.removeAllItems();
- if (deckIndex != "1")
- {
- // Switch to using editable menulist
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueMenulist;
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueDeck.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "1");
- }
- // Rebuild the list
- for (var i = 0; i < listLen; i++)
- {
- if (valueList[i] == "-")
- {
- // Signal for separator
- var popup = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.firstChild;
- if (popup)
- {
- var sep = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuseparator");
- if (sep)
- popup.appendChild(sep);
- }
- } else {
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueMenulist.appendItem(valueList[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (listLen <= 1 && deckIndex != "0")
- {
- // No list: Use textbox for input instead
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueTextbox;
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueDeck.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "0");
- }
- // If attribute already exists in tree, use associated value,
- // else use default found above
- var existingValue = GetAndSelectExistingAttributeValue(attName, "HTMLAList");
- if (existingValue)
- newValue = existingValue;
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value = newValue;
- }
- }
- function onInputHTMLAttributeValue()
- {
- if (!gUpdateTreeValue)
- return;
- var name = TrimString(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.value);
- if (!name)
- return;
- // Trim spaces only from left since we must allow spaces within the string
- // (we always reset the input field's value below)
- var value = TrimStringLeft(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value);
- if (value)
- {
- // Do value filtering based on type of attribute
- // (Do not use "LimitStringLength()" and "forceInteger()"
- // to avoid multiple reseting of input's value and flickering)
- var selectedItem = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeNameInput.selectedItem;
- if (selectedItem)
- {
- if ( selectedItem.getAttribute("forceOneChar") == "true" &&
- value.length > 1 )
- value = value.slice(0, 1);
- if ( selectedItem.getAttribute("forceIntOrPercent") == "true" )
- {
- // Allow integer with optional "%" as last character
- var percent = TrimStringRight(value).slice(-1);
- value = value.replace(/\D+/g,"");
- if (percent == "%")
- value += percent;
- }
- else if ( selectedItem.getAttribute("forceInteger") == "true" )
- {
- value = value.replace(/\D+/g,"");
- }
- else if ( selectedItem.getAttribute("forceSignedInteger") == "true" )
- {
- // Allow integer with optional "+" or "-" as first character
- var sign = value[0];
- value = value.replace(/\D+/g,"");
- if (sign == "+" || sign == "-")
- value = sign + value;
- }
- // Special case attributes
- if (selectedItem.getAttribute("limitFirstChar") == "true")
- {
- // Limit first character to letter, and all others to
- // letters, numbers, and a few others
- value = value.replace(/^[^a-zA-Z\u0080-\uFFFF]/, "").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\:\u0080-\uFFFF]+/g,'');
- }
- // Update once only if it changed
- if (value != gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value)
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.value = value;
- }
- }
- // Update value in the tree list
- // If not found, add new attribute
- if ( !UpdateExistingAttribute(name, value, "HTMLAList" ) && value)
- AddTreeItem(name, value, "HTMLAList", HTMLAttrs);
- }
- function editHTMLAttributeValue(targetCell)
- {
- if (IsNotTreeHeader(targetCell))
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeValueInput.inputField.select();
- }
- // update the object with added and removed attributes
- function UpdateHTMLAttributes()
- {
- var HTMLAList = document.getElementById("HTMLAList");
- var i;
- // remove removed attributes
- for (i = 0; i < HTMLRAttrs.length; i++)
- {
- var name = HTMLRAttrs[i];
- if (gElement.hasAttribute(name))
- doRemoveAttribute(name);
- }
- // Set added or changed attributes
- for( i = 0; i < HTMLAList.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var item = HTMLAList.childNodes[i];
- doSetAttribute( GetTreeItemAttributeStr(item), GetTreeItemValueStr(item));
- }
- }
- function RemoveHTMLAttribute()
- {
- var treechildren = gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeTree.lastChild;
- // We only allow 1 selected item
- if (gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeTree.treeBoxObject.selection.count)
- {
- var item = getSelectedItem(gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeTree);
- var attr = GetTreeItemAttributeStr(item);
- // remove the item from the attribute array
- HTMLRAttrs[HTMLRAttrs.length] = attr;
- RemoveNameFromAttArray(attr, HTMLAttrs);
- // Remove the item from the tree
- treechildren.removeChild(item);
- // Clear inputs and selected item in tree
- ClearHTMLInputWidgets();
- }
- }
- function SelectHTMLTree( index )
- {
- gDoOnSelectTree = false;
- try {
- gDialog.AddHTMLAttributeTree.selectedIndex = index;
- } catch (e) {}
- gDoOnSelectTree = true;
- }