home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-1999
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Simon Fraser (sfraser@netscape.com)
- * Ryan Cassin (rcassin@supernova.org)
- * Kathleen Brade (brade@netscape.com)
- * Daniel Glazman (glazman@netscape.com)
- *
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the NPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- /* Implementations of nsIControllerCommand for composer commands */
- var gComposerJSCommandControllerID = 0;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function SetupHTMLEditorCommands()
- {
- var commandTable = GetComposerCommandTable();
- if (!commandTable)
- return;
- // Include everthing a text editor does
- SetupTextEditorCommands();
- //dump("Registering HTML editor commands\n");
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_renderedHTMLEnabler", nsDummyHTMLCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_grid", nsGridCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_listProperties", nsListPropertiesCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_pageProperties", nsPagePropertiesCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_colorProperties", nsColorPropertiesCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_advancedProperties", nsAdvancedPropertiesCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_objectProperties", nsObjectPropertiesCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_removeNamedAnchors", nsRemoveNamedAnchorsCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_editLink", nsEditLinkCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_form", nsFormCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_inputtag", nsInputTagCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_inputimage", nsInputImageCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_textarea", nsTextAreaCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_select", nsSelectCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_button", nsButtonCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_label", nsLabelCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_fieldset", nsFieldSetCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_isindex", nsIsIndexCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_image", nsImageCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_hline", nsHLineCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_link", nsLinkCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_anchor", nsAnchorCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_insertHTMLWithDialog", nsInsertHTMLWithDialogCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_insertBreak", nsInsertBreakCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_insertBreakAll",nsInsertBreakAllCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_table", nsInsertOrEditTableCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_editTable", nsEditTableCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_SelectTable", nsSelectTableCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_SelectRow", nsSelectTableRowCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_SelectColumn", nsSelectTableColumnCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_SelectCell", nsSelectTableCellCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_SelectAllCells", nsSelectAllTableCellsCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_InsertTable", nsInsertTableCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_InsertRowAbove", nsInsertTableRowAboveCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_InsertRowBelow", nsInsertTableRowBelowCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_InsertColumnBefore", nsInsertTableColumnBeforeCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_InsertColumnAfter", nsInsertTableColumnAfterCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_InsertCellBefore", nsInsertTableCellBeforeCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_InsertCellAfter", nsInsertTableCellAfterCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_DeleteTable", nsDeleteTableCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_DeleteRow", nsDeleteTableRowCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_DeleteColumn", nsDeleteTableColumnCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_DeleteCell", nsDeleteTableCellCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_DeleteCellContents", nsDeleteTableCellContentsCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_JoinTableCells", nsJoinTableCellsCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_SplitTableCell", nsSplitTableCellCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_TableOrCellColor", nsTableOrCellColorCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_NormalizeTable", nsNormalizeTableCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_smiley", nsSetSmiley);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_ConvertToTable", nsConvertToTable);
- }
- function SetupTextEditorCommands()
- {
- var commandTable = GetComposerCommandTable();
- if (!commandTable)
- return;
- //dump("Registering plain text editor commands\n");
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_find", nsFindCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_findNext", nsFindAgainCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_findPrev", nsFindAgainCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_rewrap", nsRewrapCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_spelling", nsSpellingCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_validate", nsValidateCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_checkLinks", nsCheckLinksCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_insertChars", nsInsertCharsCommand);
- }
- function SetupComposerWindowCommands()
- {
- // Don't need to do this if already done
- if (gComposerWindowControllerID)
- return;
- // Create a command controller and register commands
- // specific to Web Composer window (file-related commands, HTML Source...)
- // We can't use the composer controller created on the content window else
- // we can't process commands when in HTMLSource editor
- // IMPORTANT: For each of these commands, the doCommand method
- // must first call FinishHTMLSource()
- // to go from HTML Source mode to any other edit mode
- var windowControllers = window.controllers;
- if (!windowControllers) return;
- var commandTable;
- var composerController;
- var editorController;
- try {
- composerController = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/base-command-controller;1"].createInstance();
- editorController = composerController.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIControllerContext);
- editorController.init(null); // init it without passing in a command table
- // Get the nsIControllerCommandTable interface we need to register commands
- var interfaceRequestor = composerController.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
- commandTable = interfaceRequestor.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIControllerCommandTable);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- dump("Failed to create composerController\n");
- return;
- }
- if (!commandTable)
- {
- dump("Failed to get interface for nsIControllerCommandManager\n");
- return;
- }
- // File-related commands
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_open", nsOpenCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_save", nsSaveCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_saveAs", nsSaveAsCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_exportToText", nsExportToTextCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_saveAsCharset", nsSaveAsCharsetCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_publish", nsPublishCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_publishAs", nsPublishAsCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_publishSettings",nsPublishSettingsCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_revert", nsRevertCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_openRemote", nsOpenRemoteCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_preview", nsPreviewCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_editSendPage", nsSendPageCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_print", nsPrintCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_printSetup", nsPrintSetupCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_quit", nsQuitCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_close", nsCloseCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_preferences", nsPreferencesCommand);
- // Edit Mode commands
- if (GetCurrentEditorType() == "html")
- {
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_NormalMode", nsNormalModeCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_AllTagsMode", nsAllTagsModeCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_HTMLSourceMode", nsHTMLSourceModeCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_PreviewMode", nsPreviewModeCommand);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_FinishHTMLSource", nsFinishHTMLSource);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_CancelHTMLSource", nsCancelHTMLSource);
- commandTable.registerCommand("cmd_updateStructToolbar", nsUpdateStructToolbarCommand);
- }
- windowControllers.insertControllerAt(0, editorController);
- // Store the controller ID so we can be sure to get the right one later
- gComposerWindowControllerID = windowControllers.getControllerId(editorController);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetComposerCommandTable()
- {
- var controller;
- if (gComposerJSCommandControllerID)
- {
- try {
- controller = window.content.controllers.getControllerById(gComposerJSCommandControllerID);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- if (!controller)
- {
- //create it
- controller = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/base-command-controller;1"].createInstance();
- var editorController = controller.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIControllerContext);
- editorController.init(null);
- editorController.setCommandContext(GetCurrentEditorElement());
- window.content.controllers.insertControllerAt(0, controller);
- // Store the controller ID so we can be sure to get the right one later
- gComposerJSCommandControllerID = window.content.controllers.getControllerId(controller);
- }
- if (controller)
- {
- var interfaceRequestor = controller.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
- return interfaceRequestor.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIControllerCommandTable);
- }
- return null;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function goUpdateCommandState(command)
- {
- try
- {
- var controller = top.document.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand(command);
- if (!(controller instanceof Components.interfaces.nsICommandController))
- return;
- var params = newCommandParams();
- if (!params) return;
- controller.getCommandStateWithParams(command, params);
- switch (command)
- {
- case "cmd_bold":
- case "cmd_italic":
- case "cmd_underline":
- case "cmd_var":
- case "cmd_samp":
- case "cmd_code":
- case "cmd_acronym":
- case "cmd_abbr":
- case "cmd_cite":
- case "cmd_strong":
- case "cmd_em":
- case "cmd_superscript":
- case "cmd_subscript":
- case "cmd_strikethrough":
- case "cmd_tt":
- case "cmd_nobreak":
- case "cmd_ul":
- case "cmd_ol":
- pokeStyleUI(command, params.getBooleanValue("state_all"));
- break;
- case "cmd_paragraphState":
- case "cmd_align":
- case "cmd_highlight":
- case "cmd_backgroundColor":
- case "cmd_fontColor":
- case "cmd_fontFace":
- case "cmd_fontSize":
- case "cmd_absPos":
- pokeMultiStateUI(command, params);
- break;
- case "cmd_decreaseZIndex":
- case "cmd_increaseZIndex":
- case "cmd_indent":
- case "cmd_outdent":
- case "cmd_increaseFont":
- case "cmd_decreaseFont":
- case "cmd_removeStyles":
- break;
- default: dump("no update for command: " +command+"\n");
- }
- }
- catch (e) { dump("An error occurred updating the "+command+" command: \n"+e+"\n"); }
- }
- function goUpdateComposerMenuItems(commandset)
- {
- //dump("Updating commands for " + commandset.id + "\n");
- for (var i = 0; i < commandset.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var commandNode = commandset.childNodes[i];
- var commandID = commandNode.id;
- if (commandID)
- {
- goUpdateCommand(commandID); // enable or disable
- if (commandNode.hasAttribute("state"))
- goUpdateCommandState(commandID);
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function goDoCommandParams(command, params)
- {
- try
- {
- var controller = top.document.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand(command);
- if (controller && controller.isCommandEnabled(command))
- {
- if (controller instanceof Components.interfaces.nsICommandController)
- {
- controller.doCommandWithParams(command, params);
- // the following two lines should be removed when we implement observers
- if (params)
- controller.getCommandStateWithParams(command, params);
- }
- else
- {
- controller.doCommand(command);
- }
- ResetStructToolbar();
- }
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- dump("An error occurred executing the "+command+" command\n");
- }
- }
- function pokeStyleUI(uiID, aDesiredState)
- {
- try {
- var commandNode = top.document.getElementById(uiID);
- if (!commandNode)
- return;
- var uiState = ("true" == commandNode.getAttribute("state"));
- if (aDesiredState != uiState)
- {
- var newState;
- if (aDesiredState)
- newState = "true";
- else
- newState = "false";
- commandNode.setAttribute("state", newState);
- }
- } catch(e) { dump("poking UI for "+uiID+" failed: "+e+"\n"); }
- }
- function doStyleUICommand(cmdStr)
- {
- try
- {
- var cmdParams = newCommandParams();
- goDoCommandParams(cmdStr, cmdParams);
- if (cmdParams)
- pokeStyleUI(cmdStr, cmdParams.getBooleanValue("state_all"));
- ResetStructToolbar();
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- function pokeMultiStateUI(uiID, cmdParams)
- {
- try
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById(uiID);
- if (!commandNode)
- return;
- var isMixed = cmdParams.getBooleanValue("state_mixed");
- var desiredAttrib;
- if (isMixed)
- desiredAttrib = "mixed";
- else
- desiredAttrib = cmdParams.getCStringValue("state_attribute");
- var uiState = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
- if (desiredAttrib != uiState)
- {
- commandNode.setAttribute("state", desiredAttrib);
- }
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- function doStatefulCommand(commandID, newState)
- {
- var commandNode = document.getElementById(commandID);
- if (commandNode)
- commandNode.setAttribute("state", newState);
- gContentWindow.focus(); // needed for command dispatch to work
- try
- {
- var cmdParams = newCommandParams();
- if (!cmdParams) return;
- cmdParams.setCStringValue("state_attribute", newState);
- goDoCommandParams(commandID, cmdParams);
- pokeMultiStateUI(commandID, cmdParams);
- ResetStructToolbar();
- } catch(e) { dump("error thrown in doStatefulCommand: "+e+"\n"); }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PrintObject(obj)
- {
- dump("-----" + obj + "------\n");
- var names = "";
- for (var i in obj)
- {
- if (i == "value")
- names += i + ": " + obj.value + "\n";
- else if (i == "id")
- names += i + ": " + obj.id + "\n";
- else
- names += i + "\n";
- }
- dump(names + "-----------\n");
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PrintNodeID(id)
- {
- PrintObject(document.getElementById(id));
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsDummyHTMLCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // do nothing
- dump("Hey, who's calling the dummy command?\n");
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsOpenCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true; // we can always do this
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
- fp.init(window, GetString("OpenHTMLFile"), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
- SetFilePickerDirectory(fp, "html");
- // When loading into Composer, direct user to prefer HTML files and text files,
- // so we call separately to control the order of the filter list
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterHTML);
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterText);
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll);
- /* doesn't handle *.shtml files */
- try {
- fp.show();
- /* need to handle cancel (uncaught exception at present) */
- }
- catch (ex) {
- dump("filePicker.chooseInputFile threw an exception\n");
- }
- /* This checks for already open window and activates it...
- * note that we have to test the native path length
- * since file.URL will be "file:///" if no filename picked (Cancel button used)
- */
- if (fp.file && fp.file.path.length > 0) {
- SaveFilePickerDirectory(fp, "html");
- editPage(fp.fileURL.spec, window, false);
- }
- }
- };
- //
- var nsUpdateStructToolbarCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- UpdateStructToolbar();
- return true;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand) {}
- }
- // ******* File output commands and utilities ******** //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsSaveCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- // Always allow saving when editing a remote document,
- // otherwise the document modified state would prevent that
- // when you first open a remote file.
- try {
- var docUrl = GetDocumentUrl();
- return IsDocumentEditable() &&
- (IsDocumentModified() || IsHTMLSourceChanged() ||
- IsUrlAboutBlank(docUrl) || GetScheme(docUrl) != "file");
- } catch (e) {return false;}
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- var result = false;
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (editor)
- {
- FinishHTMLSource();
- result = SaveDocument(IsUrlAboutBlank(GetDocumentUrl()), false, editor.contentsMIMEType);
- window.content.focus();
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- var nsSaveAsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (editor)
- {
- FinishHTMLSource();
- var result = SaveDocument(true, false, editor.contentsMIMEType);
- window.content.focus();
- return result;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- var nsExportToTextCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- if (GetCurrentEditor())
- {
- FinishHTMLSource();
- var result = SaveDocument(true, true, "text/plain");
- window.content.focus();
- return result;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- var nsSaveAsCharsetCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- FinishHTMLSource();
- window.ok = false;
- window.exportToText = false;
- var oldTitle = GetDocumentTitle();
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EditorSaveAsCharset.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal,resizable=yes");
- if (GetDocumentTitle() != oldTitle)
- UpdateWindowTitle();
- if (window.ok)
- {
- if (window.exportToText)
- {
- window.ok = SaveDocument(true, true, "text/plain");
- }
- else
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- window.ok = SaveDocument(true, false, editor ? editor.contentsMIMEType : null);
- }
- }
- window.content.focus();
- return window.ok;
- }
- };
- var nsPublishCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- if (IsDocumentEditable())
- {
- // Always allow publishing when editing a local document,
- // otherwise the document modified state would prevent that
- // when you first open any local file.
- try {
- var docUrl = GetDocumentUrl();
- return IsDocumentModified() || IsHTMLSourceChanged()
- || IsUrlAboutBlank(docUrl) || GetScheme(docUrl) == "file";
- } catch (e) {return false;}
- }
- return false;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- if (GetCurrentEditor())
- {
- var docUrl = GetDocumentUrl();
- var filename = GetFilename(docUrl);
- var publishData;
- var showPublishDialog = false;
- // First check pref to always show publish dialog
- try {
- var prefs = GetPrefs();
- if (prefs)
- showPublishDialog = prefs.getBoolPref("editor.always_show_publish_dialog");
- } catch(e) {}
- if (!showPublishDialog && filename)
- {
- // Try to get publish data from the document url
- publishData = CreatePublishDataFromUrl(docUrl);
- // If none, use default publishing site? Need a pref for this
- //if (!publishData)
- // publishData = GetPublishDataFromSiteName(GetDefaultPublishSiteName(), filename);
- }
- if (showPublishDialog || !publishData)
- {
- // Show the publish dialog
- publishData = {};
- window.ok = false;
- var oldTitle = GetDocumentTitle();
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EditorPublish.xul","_blank",
- "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", "", publishData);
- if (GetDocumentTitle() != oldTitle)
- UpdateWindowTitle();
- window.content.focus();
- if (!window.ok)
- return false;
- }
- if (publishData)
- {
- FinishHTMLSource();
- return Publish(publishData);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- var nsPublishAsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- if (GetCurrentEditor())
- {
- FinishHTMLSource();
- window.ok = false;
- publishData = {};
- var oldTitle = GetDocumentTitle();
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EditorPublish.xul","_blank",
- "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", "", publishData);
- if (GetDocumentTitle() != oldTitle)
- UpdateWindowTitle();
- window.content.focus();
- if (window.ok)
- return Publish(publishData);
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- // ------- output utilites ----- //
- // returns a fileExtension string
- function GetExtensionBasedOnMimeType(aMIMEType)
- {
- try {
- var mimeService = null;
- mimeService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/mime;1"].getService();
- mimeService = mimeService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMIMEService);
- var mimeInfo = mimeService.getFromTypeAndExtension(aMIMEType, null);
- if (!mimeInfo) return "";
- var fileExtension = mimeInfo.primaryExtension;
- // the MIME service likes to give back ".htm" for text/html files,
- // so do a special-case fix here.
- if (fileExtension == "htm")
- fileExtension = "html";
- return fileExtension;
- }
- catch (e) {}
- return "";
- }
- function GetSuggestedFileName(aDocumentURLString, aMIMEType)
- {
- var extension = GetExtensionBasedOnMimeType(aMIMEType);
- if (extension)
- extension = "." + extension;
- // check for existing file name we can use
- if (aDocumentURLString.length >= 0 && !IsUrlAboutBlank(aDocumentURLString))
- {
- var docURI = null;
- try {
- var ioService = GetIOService();
- docURI = ioService.newURI(aDocumentURLString, GetCurrentEditor().documentCharacterSet, null);
- docURI = docURI.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURL);
- // grab the file name
- var url = docURI.fileBaseName;
- if (url)
- return url+extension;
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- // check if there is a title we can use
- var title = GetDocumentTitle();
- // generate a valid filename, if we can't just go with "untitled"
- return GenerateValidFilename(title, extension) || GetString("untitled") + extension;
- }
- // returns file picker result
- function PromptForSaveLocation(aDoSaveAsText, aEditorType, aMIMEType, aDocumentURLString)
- {
- var dialogResult = {};
- dialogResult.filepickerClick = nsIFilePicker.returnCancel;
- dialogResult.resultingURI = "";
- dialogResult.resultingLocalFile = null;
- var fp = null;
- try {
- fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
- } catch (e) {}
- if (!fp) return dialogResult;
- // determine prompt string based on type of saving we'll do
- var promptString;
- if (aDoSaveAsText || aEditorType == "text")
- promptString = GetString("ExportToText");
- else
- promptString = GetString("SaveDocumentAs")
- fp.init(window, promptString, nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
- // Set filters according to the type of output
- if (aDoSaveAsText)
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterText);
- else
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterHTML);
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll);
- // now let's actually set the filepicker's suggested filename
- var suggestedFileName = GetSuggestedFileName(aDocumentURLString, aMIMEType);
- if (suggestedFileName)
- fp.defaultString = suggestedFileName;
- // set the file picker's current directory
- // assuming we have information needed (like prior saved location)
- try {
- var ioService = GetIOService();
- var fileHandler = GetFileProtocolHandler();
- var isLocalFile = true;
- try {
- var docURI = ioService.newURI(aDocumentURLString, GetCurrentEditor().documentCharacterSet, null);
- isLocalFile = docURI.schemeIs("file");
- }
- catch (e) {}
- var parentLocation = null;
- if (isLocalFile)
- {
- var fileLocation = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(aDocumentURLString); // this asserts if url is not local
- parentLocation = fileLocation.parent;
- }
- if (parentLocation)
- {
- // Save current filepicker's default location
- if ("gFilePickerDirectory" in window)
- gFilePickerDirectory = fp.displayDirectory;
- fp.displayDirectory = parentLocation;
- }
- else
- {
- // Initialize to the last-used directory for the particular type (saved in prefs)
- SetFilePickerDirectory(fp, aEditorType);
- }
- }
- catch(e) {}
- dialogResult.filepickerClick = fp.show();
- if (dialogResult.filepickerClick != nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
- {
- // reset urlstring to new save location
- dialogResult.resultingURIString = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(fp.file);
- dialogResult.resultingLocalFile = fp.file;
- SaveFilePickerDirectory(fp, aEditorType);
- }
- else if ("gFilePickerDirectory" in window && gFilePickerDirectory)
- fp.displayDirectory = gFilePickerDirectory;
- return dialogResult;
- }
- // returns a boolean (whether to continue (true) or not (false) because user canceled)
- function PromptAndSetTitleIfNone()
- {
- if (GetDocumentTitle()) // we have a title; no need to prompt!
- return true;
- var promptService = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptService) return false;
- var result = {value:null};
- var captionStr = GetString("DocumentTitle");
- var msgStr = GetString("NeedDocTitle") + '\n' + GetString("DocTitleHelp");
- var confirmed = promptService.prompt(window, captionStr, msgStr, result, null, {value:0});
- if (confirmed)
- SetDocumentTitle(TrimString(result.value));
- return confirmed;
- }
- var gPersistObj;
- // Don't forget to do these things after calling OutputFileWithPersistAPI:
- // we need to update the uri before notifying listeners
- // if (doUpdateURI)
- // SetDocumentURI(docURI);
- // UpdateWindowTitle();
- // if (!aSaveCopy)
- // editor.resetModificationCount();
- // this should cause notification to listeners that document has changed
- const webPersist = Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPersist;
- function OutputFileWithPersistAPI(editorDoc, aDestinationLocation, aRelatedFilesParentDir, aMimeType)
- {
- gPersistObj = null;
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- try {
- var imeEditor = editor.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIEditorIMESupport);
- imeEditor.ForceCompositionEnd();
- } catch (e) {}
- var isLocalFile = false;
- try {
- var tmp1 = aDestinationLocation.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
- isLocalFile = true;
- }
- catch (e) {
- try {
- var tmp = aDestinationLocation.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
- isLocalFile = tmp.schemeIs("file");
- }
- catch (e) {}
- }
- try {
- // we should supply a parent directory if/when we turn on functionality to save related documents
- var persistObj = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedding/browser/nsWebBrowserPersist;1"].createInstance(webPersist);
- persistObj.progressListener = gEditorOutputProgressListener;
- var wrapColumn = GetWrapColumn();
- var outputFlags = GetOutputFlags(aMimeType, wrapColumn);
- // for 4.x parity as well as improving readability of file locally on server
- // this will always send crlf for upload (http/ftp)
- if (!isLocalFile) // if we aren't saving locally then send both cr and lf
- {
- // we want to serialize the output for all remote publishing
- // some servers can handle only one connection at a time
- // some day perhaps we can make this user-configurable per site?
- persistObj.persistFlags = persistObj.persistFlags | webPersist.PERSIST_FLAGS_SERIALIZE_OUTPUT;
- }
- // note: we always want to set the replace existing files flag since we have
- // already given user the chance to not replace an existing file (file picker)
- // or the user picked an option where the file is implicitly being replaced (save)
- persistObj.persistFlags = persistObj.persistFlags
- persistObj.saveDocument(editorDoc, aDestinationLocation, aRelatedFilesParentDir,
- aMimeType, outputFlags, wrapColumn);
- gPersistObj = persistObj;
- }
- catch(e) { dump("caught an error, bail\n"); return false; }
- return true;
- }
- // returns output flags based on mimetype, wrapCol and prefs
- function GetOutputFlags(aMimeType, aWrapColumn)
- {
- var outputFlags = 0;
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var outputEntity = (editor && editor.documentCharacterSet == "ISO-8859-1")
- if (aMimeType == "text/plain")
- {
- // When saving in "text/plain" format, always do formatting
- outputFlags |= webPersist.ENCODE_FLAGS_FORMATTED;
- }
- else
- {
- try {
- // Should we prettyprint? Check the pref
- var prefs = GetPrefs();
- if (prefs.getBoolPref("editor.prettyprint"))
- outputFlags |= webPersist.ENCODE_FLAGS_FORMATTED;
- // How much entity names should we output? Check the pref
- var encodeEntity = prefs.getCharPref("editor.encode_entity");
- switch (encodeEntity) {
- case "basic" : outputEntity = webPersist.ENCODE_FLAGS_ENCODE_BASIC_ENTITIES; break;
- case "latin1" : outputEntity = webPersist.ENCODE_FLAGS_ENCODE_LATIN1_ENTITIES; break;
- case "html" : outputEntity = webPersist.ENCODE_FLAGS_ENCODE_HTML_ENTITIES; break;
- case "none" : outputEntity = 0; break;
- }
- }
- catch (e) {}
- }
- outputFlags |= outputEntity;
- if (aWrapColumn > 0)
- outputFlags |= webPersist.ENCODE_FLAGS_WRAP;
- return outputFlags;
- }
- // returns number of column where to wrap
- const nsIWebBrowserPersist = Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPersist;
- function GetWrapColumn()
- {
- try {
- return GetCurrentEditor().wrapWidth;
- } catch (e) {}
- return 0;
- }
- function GetPromptService()
- {
- var promptService;
- try {
- promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService();
- promptService = promptService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- }
- catch (e) {}
- return promptService;
- }
- const gShowDebugOutputStateChange = false;
- const gShowDebugOutputProgress = false;
- const gShowDebugOutputStatusChange = false;
- const gShowDebugOutputLocationChange = false;
- const gShowDebugOutputSecurityChange = false;
- const nsIWebProgressListener = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener;
- const nsIChannel = Components.interfaces.nsIChannel;
- const kErrorBindingAborted = 2152398850;
- const kErrorBindingRedirected = 2152398851;
- const kFileNotFound = 2152857618;
- var gEditorOutputProgressListener =
- {
- onStateChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- // Use this to access onStateChange flags
- var requestSpec;
- try {
- var channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel);
- requestSpec = StripUsernamePasswordFromURI(channel.URI);
- } catch (e) {
- if ( gShowDebugOutputStateChange)
- dump("***** onStateChange; NO REQUEST CHANNEL\n");
- }
- var pubSpec;
- if (gPublishData)
- pubSpec = gPublishData.publishUrl + gPublishData.docDir + gPublishData.filename;
- if (gShowDebugOutputStateChange)
- {
- dump("\n***** onStateChange request: " + requestSpec + "\n");
- dump(" state flags: ");
- if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START)
- dump(" STATE_START, ");
- if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP)
- dump(" STATE_STOP, ");
- if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK)
- dump(" STATE_IS_NETWORK ");
- dump("\n * requestSpec="+requestSpec+", pubSpec="+pubSpec+", aStatus="+aStatus+"\n");
- DumpDebugStatus(aStatus);
- }
- // The rest only concerns publishing, so bail out if no dialog
- if (!gProgressDialog)
- return;
- // Detect start of file upload of any file:
- // (We ignore any START messages after gPersistObj says publishing is finished
- if ((aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START)
- && gPersistObj && requestSpec
- && (gPersistObj.currentState != gPersistObj.PERSIST_STATE_FINISHED))
- {
- try {
- // Add url to progress dialog's list showing each file uploading
- gProgressDialog.SetProgressStatus(GetFilename(requestSpec), "busy");
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- // Detect end of file upload of any file:
- if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP)
- {
- // ignore aStatus == kErrorBindingAborted; check http response for possible errors
- try {
- // check http channel for response: 200 range is ok; other ranges are not
- var httpChannel = aRequest.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
- var httpResponse = httpChannel.responseStatus;
- if (httpResponse < 200 || httpResponse >= 300)
- aStatus = httpResponse; // not a real error but enough to pass check below
- else if (aStatus == kErrorBindingAborted)
- aStatus = 0;
- if (gShowDebugOutputStateChange)
- dump("http response is: "+httpResponse+"\n");
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- if (aStatus == kErrorBindingAborted)
- aStatus = 0;
- }
- // We abort publishing for all errors except if image src file is not found
- var abortPublishing = (aStatus != 0 && aStatus != kFileNotFound);
- // Notify progress dialog when we receive the STOP
- // notification for a file if there was an error
- // or a successful finish
- // (Check requestSpec to be sure message is for destination url)
- if (aStatus != 0
- || (requestSpec && requestSpec.indexOf(GetScheme(gPublishData.publishUrl)) == 0))
- {
- try {
- gProgressDialog.SetProgressFinished(GetFilename(requestSpec), aStatus);
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- if (abortPublishing)
- {
- // Cancel publishing
- gPersistObj.cancelSave();
- // Don't do any commands after failure
- gCommandAfterPublishing = null;
- // Restore original document to undo image src url adjustments
- if (gRestoreDocumentSource)
- {
- try {
- editor.rebuildDocumentFromSource(gRestoreDocumentSource);
- // Clear transaction cache since we just did a potentially
- // very large insert and this will eat up memory
- editor.transactionManager.clear();
- }
- catch (e) {}
- }
- // Notify progress dialog that we're finished
- // and keep open to show error
- gProgressDialog.SetProgressFinished(null, 0);
- // We don't want to change location or reset mod count, etc.
- return;
- }
- //XXX HACK: "file://" protocol is not supported in network code
- // (bug 151867 filed to add this support, bug 151869 filed
- // to remove this and other code in nsIWebBrowserPersist)
- // nsIWebBrowserPersist *does* copy the file(s), but we don't
- // get normal onStateChange messages.
- // Case 1: If images are included, we get fairly normal
- // STATE_START/STATE_STOP & STATE_IS_NETWORK messages associated with the image files,
- // thus we must finish HTML file progress below
- // Case 2: If just HTML file is uploaded, we get STATE_START and STATE_STOP
- // notification with a null "requestSpec", and
- // the gPersistObj is destroyed before we get here!
- // So create an new object so we can flow through normal processing below
- if (!requestSpec && GetScheme(gPublishData.publishUrl) == "file"
- && (!gPersistObj || gPersistObj.currentState == nsIWebBrowserPersist.PERSIST_STATE_FINISHED))
- {
- aStateFlags |= nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK;
- if (!gPersistObj)
- {
- gPersistObj =
- {
- result : aStatus,
- currentState : nsIWebBrowserPersist.PERSIST_STATE_FINISHED
- }
- }
- }
- // STATE_IS_NETWORK signals end of publishing, as does the gPersistObj.currentState
- if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK
- && gPersistObj.currentState == nsIWebBrowserPersist.PERSIST_STATE_FINISHED)
- {
- if (GetScheme(gPublishData.publishUrl) == "file")
- {
- //XXX "file://" hack: We don't get notified about the HTML file, so end progress for it
- // (This covers both "Case 1 and 2" described above)
- gProgressDialog.SetProgressFinished(gPublishData.filename, gPersistObj.result);
- }
- if (gPersistObj.result == 0)
- {
- // All files are finished and publishing succeeded (some images may have failed)
- try {
- // Make a new docURI from the "browse location" in case "publish location" was FTP
- // We need to set document uri before notifying listeners
- var docUrl = GetDocUrlFromPublishData(gPublishData);
- SetDocumentURI(GetIOService().newURI(docUrl, editor.documentCharacterSet, null));
- UpdateWindowTitle();
- // this should cause notification to listeners that doc has changed
- editor.resetModificationCount();
- // Set UI based on whether we're editing a remote or local url
- SetSaveAndPublishUI(urlstring);
- } catch (e) {}
- // Save publishData to prefs
- if (gPublishData)
- {
- if (gPublishData.savePublishData)
- {
- // We published successfully, so we can safely
- // save docDir and otherDir to prefs
- gPublishData.saveDirs = true;
- SavePublishDataToPrefs(gPublishData);
- }
- else
- SavePassword(gPublishData);
- }
- // Ask progress dialog to close, but it may not
- // if user checked checkbox to keep it open
- gProgressDialog.RequestCloseDialog();
- }
- else
- {
- // We previously aborted publishing because of error:
- // Calling gPersistObj.cancelSave() resulted in a non-zero gPersistObj.result,
- // so notify progress dialog we're finished
- gProgressDialog.SetProgressFinished(null, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- onProgressChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelfProgress,
- aMaxSelfProgress, aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress)
- {
- if (!gPersistObj)
- return;
- if (gShowDebugOutputProgress)
- {
- dump("\n onProgressChange: gPersistObj.result="+gPersistObj.result+"\n");
- try {
- var channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel);
- dump("***** onProgressChange request: " + channel.URI.spec + "\n");
- }
- catch (e) {}
- dump("***** self: "+aCurSelfProgress+" / "+aMaxSelfProgress+"\n");
- dump("***** total: "+aCurTotalProgress+" / "+aMaxTotalProgress+"\n\n");
- if (gPersistObj.currentState == gPersistObj.PERSIST_STATE_READY)
- dump(" Persister is ready to save data\n\n");
- else if (gPersistObj.currentState == gPersistObj.PERSIST_STATE_SAVING)
- dump(" Persister is saving data.\n\n");
- else if (gPersistObj.currentState == gPersistObj.PERSIST_STATE_FINISHED)
- }
- },
- onLocationChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation)
- {
- if (gShowDebugOutputLocationChange)
- {
- dump("***** onLocationChange: "+aLocation.spec+"\n");
- try {
- var channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel);
- dump("***** request: " + channel.URI.spec + "\n");
- }
- catch(e) {}
- }
- },
- onStatusChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStatus, aMessage)
- {
- if (gShowDebugOutputStatusChange)
- {
- dump("***** onStatusChange: "+aMessage+"\n");
- try {
- var channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel);
- dump("***** request: " + channel.URI.spec + "\n");
- }
- catch (e) { dump(" couldn't get request\n"); }
- DumpDebugStatus(aStatus);
- if (gPersistObj)
- {
- if(gPersistObj.currentState == gPersistObj.PERSIST_STATE_READY)
- dump(" Persister is ready to save data\n\n");
- else if(gPersistObj.currentState == gPersistObj.PERSIST_STATE_SAVING)
- dump(" Persister is saving data.\n\n");
- else if(gPersistObj.currentState == gPersistObj.PERSIST_STATE_FINISHED)
- }
- }
- },
- onSecurityChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, state)
- {
- if (gShowDebugOutputSecurityChange)
- {
- try {
- var channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel);
- dump("***** onSecurityChange request: " + channel.URI.spec + "\n");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- },
- QueryInterface : function(aIID)
- {
- if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener)
- || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)
- || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference)
- || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIPrompt)
- || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAuthPrompt))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
- },
- // nsIPrompt
- alert : function(dlgTitle, text)
- {
- AlertWithTitle(dlgTitle, text, gProgressDialog ? gProgressDialog : window);
- },
- alertCheck : function(dialogTitle, text, checkBoxLabel, checkObj)
- {
- AlertWithTitle(dialogTitle, text);
- },
- confirm : function(dlgTitle, text)
- {
- return ConfirmWithTitle(dlgTitle, text, null, null);
- },
- confirmCheck : function(dlgTitle, text, checkBoxLabel, checkObj)
- {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return;
- promptServ.confirmEx(window, dlgTitle, text, nsIPromptService.STD_OK_CANCEL_BUTTONS,
- "", "", "", checkBoxLabel, checkObj);
- },
- confirmEx : function(dlgTitle, text, btnFlags, btn0Title, btn1Title, btn2Title, checkBoxLabel, checkVal)
- {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return 0;
- return promptServ.confirmEx(window, dlgTitle, text, btnFlags,
- btn0Title, btn1Title, btn2Title,
- checkBoxLabel, checkVal);
- },
- prompt : function(dlgTitle, text, inoutText, checkBoxLabel, checkObj)
- {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return false;
- return promptServ.prompt(window, dlgTitle, text, inoutText, checkBoxLabel, checkObj);
- },
- promptPassword : function(dlgTitle, text, pwObj, checkBoxLabel, savePWObj)
- {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return false;
- var ret = false;
- try {
- // Note difference with nsIAuthPrompt::promptPassword, which has
- // just "in" savePassword param, while nsIPrompt is "inout"
- // Initialize with user's previous preference for this site
- if (gPublishData)
- savePWObj.value = gPublishData.savePassword;
- ret = promptServ.promptPassword(gProgressDialog ? gProgressDialog : window,
- dlgTitle, text, pwObj, checkBoxLabel, savePWObj);
- if (!ret)
- setTimeout(CancelPublishing, 0);
- if (ret && gPublishData)
- UpdateUsernamePasswordFromPrompt(gPublishData, gPublishData.username, pwObj.value, savePWObj.value);
- } catch(e) {}
- return ret;
- },
- promptUsernameAndPassword : function(dlgTitle, text, userObj, pwObj, checkBoxLabel, savePWObj)
- {
- var ret = PromptUsernameAndPassword(dlgTitle, text, savePWObj.value, userObj, pwObj);
- if (!ret)
- setTimeout(CancelPublishing, 0);
- return ret;
- },
- select : function(dlgTitle, text, count, selectList, outSelection)
- {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return false;
- return promptServ.select(window, dlgTitle, text, count, selectList, outSelection);
- },
- // nsIAuthPrompt
- prompt : function(dlgTitle, text, pwrealm, savePW, defaultText, result)
- {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return false;
- var savePWObj = {value:savePW};
- var ret = promptServ.prompt(gProgressDialog ? gProgressDialog : window,
- dlgTitle, text, defaultText, pwrealm, savePWObj);
- if (!ret)
- setTimeout(CancelPublishing, 0);
- return ret;
- },
- promptUsernameAndPassword : function(dlgTitle, text, pwrealm, savePW, userObj, pwObj)
- {
- var ret = PromptUsernameAndPassword(dlgTitle, text, savePW, userObj, pwObj);
- if (!ret)
- setTimeout(CancelPublishing, 0);
- return ret;
- },
- promptPassword : function(dlgTitle, text, pwrealm, savePW, pwObj)
- {
- var ret = false;
- try {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return false;
- // Note difference with nsIPrompt::promptPassword, which has
- // "inout" savePassword param, while nsIAuthPrompt is just "in"
- // Also nsIAuth doesn't supply "checkBoxLabel"
- // Initialize with user's previous preference for this site
- var savePWObj = {value:savePW};
- // Initialize with user's previous preference for this site
- if (gPublishData)
- savePWObj.value = gPublishData.savePassword;
- ret = promptServ.promptPassword(gProgressDialog ? gProgressDialog : window,
- dlgTitle, text, pwObj, GetString("SavePassword"), savePWObj);
- if (!ret)
- setTimeout(CancelPublishing, 0);
- if (ret && gPublishData)
- UpdateUsernamePasswordFromPrompt(gPublishData, gPublishData.username, pwObj.value, savePWObj.value);
- } catch(e) {}
- return ret;
- }
- }
- function PromptUsernameAndPassword(dlgTitle, text, savePW, userObj, pwObj)
- {
- // HTTP prompts us twice even if user Cancels from 1st attempt!
- // So never put up dialog if there's no publish data
- if (!gPublishData)
- return false
- var ret = false;
- try {
- var promptServ = GetPromptService();
- if (!promptServ)
- return false;
- var savePWObj = {value:savePW};
- // Initialize with user's previous preference for this site
- if (gPublishData)
- {
- // HTTP put uses this dialog if either username or password is bad,
- // so prefill username input field with the previous value for modification
- savePWObj.value = gPublishData.savePassword;
- if (!userObj.value)
- userObj.value = gPublishData.username;
- }
- ret = promptServ.promptUsernameAndPassword(gProgressDialog ? gProgressDialog : window,
- dlgTitle, text, userObj, pwObj,
- GetString("SavePassword"), savePWObj);
- if (ret && gPublishData)
- UpdateUsernamePasswordFromPrompt(gPublishData, userObj.value, pwObj.value, savePWObj.value);
- } catch (e) {}
- return ret;
- }
- function DumpDebugStatus(aStatus)
- {
- // see nsError.h and netCore.h and ftpCore.h
- if (aStatus == kErrorBindingAborted)
- dump("***** status is NS_BINDING_ABORTED\n");
- else if (aStatus == kErrorBindingRedirected)
- dump("***** status is NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398859) // in netCore.h 11
- dump("***** status is ALREADY_CONNECTED\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398860) // in netCore.h 12
- dump("***** status is NOT_CONNECTED\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398861) // in nsISocketTransportService.idl 13
- dump("***** status is CONNECTION_REFUSED\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398862) // in nsISocketTransportService.idl 14
- dump("***** status is NET_TIMEOUT\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398863) // in netCore.h 15
- dump("***** status is IN_PROGRESS\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398864) // 0x804b0010 in netCore.h 16
- dump("***** status is OFFLINE\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398865) // in netCore.h 17
- dump("***** status is NO_CONTENT\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398866) // in netCore.h 18
- dump("***** status is UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398867) // in netCore.h 19
- dump("***** status is PORT_ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398868) // in nsISocketTransportService.idl 20
- dump("***** status is NET_RESET\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398869) // in ftpCore.h 21
- dump("***** status is FTP_LOGIN\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398870) // in ftpCore.h 22
- dump("***** status is FTP_CWD\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398871) // in ftpCore.h 23
- dump("***** status is FTP_PASV\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398872) // in ftpCore.h 24
- dump("***** status is FTP_PWD\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857601)
- dump("***** status is UNRECOGNIZED_PATH\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857602)
- dump("***** status is UNRESOLABLE SYMLINK\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857604)
- dump("***** status is UNKNOWN_TYPE\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857605)
- dump("***** status is DESTINATION_NOT_DIR\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857606)
- dump("***** status is TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857608)
- dump("***** status is ALREADY_EXISTS\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857609)
- dump("***** status is INVALID_PATH\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857610)
- dump("***** status is DISK_FULL\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857612)
- dump("***** status is NOT_DIRECTORY\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857613)
- dump("***** status is IS_DIRECTORY\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857614)
- dump("***** status is IS_LOCKED\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857615)
- dump("***** status is TOO_BIG\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857616)
- dump("***** status is NO_DEVICE_SPACE\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857617)
- dump("***** status is NAME_TOO_LONG\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857618) // 80520012
- dump("***** status is FILE_NOT_FOUND\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857619)
- dump("***** status is READ_ONLY\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857620)
- dump("***** status is DIR_NOT_EMPTY\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152857621)
- dump("***** status is ACCESS_DENIED\n");
- else if (aStatus == 2152398878)
- dump("***** status is ? (No connection or time out?)\n");
- else
- dump("***** status is " + aStatus + "\n");
- }
- // Update any data that the user supplied in a prompt dialog
- function UpdateUsernamePasswordFromPrompt(publishData, username, password, savePassword)
- {
- if (!publishData)
- return;
- // Set flag to save publish data after publishing if it changed in dialog
- // and the "SavePassword" checkbox was checked
- // or we already had site data for this site
- // (Thus we don't automatically create a site until user brings up Publish As dialog)
- publishData.savePublishData = (gPublishData.username != username || gPublishData.password != password)
- && (savePassword || !publishData.notInSiteData);
- publishData.username = username;
- publishData.password = password;
- publishData.savePassword = savePassword;
- }
- const kSupportedTextMimeTypes =
- [
- "text/plain",
- "text/css",
- "text/rdf",
- "text/xsl",
- "text/javascript",
- "application/x-javascript",
- "text/xul",
- "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"
- ];
- function IsSupportedTextMimeType(aMimeType)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < kSupportedTextMimeTypes.length; i++)
- {
- if (kSupportedTextMimeTypes[i] == aMimeType)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // throws an error or returns true if user attempted save; false if user canceled save
- function SaveDocument(aSaveAs, aSaveCopy, aMimeType)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!aMimeType || aMimeType == "" || !editor)
- var editorDoc = editor.document;
- if (!editorDoc)
- // if we don't have the right editor type bail (we handle text and html)
- var editorType = GetCurrentEditorType();
- if (editorType != "text" && editorType != "html"
- && editorType != "htmlmail" && editorType != "textmail")
- var saveAsTextFile = IsSupportedTextMimeType(aMimeType);
- // check if the file is to be saved is a format we don't understand; if so, bail
- if (aMimeType != "text/html" && !saveAsTextFile)
- if (saveAsTextFile)
- aMimeType = "text/plain";
- var urlstring = GetDocumentUrl();
- var mustShowFileDialog = (aSaveAs || IsUrlAboutBlank(urlstring) || (urlstring == ""));
- // If editing a remote URL, force SaveAs dialog
- if (!mustShowFileDialog && GetScheme(urlstring) != "file")
- mustShowFileDialog = true;
- var replacing = !aSaveAs;
- var titleChanged = false;
- var doUpdateURI = false;
- var tempLocalFile = null;
- if (mustShowFileDialog)
- {
- try {
- // Prompt for title if we are saving to HTML
- if (!saveAsTextFile && (editorType == "html"))
- {
- var userContinuing = PromptAndSetTitleIfNone(); // not cancel
- if (!userContinuing)
- return false;
- }
- var dialogResult = PromptForSaveLocation(saveAsTextFile, editorType, aMimeType, urlstring);
- if (dialogResult.filepickerClick == nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
- return false;
- replacing = (dialogResult.filepickerClick == nsIFilePicker.returnReplace);
- urlstring = dialogResult.resultingURIString;
- tempLocalFile = dialogResult.resultingLocalFile;
- // update the new URL for the webshell unless we are saving a copy
- if (!aSaveCopy)
- doUpdateURI = true;
- } catch (e) { return false; }
- } // mustShowFileDialog
- var success = true;
- var ioService;
- try {
- // if somehow we didn't get a local file but we did get a uri,
- // attempt to create the localfile if it's a "file" url
- var docURI;
- if (!tempLocalFile)
- {
- ioService = GetIOService();
- docURI = ioService.newURI(urlstring, editor.documentCharacterSet, null);
- if (docURI.schemeIs("file"))
- {
- var fileHandler = GetFileProtocolHandler();
- tempLocalFile = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(urlstring).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- }
- }
- // this is the location where the related files will go
- var relatedFilesDir = null;
- // First check pref for saving associated files
- var saveAssociatedFiles = false;
- try {
- var prefs = GetPrefs();
- saveAssociatedFiles = prefs.getBoolPref("editor.save_associated_files");
- } catch (e) {}
- // Only change links or move files if pref is set
- // and we are saving to a new location
- if (saveAssociatedFiles && aSaveAs)
- {
- try {
- if (tempLocalFile)
- {
- // if we are saving to the same parent directory, don't set relatedFilesDir
- // grab old location, chop off file
- // grab new location, chop off file, compare
- var oldLocation = GetDocumentUrl();
- var oldLocationLastSlash = oldLocation.lastIndexOf("\/");
- if (oldLocationLastSlash != -1)
- oldLocation = oldLocation.slice(0, oldLocationLastSlash);
- var relatedFilesDirStr = urlstring;
- var newLocationLastSlash = relatedFilesDirStr.lastIndexOf("\/");
- if (newLocationLastSlash != -1)
- relatedFilesDirStr = relatedFilesDirStr.slice(0, newLocationLastSlash);
- if (oldLocation == relatedFilesDirStr || IsUrlAboutBlank(oldLocation))
- relatedFilesDir = null;
- else
- relatedFilesDir = tempLocalFile.parent;
- }
- else
- {
- var lastSlash = urlstring.lastIndexOf("\/");
- if (lastSlash != -1)
- {
- var relatedFilesDirString = urlstring.slice(0, lastSlash + 1); // include last slash
- ioService = GetIOService();
- relatedFilesDir = ioService.newURI(relatedFilesDirString, editor.documentCharacterSet, null);
- }
- }
- } catch(e) { relatedFilesDir = null; }
- }
- var destinationLocation;
- if (tempLocalFile)
- destinationLocation = tempLocalFile;
- else
- destinationLocation = docURI;
- success = OutputFileWithPersistAPI(editorDoc, destinationLocation, relatedFilesDir, aMimeType);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- success = false;
- }
- if (success)
- {
- try {
- if (doUpdateURI)
- {
- // If a local file, we must create a new uri from nsILocalFile
- if (tempLocalFile)
- docURI = GetFileProtocolHandler().newFileURI(tempLocalFile);
- // We need to set new document uri before notifying listeners
- SetDocumentURI(docURI);
- }
- // Update window title to show possibly different filename
- // This also covers problem that after undoing a title change,
- // window title loses the extra [filename] part that this adds
- UpdateWindowTitle();
- if (!aSaveCopy)
- editor.resetModificationCount();
- // this should cause notification to listeners that document has changed
- // Set UI based on whether we're editing a remote or local url
- SetSaveAndPublishUI(urlstring);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- else
- {
- var saveDocStr = GetString("SaveDocument");
- var failedStr = GetString("SaveFileFailed");
- AlertWithTitle(saveDocStr, failedStr);
- }
- return success;
- }
- function SetDocumentURI(uri)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentEditorElement().docShell.setCurrentURI(uri);
- } catch (e) { dump("SetDocumentURI:\n"+e +"\n"); }
- }
- //------------------------------- Publishing
- var gPublishData;
- var gProgressDialog;
- var gCommandAfterPublishing = null;
- var gRestoreDocumentSource;
- function Publish(publishData)
- {
- if (!publishData)
- return false;
- // Set data in global for username password requests
- // and to do "post saving" actions after monitoring nsIWebProgressListener messages
- // and we are sure file transfer was successful
- gPublishData = publishData;
- gPublishData.docURI = CreateURIFromPublishData(publishData, true);
- if (!gPublishData.docURI)
- {
- AlertWithTitle(GetString("Publish"), GetString("PublishFailed"));
- return false;
- }
- if (gPublishData.publishOtherFiles)
- gPublishData.otherFilesURI = CreateURIFromPublishData(publishData, false);
- else
- gPublishData.otherFilesURI = null;
- if (gShowDebugOutputStateChange)
- {
- dump("\n *** publishData: PublishUrl="+publishData.publishUrl+", BrowseUrl="+publishData.browseUrl+
- ", Username="+publishData.username+", Dir="+publishData.docDir+
- ", Filename="+publishData.filename+"\n");
- dump(" * gPublishData.docURI.spec w/o pass="+StripPassword(gPublishData.docURI.spec)+", PublishOtherFiles="+gPublishData.publishOtherFiles+"\n");
- }
- // XXX Missing username will make FTP fail
- // and it won't call us for prompt dialog (bug 132320)
- // (It does prompt if just password is missing)
- // So we should do the prompt ourselves before trying to publish
- if (GetScheme(publishData.publishUrl) == "ftp" && !publishData.username)
- {
- var message = GetString("PromptFTPUsernamePassword").replace(/%host%/, GetHost(publishData.publishUrl));
- var savePWobj = {value:publishData.savePassword};
- var userObj = {value:publishData.username};
- var pwObj = {value:publishData.password};
- if (!PromptUsernameAndPassword(GetString("Prompt"), message, savePWobj, userObj, pwObj))
- return false; // User canceled out of dialog
- // Reset data in URI objects
- gPublishData.docURI.username = publishData.username;
- gPublishData.docURI.password = publishData.password;
- if (gPublishData.otherFilesURI)
- {
- gPublishData.otherFilesURI.username = publishData.username;
- gPublishData.otherFilesURI.password = publishData.password;
- }
- }
- try {
- // We launch dialog as a dependent
- // Don't allow editing document!
- SetDocumentEditable(false);
- // Start progress monitoring
- gProgressDialog =
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EditorPublishProgress.xul", "_blank",
- "chrome,dependent,titlebar", gPublishData, gPersistObj);
- } catch (e) {}
- // Network transfer is often too quick for the progress dialog to be initialized
- // and we can completely miss messages for quickly-terminated bad URLs,
- // so we can't call OutputFileWithPersistAPI right away.
- // StartPublishing() is called at the end of the dialog's onload method
- return true;
- }
- function StartPublishing()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (editor && gPublishData && gPublishData.docURI && gProgressDialog)
- {
- gRestoreDocumentSource = null;
- // Save backup document since nsIWebBrowserPersist changes image src urls
- // but we only need to do this if publishing images and other related files
- if (gPublishData.otherFilesURI)
- {
- try {
- // (256 = Output encoded entities)
- gRestoreDocumentSource =
- editor.outputToString(editor.contentsMIMEType, 256);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- OutputFileWithPersistAPI(editor.document,
- gPublishData.docURI, gPublishData.otherFilesURI,
- editor.contentsMIMEType);
- return gPersistObj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function CancelPublishing()
- {
- try {
- gPersistObj.cancelSave();
- gProgressDialog.SetProgressStatusCancel();
- } catch (e) {}
- // If canceling publishing do not do any commands after this
- gCommandAfterPublishing = null;
- if (gProgressDialog)
- {
- // Close Progress dialog
- // (this will call FinishPublishing())
- gProgressDialog.CloseDialog();
- }
- else
- FinishPublishing();
- }
- function FinishPublishing()
- {
- SetDocumentEditable(true);
- gProgressDialog = null;
- gPublishData = null;
- gRestoreDocumentSource = null;
- if (gCommandAfterPublishing)
- {
- // Be sure to null out the global now incase of trouble when executing command
- var command = gCommandAfterPublishing;
- gCommandAfterPublishing = null;
- goDoCommand(command);
- }
- }
- // Create a nsIURI object filled in with all required publishing info
- function CreateURIFromPublishData(publishData, doDocUri)
- {
- if (!publishData || !publishData.publishUrl)
- return null;
- var URI;
- try {
- var spec = publishData.publishUrl;
- if (doDocUri)
- spec += FormatDirForPublishing(publishData.docDir) + publishData.filename;
- else
- spec += FormatDirForPublishing(publishData.otherDir);
- var ioService = GetIOService();
- URI = ioService.newURI(spec, GetCurrentEditor().documentCharacterSet, null);
- if (publishData.username)
- URI.username = publishData.username;
- if (publishData.password)
- URI.password = publishData.password;
- }
- catch (e) {}
- return URI;
- }
- // Resolve the correct "http:" document URL when publishing via ftp
- function GetDocUrlFromPublishData(publishData)
- {
- if (!publishData || !publishData.filename || !publishData.publishUrl)
- return "";
- // If user was previously editing an "ftp" url, then keep that as the new scheme
- var url;
- var docScheme = GetScheme(GetDocumentUrl());
- // Always use the "HTTP" address if available
- // XXX Should we do some more validation here for bad urls???
- // Let's at least check for a scheme!
- if (!GetScheme(publishData.browseUrl))
- url = publishData.publishUrl;
- else
- url = publishData.browseUrl;
- url += FormatDirForPublishing(publishData.docDir) + publishData.filename;
- if (GetScheme(url) == "ftp")
- url = InsertUsernameIntoUrl(url, publishData.username);
- return url;
- }
- function SetSaveAndPublishUI(urlstring)
- {
- // Be sure enabled state of toolbar buttons are correct
- goUpdateCommand("cmd_save");
- goUpdateCommand("cmd_publish");
- }
- function SetDocumentEditable(isDocEditable)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (editor && editor.document)
- {
- try {
- var flags = editor.flags;
- editor.flags = isDocEditable ?
- flags &= ~nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorReadonlyMask :
- flags | nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorReadonlyMask;
- } catch(e) {}
- // update all commands
- window.updateCommands("create");
- }
- }
- // ****** end of save / publish **********//
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsPublishSettingsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- if (GetCurrentEditor())
- {
- // Launch Publish Settings dialog
- window.ok = window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EditorPublishSettings.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "");
- window.content.focus();
- return window.ok;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsRevertCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() &&
- IsDocumentModified() &&
- !IsUrlAboutBlank(GetDocumentUrl()));
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Confirm with the user to abandon current changes
- var promptService = GetPromptService();
- if (promptService)
- {
- // Put the page title in the message string
- var title = GetDocumentTitle();
- if (!title)
- title = GetString("untitled");
- var msg = GetString("AbandonChanges").replace(/%title%/,title);
- var result = promptService.confirmEx(window, GetString("RevertCaption"), msg,
- (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_REVERT * promptService.BUTTON_POS_0) +
- (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * promptService.BUTTON_POS_1),
- null, null, null, null, {value:0});
- // Reload page if first button (Revert) was pressed
- if(result == 0)
- {
- CancelHTMLSource();
- EditorLoadUrl(GetDocumentUrl());
- }
- }
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsCloseCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return GetCurrentEditor() != null;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- CloseWindow();
- }
- };
- function CloseWindow()
- {
- // Check to make sure document is saved. "true" means allow "Don't Save" button,
- // so user can choose to close without saving
- if (CheckAndSaveDocument("cmd_close", true))
- {
- if (window.InsertCharWindow)
- SwitchInsertCharToAnotherEditorOrClose();
- try {
- var basewin = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation)
- .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem)
- .treeOwner
- .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIBaseWindow);
- basewin.destroy();
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsOpenRemoteCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true; // we can always do this
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- /* The last parameter is the current browser window.
- Use 0 and the default checkbox will be to load into an editor
- and loading into existing browser option is removed
- */
- window.openDialog( "chrome://communicator/content/openLocation.xul", "_blank", "chrome,modal,titlebar", 0);
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsPreviewCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() &&
- IsHTMLEditor() &&
- (DocumentHasBeenSaved() || IsDocumentModified()));
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Don't continue if user canceled during prompt for saving
- // DocumentHasBeenSaved will test if we have a URL and suppress "Don't Save" button if not
- if (!CheckAndSaveDocument("cmd_preview", DocumentHasBeenSaved()))
- return;
- // Check if we saved again just in case?
- if (DocumentHasBeenSaved())
- {
- var browser;
- try {
- // Find a browser with this URL
- var windowManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService();
- var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- var documentURI = GetDocumentUrl();
- while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() )
- {
- browser = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowInternal);
- if ( browser && (documentURI == browser.getBrowser().currentURI.spec))
- break;
- browser = null;
- }
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- // If none found, open a new browser
- if (!browser)
- {
- browser = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", documentURI);
- }
- else
- {
- try {
- browser.BrowserReloadSkipCache();
- browser.focus();
- } catch (ex) {}
- }
- }
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsSendPageCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() &&
- (DocumentHasBeenSaved() || IsDocumentModified()));
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Don't continue if user canceled during prompt for saving
- // DocumentHasBeenSaved will test if we have a URL and suppress "Don't Save" button if not
- if (!CheckAndSaveDocument("cmd_editSendPage", DocumentHasBeenSaved()))
- return;
- // Check if we saved again just in case?
- if (DocumentHasBeenSaved())
- {
- // Launch Messenger Composer window with current page as contents
- try
- {
- openComposeWindow(GetDocumentUrl(), GetDocumentTitle());
- } catch (ex) { dump("Cannot Send Page: " + ex + "\n"); }
- }
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsPrintCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true; // we can always do this
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // In editor.js
- FinishHTMLSource();
- try {
- NSPrint();
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsPrintSetupCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true; // we can always do this
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // In editor.js
- FinishHTMLSource();
- NSPrintSetup();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsQuitCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true; // we can always do this
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {}
- /* The doCommand is not used, since cmd_quit's oncommand="goQuitApplication()" in platformCommunicatorOverlay.xul
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // In editor.js
- FinishHTMLSource();
- goQuitApplication();
- }
- */
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsFindCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, editorElement)
- {
- return editorElement.getEditor(editorElement.contentWindow) != null;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, editorElement) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, editorElement) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand, editorElement)
- {
- try {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdReplace.xul", "_blank",
- "chrome,modal,titlebar", editorElement);
- }
- catch(ex) {
- dump("*** Exception: couldn't open Replace Dialog\n");
- }
- //window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsFindAgainCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, editorElement)
- {
- // we can only do this if the search pattern is non-empty. Not sure how
- // to get that from here
- return editorElement.getEditor(editorElement.contentWindow) != null;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, editorElement) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, editorElement) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand, editorElement)
- {
- try {
- var findPrev = aCommand == "cmd_findPrev";
- var findInst = editorElement.webBrowserFind;
- var findService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/find/find_service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFindService);
- findInst.findBackwards = findService.findBackwards ^ findPrev;
- findInst.findNext();
- // reset to what it was in dialog, otherwise dialog setting can get reversed
- findInst.findBackwards = findService.findBackwards;
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsRewrapCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && !IsInHTMLSourceMode() &&
- GetCurrentEditor() instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIEditorMailSupport);
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- GetCurrentEditor().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIEditorMailSupport).rewrap(false);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsSpellingCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() &&
- !IsInHTMLSourceMode() && IsSpellCheckerInstalled());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.cancelSendMessage = false;
- try {
- var skipBlockQuotes = (window.document.firstChild.getAttribute("windowtype") == "msgcompose");
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdSpellCheck.xul", "_blank",
- "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", false, skipBlockQuotes, true);
- }
- catch(ex) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- // Validate using http://validator.w3.org/file-upload.html
- var URL2Validate;
- var nsValidateCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return GetCurrentEditor() != null;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // If the document hasn't been modified,
- // then just validate the current url.
- if (IsDocumentModified() || IsHTMLSourceChanged())
- {
- if (!CheckAndSaveDocument("cmd_validate", false))
- return;
- // Check if we saved again just in case?
- if (!DocumentHasBeenSaved()) // user hit cancel?
- return;
- }
- URL2Validate = GetDocumentUrl();
- // See if it's a file:
- var ifile;
- try {
- var fileHandler = GetFileProtocolHandler();
- ifile = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(URL2Validate);
- // nsIFile throws an exception if it's not a file url
- } catch (e) { ifile = null; }
- if (ifile)
- {
- URL2Validate = ifile.path;
- var vwin = window.open("http://validator.w3.org/file-upload.html",
- "EditorValidate");
- // Window loads asynchronously, so pass control to the load listener:
- vwin.addEventListener("load", this.validateFilePageLoaded, false);
- }
- else
- {
- var vwin2 = window.open("http://validator.w3.org/check?uri="
- + URL2Validate
- + "&doctype=Inline",
- "EditorValidate");
- // This does the validation, no need to wait for page loaded.
- }
- },
- validateFilePageLoaded: function(event)
- {
- event.target.forms[0].uploaded_file.value = URL2Validate;
- }
- };
- var nsCheckLinksCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdLinkChecker.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsFormCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdFormProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInputTagCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInputProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInputImageCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInputImage.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsTextAreaCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdTextAreaProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsSelectCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdSelectProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsButtonCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdButtonProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsLabelCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- var tagName = "label";
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- // Find selected label or if start/end of selection is in label
- var labelElement = editor.getSelectedElement(tagName);
- if (!labelElement)
- labelElement = editor.getElementOrParentByTagName(tagName, editor.selection.anchorNode);
- if (!labelElement)
- labelElement = editor.getElementOrParentByTagName(tagName, editor.selection.focusNode);
- if (labelElement) {
- // We only open the dialog for an existing label
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdLabelProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", labelElement);
- window.content.focus();
- } else {
- EditorSetTextProperty(tagName, "", "");
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsFieldSetCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdFieldSetProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsIsIndexCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var isindexElement = editor.createElementWithDefaults("isindex");
- isindexElement.setAttribute("prompt", editor.outputToString("text/plain", 1)); // OutputSelectionOnly
- editor.insertElementAtSelection(isindexElement, true);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsImageCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdImageProps.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsHLineCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Inserting an HLine is different in that we don't use properties dialog
- // unless we are editing an existing line's attributes
- // We get the last-used attributes from the prefs and insert immediately
- var tagName = "hr";
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var hLine;
- try {
- hLine = editor.getSelectedElement(tagName);
- } catch (e) {return;}
- if (hLine)
- {
- // We only open the dialog for an existing HRule
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdHLineProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- else
- {
- try {
- hLine = editor.createElementWithDefaults(tagName);
- // We change the default attributes to those saved in the user prefs
- var prefs = GetPrefs();
- var align = prefs.getIntPref("editor.hrule.align");
- if (align == 0)
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(hLine, "align", "left", true);
- else if (align == 2)
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(hLine, "align", "right", true);
- //Note: Default is center (don't write attribute)
- var width = prefs.getIntPref("editor.hrule.width");
- var percent = prefs.getBoolPref("editor.hrule.width_percent");
- if (percent)
- width = width +"%";
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(hLine, "width", width, true);
- var height = prefs.getIntPref("editor.hrule.height");
- editor.setAttributeOrEquivalent(hLine, "size", String(height), true);
- var shading = prefs.getBoolPref("editor.hrule.shading");
- if (shading)
- hLine.removeAttribute("noshade");
- else
- hLine.setAttribute("noshade", "noshade");
- editor.insertElementAtSelection(hLine, true);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsLinkCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // If selected element is an image, launch that dialog instead
- // since last tab panel handles link around an image
- var element = GetObjectForProperties();
- if (element && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "img")
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdImageProps.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", null, true);
- else
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdLinkProps.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsAnchorCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdNamedAnchorProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInsertHTMLWithDialogCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInsSrc.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal,resizable", "");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInsertCharsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- EditorFindOrCreateInsertCharWindow();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInsertBreakCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentEditor().insertHTML("<br>");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInsertBreakAllCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentEditor().insertHTML("<br clear='all'>");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsGridCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdSnapToGrid.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsListPropertiesCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdListProps.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsPagePropertiesCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- var oldTitle = GetDocumentTitle();
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdPageProps.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "");
- // Update main window title and
- // recent menu data in prefs if doc title changed
- if (GetDocumentTitle() != oldTitle)
- UpdateWindowTitle();
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsObjectPropertiesCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- var isEnabled = false;
- if (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML())
- {
- isEnabled = (GetObjectForProperties() != null ||
- GetCurrentEditor().getSelectedElement("href") != null);
- }
- return isEnabled;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Launch Object properties for appropriate selected element
- var element = GetObjectForProperties();
- if (element)
- {
- var name = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- switch (name)
- {
- case 'img':
- goDoCommand("cmd_image");
- break;
- case 'hr':
- goDoCommand("cmd_hline");
- break;
- case 'form':
- goDoCommand("cmd_form");
- break;
- case 'input':
- var type = element.getAttribute("type");
- if (type && type.toLowerCase() == "image")
- goDoCommand("cmd_inputimage");
- else
- goDoCommand("cmd_inputtag");
- break;
- case 'textarea':
- goDoCommand("cmd_textarea");
- break;
- case 'select':
- goDoCommand("cmd_select");
- break;
- case 'button':
- goDoCommand("cmd_button");
- break;
- case 'label':
- goDoCommand("cmd_label");
- break;
- case 'fieldset':
- goDoCommand("cmd_fieldset");
- break;
- case 'table':
- EditorInsertOrEditTable(false);
- break;
- case 'td':
- case 'th':
- EditorTableCellProperties();
- break;
- case 'ol':
- case 'ul':
- case 'dl':
- case 'li':
- goDoCommand("cmd_listProperties");
- break;
- case 'a':
- if (element.name)
- {
- goDoCommand("cmd_anchor");
- }
- else if(element.href)
- {
- goDoCommand("cmd_link");
- }
- break;
- default:
- doAdvancedProperties(element);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // We get a partially-selected link if asked for specifically
- try {
- element = GetCurrentEditor().getSelectedElement("href");
- } catch (e) {}
- if (element)
- goDoCommand("cmd_link");
- }
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsSetSmiley =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon)
- {
- var smileyCode = aParams.getCStringValue("state_attribute");
- var strSml;
- switch(smileyCode)
- {
- case ":-)": strSml="s1";
- break;
- case ":-(": strSml="s2";
- break;
- case ";-)": strSml="s3";
- break;
- case ":-P": strSml="s4";
- break;
- case ":-D": strSml="s5";
- break;
- case ":-[": strSml="s6";
- break;
- case ":-\\":
- case ":\\": strSml="s7";
- break;
- case "=-O": strSml="s8";
- break;
- case ":-*": strSml="s9";
- break;
- case ">:o":
- case ">:-o": strSml="s10";
- break;
- case "8-)": strSml="s11";
- break;
- case ":-$": strSml="s12";
- break;
- case ":-!": strSml="s13";
- break;
- case "O:-)": strSml="s14";
- break;
- case ":'(": strSml="s15";
- break;
- case ":-X": strSml="s16";
- break;
- default: strSml="";
- break;
- }
- try
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var selection = editor.selection;
- var extElement = editor.createElementWithDefaults("span");
- extElement.setAttribute("class", "moz-smiley-" + strSml);
- var intElement = editor.createElementWithDefaults("span");
- if (!intElement)
- return;
- //just for mailnews, because of the way it removes HTML
- var smileButMenu = document.getElementById('smileButtonMenu');
- if (smileButMenu.getAttribute("padwithspace"))
- smileyCode = " " + smileyCode + " ";
- var txtElement = editor.document.createTextNode(smileyCode);
- if (!txtElement)
- return;
- intElement.appendChild (txtElement);
- extElement.appendChild (intElement);
- editor.insertElementAtSelection(extElement,true);
- window.content.focus();
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- dump("Exception occured in smiley InsertElementAtSelection\n");
- }
- },
- // This is now deprecated in favor of "doCommandParams"
- doCommand: function(aCommand) {}
- };
- function doAdvancedProperties(element)
- {
- if (element)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdAdvancedEdit.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal,resizable=yes", "", element);
- window.content.focus();
- }
- }
- var nsAdvancedPropertiesCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Launch AdvancedEdit dialog for the selected element
- try {
- var element = GetCurrentEditor().getSelectedElement("");
- doAdvancedProperties(element);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsColorPropertiesCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdColorProps.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "");
- UpdateDefaultColors();
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsRemoveNamedAnchorsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- // We could see if there's any link in selection, but it doesn't seem worth the work!
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("name", "");
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsEditLinkCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- // Not really used -- this command is only in context menu, and we do enabling there
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- var element = GetCurrentEditor().getSelectedElement("href");
- if (element)
- editPage(element.href, window, false);
- } catch (e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsNormalModeCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsHTMLEditor() && IsDocumentEditable();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- SetEditMode(kDisplayModeNormal);
- }
- };
- var nsAllTagsModeCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsHTMLEditor());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- SetEditMode(kDisplayModeAllTags);
- }
- };
- var nsHTMLSourceModeCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsHTMLEditor());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- SetEditMode(kDisplayModeSource);
- }
- };
- var nsPreviewModeCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsHTMLEditor());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- SetEditMode(kDisplayModePreview);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInsertOrEditTableCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML());
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- if (IsInTableCell())
- EditorTableCellProperties();
- else
- EditorInsertOrEditTable(true);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsEditTableCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTable();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- EditorInsertOrEditTable(false);
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsSelectTableCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTable();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().selectTable();
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsSelectTableRowCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().selectTableRow();
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsSelectTableColumnCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().selectTableColumn();
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsSelectTableCellCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().selectTableCell();
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsSelectAllTableCellsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTable();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().selectAllTableCells();
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsInsertTableCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- EditorInsertTable();
- }
- };
- var nsInsertTableRowAboveCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().insertTableRow(1, false);
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsInsertTableRowBelowCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().insertTableRow(1, true);
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsInsertTableColumnBeforeCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().insertTableColumn(1, false);
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsInsertTableColumnAfterCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().insertTableColumn(1, true);
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsInsertTableCellBeforeCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().insertTableCell(1, false);
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsInsertTableCellAfterCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().insertTableCell(1, true);
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsDeleteTableCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTable();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().deleteTable();
- } catch(e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsDeleteTableRowCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- var rows = GetNumberOfContiguousSelectedRows();
- // Delete at least one row
- if (rows == 0)
- rows = 1;
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentTableEditor();
- editor.beginTransaction();
- // Loop to delete all blocks of contiguous, selected rows
- while (rows)
- {
- editor.deleteTableRow(rows);
- rows = GetNumberOfContiguousSelectedRows();
- }
- } finally { editor.endTransaction(); }
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsDeleteTableColumnCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- var columns = GetNumberOfContiguousSelectedColumns();
- // Delete at least one column
- if (columns == 0)
- columns = 1;
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentTableEditor();
- editor.beginTransaction();
- // Loop to delete all blocks of contiguous, selected columns
- while (columns)
- {
- editor.deleteTableColumn(columns);
- columns = GetNumberOfContiguousSelectedColumns();
- }
- } finally { editor.endTransaction(); }
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsDeleteTableCellCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().deleteTableCell(1);
- } catch (e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsDeleteTableCellContentsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTableCell();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().deleteTableCellContents();
- } catch (e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsNormalizeTableCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTable();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Use nsnull to let editor find table enclosing current selection
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().normalizeTable(null);
- } catch (e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsJoinTableCellsCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- if (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML())
- {
- try {
- var editor = GetCurrentTableEditor();
- var tagNameObj = { value: "" };
- var countObj = { value: 0 };
- var cell = editor.getSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, countObj);
- // We need a cell and either > 1 selected cell or a cell to the right
- // (this cell may originate in a row spanned from above current row)
- // Note that editor returns "td" for "th" also.
- // (this is a pain! Editor and gecko use lowercase tagNames, JS uses uppercase!)
- if( cell && (tagNameObj.value == "td"))
- {
- // Selected cells
- if (countObj.value > 1) return true;
- var colSpan = cell.getAttribute("colspan");
- // getAttribute returns string, we need number
- // no attribute means colspan = 1
- if (!colSpan)
- colSpan = Number(1);
- else
- colSpan = Number(colSpan);
- var rowObj = { value: 0 };
- var colObj = { value: 0 };
- editor.getCellIndexes(cell, rowObj, colObj);
- // Test if cell exists to the right of current cell
- // (cells with 0 span should never have cells to the right
- // if there is, user can select the 2 cells to join them)
- return (colSpan && editor.getCellAt(null, rowObj.value,
- colObj.value + colSpan));
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- return false;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // Param: Don't merge non-contiguous cells
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().joinTableCells(false);
- } catch (e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsSplitTableCellCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- if (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML())
- {
- var tagNameObj = { value: "" };
- var countObj = { value: 0 };
- var cell;
- try {
- cell = GetCurrentTableEditor().getSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, countObj);
- } catch (e) {}
- // We need a cell parent and there's just 1 selected cell
- // or selection is entirely inside 1 cell
- if ( cell && (tagNameObj.value == "td") &&
- countObj.value <= 1 &&
- IsSelectionInOneCell() )
- {
- var colSpan = cell.getAttribute("colspan");
- var rowSpan = cell.getAttribute("rowspan");
- if (!colSpan) colSpan = 1;
- if (!rowSpan) rowSpan = 1;
- return (colSpan > 1 || rowSpan > 1 ||
- colSpan == 0 || rowSpan == 0);
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- try {
- GetCurrentTableEditor().splitTableCell();
- } catch (e) {}
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsTableOrCellColorCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return IsInTable();
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- EditorSelectColor("TableOrCell");
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var nsPreferencesCommand =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- goPreferences('editor', 'chrome://editor/content/pref-composer.xul','editor');
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };
- var nsFinishHTMLSource =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // In editor.js
- FinishHTMLSource();
- }
- };
- var nsCancelHTMLSource =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- return true;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- // In editor.js
- CancelHTMLSource();
- }
- };
- var nsConvertToTable =
- {
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, dummy)
- {
- if (IsDocumentEditable() && IsEditingRenderedHTML())
- {
- var selection;
- try {
- selection = GetCurrentEditor().selection;
- } catch (e) {}
- if (selection && !selection.isCollapsed)
- {
- // Don't allow if table or cell is the selection
- var element;
- try {
- element = GetCurrentEditor().getSelectedElement("");
- } catch (e) {}
- if (element)
- {
- var name = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (name == "td" ||
- name == "th" ||
- name == "caption" ||
- name == "table")
- return false;
- }
- // Selection start and end must be in the same cell
- // in same cell or both are NOT in a cell
- if ( GetParentTableCell(selection.focusNode) !=
- GetParentTableCell(selection.anchorNode) )
- return false
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- getCommandStateParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommandParams: function(aCommand, aParams, aRefCon) {},
- doCommand: function(aCommand)
- {
- if (this.isCommandEnabled())
- {
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdConvertToTable.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal")
- }
- window.content.focus();
- }
- };