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- eMoviX v0.9.0pre1 <http://movix.sf.net/>
- Author: Roberto De Leo <peggish@users.sf.net>
- Last update : 26 Dec 2003
- What is it?
- -----------
- eMoviX is a tiny Linux CD distribution containing all the software to boot
- from a CD and play automatically every video file localized in the CD root.
- Supported formats are all formats supported by MPlayer, most noticeably
- DivX & XviD but more in general most AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, WMV, ASF, FLI and
- a few others.
- If you put a subtitles file in the same position with the same name (e.g.
- movie.avi and movie.sub) then the subtitles will be automatically displayed.
- In other words, if you put your video file(s) and eMoviX in the same CD then
- you will have inside the CD not only the movie but also all the software
- needed to boot the PC and play the movie, so that you'll be able to play
- the movie in every PC even when no OS (or the wrong one :-) is installed
- (at least as long as that PC hardware is supported by Linux).
- Of course you will still able to read the CD and play the movie from any
- other OS, so the only thing you are going to lose are the ~8Mb that the
- eMoviX is going to occupy on the CD.
- How is it done?
- ---------------
- eMoviX is all made from software already available on the net.
- The main packages on which it is based are:
- syslinux v2.08 <syslinux.zytor.com> to make the CD bootable
- linux kernel v2.4.22 <www.kernel.org> to hearth of the system :-)
- busybox 1.0pre3 <www.busybox.net> the system binaries
- mplayer v0.92 <www.mplayerhq.hu> to play the movies
- alsa 1.0.0rc1 <www.alsa-project.org> as audio cards drivers
- This is the first version that is not based on slackware's initrd.gz
- root fs I had started working on more than a year ago.
- The system is now based on the movix-builder mechanism invented
- by Balazs Barany: all binaries are now automatically built inside a
- User-Mode Linux session based on Debian.
- If you don't know what UML is, go visit the following URLs:
- http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/
- http://usermodelinux.org/
- This ingenous mechanism has the following large advantages over the old one:
- 1. makes the eMoviX development totally independent on the linux distro
- people work on
- 2. makes extremely easy keeping all packages up-to-date since to rebuild
- the whole system it is needed just to run a few commands
- 3. allows Linux users to customize eMoviX for their need in the easiest
- way possible
- If you are interested in using the movix-builder system, please read the
- README file online at http://tud.at/bb/download/movix-build/readme .
- From there, you can also download the necessary files.
- Please note that you need to be an experienced Linux user to be able to use
- the movix-builder system (and generally User Mode Linux). It's a complex
- system, and we can only give limited support so you are almost on your own.
- Documentation
- -------------
- Up to now I did not have much time to write any doc about all this, so this
- file contains almost all the documentation available. Hopefull will find
- time in the future. A little info/docs are available at the boot prompt on
- every CD produced with eMoviX.
- Requirements
- ------------
- --> Software:
- The only thing you need to use eMoviX is a software package to
- produce the bootable isoimage and one to burn the image on CD.
- On both Linux and M$ Window$ you can use mkisofs & cdrecord,
- that you can get from
- ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/
- Working copies of mkisofs.exe and cdrecord.exe for WinXX users are
- included in the file MoviX_Win32_Script.zip packaged by Christophe
- Paris and available for download in the usual MoviX download page
- http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=61561.
- The file contain also useful .bat files written by Christophe that
- should make a lot easier using mkisofs and cdrecord to M$ users.
- Many thanks to Christophe for making available these files!
- There are two new packages that allow window$ users to create eMoviX
- images through a user-friendly GUI:
- - eMoviX win32 Setup by Clovis Sena (csena2k2@users.sf.net)
- This package is downloadable from the usual movix download page.
- - MovixISOCreator by Kangur (movixisocreator@o2.pl)
- This package is downloadable from http://www.movixisocreator.prv.pl/
- --> Hardware:
- Only x86 compatible are supported, and only >= i586
- (you need at the very least a Pentium I 166MHz)
- According to my tests all eMoviX features work with 36MB of RAM.
- Some feature [e.g. mpeg playback] works even with just 32MB but mileage
- can vary according to your HW and the type of file contained in the CD.
- You need no mouse with eMoviX.
- All IDE controllers are supported.
- To keep the distro as small as possible only a few widespread SCSI
- controllers are supported (e.g. Adaptec controllers).
- Please write me an email if your controller seems not to work fine.
- It is not easy to say on which video cards eMoviX will work.
- Cards brand that are generally known to work are:
- Matrox
- Ati
- NVidia
- Intel
- 3Dfx
- Sis
- S3
- Trident
- but it is likely that the majority of video cards will work fine.
- I plan to publish soon on the movix web site a more detailed video cards database,
- so if your video card is not on my list and works with eMoviX please let
- me know and I will add it to the list of cards known to work.
- Same if it does not!
- BTW, if you use the "aa" label than eMoviX will work no matter which card
- do you have. Ok, it is ASCII visualization but, what the hell, it works! :-)
- eMoviX has support for using the TV-out feature of at least some Matrox, ATI,
- S3 Savage, NVidia, SiS and VIA CastleRock video cards.
- - ATI: they activate their tv-out automatically if the output is connected
- to the TV when you boot the PC.
- - Matrox G400: use the TV boot label.
- - Matrox G450 and G550: use the TV boot label. The video will appear on the TV,
- it needs to be connected to the secondary output of the video card.
- - NVidia: use the TV boot label.
- - S3 Savage: use the TV boot label. The computer's screen will be blank, all output
- goes to the TV. After the movie ends, you can get back to the computer screen by
- entering "s3switch lcd" or "s3switch crt".
- - SiS: this card has been tested only on laptops. Boot with any label and activate
- the TV-out from your keyboard.
- - CastleRock: this card TV-out will be automatically activated starting eMoviX
- with the TV-out plug already connected to the TV.
- eMoviX makes use of the ALSA sound drivers.
- A complete list of all supported cards with detailed info on each of them
- is available form the ALSA home page at
- http://www.alsa-project.org/
- Net is not supported by eMoviX.
- Currently supported remotes are:
- Hauppauge TV card remotes
- Hauppauge serial remotes
- Logitech serial remotes
- Pinnacle serial remotes
- You can make use of these remotes by specifying REMOTE=<name> as a boot parameter,
- where <name> can be one of the following:
- 'hauppauge' for IR receivers attached to your Hauppauge card,
- 'hauppauge2' for the Hauppauge PVR remote control and a receiver at the serial port
- 'haupserial' for the old Hauppauge remote control and a receiver at the serial port
- 'logitech' for the Logitech Value Infrared Remote Control
- 'pctv' for the PCTV Remote and a receiver at the serial port
- 'abit' for the AU10 audio card / windvd
- If you are interested in supporting more remotes post a message in the movix forums.
- For_experts_only:
- Basically you have to add a line in remotes.data. The first entry is the
- boot parameter and is also used for the files lircd.conf.* and lircrc.* which you
- have to create *before* "make install". You do also have to mention these two files
- in Makefile.am and do a make clean and rerun ./configure .
- The second entry is the internal lirc name for the device, you can get a list by
- typing "lircd -H help".
- The third column is the device lircd accesses while running.
- The last column specifies the (pseudo) module name that has to be loaded for lirc.
- See also rc.lirc for internal details.
- Supported Audio/Video formats
- -----------------------------
- I am not at all an expert in this so I cannot be very precise about this.
- All I know is that you should be able to play most of the DivX/XviD files around
- and more in general most AVI, MPG file, QuickTime, ASF and WMV should be ok.
- About video files, all MP3 and OGG/VORBIS files should play fine.
- If you have examples of such files not working with eMoviX please
- let me know.
- Installation
- ------------
- eMoviX uses the autoconf/automake mechanism, so installing eMoviX is
- as easy as untarring the tarball, cd-ing in the newly created directory
- and running the standard commands
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- By default the binaries "mkmovixiso", "movix-conf" and "movix-version"
- will be installed in
- /usr/local/bin
- and all eMoviX data files will be copied in
- /usr/local/share/emovix
- Or you can install the Debian package available at the usual download area.
- If all this does not make any sense to you or if you rather prefer making
- the iso image by hand, just forget what you've just read and read below.
- Linux GUIs for eMoviX
- ---------------------
- If you are not a CLI lover, there are two GUIs for you:
- * MoviXMaker
- MoviXMaker (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/movixmaker/) is a simple
- Perl GTK+/Gnome/GladeXML interface created by Pascal Giard
- <evilynux@users.sf.net> that helps you make, very easily, customized
- eMoviX/MoviX/MoviX2 disc images.
- * K3b
- K3b (http://www.k3b.org/) is a very nice KDE GUI for burning CDs with Drag'n'Drop
- capabilities and much more. Thanks to many users requests, its mantainer Sebastian
- Trueg decided to support the eMoviX format!
- This means that if you install K3b you'll be able to produce eMoviX CDs simply
- choosing to open a new "eMoviX Project" :-)
- You can safely ignore next 3 sections unless you are a 'die-hard' CLI lover
- like me ;-)
- Making a bootable iso image with your audio/video files
- -------------------------------------------------------
- DISCLAIMER FOR WINDOWS USERS: as already pointed out above, there are two
- win32 GUIs for producing eMoviX ISO images, namely:
- - eMoviX win32 Setup, by Clovis Sena (csena2k2@users.sf.net)
- This package is downloadable from the usual movix download page
- (is the one with .exe extension ;-)
- - MovixISOCreator, by Kangur (movixisocreator@o2.pl)
- This package is downloadable from http://www.movixisocreator.prv.pl/
- If you like the command line, you can use the Christophe Paris package
- MoviX_Win32_Script.zip, available for download in the usual MoviX download
- page, and follow the "Old style" instructions below, or install cygwin
- (http://cygwin.redhat.com/) and follow the "New style" instructions.
- *** New style [not good for winXX users unless you have installed cygwin]
- To make as easy as possible the creation of the bootable iso image,
- the perl script "mkmovixiso" is provided together with the package.
- The typical thing you have to type to produce an iso image containing the
- files "file1" and "file2" and all files in the directory "dir" is something
- like
- mkmovixiso -t "My title" -o /tmp/movix.iso file1 file2 dir
- Keep in mind that you may want to add also some playlist to the CD, in case
- you have more than one file and you want them played in some particular order.
- For more info read carefully the "Playlists" section below.
- To know more about mkmovixiso options try "mkmovixiso -h".
- If you use always the same output file or same language or like to add
- always the same extra options, you can avoid writing them explicitly
- every time you run mkmovixiso creating a .mkmovixisorc file in your home dir.
- Here is an example
- [WARNING: these are more or less random setting, use your own ones!!!]:
- # <--------- .mkmovixisorc sample
- # my .mkmovixisorc file
- # all lines starting by # are comments!
- # default output file location
- output-file=/tmp/movix.iso
- # default boot label
- boot-label=MoviX
- # default font set
- subtitleFonts=polish
- # extra options for mkisofs
- extra-mkisofs-options=-J
- ### Options to be passed to MPlayer
- # extra options for mplayer
- extra-mplayer-options=-double -aspect 4:3
- # options you want to be sure won't be used by mplayer
- unwanted-mplayer-options=-fs -zoom
- # repeat the playback 5 times [0 = repeat for ever]
- loop=5
- # do not enforce DMA usage
- #[use it only if your system hangs during the boot]
- dma=n
- # play all files in random order
- random=y
- # reboot after playback is over
- reboot=y
- # turn off the PC after playback is over
- # shut=y
- # eject after playback is over
- eject=y
- # delete temporary directory
- auto-delete=y
- # ---------> end of .mkmovixisorc sample
- No other options are available till now for the .movixrc
- *** Old style [for winXX users willing to use mkisofs without installing cygwin]
- If you like better the good old way do something similar to this:
- 0. make somewhere, e.g. inside the "utils" folder", a new directory,
- say you call it "movix";
- 1. copy the folders src/isolinux and src/movix in the newly created
- "movix" folder [just to avoid misunderstandings, the new "movix" folder
- and src/movix are _not_ the same folder and the second won't appear anymore
- in this section...];
- 2. if you have subtitles and wanna see them, create a folder called "mplayer"
- inside "movix", create a folder "font" inside "mplayer" and copy inside
- it your favorite character set from mplayer-fonts [inside "font" there
- should be at this point a few files with extension .raw an a single file
- called font.desc];
- 3. copy all the audio/video files you want in the "movix" folder;
- 4. run "sh mkmovixiso.sh" if you are on unix and "mkmvxiso.bat" if you are
- on winXX; your bootable iso image will be created in "\tmp\movix.iso"
- and "c:\temp\movix.iso" respectively.
- Remember to edit the _-V "Film"_ string inside the script if you want to
- give a better title to your CD!
- Please let me know if you find any mistake in this algorithm :-)
- *** Don't wanna use mkisofs!
- Window$ users hating mkisofs can still produce bootable eMoviX
- CDs with the following method introduced to me by the very
- inventive Hakan Atac:
- 0. download the eMoviX bootable floppy image;
- 1. start Nero :-)
- 2. close the wizard (it has no bootable option);
- 3. select CD-ROM (boot) from left selection area,
- it takes you to the boot section;
- 4. select as disk image the floppy image you downloaded
- in step 0;
- 5. in expert settings, set "Kind of Emulation" to "No emulation";
- 6. put the "isolinux" directory in the CD root.
- IMPORTANT: if you want to use subtitles you must create in the CD root
- also a "mplayer/font" dir (font is a subdir of mplayer) and put your
- favorite fontset inside it. For example, for turkish fonts you must
- put inside the "mplayer/font" folder all files you find in the
- "mplayer-fonts/turkish/" folder of the eMoviX package;
- 7. put all your audio/video files in the CD root [don't put them in any
- subdirectory!];
- 8. if you want eMoviX to play your files in any particular order, put one
- or more playlists in the "movix" folder. By default eMoviX will play
- the one named "movix" (if any).
- 9. burn the CD!
- Thanks a lot to Hakan Atac for providing this nice way to build bootable
- CDs with Nero!
- MultiSession
- ------------
- To learn how to add sessions to an eMoviX CD you can read the docs on
- http://advancemame.sourceforge.net/doc-advcd.html
- in sections 5-7.
- WARNING: making an eMoviX multisession CD with Nero is tricky because
- Nero is not aware of the Rock-Ridge CD format, so please *read* the
- sections above.
- NOTE: a user suggested using Winimage to add files to a bootable ISO file
- under WinXX. I had no time to test this, so if you try it please let
- me know if it works!
- Usage
- -----
- Once you have your iso image you can burn it over a CD with something
- like
- cdrecord dev=0,0 -v -eject /tmp/movix.iso
- or just use Nero or any package able to burn iso images on CDs.
- Leave the newly created CD in the CD-ROM drive and reboot your PC: if
- everything went fine your PC will boot from the CD and after a few seconds
- the mplayer copy contained in eMoviX will start playing all of your files.
- Boot Labels
- -----------
- There are a lot of video cards out there and a lot of mplayer video drivers
- and not necessarily all of their combinations work well together.
- The movix.pl script tries to determine automatically the best options for you,
- so that you don't need in general to enter anything at the boot prompt.
- But in case you are not satisfied with the playback video quality there
- are a few extra boot labels you can try to force eMoviX to use a particular
- driver:
- Label Comment
- MoviX - The default label causes the movix script to choose
- (default) automagically the best mplayer driver for your card.
- sdl - Very good subtitles rendering but not the best video quality.
- vesa - The "vesa" driver should work for most cards.
- vesaFB - Use the generic vesa FrameBuffer driver (800x600).
- vesaFB640, vesaFB800, vesaFB1024, vesaFB1280, vesaFB1400
- - vesaFB labels for the following resolutions:
- 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1400x1050
- FB - Use the specific FB driver for yr card (if any).
- aa - Watch your videos in ASCII format! :-)
- aa1024 - Watch your videos in ASCII format at a 1024x768 resolution.
- aa1280 - Watch your videos in ASCII format at a 1280x1024 resolution.
- (these last two requires a CPU >= 1GHz)
- TV - Initialize the applications [if any] needed to activate
- the TV-out of your card.
- NVidiaTV - Try this label if the TV-out of your NVidia card does
- not work.
- There are also two extra labels that can be useful too when you
- forget an eMoviX CD in your drive:
- hd - forget the CD and boot from the HD
- floppy - forget the CD and boot from the Floppy
- Thanks a lot to Christophe Paris for this nice suggestion,
- I use it many times a day!
- Boot Arguments
- --------------
- You can also provide at boot time a few options that will be automagically
- passed to the movix.pl script to modify its behaviour:
- Boot Args Values Effect
- SLOW y,n By default movix slows down your CD-ROM drives
- to decrease their noise, but sometimes this messes
- them up. If your CD drive seems to behave in some
- strange way try using this option.
- ACCEL sw,no Force software or no rescaling. If your playback
- appears to be very slow you can try "ACCEL=no"
- to make it smoother [but your movie won't be rescaled
- to fullscreen!].
- VO_DRIVER <driver> Force vo driver (read mplayer DOCS first!).
- MP_OPTIONS <opts> Add mplayer options (same as above!).
- LIST <list> Use "list" as default playlist.
- DMA y,n Use "DMA=n" if your system hangs at boot time
- trying to access your CD drive.
- SHUT y,n Power off PC after playing all CD files.
- This is especially useful if you are likely to
- fall asleep before the end of the playback :-)
- REBOOT y,n Reboot PC after playing all CD files.
- LOOP <N> Loops playback n times. Setting "LOOP=0"
- let mplayer playing your files for ever.
- RANDOM y,n Play all the CD files in random order.
- REGION <region> Either one of NTSC, NTSC-J, PAL, PAL-B,
- PAL-M, PAL-NC, PAL-60, PAL-M60 or SECAM.
- For your TV-Out to work properly,
- your video card needs to know what mode uses
- your TV (ATI cards don't need this).
- AUDIO <N> Audio card selection (if you have more than one)
- 0 for the "first" card, 1 for the "second" etc.
- The order in which the audio cards are detected
- by eMoviX is somewhat arbitrary, so you might
- need to try 0 and 1.
- SCSI <module> Force eMoviX to load the SCSI module.o module
- (e.g. "SCSI=tmscsim")
- REMOTE <model> Either one of: hauppauge, haupserial, logitech
- pctv, hauppauge2, abit
- DXR3 n Don't use your DXR3/H+ card (if any)
- Example: if you like the standard boot label but you want to play your
- "sleepy.asx" playlist and you want your PC to shut down after the playlist's
- end (probably because you shut down way before that) and you don't want to
- slow down your CD-ROM because you like that buzzing background, then you
- should use the folowing boot string:
- boot: MoviX LIST=sleepy.asx SLOW=n SHUT=y
- You can create your own customized boot label for every PC you know in the file
- isolinux.cfg . This way you do not have to type the name of your remote control
- or any other special setting over and over again.
- How to play QuickTime/ASF/WMV/RP files
- --------------------------------------
- To play these kinds of files files MPlayer needs a few special DLL.
- They are not included in the eMoviX package to keep it slim, so you have to
- download them by yourself at the following addresses:
- - Win32 codecs (asf,wmv)
- http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/win32codecs.tar.bz2
- - QuickTime6 DLLs
- http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/qt6dlls.tar.bz2
- - RealPlayer9 codecs
- http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/rp9codecs.tar.bz2
- - RealPlayer Win32 codecs
- http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/rp9win32codecs.tar.bz2
- - XAnim DLLs
- http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/xanimdlls.tar.bz2
- To make eMoviX able to play these kind of files follow the following instructions:
- 1. download the DLL files you need
- 2. create a directory "codecs" inside the $prefix/share/emovix/ directory
- (by default $prefix is /usr/local/)
- 3. put the bz2 archives inside the newly created "codecs" dir; do *not* unpack the
- tarball, eMoviX itself will take care of it
- 4. every time you put, say, QuickTime files in an eMoviX CD, add the "--hasQT" option to
- the mkmovixiso line you normally use.
- Find out about all "--hasXX" options with "mkmovixiso -h"
- WARNING ABOUT QUICKTIME FILES: for a MPlayer bug, mplayer will crash when trying to play
- its second QuickTime file, so till this bug will be fixed it does not make much sense
- adding more than one QuickTime file to an eMoviX CD.
- Mplayer Menu
- ------------
- You can easily use the MPlayer "menu" feature to "navigate" through
- your videos selection and/or to play any kind of media!
- Just wait for mplayer to start and press the key "m" to activate the menu.
- The list of the other active keys for the mplayer is available in the
- "Menu Manual" entry od the menu or on the mplayer site.
- The list of the most important keys is also available on every eMoviX CD
- when the splash-page logo appears.
- How to play other media after the playback is over without rebooting
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- After the playback is over you will have access to the MPlayer menu,
- so you can play whatever you want from it :-)
- If you want to play *all* files contained in a CD, then you may find
- useful using the "Play -> CD" menu ;-)
- If you are a CLI lover, then you may go back to the shell selecting
- "Exit -> Shell Prompt".
- The following commands are available for playback:
- movix (to play a CD with audio/video files inside)
- dvd N (where N is usually 1 or 2)
- dvd (automatically plays the longest DVD track)
- vcd N (where N is usually 1 or 2)
- acd
- mcd
- Because of the DeCSS legal problems, this eMoviX version cannot read encrypted
- DVDs unless *you* add *by your own* the libdvdcss.so library to the distro.
- The libdvdcss library makes use of the DeCSS algorithm, that has been
- declared *illegal* in some country (e.g. USA and Germany), so before adding it
- I suggest you to make sure it is ok to use it in your country.
- Because of the extremely unclear status of the legal matters about DeCSS I can't
- even provide a link for those who legitimally can make use of it.
- Nevertheless all you should do is going in your favorite search engine, look for
- the package named libdvdcss-1.2.6-1.i386.rpm and copy that package in your
- $prefix/share/emovix/movix directory (or in src/movix if you are building eMoviX CDs
- without using the mkmovixiso script).
- Once the library is in you eMoviX installation, remember to add "-css" to the
- mkmovixiso options for all eMoviX CDs that you want to make able to read
- encrypted DVDs.
- **********************
- To get a much more powerful interface to MPlayer go back at the MoviX
- web site and download the last MoviX or MoviX2 version!
- What to do if audio is too low or absent
- ----------------------------------------
- If the audio is too low or absent even after maximizing it from mplayer
- then you can try the following:
- stop the movie, change console with ALT-F2, change the volume
- with alsamixer, go back to the original console with ALT-F1 and
- start back the playback with the "movix" command.
- Note: you *cannot* do this while the movie is playing!
- Playlists
- ---------
- Since version 0.6 eMoviX supports playlists!
- The supported formats are: .asx .m3u .pls .txt .list
- E.g. if you have a file "My Video.avi" and "My Audio.mp3" you
- may write the following lists:
- 1. movix.asx
- that will look like:
- <asx version = "3.0">
- <title>My List</title>
- <entry>
- <ref href = "/cdrom/My Video.avi"/>
- </entry>
- <entry>
- <ref href = "/cdrom/My Audio.mp3"/>
- </entry>
- </asx>
- 2. movix.list or movix.txt
- that will look like:
- /cdrom/My Video.avi
- /cdrom/My Audio.mp3
- Don't know much about pls or m3u formats but I know that they work,
- at least in some case :-)
- eMoviX by default looks in the CD root for "movix.asx" or "movix.list"
- or similar.
- If none of them is available, then files should be played in alphabetic
- order.
- If you like to have more than a playlist you can use other names and activate
- the other ones booting the CD with the LIST parameter.
- E.g if you have two playlists named "movix.list" and "alt.list" and want to
- use the second, then boot the CD in the following way:
- boot: MoviX LIST=alt.list
- NOTE: keep in mind that the new mplayer "menu" feature allows you to open
- a new playlist (or even to move from file) without having to reboot!
- Internationalization
- --------------------
- NOTE: That can be selected using K3b, MoviXMaker or MoviXISOCreator.
- eMoviX contains translations in several languages for the boot-messages.
- To get a complete list use "mkmovixiso -h".
- To use boot messages in a language different from english use the
- "-lang <lang>" option of mkmovixiso [get details with "mkmovixiso -h"].
- International keyboard support
- ------------------------------
- NOTE: That can be selected using K3b, MoviXMaker or MoviXISOCreator.
- On many non-English keyboards like German and Hungarian the characters needed
- by eMoviX are hard to type and not where you would expect them. (IBM
- compatible PCs and eMoviX use the US English keyboard layout by default.)
- You can use the --keyboard=<language> switch to change the keyboard layout
- both for the boot command line and for the Linux shell.
- Example: "mkmovixiso --keyboard=de" will create an eMoviX CD that uses the
- German keyboard layout.
- Supported font sets
- -------------------
- NOTE: That can be selected using K3b, MoviXMaker or MoviXISOCreator.
- The eMoviX package contains the following mplayer fonts:
- centralEU-cp1250, centralEU-iso-8859-2, czech, cyrillic, greek, hebrew, polish,
- russian and turkish.
- All these packages support latin characters (iso-8859-1) plus their specific characters.
- eMoviX also contains the following TrueType fonts:
- FreeFonts, VeraFonts
- Don't even ask about adding the standard Microsoft TrueType fonts such as Arial,
- Courier and so on: they are free of charge but they are not under any kind of
- "Open Source" license :-(
- Nevertheless, you can add them very easily to your own eMoviX installation just copying
- the ttf files from your c:\windows\fonts\ directory (if any ;-) to your
- $prefix/share/emovix/mplayer-fonts/ directory or getting the fonts directly from the
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/
- page.
- Of course all this under your own responsibility ;-)
- Thanks a lot to Balazs Barany for pointing out this little copyright problem to me! :-)
- By default the FreeSerifBoldItalic font is added to the iso image.
- To have no fonts included add the -noSub option to the "mkmovixiso" command.
- See "mkmovixiso -h" to see how to choose a different font set.
- In general you'll write something like
- mkmovixiso -a filename -t "My title" -sub=greek -o /tmp/movix.iso
- All mplayer fonts packages were extracted from
- ftp://ftp.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/contrib/fonts/
- except for the polish fonts (sent me by Krzysztof Kajkowski) and hebrew
- fonts (sent me by Pavel Bibergal).
- Here is where the included True Type fonts come from:
- FreeFonts - http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/
- VeraFonts - http://gnome.org/fonts/
- For space reasons I did not include them all. If you want more choice, go get them
- and add all you want!
- Chinese Fonts
- -------------
- Chinese fonts are not included in the package simply because the size of a set of
- Chinese characters is ~50% of the whole eMoviX package :-)
- If you want to add chinese characters support, you can either follow the
- instructions at
- http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=878378&forum_id=207427
- or download the true type chinese fonts at
- http://www.arphic.com.tw/free/free.htm
- Korean Fonts
- ------------
- Same problem as with Chinese fonts.
- If you need them, get the package from
- ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/1.6/i386/All/baekmuk-ttf-2.0.tgz
- Debugging
- ---------
- For debugging purposes, after a nice suggestion by Jose' M. Fandinho,
- I added to eMoviX a script that will put on a floppy the following info:
- 1. output of dmesg
- 2. /proc/pci
- 3. movix script logs
- 4. settings of all cd-rom on the machine
- To run the script just put an empty floppy in the floppy drive, write
- "debug" and press ENTER.
- All debug info will be put in the floppy inside a single file named
- bugreport.txt .
- Kernel & MPlayer configuration
- -----------------------------
- You will find the config files for the current eMoviX mplayer and vmlinuz
- in the "config" dir of this package.
- Acknowledgments
- ---------------
- I want to thank the great guys at www.scriptamanent.it for making the
- logo for the eMoviX project.
- I also want to thanks my friend Andrea Assorgia for all his encouragements
- and good advices about making eMoviX and for actually having suggested
- the name of the project. Special thanks go to my brother Vincenzo that
- bought me a very fast CD burner speeding up a lot the development of this
- package! :-)