"Connect selected service" = "Подсоединиться к выделенному сервису";
"Disconnect" = "Отсоединиться";
"Disconnect selected service" = "Отсоединиться от выделенного сервиса";
"Connect All" = "Подсоединиться ко Всем";
"Connect All Accounts" = "Подсоединиться ко Всем Accounts";
"Connect all accounts" = "Подсоединиться ко всем accounts";
//Added by PB - lensovet since it wasn't here bfor
//In Buddies window - when account is being connected
"Connecting" = "Соединяюсь...";
//continued as before
"Disconnect All" = "Отсоединиться от Всех";
"Disconnect All Accounts" = "Отсоединиться от Всех Accounts";
"Disconnect all accounts" = "Отсоединиться от всех accounts";
/* Accounts Window Toolbar: Add Account Menu */
"%@ Account..." = "%@ Account...";
/* Accounts CM */
"Edit Account..." = "Отредактировать Account";
"Connect" = "Подсоединиться";
"Disconnect" = "Отсоединиться";
/* Presented when removing account */
"Are you sure you want to remove this account? This action cannot be undone." = "Вы уверенны что Вы хотите удалить этот account? Это невозможно отменить.";
"Are you sure you want to remove these accounts? This action cannot be undone." = "Вы уверенны что Вы хотите удалить эти accounts? Это невозможно отменить.";
/* IM Window Toolbar */
"Send" = "Отправить";
"Send Message" = "Отправить Сообщение";
"Buddy" = "Собеседник";
"Buddy Controls" = "Управление Собеседника";
"Priority" = "Приоритет";
"Buddy Priority" = "Приоритет Собеседника";
"Set the buddy priority for this buddy conversation" = "Установить приоритет собеседника для этого разговора";
"Smileys" = "Улыбки";
"Insert a smiley in your message" = "Вставить улыбку в Ваше сообщение";
"<Message not sent, user not online>" = "<Сообщение не отправлено, пользователь не в сети>";
/* Fire System Messages: Version checking results */
"Your software is up-to-date." = "Ваша программа последней версии";
"You are running Fire %@. No newer version was found." = "Вы
используйте Fire %@. Более новая версия не найдена.";
"A newer version is available." = "Есть более новая версия.";
"An error occurred while checking for the update." = "Произошла ошибка
в процессе проверки наличия новой версии.";
"Fire %@ (%@) was released %@." = "Fire %@ (%@) был выпущен %@.";
"We could not find the version plist." = "Мы не можем найти 'version
"Built %@ %@" = "Построен %@ %@";
/* Fire System Messages: Purpose or location TBD */
"Extended Away" = "Продолжительное Отсутствие";
"All Buddies" = "Все Приятели";
"Unknown" = "Неизвестный";
"Error" = "Ошибка";
"%@ has sent you a message." = "%@ отправил Вам сообщение";
"Your message to %@ has been sent." = "Ваше сообщение %@ отправлено.";
"Fire has encountered a fatal exception. Fire will exit now." = "Fire обнаружил фатальную ошибку. Fire завершится сейчас.";
"You aren't currently connected for the service %@." = "В данный момент Вы не соединены для сервиса %@.";
"Information" = "Информация";
"%@ is not available." = "%@ недоступен.";
"Login failed. Please try again." = "Логин не удался. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз.";
"Login failed. You are attempting to log in too quickly." = "Логин не удался. Вы пытаетесь сделать логин очень быстро.";
"Login failed. You must supply a password." = "Логин не удался. Вы должны предоставить пароль.";
"Login failed. You must supply a screenname." = "Логин не удался. Вы должны предоставить screenname.";
"Login Good. Waiting for validation to finish." = "Логин Хорош. Ждём окончания идентификации.";
"Auto Response from" = "Авто-Ответ от";
"is not available. However, the user can accept offline messages, do you wish to send this as an offline message?" = "не доступен. Тем не менее, вы можете послать сообщение, которое будет получено пользователем при соединении. Хотите послать сообщение?";
"has been blocked. You can unblock this user in the preferences panel." = "теперь заблокирован. Вы можете разблокировать этого пользователя в Параметрах.";
"A blocked buddy (%@/%@) sent you a message." = "Заблокированный
собеседник (%@/%@) отправил Вам сообщение.";
"has sent you a message. This user is not in your buddy list. Do you wish to accept this message?" = "отправил Вам сообщение. Этот пользователь не находится в Вашем списке приятелей. Вы хотите принять это сообщение?";
"The selected buddies service (%@) does not support sending files in Fire.app." = "The selected buddies service (%@) does not support sending files in Fire.app.";
"did not receive previous message because of error." = "не получил предыдущее сообщение из-за ошибки";
"No users were found." = "Ни один пользователь не найден.";
"%s has kicked you" = "%s выбросил Вас из чата";
"AppSupportMoveError" = "AppSupportMoveError.";
"MSN® Message" = "MSN® Сообщение";
"Setup Buddies" = "Установить Приятелей";
"Preferences Error" = "Ошибка в Параметрах";
"Connected" = "Соединён";
"Disconnected" = "Отсоединён";
"Authorize add to list request" = "Авторизовать проcьбу добавить в лист";
"Paste as Rich Text" = "Вставить как Форматированный Текст";
"Paste as Plain Text" = "Вставить как Простой Текст";
"%@ (%d/%d online)" = "%@ (%d/%d в сети)";
"Could not load %@" = "Невозможно загрузить %@";
/* Fire System Messages: File transfer */
"%d bytes" = "%d байт";
"Receiving file transfer from %@" = "Идет прием файлов от %@";
"Sending file transfer to %@" = "Идет пересылка файлов пользователю %@";
"%@ wants to send you a folder with %d files at a size of %d bytes" = "%@ хочет отправить Вам папку с %d файлами размером %d байт";
"%@ wants to send you %d file(s): at a size of %d bytes" = "%@ хочет отправить Вам файл(ы) %d размером %d байт";
"%@ wants to send you a file, folder, or a list of files" = "%@ хочет отправить Вам файл, папку, или список файлов";
"Unknown file list" = "Неизвестный список файлов";
"%s/Fire Received Files/" = "%s/Fire Received Files/";
"Connecting to User to Start Transfer" = "Connecting to User to Start Transfer";
"Waiting for User to Start Transfer" = "Waiting for User to Start Transfer";
"Sending IP Address" = "Отправляем IP Адрес";
/* Presented when user value not a numeric digit */
"Input is not an integer" = "Введённоё не цифра";
/* Presented when trying to delete all groups */
"You can't delete them all." = "Вы не можете их всех удалить.";
"\n\nSince they are not already in your buddy list, you may also select \"Allow and Add\" to add them to your list as well." = "\n\ nSince they are not already in your buddy list, you may also select \"Allow and Add\" to add them to your list as well.";
/* AIM error */
"A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to AIM with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour AIM connection will be terminated now." = "A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to AIM with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour AIM connection will be terminated now.";
/* ICQ error */
"A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to ICQ with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour ICQ connection will be terminated now." = "A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to ICQ with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour ICQ connection will be terminated now.";
/* irc error */
"A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to irc with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour irc connection will be terminated now." = "A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to irc with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour irc connection will be terminated now.";
/* Jabber error */
"A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to Jabber with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour Jabber connection will be terminated now." = "A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to Jabber with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour Jabber connection will be terminated now.";
/* MSN error */
"A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to MSN with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour MSN connection will be terminated now." = "A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to MSN with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour MSN connection will be terminated now.";
/* Yahoo error */
"A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to YAHOO with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour Yahoo! connection will be terminated now." = "A fatal exception has occurred.\n\nThis may have happened because someone logged on to YAHOO with the same user name that you are currently using.\nYour Yahoo! connection will be terminated now.";
/* ICQ error */
"A low level error (connection problem) occurred when connecting to account: %@" = "A low level error (connection problem) occurred when connecting to account: %@";
/* ICQ alert */
"A user has added you to their contact list.\n\tUser Name:%d\n\tNick Name:%s\n\tFirst Name:%s\n\tLast Name:%s\n\tLast Name:%s" = "A user has added you to their contact list.\n\tUser Name:%d\n\tNick Name:%s\n\tFirst Name:%s\n\tLast Name:%s\n\tLast Name:%s";
/* ICQ authorization request */
"A user has requested your authorization to add you to their contact list\n\tUser:%d\n\tReason:%s\n\t" = "A user has requested your authorization to add you to their contact list\n\tUser:%d\n\tReason:%s\n\t";
/* AIM error */
"AIM - connection error code 0x%04x: %s. Нажмите на Больше Инфо чтобы получить больше информации.\n" = "AIM - connection error code 0x%04x: %s. Нажмите на Больше Инфо чтобы получить больше информации.\n";
/* AIM error */
"AIM - You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer. Please click More Info to get more information." = "AIM - You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer. Please click More Info to get more information.";
/* AIM error */
"AIM has disconnected you. It appears that someone else has logged on with the same screen name. Please press more info to open a web page describing this error." = "AIM has disconnected you. It appears that someone else has logged on with the same screen name. Please press more info to open a web page describing this error.";
/* Yahoo error */
"Are you sure you entered the correct username and password, because Fire cannot initialize a Yahoo! connection?" = "Вы уверенны что Вы ввели правилное имя пользователя и пароль, потому что Fire не может установить соеденение с Yahoo!?";
/* Authorize add to list request */
"Authorize add to list request" = "Авторизовать проcьбу добавить в список";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Bad connection" = "Плохое соеденение";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Bad User Name or Password" = "Неправильное Имя Пользователя или Пароль";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Can't find the specfied server" = "Не могу найти указаный серевер";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Can't resolve the specified server" = "Не могу определить указаный серевер";
/* status */
"Chat" = "Чат";
/* status */
"Free For Chat" = "Свободен для Чата";
/* chat window menu */
"High Priority" = "Высокий Приоритет";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ICQ Warning" = "ICQ Warning";
/* AIM info */
"Idle For %@\n" = "Не активный %@\n";
/* AIM error */
"Incorrect nickname or password. Please attempt to connect again. Please click More Info to get more information." = "Не правильный nickname или пароль. Пожалуйста, попробуйте соеденится ещё раз. Нажмите на Больше Инфо чтобы получить больше информации";
/* ICQ error */
"Incorrect password given for account: %@" = "Не верный пароль дан для account: %@";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Invalid user id" = "Неверное ID пользователя";
/* chat window menu */
"Low Priority" = "Низкий Приоритет";
/* chat window menu */
"Medium Priority" = "Средний Приоритет";
/* AIM info */
"Member Since: %@\n" = "Пользователь с: %@\n";
/* AIM info */
"Online Since: %@\n" = "В сети с: %@\n";
/* AIM info */
"Profile: \n" = "Профиль: \n";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Restart Required" = "Необходим Перезапуск";
/* AIM info */
"ScreenName: %s\n" = "ScreenName: %s\n";
/* ICQ error */
"Someone else is using this account %@. You were disconnected." = "Someone else is using this account %@. You were disconnected.";
/* AIM info */
"Status: " = "Статус: ";
/* AIM error */
"The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at http://www.epicware.com/fire.html. Please click More Info to get more information." = "The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at http://www.epicware.com/fire.html. Please click More Info to get more information";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"The server disconnected you" = "Сервер Вас отсоединил";
/* Yahoo alert */
"The Yahoo! user %@ has added you to their contact list with the message:\n\n\"%@\"\n\nDo you wish to allow them to add you as a buddy?" = "The Yahoo! user %@ has added you to their contact list with the message:\n\n\"%@\"\n\nDo you wish to allow them to add you as a buddy?";
/* Yahoo alert */
"The Yahoo! user %@ has added you to their contact list.\n\nDo you wish to allow them to add you as a buddy?" = "The Yahoo! user %@ has added you to their contact list.\n\nDo you wish to allow them to add you as a buddy?";
/* Yahoo alert */
"The Yahoo! user %@ has rejected your request to add them as a buddy with the message:\n\"%@\"\n\nThey have been removed from your buddy list." = "The Yahoo! user %@ has rejected your request to add them as a buddy with the message:\n\"%@\"\n\nThey have been removed from your buddy list.";
/* Yahoo alert */
"The Yahoo! user %@ has rejected your request to add them as a buddy.\n\nThey have been removed from your buddy list." = "The Yahoo! user %@ has rejected your request to add them as a buddy.\n\nThey have been removed from your buddy list.";
/* ICQ error */
"Too many repeated login attempts. Wait a few minutes and try again. Make sure the auto-connect feature is disabled if you get this message repeatedly. Account: %@" = "Too many repeated login attempts. Wait a few minutes and try again. Make sure the auto-connect feature is disabled if you get this message repeatedly. Account: %@";
"Unknown error. This is generally caused by a slow or unreachable toc network at AOL. Please try again in 5 minutes." = "Неизвестная ошибка. This is generally caused by a slow or unreachable toc network at AOL. Пожалуйста, попробуйте соединится ещё раз через 5 минут.";
"You have attempted to send more than 100 buddies to the AOL server. I will go ahead and send however many you want, but be warned that some online buddies might not show up in your application due to this. Remove some buddies from your AOL buddy list ..." = "You have attempted to send more than 100 buddies to the AOL server. I will go ahead and send however many you want, but be warned that some online buddies might not show up in your application due to this. Remove some buddies from your AOL buddy list ...";
/* AIM alert Yahoo alert */
"You have been asked to join chat room %@ by %@.\nThe message is %@. \n\nDo you wish to join?" = "You have been asked to join chat room %@ by %@.\nThe message is %@. \n\nDo you wish to join?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"You have been blocked. Maybe you've been signing on too often/too fast." = "You have been blocked. Maybe you've been signing on too often/too fast.";
/* irc error */
"You have been disconnected from irc." = "Вас отсоединили от irc.";
/* Jabber error */
"You have been disconnected from Jabber." = "Вас отсоединили от Jabber.";
/* MSN error */
"You have been disconnected from MSN." = "Вас отсоединили от MSN.";
/* Yahoo error */
"You have been logged off of your Yahoo! account because you have logged in on a different machine." = "You have been logged off of your Yahoo! account because you have logged in on a different machine.";
/* Yahoo alert */
"You have been sent a file from %@.\n The message related to it is:\n%@\n\nDo you wish to open a browser and get the file?" = "You have been sent a file from %@.\n The message related to it is:\n%@\n\nDo you wish to open a browser and get the file?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"You must restart Fire for some of your new preferences to take effect." = "Вы должны перезапустить Fire для того чтобы Ваши изменения вступили в силу.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"You're disconnected" = "Вы отключены";
/* Yahoo error */
"Your Yahoo! Account has been locked. Please reactivate it in the newly opened browser window and then login again." = "Your Yahoo! Account has been locked. Please reactivate it in the newly opened browser window and then login again.";