home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.5 Beta 3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] FIXED Downloads bug that was causing connections to be closed twice
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.5 Beta 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] FIXED Bug in firewall detection logic that would not detect firewall status if
- previously not firewalled.
- [MS] Uploads clear firewall status and reset redetect timeout counter.
- [MS] Remote-IP detection uses a quorum for defense.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.5 Beta 1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] UP bandwidth is measured as opposed to using config values.
- Minimums are still 160Kbps Receive and 120Kbps Send.
- [MS] Ultrapeer promotion is valid for 2 weeks.
- [MS] Ultrapeer can get demoted to leaf it gets firewalled or if bandwidth limits are
- imposed that do not meet the above.
- [MS] FIXED Cooldown. Once demoted an ultrapeer is not considered again for at leat 8 hours.
- And then only when it looses all ultrapeer connections. It will be considered again on
- the next launch.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 13
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [DN] Fixed search delay logic when trying to connect to Gnutella.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 12
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] FIXED Host cache will not give guidance.
- [MS] Cleaned up some of the handshake code.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 11
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [TJ] Added WebAccess button
- [TJ] FIXED bug with unexpandable sources in download list
- [TJ] Invoking preview on music files does not switch to Theater page.
- [TJ] Removed Bitzi button from Uploads view.
- [TJ] Help menu icons consistent with view bar icons.
- [DN] FIXED bug that caused potentially incorrect shrinking of routing tables.
- [MS] Adjusted modem download limits to 2 downloads, 4 max streams per download,
- 4 max streams overall.
- [MS] FIXED bug in modelogic where the parameters for bandwidth limits where wrong.
- [MS] Removed Maxpeer and minleaf sentries from modelogic, therefore an UP will
- remain an UP as long as bandwidth is sustained.
- [MS] Changed bandwidth requirements logic from "Send AND Recv" to "Send OR Recv".
- [MS] Modelogic now uses GNetwork average uptime and uoptime values.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 10
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] Implemented Ultrapeer guidance. If a host has been an ultrapeer in the last
- 2 weeks it will advertise as an ultrapeer. It will be guided to ultrapeer or
- leaf status by the UP it is handshaking with based on how full of leaves the
- UP is.
- [MS] Firewalled status is remembered across launches. This helps with UP guidance.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] Limited modem connections to a max of 3 ultrapeers, 2 uploads and 2 downloads
- with 2 sources each.
- [MS] Outbound connections are checked against hostiles and dropped if they are.
- [MS] Addresses bound for caches are checked against hostiles before being added to cache.
- [MS] Implemented a defense for remote-ip attack.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 8
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [RS] Added BearShare\downloads folder to default shared folders,
- along with existing default ( which is now C:\My Downloads )
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [DN] Added IP address now printed to Network LED again.
- [AM] FIXED crash on exit when trimming green Uploads
- [AM] Reduced default Uploads max connections per host from 5 to 1
- [AM] Reset Downloads response timeout whenever we get a byte during the Response phase
- (this should reduce the number of "silent" Problem downloads)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 6
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] FIXED Saving of last ultrapeer attempt result across launches.
- [AM] Increased Upload connect timeout from 15s to 30s, to match the retry timeout
- for Downloads to match an incoming GIV with a waiting source
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] Eliminated a code path that could lead to duplicate connections (IN/OUT).
- [AM] FIXED false negatives in Downloads when accepting incoming GIVs
- [AM] Littered Downloads Accept logic with verbose Info messages
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] FIXED Subsequent service providers are tried when prior one fails.
- [MS] FIXED Assert when switching from Ultrapeer to Auto mode.
- [MS] Auto connect now pings when service connections fail.
- [MS] Clients drop client initiated connections to host caches. (Service)
- [MS] Re-enabled service state on hosts LED. Blinks light blue during service connections.
- [AM] Upload Response column shows total size of Request, even when not 2xx
- [RS] FIXED Upload sorting in Size column
- [AM] FIXED Reserved Uploads are an exception to the Host Limit check
- [AM] FIXED All Upload removals flow through the same logic for reaping slots
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] FIXED Queued uploads start with insane upload time
- [AM] Better Download authentication error reporting
- [AM] FIXED Apply Host Limit check before granting Queued status
- [AM] FIXED Abort Reserved Uploads
- [AM] More Downloads Info messages
- [RS] Added Response Column to Uploads and modified behavior of size column to reflect
- total size of file.
- [MS] Modified ultra peer promotion logic. Hosts whose configured bandwidth specs are adequate for
- ultrapeer status get promoted to UP without actually measuring the bandwidth. Once promoted
- the bandwidth measuring takes place.
- [MS] Changed how symmetric connections are treated by the bandwidth logic code.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] FIXED Retained Uploads trim extra from list instead of removing all
- [AM] Added internal auditing code for Upload slot counts
- [MS] FIXED Hash percentage indicator.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.3 Beta 1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [LT] Adware-free version
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] Adjusted send message queue timeout for leaves to 30 seconds from 15 seconds
- [MS] Hits for a file aren't sent until it is hashed.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 22
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] FIXED Downloads with HTTP errors show the HTTP status code and reason
- [AM] FIXED HTTP status code 409 from gtk-gnutella maps to "Not Shared"
- [AM] Improved console output when check of free disk space fails
- [DN] Improved Family Filter
- [TJ] Added delete functionality in Downloads list.
- [TJ] FIXED Shift+Del key now works in Files and Downloads lists. It deletes
- the file (only fully downloaded one in Downloads) instead of putting
- it into Recycle Bin. For partly downloaded files download is cancelled
- and temporary file, if any, is deleted.
- [MS] FIXED No more hammering of service connections.
- [MS] Blocking of hostiles is reported to the console.
- [MS] Added support for Crawler header.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 21
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] FIXED fatal Uploads "File Not Found" bug
- [AM] Stopped counting localhost Uploads toward Upload counts
- [RS] FIXED - Uploads and Downloads settings lost if you clicked Advanced tab (bug 985).
- [TJ] FIXED - keyboard use in the list of searches
- [TJ] Crash on NULL files legacy pointer on exit.
- [MS] Incoming connections un-firewall when firewalled and in waiting state.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 20
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [TJ] FIXED - arrow keys in Files list.
- [RS] FIXED - Resizing Stats View Scroll Bug
- [AM] FIXED Upload time remaining (taking swarming clients into account)
- [AM] Clients in Queued status that briefly break their Upload connection
- are now eligible to slip back into the queue
- [DN] Adjusted console output for Uploading when file is not found.
- [MS] Forced ultrapeer mode allows non-BearShare leaves to connect.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 19
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] Uploads LED balloon shows count of Uploads completed and in progress
- [AM] FIXED gratuitous saving of FreePeers.ini when clicking in Downloads pane
- [MS/TJ] FIXED Connection setup dialog. Bandwidth settings reflect Network interface choice.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 18
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] The File counter corresponding to an Upload is incremented when the Upload
- has finished delivering a series of 2xx responses, regardless of the
- cause of the Upload's termination (e.g., success, cancel, drop, etc).
- [AM] An Upload turns green even when Canceled, Aborted, or Dropped whenever
- it successfully delivered at least one 2xx response to the client.
- This syncronizes the number of green uploads with the statistics.
- [AM] Uploads percentage on Stats page shows the rate of successful delivery
- of 2xx responses for all requests that converted to a 2xx response
- [AM] Completed Uploads show average kbps across all 2xx responses
- [TJ] Status Bar visibility saved correctly even when exiting minimized (from tray).
- [AM] FIXED Downloads attempting to connect directly to
- [AM] Search Results show converted push->direct IP addresses as magenta
- [AM] Tuned Download logic to alternate between Push and direct connect
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 15
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] Default Downloads directory changed to "C:\My Downloads" for new installations
- [AM] Report to console when available disk space can't be detected,
- and when the available disk space crosses the configured limit
- [AM] FIXED Uploads show filenames for Busy requests by hash
- [AM] FIXED Downloads in Need More Sources state get kicked when
- one of their hosts changes status
- [MS/DN] Files that are already hashed on launch will be immediately shared, and not
- wait for new files to hash first.
- [AM] Added response history data structure in Uploads
- [AM] Uploads State column shows number of responses serviced by each Upload
- [TJ] Misc GUI adjustments (cropped letters in Statistics, separators in minibars,...)
- [RS] Added TooltipsEx to File View
- [SD] Installer detects Downloads folder from freepeers.ini file and updates the
- desktop shortcut appropriately
- [MS] List of hostile ip's is now user editable. File is located in "db" directory.
- If file is not present, BearShare will populate it from defaults.
- [MS] Delete key now works in search and file list.
- [AM] Downloads avoid putting the last available stream into Queued status
- [AM] FIXED Preview all Uploads, even if they are Busy or error responses
- [MS/DN] Bitzi now goes to the detail page.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 14
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [RS] Fixed Missing Tooltips error.
- [AM] Rennovated Downloads error handling
- [AM] Placed limit for 125 bytes per second on Queued Uploads
- [AM] Uploads shows the reason for a Busy response instead of "Service Unavailable"
- [AM] Uploads shows the time remaining for a file transfer assuming the client
- stays connected and transfers the whole file
- [VF] Changed Pro reminder dialog to come up once per day at most
- [VF] FIXED icon colors in Pro reminder dialog
- [RS] Added Console Display for Product Version
- [RS] Fixed Status Bar Settings
- [RS] Removed ToolTipsEX from CtrlLib
- [MS] Delete in files list deletes file ( does not send to recycle bin ) if shift key is held down.
- [MS] Added "Delete" button in file list toolbar and reordered buttons a bit.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 13
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [RS] FIXED Console Bug where the wrong settings were being set by the Dialog
- [RS] FIXED Theater "Whenever Possible" bug where non Theater files would not
- launch
- [VF] Changed block logic info reports to report blocked come-backs only
- once every 5 minutes, including the total number of connections and
- elapsed time
- [RS] Added ability to Preview Images
- [RS] Added Tooltips for Theater.
- [DN] Implemented massive optimization by prioritizing incoming query hits for
- modem users while a recent search is active and returning results.
- [MS] Added "Redetect Firewalled Status" to host context menu
- [MS] Added "Delete" to File list context menu.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 11
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [RS] Added Extended Tooltips for Uploads View
- [RS] Display "Queued" When one or more sources Remotely Queued and none are transferring
- [MS] Changed max query hits when uploads are full from 5 to 1.
- [RS] FIXED bug when enter key closes dialog box and changes lost.
- [DN] FIXED potentially dangerous code dealing with object destruction.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 10
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [DN] Improved resize behavior for floating bandwidth bar. (Make it Tall!)
- [AM] Upload Reserve timeout is back to 15s (accidentally checked in 60s)
- [AM] Extended Download retries from about 10 minutes to about 6 hours
- (eventually to be reduced again in coordination with Download Mesh)
- [AM] Uploads Queueing check box now actually turns off queueing when unchecked
- (default is checked)
- [AM] Uploads Queueing pollMax and pollMin are now internally calculated
- based on the client's position in the queue
- [AM] Uploads Queue max is lower for Win9x than for newer Wins
- [DN] Removed Upload Queue Min and Max retry from Setup Uploads page - these are now
- dynamically determined.
- [AM] Only initiate QRP activity when server is started (re: CloseBandwidth assert)
- [VF] Added write time change notification to shared directory watch
- [VF] FIXED file scanning thread re-activates change notifications before
- scanning for changes, rather than after. This fixes a problem where
- files added during a hashing cycle are not noticed.
- [VF] Changed all hosts reporting to use new Console methods
- [DN] Setup Wizard will now give users who enter 'Custom' connection a chance to
- enter the appropriate bandwidth values immediately, rather than having to wait
- and go back to setup later.
- [VF] Removed "Show all host errors" from setup and FreePeers.ini
- [VF] Added operating system to host console output when available
- [TJ] FIXED tabbing in Hosts view edit controls.
- [TJ] FIXED potential for memory corruption in Hosts, Uploads and Searches lists.
- [RS] Cleaned Setup->Options Dialog
- [RS] Show / Hide Extended Tooltips.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] FIXED Crash additional crash in SHA1 QRP tables. Beta8 was double null terminiting
- SHA1 query in message buffer, which could overrun buffer. Now it gets copied to
- canonical buffer and then double null terminated in canonical.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 8
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] Attempt direct-connect download to a Push host when we lose the route
- and it has a public IP
- [AM] Added asserts in Hosts to debug close bandwidth assert on exit
- [MS] FIXED Crash in checking SHA1 queries to QRP tables. They were not double null terminated.
- Now they are.
- [MS] SHA1 queries are now displayed in query monitor.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] Implemented server-side Upload queueing
- [AM] Upload reservations expire after 5 drops in a 1MB transfer interval
- [VF] Turned console Info messages off by default for all reporters
- [DN] FIXED console reporting settings now saved across launches
- [DN] FIXED upload queuing settings now saved across launches
- [TJ] FIXED crash when expanding multiple sources in downloads.
- [RS] MouseOver now triggers Extended Tooltips
- [RS] Fixed inconsistencies with Extended Tooltips
- [MS] Query routing tables contain SHA1. SHA1 are checked against
- leaf QRP tables.
- [RS] FIXED missing status string for queued downloads.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 6
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [TJ] FIXED GUI freezing when pressing Back and Refresh toolbar buttons
- in browser views on XP systems.
- [DN] FIXED Socket open errors now reported to Console
- [DN] Added upload queuing setup info to Setup | Uploads screen.
- [RS] Added Extended Tooltips
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] Changed horizon refresh timer to 120 seconds from 60 seconds
- [VF] Horizon timer is reset regardless of error conditions
- [MS] Host page host count edit boxes ( Ultrapeers, Peers, Leaves ) display in red
- when numbers are over or under dynamic config limits.
- [VF/TJ] Account for WSASend() call returning wrong error code on NT kernel systems.
- [TJ] FIXED quadruple characters displayed when typing in Community page.
- [TJ] FIXED accelerators like Ctrl+1 now work also in browser pages.
- [DN] Changed potentially dangerous UserAgent parsing code.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [DN] FIXED locking issue for downloads error reporting no longer freezes client
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [TJ] Browser stopped before exit.
- [AM] Restored feature to Uploads to check for file existence and return
- Not Found, even if we would have returned a Busy
- [AM] Preliminary Download framework for client-side remote queueing
- [TJ] FIXED sorting problems in Console list
- [VF] FIXED Native completion ports on non NT systems where available
- [VF] FIXED Session checkbox in Statistics takes effect immediately
- [VF] FIXED Session rate statistics added to counts correctly in each cycle
- [TJ] FIXED the bug with multiple clicks needed to restore selected search
- filter options.
- [TJ] FIXED menu Ctrl+<> accelerators respected in browser views.
- [RS] Added GUI for Remote Queued status info.
- [MS] Ultrapeers establish half their peer requirements through outbound connections and
- pong for the remainder.
- [VF] Increased listening thread priorities to THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] Increased the line buffer for the Console View to 10,000 lines
- [VF] Disabled completion ports for Windows NT systems
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.2 Beta 1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] FIXED Console acquires lock correctly during output
- [VF] Marked pongs from authenticated connections at hops==0 are not placed
- into the Ultra pong cache, these are mostly 4.0.0 servents which
- send the occasional corrupted message and drop
- [VF] Increased Console heap block size to 64KB from 8KB
- [VF] Increased Console format buffer to 4KB from 2KB
- [VF] FIXED mode logic doesn't drop peers when under the peer limit
- [VF] FIXED switching out of the Hosts view doesn't unnecessarily process a
- new config or cause the FreePeers.ini file to get saved
- [VF] FIXED mode logic doesn't automatically promote to Ultrapeer when switching
- from Ultrapeer to Auto without going through probation
- [VF] Upload slot reservation for failed connections lowered to 15 seconds
- from 60 seconds
- [DN] Fixed Crashing bug caused by sorting on GUID on downloads page.
- [DN] Fixed sort behavior of SHA1 and GUID to show multisource files first.
- [VF] Gnutella 0.4 handshakes are identified in the Host List Version column
- [VF] FIXED endless loop that froze core threads when delivering X-Try
- addresses to legacy servents
- [VF] FIXED hosts without User-Agent specifiers are dropped if settings
- file has an authorize user agent requirement
- [VF] Hosts which send well formed messages with unknown descriptors are
- not dropped
- [VF] More auditing for outgoing messages
- [VF] New console reports info, warnings, errors, and events, including
- location raised, location reported, timestamp, and program section
- [MS] FIXED FreePeers.ini was getting written out due to hosts page focus issues even when
- nothing was changed. We now check for actual changes in the config.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Build 15
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [TJ] Column sort, if any, remembered for all lists.
- [AM] Better Upload and Download error reporting with HTTP response and timestamp
- [DN] Added GUID column to Search and Downloads page.
- [AM] Reorganized Upload logic to defer opening the file until the last minute
- [RS] Hid HELP Button on the Setup Dialog
- [DN] Fixed Sort on SHA1 now sorts on Hashed/unhashed, # of Sources, then hash.
- [TJ] Fixed "What's new" one shot help behavior
- [MS] Added maxQueryHitsFull limiting the number of query hits when upload slots are full.
- Default is 5.
- [DN] Added Ctrl-F4 Hotkey to close current search in search page.
- [DN] Added F5 Hotkey to requery the current search in search page.
- [DN] Added Shift-Delete Hotkey to abort the selected host, download, or upload.
- [MS] Queries on ultrapeers are filtered through the hash table.
- No more substring matches.
- [DN] Fixed DblClick on LED to restore now switches page when restoring from Tray as well
- as from Taskbar.
- [DN] Added most of the requested file extensions into the default shared list. Also added
- to the correct search category as appropriate.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 14
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [SD] Build test
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 13
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] FIXED Download send bug that would close the stream without
- removing it
- [AM] Silenced Download TCP errors (like "the connection was reset")
- and the HTTP error ("server closed before sending any response")
- [AM] Implemented N hosts per file Upload limit
- [DN] Double clicking on a specific LED to restore from the tray now opens the
- associated page, if it is visible.
- [RS] Added GUI for limiting number of hosts per file
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 12
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] Minor bug fix
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 11
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] FIXED No more outgoing connections to port 0.
- [TJ] Added missing theatre Pause button.
- [MS] Advanced Bandwidth limits changed from % to Kbps
- [MS] If Advanced Bandwidth limit set to 0 it is ignored.
- [TJ] FIXED when switching between searches file type is restored
- and removing the search correctly refreshes search filter options.
- Search words are now cleared after the first entry.
- [AM] Upload slots are reserved for clients whose 2xx responses were interrupted
- (so direct connect clients can direct connect again)
- [AM] Uploads reconnect to clients who sent a push and were interrupted during
- a 2xx response
- [AM] Uploads have Clear and Clear All right-click menu selections
- [TJ] Added file type icons in lists
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 10
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] FIXED Ultrapeer requirement sentries reset after promotion
- [VF] FIXED Ultrapeer promotion waits for a 2 hour cooldown after demotion
- [VF] Incoming queries are dropped as bad if there are less than 4 bytes
- in the query data
- [DN] Moved show tooltips and minimize to tray options to setup page, removed
- from window menu.
- [DN] Changed uploads sorting behavior to now separate completed files from active
- transfers
- [VF] Increased maximum leaves to 9,999 from 999
- [MS] Fixed random crash due to saving degenerate pong cache by balancing reserve
- before saving.
- [AM] Implemented common subroutine for Gnutella and HUGE requests
- [AM] Implemented console output for internal Upload errors
- [AM] Uploads do not honor URI requests that specify an authority or scheme
- [DN] FIXED Sorting search results on MP3 bitrate info now works.
- [TJ] Built-in Theatre for Preview Media Files
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] FIXED crashes with Win9x emulation of completion ports
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 8
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] Lowered minimum peer requirement from 6 to 4 for Ultrapeers
- [VF] Ultrapeers de-prioritize outgoing local query hits in flow control when
- upload slots are full
- [VF] Increased firewall detect interval to 120 seconds from 60 seconds
- [DN] Added logic to catch & delay queries made while not actually connected
- to Gnutella.
- [VF] Changed minimum send/receive bandwidth requirements for Ultrapeers
- to 20,000 bytes per second
- [VF] FIXED fatal completion port error in Win9X and NT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] Changed bandwidth max cycle limit from 60 to 30 for reducing capacity
- [VF] FIXED Windows NT and various systems can connect and maintain host
- connections - the application was previously unusable on these systems
- [VF] FIXED sockets correctly decode local address on incoming connections. This
- might fix all self-connect problems
- [AM] Implemented Upload support for HUGE uri-res requests
- [AM] Duplicate upload requests now show a state of Dropped instead of Canceled
- [AM] FIXED Download Keep-Alive bug where connections were being closed
- instead of re-used
- [AM] Prevented repeated successful Uploads from triggering block logic
- [MS] Implemented Forget in Blocklogic
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 6
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [TJ] Menubar and viewbar gradient on XP systems. Fixed black radio
- button in query view.
- [AM] Evolved GHostModeLogic to use modern configuration mechanism
- with completion ports
- [AM] Display the last 100 completed Uploads by default
- [MS] Two hour UP uptime requirement eliminated. Clients become UP when
- bandwidth resource requirements are met.
- [MS] Ultrapeer promotion based on overall bandwidth. Demotion based on
- host bandwidth only.
- [MS] FIXED Leaves jettisoning peers when an unauthenticated UP connection was established
- and authenticated UP required.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] FIXED Pong hunting in Ultrapeer and Peer modes connects correctly
- [VF] Reduced per-host memory requirements by 128 kilobytes, this results in
- a dramatic memory savings for Ultrapeers with lots of leaves
- [DN] Added confirmation dialog box to 'Cancel All' downloads option
- [AM] FIXED Uploads were sending Content-Range responses with "*"
- [AM] FIXED Downloads Content-Range header parsing
- [TJ] GUI cosmetic - browser buttons enabled/disabled state, added
- support for browsing cmds via MS enhanced keyboard, fixed
- small difference in results list and other minibar sizes and
- set focus on results list when search filter is hidden via Ctrl-F.
- [VF] FIXED crash when storing pongs in the ultra pong cache
- [TJ] First shot at autocomplete in search edit.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [MS] FIXED Peer mode to stop ponging
- [MS] FIXED max Leaf default
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AM] FIXED crash on startup resuming corrupted Download .dat files
- [MS] FIXED crash in pong cache
- [VF] Changed auto connect to open more simultaneous connections if Ultrapeer
- or Peer count is set above 10
- [VF] FIXED missing parameter in host console report
- [VF] Authentication failure console messages only displayed when authentication
- is invalid or fails
- [VF] FIXED Ultrapeers do not send horizon pings to leaves
- [VF] FIXED leaves ignore horizon pings
- [MS] Ultrapeers use "pong hunting" to locate BearShare Ultrapeer peers
- [VF] Changed Version color to green for authenticated, black for versions with
- product identifiers, and gray for everything else
- [MS] Added SHA1 column to results, files, upload and download lists.
- [VF] Size column visible by default in Files List
- [VF] Added wmv,wma,lit,rar.cab,sit,bin,hqx,dmg,img,smi to the default list
- of shared extensions
- [TJ] Added more extensions to the list of recognized MIME types
- [VF] Turned web browser off by default
- [MS] Minimum leaves set to 200
- [TJ] Added keyboard accelerators and toolbars for browser views.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.0 Build 5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] X-Try and X-Try-Ultrapeers behavior updated to improve connectivity
- [VF] FIXED various dat files do not get deleted after being read in
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BearShare 4.0.0 Build 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [VF] Added support for Horizon Ping/Pong, Product, and Hops-Flow Vendor Message
- sub-selectors
- [VF] Added more net blocks to the built in list of hostile addresses
- [VF] Hops flow messages are sent from leaves to Ultrapeers to eliminate query
- traffic when sharing is turned off
- [VF] Added handling for Hops-Flow message via Vendor sub-selector
- [VF] Push routing tables store total horizon as well as per-hop horizon,
- distinguishing between sharing, Free Peers, and authenticated hosts.
- [VF] Push routing tables remember a single static route for neighbors,
- identified by query hits with hops=0
- [VF] Static routes drop hosts who pass query hits messages with different
- server IDs, vendor IDs, or authentication parameters
- [VF] FIXED Free Peers horizon measured correctly, so the percentage cannot
- go over 100
- [VF] Added Secure horizon to Statistics
- [VF] Leaves are prevented from routing query hits in certain cases where
- duplicate query GUIDs were received
- [VF] FIXED push routing table migrates insertion time information when
- inserting known hosts, increasing the accuracy of latency statistics.
- [VF] Horizon Ping/Pong messages are supported. Nodes horizon ping their
- neighbors once per minute and on connection establishment to get fast
- accurate statistics about horizon.
- [MS] FIXED TTL and Hops on Query hits proxied through local net Ultrapeers
- [VF] FIXED missing carriage return in Network balloon text when errors
- with listening socket detected
- [VF] Added receive support for Connect Back vendor message
- [VF] Added support for Ultra Pong vendor message
- [VF] Changed connect logic to prefer Ultra Pong addresses
- [VF] Increased Ultrapeer limit for private anchor to 9999
- [VF] Stored private anchor addresses in durable Ultrapeer cache
- [VF] Added Agent description to host Console failures
- [MS] FIXED Defect where send instead of receive bandwidth capacity was being
- used to determine promotion to Ultrapeer
- [MS] Ultrapeers will drop the youngest non-ultrapeer peer in favor of a
- BS-Ultrapeer. However, they will not drop the last 2 non-ultrapeer peers.
- [VF] Changed outgoing flow control message timeout to 15 from 10 seconds
- [AM] FIXED some crashes in Uploads and Downloads during abnormal startup and
- unsuccessful constructors
- [AM] Added console output for Uploads coincident with responses 500 "Internal Server Error"
- [MS] Added Bitzi Ticket lookup for search results, downloads, uploads and file views.
- [AM] FIXED Download stats percentage >100%
- [AM] FIXED Download sockets closing twice after send failure
- [AM] FIXED Checkpoint Downloads immediately after un-cancelling
- [AM] FIXED hang on exit while trying to accept a connection
- [TJ] Enabled Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All/Tab/Alt+Left,Alt+Right Arrow
- for Previous and Next in browser views.
- [TJ] Added more MIME types
- [VF] FIXED disabled static route checking so leaves don't drop
- BearShare 4.0.0 Ultrapeers.
- [VF] FIXED out of bounds array write with high hop pongs in pong cache
- [TJ] File names in lists preceeded by the icon of the corresponding system
- file extension handler, if any.
- [VF] Dropped queries from abusive servents