Initialize Screen Capture by pressing the hotkey combination.
.topic 736
Select font properties for your header.
.topic 717
Specify the number of columns of thumbnails.
.topic 711
Uses system defaults when printing images.
.topic 709
Specify the height of the image.
.topic 106
Causes the body of the Tool Options Bar window to fade from view after a period of inactivity. (only available on Windows 2000)
.topic 2010
Save the captured image to one of the image formats supported by ACDSee.
.topic 733
Click this button to add page numbers to your footer.
.topic 730
Adds a header to the page.
.topic 714
Fits the image to the page.
.topic 708
Specify the width of the image.
.topic 702
Use this spin box to scroll through previews of images (when multiple images have been selected to print). The area to the right of the spin box displays the total number of pages.
.topic 104
Causes the Tool Options Bar to snap back into the title bar after a period of inactivity. No visual effect is performed.
.topic 154
Deletes a path from the filter plug-in directory list. You must select a path from the list before clicking this button.
.topic 2019
Enter a width for the fixed-size rectangle.
.topic 729
Type the caption text.
.topic 728
Specify the position of the caption.
.topic 725
A gamma value of 1.20 is normal. Increase the value to lighten the image, or decrease the value to darken the image.
.topic 719
Select the measurement unit for all related settings.
.topic 101
Saves and restores the size and position of the window.
.topic 2014
Initialize Screen Capture by a timer delay.
.topic 739
Type the footer text.
.topic 2020
Enter a height for the fixed-size rectangle.
.topic 2008
Capture the menu under the cursor.
.topic 254
Clears all the check boxes above.
.topic 2017
Delete the entry currently shown on the combo box.
.topic 2007
Capture an entire window that you select, or any portion of it.
.topic 2005
Capture a fixed rectangular region of the screen that you specify.
.topic 2006
Capture a rectangular region of the screen that you create.
.topic 738
Type the header text.
.topic 150
Displays the configuration dialog for ACD Systems' Image Decode and Encode plug-ins. You can enable and disable plug-ins from the dialog box.
.topic 301
All newly opened and created images are automatically sized to fit into the FotoCanvas window.
.topic 713
Places all images on a page as thumbnails.
.topic 706
Specify the bottom margin size.
.topic 251
Enables the association of the file types listed in the box to the right of the check box.
.topic 2003
Capture the active window in focus.
.topic 2002
Capture the entire Windows desktop (everything displayed on the screen).
.topic 718
Specify the number of rows of thumbnails.
.topic 704
Specify the left margin size.
.topic 350
List the TWAIN compliant devices attached to your computer.
.topic 202
Compresses the image information before it stores it in the undo buffer. This allows for more information to be stored in the undo buffer, but can result in slower program operation.
.topic 715
Specifies the amount of vertical space between thumbnails.
.topic 705
Specify the right margin size.
.topic 153
Adds a path to the list of filter plug-in directories. The listed directories are searched for plug-ins when you start FotoCanvas.
.topic 108
Enable a background skin to be applied to the toolbars, windows, and some dialog boxes in FotoCanvas.
.topic 720
Specifies the printer your images will print on. To change the printer, click the dropdown button and select a differnet installed printer.
.topic 253
Checks all the boxes above.
.topic 252
Enter the MS-DOS extensions for the additional file types you want to associate with FotoCanvas. Separate each extension with spaces.
.topic 2011
Loads the screen capture into the editor for modifying, before saving.
.topic 723
Specifies the resolution, in pixels per inch, at which the images should be printed. This Net DPI value determines how to sub-sample large images prior to sending them to the print driver. A larger value may generate higher quality output, but will use more memory and take longer to print. Conversely, a lower value may generate lower quality output, but will use less memory and print faster.Note: If you are experiencing problems printing large images, try lowering the Net DPI value.
.topic 707
Select this option to maintain the image aspect ratio. When this option is cleared, the image will fill the entire specified space.
.topic 103
Enables/disables the automatic roll-up system for the Tool Options bar.
.topic 250
A list of file types that FotoCanvas can open. Check the boxes corresponding to the file types you want to be opened using FotoCanvas when you double-click on them in Explorer.
.topic 200
Enables the undo/redo system. It is highly recommended that the undo system be enabled; however, if you are running low on system memory you may want to disable it.
.topic 152
The list of directories that FotoCanvas searches for filter plug-ins.
.topic 726
Click this button to select a metadata tag to use for your captions. Metatags are specific to the image and multiple tags can be selected, one at a time.
.topic 722
Specifies whether all pages will print or a specific range of pages.
.topic 712
Uses sizes specified in the Margins and Image Properties fields.
.topic 710
Specifies where on a page the image will print.
.topic 107
Changes the background color of the FotoCanvas window. This does not include the canvas area of teh image.
.topic 105
Causes the Tool Options Bar to roll up into the title bar after a period of inactivity.
.topic 201
The size of the memory undo buffer. The more memory you reserve for the undo buffer, the more operations you will be able to store in your command history. However, if you use too much memory for the undo buffer, the system can run low on memory and significant performance degradation will result.
.topic 102
Does not save the size or position of the window.
.topic 100
Saves and restores the size of the window. The operating system determines the position.
.topic 2015
Set the timer delay value (in seconds).
.topic 2009
Send the captured image to Windows clipboard.
.topic 727
Select font properties for your caption.
.topic 351
Transfers the image files from the source selected in the TWAIN source box to your computer.
.topic 2004
Capture the "active client" (every part of the window in focus except the title bar and window frame).
.topic 734
Specify the position of the header.
.topic 731
Adds a footer to the page.
.topic 724
Select this checkbox to use Gamma Correction. Gamma Correction lightens or darkens the image depending on how you adjust the level.
.topic 716
Specifies the amount of horizontal space between thumbnails.
.topic 701
Displays a preview of the selected page. To scroll through multiple pages, use the spin box directly below the preview.
.topic 151
Opens your Web Browser to the ACD Systems Web site where you can download additional plug-ins for FotoCanvas.
.topic 300
All newly opened and created images are displayed at their actual size. (a zoom ratio of 1:1)
.topic 2013
Choose your hotkey combination for the screen capture.
.topic 2001
Include the cursor in your captured image.
.topic 737
Select font properties for your footer.
.topic 735
Specify the position of the footer.
.topic 732
Click this button to add page numbers to your header.
.topic 721
Click this button to specify printer specific properties.