93 The database change will not take effect\nuntil ACDSee is restarted.
94 Change Database Path
104 Displays a Tip of the Day.
105 Ti&p of the Day...
106 Did you know...
107 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory
108 Trouble reading the tips file
109 &Help
112 Copying file:\n\n%s
113 Moving file:\n\n%s
114 Files left: %d
115 Copy of %s
116 Copy (%d) of %s
117 Slide show
118 Deleting file:\n\n%s
119 Create Folder
120 New Folder
121 New Folder (%d)
122 \n Searching for images...
123 Always on &Top
128 Description
129 Total 1 file (%s)
130 Total %d files (%s)
131 Selected %d files (%s)
135 Drive
136 Always
137 Never
138 For Browser's slide show commands
141 Copying Files...
142 Moving Files...
143 Copy Files
144 Move Files
145 Choose destination folder.
148 Generate File List
150 &Stop
155 Filename
159 Confirm Item Delete
161 Picture %d of %d: %s
163 No images
166 Camera name
168 Renaming %d files
169 Select the folder you wish to sync to
172 Full
173 Auto
180 Select Image Database File
184 Delete
186 Open
187 None
188 Lossless
189 Low
190 Medium
191 High
192 Overall progress: %d%% complete
193 Close
195 Trial Version
197 New Name
199 Old Name
204 Tag
205 Value
206 Ordered
207 Error diffusion
208 Two-pass error diffusion
210 Select camera
212 Archive
213 Connecting to digital camera...
214 Scanning...
215 Writing...
216 Found %d images.\n Searching %s...
217 \n Searching %s...
218 Batch Rename
219 Set time stamp
220 Image-##
221 Copy image
222 Transferring/extracting files...
223 Getting list of pictures...
224 Cap-&t
225 Ready
226 Format
227 Download
228 Downloading picture from camera...
229 Transfer digital camera pictures
230 Taking picture...
231 &Start!
232 Take pictures
234 bytes
235 Print with ACDSee
236 Browse with ACDSee
237 View with ACDSee
238 File extensions
239 Open files
244 ACDSee Shell Integration
245 Rename
246 Set wallpaper
247 Replace
248 Skip
249 Ask
252 Choose background tile image
253 <Search results>
254 Folders
255 Preview
256 Properties
257 Favorites
264 File Folder
265 %s File
266 Setting time stamp of selected files...
267 Setting file descriptions...
268 Select a new start folder from the list below.
269 Browse for Photo Editor Application
270 Executable Files (*.EXE)|*.exe||
271 Opens the selected image with %s
272 Some of the items are marked as read-only.\nDo you want to override this attribute and proceed with the operation?
274 second
275 seconds
276 minute
277 minutes
278 hour
279 hours
280 day
281 days
282 Loading...
283 Loaded in %d.%01d s
284 New Album
285 New Album (%d)
286 Create Album
288 Browser Bar
289 Albums
290 View
291 Files
292 There are no items to show.
293 Searching for items to display...
295 Search
300 ACDInTouch
301 Creating shortcut to:\n\n%s
302 Photo Discs
303 New Photo Disc
305 Confirm Multiple Item Delete
306 You must close all other ACDSee windows before continuing
307 Transfer is complete.\n\nDo you wish to delete the successfully transferred images from the camera?
308 Properties for Selected Items
309 Changing folders will cancel your search. Are you sure you want to change folders?
310 Viewer Captions
311 Slide Show Captions
312 You must make an appropriate selection first.
313 Choose a command from the above list.
314 Images Only
315 Find All Words
316 Find Whole Words Only
317 Appearing in Description
318 Appearing in Notes
319 Appearing in Keywords
320 Include Subfolders
321 Search Archives
322 Search Albums
323 Follow Shortcuts
324 The folder "%s" can not be found.
325 All Fields
326 Unknown
327 Metadata Date(Exif)
328 ACDSee DB Date
329 File Creation Date
501 Source and destination directories\nmust be different
502 Can't write to "%s":\n\n
503 The specified directory does not exist.\n\nDo you want to create it?
507 The path name is invalid.
508 A file with the specified name already exists.
509 You must specify an image to print.
510 Cannot open : %s
511 This application will only run properly under\nWindows 95 or Windows NT version 4.0 or later.
512 The application requires that your video display\nbe configured to support no less than 256 colors.
513 ACDSee has not been properly installed.\nPlease run ACDSee Setup again.
515 Could not copy image.
517 Error
519 The specified image(s) could not be read.
520 No image files selected for slide show.
523 Could not browse to folder:\n%s
525 Could not view file listing.
526 The selected file no longer exists.
527 The separator character is invalid.\nIt must be a non-alphanumeric character excluding the following:\n \ / : * ? \" < > |
544 The generated list of file names contains duplicates.
545 A filename cannot contain any of the following characters:\n \ / : * ? " < > |
546 One of the new file names is already being used by another file.\nDo you want to avoid collisions by automatically renumbering the files?
547 None of the dropped files could not be read.
548 Could not Rename Item
550 Could not change time stamp
551 Error Adding Item to Favorites
552 A shortcut with the specified name already exists.\nPlease enter a different name.
553 You must enter a name.
554 An error occurred while attempting to load the TWAIN manager.\nThis could happen if there are no TWAIN devices installed on your computer.
555 You must specify a folder to sync to, following the /sync command-line switch.
556 The specified folder can not be synchronized to because it does not exist.
563 The command cannot be executed because\nACDSee could not load the plug-in module\n"%s"\nThe plug-in module is either missing or is disabled.
565 Cannot access: %s
574 Unable to start TWAIN session.
579 Warning: the standard plug-in "IDE_ACDStd.apl" could not be loaded.\nSome features of ACDSee will not work correctly without this plug-in.
580 A folder may not be copied or moved\ninto itself or its subfolders.
581 Cannot move folder
582 Cannot copy folder
584 Archive error
585 No camera plug-ins found.\nPlease install a camera plug-in module for your camera.
586 No camera has been selected.\nPlease select a camera and try again.
587 Clipboard error
588 Digital camera connection failure
589 Failure reading digital camera directory
590 The specified destination folder is not valid.
591 File transfer failed
592 The camera does not contain any pictures.
593 Plug-in command failure
596 Error %d: The audio stream cannot be played.
597 You must enter a destination folder.
598 The %s camera plug-in could not be loaded because it is not installed correctly.\nPlease reinstall the plug-in, or select a different camera from the camera configration dialog.
599 Add To Album
600 Add To Chosen Items
602 The photo editor you chose to add is already in the list
603 Editor Name
605 A plug-in caused an unhandled exception during loading.
606 The image database could not be opened\nfrom the currently configured location.\n\nWould you like to reset the image database\nconfiguration to the default location?
607 The image database could not be opened\nfrom the default location.\nThe database will be disabled.\n\nPlease reconfigure the database location\nmanually in the Options panel.
612 The slide show cannot be performed\non a display with only 256 colors.\n\nIncrease the color resolution of \nyour display and try again.
613 The specified file could not be opened because its\nformat was not recognized.
614 The %s root folder could not be located at the custom location:\n%s\n\nThe folder will be loaded from the default location.
615 The %s root folder could not be located at the default location:\n%s.\n\nThe %s function will be disabled.
616 The current disc could not be added because\nit is already cataloged. If you want to update the catalog\nentry for this disc, use the [Update Disc] command.
617 No image disc present.
618 The new disc could not be cataloged.
619 No images were found on the disc.\nThe disc cannot be cataloged.
620 No images were selected.\nThe disc cannot be cataloged unless images are selected.
621 ACDInTouch (or one of its components) failed to initialize. The application has not been installed correctly.\n\nPlease try installing ACDSee again.
622 ACDInTouch Initialization Failure
623 ACDSee has encountered a system error and will close now.
624 Source file is larger.
625 Destination file is larger.
626 Source file is newer.
627 Destination file is newer.
628 The image types are different.
629 The source image has larger dimensions.
630 The destination image has larger dimensions.
631 The destination and source image properties are identical.
632 Pixel by Pixel Comparison : Difference
633 The metadata is different.
634 The metadata on page %d is different.
635 The metadata tag %d on page %d is different.
636 The metadata tag %d is different.
637 The image sources are too large.\nSelect 'Show Thumbnails from the options menu and try again.
638 Comparison Warning
639 The destination and source file properties are the same.
640 The pixels of source and destination image are the same.
700 1
701 16
703 http://www.acdsystems.com/orders/
705 EN
706 1
707 22
708 LicenseAgreement.rtf
709 No Images
710 Show Full Images
711 Show Thumbnails
712 Scroll in Unison
713 Image
714 Images
800 http://www.acdsystems.com
802 http://www.acdsystems.com/products/plug-ins/
809 Error initializing DirectSound
810 Edit Audio -
811 &Pause
812 Save Sound File
814 Can not create wave file.
815 Open Sound File
816 Loading sound file...
817 Could not create sound buffer.
818 Error with DirectSoundCapture buffer.
819 Changes have been made to the audio. Apply changes to image audio?
820 &Play
821 Unable to mix sounds. 32 and 24 bit mixing not supported in this version.
822 Unable to mix sounds.\nThe source sound is 16 bit and the recording is 8 bit.\nSelect a 16 bit recording format.
823 Unable to mix sounds.\nThe source sound is 8 bit and the recording is 16 bit.\nSelect a 8 bit recording format.
824 Unable to mix sounds well.\nThe source sound is recorded at %d Hz %s,\nwhile the recording is set to %d Hz %s.
825 \nSelect a %d Hz %s recording format for best results.\nSelect a new format?
826 Unable to locate a DirectSound DLL (dsound.dll) with version 8.0 of DirectX.
827 Unsupported wave file format.
828 The source audio was 4 bit. Convert audio back to 4 bit?
829 Sound file too large to embed. It will be stored as an associated file.
830 Saving Audio Into Image
831 Save Audio
832 Failed to embed audio in image
833 Check the append option to insert at the end of the file.
834 No truncation will occur. The start and end markers are at the same position.
835 No truncation will occur. The source file is too small to be truncated to the indicated size.
836 No clipping will occur. The start and end markers are at the same position.
837 No clipping will occur. The start and end markers indicate the entire sound file is to be clipped.
838 No clipping will occur. The source file is too small to be clipped to the indicated size.
840 Unable to open sound file.
841 Unable to append sounds.
842 Unable to insert sound.
843 About to delete the audio associated or embedded in the selected image. Are you sure?
845 None of the selected items can be converted.
846 All Media Files (*.*)|*.*
847 Browser
849 Details View
850 Dithering
851 Display
852 File List
855 Managing Files
856 Database
859 Slide Show
860 Panes
862 Viewer
863 Window
864 Thumbnail Display
865 Window Layout
868 Thumbnails
869 Toolbars
870 Customize...
871 Calendar
872 Are you sure you want to overwrite layout %s?
873 At least one item must be selected
874 Last Used
875 Default
876 Light
877 The layout name "%s" is used by ACDSee. Please choose another layout name.
878 Preview
879 Navigation Pane
880 File Pane
881 Page %d
882 The layout name "%s" contains invalid characters. Layout names can not contain: \ / * : " ? < > |
40166 A category with the specified name already exists.
40167 Category names must be between 1 and 40 characters in length.
40168 'Categories' cannot be renamed.
40169 There is an update available for ACD InTouch. Would you like to download and install it now?
40170 There is an upgrade available for ACDSee. Upgrading your software allows you to use the latest functionality the product offers.\n\nWould you like to view details on the upgrade now?
40171 There is an update available for ACDSee. Updating your software to the latest version commonly fixes issues with the product.\n\nWould you like to view details on the upgrade now?
40172 (multiple values)
57344 ACDSee
57345 New Category
57346 Add Category
57347 Delete Category
57348 Rename Category
57349 The file '%s' does not have an Exif date. The timestamp will remain unchanged.
57350 No Exif Date
57351 The file '%s'does not have a database date. The timestamp will remain unchanged.
57352 No Database Date
57353 0
57354 Changing folders will cancel your Category search. Are you sure you want to change folders?
57355 Changing folders will cancel your Calendar search. Are you sure you want to change folders?
57356 Duplicate names found. Could not rename files.