Fills the background of the view window with the solid color specified below.
.topic 264
Displays the status of the camera and picture-taking process.
.topic 263
Closes this dialog box.
.topic 251
Takes only one picture.
.topic 1132
Automatically saves the position and size of the window whenever you move or resize it. Otherwise, the window position and size is only saved when you invoke the [View | Save window pos.] command.
.topic 1182
Specifies the initial index value for the generated series of file names. The number is incremented by one for each name generated.
.topic 553
Automatically updates the File list as the contents of the current folder change.
.topic 342
Attributes of the file that is being copied or moved.
.topic 1128
When a single image is selected and the View command is invoked, causes all images in the current folder to be added to the view list. Otherwise, only the selected image is accessible. This option is useful for conveniently stepping through a directory of images in View mode. Note: When multiple files are selected in the Browser, normal operation ensues -- only the selected files are viewed.
.topic 1002
Confirms the deletion of folders, even if confirmation has been bypassed with the [No confirmation] option or by holding down the <Ctrl> key.
.topic 1487
Show database icon on thumbnails that contain database information. (Keyword, Description, etc.)
.topic 526
Show folders in the File list.
.topic 1371
Play any audio that is embedded in the image file or any associated audio files.
.topic 2012
Initialize Screen Capture by pressing the hotkey combination.
.topic 2136
Select font properties for your header.
.topic 2117
Specify the number of columns of thumbnails.
.topic 2111
Uses system defaults when printing images.
.topic 2109
Specifies the desired height of the images, in inches.
.topic 1187
You can create a template that will be used to create the new file names.
.topic 312
Lets you change the name and/or program associated with the selected image editor. You cannot modify the entry for FotoCanvas.
.topic 1343
Controls whether ACDSee is associated with ACDSee Disc Data files.
.topic 2235
Controls the whitepoint of the image. The scale represents the brightness of pixels in the image. When the slider is moved up on the scale, pixels of that brightness or brighter become pure white. Raising the slider increases the whiteness of the image.
.topic 2296
Flips each image vertically.
.topic 2321
Applies the selected adjustment to all images.
.topic 904
Increases the relative priority of the selected plug-in.
.topic 191
Displays the name of the selected file (image file or WAV file).
.topic 198
Enable this to perform "Clip" and "Truncate" features.
.topic 205
Combines the recording to the existing audio file.
.topic 1632
Ensures that entire width of the image is visible in the View window.
.topic 1635
Displays the image at a specific percentage of its actual size.
.topic 2181
If any of the files selected for conversion contain more than one image (page), this option causes them all to be converted.
.topic 1301
Select the location of your files here.
.topic 1302
This box shows what files are located in the folder selected to the left. After selecting a file (or files) in this box, click "Add" to add it to the list of "chosen items".
.topic 845
Replaces duplicate files when moving or copying files to another folder.
.topic 1494
Displays the thumbnail that is embedded in the image instead of creating a new thumbnail (for JPEG images only).
.topic 1495
Displays thumbnails on folders. The thumbnails that are displayed match the first few images inside the folder.
.topic 2196
Places the modified image in the source folder.
.topic 1313
Displays the ACDSee albums. Select an album to display the images in the folder on the right.
.topic 1725
Displays the toolbar on the Favorites tabbed page.
.topic 1703
Displays the Discs tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1453
To accept a solid background color for the captions.
.topic 851
Select this option to start in the folder you were browsing when you last ran ACDSee.
.topic 1543
Changes the timestamp of the selected items to the date and time specified in the date and time boxes.
.topic 256
Check this box to have each picture downloaded to the computer (and removed from the camera). Otherwise, the pictures are left on the camera.
.topic 1181
Specifies the template to use for renaming the files. The position and width of the number field are determined by the position and number of #Æs in the template. e.g., file###.jpg might generate file001.jpg, file002.jpg, à You can insert the original file name (without extension) in your pattern by specifying the * character. e.g., *_###.jpg might generate dog_001.jpg, cat_002.jpg, à If you do not specify a file extension in the template, then the file extension for each new file name will match that of the original. i.e., no file extensions will be changed. e.g., file### might generate file001.jpg, file002.bmp, à To insert a literal # character in the generated file names, prefix it with a backslash (\). e.g., file\#### might generate file#001.jpg, file#002.bmp, à
.topic 1032
Shows info tips for list items so that when you position the mouse cursor over the item the properties of the file are temporarily displayed. Note: Requires comctl32.dll version 4.71 -- available with Microsoft Internet Explorer v4.0 -- or later.
.topic 554
Selects new files that have been added to the File list by quick-refresh and auto-refresh events.
.topic 535
Specifies how to highlight files that are images. No highlighting: do not use highlighting. Single colour: highlights all images use a common colour. Multiple colours: highlights images using colours corresponding to the image types (this option requires a display mode of at least 15 bpp).
.topic 1072
Enables caching of thumbnails in a central image database file. This allows thumbnails to be recalled from the database rather than generated from the original files every time, resulting in much faster performance. In addition, file header information is also cached in this file to speed up processing of image attributes.
.topic 350
Preview of the image that will be copied or moved.
.topic 740
Modifies the file name of the file to be copied or moved.
.topic 739
Performs a byte by byte comparison before overwriting files in the destination folder. If the files are identical, the file is automatically skipped; the source file is removed if performing a move operation.
.topic 733
Click this to choose another path. YouÆll be able to browse through the folders on your computer.
.topic 1095
In a slide show, pauses for this amount of time before showing the next image.
.topic 1094
Specifies not to stop the slide show when the last image of a sequence is reached.
.topic 521
Automatically adjusts the widths of the columns in detail view to fit the contents of the File list. Tip: you can automatically adjust the column widths at any time with <Ctrl+NumPad+>.
.topic 1008
Automatically skip when the source file is identical to the destination file. Note: This option compares potentially identical files bit-for-bit to assess if they are identical; for large files and slow network connections, the comparison may take nearly as long as copying the file.
.topic 859
Automatically detect the insertion of new discs. When a disc is inserted the New Media Detected dialog box appears and you can choose not to browse with ACDSee or to browse the CD in the current Browser or a new Browser. If you select the "Save setting and don't prompt in the future" option, and the auto-detect option is checked, the last setting is automatically applied with each CD inserted. This is also the action taken if "Show dialog on disc insertion" is cleared in the Options dialog box.
.topic 1391
Select one or more transitions effects from the list provided.
.topic 2010
Save the captured image to one of the image formats supported by ACDSee.
.topic 2133
Click this button to add page numbers to your footer.
.topic 2130
Adds a header to the page.
.topic 2114
Fits the image to the page.
.topic 2108
Specifies the desired width of the images, in inches.
.topic 2102
Specifies which page of output to preview.
.topic 2170
Lists the formats in which ACDSee can save images. Use this list to select the output image format.
.topic 2202
Accepts the automatic adjustments, but prompts you to customize or confirm the setting if the change is large.
.topic 2267
Click this option if you want to preserve the width to height ratio of the image. If it is cleared, the image could be stretched out of proportion.
.topic 2294
Rotates each image clockwise by 90 degrees.
.topic 197
Stops the WAV file playback.
.topic 199
Shows the current and total time length.
.topic 203
Inserts the recording at the start marker location; no audio portion is removed.
.topic 207
Starts and stops the recording.
.topic 210
Cuts off the beginning and end of the audio file.
.topic 1076
Displays the Windows Explorer shorcut menu when you right-click an item in the File list.
.topic 1491
Uses high quality compression when creating thumbnails, however, the image may be distorted.
.topic 1157
Displays all the metadata fields defined for this image.
.topic 1156
Keywords for this item (up to 1023 characters in length). Each keyword is placed on a separate line.
.topic 265
Displays an example file name based on the specified template.
.topic 258
Presents a list of folders on your computer and allows you to select one.
.topic 349
View of the image that will be overwritten.
.topic 735
Cancels the move or copy operation.
.topic 732
This is the path to which the files will be moved or copied. Type in a path or click the drop-down arrow and select a path from the most recently used list. If you enter a path that does not exist, it will be created for you.
.topic 1006
Stores file descriptions in Oem character set, converting to Ansi for display. Otherwise, no conversion is performed.
.topic 883
Choose your desired dithering method for thumbnails when your computer is running with display setting 256 colors or lower.
.topic 1481
To control the display of the image's file name.
.topic 2019
Enter a width for the fixed-size rectangle.
.topic 2129
Type the caption text.
.topic 2128
Specify the position of the caption.
.topic 2125
Specifies the gamma constant used for gamma correction, within the range [0.10 .. 3.00]. A value of 1.0 is the median value, where correction has no effect. A lower value darkens the image and increases the dynamic range of brighter areas. A higher value lightens the image and increases the dynamic range of darker areas.
.topic 2119
Select the measurement unit for all related settings.
.topic 109
Saves all acquired images inside one multipage image. This option is valid only if the output format supports multipage images.
.topic 161
Enter a name for the new shortcut. Shortcut names can not contain any of the following characters: : * ? / \ < > |
.topic 315
Sets the selected image editor as the default (i.e., the editor used when you click "Editor" on the toolbar, or select Tools | Open in Editor, or right-click on a file and select "Edit"). The default editor is shown in bold.
.topic 2261
The relative size that image is scaled. For example, if this is 200%, each selected image would double in both width and height.
.topic 2265
The new height that is applied to each image.
.topic 2297
Displays a preview of the selected change.
.topic 901
Specifies the folder where the ACD Systems plug-ins are located.
.topic 1633
Ensures that entire height of the image is visible in the View window.
.topic 1634
Displays the image at a specific percentage of its actual size.
.topic 1314
Shows your ACDSee favorites. Select a Favorites folder to display the images in the folder on the right.
.topic 850
Displays an ACDSee icon in the Taskbar Notification area.
.topic 878
Displays a confirmation dialog box when deleting a category that contains files.
.topic 854
Click on this button to specify the start folder. You will be able to browse the folders on your system.
.topic 1153
Specifies the date this item was created. When the checkbox to the left is unchecked, no date has been set.
.topic 261
Allows you to adjust the camera's picture-taking settings.
.topic 257
Specifies the folder where download pictures should be saved.
.topic 534
Shows file sizes in kilobytes instead of bytes.
.topic 1131
Causes the window to be centered at the preferred window position when it is automatically sized (the preferred window position is the most recently saved window position). Otherwise, the new window position is chosen such that the position of the upper-left hand corner of the window is unchanged, if possible. This option is only relevant when [Change window size to fit image] option is on. Tip: You can save the current window position at any time by selecting [View | Save window position] from the menu.
.topic 1514
A preview of how the thumbnails will appear in the File list.
.topic 1134
Uses the entire display to view images. Tip: You can toggle full screen mode with <Ctrl+F>, or the middle mouse button, or by holding down the left mouse button and clicking the right mouse button.
.topic 1097
In a slide show, ensures that the next image is fully loaded before showing it.
.topic 1123
Displays the Menu bar in the Viewer.
.topic 1488
Show icon on each thumbnail to indicate its file type.
.topic 2014
Initialize Screen Capture by a timer delay.
.topic 2139
Type the footer text.
.topic 1190
You can insert image specific metadata at the current cursor position in the template.
.topic 132
This box displays the activies in the category selected on the left. Double-click the activity you would like to perform.
.topic 313
Adds a new image editing program to the list. You are prompted to locate the editor.
.topic 2295
Flips each image horizontally.
.topic 194
Selects a location to start playing the audio clip. You can move backward or forward in the clip.
.topic 200
Lists the available recording devices.
.topic 1308
Used for changing the order of chosen items. Moves a selected item right.
.topic 2194
Renames the modified image and places it in the source folder. Places the string 'Re-exposure of' in front of the file name.
.topic 1726
Displays the toolbar on the Discs tabbed page.
.topic 1706
Displays the Search tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1142
When using Fit Image, Fit Width and Fit Height in the viewer, this option enlarges small images to fit the size of the Viewer.
.topic 1186
Select an option from the drop down list to change the case of the alphabetic characters in the file name. Note: if you want to change the case of file names without renaming the files according to a pattern, enter ô*ö in the ôTemplateö box.
.topic 1517
Stretches small images to fit the full size of the thumbnail frame. Otherwise, the images are shown centered within the thumbnail frame.
.topic 1140
Allows you to browse for the image that will be used to tile the background of the view window.
.topic 1154
The author of this item (up to 79 characters in lenght).
.topic 1073
Specifies how to compress thumbnails in the cache. None: Do not compress thumbnails. Lossless: Apply lossless deflate compression. Low: Apply JPEG compression (high quality). Medium: Apply JPEG compression (medium quality). High: Apply JPEG compression (low quality). [None] is the fastest and gives the best quality, but results in a large cache file. [Lossless] is the slowest, but gives the best quality and reduces the cache file size. [Low/medium/high] give the smallest cache file size, but thumbnail quality is not as high.
.topic 355
Enlarges the size of the previews. You can also use the Plus key <+>. Note: You can enlarge a section of the preview image by selecting part of an image; while pressing the <Shift> key, click in an area of the image and drag a selection. Click inside the selection to enlarge that area.
.topic 1184
Renames the files as shown in the list above.
.topic 1338
Adds a [Print with ACDSee] command to ExplorerÆs context menu for each of the image file types associated to ACDSee.
.topic 1071
Click this to browse through folders to find the file you want.
.topic 347
Replaces this and all subsequent files without Media Player asking for confirmation.
.topic 822
Enter any command-line parameters that you want passed on the command-line to the program. For example, the ACDSee Media Player accepts the /play option, which causes it to automatically play the media file and exit when done.
.topic 1065
Appends dropped files to the current image list.
.topic 1062
Views externally opened images with the current instance of ACDSee Viewer, if one is available. The images are added to the current sequence of images.
.topic 889
Uses device independent bitmaps with top-down orientation for displaying images. Top-down bitmaps give the fastest performance with most video cards. Note: A very small minority of video drivers contain bugs that may cause top-down bitmaps to be displayed incorrectly -- if you experience display problems, turn this option off.
.topic 881
Choose your desired dithering method for viewing and editing images when your computer is running with display setting 256 colors or lower.
.topic 1121
Displays the toolbar in the Viewer.
.topic 283
Click this button to show the selected property in the File list column.
.topic 1367
Order the presentation of images in a slide show in random display.
.topic 2020
Enter a height for the fixed-size rectangle.
.topic 2008
Capture the menu under the cursor.
.topic 314
Removes the selected image editor from the list. You cannot remove the entry for FotoCanvas.
.topic 461
Specifies the location of the editor program.
.topic 2174
If checked, the converted files are given the same date stamp as the original files.
.topic 2230
A thumbnail of the original image.
.topic 2233
Moves the sliders such that no exposure change is made to the image.
.topic 2266
To specify the dimension or dimensions to modify.
.topic 195
Marks the stopping location.
.topic 196
Plays and pauses the WAV file.
.topic 204
Replaces the entire audio file with the recording.
.topic 848
Sends deleted files to the recycle bin.
.topic 556
When using the Auto refresh option, new files are placed at the bottom.
.topic 1490
Uses the highest quality compression when creating thumbnails, however, the image may be distorted.
.topic 2197
Automatically rotates images with an appropriate Exif orientation flag. Please see Rotating images in the help file for more information.
.topic 2198
Flips the image along the diagonal, from the the lower-left to the upper-right corner.
.topic 2199
Flips the image along the diagonal, from the the upper-left to the lower-right corner.
.topic 1740
Select one of the six radio buttons to determine how ACDSee arranges the Preview, Navigation, and File panes.
.topic 2298
Forces a lossless JPEG rotation to occur and may result in cropping images to be a multiple of 16 in width or height. See "Image Rotation" in the main help file for more.
.topic 1451
To display a caption at the top of the image.
.topic 1074
Automatically regenerates thumbnails as necessary to suit the current thumbnail size setting.
.topic 1152
To attach a description to the item (up to 3800 characters in length). This field will be stored in the accompanying descript.ion file, in addition to the central database. One description file is generated for each folder.
.topic 358
Deletes the source file.
.topic 1335
Unchecks all the boxes above.
.topic 1513
Specifies the border thickness of the thumbnail images.
.topic 1122
Displays the Status bar in the Viewer.
.topic 282
Click this button to move the selected property item down one row in the listbox.
.topic 1392
Preview the transition effects.
.topic 1366
Order the presentation of images in a slide show from last to first.
.topic 1363
Specify which transition effects to use when displaying the next image in the slide show.
.topic 1342
Controls whether ACDSee is associated with ACDSee albums or image sequences.
.topic 2263
Specifies how images are resized. "Enlarge only" resizes images that are the specified dimension or larger. "Reduce only" resizes images that are the specified dimension or smaller. "Enlarge or Reduce" resizes all images.
.topic 2293
Rotates each image up-side-down (180 degrees).
.topic 1636
Locks the zoom level to the specific percentage specified. If you have not used "Specify" to specify a percentage above, ACDSee will determine the percent zoom corresponding to your choice and lock to that percentage.
.topic 2185
This option causes all the selected images to be combined into a single multi-page image file. This option is not available if the output format you've selected cannot store multiple images per file (or if you only selected one image to convert.)
.topic 1306
This is the list of "chosen items" which will be used when you click OK.
.topic 873
Displays files by the file modified date.
.topic 875
Displays a 12-hour clock format.
.topic 1493
Scales thumbnails to half, two thirds, three quarters, one and a half, or double the size that is cached in the database.
.topic 1728
Displays the toolbar on the Calendar tabbed page.
.topic 1752
Deletes the currently selected layout.
.topic 1452
Choose to have the header text (displayed at the top of the image) aligned to the left, center, or right side of the image.
.topic 1151
Thumbnail of the selected image.
.topic 255
Specifies the delay in seconds before the first picture is taken.
.topic 252
Takes a series of pictures at regular intervals.
.topic 104
Specifies the format in which acquired images should be stored in your computer.
.topic 858
Causes multimedia files to be played in the preview area when they are selected in the File list.
.topic 359
Deletes the destination file.
.topic 1424
Keeps the image list sorted by file name. New images will be inserted into the appropriate positions in the list. Otherwise, images are added to the end of the list.
.topic 1031
Displays toolbar button tips so that when you position the pointer over the toolbar item a name is displayed.
.topic 522
In report view, draws gridlines between rows and columns.
.topic 346
Skips this file so that it is not copied or moved.
.topic 345
Press this button to copy or move the source file; the destination file is replaced.
.topic 1130
Automatically changes the size of the viewing window to match the size of the image.
.topic 1100
Pre-loads the next image in the image sequence.
.topic 857
Sets the size of the preview image. Full: full resolution. 1/2: one half resolution. 1/4: one quarter resolution. 1/8: one eighth resolution. Auto variable: uses the largest resolution that fits in the available preview area. Tips: 1) You can also set this option by clicking on the preview window with the alternate mouse button. 2) You can toggle between Full and Auto size with <NumPad *>.
.topic 1068
Have ACDSee continue running in system tray on exit.
.topic 1518
Click this button to bring up Thumbnail Display Information configuration window.
.topic 1373
Configure the text captions for the slide show.
.topic 1368
To repeat the slide show when reaching the last image of a sequence.
.topic 2017
Delete the entry currently shown on the combo box.
.topic 2007
Capture an entire window that you select, or any portion of it.
.topic 2005
Capture a fixed rectangular region of the screen that you specify.
.topic 2006
Capture a rectangular region of the screen that you create.
.topic 2138
Type the header text.
.topic 2176
The folder where the converted images are saved.
.topic 2179
Check this option to close the Operation Progress dialog box at the end of the operation. It is recommended that you review the Operation Progress to see the results of the conversion procedure.
.topic 2201
Selects a new exposure setting automatically, but asks you to customize or confirm the setting for each image.
.topic 2231
A thumbnail showing how the image will look if the chosen exposure adjustment is applied.
.topic 2264
The new width that is applied to each image.
.topic 2291
Applies the selected adjustment to all images.
.topic 902
Presents a list of folders on your computer to select from.
.topic 1631
Ensures that the entire image is visible in the View window.
.topic 1147
Automatically resizes the image to match the selected zoom option. Please consult the help file for more information on automatically shrinking and enlarging images.
.topic 360
Displays a list of Confirm File Replace options.
.topic 1724
Displays the toolbar on the Albums tabbed page.
.topic 2190
Applies the resize to the width, height, or width and height of the image.
.topic 1455
Enter the caption text. Use Insert Format Tag to enter special tags that describe the image.
.topic 853
Specifies the folder you would like ACDSee to browse on start-up.
.topic 1332
Check this box to associate additional file types you specify with ACDSee.
.topic 523
In report view, allows items to be selected by clicking anywhere in the row, rather than only on the icon or label.
.topic 348
Cancels the entire move or copy operation.
.topic 1066
Displays the current version number of ACDSee in the window title.
.topic 1484
To control the display of the date (the timestamp of the image).
.topic 527
Show archive files in the File list.
.topic 1369
Adjust the delay time for the display of images by moving the slider.
.topic 2011
Transfer the captured image to the default photo editor.
.topic 2113
Places all images on a page as thumbnails.
.topic 2106
Specifies the height of the bottom margin, in inches.
.topic 462
Specifies the name of the program to show on the editor list.
.topic 792
Serial number of the new disc.
.topic 2234
Controls the blackpoint of the image. The scale represents the brightness of pixels in the image. When the slider is moved up on the scale, pixels of that brightness or darker become pure black. Raising the slider increases the overall blackness of the image.
.topic 879
Displays a confirmation dialog box when deleting a category that contains subcategories.
.topic 557
When using the Auto refresh option, new files are placed in the sorted order.
.topic 849
Displays collections of images in the Folder tree.
.topic 1457
Choose a font for the caption.
.topic 1463
Insert special tags that describe the image in the text such as file information and metadata. The information associated with each image is displayed.
.topic 852
Select this option to start in the folder specified in the box to the right.
.topic 102
This is a list of all Twain devices on your system. Select the one from which you wish to acquire.
.topic 1091
Orders the presentation of images in a slide show from first to last.
.topic 863
Shows the full path of the current folder in the window title.
.topic 1489
Show shortcut icon on thumbnails that are shortcuts.
.topic 281
Click this button to move the selected property item up one row in the listbox.
.topic 528
Show album files in the File list.
.topic 2003
Capture the active window in focus.
.topic 2002
Capture the entire Windows desktop (everything displayed on the screen).
.topic 2118
Specify the number of rows of thumbnails.
.topic 2104
Specifies the width of the left margin, in inches.
.topic 311
This box lists the image editors recognized by ACDSee. If you have an image editor you would like to use with ACDSee, you can add it to this list. The editor shown in bold is the default editor (i.e., the editor used when you click "Editor" on the toolbar, or select Tools | Open in Editor, or right-click on a file and select "Edit").
.topic 1241
Lists the digital cameras that are supported. If your camera is not on this list, you can acquire the image using TWAIN (Please click Help for more information).
.topic 2292
Rotates each image counterclockwise by 90 degrees.
.topic 1304
Selects all the items in the box above. To transfer all images from the box above to the "chosen items" list below, click this button and then click Add.
.topic 1309
Removes the selected item(s) from the chosen items list.
.topic 872
Displays files by metadata (Exif) date.
.topic 1492
Does not compress the thumbnail and therefore, the image is not distorted.
.topic 1721
Displays the File list toolbar in the Browser.
.topic 1138
Fills the background of the view window with a tiled pattern.
.topic 262
Starts (or stops) the picture-taking process.
.topic 353
Shows the source and destination images at their actual size.
.topic 341
Attributes of the file that will be overwritten.
.topic 1133
Places the viewer window on top of all other windows, even when it is not the active window. Tip: This option is also available from the windowÆs system menu <Alt+Space>.
.topic 551
To configure how data is examined for image files. Click the Help button for more information.
.topic 1124
Shows the full path (folder + file name) of the currently viewed image file in the title bar and the status bar. When the check box is cleared, only the file name is shown. Tip: You can temporarily display the full path name in the status bar by holding down the <P> key.
.topic 1483
To control the display of the image dimension.
.topic 1482
To control the display of the image file size.
.topic 284
Click this button to hide the selected property in the File list column.
.topic 2115
Specifies the amount of vertical space between thumbnails.
.topic 2105
Specifies the width of the right margin, in inches.
.topic 431
Type in a description for the selected file. Descriptions can be 3800 characters maximum. Click Help for more information about file descriptions.
.topic 1243
Shows the Settings dialog box associated with the selected camera. Some cameras need to be configured in the box that appears.
.topic 2172
Click here to configure multi-page settings (i.e., formats that support multiple images per file).
.topic 2260
If selected, images are scaled to a certain percentage of their original size.
.topic 903
This is a list of plug-ins found in the specified folder, sorted by decreasing priority. The check box to the left of each plug-in indicates whether the plug-in is enabled or disabled.
.topic 192
Opens the WAV file.
.topic 2182
If any of the files selected for conversion contain more than one image (page), this option causes only the first image in a given file to be converted.
.topic 1303
Adds the files selected above to the list of chosen items below.
.topic 555
When using the Auto refresh option, new files are placed at the top.
.topic 2192
Renames the modified image and places it in the source folder. Places the string 'Resize of' in front of the file name.
.topic 1722
Displays the Navigation toolbar in the Browser.
.topic 1705
Displays the Category tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1702
Displays the Favorites tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1751
Opens a dialog box where you can save your layout.
.topic 1458
To display a caption at the bottom of the image.
.topic 1542
Changes the timestamp of the selected items to the date and time the file was originally created.
.topic 106
Specifies a template from which to automatically generate file names for acquired images. Insert a group of one or more '#' symbols to specify an index. e.g., Image-##.jpg would generate Image-01.jpg, Image-02.jpg, etc.
.topic 352
Shows thumbnails of the source and destination images.
.topic 1035
Use the available background texture for the user interface (a gray, bumpy surface).
.topic 531
Show all other files in the File list.
.topic 525
Click this button to bring up Thumbnail Settings configuration window.
.topic 108
To locate a folder to save the acquired images.
.topic 107
Acquired images will be saved in this folder.
.topic 1188
Replaces any '#' symbols in the template with numbers.
.topic 432
You have selected more than one file. Check this box before clicking "OK", to apply the same description to all selected files.
.topic 2171
Click here to configure storage options specific to the format selected on the left.
.topic 2177
Browse and locate a folder to save the converted images.
.topic 2290
To be prompted to manually adjust each image one by one (specifically to multiple file operations).
.topic 2183
Causes each multi-page source image to be converted to another multi-page image. This option is not available if the output format you have selected cannot store multiple images per file.
.topic 1311
After selecting an image, click this button to use the entire window to view the image. When viewing an image, right-click or double-click to return to the dialog box.
.topic 874
Determines the size of the calendar cache.
.topic 846
Renames duplicate files when moving or copying files to another folder. Type in the Separator character field to specify which character ACDSee should use when renaming files.
.topic 1707
Displays the Files tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1700
Displays the Folders tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1750
Displays a list of previously saved layouts. To change which layout ACDSee is using, click the Layout drop-down arrow and select a layout.
.topic 1460
To accept a solid background color for the captions.
.topic 1541
Changes the timestamp of the selected items to the current date and time.
.topic 1155
Notes for this item (up to 4095 characters in length).
.topic 1069
Stretches small images to fit the entire desktop (while preserving aspect ratio) when setting the desktop wallpaper.
.topic 356
Reduces the size of the previews. You can also use the Minus key <->.
.topic 1334
Checks all the boxes above.
.topic 1333
Enter the MS-DOS extensions for the additional file types you want to associate with ACDSee. Separate extensions using spaces.
.topic 1511
Specifies the width of the thumbnail images.
.topic 354
Specifies that when you scroll one of the images, the other should follow in sync.
.topic 824
Click this to choose another program. YouÆll be able to browse through the folders on your computer.
.topic 738
Specifies the action to be taken when a file that is being moved or copying already exists in the destination folder. "Replace" overwrites the destination file with the source file. "Skip" Skips the operation. "Rename" move or copy the source file, giving it a new name that is unique in the destination folder. "Ask" prompts for a course of action.
.topic 1034
Uses the default appearance for the user interface (a smooth grey surface).
.topic 1007
Specify your desired action when moving/copying duplicate files.
.topic 1486
Show metadata icon on thumbnails that contain metadata. (Camera)
.topic 524
Click this button to bring up Column Settings configuration window.
.topic 1372
Display the specified text captions during the slide show.
.topic 2120
Specifies the printer your images will print on. To change the printer, click the dropdown button and select a different installed printer.
.topic 865
This option causes ACDSee to remove all the items from the drop-down path box when exiting, instead of saving the items for the next session.
.topic 866
This option hides the preview area and does not display previews when in Thumbnails View mode.
.topic 491
Type the new file name here.
.topic 2178
Specifies what action to take when a file name collision occurs (i.e., When you move or copy a file to a folder that already has a file with the same name). You can select "Ask" to be asked each time the situation arises; "Replace" to have the file you are moving replace the destination file; "Skip" to skip the file so that it is not moved or copied; "Rename" to rename the file in focus.
.topic 2186
Click here to configure storage options specific to the image format you have selected.
.topic 2232
Automatically moves the sliders to a particular setting. These "auto" settings are chosen such that the brightest spot on the image is pure white, and the darkest spot is pure black.
.topic 211
Removes a section of the audio.
.topic 1307
Used for changing the order of chosen items. Moves a selected item left.
.topic 880
Displays a confirmation dialog box when removing a file from a category.
.topic 867
Displays collections, including albums, archive files, and photo discs (ddf files), in the Folder tree.
.topic 1139
Specifies the color with which to fill the view window background.
.topic 1004
Stores file descriptions in descript.ion files. These are hidden files and there is one description file generated for each folder.
.topic 105
Specifies additional options for the selected format.
.topic 357
Resets the previews to their initial size. You can also use the Asterisk key <*>.
.topic 1331
A list of file types that ACDSee can open. Check the boxes corresponding to the file types you want to be opened using ACDSee when you double-click on them in Explorer.
.topic 552
Sets placement of new files that have been added to the File list by quick-refresh and auto-refresh events.
.topic 1512
Specifies the height of the thumbnail images.
.topic 1064
Removes all images in the image list before adding dropped files.
.topic 1061
Views externally opened images with the current instance of ACDSee Viewer, if one is available. The current image list is emptied before new images are received.
.topic 1098
Determines when a timed (automatic) slide show will be started automatically according to the following settings. Never: Never start automatically. For Browser's slide show commands: Start automatically when using the slide show commands from the Browser window. Always: Start automatically whenever more than one image is present in the ViewerÆs image list.
.topic 1070
Indicate where the cached image datebase file is stored.
.topic 1136
Use default color as viewer's background.
.topic 1515
Indicate the width of the desired thumbnail size.
.topic 2123
Specifies the resolution, in pixels per inch, at which the images should be printed. This value should be set to the effective resolution of your printer, after taking the resolution reduction due to halftone screening into consideration. If you have a continuous tone printer, set this value to the printerÆs DPI rating. If you have a laser, bubble jet, or other type of discreet tone printer, set this value to approximately ╝ of the printerÆs DPI rating. This Net DPI value determines how to sub-sample large images prior to sending them to the print driver. A larger value may generate higher quality output, but will use more memory and take longer to print. Conversely, a lower value may generate lower quality output, but will use less memory and print faster. Note: If you are experiencing problems printing large images, try lowering the Net DPI value.
.topic 2107
hen checked, resizes the image equally in each dimension so that the ratio of width to height remains the same. Otherwise, the image may be stretched more in one direction than in the other.
.topic 861
Allows a selected item to be renamed by clicking on its label.
.topic 2175
Check this option to select a different folder to save the converted images.
.topic 2200
Selects and applies a new exposure setting automatically. The white and black points are adjusted, but not the gamma setting.
.topic 202
Replaces the recorded audio from the start marker.
.topic 208
Shows the progress of the recording.
.topic 876
Displays a 24-hour clock format.
.topic 1145
Automatically sizes the Viewer to fit the dimensions of the image.
.topic 285
Selecting the check box displays that column in Details view mode.
.topic 1709
Displays the Properties tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1454
To select a background color for the captions.
.topic 1461
To select a background color for the captions.
.topic 260
Displays a pop-up menu of codes that can be inserted into the file name template. Selecting a code adds it to the end of the current template.
.topic 259
Specifies a template to use when generating file names for pictures downloaded to your computer. You can use the following codes. "&t" Time at which the picture was taken (e.g., 17.47.42). "&d" Date on which the picture was taken (e.g., 1999-05-17). "&nnn" Sequence number of the picture. One digit is used for each 'n' (.g., 001, 002, etc.).
.topic 1422
Opens new images as soon as they appear in the folder. Otherwise, new images will be added to the image sequence but the currently viewed image will not change.
.topic 1423
Avoids adding a new file to the current image sequence until the other application (e.g., newsreader) has completed transferring the file. This feature avoids the viewing of partial images.
.topic 1185
Cancels the rename operation.
.topic 1337
Adds a [View with ACDSee] command to ExplorerÆs context menu for each of the image file types supported by ACDSee, but not associated with ACDSee. This allows you to invoke ACDSee from Explorer, while still leaving the file associated with another application.
.topic 351
Turns off the display of source and destination images.
.topic 343
Moves or copies the file, giving it the name specified.
.topic 737
Removes all paths from the history list.
.topic 856
Waits for a period of time (in 1/100ths of a second) after an image is selected before engaging the automatic preview. + increase to reduce sluggish response to image selection. - decrease to cause the preview to appear more rapidly.
.topic 855
Shows a preview of each image as it is selected. Tip: You can also set this option by clicking on the preview area with the secondary mouse button.
.topic 1010
When checked, a confirmation dialog appears before moving, renaming, or deleting read-only files.
.topic 1516
Indicate the height of the desired thumbnail size.
.topic 529
Show image files in the File list.
.topic 1364
Select one of the options from this drop-down box to specify which images to use in the slide show.
.topic 2126
Click this button to select a metadata tag to use for your captions. Metatags are specific to the image and multiple tags can be selected, one at a time.
.topic 2122
Specifies whether all pages will print or a specific range of pages.
.topic 2112
Uses sizes specified in the Margins and Image Properties fields.
.topic 2110
Specifies where on a page the image will print.
.topic 463
Click here to browse your computer to find an editing program.
.topic 2173
If checked, the original files are replaced with the converted files.
.topic 2320
Applies the same adjustment to all of the images or pages in the file.
.topic 201
Lists the options to input a recording based on your sound card; ACDSee automatically selects this to match the format of the selected WAV file.
.topic 206
Adds the recording to the existing audio file.
.topic 209
Saves the current clip to the new file.
.topic 1310
Selects all chosen items. To remove all chosen items, click this button and then click the Remove button.
.topic 1312
Shows your computer's main Folder tree. Select a folder and any images in the folder are displayed on the right.
.topic 558
Sequentially selects files in the File list.
.topic 1723
Displays the toolbar on the Folders tabbed page.
.topic 1710
Displays the ACDInTouch tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1708
Displays the View tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 2191
Opens the Options dialog box.
.topic 1143
When using Fit Image, Fit Width and Fit Height in the viewer, this option automatically enlarges or shrinks images to fit the size of the Viewer.
.topic 1075
Select this option to connect to the ACDInTouch messaging service. See "ACDInTouch Pane" in the main help file for more information.
.topic 1462
Enter the caption text. Use Insert Format Tag to enter special tags that describe the image.
.topic 1033
Displays tips during a screen capture to step you through the process.
.topic 254
Specifies the interval units.
.topic 253
Specifies the interval between shots. Note: the actualy interval between shots may be longer than specified if the time to process the picture and transfer it to the computer is too great.
.topic 103
Click this button to start acquiring images from the selected device.
.topic 1421
Specifies the folder to be synchronized. The current image sequence will be set to the contents of the specified folder; only images with recognized MS-DOS extensions will be added. As images are added to or removed from this folder, they will be added to or removed from the image sequence.
.topic 736
Removes the selected path from the history list.
.topic 1092
Orders the presentation of images in a slide show from last to first.
.topic 1009
Specifies the character used to separate copy numbers from the base file name when files are auto-renamed. E.g., The default separator, æ_Æ, gives -> -> -> à
.topic 1003
Deletes files permanently, rather than moving them to the recycle bin. If the recycle bin is turned off system-wide (right-click on the desktop Recycle Bin and select "Properties"), there would be no confirmation for file deletions and this option would have no effect. Tip: You can also bypass the recycle bin on an ad hoc basis by holding down <Shift> while you invoke the [Delete] command.
.topic 1127
Displays thumbnails on the left side of the Viewer when viewing multiple page images.
.topic 860
When a disc is inserted the New Media Detected dialog box appears and you can choose not to browse with ACDSee or to browse the CD in the current Browser or a new Browser. If you select the "Save setting and don't prompt in the future" option, the "Show dialog on disc insertion" is cleared and the last setting is automatically applied with each CD inserted.
.topic 1361
Run a basic (Viewer-style) slide show.
.topic 2015
Set the timer delay value (in seconds).
.topic 2009
Send the captured image to Windows clipboard.
.topic 2127
Select font properties for your caption.
.topic 1189
Replaces any '#' symbols in the template with letters.
.topic 1242
Opens an Internet Web page where you can locate and download digital camera plug-ins.
.topic 2262
If selected, the images are scaled to a specific size in pixels.
.topic 193
Marks the starting location.
.topic 1305
After selecting an image, click this button to use the entire window to view the image. When viewing an image, right-click or double-click to return to the dialog box.
.topic 2195
Saves the current settings as the default for the next time you use this tool.
.topic 1727
Displays the toolbar on the Categories tabbed page.
.topic 1720
Displays the Main toolbar in the Browser.
.topic 1701
Displays the Albums tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1456
Insert special tags that describe the image in the text such as file information and metadata. The information associated with each image is displayed.
.topic 1459
Choose to have the footer text (displayed at the bottom of the image) aligned to the left, center, or right side of the image.
.topic 1464
Choose a font for the caption.
.topic 1099
Automatically plays the audio embedded in image files during a slide show.
.topic 1101
Caches the previously viewed image instead of unloading it from memory immediately.
.topic 1339
Adds a [Browse with ACDSee] command to the context menu for folders and archive files in Explorer. You can use this command to quickly browse a specific folder or archive with ACDSee.
.topic 1135
Hides the mouse cursor when viewing in Full-screen mode. To display the mouse cursor click one of the mouse buttons or press the <Ctrl> key.
.topic 343
Specifies the new name for the source file.
.topic 823
Specifies that whenever you open this file, or any other file with the same file name extension, Windows will use the program specified.
.topic 821
Select the program you want to use from the list. If the program you want to use is not in the list, click the "Other" button.
.topic 734
Goes ahead and moves or copies the files.
.topic 1093
Orders the presentation of images in a slide show in a random permutation. Each image is shown exactly once. The sequence will be repeated if the [Wrap around] option is turned on.
.topic 1129
Causes the Viewer to exit after the first image displayed is deleted or moved. If ACDSee was previously in Browse mode, it will return to Browse mode automatically after the last image in the view list has been deleted.
.topic 1005
Sets the hidden attribute on descript.ion files (where file descriptions are stored). By default, these are hidden files and there is one description file generated for each folder.
.topic 1001
Turns off confirmation before files are deleted. This option has no effect if the delete confirmation is turned off system-wide for the drive containing the file. Tip: You can also bypass confirmation by holding down <Ctrl> while you invoke the Delete command.
.topic 1011
To receive confirmation when files are dragged from one folder to another.
.topic 882
Choose your desired dithering method for previewing images when your computer is running with display setting 256 colors or lower.
.topic 1485
Show audio icon on thumbnails that contain audio data.
.topic 530
Show media files in the File list.
.topic 864
Click this button to bring up File list Options configuration window.
.topic 2004
Capture the "active client" (every part of the window in focus except the title bar and window frame).
.topic 2134
Specify the position of the header.
.topic 2131
Adds a footer to the page.
.topic 2124
Applies gamma correction to images as they are decoded for display or wallpaper. The gamma correction is not applied to images during printing or file conversion.
.topic 2116
Specifies the amount of horizontal space between thumbnails.
.topic 2101
Shows a preview of how the printed pages will look. Changes you make to the print setup options will be reflected here. It may take a moment to complete internal computations (ôpaginationö) before the preview is updated to reflect changes. Page margins are represented by dotted lines. Note that when part of an image boundary lies outside the margins, the image will be clipped to the margins. The clipped areas of the image are drawn in red.
.topic 131
ACDSee lists several categories of activities in this box. Select a category, and the corresponding activities will appear in the box to the right.
.topic 1158
File name of the selected file.
.topic 2236
This slider controls the "gamma" of the image. Roughly speaking, this means the brightness of dark areas of an image. Placing the slider above center brightens dark areas, while placing the slider below center darkens the dark areas in the image.
.topic 905
Decreases the relative priority of the selected plug-in.
.topic 871
Displays files by the ACDSee Database date.
.topic 890
Displays the full path of the browsed folder in the title bar.
.topic 847
Displays a confirmation dialog box asking you how to handle duplicate files when moving or copying files to another folder.
.topic 844
Cancels the move or copy of a file to a new location when a duplicate exists.
.topic 1146
Automatically zooms the image to match the selected option. Please consult the help file for more information on automatically shrinking and enlarging images.
.topic 1704
Displays the Calendar tabbed page in the Browser.
.topic 1141
When using Fit Image, Fit Width and Fit Height in the viewer, this option shrinks large images to fit the size of the Viewer.
.topic 533
Sorts supported archive files together with regular folders.
.topic 1067
Displays the TWAIN acquire setup dialog box before acquiring an image.
.topic 1183
These are the files that will be renamed. For each file, its current name is listed on the left and its new name is listed on the right. If you double-click on a file name in the left column, the current template and starting index will be reset based on the selected file name.
.topic 888
Shows only the first frame of animated images.
.topic 731
This is the path containing the files that will be moved or copied.
.topic 1063
Views externally opened images with a new instance of ACDSee Viewer.
.topic 862
Allows editing of a fileÆs description by double-clicking in the description column.
.topic 532
Shows files and folders that have the ôhiddenö attribute. This option also determines whether hidden files and folders are considered in the Slide Show and Find Images procedures. Tip: you can also toggle this option with <Ctrl+H>.
.topic 1370
Adjust the delay time for the display of images by typing an amount.
.topic 1365
Order the presentation of images in a slide show from first to last.
.topic 1362
Run a full screen slide show with transition effects.
.topic 2016
Stores entries for the Fixed Region capture.
.topic 2013
Choose your hotkey combination for the screen capture.
.topic 2001
Include the cursor in your captured image.
.topic 2137
Select font properties for your footer.
.topic 2135
Specify the position of the footer.
.topic 2132
Click this button to add page numbers to your header.
.topic 2121
Click this button to specify printer specific properties.
.topic 2103
Specifies the height of the top margin, in inches.
.topic 791
Title of the new disc.
.topic 1160
Select the read-only check box to prevent the file from being edited. Most programs cannot modify or delete read-only files, or require special confirmation to do so.
.topic 1161
Select the hidden check box to hide the file from being displayed in the File list of ACDSee or Windows Explorer.
.topic 1341
Select this to have ACDSee check that it is still associated with the image types you have chosen in the list above (i.e., ACDSee is launched when opening an image from Windows Explorer or an outside application). If another program has taken the association, you are asked to confirm that ACDSee should take the association back.
.topic 906
Click this to display information about the selected plug-in and to modify its settings.
.topic 2184
If any of the files selected for conversion contain more than one image (page), this option causes them to be split into separate files for each page.
.topic 870
Defines the first day of the week.
.topic 1144
Sizes the Viewer based on the selected options in the Zoom options drop-down menus.
.topic 2193
Renames the modified image and places it in the source folder. Places the string 'Rotation of' in front of the file name.