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- <!-- Define the elements of standard frme and place in a group -->
- <groupdef id="studio.standardframe" background="studio.list.background">
- <layer
- x="16"
- y="16"
- w="-24"
- relatw="1"
- h="-37"
- relath="1"
- image="studio.list.background"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="topstretch"
- x="18" y="0" w="-55" h="17"
- relatw="1"
- image="component.top-stretch"
- resize="top"
- move="1"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="bottomstretch"
- x="10" y="-38"
- relaty="1"
- w="-5"
- relatw="1"
- image="component.bottom-stretch"
- resize="bottom"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="leftstretch"
- x="0" y="40" w="17" h="-5"
- relath="1"
- image="component.left-stretch"
- resize="left"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="rightstretch"
- x="-19"
- relatx="1"
- h="5"
- y="20"
- w="19"
- relath="1"
- image="component.right-stretch"
- resize="right"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="topleftcorner"
- x="0"
- w="42"
- y="0"
- h="41"
- image="component.top-left-corner"
- resize="topleft" ghost="0" sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="toprightcorner"
- x="-63"
- relatx="1"
- h="41"
- y="0"
- image="component.top-right-corner"
- resize="topright"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="bottomleftcorner"
- x="0"
- y="-54"
- w="40"
- h="54"
- relaty="1"
- image="component.bottom-left-corner"
- resize="bottomleft"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="bottomrightcorner"
- x="-61"
- relatx="1"
- y="-53"
- relaty="1"
- image="component.bottom-right-corner"
- resize="bottomright"
- scale="bottomright"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- id="cornerresize"
- x="-14"
- relatx="1"
- y="-14"
- relaty="1"
- image="component.bottom-right-resize"
- resize="bottomright"
- scale="bottomright"
- sysregion="1"
- />
- <layer
- x="42"
- y="4"
- w="-75"
- relatw="1"
- h="14"
- relath="1"
- move="1"
- />
- <text
- id="titlebar"
- ghost="1"
- x="28"
- y="16"
- w="-55"
- relatw="1"
- h="20"
- align="Center"
- default=":componentname"
- font="arial"
- bold="0"
- fontsize="12"
- color="86,86,86"
- doborder="0"
- border="0"
- />
- <!-- old title text studio.component.title -->
- <button
- id="Close"
- action="CLOSE"
- x="-35" y="0"
- relatx="1"
- image="component.minimize"
- downImage="component.minimize-pressed"
- hoverimapge="component.button.minimize.hover"
- tooltip="Close Window"
- />
- <layer x="0" y="0" w="0" h="0" image="studio.config.textbg"
- relatw="1"
- id="cfg.bg"
- />
- <!-- Cover regions, part a plug for the two bottom corners -->
- <!-- the remainder two were needed when stardard frame was applied -->
- <!-- due to backround colors defined in the layout -->
- <layer id="region-top-left" x="0" y="0" image="component.region.top.left" sysregion="-2" />
- <layer id="region-top-right" x="-19" y="0" relatx="1" image="component.region.top.right" sysregion="-2" />
- <layer id="region-left" x="0" y="-18" relaty="1" image="component.region.left" sysregion="-2" />
- <layer id="region-right" x="-18" y="-18" relatx="1" relaty="1" image="component.region.right" sysregion="-2"/>
- <group id="wasabi.titlebar" x="0" y="0" w="0" h="0"/>
- </groupdef>
- <groupdef id="wasabi.standardframe.statusbar" inherit_content="0">
- <group id="studio.standardframe" x="0" y="0" w="0" relatw="1" h="0" relath="1"/>
- <LayoutStatus id="standardframe.layoutstatus" x="18" y="-69" relaty="1" w="-38" relatw="1" h="15" exclude="{system}" />
- <script id="standardframe.script" file="scripts/standardframe.maki" param="18,35,-38,-104,0,0,1,1" />
- </groupdef>
- <groupdef id="wasabi.standardframe.nostatusbar" inherit_content="0">
- <group id="studio.standardframe" x="0" y="0" w="0" h="0" relatw="1" relath="1"/>
- <script id="standardframe.script" file="scripts/standardframe.maki" param="18,35,-38,-104,0,0,1,1" />
- </groupdef>
- <groupdef id="wasabi.standardframe.modal" inherit_group="wasabi.standardframe.nostatusbar">
- <group
- id="wasabi.panel"
- x="5" y="15"
- w="-10" h="-20"
- relatw="1" relath="1"
- />
- <hideobject target="sysmenu;cornerresize"/>
- </groupdef>
- <groupdef id="wasabi.standardframe.static" inherit_group="wasabi.standardframe.nostatusbar">
- <hideobject target="cornerresize" />
- </groupdef>