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INI File  |  2004-07-23  |  44.7 KB  |  1,105 lines

  1. [Language]
  2. LanguageName=English
  3. DefaultFont=MS Sans Serif
  5. //Form of MainForm
  6. [frmMain]
  7. Caption=Super Utilities 2.86
  8. lbHint.Caption=Most often you delete/move the target file or folder of a shortcut, making that shortcut invalid. This utility searches your disk for such dead shortcuts, and can even fix them, by automatically searching for moved targets.
  9. btnHelp.Caption=Help
  10. btnHelp.Hint=Help
  11. TrayIcon.Hint=Super Utilities 
  12. pi_Show.Caption=Show Main Window
  13. Hide1.Caption=Hide Super Utilities
  14. Options1.Caption=Options...
  15. btoptions.Caption=Options
  16. btoptions.Hint=Options
  17. Help1.Caption=Help
  18. X1.Caption=Exit
  19. MISetting.Caption=&Setting...
  20. MenuItem1.Caption=Options
  21. MIUpdate.Caption=Online &Update
  22. miLanguage.Caption=&Languages
  23. MIAbout.Caption=&About
  24. MIRegister.Caption=&Register...
  25. MIOrder.Caption=&Order Online...
  26. MIExit.Caption=E&xit
  27. MISkins.Caption=S&kins
  29. //Form of About
  30. [frmAbout]
  31. l_copyright.Caption=Copyright(C) 2004 SuperLogix.net
  32. lbVersion.Caption=Version 2.86
  33. lbSuper.Caption=Super Utilities
  34. btnHome.Caption=&HomePage
  35. btnEmail.Caption=&EMail to Us
  36. btnRegister.Caption=&Register...
  37. btnOrder.Caption=&Order
  39. //Form of Register
  40. [frmRegister]
  41. Caption=Register
  42. lbName.Caption=Registration Name:
  43. lbCode.Caption=Registration Code:
  44. btnRegister.Caption=&Register
  45. btnClose.Caption=&Close
  46. btnOrder.Caption=&Order...
  48. Form of Waiting
  49. [frmWaiting]
  50. Caption=Super Utilities
  51. lbHint.Caption=Super Utilities is collecting information. Please wait a moment!
  53. //Form of Disk Cleaner
  54. [frmCleanDisk]
  55. ppage_QuickClean.Caption=Fast && Safe Cleanup
  56. ppage_CleanGarbage.Caption=Clean Junk and Obsolete Files
  57. ltv_ScanResult.Columns[0].Caption=File Name
  58. ltv_ScanResult.Columns[1].Caption=Size 
  59. ltv_ScanResult.Columns[2].Caption=Type 
  60. btn_StartScan.Caption=&Scan
  61. btn_StopScan.Caption=St&op
  62. btn_remove.Caption=Remove
  63. btn_setting.Caption=&Options...
  64. spSkinStdLabel2.Caption=Check the boxes of the drive(s) or folder(s) you wish to sacn.
  65. ltv_DriverChoose.Columns[0].Caption=Drivers & Folders:
  66. ltv_DriverChoose.Columns[1].Caption=Free space
  67. btn_add.Caption=&Add
  68. btn_delete.Caption=&Remove
  69. spSkinStdLabel3.Caption=Add Special Folder:
  70. tbs_OptionSetting.Caption=tbs_OptionSetting
  71. spSkinGroupBox1.Caption=Select scan file types:
  72. btn_initType.Caption=&Default
  73. btn_DelType.Caption=&Remove
  74. btn_addType.Caption=&Add new type ...
  75. spSkinGroupBox2.Caption=Skip folders:
  76. ltv_SkipedFolder.Columns[0].Caption=Folder list
  77. btn_AddFolder.Caption=Add &Folder...
  78. btn_DeleteFolder.Caption=Rem&ove
  79. grb_OptionSetting.Caption=Other settings:
  80. ltv_OptionSetting.Items[0].Caption=Scan zero size file 
  81. ltv_OptionSetting.Items[1].Caption=Scan readonly file 
  82. ltv_OptionSetting.Items[2].Caption=Scan system file
  83. rbg_DeleteMode.Caption=Delete mode
  84. rbg_DeleteMode.Items[0].Text=Delete directly
  85. rbg_DeleteMode.Items[1].Text=Move to recylce
  86. spSkinButton2.Caption=&Back
  87. ppage_CleanIECache.Caption=Clean Temporary Internet Files 
  88. btn_ScanIeCach.Caption=&Scan
  89. ckb_History.Caption=History
  90. ckb_Cookie.Caption=Cookie
  91. ckb_Url.Caption=URL
  92. ltv_IeCath.Columns[0].Caption=Cache  content
  93. grb_fileinfo.Caption=Informations of the files
  94. lbl_lastaccess.Caption=Accessed:
  95. lbl_lastModify.Caption=Modifed:
  96. lbl_filesize.Caption=Size:
  97. lbl_allsize.Caption=Total size:
  98. lbl_SelectedSize.Caption=Selected size:
  99. btn_clean.Caption=&Remove
  100. btn_allClean.Caption=Remove &all
  101. spSkinOpenDialog1.Title=Open file
  102. spSkinSelectDirectoryDialog1.Title=Select folder
  103. mi_Startup.Caption=&Remove Selected File(s)
  104. Removealllistedfiles1.Caption=Remove all listed files
  106. [frmQuickClean]
  107. p_FileInfo.Caption=Driver Information
  108. Series1.Title=Free space
  109. Series2.Title=Space for clean
  110. Series3.Title=Used space
  111. lv_Selection.Columns[0].Caption=Folder
  112. lv_Selection.Columns[1].Caption=Size
  113. lv_Selection.Items[0].Caption=Empty Recycle Bin
  114. lv_Selection.Items[1].Caption=Internet History Files
  115. lv_Selection.Items[2].Caption=Internet Cache Files
  116. lv_Selection.Items[3].Caption=Temporary Files
  117. lb_Hint.Caption=Remember to run Super Utilities Fast && Safe Cleanup on a regular basis.
  118. act_CleanNow.Caption=&Clean Now
  120. [AddForm]
  121. Caption=Add new type
  122. lbl_Des.Caption=Description of new type:
  123. Label1.Caption=Add new type:
  124. edt_Des.Text=User definition
  125. btn_ok.Caption=&OK
  126. btn_Cancel.Caption=&Cancel
  128. //Form of Registry Cleaner
  129. [frmRegClean]
  130. tsScan.Caption=Scan Registry
  131. btnScan.Caption=S&can
  132. btnOpen.Caption=&View
  133. btnremove.Caption=Remove
  134. tsPageBak.Caption=Undo Information
  135. lbHint.Caption=Date and time of changes:
  136. Lisb_FilePath.Caption=Date and time of changes:
  137. btnBakToReg.Caption=&Undo Selected Changes
  138. btnDelBak.Caption=Re&move Selected Item
  139. lbDays.Caption=days  
  140. lbBak.Caption=Keep bak files for  
  141. spSkinStdLabel1.Caption=Select the areas of the registry to scan for invalid information...
  142. RegList.Items[0].Text=Scan HKEY_CURRENT_USER redundance information
  143. RegList.Items[1].Text=Scan HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE redundance information
  144. RegList.Items[2].Text=Scan HKEY_USER redundance information
  145. RegList.Items[3].Text=Scan invalid uninstall information
  146. RegList.Items[4].Text=Scan user action history
  147. RegList.Items[5].Text=Scan REG invalid information
  148. RegList.Items[6].Text=Scan REG redundance DLL file
  149. RegList.Items[7].Text=Scan redundance Internet Country code
  150. RegList.Items[8].Text=Scan redundance Windows mouse style
  151. RegList.Items[9].Text=Scan redundance timezone
  152. N2.Caption=&Remove this invalid entry
  153. RegEdit1.Caption=Remove &all invalid entries
  154. N5.Caption=Select all entries
  155. N6.Caption=UnSelect all entries
  156. RegEdit2.Caption=&View with RegEdit
  157. Undoselectedchanges1.Caption=&Restore
  158. Removeselecteditem1.Caption=Re&move
  159. mi_Startup.Caption=&Remove Selected Entries
  160. Removealllistedfiles1.Caption=Remove All Entries
  162. //Form of StartUp Organizer
  163. [frmStart]
  164. gbProgram.Caption=Program Information
  165. lv_version.Columns[0].Caption=Item Name
  166. lv_version.Columns[1].Caption=Value
  167. gbTask.Caption=Tasks
  168. btn_remove.Caption=R&emove
  169. btn_add.Caption=&Add Program
  170. pnl_medium.Caption=pnl_Medium
  171. pnl_program.Caption=pnl_program
  172. lv_program.Columns[0].Caption=Status
  173. lv_program.Columns[1].Caption=Program Name
  174. lv_program.Columns[2].Caption=Running
  175. lv_program.Columns[3].Caption=Command Line
  176. lv_program.Columns[4].Caption=id
  177. tv_program.Items[0].Text=All Programs
  178. tv_program.Items[1].Text=Startup Menu
  179. tv_program.Items[2].Text=Current User
  180. tv_program.Items[3].Text=All Users
  181. tv_program.Items[4].Text=Registry
  182. tv_program.Items[5].Text=Current User
  183. tv_program.Items[8].Text=Local Machine
  184. tv_program.Items[15].Text=Win.ini
  185. tv_program.Items[18].Text=Recycle Bin
  186. mi_Startup.Caption=Startup Menu
  187. mi_Startup_CUser.Caption=Current User
  188. mi_Startup_AUser.Caption=All Users
  189. mi_Reg.Caption=Registry
  190. mi_Reg_CUser.Caption=Current User
  191. mi_Reg_LMachine.Caption=Local Machine
  192. mi_Winini.Caption=Win.ini
  193. mi_remove.Caption=Remove
  194. MIEnable.Caption=Disable
  195. miRecover.Caption=Recover
  196. mi_refresh.Caption=Refresh
  197. mi_runcmd.Caption=Run
  198. mi_stop.Caption=Stop
  199. mi_findtarget.Caption=Find Target
  200. mi_property.Caption=Properties
  201. mi_open.Caption=Open Item
  202. AddProgram1.Caption=Add Program
  203. mi_Startup_AUser1.Caption=All Users
  204. CurrentUser1.Caption=Current User
  205. LocalMachine1.Caption=Local Machine
  206. Run2.Caption=Run
  207. Load2.Caption=Load
  208. Registry1.Caption=Registry
  209. StartupMenu1.Caption=Startup Menu
  210. CurrentUser2.Caption=Current User
  212. [frmStartupGuard]
  213. Caption=Startup Guard
  214. tsCheckNewStartUp.Caption=Check New Startup 
  215. lbApprove.Caption=Do you want approve this at startup?
  216. btnYes.Caption=Yes
  217. btnNo.Caption=No
  218. cbAddToBlack.Caption=Add to BlackName List
  219. spSkinPanel1.Caption=spSkinPanel1
  220. lbFindNewStartup.Caption=Super Utilities found a new app at windows startup!
  221. lbNewStartUpName.Caption=Name:
  222. lbNewStartUpCommand.Caption=Command:
  223. lbNewStartUpCompany.Caption=Company:
  224. tsBlackName.Caption=Black Name List
  225. lvBlackName.Columns[0].Caption=Name
  226. lvBlackName.Columns[1].Caption=Running Command
  227. btnClear.Caption=Clear
  228. btnDelete.Caption=Delete
  230. //Form of Uninstall Plus
  231. [frmDelSoft]
  232. tsInstalled.Caption=Installed Software
  233. ListView1.Columns[0].Caption=Software
  234. ListView1.Columns[1].Caption=Uninstall Command
  235. ListView1.Columns[2].Caption=Size
  236. lv_softinfo.Columns[0].Caption=Item Name
  237. lv_softinfo.Columns[1].Caption=Item Info
  238. lv_softinfo.Items[0].Caption=Name
  239. lv_softinfo.Items[1].Caption=Version
  240. lv_softinfo.Items[2].Caption=Publisher
  241. lv_softinfo.Items[3].Caption=Homepage
  242. lv_softinfo.Items[4].Caption=Installed On
  243. gbDetails.Caption=Details
  244. spSkinPanel4.Caption=Details
  246. spSkinGroupBox2.Caption=Tasks
  247. btnDel.Caption=&Delete Entry
  248. btnUninstall.Caption=&Uninstall
  249. btnHide.Caption=&Hide
  250. tsHided.Caption=Hidden Items
  251. lvHidden.Columns[0].Caption=Software
  252. lvHidden.Columns[1].Caption=Uninstall Command
  253. lvHidden.Columns[2].Caption=Size
  254. btnHiddenDelete.Caption=&Delete
  255. btnHiddenRestore.Caption=&Restore
  256. N2.Caption=&Restore
  257. N1.Caption=&Delete
  258. MIUnstall.Caption=&Uninstall
  259. MIDelete.Caption=&Delete Entry
  260. MIHide.Caption=&Hide
  262. //Form of Memory Turbo
  263. [frmMemTurbo]
  264. gbCleaner.Caption=Memory Cleaner
  265. lbHint.Caption=Memory Cleaner is a Memory Manager and Optimization tool that increases your system performance by making more RAM available for your applications and the operating system. 
  266. btnFree.Caption=&Free Memory
  267. gbStatus.Caption=Memory Status
  269. //Form of ShortCut Repair
  270. [frmShortcut]
  271. rgOptions.Caption=Scan Options
  272. cbDesktop.Caption=Start Menu and Desktop
  273. cbAllDrivers.Caption=All Drive(s) specified  with the 'Driver List'
  274. lvShortcuts.Columns[0].Caption=Name
  275. lvShortcuts.Columns[1].Caption=Target
  276. lvShortcuts.Columns[2].Caption=Location
  277. lvShortcuts.Columns[3].Caption=Link Description
  278. eplDriver.Caption=Check the boxes of the drive(s) you wish to scan.
  279. lvDrivers.Columns[0].Caption=Driver List
  280. btnScan.Caption=&Scan
  281. btnremove.Caption=&Remove
  282. btnFix.Caption=&Fix As...
  283. pmiDeleteSelected.Caption=&Removing Selected Shortcuts
  284. pmiDeleteAllChecked.Caption=Removing &All Shortcuts
  285. pmiFix.Caption=&Fix As...
  286. RemovingSelectedShortcuts2.Caption=&Removing Selected Shortcuts
  287. RemovingAllCheckedShortcuts1.Caption=Removing &All Shortcuts
  290. //Form of Folder Guard
  291. [frmFileGuardian]
  292. lbPath.Caption=Path:
  293. e_PathDisp.Text=c:
  294. btnAdd.Caption=&Add
  295. btnBrowse.Caption=&Browse
  296. btnDelete.Caption=&Delete
  297. btnClear.Caption=&Clear
  298. p_Paths.Caption=p_Paths
  299. act_Add.Caption=&Add
  300. act_Del.Caption=&Delete
  301. act_ReadOnly.Caption=Read
  302. act_ReadWrite.Caption=Write
  303. act_Hide.Caption=Hide
  304. act_Show.Caption=&Show
  305. act_Clear.Caption=&Clear
  306. act_Psw.Caption=&Password
  307. act_Help.Caption=&Help
  308. act_SelectAll.Caption=Select &all
  309. act_Lockup.Caption=Lock
  310. act_Unlock.Caption=&Unlock
  311. act_Modify.Caption=&Modify
  312. act_Browse.Caption=&Browse
  314. //Form of Tracks Erase
  315. [frmTrackErase]
  316. clb_Apps.Caption=Applications' tracks
  317. clb_SysNet.Caption=System and network tracks:
  318. btn_Clear.Caption=&Erase Now
  319. btn_SelecAll.Caption=Select &All
  320. btn_UnSelectAll.Caption=&UnSelect All
  322. //Form of Super MenuGuard
  323. [FrmSuperMenuGuard]
  324. tsIE.Caption=IE Favorites Guard
  325. tsStartMenu.Caption=StartMenu Guard
  327. [TfrmStartMenu_Admin1]
  328. BtnDelete.Caption=&Delete
  329. BtnApply.Caption=&Apply
  330. BtnRefresh.Caption=&Refresh
  331. lbHint.Caption=Uncheck the checkbox and click "Apply" button to hide an item from StartMenu folder.
  332. MeuRun.Caption=Run
  333. MeuRefresh.Caption=Refresh
  334. MeuSelectAll.Caption=Select All
  335. MeuDelete.Caption=Delete
  336. MeuApply.Caption=Apply
  338. [TFrmFavorites1]
  339. btnApply.Caption=Apply
  340. btnDelete.Caption=Delete
  341. btnSelectAll.Caption=Select All
  342. btnRefresh.Caption=Refresh
  343. BtnDelete.Caption=&Delete
  344. BtnApply.Caption=&Apply
  345. BtnRefresh.Caption=&Refresh
  346. lbHint.Caption=Uncheck the checkbox and click "Apply" button to hide an item from StartMenu folder.
  347. MeuRun.Caption=Run
  348. MeuRefresh.Caption=Refresh
  349. MeuSelectAll.Caption=Select All
  350. MeuDelete.Caption=Delete
  351. MeuApply.Caption=Apply
  353. //Form of ExeLock
  354. [frmExeLock]
  355. lbFileName.Caption=Program to be protected:
  356. btnProtect.Caption=&Protect
  357. btnRun.Caption=&Run
  358. btnUnprotect.Caption=&Unprotect
  359. SkinDirectoryDlg.Title=Select folder
  361. [frmInputPass]
  362. Caption=Password Protection
  363. gbPassword.Caption=Password
  364. lbPassword.Caption=Password:
  365. lbVerification.Caption=Verification:
  366. tlbHint.Lines[0].Text=Please specify a password that will be used to
  367. tlbHint.Lines[1].Text=protect the program.Password are case sensitive.
  368. btnOK.Caption=&OK
  369. btnCancel.Caption=&Cancel
  370. lbHint2.Lines[0].Text=IMPORTANT: make suer you remember the password you just
  371. lbHint2.Lines[1].Text=entered. Upon successful protection the original executable
  372. lbHint2.Lines[2].Text=file will be saved with .ExeLock file type.You might 
  373. lbHint2.Lines[3].Text=want to store this file separately emergency purposes.
  375. //Form of Shredder
  376. [frmShredder]
  377. //Welcome
  378. lbHint.Caption=Welcome to Super Shredder
  379. tlbHint.Lines[0].Text=You can use Super Shredder to delete your files and folders securely. Because your most 
  380. tlbHint.Lines[1].Text=recently deleted files can be recovered  even after you empty your Recycle Bin in order to
  381. tlbHint.Lines[2].Text=obtain information on your Internet surfing habits and the latest documents you created.
  382. tlbHint.Lines[3].Text=
  383. tlbHint.Lines[4].Text=Super Shredder uses a method developed by the US Department of Defense(DoD 5220.2-M). 
  384. tlbHint.Lines[5].Text=
  385. lbHint3.Caption=What would you like to delete?
  386. rbFile.Caption=&Files
  387. rbFolder.Caption=F&older
  388. lbHint4.Caption=Click on "Next" to see the Deleted File Explorer.
  389. //Files
  390. lbHint5.Caption=Which files would you like to delete?
  391. tlbHint6.Lines[0].Text=Super Shredder deletes filenames, data and the assigned free space for the 
  392. tlbHint6.Lines[1].Text=files listed below.
  393. spSkinTextLabel2.Lines[0].Text=Click on "Add" to select the files you want to delete.
  394. Label4.Caption=Files:
  395. btnAdd.Caption=&Add...
  396. btnRemove.Caption=&Remove
  397. //Folder
  398. Label5.Caption=Which folder would you like to delete?
  399. spSkinTextLabel3.Lines[0].Text=Super Shredder writes over all the files in the selected folder.The directory entries and 
  400. spSkinTextLabel3.Lines[1].Text=assigned free space are will be overwritten as well.
  401. spSkinTextLabel4.Lines[0].Text=Select the folder you want to delete.
  402. Label6.Caption=Folder:
  403. spSkinButton3.Caption=&Select...
  404. //Remove
  405. Label7.Caption=How do you want to delete the data?
  406. spSkinGroupBox1.Caption=Deletion method
  407. spSkinCheckRadioBox4.Caption=&Quick delete
  408. spSkinTextLabel5.Lines[0].Text=Overwrites the files with a single character
  409. spSkinCheckRadioBox5.Caption=&Secure delete
  410. spSkinTextLabel6.Lines[0].Text=Deletes files in compliance with US Department of Defense 
  411. spSkinTextLabel6.Lines[1].Text=regulation (DoD 5220.22-M)
  412. spSkinTextLabel7.Lines[0].Text=Repeat the delete operation:
  413. //Button
  414. Btn_Back.Caption=< &Back
  415. Btn_Next.Caption=&Next >
  416. //Dialog
  417. spSkinSelectDirectoryDialog.Title=Select folder
  418. ODAddFiles.Title=Select the files you want to delete
  419. sdSelectDialog.Title=Select folder
  421. //Form of Windows Manager
  422. [frmManagerWin]
  423. spSkinGroupBox1.Caption=HotKey configuration
  424. btnSetClose.Caption=Confi&gure...
  425. btnSetHide.Caption=&Configure...
  426. lb_StaticHide.Caption=All Show\Hide:
  427. lb_StaticClose.Caption=All Close:
  428. rgPosition.Caption=Position
  429. rgPosition.Items[0].Text=Normal
  430. rgPosition.Items[1].Text=Top of Most
  431. rgHide.Caption=Display Status
  432. rgHide.Items[0].Text=Visible
  433. rgHide.Items[1].Text=Invisible
  434. lvWindows.Columns[0].Caption=Title
  435. lvWindows.Columns[1].Caption=Display Status
  436. lvWindows.Columns[2].Caption=Position
  437. btnClose.Caption=&Close Window
  438. pmiVisible.Caption=Display Status
  439. pmiVisibleNormal.Caption=&Visible
  440. pmiHide.Caption=&Invisible
  441. pmiPos.Caption=Postion
  442. pmiPosNormal.Caption=&Normal
  443. pmiPosTop.Caption=&Top of Most
  444. pmiCloseSelect.Caption=&CloseWindow
  446. [frmSetHotKey]
  447. Caption=Hotkey configuration
  448. lbHint.Caption=Selected HotKey:
  449. btnOk.Caption=&OK
  450. btnCancel.Caption=&Cancel
  452. //Form of Process Manager
  453. [frmProcessList]
  454. lvProcessInfo.Columns[0].Caption=Item
  455. lvProcessInfo.Columns[1].Caption=Information
  456. lvProcessInfo.Items[0].Caption=Company Name
  457. lvProcessInfo.Items[1].Caption=File Description
  458. lvProcessInfo.Items[2].Caption=CopyRight
  459. lvProcessInfo.Items[3].Caption=Product Name
  460. lvProcessInfo.Items[4].Caption=Product Version
  461. tsRunning.Caption=Running Processes
  462. btnKill.Caption=&Kill
  463. btnForbid.Caption=&Forbid
  464. lvProcess.Columns[0].Caption=Program Name
  465. lvProcess.Columns[1].Caption=Process ID
  466. lvProcess.Columns[2].Caption=Priority
  467. lvProcess.Columns[3].Caption=File Name
  468. tsForbid.Caption=Forbidden Programs
  469. lvForbidedProgram.Columns[0].Caption=Program Name
  470. lvForbidedProgram.Columns[1].Caption=File Path
  471. btnForbiddenAdd.Caption=&Add Forbidden Program
  472. btnForbiddenDelete.Caption=&Delete Forbidden Program
  473. SaveDialogProcessList.Title=Save file
  474. miKill.Caption=&Kill
  475. MIForbid.Caption=&Forbid
  476. MIAdd.Caption=&Add Forbidden Program
  477. MIDelete.Caption=&Delete Forbidden Program
  479. //Form of IE Protector
  480. [frmIE]
  481. tsGeneral.Caption=General setting
  482. lbIEVersion.Caption=IE Version
  483. lbIETitle.Caption=IE Title
  484. lbIEDefaultPage.Caption=IE Default Page
  485. lbScript.Caption=IE Auto-conf Script
  486. lbDownloadPath.Caption=IE Download Path
  487. lbIECache.Caption=IE Cache directory
  488. lbIEStartPage.Caption=IE Start Page
  489. lbSearchEngine.Caption=IE Default Search Engine
  490. spSkinEdit2.Text=Microsoft Internet Explorer
  491. crbDisableHomePage.Caption=Disable Change IE Homepage
  492. crbDisableProxy.Caption=Disable Change Proxy Setting
  493. crbDisableCloseIE.Caption=Disable Close IE
  494. btnSaveIEGeneralSet.Caption=&Save IE Setting
  495. btnSetBlankPage.Caption=S&ave
  496. btnSearchAssistant.Caption=&Google
  497. tlbHint.Lines[0].Text=Download Microsoft latest Windows Script 5.6 to make IE 
  498. tlbHint.Lines[1].Text=shield the virus on the internet.
  499. btnPatch.Caption=Script &patch
  500. tsContext.Caption=Context menu and toolbar
  501. gbMenu.Caption=IE Rightkey Menu Extention
  502. lbRunSoftWare.Caption=Run Software:
  503. lbMenuName.Caption=Menu Name:
  504. btnDelIeMenuItem.Caption=&Delete
  505. gbToolBar.Caption=IE Rightkey Menu & Toolsbar
  506. lvToolsBarBtn.Columns[0].Caption=name
  507. btnDelToolsBtn.Caption=D&elete
  508. gbMenuEx.Caption=IE toolsbar & tool's menu extention
  509. btnSaveLinkTitle.Caption=&Save Setting
  510. tsMenu.Caption=Menu and option
  511. lbDisIEMenu.Caption=IE Menu:
  512. lbDisIEMenu.Items[0].Text=Disable file
  513. lbDisIEMenu.Items[1].Text=Disable file->new
  514. lbDisIEMenu.Items[2].Text=Disable file->open
  515. lbDisIEMenu.Items[3].Text=Disable file->save as
  516. lbDisIEMenu.Items[4].Text=Disable file->close
  517. lbDisIEMenu.Items[5].Text=Disable view->toolsbar->customize
  518. lbDisIEMenu.Items[6].Text=Disable view->source file
  519. lbDisIEMenu.Items[7].Text=Disable view->full screen
  520. lbDisIEMenu.Items[8].Text=Disable favorite
  521. lbDisIEMenu.Items[9].Text=Disable tool->Internet Option
  522. lbDisIEMenu.Items[10].Text=Disable help->Tips
  523. lbDisIEMenu.Items[11].Text=Disable help->Netscape User
  524. lbDisIEMenu.Items[12].Text=Disable help->tutorial
  525. lbDisIEMenu.Items[13].Text=Disable help->send feedback
  526. lbDisIeOption.Caption=Internet option:
  527. lbDisIeOption.Items[0].Text=Disable general page
  528. lbDisIeOption.Items[1].Text=Disable security page
  529. lbDisIeOption.Items[2].Text=Disable context page
  530. lbDisIeOption.Items[3].Text=Disable connection page
  531. lbDisIeOption.Items[4].Text=Disable program page
  532. lbDisIeOption.Items[5].Text=Disable advanced page
  533. btnSaveMenuSet.Caption=&Save
  534. MeuRun.Caption=Run
  535. MeuRefresh.Caption=Refresh
  536. MeuSelectAll.Caption=Select All
  537. MeuApply.Caption=Apply
  538. MeuDelete.Caption=Delete
  540. //Form of Super Undelete
  541. [frmDriveRescue]
  542. spSkinTabSheet1.Caption=Driver
  543. tlbWelcome.Lines[0].Text=With Super Undelete you can restore deleted files after you have cleared
  544. tlbWelcome.Lines[1].Text=them out of the recycle bin.
  545. tlbWelcome.Lines[2].Text=
  546. tlbWelcome.Lines[3].Text=Select the drives you want to scan for deleted files.
  547. tlbWelcome.Lines[4].Text=
  548. tlbWelcome.Lines[5].Text=Drivers to be scanned:
  549. lbNext.Caption=Click on "Next" to see the Deleted File Explorer.
  550. lbWelcome.Caption=Welcome to Super Undelete
  551. spSkinTabSheet2.Caption=Explorer
  552. gbExplorer.Caption=Deleted Files Explorer
  553. btnFind.Caption=&Find Special Files...
  554. btnRestore.Caption=&Restore to...
  555. spSkinPanel6.Caption=spSkinPanel3
  556. btnBack.Caption=< &Back
  557. btnNext.Caption=&Next >
  558. PopupMenuSaveFileTo.Caption=&Save  to...
  559. PopupMenuSaveFileTo.Hint=Save selected files and folders
  560. PopupMenuProperties.Caption=&Properties...
  561. PopupMenuProperties.Hint=Set properties of selected file or folder
  562. PopupMenuRename.Caption=&Rename...
  563. PopupMenuRename.Hint=Rename selected file or folder
  564. PopupMenuViewAsHex.Caption=View as &hex dump...
  565. PopupMenuViewAsHex.Hint=View file as hex dump
  566. PopupMenuViewAsText.Caption=View as &text...
  567. PopupMenuViewAsText.Hint=View file as text
  568. Saveto1.Caption=&Restore to...
  569. Rename1.Caption=&Rename...
  570. spSkinSelectDirectoryDialog.Title=Select folder
  572. //Form of System Information 
  573. [frmSysPerform]
  574. tsOverview.Caption=Overview
  575. tsMemory.Caption=Memory
  576. tsDisplay.Caption=Display
  577. tsNet.Caption=Network
  578. tsIO.Caption=I/O Device
  579. tsCpu.Caption=System Device
  580. tsPerformance.Caption=Performance
  581. gb_CPU.Caption=CPU Usage
  582. gb_RAM.Caption=Memory Usage
  584. //Form of Auto Shutdown
  585. [frmAutoshutdown]
  586. btnMode.Caption=Execute mode 
  587. lbYear.Caption=year
  588. lbMonth.Caption=month
  589. lbDay.Caption=day
  590. cbSettingDate.Caption=Setting date
  591. cbbmode.Text=Time
  592. cbbmode.Items[0].Text=Time
  593. cbbmode.Items[1].Text=Exact time
  594. cbbmode.Items[2].Text=Countdown
  595. cbbmode.Items[3].Text=Processor Usage
  596. spSkinStdLabel2.Caption=hours
  597. spSkinStdLabel3.Caption=hours
  598. spSkinStdLabel4.Caption=minutes
  599. spSkinStdLabel6.Caption=Countdown
  600. spSkinStdLabel7.Caption=hours
  601. spSkinStdLabel8.Caption=minutes start
  602. lbCPUUsage.Caption=CPU Usage under
  603. lbSystemTime.Caption=Current system time :
  604. gbAction.Caption=Action
  605. lbSelectProgram.Caption=Select program :
  606. cbaction.Text=Log off
  607. cbaction.Items[0].Text=Log off
  608. cbaction.Items[1].Text=Restart
  609. cbaction.Items[2].Text=Shut down
  610. cbaction.Items[3].Text=Execute
  611. cbprompt.Caption=Prompt
  612. btnOK.Caption=&Start
  614. //Form for Driver Backup
  615. [frmDriverBackup]
  616. lbDriverInfo.Caption=Driver infomation:
  617. btnSelectAll.Caption=Select &all
  618. lvDriverInfo.Columns[0].Caption=Item
  619. lvDriverInfo.Columns[1].Caption=Info
  620. lvDriverInfo.Items[0].Caption=Name
  621. lvDriverInfo.Items[1].Caption=Version
  622. lvDriverInfo.Items[2].Caption=Manufacture
  623. lvDriverInfo.Items[3].Caption=File count
  624. lvDriverInfo.Items[4].Caption=File size
  625. btnRestor.Caption=&Restore...
  626. chb_ShowAll.Caption=&Show all drivers
  627. btnBackup.Caption=&Backup...
  628. btnMakePackage.Caption=&Make package...
  629. act_SelectAll.Caption=Select &all
  630. act_BackuptoPath.Caption=&Backup...
  631. act_RestoreByPath.Caption=&Restore...
  632. act_BackuptoPack.Caption=&Make package...
  633. act_ShowAll.Caption=&Show all drivers
  634. spSkinSelectDirectoryDialog.Title=Select folder
  635. spSkinSaveDialog.Title=Save file
  637. //Form of Folder Analyzer
  638. [frmFolderSize]
  639. spSkinPanel2.Caption=File adn Directory Information:
  640. lbCaption.Caption=Select a folder or a drive:
  641. btnScan.Caption=&Analyze
  642. btnExport.Caption=&Export to Html File...
  643. btnOption.Caption=&Option
  644. p_DirTree.Caption=Directory List:
  645. pmiSort.Caption=Sort By
  646. pmiNameAsc.Caption=Name(Asc)
  647. pmiNameDec.Caption=Name(Dec)
  648. pmiSizeAsc.Caption=Size(Asc)
  649. pmiSizeDec.Caption=Size(Dec)
  650. pmiExplorer.Caption=Browse...
  651. pmiDelete.Caption=Delete
  652. pmiDeleteDir.Caption=Directory
  653. pmiDeleteFiles.Caption=All files under this folder
  654. pmiRefresh.Caption=Refresh
  655. pmiRefreshAll.Caption=All
  656. pmiRefreshNode.Caption=This selected folder
  657. pmiExpand.Caption=Expand
  658. pmiCollapse.Caption=Collapse
  659. pmiUnit.Caption=Unit
  660. N7.Caption=Auto
  661. pmiSubFolderNum.Caption=SubFolders:
  662. pmiFileNum.Caption=Files:
  663. pmiSize.Caption=Size:
  664. SaveDialog.Title=Save file
  665. SaveHtmlDialog.Title=Save file
  667. //Form of Super Shell
  668. [frmRightKey]
  669. tsEnhance.Caption=Super Shell Manager
  670. lbHint.Caption=Checked items will appear in the "Super Utilities" item of context menu.
  671. ts_Sendto.Caption=SendTo Manager
  672. LsvSendto.Columns[0].Caption=Item
  673. LsvSendto.Columns[1].Caption=Location
  674. btnSendtoDelete.Caption=&Delete
  675. btnSendtoNew.Caption=&New
  676. btnSendtoSave.Caption=&Save
  677. lbHint2.Caption=The items checked below appear on your Send To Menu. Remove the checkmark beside any item to hide it from the menu. You also can add new items to Send To Menu.
  678. SkinDirBox.Title=Select folder
  680. [frmModifyName]
  681. Caption=Modify
  682. lbName.Caption=Send to Name:
  683. btnOK.Caption=&OK
  684. btnCancel.Caption=&Cancel
  686. //Form of Password
  687. [frmPsw]
  688. Caption=Password
  689. lbPswHint.Caption=Enter your password:
  690. btnOK.Caption=&OK
  691. btnCancel.Caption=&Cancel
  693. //Form of Options
  694. [frmOption]
  695. tsStandard.Caption=Standard Settings
  696. gbPassword.Caption=Password Protect
  697. lbPassword.Caption=Password:
  698. lbConfirm.Caption=Confirm Password:
  699. cbEnablePassword.Caption=Enable Password Ptotect
  700. gbRunning.Caption=Running Settings
  701. cbStartUp.Caption=Auto Run When Windows Starts
  702. cbMiniToTray.Caption=Minimize To Tray
  703. cbAutoEraseTracks.Caption=Auto Erase Tracks When Windows Starts
  704. btnSaveStarandSetting.Caption=&Save Settings
  705. spSkinTabSheet1.Caption=Skins
  706. gbSkinPreview.Caption=Preview
  707. MenuButton.Caption=Menu button
  708. l_UpdateComplete.Caption=Preview update complete!
  709. l_UpdatingPreview.Caption=Updating preview...
  710. btnAplSkin.Caption=Apply
  712. //Form of Update
  713. [frmupdate]
  714. tsWelcome.Caption=Welcome
  715. lbInfo2.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard allows you to keep your Superlogix product always updated
  716. lbInfo2.Lines[1].Text=with the most recent version. An internet connection is required.
  717. lbInfo3.Caption=Click on "Next" to download update information file and  get available updates.
  718. lbWelcome.Caption=Welcome to Superlogix UpdateWizard
  719. lbInfo1.Lines[0].Text=Super Utilities is being developed and updated by the programmers.Modules are being improved 
  720. lbInfo1.Lines[1].Text=and bugs found in the software are being removed. Technology is also constantly changing, so
  721. lbInfo1.Lines[2].Text=some tools have to be kept up to date.
  722. tsConnecting.Caption=Connecting
  723. lbInfo5.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard will now determine whether there are updates availablefor your superlogix 
  724. lbInfo5.Lines[1].Text=product.
  725. lbInfo6.Lines[0].Text=UpdateWizard is connecting to a Superlogix-Server to download the list
  726. lbInfo6.Lines[1].Text=of available updates.
  727. lbInfo4.Caption=Determining the available updates from web server
  728. tsList.Caption=GetList
  729. lbInfo8.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard successfully accuired a list of the available updatesfor your superlogix 
  730. lbInfo8.Lines[1].Text=product.
  731. lbInfo8.Lines[2].Text=
  732. lbInfo7.Caption=List of all available updates in web server
  733. lbInfo9.Caption=Click on "Next" to download special updates and update your product.
  734. clb_list.Caption=Available updates:
  735. tsDownload.Caption=download updates
  736. lbInfo11.Lines[0].Text=Superlogix UpdateWizard will now download special updates from web server for your superlogix 
  737. lbInfo11.Lines[1].Text=product.
  738. lbinfo12.Lines[0].Text=UpdateWizard is downloading special updates now. Please wait a few minutes and 
  739. lbinfo12.Lines[1].Text=don't abort it. 
  740. lbinfo12.Lines[2].Text=
  741. lbInfo10.Caption=Downloading the available updates from web server
  742. Btn_Back.Caption=< &Back
  743. Btn_Next.Caption=&Next >
  747. [Misc]
  748. //System Cleaner
  749. cnSysClean=System Cleaner
  751. mnDiskClean=Disk Cleaner
  752. hint_DiskClean=Make your system run faster by removing unnecessary files from your hard drive, deleting data that you don't need, and freeing up valuable space.
  754. mnRegClean=Registry Cleaner
  755. hint_RegClean=If you're like most Windows users, your Registry is full of invalid data and references to programs and drivers . The Registry is the heart of your Windows system. Make it clean and efficient again, and your computer will be faster and more stable.
  757. mnUninstall=Uninstall Plus
  758. hint_Uninstall=Most software that you've uninstalled is still partially there. Uninstaller Plus removes it fully, resulting in a smoother, more stable computer. This utility can also hide some of your installed programs, so other people don't accidentally wipe them out.
  760. mnMemTurbo=Memory Turbo
  761. hint_MemTurbo=Have you noticed that your computer runs slower and slower as the hours pass? The main reason is that the programs that you close don't free up your valuable system memory properly. Memory Turbo ensures that memory is given back to you. This results in brisker computing, and fewer system crashes. 
  763. mnStartup=StartUp Organizer
  764. hint_Startup=Your computer runs more slowly now than it did when it was new. Part of your problem is that you have software running that you really don't need. StartUp Organizer lets you get rid of the useless utilities that automatically load each time you start Windows - the utilities that are slowing down your important applications.
  766. mnShortCut=Shortcuts Repairer
  767. hint_ShortCut=Most often you delete/move the target file or folder of a shortcut, making that shortcut invalid. This utility searches your disk for such dead shortcuts, and can even fix them, by automatically searching for moved targets.
  769. //Privacy Protector
  770. cnPrivacy=Privacy Protector
  772. mnFileGuardian=Folder Guard
  773. hint_FileGuardian=Hide your files and folders from snoopy people. They can't read, modify,or destroy your information if they can't find it.
  775. mnTrackErase=Tracks Washer
  776. hint_TrackErase=Protect your privacy, save storage space, and improve the performance of your computer by erasing the tracks left by Windows, your Internet browser, and other programs. Don't let people see what you've been doing.
  778. mnExelock=Super ExeLock
  779. hint_ExeLock=Password protect your programs. Lock unauthorized people out of your spreadsheet, money manager, word processor, and any program that contains private information.
  781. mnShredder=Super Shredder
  782. hint_Shredder=If you've deleted sensitive, private files, the bad guys can restore them. With Super Shredder, the files are permanently destroyed. Super Shredder conforms to the US Department of Defense's privacy standards.
  784. mnSuperMenuGuard=Super MenuGuard
  785. hint_SuperMenuGuard=Nobody should know what web sites you've bookmarked in Internet Explorer. With IE Favorites Guard, you can easily manage your favorite sites, and keep other people from seeing them. Easily add programs to the Windows Start Menu, and hide the ones that you don't want other people to know you're using. 
  787. //System Maintence
  788. cnMaintence=System Maintenance
  790. mnProcess=Process Manager
  791. hint_Process=There are more programs running on your computer than you realize. Process Manager makes it easy for you to take control of what's running. You can easily lock out dangerous processes.
  793. mnManagerWin=Windows Manager
  794. hint_ManagerWin=Would you like an easy way to determine which windows are open or closed, and which always stay on top? Windows Manager will make you more efficient by tailoring Windows to meet your individual needs.
  796. mnIE=IE Protector
  797. hint_IE=More and more web sites are installing malicious code onto your hard drive, or changing your browser settings, without your permission. Lock the bad guys out of your computer by keeping them from misusing Internet Explorer.
  799. mnUndelete=Super Undelete
  800. hint_Undelete=If you've accidentally erased an important file, it may still be on your hard drive. If it's possible to restore it, Super Undelete will help you.
  802. mnSysPerform=System Information
  803. hint_SysPerform=System Information takes a deep look into your computer and gathers numerous facts about your hardware and software in only a few seconds. This data can be important for you when you want to upgrade the system or when you are asked by a support technician if certain components are installed on your computer.
  805. //Special tools
  806. cnSpecial=Special Tools
  808. mnAutoShutdown=Auto Shutdown
  809. hint_AutoShutdown=Your can increase security by powering down your computer automatically at the end of the workday, or on any schedule. This award-winning utility is a complete shutdown, restart, and logoff manager.
  811. mnFolderSize=Folder Analyzer
  812. hint_FolderSize=If you've ever wondered where on earth all of your free hard drive space has gone, this handy utility will tell you. You can view your folders and subfolders, and see where files are accumulating.
  814. mnDriverBak=Driver Backup
  815. hint_DriverBak=If you've ever tried to upgrade Windows, or restore Windows after a system crash, you've learned that you need to find software drivers for your mouse, hard drive, CDROM, and a dozen other hardware devices. Driver Backup grabs all of your drivers, and stores them for you in a safe place, so they'll be handy when you really need them.
  817. mnSuperShell=Super Shell
  818. hint_SuperShell=Here's a handy collection of tools that you can use just by right-clicking a file or folder. Save time and work more efficiently with this suite of context-menu shell extensions.
  820. //Options and help
  821. mnOptions=Options
  822. hint_Options=Change the settings of Super Utilities including run settings, password and skins.
  824. mnUpdate=Update
  825. hint_Update=Help you to keep your Super Utilities always updated with the most recent version. You should execute  UpdateWizard regularly in order to keep the Super Utilities up to date.
  827. mnAbout=About
  828. hint_About=Welcome to the world of Super Utilities! 19 powerful tools to Fix, Speed up, Maintain and Protect Your PC. Make your computer run faster, safer, with greater privacy and security.
  831. //const value for Disk Cleaner
  832. c_Mega = 'M';
  833. c_frmQuickClean_Total =%fMB selected.
  834. c_frmQuickClean_Free = %fMB free on all non-removeable drives.
  835. c_frmQuickClean_CanClean = %fMB can be freed on all non-removeable drives.
  836. c_frmQuickClean_All = Total size of the non-removeable drives is %fGB.
  837. c_frmQuickClean_No = No
  838. c_frmQuickClean_Yes = Yes
  839. c_frmQuickClean_Complete = Quick clean complete!
  840. c_frmQuickClean_SerieFree = Free space
  841. c_frmQuickClean_SerieCanClean = Space for clean
  842. c_frmQuickClean_SerieUsed = Used space
  843. c_frmQuickClean_HistoryConfirm=This selection will permanently erase all history files of Internet Explorer! Do you really want to do this?
  844. c_frmQuickClean_CacheConfirm=This selection will permanently erase all cache files of Internet Explorer! Do you really want to do this?
  847. c_cleanfileform_usedspace = MB have been used
  848. c_cleanfileform_freespace = MB free
  849. c_cleanfileform_stopscan = The scan has been finished
  850. c_cleanfileform_scandir = Current directory
  851. c_cleanfileform_choosedriver = Please choose the driver that you want to scan!
  852. c_cleanfileform_lookfolder =Browse the folder
  853. c_cleanfileform_scanover = Scan finished  
  854. c_cleanfileform_total = Total size 
  855. c_cleanfileform_byte =  Byte
  856. c_cleanfileform_deleteover = Deletion finish 
  857. c_cleanfileform_deleting =  Deleting...please waiting for a moment!
  858. c_cleanfileform_lasttime = Accessed:
  859. c_cleanfileform_lastmodifytime = Modified:
  860. c_cleanfileform_filesize = Size :
  861. c_cleanfileform_totalsize =Total size :
  862. c_cleanfileform_selectsize =Selected  size :
  863. c_cleanfileform_confirm = Are you sure to delete the type that you have selected?
  864. c_cleanfileform_retrieve = Are you sure to get back the beginning?
  865. c_cleanfileform_damage = The file has been destoryed!
  866. c_cleanfileform_stopcfm = If you want to change to other page ,please finish the scan!Are you sure to finish?
  867. c_cleanfileform_zerofile = Scan zero size file 
  868. c_cleanfileform_readfile = Scan readonly file 
  869. c_cleanfileform_sysfile = Scan system file
  870. c_cleanfileform_ChartTitle = Status
  871. c_cleanfileform_noadddrive = Can not add driver!
  872. c_cleanfileform_totalfile =   %d files 
  875. //const value for Registry Cleaner
  876. c_frmRegClean_scan=S&can
  877. c_frmRegClean_stop=&Stop
  878. c_frmRegClean_scanto=Number of invalid entries found:
  879. c_frmRegClean_suredel=Are you sure you want to remove checked entry form Registry?
  880. c_frmRegClean_suredel1=Are you sure you want to remove all the invalid and redundant entries form Registry?
  881. c_frmRegClean_surerestore=Are you sure you want to undo the changes to the Registry?
  882. c_frmRegClean_delbacksure=Are you sure you want to permanently discard the undo information for the changes made to the Registry?
  883. c_frmRegClean_WantChangePage=Now scanning!Do you really want to stop and turn to another page?
  884. c_frmRegClean_alarm=Please select items that you want to remove!
  885. c_frmRegClean_alarm1=No items for removing!
  886. C_femRegClean_Finished=Registry entries succcessfully removed!
  887. c_frmRegClean_scan1=Scanning:
  888. c_frmRegClean_inefective=invalid help file
  889. c_frmRegClean_wrongclass=invalid class
  890. c_frmRegClean_wrongsoftware=invalid software
  891. c_frmRegClean_inefectivedll=redundance DLL information
  892. c_frmRegClean_inefectiveCountry=redundance InterNet country code
  893. c_frmRegClean_inefectivelanguage=redundance language
  894. c_frmRegClean_inefectiveTimeZone=redundance timezone
  895. c_frmRegClean_inefectiveapperance=redundance Windows & mouse style
  896. c_frmRegClean_infectiveinstall=invalid uninstall information
  897. c_frmRegClean_infectivepath=invalid file or path
  898. c_frmRegClean_openfilerecord=Open file history list
  899. c_frmRegClean_openapprecord=Open program history list
  900. c_frmRegClean_explain=Memo
  901. c_frmRegClean_keyname=key
  902. c_frmRegClean_KeyValue=Value
  904. //const value for StartUp Organizer
  905. c_frmStart_sFile=File
  906. c_frmStart_SFolder=Folder
  907. c_frmStart_SRegistry=Registry
  908. c_frmStart_confOverWriteEnabled=A program with the same name already exists. Overwrite it?
  909. c_frmStart_confOverWriteUnabled=A program unactivated with the same name already exists. Overwrite it?
  910. c_frmStart_confDelProgram=Are you sure to remove the selected items?
  911. c_frmStart_confRecoverProgram=Are you sure to recover the selected items?
  912. c_frmStart_confRestore=Are you sure to Restore?
  913. c_frmStart_InfoNewItem=Super Utilities has detected that there are new programs have beed added to your startup categories since last run. They have been marked RED.
  914. c_frmStart_InfoNotEnabled=This program will be unenabled until you click it checked.
  915. c_frmStart_ProductName=Product Name:
  916. c_frmStart_Internal=Internal Name:
  917. c_frmStart_VersionInfo=Version:
  918. c_frmStart_CompanyName=Company:
  919. c_frmStart_Language=Language:
  920. c_frmStart_Author=Author:
  921. c_frmStart_EMail=EMail:
  922. c_frmStart_Trademark=Trademark:
  923. c_frmStart_Comment=Comment:
  924. c_frmStart_ProgramName=Program Name
  925. c_frmStart_RunningCommand=Command Line
  926. c_frmStart_Running=Running
  927. c_frmStart_Enable=Enable
  928. c_frmStart_Disable=Disable
  929. c_frmStart_Status=Status
  931. //const value for Uninstall Plus
  932. c_frmDelSoft_MissingUninstallStr=Missing uninstall program
  933. c_frmDelSoft_Unkown=unkown
  934. c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmDelInfo=Do you want to delete the software information from Registry?
  935. c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmDelProg=Do you want to uninstall %s?
  936. c_frmDelSoft_DetectNewInstall=Super Utilities has detected that there are new installed programs since last run.They have been marked RED.
  937. c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmHide=Do you want to hide the software information from Registry?
  938. c_frmDelSoft_ConfirmRestore=Do you want to restore the software information from Registry?
  940. //Const value for Memory Turbo
  941. c_frmMemTurbo_OK=Free memory completely!
  942. c_USysperform_FreeProcess=Progress of free   
  943. c_USysperform_Novirtualmemory=Occupy Of Total Virtual Memory
  944. c_USysperform_NoSwapFile=Available Page File
  945. c_USysperform_SwapFile=Total Page file
  946. c_USysperform_OcuppyTotoalMemory=Percentage
  947. c_USysperform_NoUsedMemory=Free RAM Memory
  948. c_USysperform_UsedMemory=RAM Memory Used
  949. c_USysperform_TotalMemory=Total virtual memroy
  950. c_USysperform_CpuUsag=CPU Usage
  951. c_USysperform_virtualmemory=Virtual EMS Memory
  952. c_frmMemTurbo_Stop=&Stop
  953. c_frmMemTurbo_Start=&Free Memory
  955. //Const value for ShortCut Repair
  956. c_frmShortCut_Scan=&Scan
  957. c_frmShortCut_Stop=S&top
  958. c_frmShortCut_Fixed=The Target of this shortcut has been fixed to
  959. c_frmShortCut_CheckError=No items checked!
  960. c_frmShortCut_ConfirmDelete=Are you sure you want send the item to the recycle bin?
  961. c_frmShortCut_ConfirmDelete2=Are you sure you want send the %d items to the recycle bin?
  962. c_frmShortCut_SelectError=No items selected!
  964. //Const value for About
  965. C_FrmAbout_lbThanks=We sincerely appreciate your support of SuperLogix. Now you become a legal user of Super Utilities.
  966. c_frmAbout_lbRegistered=Thank you for choosing Super Utilities. You become a legal user of SuperLogix now!
  967. c_frmAbout_lbUnRegistered=Your are using a trail version.
  968. c_frmAbout_prgLeft=You have %d days left to try Super Utilities.
  969. c_frmAbout_licensed=This product is licensed to: 
  970. c_frmAbout_code=Registration Code: 
  972. //Const value for Folder Guard
  973. c_frmFileDirLocker_IncorrectInst =This function need you reboot system.If there is still problem, reinstall software please.
  974. c_frmFileDirLocker_FailSetting = Fail to apply.
  975. c_frmFileDirLocker_FailAdding = Fail to add.
  976. c_frmFileDirLocker_Path = Path
  977. c_frmFileDirLocker_InvalidDir =Invalid Folder(s).
  979. //const value for Tracks Washer
  980. Word=Recent Files of Word
  981. Excel=Recent Files of Excel
  982. Access=Recent Files of Access
  983. PowerPoint=Recent Files of PowerPoint
  984. FrontPage=Recent Files of FrontPage
  985. MediaPlayer=Tracks of MediaPlayer
  986. RealOne=Tracks of RealOne
  987. ACDSee=Tracks of ACDSee
  988. StartDoc=Recent Documents History
  989. StartRun=Start Menu Run History
  990. MyNetwork=NetWork History
  991. Registry=Registry
  992. IEAddress=Address Bar History
  993. IEHistory=Internet History
  994. IECookie=Cookies
  996. //const value for ExeLock
  997. c_frmExeLock_FileNotFind=File Can not be found!
  998. c_frmExeLock_FileNotProtected=This file is not protected by Super ExeLock!
  999. c_frmExeLock_FileUnProtected=This file has been successfully unprotected!
  1000. c_frmExeLock_ProtectError=This file can not be unprotected Now!
  1002. //const value for System Information
  1003. c_USysperform_FreeSpace=Space Total
  1004. c_USysperform_Device=Computer Device
  1005. c_USysperform_Name=Name
  1006. c_USysperform_NoName=Template No Name
  1007. c_USysperform_User=User Name
  1008. c_USysperform_OS=Operation System
  1009. c_USysperform_WindowsFile=Windows Folder
  1010. c_USysperform_SystemFile=System Folder
  1011. c_USysperform_WindowsVersion=Windows Version
  1012. c_USysperform_WindowsTime=Windows Run Time
  1013. c_USysperform_IEVersion=IE Version
  1014. c_USysperform_DirectX=DirectX Version
  1015. c_USysperform_CpuSpeed=Frequency
  1016. c_USysperform_Memory=Physical Memory
  1017. c_USysperform_Disk=Disk
  1018. c_USysperform_VedioCard=Video Card
  1019. c_USysperform_Monitor=Monitor
  1020. c_USysperform_Audio=Audio First Device
  1021. c_USysperform_KeyBoard=KeyBoard: IBM KeyBoard Extender  
  1022. c_USysperform_Mouse=Mouse
  1023. c_USysperform_MUsed=Used Memory
  1024. c_USysperform_MTotal=Total Memory
  1025. c_USysperform_MNoUse=Unused Physical Memory
  1026. c_USysperform_MSwapFile=Account Of Exchange Files
  1027. c_USysperform_MNoSwapFile=Unused Exchange Files
  1028. c_USysperform_MVirtual=Virtual Memory
  1029. c_USysperform_MNoVirtual=Unused Virtual Memory
  1030. c_USysperform_CDROM=CDROM
  1031. c_USysperform_DControl=Disk Controler
  1032. c_USysperform_Dtotal=Partion Total Space
  1033. c_USysperform_DFreeSpace=Disk Free Space
  1034. c_USysperform_DPartition=Partion
  1035. c_USysperform_DVolum=Volunm
  1036. c_USysperform_DSerial=Serial Number
  1037. c_USysperform_DFileSys=Files System
  1038. c_USysperform_DSectorsPerCluster=Sectors Per Cluster
  1039. c_USysperform_DBytePerCluste=Byte Per Cluster
  1040. c_USysperform_DChu=Cluster
  1041. c_USysperform_DChuTotal=Total Cluster
  1042. c_USysperform_DChuFree=Free Cluster
  1043. c_USysperform_DFree=Free Space
  1044. c_USysperform_DTotalTotal=Total Space
  1045. c_USysperform_Vcard=Video Card
  1046. c_USysperform_VSetting=Current Setting: Screen Solution
  1047. c_USysperform_VMode=Support Mode
  1048. c_USysperform_VTextC=Text Capability
  1049. c_USysperform_VLineC=Lines Capability
  1050. c_USysperform_VCurveC=Curve Capability
  1051. c_USysperform_VPolyC=Polygonal Capability
  1052. c_USysperform_VRasterC=Raster Capability
  1053. c_USysperform_Net=NetWork
  1054. c_USysperform_NetCard=Net Adapter
  1055. c_USysperform_NetClient=Clients
  1056. c_USysperform_NetSever=Server
  1057. c_USysperform_KeyboardType=Style: IBM(101/102) Keyboard
  1058. c_USysperform_KeyboardNum=Function Keys:
  1059. c_USysperform_Circle=Circle Of Cursor Show:
  1060. c_USysperform_Second=Milliseconds
  1061. c_USysperform_Type=Style:
  1062. c_USysperform_DoubleClick=Double Click Time:
  1063. c_USysperform_USB=USB Controler
  1064. c_USysperform_Processor=Processor
  1065. c_USysperform_ProcessorSpeed=Frequency
  1066. c_USysperform_Multimedia=Multimedia Commander Set:MMX   
  1067. c_USysperform_Version=Version
  1068. c_USysperform_Account=Account
  1069. c_USysperform_OEM=OEM
  1070. c_USysperform_Date=Data
  1072. //const value for Driver Backup
  1073. c_frmDriverPack_GetZipFail=Fail to read package!
  1074. c_frmDriverPack_ExtFail=Fail to extract from package!
  1075. c_frmDriverPack_AppTitle=Super Utilities Driver Package
  1076. c_frmDriverPack_reboot=Driver installation complete. Reboot system?
  1077. c_frmDriverPack_ExtOK=Extraction complete!
  1078. c_frmDriverBackup_BackupComplete=Backup complete!
  1079. c_frmDriverBackup_RestoreComplete=Restore complete!
  1080. c_frmDriverBackup_Reboot=Restore complete. Reboot now?
  1081. c_frmDriverBackup_FailToLocateFile=Specified driver files not found.
  1083. //const value for Auto ShutDown
  1084. c_autoshutdown_info11=Current user will log off at  %d:00
  1085. c_autoshutdown_info12=The computer will restart at %d:00
  1086. c_autoshutdown_info13=The computer will shutdown at %d:00
  1087. c_autoshutdown_info14=The computer will execute the specified program at %d:00
  1088. c_autoshutdown_info21=Current user will log off at  %d :%d
  1089. c_autoshutdown_info22=The computer will restart at %d :%d
  1090. c_autoshutdown_info23=The computer will shutdown at %d :%d
  1091. c_autoshutdown_info24=The computer will execute the specified program at %d :%d
  1092. c_autoshutdown_info31=When the CPU Usage under %d 
  1093. c_autoshutdown_info41=log off current user
  1094. c_autoshutdown_info32=When the CPU Usage under %d  
  1095. c_autoshutdown_info42=The computer will restart
  1096. c_autoshutdown_info33=When the CPU Usage under %d  
  1097. c_autoshutdown_info43=The computer will shutdown
  1098. c_autoshutdown_info34=When the CPU Usage under %d 
  1099. c_autoshutdown_info44=The computer will execute the specified program
  1100. c_autoshutdown_msg=Are you sure to execute        
  1101. c_autoshutdown_info51=Remain:
  1102. c_autoshutdown_info52=Remain:
  1103. c_autoshutdown_info53=Remain:
  1104. c_autoshutdown_info54=Remain:
  1105. c_autoshutdown_info6= %d hours %d minutes %d seconds