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Version 1.00.810 - shortcut for EQ wasn't working, fixed - OSD position wasn't working when option 'Draw OSD messages to overlay' was checked, fixed - audio stream names in Matroska files are now properly displayed - fixed some bugs with ini/bsi files - Matroska chapters will now be loaded in bsi files - subtitle time correction was broken, fixed - fixed problem with DV Type 1 files - fixed some problems with OGM files (crash if subtitles were disabled) - fixed problem with LPCM audio in VOB files - subtitle time correction was broken, fixed Version 1.00.809 - Fixed problem with Matroska files with only audio streams - Sometimes audio stream names with Ogg files was corrupted, fixed - Selected audio output device will now be remembered when switching audio streams - Sometimes skin would revert back to base skin, should be fixed now - Fixed problem with freezing when seeking - Movie length was displayed as 0 after stop, fixed - Last subtitle line was still displayed after switching subtitles off, fixed - AC3 filter will be visible now in filter list - If video window was left on secondary monitor and in full screen mode, position wasn't remembered, fixed - chapters from ini files should now be read like in 0.8xx versions - ini shutdown option wasn't working, fixed - fixed bug with resolution switching in full screen mode - fixed freezing problem with some skins under Windows 98 * filters defined in bspfilters.dat will now be loaded even if other libraries are required (for ex. xvid.ax require xvidcore.dll), just put them all in .\filters directory + added option to open locked (in use) files + subtitle position will now also work when 'Draw subtitles to overlay surface option is checked' + Subtitle language for subtitles in Matroska files is now properly displayed Version 1.00.808 - Fixed inc/dec postprocessing shortcut for ffdshow - Fixed %FR tag in capture format - Fixed problems with big AVI files, if movie was paused and then 'frame step' function was used, after un-pause it would continue at random position - Fixed shutdown problem, computer didn't power off - Fixed bookmark editor - Fixed jump to time option, sometimes wrong time was displayed - Fixed filter property pages, wasn't working for audio files - Fixed RGB overlay, RGB overlay was never used even if it was selected - If OSD was disabled in Overlay mode and certain function was used (for ex. 'Change aspect ratio') picture disappeared, fixed - WinLIRC IP and port wasn't remembered, fixed - Fixes/changes with OGM subtitles and audio stream switching/support - It should run from CD now with .ini/.bsi files - Some other fixes with ini/bsi files - Sometimes window will go behind taskbar and wasn't visible, fixed - Fixed subtitle StartTime bug in .ini/.bsi files - Some other bug fixes and changes * Player will now use different settings file for every user (BSPlayer.USERNAME.xml) * Changed audio stream switching, multiple audio streams should be now detected for any file + Added some new command line options, description is in file .\doc\cmdline.txt + It's now possible to use text from language file for button descriptions in skin.ini, look in .\skins\Base\skin.ini for example + Movies with more parts will be now automatically added to playlist, when first part is open (for ex. Movie.CD1.avi -> Movie.CD2.avi) + Added option to disable history (recent files) + Added basic support for SSA subtitles (bold, italic, underline, font name and color codes are currently supported) + Added option to split subtitle line if it's too long + Added anamophic aspect ratio + It's now possible to set default Aspect and Pan-scan settings for items added to playlist 30.04.2004 Update - Fixed broken shortcut for skins - Some fixes for systems with large fonts - Fixed bug in 'Jump to time' dialog, movie length was displayed twice - Subtitle position wasn't always remebered, fixed - Fixed another problem with audio streams in OGM files - Fixed some bugs with loading subtitles, sometimes wrong subtitle was loaded Version 1.00.806 - Fixed resource leak in subtitle displaying routine (fixes 'Canvas does not allow drawing errors') - Fixed command line bug, second parameter (subtitles to load) was ignored - Fixed '-stime=x' command line option - When -fs command line option was used, mouse pointer didn't hide, fixed - 'Clear history' should work now - Fixed some problems with AVI files >= 2GB - Fixed some problems with subtitles in OGG files - If 'Auto load any subtitles in current directory' option was checked and subtitle directory was set, first subtitle in this directory was loaded for every movie, fixed - Full screen skin is now displayed on right monitor - Some other bug fixes * Config file won't be overwritten when installing new version * Remember last movie position options now works * Bookmarks files are now compatible with old bookmark files + Added option to use or ignore display extension sequence in MPEG files Version 1.00.805 - Support for subtitles in OGM files was broken, fixed - Broken audio stream switching, fixed Version 1.00.804 - Fixed some bugs with OGM files - Fixed -asX command line option - If for ex. second audio stream was choosen and next movie has only one audio stream there was no sound, fixed - 'Add directory' playlist command, didn't add custom defined extension, fixed - Fixed problem with taskbar - Fixed bug with subtitles in Matroska files (part of previous subtitle was visible) - Fixed bug with 'scrambled' subtitles and OSD when 'Draw to overlay surface' option was enabled * In full screen skins when you move mouse over seek bar, it now shows time and % instead of only % * In Win9x window moving should be more smooth (like in 0.86 versions) + Added support for (SRT) subtitles embeded in AVI files (created for ex. with AVIMux GUI) + Added option to choose file name in 'Export bookmarks' dialog + Added support for multiple audio streams in MPEG files + It's now possible to assign double click to actions + Added option to load custom fonts for skins (look in .\Base\skin.ini file for syntax) Version 1.00.803 - Fixed bug with VMR9 and Windows Media files - If mouse button was assigned to some action it didn't always work, fixed - Fixed bug with Overlay mixer (black screen) - Winamp DSP plugins didn't load if audio stream was changed, fixed - Audio output device selection wasn't remembered, fixed - Fixed some problems with frame capture - Mouse cursor sometimes didn't dissapear in full screen mode, fixed - Fixed some problems with multi monitors - If video window was left on secondary monitor, position wasn't remembered, fixed - Fixed problem with volume and track button in some skins Also plugin for old skins is included so all old skins should work now. - Some other bug fixes * Changed subtitle loading rules, now subtitle with the same name as movie will be always loaded first (movie.avi -> 1st movie.sub, 2nd movie_en.sub, 3rd movie_xx.sub...) * Support for subtitles in OGG files is back, also subtitles in Matroska files are suppported now (UTF8) + It's now possible to assign different keys for full screen and windowed mode for ex. you can assign mouse wheel to resize window in windowed mode and to change volume in full screen mode + Added option to assign two keys to every action + Added fast forward and fast rewind options Version 1.00.800 Version 0.86.501 Version 0.86.499 Added option to keep original video size in full screen Improved multimonitor support Added support for VMR9 (Video Mixing Renderer 9), subtitles not supported yet It's now possible to assign actions to mouse buttons and mouse wheel, all sort of combinations also supoported Added code to convert captured image from YUV to RGB color space, it's should work on all graphics card now (you must enable this option) Added option to allow multiple instances Some fixes to resolution changes Some other bug fixes Version 0.86.498 Added option and shortcuts for setting hardware color controls (brightness,contrast...), if supported by hardware Fixed some problems with subtiles Fixed problem with some MPEG2 decoders (Unknown file format error...) Version 0.86.497 Fixed crash when MP3 was paused Support for Matroska format, you have to install Gabest Matroska source filter (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/guliverkli/MatroskaSplitter_20030614.zip?download) Added option to disable YV12 format Few other bugs fixed Version 0.86.496 Subtitles can now be dragged to player like movie files Improved mp3 playback Added option to listen icecast/shoutcast (MP3 only) streams It's now possible to play incomplete AVI files Some subtitle fixes 'Fixed' volume setting Some other bugs fixed Version 0.86.494 DivX networks changed interface again - fixed, new system, it won't crash anymore if it's changed again Problems with subtitles in ogg files fixed Still some problems with <b>,<i>,<u> tags in SRT subtitles Version 0.86.493 Added some more skin actions (look in .\doc\skin_actions.txt) Added options/shortcuts for inc/dec subtitle font size, move up/down subtitles and inc/dec brightness Added option to shutdown computer at the end of the movie Video window will now always stay resized to saved size (if this option is enabled) Added option to draw OSD messages to overlay surface (so it will be visible on TV) also added new shortcut to show movie time Support for font styles in .srt subtitles improved Fixed bug with -nsub command line options Added one more icon for file types and tray Some others bugs fixed Version 0.85.492 Added 'Process priority' option Added options to jump forward/backward for x seconds (customizable) In chapter viewer it's now possible to select (highlight) chapter with Prev/Next chapter shortucts and go to this chapter. Added shprtcut to go to highlighted chapter. Usefull for remote controls Added option to close movie at stop Added shortcut for 'Close file' Added support for font styles (<b>,<u>,<i>) in .srt subtitles Added shortucts for cycling video streams Directory for captured frames can now be customized Version 0.85.490 Version 0.85.488 Added options (and shortcuts) to increase/decrease playback rate Added shortcuts for setting post processing level (for DivX 4.x, 5.x, DivX 3.11, ffdshow filters) Temporary disabled Equalizer Some internal changes Version 0.85.487 Fixed some bugs with chapters Fixed bug with subtitles in OGM files (subtitles were displayed only for first 3 min) Version 0.85.486 Fixed problem with 'scrambled' subtitles when second movie was started Updated for DivX 5.0.2 Version 0.85.484 Fixed bug with frame stepping with some files Fixed bug with not hidding mouse pointer When switching audio streams dedynamic filter was not loaded, fixed Fixed bug with subtitles in OGG files, subtitles should now work w/o need for Subtitle Mixer filter Added support for chapters in OGG files Improved Winamp DSP plugin support, all DSP plugins should work now Added tray icon (it will appear when you hide main window) Screen saver will be now deactivated only when movie is playing Player can now be controlled with windows messages, see files in .\sdk folder Version 0.84.481 Add address and port option for WinLIRC Fixed crash with some subttiles Fixed problem with MPEG files (file was not closed properly) Fixed bug with .ini 'Audio=A' option Version 0.84.479 Added support for multiple audio streams in OGG files Version 0.84.476 Outline font was sometimes turned off when changing subtitles and 'Draw to overlay surface' option was enabled Some more chapter bugs fixed Version 0.84.475 Fixed another chapter bug Added Borderless option Added option to always start movie in full screen mode Version 0.84.474 Fixed bug with VideoCD(.dat) files Fixed problems with Elecard MPEG decoder Intervideo AC3 settings were not saved under Win 2k/XP, fixed DivX 4 decoder shouldn't have flipped picture in RGB mode anymore Player will now search for .ini(*.bsi) files with any name on hard drives Fixed some problems with chapter viewer Version 0.84.473 Sometimes next/prev CD wasn't properly recognized, fixed All problems with chapters should be fixed Version 0.84.472 Frame stepping improved, it's now also possible to step backward, but only to the point where movie was paused Fixed some bugs in frame capture Fixed 'jumpy frames' bug when seeking with DivX 4.x codec In .ini files both [Chapters] and [ChaptersX] sections will be recognized Added shortcuts to change VobSub delay and speed from player Version 0.84.470 INI: Now it will only look for .ini (.bsi) file with the same name as the one on first CD. 'Audio' and 'DefaultSub' line will be ignored after switch to 2nd (3rd...) CD, so it will keep settings from previous CD. Fixed subtitle loading bug with absolute path. When no chapters were defined, right click would crash player, fixed. MDVD codes are now also supported if 'Draw subtitles to overlay surface' option is checked Drag & drop now works for .ini and .bsi files too. Added 'frame step' function, when movie is paused and seek forward key is pressed(key 'Right' by default) player will step one frame, currenty only forward Video info, will now also show Title, Author, Copyright for AVI files It's now possible to select which filter will be used for playback look at bspfilters.sam file Version 0.84.468 INI: Added option Audio=A (Play all audio streams together) to .ini files Chapters handling fixed and improved, player will now ask for correct CD if youu choose chapter that is not on current CD (see .\doc\ini_files.html) Skins: Fixed problem with vertical buttons and transparency Added option for full screen skin It's now possible to translate Key definitions text (see English.lng) All DirectShow filters should be now in .\filters\ directory Improved WinLIRC config, now you can just press key on remote and player will remember it Fixed aspect ratios with MPEG1 files Fixed bug with subtitles background color Some other stuff, but don't remember what.... Version 0.84.462 Fixed propblem with some .ASX files When enabled 'Draw subtitles to Overlay surface' option and subtitles was manually loaded, font was reset to default, fixed When enabled 'Draw subtitles to Overlay surface' option and audio stream was changed player crashed, fixed Version 0.84.461 INI system changes, .ini file must be now on every CD (see ini_files.html) Now it stays in Desktop mode when new file is opened. Main window is now minized when in desktop mode 'Auto select' option now always puts subtitles under movie in full screen mode Fixed bug with uncompressed movies Version 0.84.460 Keys can now be redefined All actions can be assigned to WinLIRC buttons Added shortcuts for cycling between audio streams and subtitles Added option to set volume for every audio stream separately Audio stream names are now taken form .AVI file or .ini file<br> Added option for outline font Added support for .asx playlists New .ini options AudioName, StartTime,DefaultSub (look in .\doc\ini_files.html) Fixed bug when sometimes movie framerate was reported incorrect Sometimes in full screen mode some programs (ICQ..) was still on top, fixed ... Version 0.84 New rendering engine More subtitle format supported and added support for MDVD control codes Added support for Winamp DSP plugins Added support for chapters and movies on 2 or more CDs, new shortcuts Ctrl+Z/B - Prev/Next chapter, Shift+Z/B - Prev/Next CD, you can also use Ctrl/Shift with muse and next/prev buttons Added color controls (Brightnes, Contrast...) for MPEG4 files Added option to remember all settings for every movie played Added option to auto show main window on mouse move Added Desktop mode option Added over-scan option (4,6,8,2,5 keys on numeric keyboard in full screen mode) 'Progressive rendering' option is back Added support for DivX 4 Added support for Dedynamic filter Added option to draw subtitles to Overlay surface (usefull for Matrox users) Added support for RGB overlays Added support for subtitles in AVI files (created with SubMux) Added comamnd line option for setting Aspect ratio (ex. -ar=16:9) Improved multi audio stream support, now you can choose which streams should play, all stremas can also be played together. Improved support for external audio files, now you can add more than one file and also choose which one should play Subtitle font can now be anti-aliased OSD font can now be changed Limited multi-monitor support Some INI files fixes and additions Some skins additions, now almost every player command can have it's own button Finnaly fixed annoying bug, where DivX 3 settings was set to 0 Player is now compatible with NT 4 Decoder filters can now be dynamically loaded Some other changes and bug fixes Version 0.833 Added option to remember last movie played Fixed bug with Win 2k, there were problems if player was not run under Administrator account Fixed bug with seeking, when external audio file was loaded Some .ini file fixes, now all paths are relative to location of .ini file .ini files have now also .bsi extension, so you can simply click on this file and run everything Some other bug fixes Version 0.832 Fixed not playing OpenDivX files bug Version 0.831 Improved bookmarks and added bookmarks editor Added recent file list Added EQ (DirectX 8 required) Fixed resize bug in fullscreen Sometimes not all audio streams were find - fixed Fixed bug with seeking if Overlay was selected Some other bug fixes Version 0.83 Added Option for external audio file Added 'Save as' option Added better WinLIRC configuration Added option to switch between time and frames Added option to change resolution when switching to full screen mode Added option to 'scroll' video in Pan scan mode (middle mouse button) Added bookmarks Video can now be resized in full screen mode (+/- keys) Added shortcuts for aspect ratios Shift+1/2/3 for Org/16:9/4:3 and A for cycling through all aspect ratios Fixed some bugs with subtitles, more than 2 lines are supported now Some ini file fixes Some other bug fixes and additions Version 0.823 Added option to save AC3 and DivX ;-) settings Added "shadow" effect option for subtitles Fixed "freezing" problems, when switching full screen, closing player... Some other changes and bug fixes Version 0.821 Fixed bug with .ini files More than 2 audio streams supported Version 0.82 Added support for zipped skins (.bsz), just click on .bsz file to install skin Added support for WinLIRC Infrared Remote Control - http://home.jtan.com/~jim/winlirc/ Added support for AVI files with AC3 stream and InterVideo Audio decoder Added support for multichannel AVI files and Semi's DirectSound 3D filter Added support for ini files, look at bsplay.ini for example, also MicroDVD ini files are supported (minimal) Added checking for vertical-blank interval should fix "tearing" effect visible during high motion scenes Added option to switch to specified display mode on startup Added option to specify subtitles directory Added support for overlay (bugs!) Command line additions and changes, see About Some improvements to playlist Movie can now be paused and resumed with mouse click on the window Fixed bug with resolution changing, now original mode is restored at exit Fixed some bugs with language files Fixed Enqueue in BSPlayer, player crashed if wasn't already started Fixed bug with multichannel AVI files, only worked if both streams was the same bitrate, stereo/mono... Some other fixes and changes Version 0.81 Added custom aspect ratios Volume can be set with left/middle mouse button+wheel or just wheel in full screen Added 'repeat all' option Updated language file Fixed problems with 'Pause' mode Skin fixes and additions Some other changes and bug fixes Version 0.8 Supported AVI files with 2 audio streams (experimental) Multilanguage support Now you can resize movie with mouse wheel Added shortcuts fot 50,100,200% zoom (1,2,3) and resizing movie (+/-) Added 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio option Subtitle font, custom pan-scan... is now remebered - optional Skin fixes and additions Fixed bug, if movie width was more then current screen resolution Fixed problem with some subtitles, sometimes lost sync Some other changes and bug fixes A lot of internal changes and added code so probably some new bugs Version 0.71 Mouse cursor now hidden in full screen mode Added 'Enqueue in BSPlayer' shell extension Playlist improved Some other fixes and added features Version 0.7 Improved skin support, now skins can be any shape, size and transparent Frame capture added, shortcuts P - original size and Shift+P - current window size, including full screen Added option to choose between transparent subtitles and subtitles with background Added Mute option Added Jump to time option Fixed few bugs Version 0.63 Fixed bug with resolution changing, mainly visible if you turn on TV out on some cards Version 0.62 Added command line support for subtitles Added repeat option Version 0.61 Fixed bug with playlist Version 0.6 Added support for SubRip and Subviewer subtitle format Playlist support Added filter properties option More colors to choose for subtitles Some other requested features Fixed few bugs Some internal changes Version 0.52 Added 'subtitle time correction', use ctrl + left/right for large steps and shift + left/right for small Added Alway on top option Added progressive rendering option - can improve playback on some computers Fixed bug with large fonts and some other bugs New shortcuts for Play(X), Stop(C), Pause(V) Version 0.51 Fixed stupid bug with new option. Added option for registering file types. Only warning message, if hardware isn't capable of bliting and stretching. Version 0.5 Added 'Custom Pan&Scan' option, useful for movies with black bars on the top and bottom. Added option to use alternate disectshow filter for DivX -> improved DivX playback on slower computers (Thanks to Erzig for help on this). Keyboard shortcuts for backward, forward, volume, subtitles and full screen. A few bug fixes. Version 0.41 Fixed bug with skins. Added option to load subtitles from any directory. Version 0.4 A few bugs fixed. Some new features. Simple command line support (many req): bplay "Movie Name.avi" -fs , -fs is for full screen and is optional. Drag & drop support. Basic skin support. Look in .\skins\base\ for example. Version 0.3 Does not use windows media player control anymore. Support Micro-DVD subtitle format, support for SubRip format (.srt) will be back in next version. Too many changes too list Version 0.2 A lot of bugs fixed and a few features added. Resolution changing still doesn't work as it should, will be corrected in 0.3 All problems with subtiles color, font, position..., will be corrected in 0.4(?) For now I use SAMI captioning of windows media player control. This will change in next versions. Version 0.1 BSplayer v 0.1 released (first public release)