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INI File | 2004-08-04 | 3.5 KB | 135 lines |
- [BSPlayer.Skin]
- Version=1.00
- [Settings]
- ; 0 - Two separate windows, one movie window the other with controls (skinned)
- ; 1 - One window only (not fully supported yet)
- SkinType=0
- ; File name of the main image
- MainImg=Main.bmp
- ;0-Normal
- ;1-Skin can be any shape, pixel at top left corner (position 0,0) is transparent color
- MainAnySape=1
- Ext=.bmp
- ;Load specified font
- ;
- ;LoadFont1=MyFont.ttf
- ;LoadFont2=AnotherFont.ttf
- ; Button definitions
- ; BtnX=<name>,xpos,ypos,<type>,<action>[;<Description>]
- ; <name> - this is file name of the image for button
- ; Image files must be named name[n|d|u].bmp
- ; n=normal, d=button down, u=mouse over
- ; xpos - X position
- ; ypos - Y postion
- ; <type> - Button type
- ; 0-Normal buttons
- ; 1-Shaped buttons
- ; 2-Transparent (currently not supported in full screen skins)
- ; 3-Blend (not supported yet)
- ; <action> - All commands from bsp.h/bsp.pas, search for 'Other commands'
- ; <Description>
- ; Version 1.00.808+, it's now possible to use messages from language file for descriptions
- ; Syntax: $lang.SECTION.KEY
- ; Ex.: Btn18=b3,208,86,0,34;$lang.Menu.81
- ; Btn20=mute,323,75,0,35;$lang.Actions.36
- [Buttons]
- ;Number of buttons
- Number=20
- Btn1=pause,98,116,0,21;$lang.Menu.11
- Btn2=stop,176,116,0,22;$lang.Menu.12
- Btn3=play,129,116,0,20;$lang.Menu.10
- Btn4=prev,207,116,0,25;$lang.Menu.9
- Btn5=next,238,116,0,28;$lang.Menu.13
- Btn6=open,67,116,0,63;$lang.Menu.1
- Btn7=exit,409,93,0,77;$lang.Menu.82
- Btn8=minimize,413,74,0,59;$lang.Strings.1000
- Btn9=ab,420,54,0,70;$lang.Menu.83
- Btn10=vold,346,112,0,2;$lang.Actions.3
- Btn11=volu,360,112,0,1;$lang.Actions.2
- Btn12=fs,118,86,0,10;$lang.Menu.32
- Btn13=opt,268,86,0,7;$lang.Menu.69
- Btn14=pchap,56,86,0,26;$lang.Menu.14
- Btn15=nchap,87,86,0,29;$lang.Menu.15
- Btn16=b1,148,86,0,83;$lang.Actions.84
- Btn17=b2,178,86,0,84;$lang.Actions.85
- Btn18=b3,208,86,0,34;$lang.Menu.81
- Btn19=b4,238,86,0,62;$lang.Menu.4
- Btn20=mute,323,75,0,35;$lang.Actions.36
- [Display]
- ; x,y;<font name>,<size>,<style>;<Font color>
- ; style can be N - Nornal font
- ; B - Bold
- ; I - Italic
- ; U - Underline
- ; or combination of above, for ex. Bold italic -> BI
- ; Movie title/file name
- Title=63,13;Arial,9,B;000000
- ; Max width of title, if it's longer it will be scrolled
- MaxTitleWidth=242
- ;Version=253,88;Arial,8,B;71964F
- MovInfo=205,43;Arial,9,N;000000
- Status=313,13;Arial,9,N;000000
- MovTimeLen=63,43;Arial,11,B;000000
- sRepeat=63,33;Arial,7,N;000000
- Subs=205,34;Arial,7,N;000000
- MaxSubsWidth=162
- [TrackBar]
- ; Position and size
- ; x,y,w,h (w,h is ignored if TrackKind=HB,VB)
- PosSize=57,73,250,5
- ; Track bar kind,
- ; H-Horizontal, V-Vertical, HB-Custom bitmap horizontal, VB-Custom bitmap vertical
- ; HBtn - button Horizontal, VBtn - button Vertical
- Kind=HB
- ;If TrackKind=HB, name of the bitmap that will be used
- Bitmap=seek.bmp
- ; If HBtn or VBtn
- ;ButtonImg=VolBtn.bmp
- //Set this to 1 for transparent background
- TransparentBg=0
- Border=1
- BorderColor=000000
- ; Ignored for HB,VB
- Color=313A31
- MouseOverColor=313A31
- BackColor=000000
- ; same parameters as TrackBar
- [Volume]
- Kind=HB
- Bitmap=volume.bmp
- PosSize=315,70,60,32
- TransparentBg=0
- [GUI]
- MenuBackClr=6995B8
- MenuBackClrIco=234F7C
- MenuSelBackClr=E3F7F8
- MenuFontClr=000000
- MenuSelFontClr=000000
- MenuDisFontClr=BF803F
- MenuSeparatorClr=3F502B
- PlayListBackClr=0C76A2
- PlayListTextClr=000000
- PlayListActTextClr=FFFFFF
- [Text]
- Author=TinaZ, tina@webteh.com
- URL=
- Description=Base skin