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- <Bitmap Name="Background" File="body.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="CloseButtons" File="close_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="LastButtons" File="last_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="MinimizeButtons" File="minimize_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="ModeButtons" File="mode_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="NextButtons" File="next_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="OpenButtons" File="open_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="PlayStopButtons" File="playstop_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="RepeatButtons" File="repeat_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="ShuffleButtons" File="shuffle_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="PauseButtons" File="pause_buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="MyMusicButtons" File="playlist_drawer.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="Dials" File="dials.bmp"/>
- <Font Name="Main" Face="Arial" File="arial.ttf"/>
- <ThemeInfo Name="FreeAmp Theme" Author="Bill Bull & Mark Elrod"
- EMail="info@freeamp.org" WebPage="http://www.freeamp.org"/>
- <Window Name="MainWindow">
- <BackgroundBitmap Name="Background" Rect="0, 0, 416, 51"/>
- <Controls>
- <MultiStateControl Name="PlayStop" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Play the current track||Stop the current track" Tip="Play||Stop"/>
- <Position Pos="23,15"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,79,39" Name="PlayStopButtons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="MPause" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Pause the current track||Continue playing"
- Tip="Pause||Continue"/>
- <Position Pos="50,15"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,79,39" Name="PauseButtons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Prev">
- <Info Desc="Move to previous track" Tip="Previous"/>
- <Position Pos="76,15"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,79,19" Name="LastButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Next">
- <Info Desc="Move to next track" Tip="Next"/>
- <Position Pos="103,15"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,79,19" Name="NextButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Quit">
- <Info Desc="Quit FreeAmp" Tip="Quit"/>
- <Position Pos="380,9"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,51,12" Name="CloseButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Minimize">
- <Info Desc="Minimize FreeAmp" Tip="Minimize"/>
- <Position Pos="364,9"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,51,12" Name="MinimizeButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Options">
- <Info Desc="Open the options window" Tip="Options"/>
- <Position Pos="348,9"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,51,12" Name="ModeButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Files">
- <Info Desc="Open files/playlists to play" Tip="Open Files"/>
- <Position Pos="380,30"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,51,12" Name="OpenButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="Repeat" NumStates="3">
- <Info Desc="Repeat no tracks||Repeat current track||Repeat all tracks"
- Tip="Repeat none||Repeat current||Repeat all"/>
- <Position Pos="348,30"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,51,38" Name="RepeatButtons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="Shuffle" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Play tracks in normal order||Play tracks in random order" Tip="Normal Play||Random Play"/>
- <Position Pos="364,30"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,51,25" Name="ShuffleButtons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <TextControl Name="Title">
- <Position Rect="160,9,313,24"/>
- <Style Align="Left" Font="Main" Bold="No"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="Time">
- <Info Desc="Current time/time remaining"/>
- <Position Rect="260,23,313,38"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="TimeRemaining">
- <Info Desc="Time remaining/current time"/>
- <Position Rect="260,23,313,38"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes" Color="#333333"/>
- </TextControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="MyMusic">
- <Info Desc="Browse my music collection" Tip="My Music"/>
- <Position Pos="143,25"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,743,25" Name="MyMusicButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <TextControl Name="Info">
- <Position Rect="160,23,269,38"/>
- <Style Font="Main"/>
- </TextControl>
- <DialControl Name="Volume" NumFrames="6" PixelsPerFrame="3">
- <Info Desc="Change volume" Tip="Volume"/>
- <Position Rect="132,0,142,49"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,65,50" Name="Dials"/>
- </DialControl>
- <DialControl Name="Seek" NumFrames="6" PixelsPerFrame="3">
- <Info Desc="Seek in the current track" Tip="Seek"/>
- <Position Rect="329,0,339,49"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,65,50" Name="Dials"/>
- </DialControl>
- </Controls>
- </Window>