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- <Bitmap Name="Background" File="background.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="Buttons" File="buttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
- <Bitmap Name="MiniButtons" File="minibuttons.bmp" TransColor="#FF0000"/>
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- <Font Name="Main" File="helr.ttf" Face="Arial"/>
- <ThemeInfo Name="Zinf Theme" Author="Bill Bull, Robert Kaye & Mark B. Elrod "
- EMail="info@zinf.org" WebPage="http://www.zinf.org"/>
- <Window Name="MainWindow">
- <Panel Name="PlayerBottom" Bitmap="Background"
- Rect="0, 95, 327, 161" Pos="0,95" TogglePos="0,170" ZOrder="2"
- OnCloseHide="Equalizer" OnOpenShow="Equalizer">
- <Controls>
- <ButtonControl Name="Logo" URL="http://www.zinf.org">
- <Info Desc="Go to the Zinf web site" Tip="Zinf"/>
- <Position Pos="20,34"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,236,267,259" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="PlayStop" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Play the current track||Stop the current track" Tip="Play||Stop"/>
- <Position Pos="228,29"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,96,119,159" Name="Buttons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="MPause" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Pause the current track||Continue playing"
- Tip="Pause||Continue"/>
- <Position Pos="258,29"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,282,119,345" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Prev">
- <Info Desc="Move to previous track" Tip="Previous"/>
- <Position Pos="198,29"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,119,31" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Next">
- <Info Desc="Move to next track" Tip="Next"/>
- <Position Pos="287,29"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,32,119,63" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="MyMusic">
- <Info Desc="Browse my music collection" Tip="MyMusic"/>
- <Position Pos="44,7"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,172,291,186" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Options">
- <Info Desc="Open the options window" Tip="Options"/>
- <Position Pos="119,7"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,188,263,202" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Download">
- <Info Desc="Open the download manager" Tip="Download"/>
- <Position Pos="187,7"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,204,303,218" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Files">
- <Info Desc="Open files/playlists to play" Tip="Files"/>
- <Position Pos="265,7"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,220,207,234" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="Repeat" NumStates="3">
- <Info Desc="Play normally (No repeat)||Repeat current track||Repeat all tracks"
- Tip="No Repeat||Repeat current||Repeat all"/>
- <Position Pos="151,31"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="123,11,286,85" Name="Buttons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="Shuffle" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Play tracks in normal order||Play tracks in random order" Tip="Normal play||Random play"/>
- <Position Pos="109,31"/>
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- </MultiStateControl>
- </Controls>
- </Panel>
- <Panel Name="PlayerTop" Bitmap="Background" Rect="0, 0, 327, 95"
- Pos="0,0" ZOrder="1">
- <Controls>
- <!--ButtonControl Name="ReloadTheme">
- <!--Info Desc="Reload current theme" Tip="Reload theme"/>
- <!--Position Rect="12,0,24,15"/>
- <!--ControlBitmap Rect="53,264,104,272" Name="Buttons"/>
- <!--/ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Quit">
- <Info Desc="Quit Zinf" Tip="Quit"/>
- <Position Rect="303,0,315,15"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="212,264,263,272" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Minimize">
- <Info Desc="Minimize Zinf" Tip="Minimize"/>
- <Position Rect="289,0,301,15"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="159,264,210,272" Name="Buttons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="MediumView">
- <Info Desc="Change to medium view" Tip="Medium view"/>
- <Position Pos="275,0"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="123,140,174,155" Name="Buttons"/>
- <ChangeWindow Window="MediumView"/>
- </ButtonControl>
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- <Info Desc="Open equalizer" Tip="Equalizer"/>
- <Position Pos="262,0"/>
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- <TogglePanel Panel="PlayerBottom"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <TextControl Name="Title">
- <Position Rect="9,23,317,36"/>
- <Style Align="Left" Font="Main" Bold="Yes"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="Info">
- <Position Rect="9,55,179,67"/>
- <Style Font="Main"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="StreamInfo">
- <Position Rect="9,40,210,52"/>
- <Style Font="Main"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="Time">
- <Info Desc="Current time/Time remaining"/>
- <Position Rect="210,43,317,65"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="TimeRemaining">
- <Info Desc="Time remaining/Current time"/>
- <Position Rect="210,43,317,65"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes" Color="#666666"/>
- </TextControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="Mute" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Mute sound||Unmute sound"
- Tip="Mute||Unmute"/>
- <Position Pos="13,78"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="230,140,293,165" Name="Buttons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <SliderControl Name="Volume">
- <Info Desc="Change volume" Tip="Volume"/>
- <Position Rect="34,80,114,88"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="136,0,183,8" Name="Buttons"/>
- </SliderControl>
- <SliderControl Name="Seek">
- <Info Desc="Seek in the current track" Tip="Seek"/>
- <Position Rect="142,80,299,88"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="136,0,183,8" Name="Buttons"/>
- </SliderControl>
- </Controls>
- </Panel>
- <Panel Name="Equalizer" Bitmap="Equalizer" HideWhenClosed="yes"
- Rect="0, 0, 327, 76" Pos="0,95" ZOrder="0">
- <Controls>
- <SliderControl Name="Balance" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
- <Info Desc="Adjust speaker balance" Tip="Balance"/>
- <Position Rect="247,50,307,62"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="289,0,309,12" Name="Buttons"/>
- </SliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq0" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
- <Info Desc="Equalize 60Hz" Tip="60Hz"/>
- <Position Rect="67,20,79,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq1" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
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- <Position Rect="83,20,95,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq2" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
- <Info Desc="Equalize 310Hz" Tip="310Hz"/>
- <Position Rect="99,20,111,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
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- <Position Rect="115,20,127,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
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- <Position Rect="131,20,143,68"/>
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- </VSliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq5" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
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- <Position Rect="147,20,159,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq6" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
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- <Position Rect="163,20,175,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq7" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
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- <Position Rect="179,20,191,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq8" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
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- <Position Rect="195,20,207,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
- <VSliderControl Name="Eq9" Notch="50%" NotchWidth="4">
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- <Position Rect="211,20,223,68"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
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- <Info Desc="Preamp" Tip="Preamp"/>
- <Position Rect="24,15,36,63"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="227,0,265,6" Name="Buttons"/>
- </VSliderControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="EqEnable" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Turn off Equalizer||Turn on Equalizer"
- Tip="Eq Off||Eq On"/>
- <Position Pos="288,12"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="171,297,214,332" Name="Buttons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- </Controls>
- </Panel>
- </Window>
- <Window Name="Mini-Me">
- <BackgroundBitmap Name="MiniBackground" Rect="0, 0, 173, 37"/>
- <Controls>
- <MultiStateControl Name="PlayStop" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Play the current track||Stop the current track" Tip="Play||Stop"/>
- <Position Pos="83,17"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,79,95,116" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="MPause" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Pause the current track||Continue playing"
- Tip="Pause||Continue"/>
- <Position Pos="107,17"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,40,95,77" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Prev">
- <Info Desc="Move to previous track" Tip="Previous"/>
- <Position Pos="59,17"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,95,18" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Next">
- <Info Desc="Move to next track" Tip="Next"/>
- <Position Pos="131,17"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,20,95,38" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Quit">
- <Info Desc="Quit Zinf" Tip="Quit"/>
- <Position Pos="153,0"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,152,47,167" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Minimize">
- <Info Desc="Minimize Zinf" Tip="Minimize"/>
- <Position Pos="139,0"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,118,55,133" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="NormalView">
- <Info Desc="Change to normal view" Tip="Normal view"/>
- <Position Pos="125,0"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,135,55,150" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- <ChangeWindow Window="MainWindow"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <TextControl Name="Time">
- <Info Desc="Current time/time remaining"/>
- <Position Rect="9,20,53,31"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="TimeRemaining">
- <Info Desc="Time remaining/Current Time"/>
- <Position Rect="9,20,53,31"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes" Color="#666666"/>
- </TextControl>
- <SliderControl Name="Volume">
- <Info Desc="Change volume" Tip="Volume"/>
- <Position Rect="40,5,66,13"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="61,118,72,126" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </SliderControl>
- <SliderControl Name="Seek">
- <Info Desc="Seek in the current track" Tip="Seek"/>
- <Position Rect="87,5,113,13"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="61,118,72,126" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </SliderControl>
- </Controls>
- </Window>
- <Window Name="MediumView">
- <BackgroundBitmap Name="MediumBackground" Rect="0, 0, 173, 55"/>
- <Controls>
- <MultiStateControl Name="PlayStop" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Play the current track||Stop the current track" Tip="Play||Stop"/>
- <Position Pos="83,35"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,79,95,116" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </MultiStateControl>
- <MultiStateControl Name="MPause" NumStates="2">
- <Info Desc="Pause the current track||Continue playing"
- Tip="Pause||Continue"/>
- <Position Pos="107,35"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,40,95,77" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Prev">
- <Info Desc="Move to previous track" Tip="Previous"/>
- <Position Pos="59,35"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,0,95,18" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Next">
- <Info Desc="Move to next track" Tip="Next"/>
- <Position Pos="131,35"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,20,95,38" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Quit">
- <Info Desc="Quit Zinf" Tip="Quit"/>
- <Position Pos="153,0"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,152,47,167" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="Minimize">
- <Info Desc="Minimize Zinf" Tip="Minimize"/>
- <Position Pos="139,0"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,118,55,133" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <ButtonControl Name="MiniView">
- <Info Desc="Change to mini view" Tip="Mini view"/>
- <Position Pos="125,0"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="0,135,55,150" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- <ChangeWindow Window="Mini-Me"/>
- </ButtonControl>
- <TextControl Name="Time">
- <Info Desc="Current time/time remaining"/>
- <Position Rect="9,38,53,49"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="TimeRemaining">
- <Info Desc="Time remaining/Current Time"/>
- <Position Rect="9,38,53,49"/>
- <Style Font="Main" Align="Right" Bold="Yes" Color="#666666"/>
- </TextControl>
- <TextControl Name="Title">
- <Position Rect="7,19,163,35"/>
- <Style Align="Left" Font="Main" Color="#DDDDDD"/>
- </TextControl>
- <SliderControl Name="Volume">
- <Info Desc="Change volume" Tip="Volume"/>
- <Position Rect="40,5,66,13"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="61,118,72,126" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </SliderControl>
- <SliderControl Name="Seek">
- <Info Desc="Seek in the current track" Tip="Seek"/>
- <Position Rect="87,5,113,13"/>
- <ControlBitmap Rect="61,118,72,126" Name="MiniButtons"/>
- </SliderControl>
- </Controls>
- </Window>