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Text File  |  2001-11-03  |  21KB  |  543 lines

  1. |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  2. | English language - RADIATOR ver. 1.8                                 |
  3. | http://flesko.cz                          E-mail: miroslav@flesko.cz |
  4. |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  5. | If you want to add your own language, take this file, copy it to     |
  6. | another file named *.lng (* ... anything that you want ;-) and       |
  7. | translate text ONLY after the='.                                     |
  8. |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  9. | This translation made by me ;-)                                      |
  10. | E-mail: miroslav@flesko.cz                                           |
  11. | Homepage: http://flesko.cz                                           |
  12. |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  14. [MainRadioForm]
  15. MainRadioForm.TuneUpBtn.Hint=Tune up
  16. MainRadioForm.TuneSmallUpBtn.Hint=Fine tune up
  17. MainRadioForm.SaveBtn.Hint=Store frequency in favorites
  18. MainRadioForm.TuneSmallDownBtn.Hint=Fine tune down
  19. MainRadioForm.TuneDownBtn.Hint=Tune down
  20. MainRadioForm.CloseBtn.Hint=Power off
  21. MainRadioForm.ScanUpBtn.Hint=Scan up
  22. MainRadioForm.UpBtn.Hint=Increase volume
  23. MainRadioForm.DownBtn.Hint=Decrease volume
  24. MainRadioForm.ScanDownBtn.Hint=Scan down
  25. MainRadioForm.MinimizeBtn.Hint=Minimize
  26. MainRadioForm.StayOnTopBtn.Hint=Stay on top
  27. MainRadioForm.SetupBtn.Hint=Setup
  28. MainRadioForm.SurfBtn.Hint=Channel surf
  29. MainRadioForm.SetBtn.Hint=More stations
  30. MainRadioForm.MnName.Caption=Name of the station
  31. MainRadioForm.MnDelete.Caption=Delete station
  32. MainRadioForm.MnSort.Caption=Sort stations
  33. MainRadioForm.MnRestore.Caption=Restore
  34. MainRadioForm.MnStations.Caption=Tuned stations
  35. MainRadioForm.MnVolumes.Caption=Volumes
  36. MainRadioForm.MnIncrease.Caption=Increase volume
  37. MainRadioForm.MnMute.Caption=Mute
  38. MainRadioForm.MnDecrease.Caption=Decrease volume
  39. MainRadioForm.MnShutdown.Caption=Shutdown
  40. MainRadioForm.MnPowerOff.Caption=Power off
  41. MainRadioForm.MnLCD1.Caption=Elapsed recording time
  42. MainRadioForm.MnLCD2.Caption=File size
  43. MainRadioForm.MnLCD3.Caption=Free space for recording
  44. MainRadioForm.MnLCD4.Caption=Remaining recording time
  46. ;NEW TO 1.3
  47. MainRadioForm.MnMin10.Caption=Sleep in 10 minutes
  48. MainRadioForm.MnMin20.Caption=Sleep in 20 minutes
  49. MainRadioForm.MnMin30.Caption=Sleep in 30 minutes
  50. MainRadioForm.MnMin60.Caption=Sleep in 60 minutes
  51. MainRadioForm.MnMin120.Caption=Sleep in 120 minutes
  52. MainRadioForm.MnMin300.Caption=Sleep in 300 minutes
  53. MainRadioForm.MnShutdownWin.Caption=... and shutdown Windows
  54. MainRadioForm.ThinBtn.Hint=Thin window
  55. MainRadioForm.HelpBtn.Hint=Help
  56. MainRadioForm.LastBtn.Hint=Last station
  57. MainRadioForm.SleepBtn.Hint=Sleep timer
  58. MainRadioForm.DownSBtn.Hint=Decrease volume
  59. MainRadioForm.UpSBtn.Hint=Increase volume
  60. MainRadioForm.MaximizeSBtn.Hint=Maximize
  61. MainRadioForm.MinimizeSBtn.Hint=Minimize
  62. MainRadioForm.MnThin.Caption=Thin window
  63. MainRadioForm.MnMaximize.Caption=Maximize
  64. MainRadioForm.MnMinimize.Caption=Minimize
  66. ;NEW TO 1.4
  67. MainRadioForm.MnSetup.Caption=Setup
  68. MainRadioForm.MnConf.Caption=Configuration
  70. ;NEW TO 1.8
  71. MainRadioForm.AutoNameBtn.Hint=Save and name automatically
  72. MainRadioForm.LoopBtn.Hint=Loop recording
  73. MainRadioForm.MnRecord.Caption=Recording
  75. [App]
  76. App.Caption=Configuration
  77. App.OKBtn.Caption=&OK
  78. App.CancelBtn.Caption=Cancel
  79. App.SheetHardware.Caption=&Hardware settings
  80. App.VolumeBox.Caption=Volume control
  81. App.LineinLabel.Caption=Line-in device
  82. App.InternalBtn.Caption=Internal (radio card)
  83. App.LineInBtn.Caption=Line in (sound card)
  84. App.RadioBox.Caption=Radio card
  85. App.TypeLabel.Caption=Type (manufacturer)
  86. App.PortLabel.Caption=I/O port
  87. App.SheetRec.Caption=&Recording settings
  88. App.OtherRecBox.Caption=Other recording options
  89. App.TempLabel.Caption=Drive for recorder temporary file
  90. App.FileSizeLabel.Caption=File size limit
  91. App.FileSizeBox.Items[0]=No limit
  92. App.FileSizeBox.Items[1]=Leave 1% of disc space free
  93. App.FileSizeBox.Items[2]=Leave 5% of disc space free
  94. App.FileSizeBox.Items[3]=Leave 10% of disc space free
  95. App.FileSizeBox.Items[4]=Leave 20% of disc space free
  96. App.FileSizeBox.Items[5]=Leave 30% of disc space free
  97. App.FileSizeBox.Items[6]=Leave 40% of disc space free
  98. App.FileSizeBox.Items[7]=Leave 50% of disc space free
  99. App.LineRecordBox.Caption=Check the recording source ...
  100. App.UncheckBox.Caption=... and uncheck other sources
  101. App.BoxNoSwitch.Caption=Disallow tuning while recording
  102. App.ProgramBox.Caption=Launch associated program
  103. App.RecordingBox.Caption=Recording control
  104. App.BitsLabel.Caption=Bits per sample
  105. App.ChannelsLabel.Caption=Channels
  106. App.SampleLabel.Caption=Sample rate
  107. App.RecLabel.Caption=Recording source
  108. App.EstTimeLabel.Caption=Est. recording time
  109. App.ChannelsCombo.Items[0]=Mono
  110. App.ChannelsCombo.Items[1]=Stereo
  111. App.BitsCombo.Items[0]=8 bits
  112. App.BitsCombo.Items[1]=16 bits
  113. App.PowerCombo.Items[0]=Mute
  114. App.PowerCombo.Items[1]=Leave in current state
  115. App.PowerCombo.Items[2]=Ask
  116. App.RangeCombo.Items[0]=Standard (87 - 108 MHz)
  117. App.RangeCombo.Items[1]=Enhanced (60 - 160 MHz)
  118. App.SheetOptions.Caption=O&ptions
  119. App.MiscBox.Caption=Miscellaneous
  120. App.PowerLabel.Caption=On power off
  121. App.DirLabel.Caption=Default directory for recorded audio
  122. App.HintBox.Caption=Show hints
  123. App.TrayBox.Caption=Minimize to system tray
  124. App.DockBox.Caption=Dock radio to screen edges
  125. App.ScrollBox.Caption=Scroll long display text
  126. App.LangBox.Caption=Use external language file
  127. App.StepsGroup.Caption=Tuning
  128. App.LabelFine.Caption=Fine tuning step
  129. App.CoarseLabel.Caption=Tuning step
  130. App.RangeLabel.Caption=Tuning range
  131. App.SheetStations.Caption=&Stations list
  132. App.SheetAbout.Caption=&About
  133. App.ButHomepage.Caption=Home pa&ge
  134. App.ButEmail.Caption=&E-mail to author
  135. App.HelpBtn.Caption=&Help
  136. App.ApplyBtn.Caption=Apply
  137. App.SheetMenu.Caption=&Menu
  138. App.MenuBarBox.Caption=Show menu bar
  139. App.MenuBarGroup.Caption=Menu bar
  140. App.MenuItemsGroup.Caption=Menu items
  141. App.DividersGroup.Caption=Dividers
  142. App.BarFontLabel.Caption=Font
  143. App.BarSizeLabel.Caption=Size
  144. App.BarWidthLabel.Caption=Width
  145. App.ItemFontLabel.Caption=Font
  146. App.ItemSizeLabel.Caption=Size
  147. App.DividerFontLabel.Caption=Font
  148. App.DividerSizeLabel.Caption=Size
  149. App.ResetBtn.Caption=Reset
  150. App.TestBtn.Caption=Test
  152. ;NEW TO 1.3
  153. App.DestLabel.Caption=Recording destination
  154. App.SoundOnShutdownBox.Caption=Beep on Windows shutdown
  155. App.SheetSched.Caption=S&chedule
  156. App.AddBtn.Caption=&Create new
  157. App.EditBtn.Caption=&Edit
  158. App.RemoveBtn.Caption=Remo&ve
  159. App.RunBox.Caption=When to run
  160. App.OftenLabel.Caption=How often
  161. App.TimeLabel.Caption=Time
  162. App.DateLabel.Caption=Date
  163. App.ListScriptsLabel.Caption=List of created scripts
  164. App.OftenBox.Items[0]=Once
  165. App.OftenBox.Items[1]=Run on start
  166. App.OftenBox.Items[2]=Run hourly
  167. App.OftenBox.Items[3]=Run daily
  168. App.OftenBox.Items[4]=Run monthly
  169. App.OftenBox.Items[5]=Run on Mondays
  170. App.OftenBox.Items[6]=Run on Tuesdays
  171. App.OftenBox.Items[7]=Run on Wednesdays
  172. App.OftenBox.Items[8]=Run on Thursdays
  173. App.OftenBox.Items[9]=Run on Fridays
  174. App.OftenBox.Items[10]=Run on Saturdays
  175. App.OftenBox.Items[11]=Run on Sundays
  176. App.OftenBox.Items[12]=Run on weekdays
  177. App.OftenBox.Items[13]=Run on weekends
  178. App.BetweenBox.Caption=Run between ...
  179. App.CurrSchedBox.Caption=Current script enabled
  180. App.GlobalSchedBox.Caption=Global scheduling active
  182. ;NEW TO 1.4
  183. App.HideIconBox.Caption=Hide taskbar icon
  184. App.MultipleBox.Caption=Allow multiple instances
  185. App.RecFormatBox.Caption=Recording format
  186. App.RecordToLabel.Caption=Record to
  187. App.ScrollTaskBarBox.Caption=Scroll text on taskbar icon
  189. ;NEW TO 1.5
  190. App.BtnCodec.Caption=Codec
  191. App.RecordToCombo.Items[0]=PCM wave format (no compression)
  192. App.RecordToCombo.Items[1]=Windows audio codecs (smaller than PCM)
  193. App.WeeksLabel.Caption=Weeks
  194. App.WeeksCombo.Items[0]=Odd and even weeks
  195. App.WeeksCombo.Items[1]=Only odd weeks
  196. App.WeeksCombo.Items[2]=Only even weeks
  197. App.ShowOnShutdownBox.Caption=Show warning on shutdown
  199. ;NEW TO 1.6
  200. App.BDriverBtn.Caption=Built-in (Radiator) driver
  201. App.EDriverBtn.Caption=External DLL driver
  202. App.EDriverLabel.Caption=External DLL driver
  203. App.DllPropLabel.Caption=External DLL properties
  204. App.TrayAlwaysBox.Caption=Tray icon always visible
  205. App.DllBtn.Caption=Se&tup
  206. App.ResetTimeBtn.Caption=&Now
  208. ;NEW TO 1.7
  209. App.SurfLabel.Caption=Surf latency
  210. App.StatLoadBtn.Caption=&Load stations from file
  211. App.StatSaveBtn.Caption=Sa&ve stations to file
  212. App.MenuBmpBox.Caption=Show background
  213. App.MenuBmpCombo.Items[0]=Tiled
  214. App.MenuBmpCombo.Items[1]=Centered
  216. ;NEW TO 1.8
  217. App.UseBufferBox.Caption=Loop recording
  218. App.BufferLabel.Caption=Buffer size
  219. App.NamingBox.Caption=Use default naming convention
  221. [FormStation]
  222. FormStation.OKBtn.Caption=OK
  223. FormStation.CancelBtn.Caption=Cancel
  225. [CountDown]
  226. CountDown.BtnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  228. [ScriptForm]
  229. ScriptForm.Caption=Script editor
  230. ScriptForm.AddBtn.Caption=A&dd
  231. ScriptForm.RemoveBtn.Caption=R&emove
  232. ScriptForm.ScriptLabel.Caption=Script
  233. ScriptForm.ComLabel.Caption=Available commands
  234. ScriptForm.NameLabel.Caption=Script name
  235. ScriptForm.ComTuneFrBox.Caption=Tune properties (60 - 160 MHz, use . as decimal separator)
  236. ScriptForm.ComTuneFrLabel.Caption=Frequency (MHz)
  237. ScriptForm.ComWaitBox.Caption=Wait properties
  238. ScriptForm.ComWaitMinLabel.Caption=Minutes
  239. ScriptForm.ComWaitSecLabel.Caption=Seconds
  240. ScriptForm.ComMessageBox.Caption=Send message properties
  241. ScriptForm.ComMessageMLabel.Caption=Message [Msg]
  242. ScriptForm.ComMessageWLabel.Caption=First par. [wPar]
  243. ScriptForm.ComMessageLLabel.Caption=Second par. [lPar]
  244. ScriptForm.ComShutdownBox.Caption=Shutdown Windows properties
  245. ScriptForm.ComShutdownBeepBox.Caption=Sound warning when shutting down Windows
  246. ScriptForm.ComRunBox.Caption=Run external program properties
  247. ScriptForm.ComRunExeLabel.Caption=Program name
  248. ScriptForm.ComRunMinBox.Caption=Run minimized
  249. ScriptForm.ComRunMaxBox.Caption=Run maximized
  250. ScriptForm.ComBeepBox.Caption=Beep properties
  251. ScriptForm.ComBeepFreqLabel.Caption=Frequency
  252. ScriptForm.ComBeepDurLabel.Caption=Duration
  253. ScriptForm.ComBeepCheckBox.Caption=Predefined beeps
  254. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[0]=OK
  255. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[1]=Error
  256. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[2]=Welcome
  257. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[3]=Emergency
  258. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[4]=Wrong
  259. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[5]=Call
  260. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[6]=Official
  261. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[7]=Daze
  262. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[8]=Fall
  263. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[9]=Chord
  264. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[10]=Whisle
  265. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[11]=Hanging
  266. ScriptForm.ComBeepCombo.Items[12]=Climb
  267. ScriptForm.ComBeepFreqCombo.Items[0]=50 Hz
  268. ScriptForm.ComBeepFreqCombo.Items[1]=100 Hz
  269. ScriptForm.ComBeepFreqCombo.Items[2]=200 Hz
  270. ScriptForm.ComBeepFreqCombo.Items[3]=500 Hz
  271. ScriptForm.ComBeepFreqCombo.Items[4]=1000 Hz
  272. ScriptForm.ComBeepFreqCombo.Items[5]=2000 Hz
  273. ScriptForm.ComBeepDurCombo.Items[0]=100 msec
  274. ScriptForm.ComBeepDurCombo.Items[1]=250 msec
  275. ScriptForm.ComBeepDurCombo.Items[2]=500 msec
  276. ScriptForm.ComBeepDurCombo.Items[3]=1 sec
  277. ScriptForm.ComBeepDurCombo.Items[4]=2 sec
  278. ScriptForm.ComTuneBox.Caption=Tune properties
  279. ScriptForm.ComTuneNameRadio.Caption=Station name
  280. ScriptForm.ComTuneNumberRadio.Caption=Station number
  281. ScriptForm.ComRecBox.Caption=Recording properties
  282. ScriptForm.ComRecLabelLength.Caption=Length
  283. ScriptForm.ComRecLabelQuality.Caption=Quality
  284. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[0]=Stereo, 16 bits, 44100 Hz
  285. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[1]=Stereo, 16 bits, 22050 Hz
  286. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[2]=Stereo, 16 bits, 11025 Hz
  287. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[3]=Stereo, 8 bits, 44100 Hz
  288. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[4]=Stereo, 8 bits, 22050 Hz
  289. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[5]=Stereo, 8 bits, 11025 Hz
  290. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[6]=Mono, 16 bits, 44100 Hz
  291. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[7]=Mono, 16 bits, 22050 Hz
  292. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[8]=Mono, 16 bits, 11025 Hz
  293. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[9]=Mono, 8 bits, 44100 Hz
  294. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[10]=Mono, 8 bits, 22050 Hz
  295. ScriptForm.ComRecQualityCombo.Items[11]=Mono, 8 bits, 11025 Hz
  296. ScriptForm.ComRecNameBox.Caption=Name automatically
  297. ScriptForm.SaveBtn.Caption=&Save changes and return
  298. ScriptForm.CancelBtn.Caption=Cancel
  299. ScriptForm.MnAdd.Caption=Add as first line
  300. ScriptForm.MnEnd.Caption=Add as last line
  301. ScriptForm.MnMoveToBeg.Caption=Move to the beginning
  302. ScriptForm.MnMoveToEnd.Caption=Move to the end
  303. ScriptForm.MnRemove.Caption=Remove
  304. ScriptForm.MnClear.Caption=Clear list
  306. ;NEW TO 1.5
  307. ScriptForm.ComCodBox.Caption=Codec recording properties
  308. ScriptForm.ComCodLabelLength.Caption=Length
  309. ScriptForm.ComCodNameBox.Caption=Name automatically
  311. ;NEW TO 1.6
  312. ScriptForm.SoundBox.Caption=Sound device properties
  313. ScriptForm.DestinationLabel.Caption=Destination
  314. ScriptForm.DeviceLabel.Caption=Device
  315. ScriptForm.ValueRadio.Caption=Value
  316. ScriptForm.SelMuteRadio.Caption=Selected/Muted
  317. ScriptForm.SelMuteCombo.Items[0]=Select/Mute
  318. ScriptForm.SelMuteCombo.Items[1]=Unselect/Unmute
  320. [Misc]
  321. NotSet=Not set
  322. LessStations=Less stations
  323. MoreStations=More stations
  324. MuteText=Mute
  325. UnmuteText=Unmute
  326. MutedText=muted
  327. SetStationName=Set station name
  328. RenameStation=Rename station
  329. ShutdownQuestion=Do you want to mute radio and exit?*|**|*Yes will close and mute radio.*|*No will close radio and keep it playing.*|*Cancel will close this dialog box without doing anything.
  330. Confirmation=Confirmation
  331. ErrorText=Error
  332. Information=Information
  333. MenuCloseAll=&Close All
  334. MenuAbout=&About...
  335. ErrorMove=Error while moving file.
  336. ErrorTempExists=File radrecxx.tmp already exists and could not be deleted.
  337. RecordingError=Recording could not be completed due to following error:
  338. NotEnoughSpace=Not enough free space on selected drive.
  339. NoMedia=No media in drive.
  340. LowerThanLimit=Current free space is lower then limit you specified.
  341. WriteProtected=Can not write to selected drive (it could be write protected).
  342. StillRecord=You are still recording on drive
  343. WantExitWindows=Do you really want to exit Windows?
  344. StartRecording=Start recording
  345. StopRecording=Stop recording
  346. MonoText=Mono
  347. StereoText=Stereo
  348. BitsText=bits
  349. WinTempDir=Standard Windows temp directory
  350. TextFrequency=Frequency
  351. TextName=Name
  352. Frequency=Frequency
  353. StationName=Name of the station #
  354. TypeFloppy=Floppy
  355. TypeFixed=Fixed
  356. TypeCD=CD-ROM
  357. TypeNetwork=Network
  358. TypeRAM=RAM
  359. ErrorFormat=Incorrect frequency format:*|*Frequency has to be in range 60 - 160 MHz*|*(use . as decimal separator).
  360. EstMin=min
  361. EstSec=sec
  362. LowerLimit=Free space is lower then limit.
  363. NoRecMedia=No recordable media present.
  364. DriveNoMedia=No media in drive.
  365. ErrorPort=Incorrect port number.
  366. AlreadyRecord=You are currently recording on drive
  367. SelectMore=You have selected leave more free space on drive than is currently free.*|**|*Your settings will be saved when you choose Yes, but recording will STOP.*|*You will be returned back to setup screen if you choose No.
  368. SelectMoreTitle=Free space is lower than currently selected limit - stop recording?
  369. PortText=I/O port
  370. TextNumber=Number
  371. WaveFiles=Wave files
  372. AllFiles=All files
  373. LangRestart=When you deselect this checkbox then internal language will be used.*|*You will have to restart Radiator in order to reload internal language.
  374. TestMenuBar=Test menu bar
  375. TestMenuItem=Test menu item
  377. ;NEW TO 1.3
  378. WantStopRecording=Do you really want to close Radiator and stop recording?
  379. ConfirmStopScript=Do you want to end currently running script?
  380. ConfirmGlobaltimerStart=Do you want to enable global scheduling?
  381. ConfirmGlobaltimerStop=Do you want to disable global scheduling?
  382. StopScheduledRecording=Scheduled recording is running ...
  383. SleepCaption=Sleep
  384. ShutdownCaption=Shutdown Windows
  385. InCaption=in
  386. SleepBtnHint=Sleep timer
  387. MinCaption=min.
  388. WindowsShutdownCaption=Windows shutdown in
  389. Seconds=seconds ...
  390. CloseCaption=Radiator shutdown in
  391. SchDate=Date
  392. SchTime=Time
  393. ScBeep=Script ex. - Beep every hour
  394. ScRecordNews=Script ex. - Record news
  395. ScTV=Script ex. - Run ATI TV
  396. ConfirmDeleteScript=Do you really want to delete selected script?
  397. CmStations=Tuning
  398. CmTune=Tune
  399. CmMHz=MHz
  400. CmStation=Station
  401. CmNumber=#
  402. CmStationUp=Station up
  403. CmStationDown=Station down
  404. CmLastStation=Last station
  405. CmSurf=Channel surf
  406. CmVolumes=Volumes
  407. CmMute=Mute
  408. CmUnmute=Unmute
  409. CmVolumeUp=Volume up
  410. CmVolumeDown=Volume down
  411. CmRecording=Recording
  412. CmRecord=Record
  413. CmOther=Other
  414. CmWait=Wait
  415. CmMin=min.
  416. CmSec=sec.
  417. CmBeep=Beep
  418. CmMinimize=Minimize
  419. CmThinWindow=Thin window
  420. CmNormalWindow=Normal window
  421. CmRunExtProg=Run external program
  422. CmSendMessage=Send message
  423. CmClose=Close Radiator
  424. CmShutdown=Shutdown Windows
  425. OverwriteScript=Script with this name already exists.*|*Do you want to overwrite it?
  426. ConfirmCancel=Do you really want to cancel the changes made in script?
  427. ExecutableFiles=Executable files
  429. ;NEW TO 1.4
  430. NextStationHint=Next station
  431. PrevStationHint=Previous station
  432. WantDeleteStation=Do you really want to delete this station?
  433. CmCodec=Record using codecs
  434. DefaultText=default
  435. AltText=alternate
  436. AutoDetect=Auto detect
  437. WantResetColors=Do you want to reset LCD colors*|*and scrolling speed to their defaults?
  438. LCDSeconds=seconds
  439. LCDSecond=second
  440. LCDMiliSeconds=miliseconds
  442. ;NEW TO 1.4.1
  443. SetStereoText=Set stereo
  444. SetMonoText=Set mono
  445. ForceMonoStereoNotSupported=Force mono/stereo not available on this card
  446. CouldNotConnect=Radiator could not connect to
  447. COMBusyReasons=Possible reasons are:
  448. Reason1=- the port you have specified does not exist
  449. Reason2=- some other application still uses the port you have selected*|*(close that program, please and try again)
  450. Reason3=If it does not help then try to connect radio adapter to other com port*|*and select the new port in Radiator configuration.
  452. ;NEW TO 1.5
  453. CanNotOpenLibrary=Cannot open library
  454. InstDrivers=Make sure you have correctly installed drivers for
  455. TextTooLong=Text describing station name should be shorter than 50 characters.
  456. SelectCodec=Select Radiator audio codec
  457. FormatName=Format
  458. FormatChannels=Channels
  459. FormatSampleRate=Sample rate
  460. FormatBits=Bits
  461. FormatAverageBytes=Average bytes per sec
  462. MP3WarningText=This codec is known to produce 'blue screen' crash on most computers running Windows 95/98*|*although it runs very nice on Windows 2000.*|**|*Anyway, you can try it :-)
  464. ;NEW TO 1.6
  465. PlPluginName=Plugin name
  466. PlTuning=Tuning
  467. PlTuningMuted=Tuning muted
  468. PlMuteUnmute=Mute/Unmute
  469. PlGetVolume=Get volume
  470. PlSetVolume=Set volume
  471. PlVolumeUpDown=Volume up/down
  472. PlBassTr=Bass/Treble
  473. PlIsStereo=Is stereo
  474. PlSetStereo=Set stereo
  475. PlGetSignal=Get signal
  476. PlAM=AM range
  477. PlRDS=RDS
  478. PlScan=Scan station
  479. PlConf=Configuration
  480. PlSupports=Supports
  481. PlComments=Comments
  482. PlNotRadiatorPlugin=Not Radiator plugin or can not load.
  483. CmSetVolume=Set volume
  485. ;NEW TO 1.7
  486. TextStereo=Stereo
  487. Stereo_LeaveAsIs=Leave as is
  488. Stereo_ForceStereo=Force stereo
  489. Stereo_ForceMono=Force mono
  490. IncorrectStationsFile=The file does not contain stations definitions.
  491. Dialog_Bitmaps=Bitmaps
  492. Dialog_RSD=Radiator Station Definition files
  493. Dialog_All=All files
  494. LCDYear=Year
  495. LCDMonth=Month
  496. LCDDay=Day
  498. ;NEW TO 1.8
  499. TextMB=MB
  500. TextKB=KB
  501. TextShowInMenu=In menu
  502. FormatLengthOfBuffer=Buffer length (sec)
  503. CurrentVariableNaming=Current naming is set to
  504. VariableEqualsTo=Current file name example
  505. VariableDefault=Default
  506. VariableNaming=You can use following variables in filename
  507. VarYear=year
  508. VarMonth=month
  509. VarDay=day
  510. VarHour=hour
  511. VarMinutes=minutes
  512. VarSeconds=seconds
  513. VarFrequency=frequency in MHz - e.g. 89_60
  514. VarStNumber=station number
  515. VarStName=station name
  516. VarLoginName=login name in Windows
  517. VarCodecName=codec name
  518. VarExample=Example
  519. VariableToAvoid=Make sure that length of the filename (including path) will not exceed file name length*|*limitation of OS (for example: file names are limited to 255 characters in Windows 95).
  520. MissingExtension=You have probably forgotten the extension (e.g.: .wav).
  522. [LCDEd]
  523. ;NEW TO 1.4
  524. LCDEd.Caption=LCD editor
  525. LCDEd.DispBox.Caption=Display station names on LCD
  526. LCDEd.ResetBtn.Caption=Reset
  527. LCDEd.SaveBtn.Caption=&Save changes and return
  528. LCDEd.CancelBtn.Caption=Cancel
  529. LCDEd.ScrollSpeedLabel.Caption=Scrolling speed
  531. ;NEW TO 1.5
  532. LCDEd.InternalLabel.Caption=Built-in LCD fonts
  533. LCDEd.InternalCombo.Items[0]=ASCII codepage (default)
  534. LCDEd.InternalCombo.Items[1]=Central European codepage
  535. LCDEd.ExternalBox.Caption=Use external fonts
  536. LCDEd.PixelOnLabel.Caption=Pixel o&n color
  537. LCDEd.PixelOffLabel.Caption=Pixel o&ff color
  538. LCDEd.WelcomeBox.Caption=Show welcome message
  540. ;NEW TO 1.7
  541. LCDEd.DateFormatLabel.Caption=Date label format
  542. LCDEd.PreviewLabel.Caption=LCD preview window